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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1142



No. 132 Session of 2003



                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Urging the respective boards of trustees of the State Employees'
     2     Retirement System (SERS) and the Public School Employees'
     3     Retirement System (PSERS) to cooperate fully with the
     4     Department of the Auditor General's independent special
     5     performance audits of the two retirement systems and urging
     6     the Auditor General to conduct the audits in a professional
     7     manner.

     8     WHEREAS, A dispute has arisen between the Department of the
     9  Auditor General and the boards of trustees of the retirement
    10  systems regarding the department's authority to conduct
    11  independent special performance audits of the retirement systems
    12  and the boards' authority to spend retirement system assets to
    13  pay for the audits; and
    14     WHEREAS, The boards of trustees declined the Department of
    15  the Auditor General's requests and subpoenas for documents
    16  needed for its special performance audits, and the Department of
    17  the Auditor General in turn commenced an action against the
    18  board of trustees in the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania; and
    19     WHEREAS, The boards of trustees acknowledged the need for
    20  performance audits of the retirement systems, by seeking to

     1  contract their own audits from an outside consultant selected,
     2  directed and paid by the retirement systems; and
     3     WHEREAS, Auditor General Casey has stated publicly that his
     4  department would only seek reimbursement of costs associated
     5  with the retention of outside consultants should the assistance
     6  be required and that the retirement systems would not be
     7  required to reimburse the department for the time and expenses
     8  incurred by department employees in conducting the performance
     9  audits; and
    10     WHEREAS, Continuation of this dispute will result in the
    11  wasteful expenditure of retirement system assets and
    12  unnecessarily call into question the boards' prudent management
    13  of those assets; therefore be it
    14     RESOLVED, That the Senate urge SERS, PSERS and the Auditor
    15  General to cooperate fully in the conduct of the performance
    16  audits; and be further
    17     RESOLVED, That the Senate urge the boards of trustees and the
    18  Department of the Auditor General to enter into an agreement on
    19  the costs of the performance audits that provides for
    20  reimbursement of the department's expenses in amounts not to
    21  exceed the amounts that the boards of trustees were prepared to
    22  pay to the outside consultants they had sought to commission;
    23  and be it further
    24     RESOLVED, That the Senate urge Auditor General Casey to be
    25  aware of its desire not to unduly alarm elderly annuitants of
    26  the retirement systems and to provide that audits be conducted
    27  and findings be presented in an entirely professional,
    28  nonpartisan manner; and be it further
    29     RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to
    30  the retirement systems, including the individual members of the
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     1  respective boards of trustees, and the Auditor General.

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