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under the
same topic
                                                        PRINTER'S NO. 52



No. 59 Session of 2005

           JANUARY 24, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Relating to the delivery of services and programs to persons
     2     with disabilities; conferring powers and duties on the
     3     Department of Public Welfare and the Statewide Independent
     4     Living Council; establishing an office of disability
     5     services; providing for powers and duties of regional
     6     agencies; and providing for funding of disability services
     7     programs.

     8                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     9  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
    10  Section 101.  Short title.
    11  Section 102.  Legislative policy and declaration.
    12  Section 103.  Definitions.
    13  Chapter 3.  Office of Disability Services
    14  Section 301.  Creation of office.
    15  Section 302.  Powers and duties of office.
    16  Section 303.  Power to contract.
    17  Section 304.  Powers and duties of council.
    18  Section 305.  Powers and duties of regional agencies.
    19  Chapter 5.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    20  Section 501.  Funding.

     1  Section 502.  Severability.
     2  Section 503.  Effective date.
     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5                             CHAPTER 1
     6                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
     7  Section 101.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Comprehensive
     9  Services for Persons with Disabilities Act.
    10  Section 102.  Legislative policy and declaration.
    11     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    12         (1)  Persons with disabilities and their families should
    13     have access to the full range of services including equal
    14     access to all services provided for persons without
    15     disabilities, as well as specialized services that meet the
    16     unique needs of persons with disabilities.
    17         (2)  Persons with disabilities and their families have
    18     traditionally been underserved. They have often been denied
    19     access to services available to the community at large and
    20     have been denied specialized services necessary to their
    21     health, well-being, independence and advancement.
    22         (3)  Persons who could live and work in the community
    23     have been forced to live in institutions at State expense due
    24     to inadequate funding for community support services. The
    25     result is a loss both to these individuals and to this
    26     Commonwealth as a whole.
    27         (4)  While laws of this Commonwealth have provided
    28     services for persons with mental illness and mental
    29     retardation and for older Pennsylvanians, they have until now
    30     provided for few and limited services to persons with other
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     1     disabilities.
     2         (5)  While services currently being provided to older
     3     Pennsylvanians, to those with mental retardation or mental
     4     illness, or to those being served by other systems should not
     5     be duplicated, the State must ensure that all persons with
     6     disabilities whose disability-related needs are not being met
     7     by existing systems receive needed services.
     8         (6)  A State level office is needed to enable persons
     9     with disabilities and their families to have access to
    10     services, to coordinate those services that are available, to
    11     improve inadequate programs and to develop new ones.
    12         (7)  Services should be provided in a manner that
    13     promotes independent living, enables people to obtain and
    14     maintain employment and supports people in their homes and
    15     communities.
    16         (8)  Persons with disabilities and their families should
    17     have the opportunity to choose and direct the services
    18     provided to them, and the community of persons with
    19     disabilities should direct the development and operation of
    20     the service delivery system.
    21         (9)  An increased availability of community support
    22     services will enable people with disabilities to be more
    23     independent and productive, to remain in their homes and
    24     communities and to more fully exercise their rights and
    25     responsibilities as citizens.
    26  Section 103.  Definitions.
    27     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    28  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    29  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    30     "Consumer control."  A condition under which power and
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     1  authority over services are vested in individuals with
     2  disabilities and if applied to an organization or program means
     3  that 51% or more of the governing body, management and staff are
     4  individuals with disabilities.
     5     "Council."  The Statewide Independent Living Council
     6  established under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-
     7  112, 29 U.S.C. § 701 et seq.).
     8     "Department."  The Department of Public Welfare of the
     9  Commonwealth.
    10     "Disability services."  Services provided to persons with
    11  disabilities to enhance their ability to live or work
    12  independently and to pursue their rights and responsibilities as
    13  citizens.
    14     "Functional limitations."  Those which affect one or more of
    15  the following activities of daily living:
    16         (1)  mobility;
    17         (2)  communication;
    18         (3)  self-care;
    19         (4)  work;
    20         (5)  recreation; or
    21         (6)  independent living.
    22     "Long-term."  Likely to be of lifelong or extended duration.
    23     "Office."  The Office of Disability Services created in
    24  section 301 (relating to creation of office).
    25     "Persons with a disability."  Children or adults who have a
    26  severe chronic condition resulting in substantial functional
    27  limitation which is attributable to a mental, physical or
    28  sensory impairment or a combination of mental, physical and
    29  sensory impairments and is likely to continue indefinitely.
    30     "Regional agencies."  Private nonprofit, consumer-controlled
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     1  corporations governed by a board of directors who have a
     2  demonstrated commitment to the declarations set forth in section
     3  102 (relating to legislative policy and declaration) and which
     4  meet the eligibility criteria established by the Department of
     5  Public Welfare and the Statewide Independent Living Council with
     6  input from the existing provider network. When warranted, there
     7  shall be a preference for existing agencies.
     8     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Public Welfare of the
     9  Commonwealth.
    10                             CHAPTER 3
    11                   OFFICE OF DISABILITY SERVICES
    12  Section 301.  Creation of office.
    13     The Office of Disability Services is hereby created within
    14  the department. The office shall be administered by a deputy
    15  secretary empowered to carry out the powers conferred and duties
    16  imposed by this act.
    17  Section 302.  Powers and duties of office.
    18     The office shall have the power and its duty shall be to:
    19         (1)  Assure that all citizens of this Commonwealth who
    20     have disabilities and their families have access to adequate
    21     and coordinated quality consumer-controlled disability
    22     services.
    23         (2)  Establish interagency agreements and working
    24     relationships with other governmental bodies and public and
    25     private agencies in order to accomplish objectives,
    26     including, but not limited to:
    27             (i)  assuring access of persons with disabilities to
    28         the full range of services;
    29             (ii)  assuring access of persons with disabilities to
    30         all services provided for persons without disabilities,
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     1         both within and outside the department;
     2             (iii)  advocating for consumer control in disability-
     3         related services; and
     4             (iv)  coordinating the delivery of nonduplicative
     5         disability services to persons with disabilities who are
     6         also eligible for services from the Office of Mental
     7         Health, the Office of Mental Retardation, the Office of
     8         Deaf and Hearing Impaired, the Department of Aging, the
     9         Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services, the Office of
    10         Vocational Rehabilitation or any other governmental
    11         agency. The office shall cooperate with and not duplicate
    12         the services of these government agencies.
    13         (3)  Receive Federal, State and other available funding
    14     and administer programs of disability services, including the
    15     attendant care program, the community services program for
    16     people with physical disabilities, which programs shall be
    17     transferred from their current offices, and other new
    18     programs as may be appropriate to serve the purposes of this
    19     act. Other existing programs shall not be transferred to the
    20     office without further administrative or legislative action.
    21         (4)  Designate no fewer than 15 but no more than 30
    22     regional agencies to serve as the points of application or
    23     referral for disability services. With respect to this power
    24     to designate regional agencies, the office shall:
    25             (i)  contract with the regional agencies to carry
    26         out, either directly or by subcontract, programs
    27         administered by the office;
    28             (ii)  monitor regional agencies' compliance with
    29         their contracts, which shall include standards for
    30         quality assurance, with the office; and
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     1             (iii)  provide training and technical assistance to
     2         the regional agencies with which the office has
     3         contracted.
     4         (5)  Develop and annually update, in conjunction with the
     5     council, a five-year plan for the provision of services under
     6     this act to maximize the use of available funding and to
     7     develop needed services.
     8         (6)  In conjunction with the council, identify gaps in
     9     disability services and funding shortages and report this
    10     information annually to the secretary and to the General
    11     Assembly.
    12         (7)  Act as a system advocate to expand the availability
    13     of disability services and access to generic services.
    14         (8)  Plan for Statewide improvements in services for
    15     persons with disabilities and their families.
    16         (9)  Develop, within one year of the effective date of
    17     this act, and enforce all program requirements and
    18     regulations necessary and appropriate for the proper
    19     accomplishment of the duties imposed by this act. Development
    20     of program requirements and regulations shall be accomplished
    21     with the advice of the council.
    22  Section 303.  Power to contract.
    23     The department, through the office, may contract with
    24  Statewide disability-related organizations to carry out the
    25  provisions of this act, provided the contracts place control
    26  over contract activities under the direction of individuals with
    27  disabilities.
    28  Section 304.  Powers and duties of council.
    29     (a)  Enumeration.--The council shall have the power and duty
    30  to:
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     1         (1)  Advise the department in the development of all
     2     plans, policies and regulations issued by the office.
     3         (2)  Jointly develop and submit, in conjunction with the
     4     department, the five-year plan required by this act.
     5         (3)  Meet at least quarterly, as required by the act of
     6     December 12, 1994 (P.L.1023, No.139), known as the
     7     Independent Living Services Act.
     8     (b)  Expenses of members.--The members shall receive no
     9  payment for their services. Members who are not employees of
    10  State government shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in
    11  the course of their official duties from funds appropriated for
    12  the general government operations of the department.
    13  Section 305.  Powers and duties of regional agencies.
    14     Regional agencies under contract with the office shall have
    15  the power and duty to:
    16         (1)  Serve as points of application or referral for
    17     disability services and ensure that all persons with
    18     disabilities have access to and an opportunity to participate
    19     in the services and functions of their regional agency.
    20         (2)  Provide, either directly or by subcontract with
    21     service providers, disability services necessary for the
    22     programs administered by the office. Contracts shall be with
    23     existing service providers whenever appropriate.
    24         (3)  Provide referral services to individuals with
    25     disabilities whose particular needs can be met in the
    26     community or through other government agencies.
    27         (4)  Identify gaps and funding shortages in local
    28     disability services and funding shortages to such services
    29     and report this information to the office on a quarterly
    30     basis.
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     1         (5)  Act as an advocate for persons with disabilities.
     2         (6)  Provide technical assistance to service providers.
     3                             CHAPTER 5
     4                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
     5  Section 501.  Funding.
     6     Programs of disability services under this act shall use
     7  Federal funds where possible. The department shall apply for and
     8  use, subject to specific appropriation by the General Assembly,
     9  all Federal and State funds which become available to carry out
    10  disability services under this act. The department shall utilize
    11  any private funds for disability services which become available
    12  to carry out disability services under this act.
    13  Section 502.  Severability.
    14     The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of
    15  this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
    16  held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions
    17  or applications of this act which can be given effect without
    18  the invalid provision or application.
    19  Section 503.  Effective date.
    20     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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