See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1838



No. 184 Session of 2002



                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Adopting a temporary rule of the Senate relating solely to
     2     amendments to the general appropriation bill and other
     3     appropriation bills for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
     4     2002, including any amendments offered to or for supplemental
     5     appropriations for prior fiscal years.

     6     RESOLVED, That the Senate adopt a temporary rule to read:
     7                           TEMPORARY RULE
     8     1.  Any amendment offered on the floor of the Senate to the
     9  general appropriation bill or other General Fund or special fund
    10  appropriation bills (which collectively comprise and shall be
    11  referred to as the 2002-2003 Budget) that proposes increased
    12  spending from the General Fund or any special fund for the
    13  Commonwealth 2002-2003 fiscal year, or any prior fiscal year,
    14  above the levels contained in the 2002-2003 Budget as reported
    15  from the Appropriations Committee shall not be in order and may
    16  not be considered unless the same amendment, or any "statement
    17  of intent" appended thereto, contains sufficient line-item
    18  reductions to the 2002-2003 Budget so that the amendment offered
    19  does not result in a net increase in the total spending from the

     1  General Fund or any special fund contained within such budget.
     2  Where a proposed alteration in the general appropriation bill is
     3  balanced, in whole or in part, by a change in other
     4  appropriation bills, the amendment shall have appended thereto a
     5  "statement of intent" setting forth the proposed adjustment to
     6  the other appropriation bill or bills that will result in there
     7  being no net increase in the total spending from the General
     8  Fund or any special fund contained within the 2002-2003 Budget
     9  as reported from the Appropriations Committee.
    10     2.  For the purpose of this temporary rule, the Legislative
    11  Reference Bureau, in drafting any amendment to the general
    12  appropriation bill or any other appropriation bill, shall append
    13  the "statement of intent" required for a proposal which involves
    14  more than one bill.
    15     3.  Any amendment offered on the floor of the Senate
    16  proposing to make reductions in the following appropriations
    17  shall be out of order:
    18     (a)  Debt service.
    19     (b)  School employees' Social Security.
    20     (c)  Harristown rentals.
    21     (d)  Occupational disease payments.
    22     (e)  Distribution of public utility realty tax.
    23     4.  Any amendment offered on the floor of the Senate
    24  proposing to make reductions in the following appropriations
    25  shall be out of order unless such amendment includes a program
    26  revision not contrary to statutes governing such program:
    27     (a)  Cash assistance grants.
    28     (b)  Medical assistance outpatient.
    29     (c)  Medical assistance inpatient.
    30     (d)  Medical assistance capitation.
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     1     (e)  Supplemental Security Income - aged, blind, disabled.
     2     5.  This temporary rule may be temporarily suspended only by
     3  a vote of the majority of the members elected to the Senate.
     4  Rule XXVI of the Rules of the Senate, insofar as it applies to a
     5  temporary suspension of the Rules of the Senate, shall not apply
     6  to this temporary rule.
     7     6.  This temporary rule shall expire upon the enactment of a
     8  general appropriation act for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
     9  2002.

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