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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1659



No. 135 Session of 2000

           FEBRUARY 8, 2000


                            A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION

     1  Urging the Governor to call a conference of Governors of the
     2     other states of the northeastern seaboard to convene and
     3     develop a plan to address the drastic price increases in home
     4     heating oil and diesel fuel and to develop options to address
     5     the adverse impact on the States' citizens.

     6     WHEREAS, Retail prices of home heating oil and diesel fuel in
     7  this Commonwealth and in the other states of the northeastern
     8  seaboard, consisting of Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey and
     9  New York, have drastically increased, nearly tripling, to
    10  current record highs since January 1999; and
    11     WHEREAS, The current supplies of home heating oil and diesel
    12  fuel in this Commonwealth and other states of the northeastern
    13  seaboard are currently exceptionally low; and
    14     WHEREAS, The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
    15  (OPEC) has expressed its desire to maintain the reductions
    16  previously made in its members' petroleum exports and to seek
    17  further cuts in the future; and
    18     WHEREAS, The production of additional amounts of home heating
    19  oil from the stocks of crude petroleum will result in decreased

     1  levels of other petroleum products, which will likely
     2  substantially increase the price of these petroleum products,
     3  such as diesel fuel, gasoline and kerosene; and
     4     WHEREAS, Substantial increases in the cost of other petroleum
     5  products will result in detrimental economic consequences for
     6  persons in the transportation industry in this Commonwealth and
     7  in the other states of the northeastern seaboard; and
     8     WHEREAS, While the high retail oil prices have adversely
     9  affected the safety and the livelihood of the citizens of the
    10  United States, the citizens of this Commonwealth and the other
    11  states of the northeastern seaboard who have recently
    12  experienced exceptionally cold winter weather during this winter
    13  season have by necessity relied upon increasingly expensive home
    14  heating oil to heat their homes through this winter; and
    15     WHEREAS, The high retail prices of home heating oil will
    16  disproportionately impact the citizens of this Commonwealth and
    17  the other states of the northeastern seaboard who have low
    18  incomes; therefore be it
    19     RESOLVED (the House of Representatives concurring), That the
    20  General Assembly urge the Governor of the Commonwealth of
    21  Pennsylvania to call a conference of the Governors of the other
    22  states of the northeastern seaboard, consisting of: Connecticut,
    23  Delaware, New Jersey and New York to convene and address the
    24  recent substantial price increases of home heating oil and
    25  diesel fuel and to develop a plan to address the adverse impact
    26  of such price increases on the safety and livelihood of the
    27  citizens of this Commonwealth and the other states of the
    28  northeastern seaboard; and be it further
    29     RESOLVED, That the Governors' conference focus its
    30  investigation and energies toward a determination whether the
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     1  recent increases in the price of home heating oil and diesel
     2  fuel have occurred as a result of expected market pressures or
     3  as a result of a concerted effort on the part of the oil
     4  companies to increase and maintain the level of oil prices.

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