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under the
same topic
                                                        PRINTER'S NO. 87



No. 93 Session of 1999


           JANUARY 11, 1999

                                     AN ACT

     1  Regulating activity around overhead high voltage lines; and
     2     providing for violation and enforcement.

     3     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
     4         (1)  Each year accidents occur throughout this
     5     Commonwealth involving inadvertent contact with overhead
     6     electric lines. These accidents involve both direct human
     7     contact as well as contact by tools, material, various
     8     objects, mechanical equipment or the loads carried by that
     9     equipment.
    10         (2)  Such contact accidents have a significant potential
    11     for resulting in serious, often fatal, bodily injury as well
    12     as substantial property damage.
    13         (3)  The Commonwealth has experienced considerable
    14     success in averting contact accidents involving underground
    15     utility lines through the enactment of "one call" legislation
    16     which requires advance notice to utility line owners of
    17     intended excavation activity in proximity to those lines and
    18     further requires the owners to undertake appropriate measures

     1     before excavation may be commenced.
     2         (4)  Approximately 26 states have enacted legislation
     3     with respect to overhead electric lines which, in addition to
     4     prescribing safe clearance distances, mandates that, where
     5     work or activity will or may occur in closer proximity than
     6     the prescribed distances, advance notice must be given to the
     7     overhead line owner and appropriate precautionary measures
     8     taken prior to commencement of any work or activity.
     9         (5)  The safety of workers and the public in this
    10     Commonwealth will be enhanced substantially by enactment of
    11     legislation requiring such advance notification and the
    12     performance of appropriate precautionary measures.
    13  It is the intent of this act to improve occupational and public
    14  safety in this Commonwealth by reducing accidents involving
    15  contact with overhead electric lines. The severe and often fatal
    16  injuries that can result from these accidents make it imperative
    17  that the Commonwealth's public policy be directed toward this
    18  objective.
    19     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    20  hereby enacts as follows:
    21  Section 1.  Short title.
    22     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Overhead High
    23  Voltage Line Act.
    24  Section 2.  Definitions.
    25     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    26  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    27  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    28     "Authorized person."  Includes:
    29         (1)  An employee of a public utility which produces,
    30     transmits or distributes electricity.
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     1         (2)  An employee of a public utility which provides and
     2     whose work involves communication services or a State, county
     3     or municipal agency which has authorized communication
     4     circuit construction on or near the poles or structures of a
     5     public utility.
     6         (3)  An employee of an industrial, commercial or
     7     institutional facility whose work relates to the electrical
     8     system of that facility.
     9         (4)  An employee of a cable television or communication
    10     services company authorized by the owner of the poles to make
    11     cable television or communication services attachments.
    12         (5)  An employee or agent of a State, county,
    13     municipality or municipal agency which has or whose work
    14     relates to overhead electrical lines or conductors on poles
    15     or structures of any type.
    16         (6)  A person or an employee of an organization, which
    17     person or organization is authorized by a public utility,
    18     State, county, municipality or municipal agency, industrial,
    19     commercial or institutional facility, or cable television or
    20     communication services company to act on its behalf in
    21     performance of work described in paragraphs (1) through (5).
    22     "High voltage."  Voltage in excess of 750 volts measured
    23  between conductors or between a conductor and the ground.
    24     "KV."  The higher of the nominal conductor-to-conductor or
    25  conductor-to-ground voltage rating of a high voltage overhead
    26  line, expressed in thousands of volts.
    27     "Overhead line."  All bare or insulated electrical conductors
    28  installed aboveground.
    29     "Person" or "business entity."  A person or entity who
    30  performs any activity for compensation which may require him,
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     1  his employees or any tool, material, object or equipment to be
     2  in proximity with an overhead line.
     3     "Public utility."  Public utility corporations and those
     4  cooperative corporations, municipalities and municipal
     5  authorities which provide services of a public utility nature.
     6  Section 3.  Activity near overhead line; safety regulations.
     7     Unless danger against contact with high voltage overhead
     8  lines has been effectively guarded against as provided under
     9  section 4:
    10         (1)  A person or business entity, individually, through
    11     an agent or employee, or as an agent or employee, shall not:
    12             (i)  require or permit any person to perform any
    13         activity upon land, building, highway or other property
    14         or structure if at any time during the performance of any
    15         activity it is possible that the person performing the
    16         function or activity could move or be placed closer to
    17         any high voltage overhead line or if it is possible that
    18         any part of any tool, object or material used by the
    19         person could be brought closer to any high voltage
    20         overhead line during the performance of any function or
    21         activity than the following clearances indicated in
    22         subparagraph (ii); or
    23             (ii)  operate or permit to be operated any mechanical
    24         equipment or hoisting equipment or any load of such
    25         equipment, any part of which is capable of vertical,
    26         lateral or swinging motion, closer to any high voltage
    27         overhead line than the following clearances:
    28                 (A)  For lines rated 50 KV or less, 10 feet of
    29             clearance.
    30                 (B)  For lines rated over 50 KV, 10 feet plus .4
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     1             inch for each KV over 50 KV.
     2         (2)  Nothing in this act is intended to derogate or
     3     conflict with the provisions of any other applicable statute
     4     or regulation specifically including the Occupational Safety
     5     and Health Act of 1970 (Public Law 91-596, 29 U.S.C. § 651 et
     6     seq.) and pertinent regulations thereunder. In any case of
     7     such derogation or conflict, those superior provisions in
     8     furtherance of the objectives of this act shall prevail.
     9  Section 4.  Activity in close proximity to lines; clearance
    10                 arrangements; procedure; payment; notice.
    11     (a)  Notice.--If any person or business entity desires to
    12  temporarily carry on any function, activity, work or operation
    13  in closer proximity to any high voltage overhead line than
    14  permitted by this act, the person or business entity responsible
    15  for performing the work shall promptly notify the public utility
    16  operating the high voltage overhead line. The person or business
    17  entity may perform the work only after satisfactory mutual
    18  arrangements, including coordination of work and construction
    19  schedules, have been made between the public utility operating
    20  the lines and the person or business entity responsible for
    21  performing the work. Arrangements may include:
    22         (1)  placement of temporary mechanical barriers or
    23     protective equipment to separate and/or prevent contact
    24     between material, equipment or persons and the high voltage
    25     overhead lines;
    26         (2)  temporary de-energization and grounding of the high
    27     voltage overhead line;
    28         (3)  temporary relocation or raising of the high voltage
    29     overhead line; or
    30         (4)  installation of proximity warning devices.
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     1     (b)  Continuing requirements.--The requirements for
     2  notification set forth in subsection (a) are continuing. Notice
     3  given of work in one location within a site or project does not
     4  constitute notice of work elsewhere on that site or project, nor
     5  shall it constitute notice of work to be performed at an earlier
     6  or later date within that site or project. A separate notice
     7  shall be given for each location together with the dates such
     8  work is to be performed within a site or project.
     9     (c)  Reimbursement.--The public utility may require
    10  reimbursement from the person or business entity responsible for
    11  performing the work in the vicinity of the high voltage overhead
    12  lines of all costs of the public utility operating the high
    13  voltage overhead lines in providing arrangements for clearances.
    14  The public utility is not required to provide the arrangements
    15  for clearances until an agreement for payment has been made
    16  where payment is allowed and required under this section.
    17     (d)  Timetable.--The public utility shall commence
    18  construction for temporary clearances within ten calendar days
    19  of an agreement for payment, if required, or from the date of
    20  the request of the person responsible for the work if payment of
    21  costs is not required.
    22  Section 5.  Regulations; enforcement.
    23     This act shall be enforced by the Department of Labor and
    24  Industry, which shall promulgate regulations necessary to carry
    25  out the provisions of this act.
    26  Section 6.  Violation.
    27     (a)  Liability.--If a violation of this act results in
    28  physical or electrical contact with any high voltage overhead
    29  line, the person or business entity violating this act is liable
    30  to and shall indemnify the public utility operating the high
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     1  voltage overhead line for all damages to the facilities and all
     2  costs and expenses, including damages to third persons for
     3  injuries or death, incurred by the public utility as a result of
     4  the contact.
     5     (b)  Indemnification.--In any claim or action for damages,
     6  injury or death brought by any person against a public utility
     7  which produces, transmits or distributes electricity arising out
     8  of circumstances related to this act, the public utility shall
     9  have the right to join, for purposes of indemnification and
    10  contribution, the employer of such person or to initiate a
    11  separate action for indemnification and contribution.
    12  Section 7.  Exemptions.
    13     This act does not apply to construction, reconstruction,
    14  operation or maintenance by an authorized person of overhead
    15  electrical or communication circuit or conductors and their
    16  supporting structures or electrical generating, transmission or
    17  distribution systems or communication systems.
    18  Section 8.  Effective date.
    19     This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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