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same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 144                        PRINTER'S NO. 556



No. 144 Session of 1989



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 75 (Vehicles) of
     2     the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for
     3     insurance fraud; further providing for suspension of
     4     registration and drivers' licenses, for motor vehicle
     5     insurance, for financial responsibility, for reinstatement of
     6     registration and drivers' licenses; conferring powers and
     7     duties on the Department of Transportation and the Insurance
     8     Department; and making repeals.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Section 911(h) of Title 18 of the Pennsylvania
    12  Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:
    13  § 911.  Corrupt organizations.
    14     * * *
    15     (h)  Definitions.--As used in this section:
    16         (1)  "Racketeering activity" means:
    17             (i)  any act which is indictable under any of the
    18         following provisions of this title:
    19                 Chapter 25 (relating to criminal homicide)
    20                 Section 2706 (relating to terroristic threats)

     1                 Chapter 29 (relating to kidnapping)
     2                 Chapter 33 (relating to arson, etc.)
     3                 Chapter 37 (relating to robbery)
     4                 Chapter 39 (relating to theft and related
     5             offenses)
     6                 Section 4108 (relating to commercial bribery and
     7             breach of duty to act disinterestedly)
     8                 Section 4109 (relating to rigging publicly
     9             exhibited contest)
    10                 Section 4117 (relating to insurance fraud)
    11                 Chapter 47 (relating to bribery and corrupt
    12             influence)
    13                 Chapter 49 (relating to perjury and other
    14             falsification in official matters)
    15                 Section 5512 through 5514 (relating to gambling)
    16                 Chapter 59 (relating to public indecency)
    17             (ii)  any offense indictable under section 13 of the
    18         act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as ["]The
    19         Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act["]
    20         (relating to the sale and dispensing of narcotic drugs);
    21             (iii)  any conspiracy to commit any of the offenses
    22         set forth in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) of this
    23         paragraph; or
    24             (iv)  the collection of any money or other property
    25         in full or partial satisfaction of a debt which arose as
    26         the result of the lending of money or other property at a
    27         rate of interest exceeding 25% per annum or the
    28         equivalent rate for a longer or shorter period, where not
    29         otherwise authorized by law.
    30     Any act which otherwise would be considered racketeering
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     1     activity by reason of the application of this paragraph,
     2     shall not be excluded from its application solely because the
     3     operative acts took place outside the jurisdiction of this
     4     Commonwealth, if such acts would have been in violation of
     5     the law of the jurisdiction in which they occurred.
     6         (2)  "Person" means any individual or entity capable of
     7     holding a legal or beneficial interest in property.
     8         (3)  "Enterprise" means any individual, partnership,
     9     corporation, association or other legal entity, and any union
    10     or group of individuals associated in fact although not a
    11     legal entity, engaged in commerce.
    12         (4)  "Pattern of racketeering activity" refers to a
    13     course of conduct requiring two or more acts of racketeering
    14     activity one of which occurred after the effective date of
    15     this section.
    16         (5)  "Racketeering investigator" means an attorney,
    17     investigator or investigative body so designated in writing
    18     by the Attorney General and charged with the duty of
    19     enforcing or carrying into effect the provisions of this
    20     section.
    21         (6)  "Racketeering investigation" means any inquiry
    22     conducted by any racketeering investigator for the purpose of
    23     ascertaining whether any person has been involved in any
    24     violation of this section or of any order, judgment, or
    25     decree of any court duly entered in any case or proceeding
    26     arising under this section.
    27         (7)  "Documentary material" means any book, paper,
    28     record, recording, tape, report, memorandum, written
    29     communication, or other document relating to the business
    30     affairs of any person or enterprise.
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     1     Section 2.  Title 18 is amended by adding a section to read:
     2  § 4117.  Insurance fraud.
     3     (a)  Offense defined.--A person commits an offense if he:
     4         (1)  knowingly and with the intent to defraud any insurer
     5     presents or causes to be presented to any insurer any
     6     statement forming a part of, or in support of, an insurance
     7     application or an insurance claim that contains any false,
     8     incomplete or misleading information concerning any fact or
     9     thing material to the insurance application or insurance
    10     claim;
    11         (2)  knowingly and with the intent to defraud any insurer
    12     assists, abets, solicits or conspires with another to prepare
    13     or make any statement that is intended to be presented to any
    14     insurer in connection with, or in support of, any insurance
    15     application or insurance claim that contains any false,
    16     incomplete or misleading information concerning any fact or
    17     thing material to the insurance claim; or
    18         (3)  engages in unlicensed agent or broker activity as
    19     defined by the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.789, No.285), known
    20     as The Insurance Department Act of one thousand nine hundred
    21     and twenty-one, knowingly and with the intent to defraud an
    22     insurer or the public.
    23     (b)  Grading.--An offense under this section is a felony of
    24  the third degree.
    25     (c)  Restitution.--The court shall, in addition to any other
    26  sentence authorized by law, sentence a person convicted of
    27  violating this section to make restitution under section 1106
    28  (relating to restitution for injuries to person or property).
    29     (d)  Immunity.--An insurer, and any agent, servant or
    30  employee acting in the course and scope of his employment, shall
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     1  be immune from civil or criminal liability arising from the
     2  supply or release of written or oral information to any entity
     3  duly authorized to receive such information by Federal or State
     4  law, or by Insurance Department regulation, if the following
     5  conditions exist:
     6         (1)  the information is supplied to the agency in
     7     connection with an allegation of fraudulent conduct on the
     8     part of any person relating to the filing or maintenance of a
     9     motor vehicle insurance claim for bodily injury or property
    10     damage; and
    11         (2)  the insurer, agent, servant or employee has probable
    12     cause to believe that the information supplied is reasonably
    13     related to the allegation of fraud.
    14     (e)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    15  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    16  subsection:
    17     "Insurance application."  A document submitted by a
    18  prospective insured which requests insurance coverage and which
    19  provides information requested by an insurer to evaluate the
    20  risk.
    21     "Insurance claim."  A claim for payment or other benefit
    22  pursuant to an insurance policy.
    23     "Insurance policy."  A document setting forth the terms and
    24  conditions of a contract of insurance.
    25     "Insurer."  A company, association or exchange defined by
    26  section 101 of the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known
    27  as The Insurance Company Law of 1921; an unincorporated
    28  association of underwriting members; a hospital plan
    29  corporation; a professional health services plan corporation; a
    30  health maintenance organization; a fraternal benefit society;
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     1  and a self-insured health care entity under the act of October
     2  15, 1975 (P.L.390, No.111), known as the Health Care Services
     3  Malpractice Act.
     4     "Person."  An individual, corporation, partnership,
     5  association, joint-stock company, trust or unincorporated
     6  organization.
     7     "Statement."  Any oral or written presentation or other
     8  evidence of loss, injury or expense, including, but not limited
     9  to, any notice, statement, proof of loss, bill of lading,
    10  receipt for payment, invoice, account, estimate of property
    11  damages, bill for services, diagnosis, prescription, hospital or
    12  doctor records, X-ray, test result or computer-generated
    13  documents.
    14     Section 3.  Sections 1376, 1540(c), 1711, 1712(1), 1731(a),
    15  1734 and 1736 of Title 75 are amended to read:
    16  § 1376.  Surrender of registration plates and cards upon
    17             suspension.
    18     (a)  General rule.--The department, upon suspending any
    19  registration, shall require the registration plate or plates and
    20  registration card to be surrendered immediately to the
    21  department and may delegate authority to any authorized
    22  department employee, member of the Pennsylvania State Police
    23  [or], local police officer, sheriff or deputy sheriff to seize
    24  the registration plate or plates and registration card or cards.
    25  The department shall, by regulation, prescribe the manner of
    26  selecting the employees and State and local police officers,
    27  sheriffs and deputy sheriffs to seize the registration plates
    28  and registration cards.
    29     (b)  Penalty.--Any person failing or refusing to surrender to
    30  the department, upon demand, any registration plate or card
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     1  which has been suspended is guilty of a summary offense and
     2  shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $100.
     3  § 1540.  Surrender of license.
     4     * * *
     5     (c)  Seizure of revoked and suspended licenses.--The
     6  department may delegate authority to any authorized department
     7  employee, member of the Pennsylvania State Police [or], local
     8  police officer, sheriff or deputy sheriff to seize the driver's
     9  license of any person when the operating privilege of that
    10  person has been revoked or suspended and his driver's license
    11  has been ordered to be surrendered by a court or district
    12  attorney or by the department. The department shall, by
    13  regulation, prescribe the manner of selecting the employees
    14  [and], State and local police officers, sheriffs and deputy
    15  sheriffs to seize the drivers' licenses.
    16  § 1711.  Required benefits.
    17     An insurer issuing or delivering liability insurance policies
    18  covering any motor vehicle of the type required to be registered
    19  under this title, except recreational vehicles not intended for
    20  highway use, motorcycles, motor-driven cycles or motorized
    21  pedalcycles or like type vehicles, registered and operated in
    22  this Commonwealth, shall include coverage providing a medical
    23  benefit in the amount of [$10,000] $5,000, an optional income
    24  loss benefit up to a monthly maximum of $1,000 up to a maximum
    25  benefit of $5,000 and [a] an optional funeral benefit in the
    26  amount of $1,500, as defined in section 1712 (relating to
    27  availability of benefits), with respect to injury arising out of
    28  the maintenance or use of a motor vehicle. The income loss
    29  benefit provided under this section may be expressly waived by
    30  the named insured provided the named insured has no expectation
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     1  of actual income loss due to age, disability or lack of
     2  employment history.
     3  § 1712.  Availability of benefits.
     4     An insurer issuing or delivering liability insurance policies
     5  covering any motor vehicle of the type required to be registered
     6  under this title, except recreational vehicles not intended for
     7  highway use, motorcycles, motor-driven cycles or motorized
     8  pedalcycles or like type vehicles, registered and operated in
     9  this Commonwealth, shall make available for purchase first party
    10  benefits with respect to injury arising out of the maintenance
    11  or use of a motor vehicle as follows:
    12         (1)  Medical benefit.--Coverage to provide for usual,
    13     customary and reasonable charges for reasonable and necessary
    14     medical treatment and rehabilitative services, including, but
    15     not limited to, hospital, dental, surgical, psychiatric,
    16     psychological, osteopathic, ambulance, chiropractic, licensed
    17     physical therapy, nursing services, vocational rehabilitation
    18     and occupational therapy, speech pathology and audiology,
    19     optometric services, medications, medical supplies and
    20     prosthetic devices, all without limitation as to time,
    21     provided that, within 18 months from the date of the accident
    22     causing injury, it is ascertainable with reasonable medical
    23     probability that further expenses may be incurred as a result
    24     of the injury. Benefits under this paragraph may include any
    25     nonmedical remedial care and treatment rendered in accordance
    26     with a recognized religious method of healing.
    27         * * *
    28  § 1731.  Scope and amount of coverage.
    29     (a)  General rule.--No motor vehicle liability insurance
    30  policy shall be delivered or issued for delivery in this
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     1  Commonwealth, with respect to any motor vehicle registered or
     2  principally garaged in this Commonwealth, unless uninsured
     3  motorist and underinsured motorist coverages are [provided] made
     4  available therein or supplemental thereto in amounts equal to
     5  the bodily injury liability coverage except as provided in
     6  section 1734 (relating to request for [lower or] higher limits
     7  of coverage). One or both of these coverages must be provided if
     8  the applicant or policyholder requests in writing.
     9     * * *
    10  § 1734.  Request for [lower or] higher limits of coverage.
    11     [A named insured may request in writing the issuance of
    12  coverages under section 1731 (relating to scope and amount of
    13  coverage) in amounts less than the limits of liability for
    14  bodily injury but in no event less than the amounts required by
    15  this chapter for bodily injury.] If the named insured has
    16  selected uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage in
    17  connection with a policy previously issued to him by the same
    18  insurer under section 1731, the coverages offered need not be
    19  provided in excess of the limits of liability previously issued
    20  for uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage unless the
    21  named insured requests in writing higher limits of liability for
    22  those coverages.
    23  § 1736.  Coverages in excess of required amounts.
    24     The coverages provided under this subchapter may be offered
    25  by insurers in amounts higher than those [required] offered by
    26  this chapter but may not be greater than the limits of liability
    27  specified in the bodily injury liability provisions of the
    28  insured's policy.
    29     Section 4.  Title 75 is amended by adding sections to read:
    30  § 1737.  Exhaustion.
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     1     An insurer has no duty to pay underinsured motorist benefits
     2  to its insured until all other forms of insurance applicable at
     3  the time of the accident have been exhausted by payment of their
     4  limits. Other forms of insurance include, but are not limited
     5  to, motor vehicle liability insurance, other applicable
     6  liability insurance and self-insurance plans.
     7  § 1738.  Stacking of uninsured and underinsured benefits.
     8     Uninsured and underinsured benefits shall not be increased by  <--
     9  stacking the limits of coverage of:
    10         (1)  multiple motor vehicles covered under the same
    11     policy of insurance; or
    12         (2)  multiple motor vehicle policies covering the
    13     individual for the same loss.
    19  § 1739.  Coverage not conditioned on release.
    20     A tortfeasor's insurer shall not require a claimant to
    21  release the tortfeasor, indemnify the tortfeasor or hold the
    22  tortfeasor harmless from liability in excess of the tortfeasor's
    23  policy limits as a condition of making payment of bodily injury
    24  benefits to which the claimant is legally entitled.
    25     Section 5.  Sections 1786 and 1960 of Title 75 are amended to
    26  read:
    27  § 1786.  [Self-certification of] Required financial
    28             responsibility.
    29     (a)  Self-certification.--The Department of Transportation
    30  shall require that each motor vehicle registrant certify that
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     1  the registrant is financially responsible at the time of
     2  registration or renewal thereof. The department shall refuse to
     3  register or renew the registration of a vehicle for failure to
     4  comply with this requirement or falsification of self-
     5  certification.
     6     (b)  Consent to produce proof of financial responsibility.--
     7  Upon registering a motor vehicle or renewing a motor vehicle
     8  registration, the owner of the motor vehicle shall be deemed to
     9  have given consent to produce proof to the Department of
    10  Transportation or a police officer that the vehicle registrant
    11  has the financial responsibility required by this chapter.
    12  Failure to produce proof of financial responsibility to a police
    13  officer upon request constitutes a summary offense.
    14     (c)  Suspension of registration and operating privilege.--The
    15  Department of Transportation shall suspend the registration of a
    16  vehicle if it determines the required financial responsibility
    17  has not been secured as required by this chapter and may suspend
    18  the operating privilege of the registrant. The operating
    19  privilege shall not be restored until proof of financial
    20  responsibility is submitted, together with the restoration fee
    21  for operating privilege provided by section 1960 (relating to
    22  reinstatement of operating privilege). Whenever the department
    23  revokes or suspends the registration of any vehicle under this
    24  chapter, the department shall not restore the registration until
    25  the vehicle owner furnishes proof of financial responsibility in
    26  a manner determined by the department and submits an application
    27  for registration to the department, accompanied by the fee for
    28  restoration of registration provided by section 1960.
    29     (d)  Obligations upon termination of financial
    30  responsibility.--
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     1         (1)  An owner of a motor vehicle who ceases to maintain
     2     financial responsibility on a registered vehicle shall not
     3     operate or permit operation of the vehicle in this
     4     Commonwealth until proof of the required financial
     5     responsibility has been provided to the Department of
     6     Transportation.
     7         (2)  An insurer who has issued a contract of motor
     8     vehicle liability insurance, or any approved self-insurance
     9     entity, shall notify the department in a timely manner and in
    10     a method prescribed by the department's regulations.
    11         (3)  A person who, after maintaining financial
    12     responsibility on the vehicle of another person, ceases to
    13     maintain such financial responsibility shall immediately
    14     notify the vehicle's owner, who shall not operate, or permit
    15     operation of, the vehicle in this Commonwealth.
    16         (4)  In the case of a person who leases any motor vehicle
    17     from a person engaged in the business of leasing motor
    18     vehicles, the lessee shall sign a statement indicating that
    19     the required financial responsibility has been provided. The
    20     lessee shall submit the statement to the lessor.
    21     (e)  Operation of a motor vehicle without required financial
    22  responsibility.--Any owner of a motor vehicle for which the
    23  existence of financial responsibility is a requirement for its
    24  legal operation shall not operate the motor vehicle or permit it
    25  to be operated upon a highway of this Commonwealth without the
    26  financial responsibility required by this chapter and shall,
    27  upon request of the Department of Transportation, produce proof
    28  of financial responsibility on a form provided by the
    29  department. Any person who fails to comply with this subsection
    30  is subject to a civil penalty of $100 plus $100 for each month
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     1  or part of a month of the registration period for which
     2  financial responsibility was not obtained.
     3     (f)  Time limit to produce proof.--Failure of a registered
     4  vehicle owner to provide proof of financial responsibility in a
     5  form authorized by Insurance Department regulation within 15
     6  days of a request by the Department of Transportation for the
     7  proof provided for in subsection (e) shall subject the owner to
     8  an additional civil penalty of $200 and to a three-month
     9  revocation of vehicle registration.
    10     (g)  Defenses.--
    11         (1)  No person shall be convicted of failing to produce
    12     proof of financial responsibility under any provision of this
    13     section or under section 3743 (relating to accidents
    14     involving damage to attended vehicle or property) or 6308
    15     (relating to investigation by police officers), if the person
    16     produces, at the office of the issuing authority within five
    17     days of the date of the violation, proof that he possessed
    18     the required financial responsibility at the time of the
    19     violation.
    20         (2)  No person shall be penalized for maintaining a
    21     registered motor vehicle without financial responsibility
    22     under subsection (c) if the registration and license plates
    23     were surrendered to the Department of Transportation at the
    24     time insurance coverage terminated or financial
    25     responsibility lapsed.
    26     (h)  Lack of knowledge.--No person, other than a registrant,
    27  who proves that he was authorized to drive the vehicle and that
    28  he did not know and had no reason to believe that the required
    29  financial responsibility had not been provided shall be
    30  convicted of failing to produce proof of financial
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     1  responsibility as required under this section. In such case,
     2  however, the registrant may be charged with a violation.
     3  § 1960.  Reinstatement of operating privilege or vehicle
     4             registration.
     5     The department shall charge a fee of [$25] $50 to restore a
     6  person's operating privilege or the registration of a vehicle
     7  following a suspension or revocation.
     8     Section 6.  Section 6104 of Title 75 is amended by adding a
     9  subsection to read:
    10  § 6104.  Administrative duties of department.
    11     * * *
    12     (f)  Furnishing information to municipal police departments
    13  and sheriffs' offices.--The department shall regularly transmit
    14  to each municipal police department and sheriff's office a list
    15  of the names of persons residing within its jurisdiction whose
    16  operating privilege or registration has been suspended or
    17  revoked.
    18     Section 7.  Title 75 is amended by adding a section to read:
    19  § 6308.1.  Payment to police or sheriff's office of one-half of
    20             reinstatement fee.
    21     The police department or sheriff's office whose officers or
    22  deputies seize a suspended or revoked driver's license or
    23  vehicle registration shall, in every case where the driver's
    24  license or vehicle registration is reinstated, receive from the
    25  department one-half of the fee imposed under section 1960
    26  (relating to reinstatement of operating privilege or vehicle
    27  registration).
    28     Section 8.  The Insurance Department and the Department of
    29  Transportation shall promulgate regulations to the extent
    30  necessary to carry out the provisions of sections 1 (18 Pa.C.S.
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     1  § 911(h)) and 2 (18 Pa.C.S. § 4117) of this act.
     2     Section 9.  The following act and parts of acts are repealed:
     3     Section 349 of the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284),
     4  known as The Insurance Company Law of 1921.
     5     Sections 604 and 623 of the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.789,
     6  No.285), known as The Insurance Department Act of one thousand
     7  nine hundred and twenty-one.
     8     Section 10.  This act shall take effect as follows:
     9         (1)  Sections 1 (18 Pa.C.S. § 911(h)), 2 (18 Pa.C.S. §
    10     4117) 8, 9 and this section shall take effect immediately.
    11         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in 60
    12     days.

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