See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 893



No. 58 Session of 1999

           APRIL 14, 1999


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Memorializing Congress to allow the Independent Counsel Act to
     2     sunset.

     3     WHEREAS, In the 21 years since the Congress of the United
     4  States originally passed the Independent Counsel Act there have
     5  been approximately 20 independent counsels; and
     6     WHEREAS, As of late 1998 at least six independent counsels
     7  existed; and
     8     WHEREAS, The direct cost of the investigations of these 20
     9  independent counsels has exceeded $136 million; and
    10     WHEREAS, In addition to these costs there are substantial
    11  associated costs, such as the $4.6 million the FBI was forced to
    12  incur in carrying out its duties during the Iran-Contra
    13  investigation; and
    14     WHEREAS, Donald Smaltz's investigation of Michael Espy,
    15  former Secretary of Agriculture, lasted over four years, cost in
    16  excess of $17 million and ultimately ended in acquittal; and
    17     WHEREAS, Lawrence Walsh's Iran-Contra probe lasted

     1  approximately seven years, overlapped two Presidential
     2  administrations and cost over $48 million; and
     3     WHEREAS, Kenneth Starr's investigation lasted five years and
     4  exceeded $40 million; and
     5     WHEREAS, In contrast, the Public Integrity Section of the
     6  Department of Justice, which oversees the administration of
     7  justice of elected and appointed officials, has approximately 43
     8  employees and operates with a budget of only $5.4 million a
     9  year; and
    10     WHEREAS, The Department of Justice is capable of
    11  investigating and prosecuting government officials absent an
    12  independent counsel mechanism, as evidenced by the fact that
    13  over the last two decades the Department of Justice has obtained
    14  the convictions of 13,345 public officials and employees from
    15  both parties, including Vice President Spiro Agnew; and
    16     WHEREAS, The attorney general has the ability to appoint a
    17  special prosecutor absent an independent counsel mechanism, as
    18  Attorney General Reno did in 1993 during a lapse in the law; and
    19     WHEREAS, The American Bar Association, which originally
    20  helped craft the law, has now voted overwhelmingly to withdraw
    21  its support for the Independent Counsel Act; and
    22     WHEREAS, Attorney General Janet Reno, who supported
    23  reauthorization in 1994, now believes that the statute is
    24  fundamentally flawed, unworkable and cannot be corrected within
    25  our constitutional framework; and
    26     WHEREAS, Some former attorneys general, including Griffin
    27  Bell, and some former independent counsels also believe the
    28  system is unworkable; and
    29     WHEREAS, The independent counsel is not subject to the same
    30  kinds of resource and time constraints that other prosecutors
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     1  are subject to, and there is real pressure not to end an
     2  investigation without an indictment; and
     3     WHEREAS, Experience has shown that the independent counsel
     4  statute often traps targets and independent counsels alike into
     5  long, drawn-out probes of matters that professional prosecutors
     6  would not likely pursue; therefore be it
     7     RESOLVED, That the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  memorialize the Congress of the United States to not reauthorize
     9  the Independent Counsel Act and to allow the law to sunset; and
    10  be it further
    11     RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to
    12  the President of the United States, to the presiding officers of
    13  each house of Congress and to each member of Congress from
    14  Pennsylvania.

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