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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1296



No. 158 Session of 2007



                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Recognizing with great sadness the supreme sacrifice made by
     2     Army First Sergeant Christopher C. Rafferty, who died from
     3     combat wounds suffered in Afghanistan.

     4     WHEREAS, Army First Sergeant Christopher C. Rafferty, 37,
     5  died on July 21, 2006, from a wound received in combat on July
     6  20, 2006, in Sharana, Afghanistan; and
     7     WHEREAS, Sgt. Rafferty, a native of Brownsville, enlisted in
     8  the National Guard with his mother's permission while he was a
     9  junior at Bethlehem-Center High School and went active duty upon
    10  graduating the next year; and
    11     WHEREAS, Sgt. Rafferty was assigned to the 37th Engineer
    12  Battalion of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and was First Sergeant
    13  of C Company at the time of his death; and
    14     WHEREAS, Sgt. Rafferty's military service record was
    15  laudatory, though none of his achieved medals, accomplished
    16  specializations or promotions can overshadow the high regard,
    17  respect and love bestowed on him by the servicemen who served
    18  with him throughout his 19 years in the Army; and

     1     WHEREAS, Friends from ten states came to his visitation and
     2  said Sgt. Rafferty was the consummate soldier who lived by the
     3  seven Army values: loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service,
     4  honor, integrity and personal courage, and Captain Richard
     5  Ojeda, who served with him in the 37th Engineer Battalion, said:
     6         He always did the right thing....He put his men well in
     7         front of his own safety....Many of the soldiers in the
     8         unit cried when they learned of his death;
     9  and
    10     WHEREAS, Sgt. Rafferty, who was buried in Arlington National
    11  Cemetery on August 4, 2006, is survived by his wife, Wendy; by
    12  their two daughters, Samantha and Kayla; and by his mother,
    13  Sandy Hustava, and stepfather, Lee Hustava; and
    14     WHEREAS, The Senate wishes to honor Sgt. Rafferty
    15  posthumously for his courageous service in Operation Enduring
    16  Freedom; therefore be it
    17     RESOLVED, That the Senate recognize with great sadness the
    18  supreme sacrifice of Army First Sergeant Christopher C.
    19  Rafferty, who died from enemy fire while courageously serving
    20  our nation in Afghanistan.

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