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                              PRIOR PASSAGE - NONE
                                                        PRINTER'S NO. 86



No. 88 Session of 2003



                               A JOINT RESOLUTION

     1  Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth
     2     of Pennsylvania, authorizing the use of the indirect
     3     initiative and referendum as powers reserved to the people.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby resolves as follows:
     6     Section 1.  The following amendment to the Constitution of
     7  Pennsylvania is proposed in accordance with Article XI:
     8     That Article III be amended by adding a section to read:
     9  § 33.  Powers reserved to the people.
    10     (a)  (1)  The legislative power of this Commonwealth shall be
    11  vested in the Senate and the House of Representatives, but the
    12  people reserve to themselves the power to propose laws and
    13  amendments to the Constitution at the polls.
    14     (2)  The indirect initiative is the power of the electors to
    15  propose statutes and amendments to the Constitution and to cause
    16  the General Assembly to take a vote in each House on the
    17  approved proposal in the current legislative session or, if the

     1  proposal is approved at a general election, no later than the
     2  next legislative session.
     3     (3)  An indirect initiative measure may be proposed by
     4  presenting to the Secretary of the Commonwealth a petition that
     5  sets forth the text of the proposed statute or amendment to the
     6  Constitution and is certified by the Secretary of the
     7  Commonwealth to have been signed by registered electors equal in
     8  number to 5% of the votes for all candidates for Governor at the
     9  last gubernatorial election in each of 45 counties in this
    10  Commonwealth.
    11     (4)  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall only certify a
    12  measure on which all signatures on petitions are obtained and
    13  affixed to the petitions for the measure during the same regular
    14  session of the General Assembly and which is submitted by 5:00
    15  p.m. on Friday after the second Thursday of February in the
    16  second year of that session.
    17     (5)  An indirect initiative measure embracing more than one
    18  subject may not be submitted to the electors or have any effect.
    19     (6)  No measure that relates to religion, religious practices
    20  and institutions; the appointment, qualification, tenure,
    21  removal, recall or compensation of judges; the reversal of a
    22  judicial decision; the powers, creation or abolition of courts;
    23  the making of a specific appropriation of money from the
    24  treasury; and the naming of a private corporation to perform a
    25  function or to have a power or duty shall be proposed by an
    26  indirect initiative petition.
    27     (7)  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall submit the
    28  measure at the next general, municipal, primary or special
    29  statewide election held at least 75 days after it qualifies.
    30     (8)  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall then submit the
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     1  measure to the clerk of the Senate within ten Senate session
     2  days of its receipt and to the clerk of the House of
     3  Representatives within ten House session days of its receipt.
     4     (9)  The measure shall be referred to the appropriate
     5  committee of the Senate and the House of Representatives, and
     6  the committees shall report out their respective measures for
     7  consideration by the full Senate and the House of
     8  Representatives, respectively. The General Assembly shall not
     9  finally adjourn a legislative session without a vote being taken
    10  by the Senate and the House of Representatives on an indirect
    11  initiative measure that is properly before the General Assembly.
    12     (b)  (1)  The legislative power of this Commonwealth shall be
    13  vested in the Senate and the House of Representatives, but the
    14  people reserve to themselves the power, at their own option, to
    15  reject statutes or parts of statutes passed by the General
    16  Assembly.
    17     (2)  The referendum is the power of the electors to reject
    18  statutes or parts of statutes except urgency statutes or
    19  statutes calling elections.
    20     (3)  A referendum measure may be proposed by presenting to
    21  the Secretary of the Commonwealth, within 90 days after the
    22  enactment date of the statute, a petition certified to have been
    23  signed by registered electors equal in number to 5% of the votes
    24  for all candidates for Governor at the last gubernatorial
    25  election in each of the 45 counties in this Commonwealth asking
    26  that the statute or part of it be submitted to the electors.
    27     (4)  If a petition is certified to have been signed by
    28  registered electors equal to 10% of the votes for all candidates
    29  for Governor at the last gubernatorial election in each of 45
    30  counties in this Commonwealth, the effective date of the enacted
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     1  legislation is suspended until the next election at which time
     2  the measure shall be submitted to the electors.
     3     (5)  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall submit the
     4  measure at the next general, municipal, primary or special
     5  statewide election held at least 75 days after it qualifies.
     6     (c)  (1)  The General Assembly shall provide the manner in
     7  which petitions shall be circulated, presented and certified and
     8  require by law measures to insure full disclosure of
     9  disbursements made and receipts obtained by parties who have an
    10  interest in indirect initiative and referendum measures and who
    11  have exceeded a statutory threshold for these disbursements and
    12  receipts for any one indirect initiative or referendum measure
    13  in each election. The General Assembly shall also require by law
    14  reasonable limits on contributions made to parties who have an
    15  interest in the passage or defeat of an indirect initiative or
    16  referendum measure for each measure and in each election. The
    17  General Assembly shall also require by law the full disclosure
    18  of any disbursements made by a person or corporation from
    19  another state to advocate the passage or defeat of an indirect
    20  initiative or referendum measure. The General Assembly shall,
    21  within 90 days following approval of this section, enact the
    22  legislation outlined in this paragraph.
    23     (2)  An indirect initiative or referendum petition, in order
    24  to be eligible for certification by the Secretary of the
    25  Commonwealth, shall first be signed by 100 registered electors
    26  of the Commonwealth, the originators, who shall pay an
    27  administrative fee not exceeding the fee required by law for the
    28  filing of nomination petitions by candidates for public office
    29  to be filled by the electors of the State-at-large. If the
    30  Secretary of the Commonwealth shall certify that the petition
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     1  contains the entire text of the measure, that the measure is
     2  not, either affirmatively or negatively, substantially the same
     3  as any measure which has been previously submitted to the
     4  electors during the same session of the General Assembly and
     5  that it contains only one subject which is not excluded from
     6  consideration under this section, then the Secretary of the
     7  Commonwealth shall provide blanks for the use of subsequent
     8  signers and shall print at the top of each blank the names of
     9  the first ten originators and a fair, concise summary, as
    10  determined by the Secretary of the Commonwealth, of the proposed
    11  measure as the summary will appear on the ballot.
    12     (3)  The Department of State shall, within ten days of the
    13  certification of an indirect initiative or referendum petition
    14  upon which the required number of signatures have been affixed,
    15  prepare an explanation or argument, or both, for and also an
    16  explanation or argument, or both, against the same. The
    17  Secretary of the Commonwealth shall then publish the summary and
    18  explanations and arguments, together with the entire text of the
    19  measure, in as many newspapers of general circulation as deemed
    20  by the Secretary of the Commonwealth to be sufficient to give
    21  notice throughout the Commonwealth at least 20 days before the
    22  election in which the measure is presented to the electors. This
    23  information shall also be made available to the general public
    24  in printed form.
    25     (4)  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall certify no more
    26  than two indirect initiative or two referendum measures in an
    27  election. Each measure shall be limited to only one subject. If
    28  more than two measures are submitted to the Secretary of the
    29  Commonwealth, the two measures with the largest numbers of
    30  signatures shall be certified. If two or more measures are
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     1  substantially similar in subject matter, whether or not they
     2  conflict, only the measure with the largest number of signatures
     3  shall be certified.
     4     (5)  No more than three indirect initiative and referendum
     5  measures shall be certified by the Secretary of the Commonwealth
     6  in any two-year period.
     7     (6)  No measure shall appear on the ballot in an election
     8  more often than once during a legislative session.
     9     (7)  The General Assembly shall not finally adjourn a
    10  legislative session without a vote being taken by the Senate and
    11  the House of Representatives on a referendum statute that is
    12  properly before the General Assembly. The General Assembly may
    13  override a referendum statute only upon a vote of two-thirds of
    14  the members elected to the Senate and the House of
    15  Representatives.
    16     Section 2.  (a)  Upon the first passage by the General
    17  Assembly of this proposed constitutional amendment, the
    18  Secretary of the Commonwealth shall proceed immediately to
    19  comply with the advertising requirements of section 1 of Article
    20  XI of the Constitution of Pennsylvania and shall transmit the
    21  required advertisements to two newspapers in every county in
    22  which such newspapers are published in sufficient time after
    23  passage of this proposed constitutional amendment.
    24     (b)  Upon the second passage by the General Assembly of this
    25  proposed constitutional amendment, the Secretary of the
    26  Commonwealth shall proceed immediately to comply with the
    27  advertising requirements of section 1 of Article XI of the
    28  Constitution of Pennsylvania and shall transmit the required
    29  advertisements to two newspapers in every county in which such
    30  newspapers are published in sufficient time after passage of
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     1  this proposed constitutional amendment. The Secretary of the
     2  Commonwealth shall submit this proposed constitutional amendment
     3  to the qualified electors of this Commonwealth at the first
     4  primary, general or municipal election occurring at least three
     5  months after the proposed constitutional amendment is passed by
     6  the General Assembly.

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