See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1377



No. 102 Session of 1999

           BELL AND RHOADES, OCTOBER 4, 1999


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Urging the Department of Transportation to abandon its policy to
     2     proceed with metric conversion.

     3     WHEREAS, The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation as
     4  well as all other state departments of transportation were
     5  previously required to convert to the metric system of
     6  measurement for all federally funded projects by September 30,
     7  1996; and
     8     WHEREAS, On November 28, 1995, President Clinton signed the
     9  National Highway System Designation Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-
    10  59, 109 Stat. 568); and
    11     WHEREAS, The National Highway System Designation Act of 1995
    12  repealed the Federal mandate that all state departments of
    13  transportation convert to metric by September 30, 1996, and, in
    14  fact, specifically prohibited the United States Department of
    15  Transportation from mandating metric conversion until the year
    16  2000; and
    17     WHEREAS, Congress in May of 1998 passed the Transportation

     1  Equity Act for the 21st Century (Public Law 105-178, 112 Stat.
     2  107) which struck down the mandate requiring metric conversion
     3  by the states in the year 2000 and giving states the option to
     4  continue metric conversion or revert back to English units; and
     5     WHEREAS, The members of the highway construction industry
     6  conduct business with many private companies and firms and with
     7  local governments which will continue to use English units; and
     8     WHEREAS, All transportation-related projects constructed in
     9  this Commonwealth are situated only within this Commonwealth and
    10  are not influenced by world trade or global markets; and
    11     WHEREAS, The vast majority of people readily acknowledge that
    12  dual units, metric and English:
    13         (1)  will be confusing, costly and prone to result in
    14     errors;
    15         (2)  will require costly modifications to surveying
    16     equipment, asphalt paving equipment, concrete paving
    17     equipment, computer equipment, etc.; and
    18         (3)  will require an enormous amount of training for both
    19     Department of Transportation and industry personnel;
    20  and
    21     WHEREAS, These increased costs will ultimately be included in
    22  contract costs which will not be in the public's best interest;
    23  and
    24     WHEREAS, English units continue to be the most prevalent
    25  measure taught in our educational systems; and
    26     WHEREAS, Metric conversion will have the most detrimental
    27  effect on the smaller construction firms; and
    28     WHEREAS, The Department of Transportation has stated that as
    29  part of its total Quality Initiative and Baldrige Criteria
    30  programs, which establish a comprehensive standard for assessing
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     1  organizational performance, the members of the highway
     2  construction industry are its stakeholders and, in turn, their
     3  opinions and recommendations should be carefully considered;
     4  therefore be it
     5     RESOLVED, That the Senate urge the Department of
     6  Transportation to abandon its policy to proceed with metric
     7  conversion unless metric conversion is later mandated by Federal
     8  legislation; and be it further
     9     RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be presented to the
    10  Secretary of Transportation.

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