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                                                        PRINTER'S NO. 82



No. 84 Session of 2003

           M. WHITE, JANUARY 28, 2003

           JANUARY 28, 2003

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of February 19, 1980 (P.L.15, No.9), entitled
     2     "An act establishing the State Real Estate Commission and
     3     providing for the licensing of real estate brokers and
     4     salesmen," further providing for exclusions.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Section 304 of the act of February 19, 1980
     8  (P.L.15, No.9), known as the Real Estate Licensing and
     9  Registration Act, amended June 29, 1990 (P.L.246, No.58), is
    10  amended to read:
    11  Section 304.  Exclusions.
    12     Except as otherwise provided in this act, the provisions of
    13  this act shall not apply to the following:
    14         (1)  An owner of real estate with respect to property
    15     owned or leased by such owner. In the case of a partnership
    16     or corporation, this exclusion shall not extend to more than
    17     five of its partners or officers, respectively, nor to other
    18     partnership or corporation personnel or employees.

     1         (2)  The employees of a public utility acting in the
     2     ordinary course of utility-related business under the
     3     provisions of Title 66 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     4     Statutes (relating to public utilities), with respect to
     5     negotiating the purchase, sale or lease of property.
     6         (3)  The officers or employees of a partnership or
     7     corporation whose principal business is the discovery,
     8     extraction, distribution or transmission of energy or mineral
     9     resources, provided that the purchase, sale or lease of real
    10     estate is a common and necessary transaction in the conduct
    11     of such principal business.
    12         (4)  The services rendered by an attorney-in-fact under
    13     an executed and recorded power of attorney from the owner or
    14     lessor (provided such power of attorney is not utilized to
    15     circumvent the intent of this act) or by an attorney at law.
    16         (5)  A person acting as trustee in bankruptcy,
    17     administrator, executor, trustee or guardian while acting
    18     under a court order or under the authority of a will or of a
    19     trust instrument.
    20         (6)  The elected officer or director of any banking
    21     institution, savings institution, savings bank, credit union
    22     or trust company operating under applicable Federal or State
    23     laws where only the real estate of the banking institution,
    24     savings institution, savings bank, credit union or trust
    25     company is involved.
    26         (7)  Any officer or employee of a cemetery company who,
    27     as incidental to his principal duties and without
    28     remuneration therefor, shows lots in such company's cemetery
    29     to persons for their use as a family burial lot and who
    30     accepts deposits on such lots for the representatives of the
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     1     cemetery company legally authorized to sell the same.
     2         (8)  Cemetery companies and cemeteries owned or
     3     controlled by a bona fide church [or], religious congregation
     4     [or], fraternal organization, community, municipality or
     5     nonprofit corporation or by any association created by a bona
     6     fide church [or], religious organization [or by a], fraternal
     7     organization or community, municipality or nonprofit
     8     corporation.
     9         (9)  An auctioneer licensed under the act of September
    10     29, 1961 (P.L.1745, No.708), known as "The Auctioneers'
    11     License Act," while performing authorized duties at any bona
    12     fide auction.
    13         (10)  Any person employed by an owner of real estate for
    14     the purpose of managing or maintaining multifamily
    15     residential property: Provided, however, That such person is
    16     not authorized or empowered by such owner to enter into
    17     leases on behalf of the owner, to negotiate terms or
    18     conditions of occupancy with current or prospective tenants
    19     or to hold money belonging to tenants other than on behalf of
    20     the owner. So long as the owner retains the authority to make
    21     all such decisions, the employees may show apartments and
    22     provide information on rental amounts, building rules and
    23     regulations and leasing determinations.
    24         (11)  The elected officer, director or employee of any
    25     banking institution, savings institution, savings bank,
    26     credit union or trust company operating under applicable
    27     Federal or State laws when acting on behalf of the
    28     institution in performing appraisals or other evaluations of
    29     real estate in connection with a loan transaction.
    30     Section 2.   This act shall take effect in 60 days.
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