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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 124



No. 127 Session of 1997

           JANUARY 21, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 19, 1979 (P.L.130, No.48), entitled "An
     2     act relating to health care; prescribing the powers and
     3     duties of the Department of Health; establishing and
     4     providing the powers and duties of the State Health
     5     Coordinating Council, health systems agencies and Health Care
     6     Policy Board in the Department of Health, and State Health
     7     Facility Hearing Board in the Department of Justice;
     8     providing for certification of need of health care providers
     9     and prescribing penalties," reenacting provisions relating to
    10     certificate of need; and repealing sunset provisions.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  The heading of Chapter 7 of the act of July 19,
    14  1979 (P.L.130, No.48), known as the Health Care Facilities Act,
    15  is reenacted to read:
    16                             CHAPTER 7
    17                        CERTIFICATE OF NEED
    18     Section 2.  Sections 701 and 702 of the act, amended December
    19  18, 1992 (P.L.1602, No.179), are reenacted to read:
    20  Section 701.  Certificate of need required; clinically related
    21                 health services subject to review.

     1     (a)  Any person, including, but not limited to, a health care
     2  facility, health maintenance organization or health care
     3  provider who offers, develops, constructs, renovates, expands or
     4  otherwise establishes or undertakes to establish within the
     5  State a clinically related health service that is included in
     6  the department's list of reviewable services developed under
     7  subsections (d) and (e) or a health care facility as defined in
     8  section 103 must obtain a certificate of need from the
     9  department if one or more of the following factors applies:
    10         (1)  The proposal requires a capital expenditure in
    11     excess of $2,000,000 under generally accepted accounting
    12     principles, consistently applied.
    13         (2)  The proposal involves the establishment of a health
    14     care facility or a reviewable clinically related health
    15     service.
    16         (3)  The proposal increases the number of licensed beds
    17     by more than ten beds or 10%, whichever is less, every two
    18     years.
    19             (i)  If the additional beds are acute care beds and
    20         are not beds in a distinct-part psychiatric,
    21         rehabilitation or long-term care unit, all licensed beds
    22         of the acute-care facility shall be counted in
    23         determining whether the increased number of beds exceeds
    24         10%.
    25             (ii)  If the additional beds are beds in a distinct-
    26         part psychiatric, rehabilitation or long-term care unit
    27         of an acute care facility, only the beds within that unit
    28         shall be counted in determining whether the increased
    29         number of beds exceeds 10%.
    30             (iii)  If the additional beds are in a freestanding
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     1         psychiatric, rehabilitation or long-term care facility,
     2         all licensed beds of the freestanding facility shall be
     3         counted in determining whether the increased number of
     4         beds exceeds 10%.
     5         (4)  The proposal substantially expands an existing
     6     clinically related health service as determined by the
     7     department in the State health services plan.
     8     (b)  For the purposes of this act, an expenditure for the
     9  purpose of acquiring an existing health care facility or
    10  replacement of equipment where there is no change in service
    11  shall not be considered to be a capital expenditure subject to
    12  review. Expenditures for nonclinical activities or services,
    13  such as parking garages, computer systems or refinancing of
    14  debt, and research projects involving premarket approval of new
    15  equipment shall not be subject to review.
    16     (c)  The capital expenditure threshold identified in
    17  subsection (a)(1) may be modified periodically by the department
    18  to reflect any increase in the construction cost or other
    19  factors influencing health care-related capital expenditures.
    20  The department shall publish a modification of the expenditure
    21  threshold through the regulatory review process.
    22     (d)  A list of reviewable clinically related health services
    23  shall be published by the department within 30 days of the
    24  effective date of this act and may be modified by regulation on
    25  an annual basis. Exclusive of new high-cost technology, the
    26  initial list published by the department as required under this
    27  subsection shall be no more extensive than those services
    28  reviewable on the effective date of this act. Criteria for
    29  inclusion of reviewable services shall include, but not be
    30  limited to:
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     1         (1)  the quality of the service to be offered is likely
     2     to be compromised through insufficient volumes or
     3     utilization;
     4         (2)  the service is dependent upon the availability of
     5     scarce natural resources such as human organs;
     6         (3)  the operating costs associated with the service are
     7     reimbursed by major third party payors on a cost
     8     reimbursement basis; or
     9         (4)  the service involves the use of new technology.
    10     (e)  Any changes to the list required under subsection (d)
    11  and proposed by regulation shall be developed by the department
    12  after consultation with the policy board.
    13     (f)  A facility providing treatment solely on the basis of
    14  prayer or spiritual means in accordance with the tenets of any
    15  church or religious denomination or a facility conducted by a
    16  religious organization for the purpose of providing health care
    17  services exclusively to clergy or other persons in a religious
    18  profession who are members of the religious denomination
    19  conducting the facility shall not be considered to constitute a
    20  health service subject to review under this act.
    21     (g)  As used in this section, "new high-cost technology"
    22  means new technological equipment with an aggregate purchase
    23  cost of greater than $500,000. The department shall consult with
    24  national medical and surgical speciality organizations
    25  recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialities (ABMS)
    26  and other nationally recognized scientific resources in the
    27  determination of what constitutes new technological equipment.
    28  Section 702.  Certificates of need; notice of intent;
    29                 application; issuance.
    30     (a)  Projects requiring a certificate of need shall, at the
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     1  earliest possible time in their planning, be submitted to the
     2  department in a letter of intent in such detail advising of the
     3  scope and nature of the project as required by regulations.
     4  Within 30 days after receipt of the letter of intent, the
     5  department shall inform the applicant providing the letter of
     6  intent whether the proposed project is subject to a certificate
     7  of need review or if additional information is required to make
     8  that determination. If the department determines that the
     9  project is subject to a certificate of need review, the project
    10  shall be subject to the remaining provisions of this act.
    11     (b)  A person desiring to obtain or amend a certificate of
    12  need shall apply in writing to the department, supplying such
    13  information as is required by the department and certifying that
    14  all data, information and statements are factual to the best of
    15  their knowledge, information and belief. The department shall
    16  have 60 days after receipt of the application within which to
    17  assess the application and in which to request specific further
    18  information. If further information is requested, the department
    19  shall complete its preliminary assessment of the application
    20  within 45 days of receipt of the same. No information shall be
    21  required that is not specified in the rules and regulations
    22  promulgated by the department.
    23     (c)  Timely notice of the beginning of review of the
    24  application by the department shall be published after
    25  preliminary assessment of the application is completed by the
    26  department. The "date of notification" of the beginning of
    27  review shall be the date such notice is sent, or the date such
    28  notice is published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin or in a
    29  newspaper of general circulation, whichever is latest.
    30     (d)  The department shall approve or disapprove the
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     1  application within 90 days from the date of notification of the
     2  beginning of the review unless the period for review is extended
     3  by the applicant in writing.
     4     (e)  (1)  Certificates of need shall be granted or refused.
     5     They shall not be conditioned upon the applicant changing
     6     other aspects of its facilities or services or requiring the
     7     applicant to meet other specified requirements, and no such
     8     condition shall be imposed by the department in granting or
     9     refusing approval of certificates of need.
    10         (2)  A certificate of need shall state the maximum amount
    11     of expenditures which may be obligated under it and
    12     applicants proceeding with an approved project may not exceed
    13     this level of expenditure except as allowed under the
    14     conditions and procedures established by the department
    15     through regulation.
    16     (f)  (1)  The department shall make written findings which
    17     state the basis for any final decision made by the
    18     department. Such findings shall be served upon the applicant
    19     and provided to all persons expressing an interest in the
    20     proceedings and shall be made available to others upon
    21     written request.
    22         (2)  All decisions of the department shall be based
    23     solely on the record. No ex parte contact regarding the
    24     application between any employee of the department who
    25     exercises responsibilities respecting the application and the
    26     applicant, any person acting on behalf of the applicant or
    27     any person opposed to the issuance of the certificate of need
    28     shall occur after the commencement of a hearing on the
    29     application and before a decision is made by the department.
    30     (g)  Modification of the application at any stage of the
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     1  proceeding shall not extend the time limits provided by this act
     2  unless the department expressly finds that the modification
     3  represents a substantial change in the character of the
     4  application.
     5     (h)  The responsibility of performing certificate of need
     6  review may not be delegated by the department. The department
     7  shall consider recommendations of one or more community-based
     8  health services planning committees whose localities are
     9  affected by specific applications.
    10     (i)  The department may provide that categories of projects
    11  shall receive simultaneous and comparative review.
    12     Section 3.  Section 703 of the act, amended July 12, 1980
    13  (P.L.655, No.136), is reenacted to read:
    14  Section 703.  Notice and hearings before health systems
    15                 agencies.
    16     (a)  Notice of completed applications for certificates of
    17  need or amendment thereto and of the beginning of review shall
    18  be published by the health systems agency in the appropriate
    19  news media and by the department in the Pennsylvania Bulletin in
    20  accordance with 45 Pa.C.S. Chap. 7B (relating to publication of
    21  documents), and the health systems agency shall notify all
    22  affected persons with notice of the schedule for review, the
    23  date by which a public hearing must be demanded, and of the
    24  manner notice will be given of a hearing, if one is to be held.
    25  Notice to affected persons (other than members of the public who
    26  are to be served by the proposed new institutional health
    27  service) shall be by mail (which may be part of a newsletter).
    28  Members of the public may be notified through newspapers of
    29  general circulation. Directly affected persons may file
    30  objections within 15 days of such publication with the local
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     1  health systems agency setting forth specifically the reasons
     2  such objections were filed. Persons filing the objections shall
     3  be parties to the proceeding, unless and until such objections
     4  are withdrawn.
     5     (b)  Affected persons may request a public hearing or the
     6  health systems agency may require a public hearing during the
     7  course of such review. Fourteen days written notice of the
     8  hearing shall be given to affected persons in the same manner as
     9  a notice of a completed application is provided in subsection
    10  (a). In the hearing, any person shall have the right to be
    11  represented by counsel and to present oral or written arguments
    12  and relevant evidence. Any person directly affected may conduct
    13  reasonable questioning of persons who make relevant factual
    14  allegations. A record of the hearing shall be maintained.
    15     Section 4.  Sections 704, 705, 706, 707, 708.1 and 709,
    16  amended December 18, 1992 (P.L.1602, No.179), are reenacted to
    17  read:
    18  Section 704.  Notice of public meetings.
    19     (a)  Notification of the beginning of review of a certificate
    20  of need application shall be published by the department in the
    21  appropriate news media and in the Pennsylvania Bulletin in
    22  accordance with 45 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 Subch. B (relating to
    23  publication of documents). The notice shall identify the
    24  schedule for review, the date by which a public meeting must be
    25  requested and the manner in which notice will be given of a
    26  meeting, if one is held.
    27     (b)  Interested persons may request a public meeting within
    28  15 days of publication, and the department shall hold such a
    29  meeting or the department may require a public meeting during
    30  the course of such review. The department shall publish written
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     1  notice of the meeting in the appropriate news media and the
     2  Pennsylvania Bulletin at least 14 days prior to the public
     3  meeting date. In the meeting, the applicant and any interested
     4  person providing prior notice to the department shall have the
     5  right to present oral or written comments and relevant evidence
     6  on the application in the manner prescribed by the department.
     7  The department shall prepare a transcript of the oral testimony
     8  presented at the meeting. Meetings shall be held in accordance
     9  with the guidelines and procedures established by the department
    10  and published in the Pennsylvania Code as a statement of policy.
    11  The department may require the applicant to provide copies of
    12  the application to any interested person making a request for
    13  such application, at the expense of the interested person.
    14     (c)  The applicant may, for good cause shown, request in
    15  writing a public hearing for the purpose of reconsideration of a
    16  decision of the department within ten days of service of the
    17  decision of the department. The department shall treat the
    18  request in accordance with the provisions of 1 Pa. Code § 35.241
    19  (relating to application for rehearing or reconsideration). The
    20  department shall set forth the cause for the hearing and the
    21  issues to be considered at such hearing. If such hearing is
    22  granted, it shall be held no sooner than six days and no later
    23  than 30 days after the notice to grant such a hearing and shall
    24  be limited to the issues submitted for reconsideration. A
    25  transcript shall be made of the hearing and a copy of the
    26  transcript shall be provided at cost to the applicant. The
    27  department shall affirm or reverse its decision and submit the
    28  same to the person requesting the hearing within 30 days of the
    29  conclusion of such hearing. Any change in the decision shall be
    30  supported by the reasons for the change.
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     1     (d)  Where hearings under subsection (b) are held on more
     2  than two days, consecutive days of hearings and intervening
     3  weekends and holidays shall be excluded in calculating the time
     4  permitted for the department to conduct its review, and, if
     5  briefs are to be filed, ten days subsequent to the adjournment
     6  of the hearing shall also be excluded.
     7  Section 705.  Good cause.
     8     Good cause shall be deemed to have been shown if:
     9         (1)  there is significant, relevant information not
    10     previously considered;
    11         (2)  there is significant change in factors or
    12     circumstances relied on in making the decision;
    13         (3)  there has been material failure to comply with the
    14     procedural requirements of this act; or
    15         (4)  good cause is otherwise found to exist.
    16  Section 706.  Information during review.
    17     During the course of review the department shall upon request
    18  of any person set forth the status, any findings made in the
    19  proceeding and other appropriate information requested. The
    20  department may require such request in writing.
    21  Section 707.  Criteria for review of applications for
    22                 certificates of need or amendments.
    23     (a)  An application for certificate of need shall be
    24  considered for approval when the department determines that the
    25  application substantially meets the requirements listed below:
    26         (1)  There is need by the population served or to be
    27     served by the proposed service or facility.
    28         (2)  The proposed service or facility will provide care
    29     consistent with quality standards established by the State
    30     health services plan.
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     1         (3)  The proposed service or facility will meet the
     2     standards identified in the State health services plan for
     3     access to care by medically underserved groups, including
     4     individuals eligible for medical assistance and persons
     5     without health insurance.
     6     (b)  The department shall issue a certificate of need if the
     7  project substantially meets the criteria of subsection (a)(1),
     8  (2) and (3) and the project is consistent with the State health
     9  services plan unless the department can demonstrate:
    10         (1)  There is a more appropriate, less costly or more
    11     effective alternative method of providing the proposed
    12     services.
    13         (2)  The service or facility is not financially and
    14     economically feasible, considering anticipated volume of care
    15     and the availability of reasonable financing based on
    16     information received from the applicant and other sources
    17     during the review process.
    18         (3)  The proposed service or facility will have an
    19     inappropriate, adverse impact on the overall level of health
    20     care expenditures in the area.
    21         (4)  The proposed service or facility adversely impacts
    22     the maintenance and development of rural and inner-city
    23     health services generally and, in particular, those services
    24     provided by health care providers which are based in rural
    25     and inner-city locations and which have an established
    26     history of providing services to medically underserved
    27     populations.
    28     (c)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a) and
    29  (b), applications for projects described in subsection (d) shall
    30  be approved unless the department finds that the facility or
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     1  service with respect to such expenditure as proposed is not
     2  needed or that the project is not consistent with the State
     3  health services plan. An application made under this subsection
     4  shall be approved only to the extent that the department
     5  determines it is required to overcome the conditions described
     6  in subsection (d).
     7     (d)  Subject to the provisions of subsection (c), subsections
     8  (a) and (b) shall not apply to capital expenditures required to:
     9         (1)  eliminate or prevent imminent safety hazards as a
    10     result of violations of safety codes or regulations;
    11         (2)  comply with State licensure standards; or
    12         (3)  comply with accreditation standards, compliance with
    13     which is required to receive reimbursement or payments under
    14     Title XVIII or XIX of the Federal Social Security Act.
    15  Section 708.1.  Monitoring certificate of need; expiration of a
    16                 certificate of need.
    17     A certificate of need or an amendment to it shall expire two
    18  years from the date issued unless substantially implemented, as
    19  defined by regulation. The department may grant extensions for a
    20  specified time upon request of the applicant and upon a showing
    21  that the applicant has or is making a good faith effort to
    22  substantially implement the project. An expired certificate of
    23  need shall be invalid, and no person may proceed to undertake
    24  any activity pursuant to it for which a certificate of need or
    25  amendment is required. The applicant shall report to the
    26  department, on forms prescribed by the department, the status of
    27  the project until such time as the project is licensed or
    28  operational, if no license is required.
    29  Section 709.  Emergencies.
    30     Notwithstanding any other provision of this act, in the event
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     1  of an emergency the department may suspend the foregoing
     2  application process and permit such steps to be taken as may be
     3  required to meet the emergency including the replacement of
     4  equipment or facilities.
     5     Section 5.  Section 710 of the act is reenacted to read:
     6  Section 710.  Notice of termination of services.
     7     For informational purposes only, at least 30 days prior to
     8  termination or substantial reduction of a service or a permanent
     9  decrease in the bed complement, the provider shall notify the
    10  health systems agency and the department of its intended action.
    11     Section 6.  Section 711 of the act, amended December 18, 1992
    12  (P.L.1602, No.179), is reenacted to read:
    13  Section 711.  Review of activities.
    14     (a)  The department shall prepare and publish not less
    15  frequently than annually reports of reviews conducted under this
    16  act, including a statement on the status of each such review and
    17  of reviews completed by it and statements of the decisions made
    18  in the course of such reviews since the last report. The
    19  department shall also make available to the general public for
    20  examination at reasonable times of the business day all
    21  applications reviewed by it. Such reports and applications shall
    22  be considered public records.
    23     (b)  The department's report which shall be submitted to the
    24  members of the Health and Welfare Committees of the Senate and
    25  House of Representatives shall contain the following
    26  information:
    27         (1)  The volume of applications submitted, by project
    28     type, their dollar value, and the numbers and costs
    29     associated with those approved and those not approved.
    30         (2)  The assessment of the extent of competition in
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     1     specific service sectors that guided decisions.
     2         (3)  A detailed description of projects involving
     3     nontraditional or innovative service delivery methods or
     4     organizational arrangements and the decisions made on each of
     5     these projects.
     6         (4)  The average time for review, by level of review.
     7         (5)  The fees collected for reviews and the cost of the
     8     program.
     9     Section 7.  Section 712 of the act, added July 12, 1980
    10  (P.L.655, No.136) and repealed in part December 20, 1982
    11  (P.L.1409, No.326), is reenacted to read:
    12  Section 712.  Actions against violations of law and rules and
    13                 regulations; bonds.
    14     (a)  Whenever any person, regardless of whether such person
    15  is a licensee, has willfully violated any of the provisions of
    16  this act or the rules and regulations adopted thereunder, the
    17  department may maintain any action in the name of the
    18  Commonwealth for an injunction or other process restraining or
    19  prohibiting such person from engaging in such activity.
    20     Section 8.  Section 904.1 of the act is repealed.
    21     Section 9.  This act shall be retroactive to December 18,
    22  1996.
    23     Section 10.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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