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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 102



No. 119 Session of 2005

           FEBRUARY 1, 2005

           FEBRUARY 1, 2005

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 21, 1984 (P.L.1253, No.238),
     2     entitled "An act regulating the practice of speech-language
     3     pathologists, audiologists and teachers of the hearing
     4     impaired; creating the State Board of Examiners in Speech-
     5     Language and Hearing with certain powers and duties; and
     6     prescribing penalties," further providing for definitions,
     7     for the board, for licensure, for applications, for
     8     examinations, for fees, for waivers, for enforcement and for
     9     injunction; and making editorial changes.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  The title and sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the act
    13  of December 21, 1984 (P.L.1253, No.238), known as the Speech-
    14  Language and Hearing Licensure Act, are amended to read:
    15                               AN ACT
    16  Regulating the practice of speech-language pathologists,
    17     audiologists and teachers of the deaf or hard of hearing
    18     [impaired]; creating the State Board of Examiners in Speech-
    19     Language Pathology, Audiology and Teachers of the Deaf or
    20     Hard of Hearing with certain powers and duties; and

     1     prescribing penalties.
     2  Section 1.  Short title.
     3     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Speech-
     4  Language Pathology, Audiology and Teachers of the Deaf or Hard
     5  of Hearing Licensure Act.
     6  Section 2.  Declaration of policy.
     7     It is declared to be the policy of the Commonwealth that, in
     8  order to safeguard the public health, safety and welfare; to
     9  protect the public from being misled by incompetent,
    10  unscrupulous and unauthorized persons; to protect the public
    11  from unprofessional conduct on the part of qualified speech-
    12  language pathologists, audiologists and teachers of the deaf or
    13  hard of hearing [impaired]; and to assure the availability of
    14  the highest possible quality of speech-language pathology,
    15  audiology and teaching of the deaf or hard of hearing services
    16  to the [communicatively handicapped] people of this
    17  Commonwealth, it is necessary to regulate persons offering
    18  speech-language pathology, audiology and teaching of the deaf or
    19  hard of hearing services to the public and persons functioning
    20  under the direction of these specialists.
    21  Section 3.  Definitions.
    22     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    23  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    24  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    25     "Audiologist."  Any person who is qualified [by training and
    26  experience] to engage in the practice of [the evaluation,
    27  counseling, habilitation and rehabilitation of individuals whose
    28  communicative disorders center in whole or in part in the
    29  hearing function. For the purposes of this paragraph the words
    30  "habilitation" and "rehabilitation" include, but are not limited
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     1  to, hearing aid evaluation, fitting, recommendation, speech
     2  reading, auditory training and similar activities. A person is
     3  deemed to be or to hold himself out as being an audiologist if
     4  he offers such services to the public under any title
     5  incorporating the words audiology, audiologist, audiological
     6  consultant, aural rehabilitationist, hearing audiologist or any
     7  similar title or description of service.] audiology.
     8     "Board."  The State Board of Examiners in Speech-Language
     9  Pathology, Audiology and Teachers of the Deaf or Hard of
    10  Hearing.
    11     "Person."  Any individual, organization, association,
    12  partnership, company, trust or corporate body, except that any
    13  reference in this act to a licensed person shall mean a natural
    14  individual person.
    15     "Practice of audiology."  The prevention, identification,
    16  assessment, diagnosis, counseling, management and treatment of
    17  persons with known or suspected auditory and/or vestibular
    18  impairments. A person is deemed to be or to hold himself out as
    19  being an audiologist if he offers such services to the public
    20  under any title incorporating the words audiology, audiologist,
    21  audiological consultant, hearing aid audiologist or any similar
    22  title or description of service.
    23     "Practice of speech-language pathology."  The prevention,
    24  identification, assessment, diagnosis, counseling, management
    25  and treatment of persons with known or suspected language,
    26  cognitive/linguistic, speech, voice or swallowing disorders,
    27  including elective modification of communication behaviors and
    28  enhancement of communication. A person is deemed to be or to
    29  hold himself out as being a speech-language pathologist if he
    30  offers such services under any title incorporating the words
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     1  speech-language pathologist, speech therapist, voice therapist,
     2  aphasiologist, dysphasia therapist or any similar title or
     3  description of service.
     4     "Practice of teaching the deaf or hard of hearing."
     5  Providing evaluation and instruction in curriculum-based
     6  material and communication skills appropriate for individuals
     7  whose cognitive and educational development have been affected
     8  primarily by impaired hearing sensitivity. A person is deemed to
     9  be or to hold himself out as being a teacher of the deaf or hard
    10  of hearing if he offers such services under any title
    11  incorporating the words teacher of the deaf or hard of hearing,
    12  teacher of the acoustically handicapped, teacher of the deaf,
    13  teacher of the acoustically impaired, hearing teacher, teacher
    14  of the aurally handicapped, hearing tutor, tutor of the
    15  auditorily impaired, educator of the deaf or any similar title
    16  or description of service.
    17     "Speech-language pathologist."  Any person who is qualified
    18  [by training and experience] to engage in the practice of [the
    19  evaluation, counseling, habilitation and rehabilitation of
    20  individuals whose communicative disorders involve the function
    21  of speech, voice or language. A person is deemed to be or to
    22  hold himself out as being a speech-language pathologist if he
    23  offers such services under any title incorporating the words
    24  speech-language pathologist, speech consultant, speech
    25  therapist, speech correctionist, speech clinician, speech
    26  specialist, language pathologist, logopedist, communication
    27  therapist, voice therapist, aphasia therapist, aphasiologist,
    28  communicologist, or any similar title or description of
    29  service.] speech-language pathology.
    30     "Teacher of the [hearing impaired] deaf or hard of hearing."
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     1  Any person who is qualified [by training and experience] to
     2  engage in the practice of [providing evaluation and instruction
     3  in curriculum-based material and communication skills
     4  appropriate for individuals whose cognitive and educational
     5  development have been affected primarily by impaired hearing
     6  sensitivity. A person is deemed to be or to hold himself out as
     7  being a teacher of the hearing impaired if he offers such
     8  services under any title incorporating the words teacher of the
     9  hearing impaired, teacher of the acoustically handicapped,
    10  teacher of the deaf, teacher of the acoustically impaired,
    11  hearing teacher, teacher of the aurally handicapped, hearing
    12  tutor, tutor of the auditorily impaired, educator of the deaf or
    13  any similar title or description of service.] teaching the deaf
    14  or hard of hearing.
    15  Section 4.  Creation of board; appointment and term of members;
    16                 officers.
    17     (a)  Board created.--There is hereby created a departmental
    18  administrative board to be known as the State Board of Examiners
    19  in Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Teachers of the Deaf
    20  or Hard of Hearing which shall be in the Bureau of Professional
    21  and Occupational Affairs of the Department of State. It shall
    22  consist of [ten] eight members, [nine] seven of whom shall be
    23  appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of
    24  a majority of the members elected to the Senate, who shall be
    25  residents of Pennsylvania for a three-year period immediately
    26  prior to appointment. The Commissioner of Professional and
    27  Occupational Affairs shall serve in his official capacity as the
    28  [tenth] eighth member of the board. At the first meeting, the
    29  appointed members shall determine, by lot, three members to
    30  serve three-year terms, three members to serve two-year terms
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     1  and [three members to serve one-year terms] one member to serve
     2  a one-year term, with the exception of the commissioner.
     3     (b)  Vacancies.--When the term of each appointed member of
     4  the board ends, the Governor shall appoint his successor for a
     5  term of three years, by and with the advice and consent of a
     6  majority of the members elected to the Senate. Any appointive
     7  vacancy occurring on the board shall be filled by the Governor
     8  by appointment for the unexpired term, by and with the advice
     9  and consent of a majority of the members elected to the Senate.
    10  Board members shall continue to serve until their successors are
    11  appointed and qualified but not longer than six months beyond
    12  the three-year period.
    13     (c)  Qualifications of board.--The board shall consist of the
    14  Commissioner of the Bureau of Professional and Occupational
    15  Affairs, one member who at the time of appointment is engaged in
    16  rendering professional services in speech-language pathology,
    17  one member who at the time of appointment is engaged in
    18  rendering professional services in audiology, one member who at
    19  the time of appointment is engaged in rendering professional
    20  services as a teacher of the deaf or hard of hearing [impaired],
    21  two members at large who are either speech-language
    22  pathologists, audiologists or teachers of the deaf or hard of
    23  hearing [impaired], however, each profession shall not be
    24  represented by more than two board members, [two members who are
    25  physicians licensed to practice medicine in this Commonwealth,
    26  at least one of whom specializes in otolaryngology,] and two
    27  members of the public appointed by the Governor from nominations
    28  submitted by the governing boards of groups advocating for the
    29  welfare of the [speech-language and hearing handicapped.]
    30  residents of this Commonwealth. Of the initial members, the
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     1  speech-language pathologists, audiologists and teachers of the
     2  deaf or hard of hearing [impaired] shall possess the necessary
     3  qualifications for licensure under this act. Thereafter, the
     4  members of the board who are speech-language pathologists,
     5  audiologists and teachers of the deaf or hard of hearing
     6  [impaired] shall be licensed under this act. No public member
     7  appointed under the provisions of this section shall be
     8  affiliated in any manner with professions or occupations
     9  providing health or corrective communications services or
    10  products to communicatively impaired persons. The public members
    11  shall be qualified pursuant to law, including section 813 of the
    12  act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The
    13  Administrative Code of 1929. In addition, no member of the board
    14  shall at the same time be an officer or agent of any Statewide
    15  association or organization representing the professions or
    16  occupations under the jurisdiction of this board.
    17     (d)  Reappointment.--A member of the board shall be eligible
    18  for reappointment. A member shall not be appointed to serve more
    19  than two consecutive terms.
    20     (e)  Compensation; expenses.--The members of the board, other
    21  than the Commissioner of Professional and Occupational Affairs,
    22  shall receive reimbursement for reasonable travel, hotel and
    23  other necessary expenses and $60 per diem when actually engaged
    24  in the performance of their official duties.
    25     (f)  Meetings of board.--The board shall hold a meeting
    26  within 150 days after the effective date of this act and
    27  annually thereafter in the month prescribed by the board and
    28  elect a chairman, vice chairman and secretary who shall be
    29  members of the board. The board shall meet at such other times
    30  as deemed necessary and advisable by the chairman or by a
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     1  majority of its members. Reasonable notice of all meetings shall
     2  be given in the manner prescribed by the board. A majority of
     3  the board shall constitute a quorum at any meeting or hearing.
     4     Section 2.  Section 5 of the act, amended October 18, 2000
     5  (P.L.536, No.71), is amended to read:
     6  Section 5.  Powers and duties of board.
     7     The board shall have the power and its duties shall be:
     8         (1)  To approve the qualifications and fitness of
     9     applicants for licensure, and to adopt and revise rules and
    10     regulations requiring applicants to pass examinations
    11     relating to their qualifications as a prerequisite to the
    12     issuance of a license.
    13         (2)  To adopt and revise rules and regulations consistent
    14     with the law as may be necessary to implement the provisions
    15     of this act. [These rules and regulations shall include, but
    16     not be limited to, codes of ethics for speech-language
    17     pathologists, audiologists and teachers of the hearing
    18     impaired. The codes of ethics shall provide further that,
    19     whereas speech-language pathologists, audiologists and
    20     teachers of the hearing impaired provide nonmedical and
    21     nonsurgical services, medical diagnosis and medical treatment
    22     by these persons are specifically to be considered unethical
    23     and illegal.]
    24         (3)  To examine for, deny, approve, issue, revoke,
    25     suspend or renew the licenses of speech-language pathologist,
    26     audiologist and teacher of the deaf or hard of hearing
    27     [impaired] applicants.
    28         (4)  To conduct hearings upon complaints of violations of
    29     this act and the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to
    30     this act, and to prosecute and enjoin all such violations.
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     1         (5)  To spend funds necessary for the proper performance
     2     of its assigned duties in accordance with the fiscal and
     3     other laws of this Commonwealth and upon approval by the
     4     Commissioner of Professional and Occupational Affairs.
     5         (6)  To waive examination and educational requirements
     6     and grant a license as provided in sections 6 and 7.
     7         (7)  To establish standards of eligibility for license
     8     renewal. These standards shall include, but not be limited
     9     to, the demonstration of satisfactory completion of 20 clock
    10     hours of continuing education related to the practice of
    11     speech-language pathology, audiology or teaching the deaf or
    12     hard of hearing [impaired] in accordance with board
    13     regulations. No credit may be given for courses in office
    14     management or practice building. The board may waive all or
    15     part of the continuing education requirement to a licensee
    16     who shows to the satisfaction of the board that the licensee
    17     was unable to complete the requirement due to illness,
    18     emergency or hardship. The request for a waiver must be made
    19     in writing, with appropriate documentation, and must include
    20     a description of the circumstances sufficient to show why a
    21     licensee is unable to comply with the continuing education
    22     requirement. Waiver requests shall be evaluated by the board
    23     on a case-by-case basis. The board shall send the licensee
    24     written notification of its approval or denial of a waiver
    25     request. The requirement to demonstrate the satisfactory
    26     completion of continuing education shall begin with the
    27     biennial renewal period to be designated by regulation of the
    28     board and following written notice to licensees.
    29         (8)  To promulgate rules and regulations regarding
    30     persons functioning under the direction of [audiologists,]
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     1     speech-language pathologists, audiologists and teachers of
     2     the deaf or hard of hearing [impaired].
     3     Section 3.  Sections 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 16 and 17 of the
     4  act are amended to read:
     5  Section 6.  License required; persons and practices not
     6                 affected; exclusions.
     7     (a)  Licenses.--Except as provided in subsection (b), no
     8  person may practice or hold himself out as being able to
     9  practice as [an audiologist,] a speech-language pathologist, an
    10  audiologist or a teacher of the deaf or hard of hearing
    11  [impaired] in this Commonwealth unless he holds a current,
    12  unsuspended, unrevoked license issued by the board. Licensure
    13  shall be granted separately in speech-language pathology,
    14  audiology and teaching of the deaf or hard of hearing
    15  [impaired].
    16     (b)  Exclusions.--Nothing in this act shall be construed as
    17  preventing or restricting:
    18         (1)  Any person licensed or registered in this
    19     Commonwealth from engaging in the profession or occupation
    20     for which he is licensed or registered.[, including:
    21             (i)  A physician or surgeon engaged in the practice
    22         of medicine.
    23             (ii)  A licensed physician or surgeon or a trained
    24         individual under the direction of a licensed physician
    25         doing hearing testing in the office or clinic of the
    26         physician.
    27             (iii)  A hearing aid fitter engaged in the business
    28         of selling and fitting hearing aids, and a hearing aid
    29         dealer engaged in the sale of hearing aids, as provided
    30         in the act of November 24, 1976 (P.L.1182, No.262), known
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     1         as the Hearing Aid Sales Registration Law.]
     2         (2)  A person who holds a valid credential issued by the
     3     Department of Education in the area of [speech or] speech-
     4     language pathology or teaching of the deaf or hard of hearing
     5     and who is employed in public or private elementary and
     6     secondary schools or institutions chartered by the
     7     Commonwealth, or a person who is employed by the Commonwealth
     8     or the Federal Government as a speech-language pathologist,
     9     audiologist or teacher of the deaf or hard of hearing
    10     [impaired] from engaging in his profession or occupation, if
    11     the person performs his services solely within the scope of
    12     his employment, or a person performing hearing testing under
    13     section 1402 of the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14),
    14     known as the Public School Code of 1949.
    15         (3)  The activities of a student or trainee who is
    16     pursuing a program of study supervised by a person licensed
    17     under this act or otherwise exempt by this section which lead
    18     to a degree in speech-language pathology, audiology, teaching
    19     the deaf or hard of hearing [impaired or speech-language
    20     pathology at] from an accredited college or university, if
    21     such individual is designated by a title clearly indicating
    22     his student or training status.
    23         (4)  The practice of speech-language pathology, audiology
    24     or teaching the deaf or hard of hearing [impaired] in this
    25     Commonwealth by any person not a resident of this
    26     Commonwealth who is not licensed under this act if the person
    27     meets the qualifications and requirements for licensure
    28     described in section 7, or who is licensed under the law of
    29     another state having licensure requirements determined by the
    30     board to be at least equivalent to those established by
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     1     section 7, and if the services are performed for no more than
     2     five days in any calendar year in cooperation with a speech-
     3     language pathologist, audiologist or teacher of the deaf or
     4     hard of hearing [impaired] licensed under this act.
     5         (5)  A corporation, partnership, trust, association,
     6     company or other similar form of organization from engaging
     7     in the practice of speech-language pathology, audiology or
     8     teaching the deaf or hard of hearing [impaired without a
     9     license if it employs licensed individuals in the direct
    10     practice of speech-language pathology, audiology or teaching
    11     the hearing impaired.] licensed under this act.
    12  Section 7.  Requirements for licensure.
    13     (a)  In general.--Except as provided in subsections (b) and
    14  (c), to be eligible for licensure by the board as a speech-
    15  language pathologist, audiologist or teacher of the deaf or hard
    16  of hearing [impaired], an applicant shall pay a fee as
    17  established by the board in accordance with section 8(a), be of
    18  good moral character to the satisfaction of the board, pass an
    19  examination approved by the board and:
    20         (1)  For the license in speech-language pathology,
    21     possess a master's degree in speech-language pathology or its
    22     equivalent from an accredited academic institution. In
    23     addition, the applicant must have at least one year of
    24     supervised professional experience in the field of speech-
    25     language pathology.
    26         (2)  For the license in audiology, possess a master's or
    27     Au.D degree in audiology or its equivalent from an accredited
    28     academic institution. [In addition, the applicant] Master's
    29     degree applicants must have at least one year of supervised
    30     professional experience in the field of audiology. Beginning
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     1     January 1, 2012, all new applicants must possess a doctorate
     2     in audiology.
     3         (3)  For licensure as a teacher of the deaf or hard of
     4     hearing [impaired], possess a master's degree in education of
     5     the deaf or hard of hearing [impaired] or its equivalent from
     6     an accredited academic institution. In addition, the
     7     applicant must have at least one year of supervised
     8     professional experience in the field of teaching the deaf or
     9     hard of hearing [impaired].
    10     (b)  Waivers.--The board may waive the examination and
    11  educational requirements for any of the following:
    12         (1)  Applicants who present proof of [current
    13     certification or licensure] a currently valid license to
    14     practice speech-language pathology, audiology or to teach the
    15     deaf or hard of hearing in a state which has standards
    16     determined by the board to be at least equal to those for
    17     licensure in this Commonwealth.
    18         (2)  Applicants who hold a currently valid and
    19     appropriate Certificate of Clinical Competence from the
    20     Council of Professional Standards of the American Speech-
    21     Language [and] Hearing Association or board certification
    22     from the American Board of Audiology.
    23         (3)  Applicants who hold a currently valid professional
    24     certificate issued by the Council on Education of the Deaf in
    25     [compliance] accordance with its standards for the
    26     certification of teachers of the deaf or hard of hearing
    27     [impaired] and who have completed an additional ten graduate
    28     academic credits established by the board to be appropriate
    29     for licensure as a teacher of the deaf or hard of hearing
    30     [impaired].
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     1     [(c)  Requirements for current practitioners.--The board
     2  shall waive the examination and educational requirements for any
     3  applicant who, on the effective date of this act:
     4         (1)  has at least a bachelor's degree with a major in
     5     speech-language pathology, audiology or teaching the hearing
     6     impaired from an accredited college or university, and who
     7     has been employed as a speech-language pathologist,
     8     audiologist or teacher of the hearing impaired for at least
     9     nine consecutive months within three years prior to the
    10     effective date of this act; and
    11         (2)  files an application with the board providing bona
    12     fide proof of the degree and employment together with the
    13     application fee prescribed in section 8.]
    14  Section 8.  Application and fees.
    15     (a)  Fee.--An application for [examination and] license shall
    16  be accompanied by a nonrefundable application [and examination]
    17  fee in an amount established by the board by regulation and
    18  shall be subject to review in accordance with the act of June
    19  25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the Regulatory Review Act.
    20  If the revenues generated by fees, fines and civil penalties
    21  imposed in accordance with the provisions of this act are not
    22  sufficient to match expenditures over a two-year period, the
    23  board shall increase those fees by regulation, subject to review
    24  in accordance with the Regulatory Review Act, such that the
    25  projected revenues will meet or exceed projected expenditures.
    26  If the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs
    27  determines that fees established by the board are inadequate to
    28  meet the minimum enforcement efforts required, then the bureau,
    29  after consultation with the board, shall increase the fees by
    30  regulation, subject to review in accordance with the Regulatory
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     1  Review Act, such that adequate revenues are raised to meet the
     2  required enforcement effort.
     3     (b)  Affidavit.--Each application shall be accompanied by an
     4  affidavit or affirmation of the applicant as to its verity. Any
     5  applicant who knowingly or willfully makes a false statement in
     6  his application shall be subject to prosecution for perjury.
     7     [(c)  Examinations.--The board shall offer at least two
     8  examinations for licensure each year. Notice of examinations
     9  shall be given at least 60 days prior to their administration.
    10     (d)  Record of examination scores.--The board shall maintain
    11  a permanent record of all examination scores.]
    12     (e)  Disposition and use of fees.--Fees shall be collected by
    13  the board through the Bureau of Professional and Occupational
    14  Affairs and shall be paid into the Professional Licensure
    15  Augmentation Account established pursuant to and for use in
    16  accordance with the act of July 1, 1978 (P.L.700, No.124), known
    17  as the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs Fee Act.
    18  Section 10.  Refusal to issue; revocation; etc.
    19     The board may refuse to issue and may suspend or revoke a
    20  license of any person or applicant by a vote of at least a
    21  majority of the members of the board for any of the following
    22  reasons:
    23         (1)  The practice of any fraud, misrepresentation or
    24     concealment in obtaining or attempting to obtain a license or
    25     renewal thereof.
    26         (2)  A violation of this act or noncompliance with the
    27     rules and regulations promulgated by the board under this
    28     act.
    29         (3)  Aiding or abetting any person in the violation of
    30     this act or noncompliance with the rules and regulations
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     1     promulgated by the board.
     2         (4)  Being convicted of a felony or misdemeanor of the
     3     first or second degree in any court of the United States or
     4     of any state within ten years prior to the date of
     5     application for licensure.
     6         (5)  Unprofessional conduct as defined by the rules and
     7     regulations adopted by the board.
     8         (6)  The practice of fraud or deceit in connection with
     9     services rendered as [an audiologist,] a speech-language
    10     pathologist, audiologist or teacher of the deaf or hard of
    11     hearing [impaired].
    12  Section 12.  [Requirement of] Referral for a medical
    13                 examination.
    14     [(a)  Medical examination.--Before an audiologist initiates
    15  aural rehabilitation for an individual, there shall be a medical
    16  examination verifying that there are no diseases of the ear
    17  requiring medical or surgical treatment.
    18     (b)  Waiver.--This section does not apply if an individual
    19  signs a written waiver as set forth in this section. The waiver
    20  must be read and explained in such a manner that the individual
    21  will be thoroughly aware of the consequences of signing the
    22  waiver. The waiver form shall read as follows:
    23         I have been advised by (audiologist's name) that the
    24     Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has determined that my best
    25     health interest would be served if I had a medical
    26     examination by a licensed physician before the initiation of
    27     aural rehabilitation. I do not wish a medical examination
    28     before the initiation of aural rehabilitation.
    29                                    ______________________________
    30                                   Signature                 Date]
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     1     A speech-language pathologist, audiologist or teacher of the
     2  deaf or hard of hearing shall refer patients who present with
     3  suspected medical or surgical conditions for medical evaluation.
     4  Section 13.  Renewal fees; records.
     5     Renewal of licenses shall be on a biennial basis. The fee for
     6  renewal of a license shall be as determined by the board in
     7  accordance with section 8(a). A record of all speech-language
     8  pathologists, audiologists and teachers of the deaf or hard of
     9  hearing [impaired] licensed to practice in this Commonwealth
    10  shall be maintained in the office of the board and published at
    11  the discretion of the board. The board shall suspend any license
    12  for nonpayment of fees until the license is renewed properly.
    13  Section 16.  Certification to the board.
    14     Every organization or corporation which engages in the
    15  practice of speech-language pathology, audiology or teaching of
    16  the deaf or hard of hearing [impaired] by the employment of
    17  individuals licensed under the provisions of this act shall file
    18  with the board, on a form approved by the board, a certification
    19  that it submits itself to the rules and regulations of the board
    20  and the provisions of this act which the board shall consider
    21  applicable to it.
    22  Section 17.  Enforcement of certification to board.
    23     No license or renewal of license shall be issued by the board
    24  to any individual engaging in the practice of speech-language
    25  pathology, audiology or teaching of the deaf or hard of hearing
    26  [impaired] with a corporation, partnership, trust, association,
    27  company or other similar forms of organization which have failed
    28  to comply with section 16.
    29     Section 4.  Section 17.1(f) of the act, added October 18,
    30  2000 (P.L.536, No.71), is amended to read:
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     1  Section 17.1.  Impaired professionals.
     2     * * *
     3     (f)  Mandatory reporting to board.--
     4         (1)  Any hospital or health care facility, peer or
     5     colleague who has substantial evidence that a professional
     6     has an active addictive disease for which the professional is
     7     not receiving treatment, is diverting a controlled substance
     8     or is mentally or physically incompetent to carry out the
     9     duties of that professional's license shall make or cause to
    10     be made a report to the board.
    11         (2)  Any person or facility who acts in a treatment
    12     capacity to an impaired speech-language pathologist,
    13     audiologist or as a teacher of the deaf or hard of hearing
    14     [impaired] in an approved treatment program shall be exempt
    15     from the mandatory reporting requirements of this subsection.
    16     Any person or facility who reports under this subsection in
    17     good faith and without malice shall be immune from any civil
    18     or criminal liability arising from the report.
    19         (3)  Failure to provide the report within a reasonable
    20     time from receipt of knowledge of impairment shall subject
    21     the person or facility to a fine not to exceed $1,000. The
    22     board shall impose the penalty only after affording the
    23     accused party the opportunity for a hearing as provided in 2
    24     Pa.C.S. (relating to administrative law and procedure).
    25     Section 5.  Sections 19 and 20 of the act are amended to
    26  read:
    27  Section 19.  Injunction against unlawful practice.
    28     [After 12 months from the effective date of this act, it] It
    29  shall be unlawful for any person to practice or attempt to offer
    30  to practice [audiology,] speech-language pathology, audiology or
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     1  teaching the deaf or hard of hearing [impaired] without holding
     2  a valid unrevoked and unsuspended license issued under this act.
     3  The unlawful practice of [audiology,] speech-language pathology,
     4  audiology or teaching the deaf or hard of hearing [impaired] may
     5  be enjoined by the courts on petition of the board or its
     6  agents. In any proceeding it shall not be necessary to show that
     7  any person is individually injured by the complained of actions.
     8  If the respondent is found guilty of the unlawful practice, the
     9  court shall enjoin him from practicing until he has been duly
    10  licensed. Procedure in these cases shall be the same as in any
    11  other injunction suit. The remedy by injunction is in addition
    12  to criminal prosecution and punishment.
    13  [Section 20.  Appropriation.
    14     The sum of $75,000, or as much thereof as may be necessary,
    15  is hereby appropriated from the Professional Licensure
    16  Augmentation Account within the General Fund to the Bureau of
    17  Professional and Occupational Affairs in the Department of State
    18  for the establishment and operation of the State Board of
    19  Examiners in Speech-Language and Hearing. The appropriation
    20  granted shall be repaid by the board within three years of the
    21  beginning of issuance of licenses by the board.]
    22     Section 6.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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