See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 112



No. 112 Session of 1989


           JANUARY 23, 1989

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 22, 1964 (Sp.Sess., P.L.131, No.8),
     2     entitled "An act authorizing the creation and liquidation of
     3     indebtedness of seventy million dollars for the acquisition
     4     of lands for recreation, conservation and historical purposes
     5     (Project 70); defining the powers and duties of certain
     6     offices, agencies and political subdivisions; providing for
     7     the allotment of proceeds hereunder including Commonwealth
     8     grants; providing for payment in lieu of taxes; prescribing
     9     standards and making appropriations," further providing for
    10     in-lieu-of-tax payments; and making editorial corrections.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Section 19 of the act of June 22, 1964 (Sp.Sess.,
    14  P.L.131, No.8), known as the Project 70 Land Acquisition and
    15  Borrowing Act, is amended to read:
    16     Section 19.  In-lieu-of-tax Payments.--(a)  Whenever an
    17  acquisition by the Commonwealth under this act reduces the
    18  taxable base within a political subdivision or school district,
    19  the officers of such political subdivision or school district,
    20  authorized by law to levy taxes, shall immediately after such
    21  acquisition request the State Tax Equalization Board to

     1  determine, and the State Tax Equalization Board upon receipt of
     2  such request, shall determine and certify, to the Auditor
     3  General and the Secretary of [Forests and Waters] Environmental
     4  Resources, the prior market value of the acquired property and
     5  the prior market value of the remaining taxable real estate
     6  base. For the purposes of this section, the market value of
     7  specified property for any one year shall be ascertained by
     8  multiplying its assessed value for that year by the ratio of the
     9  aggregate market value to the aggregate assessed value of all
    10  taxable real estate located in the political subdivision or
    11  school district. The prior market values required to be
    12  determined shall mean market values ascertained on the basis of
    13  the most recent certification of the State Tax Equalization
    14  Board prior to acquisition.
    15     (b)  Beginning with the fiscal year during which a political
    16  subdivision or school district requests certification of the
    17  prior market values in accordance with subsection (a) of this
    18  section, or beginning with the fiscal year starting July 1,
    19  1965, whichever is later, [and ending with the fiscal year in
    20  which the acquired land is put to use as a public facility,]
    21  such political subdivision or school district shall receive an
    22  annual in-lieu-of-tax payment calculated by multiplying the
    23  total real estate taxes levied by such political subdivision or
    24  school district for the current fiscal year, by the quotient of
    25  the certified prior market value of the acquired property,
    26  divided by the sum of the certified prior market value of the
    27  acquired property plus the certified prior market value of the
    28  remaining taxable real estate base. [If for any fiscal year
    29  following the fiscal year during which an acquired property is
    30  put to use as a public facility, the current market value of the
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     1  remaining taxable real estate base is less than the sum of the
     2  certified prior market value of the acquired property, plus the
     3  certified prior market value of the remaining taxable real
     4  estate base, such political subdivision or school district shall
     5  receive for such fiscal year an in-lieu-of-tax payment
     6  calculated by multiplying the total real estate taxes levied by
     7  such political subdivision or school district for the current
     8  fiscal year, by the quotient of the sum of the certified prior
     9  market value of the acquired property, plus the certified prior
    10  market value of the remaining taxable real estate base, less the
    11  current market value of the remaining taxable real estate
    12  divided by the current market value of the remaining taxable
    13  real estate base: Provided, That such payment shall not exceed
    14  the product obtained by multiplying the total real estate taxes
    15  levied by such political subdivision or school district for the
    16  current fiscal year, by the quotient of the certified prior
    17  market value of the acquired property divided by the sum of the
    18  certified prior market value of the acquired property plus the
    19  certified prior market value of the remaining taxable real
    20  estate base.] The payments so determined shall be paid by the
    21  State Treasurer on the audit and warrant of the Auditor General
    22  on the requisition of the Secretary of [Forests and Waters]
    23  Environmental Resources.
    24     [(c)  When payments by the Commonwealth cease as provided for
    25  in subsection (b) above, in-lieu-of-tax payments shall be made
    26  to political subdivisions or school districts for land acquired
    27  by the Commonwealth under this act in the manner provided by
    28  applicable provisions of law for State forest lands.]
    29     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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