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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 141



No. 155 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for Commonwealth support for an Urban Teacher Loan
     2     Forgiveness Program for Pennsylvania residents who graduate
     3     from institutions of higher education and who apply their
     4     degrees to teaching in urban public schools in this
     5     Commonwealth.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Urban Teacher
    10  Loan Forgiveness Act.
    11  Section 2.  Findings and declaration of intent.
    12     The General Assembly finds and declares that:
    13         (1)  The number of college students planning to enter the
    14     teaching profession appears to be inadequate to meet the need
    15     for teachers in our public schools.
    16         (2)  Demand from industry and other opportunities attract
    17     existing and potential teachers away from the profession.
    18         (3)  The pool of qualified teachers, especially those in
    19     math and science, has diminished.

     1         (4)  Economically hard-pressed urban school districts
     2     find it difficult to attract qualified teachers from the
     3     diminished pool.
     4         (5)  Payment of a portion of student loans for certified
     5     teachers serves the important public purpose of encouraging
     6     new teachers to teach in economically hard-pressed areas of
     7     this Commonwealth.
     8  Section 3.  Definitions.
     9     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    10  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    11  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    12     "Agency."  The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance
    13  Agency.
    14     "Designated Commonwealth urban public school district."  An
    15  eligible urban public school district which the Secretary of
    16  Education has certified as having a need for teacher loan
    17  forgiveness assistance because of difficulty in attracting
    18  qualified teachers.
    19     "Eligible urban public school district."  A public school
    20  district that has a population greater than 850 per square mile
    21  and either:
    22         (1)  more than 8% of the pupils in average daily
    23     membership are low-income pupils as defined in section
    24     2502.11 of the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known
    25     as the Public School Code of 1949; or
    26         (2)  the market value/income aid ratio, as referred to in
    27     section 2501(9.1) of the Public School Code of 1949, is
    28     greater than seven-tenths.
    29  The term shall also apply to an intermediate unit or area
    30  vocational-technical school if the composite data for all
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     1  participating school districts meet the criteria specified
     2  herein.
     3     "Qualified applicant."  A person who meets all of the
     4  following criteria in his or her first year of full-time
     5  teaching and in subsequent years:
     6         (1)  Is certified by the Department of Education to
     7     teach.
     8         (2)  Is an applicant for the Urban Teacher Loan
     9     Forgiveness Program in the first year of full-time teaching.
    10         (3)  Is teaching at a Commonwealth-designated urban
    11     public school district.
    12         (4)  Has borrowed through and has a current outstanding
    13     balance with a Federally Insured Student Loan Program or
    14     consolidation loan program.
    15         (5)  Is a Pennsylvania resident.
    16     "Renewal applicant."  A qualified applicant who has received
    17  after the effective date of this act an award under the program
    18  in the last program year in which money was appropriated for the
    19  program.
    20     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Education of the Commonwealth.
    21  Section 4.  Urban Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program.
    22     Qualified applicants who are selected for the Urban Teacher
    23  Loan Forgiveness Program in accordance with this act shall be
    24  eligible for payment by the agency of a portion of the debt
    25  incurred by the applicant through the agency-administered
    26  Federally Insured Student Loan Programs or a consolidated loan
    27  program for the education necessary to be certified to teach in
    28  Pennsylvania.
    29  Section 5.  Loan forgiveness awards.
    30     Recipients of the loan forgiveness awards shall be those
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     1  teachers who are certified by the Department of Education and
     2  who have received a satisfactory rating by the district for the
     3  academic year. Each teacher shall be required to submit such
     4  documentation of continued eligibility as the agency may
     5  require. If the qualified applicant is a full-time teacher for
     6  four consecutive academic years in the same approved
     7  Commonwealth urban public school district, the agency may
     8  forgive a qualified applicant's loan of up to $15,000. Payments
     9  of these awards shall be made in accordance with the procedures
    10  established by the agency. Qualified applicants may receive loan
    11  forgiveness awards as follows:
    12         (1)  First academic year of full-time teaching in an
    13     amount up to $2,000.
    14         (2)  Second academic year of full-time teaching in an
    15     amount up to $3,000.
    16         (3)  Third academic year of full-time teaching in an
    17     amount up to $4,000.
    18         (4)  Fourth academic year of full-time teaching in an
    19     amount up to $6,000.
    20  Section 6.  Funding.
    21     Loan forgiveness awards may be made to the extent that funds
    22  are appropriated by the General Assembly and are sufficient to
    23  cover administration of the program. Preference shall be given
    24  to renewal applicants. In the event that funding is insufficient
    25  to fully fund administration and awards to all qualified
    26  applicants, the agency shall utilize a random lottery system for
    27  determining which applicants receive loan forgiveness awards.
    28  Section 7.  Responsibility of agency.
    29     It shall be the responsibility of the agency to administer
    30  the Urban Loan Forgiveness Program established by this act and
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     1  to adopt such regulations, policies, procedures and forms as are
     2  necessary and not inconsistent with the provisions of this act.
     3  Section 8.  Report to General Assembly.
     4     The agency, in conjunction with the Department of Education,
     5  shall take comments, analyze data and issue a report to the
     6  General Assembly within 12 months of the effective date of this
     7  act, on the necessity, effectiveness and value of extending the
     8  Urban Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program to rural school
     9  districts.
    10  Section 9.  Effective date.
    11     This act shall take effect immediately.

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