See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 188



No. 180 Session of 2001



                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing a landfill impact fee and fund to compensate owners
     2     of residential property near a landfill for loss in property
     3     value and to provide grants to certain political subdivisions
     4     for traffic improvement and safety projects.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Landfill
     9  Impact Fee Act.
    10  Section 2.  Fee imposed.
    11     A fee of 25¢ is hereby imposed on each ton of weighed waste
    12  or 25¢ per three cubic yards of volume-measured waste of any
    13  type deposited in any landfill located in this Commonwealth.
    14  This fee shall be paid by the operator and shall be collected by
    15  the Department of Environmental Protection. All of these fees
    16  shall be deposited in the Landfill Impact Fee Fund established
    17  in section 6.
    18  Section 3.  Form and timing of fee payment.
    19     (a)  Quarterly payments.--Each operator of a waste landfill

     1  shall make the fee payment quarterly. The fee shall be paid on
     2  or before the 20th day of April, July, October and January for
     3  the three months ending the last day of March, June, September
     4  and December.
     5     (b)  Quarterly reports.--Each fee payment shall be
     6  accompanied by a form prepared and furnished by the Department
     7  of Environmental Protection and completed by the operator. The
     8  form shall state the total weight or volume of waste received by
     9  the facility during the payment period and provide any other
    10  aggregate information deemed necessary by the department to
    11  carry out the purposes of this act. The form shall be signed by
    12  the operator.
    13     (c)  Timeliness of payment.--The operator shall be deemed to
    14  have made a timely payment of the fee if the operator complies
    15  with all of the following:
    16         (1)  The enclosed payment is for the full amount owed
    17     pursuant to this section and no further departmental action
    18     is required for collection.
    19         (2)  The payment is accompanied by the required form, and
    20     such form is complete and accurate.
    21         (3)  The letter transmitting the payment that is received
    22     by the department is postmarked by the United States Postal
    23     Service on or prior to the final day on which the payment is
    24     to be received.
    25     (d)  Refunds.--Any operator who believes he has overpaid the
    26  fee may file a petition for refund to the department. If the
    27  department determines the operator has overpaid the fee, it
    28  shall refund the amount due, together with interest at a rate
    29  established pursuant to section 806.1 of the act of April 9,
    30  1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, from the date
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     1  of overpayment. No refund shall be made unless the petition is
     2  filed with the department within six months of the overpayment.
     3     (e)  Alternative proof of payment.--For purposes of this
     4  section, presentation of a receipt indicating that the payment
     5  was mailed by registered or certified mail on or before the due
     6  date shall be evidence of timely payment.
     7  Section 4.  Collection and enforcement of fee.
     8     (a)  Interest.--If an operator fails to make a timely payment
     9  of the fee, the operator shall pay interest on the unpaid amount
    10  due at the rate established pursuant to section 806 of the act
    11  of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code,
    12  from the last day for timely payment to the date paid.
    13     (b)  Additional penalty.--In addition to the interest
    14  provided in subsection (a), if an operator fails to make timely
    15  payment of the fee, there shall be added to the amount of fee
    16  actually due 5% of the amount of such fee, if the failure to
    17  file a timely payment is for not more than one month, with an
    18  additional 5% for each additional month, or fraction thereof,
    19  during which such failure continues, not exceeding 25% in the
    20  aggregate.
    21     (c)  Assessment notices.--
    22         (1)  If the Department of Environmental Protection
    23     determines that any operator has not made a timely payment of
    24     the fee, it will send the operator a written notice of the
    25     amount of the deficiency within 30 days of determining such
    26     deficiency. When the operator has not provided a complete and
    27     accurate statement of the weight or volume of waste received
    28     at the facility for the payment period, the department may
    29     estimate the weight or volume in its notice.
    30         (2)  The operator shall have 30 days to pay the
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     1     deficiency in full or, if the operator wishes to contest the
     2     deficiency, to forward the amount of the deficiency to the
     3     department for placement in an escrow account with the State
     4     Treasurer or any Pennsylvania bank, or post an appeal bond in
     5     the amount of the deficiency. Such bond shall be executed by
     6     a surety licensed to do business in this Commonwealth and be
     7     satisfactory to the department. Failure to forward the money
     8     or the appeal bond to the department within 30 days shall
     9     result in a waiver of all legal rights to contest the
    10     deficiency.
    11         (3)  If, through administrative or judicial review of the
    12     deficiency, it is determined that the amount of deficiency
    13     shall be reduced, the department shall within 30 days remit
    14     the appropriate amount to the operator, with any interest
    15     accumulated by the escrow deposit.
    16         (4)  The amount determined after administrative hearing
    17     or after waiver of administrative hearing shall be payable to
    18     the Commonwealth and shall be collectible in the manner
    19     provided in section 1709 of the act of July 28, 1988
    20     (P.L.556, No.101), known as the Municipal Waste Planning,
    21     Recycling and Waste Reduction Act.
    22         (5)  Any other provision of law to the contrary
    23     notwithstanding, there shall be a statute of limitations of
    24     five years upon actions brought by the Commonwealth pursuant
    25     to this section.
    26         (6)  If any amount due hereunder remains unpaid 30 days
    27     after receipt of notice thereof, the department may order the
    28     operator to cease receiving any waste until the deficiency is
    29     completely paid.
    30     (d)  Filing of appeals.--Notwithstanding any other provision
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     1  of law, all appeals of final department actions concerning the
     2  fee, including, but not limited to, petitions for refunds, shall
     3  be filed with the Environmental Hearing Board.
     4     (e)  Constructive trust.--All fees collected by an operator
     5  and held by such operator prior to payment to the department
     6  shall constitute a trust fund for the Commonwealth, and such
     7  trust shall be enforceable against such operator, its
     8  representatives and any person receiving any part of such fund
     9  without consideration or with knowledge that the operator is
    10  committing a breach of the trust. However, any person receiving
    11  payment of lawful obligation of the operator from such fund
    12  shall be presumed to have received the same in good faith and
    13  without any knowledge of the breach of trust.
    14     (f)  Remedies cumulative.--The remedies provided to the
    15  department in this section are in addition to any other remedies
    16  provided at law or in equity.
    17  Section 5.  Surcharge.
    18     The provisions of any law to the contrary notwithstanding,
    19  the operator may collect the fee imposed by this section as a
    20  surcharge on any fee schedule established pursuant to law,
    21  ordinance, resolution or contract for waste disposal at the
    22  facility. In addition, any person who collects or transports
    23  waste subject to the fee to a landfill may impose a surcharge on
    24  any fee schedule established pursuant to law, ordinance,
    25  resolution or contract for the collection or transportation of
    26  waste to the facility. The surcharge shall be equal to the
    27  increase in disposal fees at the facility attributable to the
    28  fee. However, interest and penalties on the fee under section
    29  4(a) and (b) may not be collected as a surcharge.
    30  Section 6.  Landfill Impact Fee Fund.
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     1     The Landfill Impact Fee Fund is established as a restricted
     2  receipts account in the General Fund. The Landfill Impact Fee
     3  Fund shall be used to compensate all eligible residential
     4  property owners and to provide funds for traffic improvement and
     5  safety grants to eligible political subdivisions. The fund shall
     6  include a reserve in an amount determined by the Auditor General
     7  to be necessary to maintain its actuarial soundness in the view
     8  of outstanding and reasonably foreseeable claims. Moneys raised
     9  by the fee in excess of the reserve shall be directed to the
    10  Department of Transportation at the beginning of the next fiscal
    11  year and shall be allocated for providing grants to host and
    12  neighboring municipalities for traffic and safety improvements
    13  in accordance with section 8.
    14  Section 7.  Eligible residential property owners.
    15     A person is an eligible residential property owner if he owns
    16  and lives in a residential dwelling within one mile of the
    17  boundary of any landfill which was granted a permit to open or
    18  to physically expand since July 1, 1998, and as a result of the
    19  opening or expansion he suffered a decrease in the property
    20  value of his residential dwelling.
    21  Section 8.  Eligible political subdivision.
    22     Any political subdivision wherein a landfill is located or
    23  through which passes a public road within ten miles of the
    24  entrance of the landfill which is regularly used as an access
    25  road to the landfill is eligible for a traffic improvement and
    26  safety grant provided for under this act.
    27  Section 9.  Landfill impact compensation.
    28     All homeowners who make application to the Department of
    29  Environmental Protection and are determined to be eligible for
    30  compensation shall be awarded full compensation within one year
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     1  of the final determination of such eligibility by the
     2  department.
     3  Section 10.  Traffic improvement and safety grants.
     4     The Department of Transportation may award traffic
     5  improvement and safety grants in accordance with the provisions
     6  of section 6.
     7  Section 11.  Administrative costs.
     8     (a)  Department of Environmental Protection costs.--The
     9  Department of Environmental Protection may retain an amount of
    10  money not to exceed 5% of the total amount of money in the
    11  Landfill Impact Fee Fund for its expenses directly related to
    12  the administration of this act.
    13     (b)  Department of Transportation costs.--The Department of
    14  Transportation may retain an amount of money not to exceed 5% of
    15  the total amount of traffic improvement and safety grants for
    16  its expenses directly related to the administration of this act.
    17  Section 12.  Regulations.
    18     The Department of Environmental Protection and the Department
    19  of Transportation shall promulgate regulations in order to carry
    20  out their duties under this act.
    21  Section 13.  Reports.
    22     The Department of Environmental Protection shall report
    23  annually to the General Assembly by depositing copies of the
    24  report with the Secretary of the Senate and the Chief Clerk of
    25  the House of Representatives. The report shall indicate all
    26  collections to and payments from the Landfill Impact Fee Fund,
    27  including any recommendations for any increase in the fee.
    28  Section 14.  Effective date.
    29     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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