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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 163



No. 166 Session of 1999



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for patient access to health information in the
     2     custody of individual health care providers.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Patient
     7  Right-to-Know Act.
     8  Section 2.  Purpose.
     9     It is the purpose of this act to extend to the
    10  nonhospitalized patients of individual health care providers the
    11  right of access to their health information records that is
    12  already provided under existing statutes and regulations to
    13  patients in hospitals and mental health facilities and to
    14  patients receiving treatment for drug and alcohol abuse.
    15  Section 3.  Definitions.
    16     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    17  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the

     1  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     2     "Health care provider."  A person who is licensed, certified
     3  or otherwise authorized by law to administer health care in the
     4  ordinary course of business or practice of a profession. The
     5  term includes physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists and other
     6  health care providers such as social workers, rape counselors
     7  and family planning counselors.
     8     "Health information."  Documentation of information
     9  concerning, related to or resulting from the examination or
    10  treatment of an identifiable subject which is maintained or
    11  possessed by a health care provider who has treated or is
    12  treating the subject. The term includes diagnostic documentation
    13  such as X-rays, electrocardiograms, electroencephalograms and
    14  other test results.
    15     "Subject."  A person for whom health information is
    16  maintained by a health care provider.
    17  Section 4.  Access to health information.
    18     (a)  Inspection.--Within ten days of a written request, a
    19  health care provider shall afford an opportunity for a subject,
    20  a designated representative or the next of kin of a deceased
    21  subject to inspect any health information concerning the subject
    22  which is in the possession of the health care provider.
    23     (b)  Copying.--Upon written request of the subject, and with
    24  reasonable notice and the payment of reasonable costs, not to
    25  exceed the cost to the provider, a health care provider shall
    26  furnish the subject or a designated representative with a copy
    27  of any health information concerning the subject in the
    28  possession of the provider.
    29     (c)  Conditions.--A provider may place reasonable limitations
    30  on the time, place and frequency of any inspections of health
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     1  information. In the event that a provider does not have space
     2  available to permit inspection of health information, the
     3  provider may, in the alternative, furnish the subject with a
     4  copy of the information within ten days of the request. A
     5  provider may request the opportunity to review the health
     6  information with the subject requesting it, but the review may
     7  not be a prerequisite for furnishing the information.
     8     (d)  Minor subjects.--
     9         (1)  Except as otherwise provided by law or court order
    10     and subject to paragraph (2), upon the written request of the
    11     parent or guardian of a minor, a health care provider shall
    12     afford an opportunity within ten days for the parent or
    13     guardian to inspect or obtain copies of any health
    14     information possessed by the provider concerning care or
    15     treatment of the minor for which the consent of the parent or
    16     guardian was obtained.
    17         (2)  A parent or guardian may not inspect or make copies
    18     of any health information concerning a minor subject where
    19     the health care provider determines that access to the
    20     information by the parent or guardian would have a
    21     detrimental effect on the provider's professional
    22     relationship with the minor, on the care and treatment of the
    23     minor or on the minor's relationship with the parent or
    24     guardian.
    25         (3)  A minor over 12 years of age shall be notified of
    26     any request to review the minor's health information, and if
    27     the minor objects to disclosure, the provider may deny the
    28     request.
    29     (e)  Challenges.--A subject, or the parent or guardian of a
    30  minor subject who has received access to health information
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     1  under subsection (d), may challenge the accuracy of information
     2  maintained in a health information record and may require that a
     3  brief written statement prepared by the subject concerning the
     4  challenged information be inserted in the record. This statement
     5  shall become a permanent part of the record and shall be
     6  released whenever the information at issue is released.
     7     (f)  Waivers.--Any agreement by a subject to waive any right
     8  to inspect, copy or seek correction of health information as
     9  provided for in this section shall be deemed to be void as
    10  against public policy and wholly unenforceable.
    11  Section 5.  Limitations on access.
    12     (a)  Review of information.--Upon receipt of a request to
    13  inspect or copy health information pursuant to section 4, a
    14  health care provider may review the information requested. If,
    15  after consideration of all attendant facts and circumstances,
    16  the provider determines that disclosure to the requester of all
    17  or part of the health information requested can reasonably be
    18  expected to cause substantial and identifiable harm to the
    19  subject or others which would outweigh the subject's right of
    20  access to the information, the provider may deny access to all
    21  or part of the information and may provide a prepared summary of
    22  the information.
    23     (b)  Factors to consider.--In making this determination, the
    24  provider may consider any of the following factors:
    25         (1)  The need for and the fact of continuing care and
    26     treatment.
    27         (2)  The extent to which the knowledge of the information
    28     may be harmful to the health and safety of the subject or
    29     others.
    30         (3)  The extent to which the information contains
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     1     sensitive material disclosed in confidence to the provider by
     2     family members, friends and other persons.
     3         (4)  The extent to which the information contains
     4     sensitive materials disclosed to the provider by the subject
     5     which would be injurious to the subject's relationships with
     6     other persons, except when the requester is the subject.
     7         (5)  In the case of a request of a minor subject, the age
     8     of the subject.
     9  Section 6.  Civil action.
    10     (a)  Action may be brought.--A person aggrieved by a
    11  violation of this act may bring an action for relief as provided
    12  in this section. The aggrieved person shall have the burden of
    13  proof unless otherwise required by law.
    14     (b)  Damages.--In any action brought under this section in
    15  which the court determines that a health care provider or other
    16  person has willfully violated any provision of this act, the
    17  patient or client may recover from the person any of the
    18  following:
    19         (1)  Actual damages, but not less than liquidated
    20     damages, computed at the rate of $1,000 for each violation.
    21         (2)  Punitive damages.
    22         (3)  Reasonable attorney fees and other litigation costs
    23     reasonably incurred.
    24  Section 7.  Effective date.
    25     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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