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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 997



No. 74 Session of 2001



                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Designating the week of May 6 through 12, 2001, as "Brain Tumor
     2     Awareness Week" in Pennsylvania.

     3     WHEREAS, About 40,000 cases of brain tumors are diagnosed in
     4  the United States each year and the incidence rate is on the
     5  rise although the reason is unknown; and
     6     WHEREAS, In 2000 there were an estimated 13,000 brain cancer
     7  deaths in the United States, and most persons diagnosed with
     8  brain tumors die within two years; and
     9     WHEREAS, In 1990 there were 625 Pennsylvanians who died of
    10  brain cancer, and in 1998 that number dropped to 588; and
    11     WHEREAS, According to the Brain Tumor Society, brain tumors
    12  are the second fastest growing cause of cancer death in children
    13  under 15 years of age and in young adults up to 34 years of age;
    14  and
    15     WHEREAS, Even when benign, brain tumors may be fatal due to
    16  the proximity to sensitive organs; and
    17     WHEREAS, The cure rate for brain tumors is significantly

     1  lower than for other cancers according to the American Cancer
     2  Society; and
     3     WHEREAS, Many brain tumors do not respond to treatment and
     4  present no symptoms in the early stages; and
     5     WHEREAS, The results of glioblastoma, a particularly virulent
     6  type of brain cancer, are quite grim, and persons afflicted with
     7  it have a two-year observed survival rate of 8.3%, a five-year
     8  observed survival rate of 2.9% and a ten-year observed survival
     9  rate of 1.7%; and
    10     WHEREAS, Glioblastoma represents 23.1% of all reported brain
    11  tumors; and
    12     WHEREAS, There have been only small research advances in the
    13  last decade and few medical treatments available for brain tumor
    14  patients; and
    15     WHEREAS, The cure for brain cancer will only be found through
    16  research and awareness building; therefore be it
    17     RESOLVED, That the Senate designate the week of May 6 through
    18  12, 2001, as "Brain Tumor Awareness Week" in Pennsylvania; and
    19  be it further
    20     RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Brad
    21  Kaminsky Family.

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