See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1646



No. 132 Session of 2000

           FEBRUARY 7, 2000


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Requesting the Department of Labor and Industry, in cooperation
     2     with the Pennsylvania Fire Commissioner, to conduct a study
     3     of feasibility of municipalities adopting and implementing
     4     ordinances to identify high-rise buildings, college
     5     dormitories and other buildings of public access housing
     6     individuals that lack fire protection systems, to require the
     7     installation of such systems, and to make a report to the
     8     Senate.

     9     WHEREAS, The occurrence of fire in high-rise buildings,
    10  college dormitories and other buildings of public access housing
    11  individuals poses an ever-present danger to the citizens of this
    12  Commonwealth; and
    13     WHEREAS, Automatic water sprinkler systems and other fire
    14  suppression or control systems are highly effective means of
    15  providing fire protection for people and property in high-rise
    16  buildings, college dormitories and other buildings of public
    17  access housing individuals; and
    18     WHEREAS, The 1999 National Building Code, as published by the
    19  Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc.,
    20  does not require existing high-rise buildings, college

     1  dormitories and other buildings of public access housing
     2  individuals without such fire protection systems to be
     3  retrofitted with automatic water sprinkler systems or automatic
     4  fire suppression or control systems; and
     5     WHEREAS, High-rise buildings, college dormitories and other
     6  buildings of public access housing individuals that lack
     7  automatic water sprinkler systems or automatic fire suppression
     8  or control systems are more susceptible to fire-related injuries
     9  and damage than those buildings equipped with such fire
    10  protection equipment; and
    11     WHEREAS, Municipalities and colleges may require some
    12  assistance in determining the extent of the potential fiscal
    13  impact on municipalities and colleges through the completion of
    14  a governmental study to determine:
    15         (1)  the technical and economic feasibility of municipal
    16     ordinances that require inspection of high-rise buildings,
    17     college dormitories and other buildings of public access
    18     housing individuals to ascertain the presence of automatic
    19     water sprinkler systems or automatic fire suppression or
    20     control systems; and
    21         (2)  whether those high-rise buildings, college
    22     dormitories and other buildings of public access housing
    23     individuals without such equipment should be retrofitted;
    24  and
    25     WHEREAS, Absent this assistance from the Commonwealth, some
    26  municipalities may be prevented by the potential fiscal impact
    27  from proceeding with an ordinance requiring the inspection of
    28  such high-rise buildings, college dormitories and other
    29  buildings of public access housing individuals regarding
    30  automatic fire protection systems and, as a consequence, the
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     1  occupants of such high-rise buildings, college dormitories and
     2  other buildings of public access housing individuals may remain
     3  subject to a greater ongoing threat of fire in the absence of
     4  such systems; therefore be it
     5     RESOLVED, That the Department of Labor and Industry, in
     6  cooperation with the Pennsylvania Fire Commissioner, as hereby
     7  requested, to conduct a study to examine:
     8         (1)  the technical and economic feasibility for
     9     municipalities to enact and implement municipal ordinances
    10     that identify existing high-rise buildings, college
    11     dormitories and other buildings of public access housing
    12     individuals that lack automatic water sprinkler systems or
    13     other automatic fire suppression or control systems; and
    14         (2)  whether to require the installation of such fire
    15     protection systems;
    16  and be it further
    17     RESOLVED, That this study should evaluate whether
    18  municipalities and colleges may require additional State fiscal
    19  and technical assistance to establish an inspection and review
    20  program of such underprotected buildings; and be it further
    21     RESOLVED, That the Department of Labor and Industry, in
    22  cooperation with the Pennsylvania Fire Commissioner, is
    23  requested to report its findings, recommendations and any
    24  proposed legislation to the Senate no later than November 30,
    25  2000; and be it further
    26     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit a copy of
    27  this resolution to the Secretary of Labor and Industry and the
    28  Pennsylvania Fire Commissioner.

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