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same topic
                                                        PRINTER'S NO. 85



No. 93 Session of 2005

           STACK, JANUARY 31, 2005

           JANUARY 31, 2005

                                     AN ACT

     1  Requiring certain departments and institutions of the
     2     Commonwealth to compile and disseminate reports on their
     3     records for fire safety.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the State
     8  Facility Fire Safety Reporting Act.
     9  Section 2.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    11  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Educational institution."  Any institution that provides
    14  instruction at the elementary, secondary or postsecondary
    15  levels.
    16     "Incapacitated person."  The term shall have the same meaning
    17  as in 20 Pa.C.S. Ch. 55 (relating to incapacitated persons).

     1     "Nonresidential building."  Any structure located on a State
     2  facility that is not a residential building.
     3     "Residential building."  Any building of a State facility
     4  that provides housing for individuals enrolled in and attending
     5  or in residence at the State facility.
     6     "State facility" or "facility."  Any institution owned and
     7  operated by the Department of Public Welfare or the State System
     8  of Higher Education, any educational institution owned and
     9  operated by the Department of Education or the Department of
    10  Military and Veterans Affairs, and any institution owned and
    11  operated by the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.
    12     "State System of Higher Education" or "SSHE."  The State
    13  System of Higher Education of the Commonwealth.
    14  Section 3.  Fire safety report.
    15     (a)  Preparation of reports.--Each State facility shall
    16  annually collect, maintain and compile statistics regarding the
    17  level of fire safety into an annual fire safety report for
    18  public distribution in accordance with guidelines established by
    19  the State Fire Commissioner. A State facility shall maintain the
    20  annual reports and compiled statistics for a period of five
    21  years.
    22     (b)  Contents of report.--The fire safety report shall list
    23  the statistics for the immediate prior year and for the three
    24  prior consecutive years. The report shall include, but not be
    25  limited to, the following statistics for the State facility:
    26         (1)  The number of fires in residential buildings.
    27         (2)  The number of fires in nonresidential buildings.
    28         (3)  The number of fire alarms activated.
    29         (4)  The number of false fire alarms.
    30         (5)  The number of fire drills conducted.
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     1         (6)  The number of fire drills conducted with the
     2     participation of local fire companies.
     3         (7)  The names and number of residential buildings and
     4     residential units fitted with fire detection and suppression
     5     equipment.
     6         (8)  The names and number of nonresidential buildings
     7     adjacent to residential buildings fitted with fire detection
     8     and suppression equipment.
     9         (9)  The number and brief description of any fire that
    10     resulted in the loss of life or personal property.
    11     (c)  Publication of report.--Each State facility shall
    12  provide a copy of the current annual fire safety report on an
    13  annual basis to:
    14         (1)  all persons who request information for enrollment
    15     or admission at a State facility or to the person's parent or
    16     legal guardian, if the person is determined to be an
    17     incapacitated person or has not reached the age of majority,
    18     with the distribution of promotional, enrollment or admission
    19     materials; or
    20         (2) (i)  all persons currently enrolled, admitted or in
    21         residence at a State facility; or
    22             (ii)  a person's parent or legal guardian if the
    23         person enrolled, admitted or in residence at a State
    24         facility is determined to be an incapacitated person or
    25         has not reached the age of majority.
    26  Section 4.  State Fire Commissioner.
    27     (a)  Guidelines.--The State Fire Commissioner shall establish
    28  guidelines regarding the form and content of the fire safety
    29  report within 60 days of the effective date of this act and
    30  shall make such guidelines available to all State facilities
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     1  through electronic means.
     2     (b)  Inspections.--The State Fire Commissioner may inspect
     3  the reports and records of the State facility regarding the
     4  collection and maintenance of fire safety statistics. The State
     5  facility shall make such reports and records available to the
     6  State Fire Commissioner.
     7  Section 5.  Auditor General.
     8     The Auditor General may inspect the reports and records of
     9  the State facility regarding the collection and maintenance of
    10  fire safety statistics. The State facility shall make the
    11  reports and records available to the Auditor General for
    12  inspection.
    13  Section 6.  Effective date.
    14     This act shall take effect in 30 days.

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