See other bills
under the
same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 179                        PRINTER'S NO. 445



No. 186 Session of 1997



                                  A SUPPLEMENT

     1  To the act of December 8, 1982 (P.L.848, No.235), entitled "An
     2     act providing for the adoption of capital projects related to
     3     the repair, rehabilitation or replacement of highway bridges
     4     to be financed from current revenue or by the incurring of
     5     debt and capital projects related to highway and safety
     6     improvement projects to be financed from current revenue of
     7     the Motor License Fund," itemizing additional local and State
     8     bridge projects.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11  Section 1.  Short title.
    12     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Highway-
    13  Railroad and Highway Bridge Capital Budget Supplemental Act for
    14  1995-1996 1996-1997.                                              <--
    15  Section 2.  Definitions.
    16     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    17  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    18  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    19     "Account."  The Highway Bridge Improvement Restricted Account
    20  within the Motor License Fund.

     1     "Capital project."  A capital project as defined in section
     2  1602-B of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as
     3  The Fiscal Code, and shall include a county or municipal bridge
     4  rehabilitation, replacement or improvement project as set forth
     5  in this act.
     6     "Department."  The Department of Transportation of the
     7  Commonwealth.
     8     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Transportation of the
     9  Commonwealth.
    10  Section 3.  Total authorization for bridge projects.
    11     (a)  Total projects.--The total authorization for the costs
    12  of the projects itemized pursuant to this act and to be financed
    13  from current revenue or by the incurring of debt shall be
    14  $1,094,813,000 $1,246,492,000.                                    <--
    15     (b)  State projects.--The authorization for capital projects
    16  in the category of highway BRIDGE PROJECTS AND FORESTRY BRIDGE    <--
    17  projects to be constructed by the Department of Transportation,   <--
    19  THEIR successors or assigns, and to be financed by the incurring
    20  of debt or from the highway account, itemized in this act under
    21  the category of State bridges, shall be $834,398,000              <--
    22  $962,844,000.
    23     (c)  Non-State projects.--The authorization for non-State
    24  highway bridge projects to be constructed by municipalities and
    25  to be financed in part with grants not exceeding 80% of the non-
    26  Federal share of the costs made to the local government
    27  municipalities by the department from revenues deposited in the
    28  account itemized in this act under the category of local
    29  bridges, shall be $260,415,000 $283,648,000.                      <--
    30  Section 4.  Itemization of bridge projects.
    19970S0186B0445                  - 2 -

     1     The individual capital projects in the category of highway
     2  projects to be constructed by the Department of Transportation,
     3  its successors or assigns, and to be financed from current
     4  revenue or by the incurring of debt are hereby itemized,
     5  together with their estimated financial costs, in the following
     6  sections.
     7  Section 5.  Adams County.
     8     (a)  Local Bridges
     9         (1)  Cumberland Township, T-338, Herr's
    10             Ridge Road Bridge over Willoughby Run,
    11             Bridge Rehabilitation                         170,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $100,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    16         (2)  Cumberland Township, T-402, Horner
    17             Road Bridge over Marsh Creek, County
    18             Bridge No.111, Bridge Replacement           1,075,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $725,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $325,000)
    23         (3)  Cumberland Township, T-417, Goulden
    24             Road Bridge over Rock Creek, County
    25             Bridge No.123, Bridge Rehabilitation          330,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $250,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    30         (4)  Cumberland and Freedom Townships,
    19970S0186B0445                  - 3 -

     1             Sach's Mill Covered Bridge over Marsh
     2             Creek, Pedestrian Bridge, Bridge
     3             Rehabilitation                                600,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $500,000)
     6             Design and Contingencies - $100,000
     7     (b)  State Bridges (Reserved)
     8  Section 6.  Allegheny County.
     9     (a)  Local Bridges
    10         (1)  Plum Borough, Mary Street Bridge over
    11             Plum Creek, Bridge Replacement                630,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $400,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $180,000)
    16         (2)  City of Pittsburgh, Glenwood Bridge,
    17             Phase II over Monongahela River, Three
    18             Railroads and Carson Street, Bridge
    19             Rehabilitation                              4,180,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $3,905,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $275,000)
    23         (3)  Elizabeth Township, Patterson Road,
    24             Boyd Hollow Bridge, Bridge Replacement        225,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $180,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $11,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $34,000)
    29         (4)  Elizabeth Township, Yates Street
    30             Bridge, Bridge Replacement                    198,000
    19970S0186B0445                  - 4 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $158,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
     5         (5)  Shaler Township, South of Martha
     6             Avenue, Anderson Road over Wible Run,
     7             Bridge Replacement                            500,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $400,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    11         (6)  Baldwin Borough, Old Clairton Road
    12             over CSX Railroad, Bridge
    13             Rehabilitation                                 80,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $65,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    17         (7)  Ben Avon Borough, Spruce Run Road over
    18             Spruce Run, Bridge Rehabilitation             265,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $200,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    23         (8)  City of Pittsburgh, Swinburne Street,
    24             Bridge Painting                             1,530,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $1,500,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    28         (9)  City of Pittsburgh, Railroad Bridge
    29             (Hot Metal Bridge) at Former LTV Steel
    30             Company over Monongahela River, Bridge
    19970S0186B0445                  - 5 -

     1             Rehabilitation                             25,000,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $22,500,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $2,500,000)
     5         (10)  Edgeworth Borough, Beaver Street over
     6             Little Sewickley Creek, Bridge
     7             Replacement                                   358,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $250,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $8,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    12         (11)  Forward Township, Pangburn Hollow
    13             Road over Pangburn Run, Bridge
    14             Replacement                                   200,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $150,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    19         (12)  Hampton Township, Duncan Avenue over
    20             Pine Creek, Bridge Replacement                200,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $150,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    25         (13)  Harrison Township, Natrona Road over
    26             Small Branch of Allegheny River, Bridge
    27             Rehabilitation                                210,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $160,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    19970S0186B0445                  - 6 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
     2         (14)  Jefferson Borough, Coal Valley Road
     3             Bridge No.2 over McRoberts Run, Bridge
     4             Rehabilitation                                200,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $150,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
     9         (15)  Jefferson Borough, Coal Valley Road
    10             Bridge No.4 over McRoberts Run, Bridge
    11             Rehabilitation                                200,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $150,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    16         (16)  Leetsdale Borough, Beaver Road over
    17             Big Sewickley Creek, Bridge
    18             Replacement                                   420,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $300,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $110,000)
    23         (17)  Municipality of Penn Hills, Mt.
    24             Carmel Road over Sandy Creek, Bridge
    25             Replacement                                   230,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $170,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    30         (18)  Municipality of Penn Hills, Lincoln
    19970S0186B0445                  - 7 -

     1             Road Bridge No.6 over Sandy Creek,
     2             Bridge Replacement                            215,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $150,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
     7         (19)  Municipality of Penn Hills, Lincoln
     8             Road Bridge No.12 over Sandy Creek,
     9             Bridge Replacement                            215,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $150,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    14         (20)  Sewickley Heights Borough, Blackburn
    15             Road over Kilbuck Run, Bridge
    16             Rehabilitation                                145,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $110,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    21         (21)  South Park Township, Sleepy Hollow
    22             Road over Sleepy Hollow, Bridge
    23             Replacement                                   295,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $200,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $90,000)
    28         (22)  South Park Township, Cochran's Mill
    29             Road over Licks Run, Bridge
    30             Replacement                                   215,000
    19970S0186B0445                  - 8 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $150,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
     5         (23)  Hampton Township, T-357, Bridge over
     6             Gourdhead Run, Bridge Rehabilitation          320,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $280,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    10         (24)  Hampton Township, T-984, South
    11             Pioneer Road Bridge No.1 over Crouse
    12             Run, Bridge Rehabilitation                    250,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $210,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    16         (25)  Hampton Township, T-984, South
    17             Pioneer Road Bridge No.2 over Crouse
    18             Run, Bridge Rehabilitation                    250,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $210,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    22         (26)  Marshall Township, T-482, Northgate
    23             Drive Bridge over Brush Creek, Bridge
    24             Replacement                                   320,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $280,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $35,000)
    29         (27)  Town of McCandless, Blazier Drive
    30             Bridge No.1 over Pine Creek, Bridge
    19970S0186B0445                  - 9 -

     1             Rehabilitation                                 17,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $15,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $2,000)
     5         (28)  Town of McCandless, Blazier Drive
     6             Bridge No.2 over Pine Creek, Bridge
     7             Rehabilitation                                 28,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $26,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $2,000)
    11         (29)  Town of McCandless, Blazier Drive
    12             Bridge No.3 over Pine Creek, Bridge
    13             Rehabilitation                                  3,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation - $2,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $1,000)
    16         (30)  Town of McCandless, Oakridge Drive
    17             over Pine Creek, Bridge Rehabilitation         10,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation - $8,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $2,000)
    20         (31)  Town of McCandless, Meinert Road over
    21             Pine Creek, Bridge Rehabilitation               3,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation - $2,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $1,000)
    24         (32)  Collier Township, Thom's Run Road-
    25             Oakdale Road No.4 over Thom's Run,
    26             Bridge Replacement                            210,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $160,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 10 -

     1         (33)  Collier Township, Thom's Run Road-
     2             Oakdale Road No.5 over Thom's Run,
     3             Bridge Replacement                            210,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $160,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
     8         (34)  Collier Township, Thom's Run Road-
     9             Oakdale Road No.9 over Thom's Run,
    10             Bridge Replacement                            180,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $130,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    15         (35)  Etna Borough, Dewey Street over
    16             Little Pine Creek, Bridge
    17             Rehabilitation                                 23,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $20,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $3,000)
    21         (36)  Forward Township, Roberts Hollow Road
    22             over Fallen Timber Run, Bridge
    23             Replacement                                   200,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $160,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    28         (37)  Hampton Township, Duncan Avenue over
    29             Stillhouse Run, Bridge Replacement            230,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 11 -

     1             $170,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
     4         (38)  Penn Hills Township, Lincoln Road
     5             over Ryans Run, Bridge Replacement            190,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $140,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    10         (39)  Penns Hills Township, Lincoln Road
    11             over Sandy Creek, Bridge Replacement          195,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $150,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    16         (40)  North Versailles Township, Crooked
    17             Run Road over Crooked Run, Bridge
    18             Replacement                                   170,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $130,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    23         (41)  O'Hara Township, Brownhill Road over
    24             Little Pine Creek, Bridge Replacement         275,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $231,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $44,000)
    28         (42)  Ross Township, Thompson Run Road over
    29             South Branch of Pine Creek, Bridge
    30             Replacement                                   210,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 12 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $160,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $8,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $42,000)
     5         (43)  Moon Township, T-114, Becks Run Road
     6             over Flaugherty Run, Bridge
     7             Replacement                                   420,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $350,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    12         (44)  HOMESTEAD BOROUGH, HIGH LEVEL BRIDGE,                <--
    13             BRIDGE REHABILITATION AND UPGRADE             250,000
    15             AVENUE BRIDGE, BRIDGE REHABILITATION          300,000
    17             BOX CULVERT BRIDGE, BRIDGE
    18             REHABILITATION                                100,000
    20             BRIDGE REHABILITATION                         100,000
    21     (b)  State Bridges
    22         (1)  SR 0028, Etna Bridge, Northbound
    23             Bridge No.4 to Existing SR 0028, Etna
    24             Borough, Shaler Township, Sharpsburg
    25             Borough and O'Hara Township, Bridge
    26             Rehabilitation                              7,415,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $7,115,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $300,000)
    30         (2)  SR 0028, Etna Bridge to 62nd Street
    19970S0186B0445                 - 13 -

     1             Bridge, Etna Borough, Shaler Township,
     2             Sharpsburg Borough and O'Hara Township,
     3             Bridge Rehabilitation                      17,222,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $17,022,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $200,000)
     7         (3)  SR 0030, Ardmore Westbound Electric
     8             over SR 2112, Chalfant Borough, Bridge
     9             Replacement                                 3,100,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $3,000,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    13         (4)  SR 0030, Ardmore Eastbound Electric
    14             over SR 2112, Chalfant Borough, Bridge
    15             Replacement                                 2,500,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $2,400,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    19         (5)  SR 0030, Ardmore Boulevard Bridge No.1
    20             over Falls Run, North of SR 8012
    21             Interchange, Forest Hills Borough,
    22             Bridge Replacement                            550,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $400,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    27         (6)  SR 0048, Boston Hollow Road Bridge
    28             over Unnamed Stream, North of Lincoln
    29             Borough, Elizabeth Borough, Bridge
    30             Replacement                                   340,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 14 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $200,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     5         (7)  SR 0050, Bridge over Chartiers Creek,
     6             Northbound Lane, Heidelberg Borough,
     7             Scott Township, Bridge Rehabilitation       3,750,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $3,300,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $400,000)
    12         (8)  SR 0060, South Main Street Bridge over
    13             Saw Mill Run, South of West End Circle,
    14             City of Pittsburgh, Bridge Painting           178,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $173,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    18         (9)  SR 0130, Tri-Borough Extended Bridge
    19             over Patton Street at SR 8076
    20             Interchange, Wilmerding Borough, Bridge
    21             Rehabilitation                                505,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $400,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    26         (10)  SR 0148, Bridge over Crooked Run
    27             Creek near SR 2037, White Oak Borough,
    28             Bridge Replacement                            350,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $200,000)
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     1             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     3         (11)  SR 0791, Bridge over Chalfont Run at
     4             SR 2048, Wilkins Township, Bridge
     5             Replacement                                   450,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $300,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    10         (12)  SR 0837, Northbound Ramp A to SR 0885
    11             Southbound, City of Pittsburgh, Bridge
    12             Rehabilitation                              1,350,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $1,250,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    16         (13)  SR 0978, Miller's Run Road Bridge
    17             over Dolphin Run, South Fayette
    18             Township, Bridge Replacement                  300,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $200,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    22         (14)  SR 1001, West 7th Avenue Bridge over
    23             Bull Creek, Tarentum Borough, Bridge
    24             Replacement                                   400,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $300,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    28         (15)  SR 1011, Guys Run Road Bridge over
    29             Guys Run, North of SR 0028, Harmar
    30             Township, Bridge Replacement                  350,000
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     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $200,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     5         (16)  SR 2001, Glassport-Elizabeth Road
     6             Bridge over Burns Run, North of
     7             Elizabeth Township, Lincoln Borough,
     8             Bridge Replacement                            350,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $200,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    13         (17)  SR 2081, Turtle Creek-Monroeville
    14             Road over US 22 Business, Monroeville
    15             Borough, Bridge Replacement                 1,060,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $960,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    19         (18)  SR 2094, Jerome Street Bridge over SR
    20             2027, Youghiogheny River, McKeesport
    21             Borough, Bridge Rehabilitation              4,600,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $4,500,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    25         (19)  SR 3066, Steubenville Pike Bridge
    26             over US 22, North Fayette Township,
    27             Bridge Rehabilitation                         500,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $400,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
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     1             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
     2         (20)  SR 3069, Liberty Tunnel Airshaft
     3             between SR 0051 and Liberty Bridge,
     4             City of Pittsburgh, Airshaft
     5             Restoration                                 1,570,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $1,370,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
     9         (21)  SR 3104, McKees Rocks Sidewalk over
    10             Harriet Street, McKees Rocks Borough,
    11             Bridge Rehabilitation                       6,800,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $6,700,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    15         (22)  SR 4036, Big Sewickley Creek Road
    16             over Big Sewickley Creek at SR 2003,
    17             Bell Acres Borough, Bridge
    18             Rehabilitation                                500,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $400,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    23         (23)  SR 8043, Southbound Ramp Bridge over
    24             SR 0019 and SR 0065, City of
    25             Pittsburgh, Bridge Rehabilitation           2,400,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $2,100,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    30         (24)  SR 8045, Ramp at Stadium over SR 0065
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     1             and Stadium Drive, City of Pittsburgh,
     2             Bridge Rehabilitation                         600,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $600,000)
     5         (25)  SR 8049, SR 0019 Bridge Ramp, Chateau
     6             Street to SR 0019, City of Pittsburgh,
     7             Bridge Rehabilitation                       2,350,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $2,000,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $300,000)
    12         (26)  SR 8049, Bridge Ramp from SR 0065
    13             Northbound to SR 0019, City of
    14             Pittsburgh, Bridge Rehabilitation           2,850,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $2,500,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $300,000)
    19         (27)  SR 8049, I-279 Bridge Ramp to SR 0065
    20             Northbound, City of Pittsburgh, Bridge
    21             Rehabilitation                              1,730,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $1,500,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    26         (28)  SR 0030, Ardmore Boulevard Bridge
    27             No.2 over Falls Run, North of SR 8012
    28             Interchange, Forest Hills Borough,
    29             Bridge Replacement                            550,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 19 -

     1             $400,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     4         (29)  SR 3004, McLaughlin Road Bridge over
     5             McLaughlin Run, Bridgeville Borough,
     6             Bridge Replacement                            227,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $177,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    11         (30)  SR 0028, Northbound Bridge over
    12             Pennsylvania Turnpike, Harmar Township,
    13             Bridge Rehabilitation                         344,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $314,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    17         (31)  SR 0028, Southbound Bridge over
    18             Pennsylvania Turnpike, Harmar Township,
    19             Bridge Rehabilitation                         356,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $325,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $31,000)
    23         (32)  SR 0028, Northbound Bridge over SR
    24             1028, Harrison Township, Bridge
    25             Rehabilitation                                106,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $97,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $9,000)
    29         (33)  SR 0028, Southbound Bridge over SR
    30             1028, Harrison Township, Bridge
    19970S0186B0445                 - 20 -

     1             Rehabilitation                                105,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $96,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $9,000)
     5         (34)  SR 0050, Washington Avenue Bridge
     6             over Chartiers Creek, Bridgeville
     7             Borough, Bridge Rehabilitation                119,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $109,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    11         (35)  SR 0051, Clairton Boulevard Bridge
    12             over Lewis Run, Pleasant Hills Borough,
    13             Bridge Replacement                            600,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $500,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    17         (36)  SR 0065, Ohio River Boulevard Bridge
    18             over Forest Avenue, Ben Avon Borough,
    19             Bridge Replacement                            396,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $360,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $36,000)
    23         (37)  SR 0065, Bridge over Ramps, Railroad
    24             and Chateau Street, City of Pittsburgh,
    25             Bridge Rehabilitation                      13,284,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $12,784,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $500,000)
    29         (38)  SR 0079, Neville Island Bridge over
    30             Ohio River, Neville Township, Bridge
    19970S0186B0445                 - 21 -

     1             Rehabilitation                             12,700,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $11,200,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $1,500,000)
     5         (39)  SR 0088, Library Road Bridge No.1
     6             over Piney Fork Creek, Bethel Park
     7             Borough, Bridge Replacement                   161,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $128,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $13,000)
    12         (40)  SR 0088, Library Road Bridge No.2
    13             over Branch of Piney Fork Creek, Bethel
    14             Park Borough, Bridge Replacement              161,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $128,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $13,000)
    19         (41)  SR 0885, Mifflin Road Bridge over
    20             Branch of Streets Run, City of
    21             Pittsburgh, Bridge Replacement                600,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $500,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    25         (42)  SR 0910, Gibsonia Road Bridge over
    26             Rawlins Run, Indiana Township, Bridge
    27             Deck Replacement                              132,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $120,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $12,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 22 -

     1         (43)  SR 1027, Pleasantville Road Bridge
     2             over Little Bull Creek, Harrison
     3             Township, Bridge Replacement                  400,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $300,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     7         (44)  SR 1032, Burtner Road Bridge over
     8             Little Bull Creek, Harrison Township,
     9             Bridge Deck Replacement                       198,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $180,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $18,000)
    13         (45)  SR 2008, Lovedale Road Bridge over
    14             Wylie Run Creek, Elizabeth Township,
    15             Bridge Replacement                            430,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $300,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    20         (46)  SR 2017, Pineview Drive Bridge No.1
    21             over Gillespie Run, Elizabeth Township,
    22             Bridge Deck Replacement                       255,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $135,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    27         (47)  SR 2017, Pineview Drive Bridge No.2
    28             over Gillespie Run, Elizabeth Township,
    29             Bridge Deck Replacement                       243,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 23 -

     1             $123,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     4         (48)  SR 2018, West Smithfield Road Bridge
     5             over Unnamed Creek, Elizabeth Township,
     6             Bridge Deck Replacement                       218,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $118,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    10         (49)  SR 2031, Lincoln Way Bridge over Long
    11             Run, White Oak Borough, Bridge
    12             Replacement                                   600,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $500,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    16         (50)  SR 2051, Brinton Road Bridge over I-
    17             376, Edgewood Borough, Bridge
    18             Rehabilitation                                996,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $846,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    22         (51)  SR 4019, Mount Royal Boulevard Bridge
    23             over Pine Creek, Hampton Township,
    24             Bridge Rehabilitation                          94,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $89,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    28         (52)  SR 4043, Big Sewickley Road Bridge
    29             over Branch of Big Sewickley Creek,
    30             Franklin Park Borough, Bridge
    19970S0186B0445                 - 24 -

     1             Replacement                                    84,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $76,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $8,000)
     5         (53)  SR 8002, Crosstown Boulevard Bridge
     6             over Forbes and Diamond Street and
     7             Ramps, City of Pittsburgh, Bridge
     8             Painting                                      310,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $300,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    12         (54)  SR 8002, Ramp L Road Bridge over
    13             Forbes and Diamond Streets, City of
    14             Pittsburgh, Bridge Painting                   110,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $100,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    18         (55)  SR 8015, Ramp D Road Bridge over Ohio
    19             River Back Channel, Neville Township,
    20             Bridge Rehabilitation                         800,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $700,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    24         (56)  SR 8015, Ramp E Road Bridge over PC&Y
    25             Railroad, Neville Township, Bridge
    26             Rehabilitation                                670,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $500,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $170,000)
    30         (57)  SR 8015, I-79 Ramp H Bridge over PC&Y
    19970S0186B0445                 - 25 -

     1             Railroad, Neville Township, Bridge
     2             Rehabilitation                                700,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $600,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     6         (58)  SR 8015, Ramp J Road Bridge over
     7             Neville Road, Neville Township, Bridge
     8             Rehabilitation                                220,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $200,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    12         (59)  SR 8017, Ramp B2 Road Bridge over SR
    13             4025 and SR 4033, Glenfield Borough,
    14             Bridge Rehabilitation                         110,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $100,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    18         (60)  SR 8017, Ramp B Road Bridge over Ramp
    19             A and SR 4033, Glenfield Borough,
    20             Bridge Rehabilitation                         120,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $110,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    24         (61)  SR 8017, Ramp B1 Road Bridge over SR
    25             0065 Ramps A1 and R, Glenfield Borough,
    26             Bridge Rehabilitation                         165,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $150,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    30         (62)  SR 8017, Ramp A Road Bridge over Ramp
    19970S0186B0445                 - 26 -

     1             B3, Glenfield Borough, Bridge
     2             Rehabilitation                                110,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $100,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
     6         (63)  SR 0028, ETNA BRIDGES, PHASE III,                    <--
     8             0028, TWO STRUCTURES, ETNA AND
    10             REHABILITATION                              6,300,000
    12             $6,000,000)
    13             (LAND ALLOCATION - $300,000)
    14         (64)  SR 0028, ETNA BRIDGE, PHASE II,
    16             BRIDGE FOR SR 0008 CONNECTION, ETNA AND
    18             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REHABILITATION            13,200,000
    20             $12,200,000)
    21             (LAND ALLOCATION - $1,000,000)
    22         (65)  SR 2013, MONESSEN-ELIZABETH ROAD
    24             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                  450,000
    26             $300,000)
    27             (LAND ALLOCATION - $50,000)
    28             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $100,000)
    29  Section 7.  Armstrong County.
    30     (a)  Local Bridges
    19970S0186B0445                 - 27 -

     1         (1)  Boggs Township, T-850, Scrubgrass
     2             Bridge over Scrubgrass Creek, Bridge
     3             Rehabilitation                                230,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $170,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
     8         (2)  Boggs Township, T-632, Scrubgrass
     9             Bridge No.2 over Scrubgrass Creek,
    10             Bridge Rehabilitation                         185,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $150,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
    15         (3)  Boggs Township, T-821, Pine Creek
    16             Bridge over North Fork of Pine Creek,
    17             Bridge Rehabilitation                         140,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $100,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    22         (4)  North Buffalo Township, T-300, Blaine
    23             Bridge over Buffalo Creek, Bridge
    24             Replacement                                   500,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $400,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    29         (5)  North Buffalo Township, T-414, Church
    30             Road Bridge over Stream, Bridge
    19970S0186B0445                 - 28 -

     1             Replacement                                   150,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $100,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
     6         (6)  West Kittanning Borough, T-759, Bridge
     7             over Stream, Bridge Replacement               325,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $265,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    12     (b)  State Bridges
    13         (1)  SR 0028, Buffalo Creek Bridge over
    14             Buffalo Creek and Conrail, South
    15             Buffalo Township, Bridge Painting           3,010,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $3,000,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    19         (2)  SR 3023, Iron Bridge Road, Pine Run
    20             Bridge Replacement, South Buffalo
    21             Township, Bridge Replacement                  550,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $510,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    26         (3)  SR 0156, Long Run Bridge over Long
    27             Run, Kiskiminetas Township, Bridge
    28             Painting                                       75,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $60,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 29 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     2         (4)  SR 0422, US 422 Eastbound Overpass
     3             Bridge over SR 0028, East Franklin
     4             Township, Bridge Painting                     190,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $175,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     8         (5)  SR 0422, US 422 Westbound Overpass
     9             Bridge over SR 0028, East Franklin
    10             Township, Bridge Painting                     190,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $175,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    14         (6)  SR 1028, Oscar Bridge over Pine Creek,
    15             Boggs Township, Bridge Painting                95,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $80,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    19         (7)  SR 0028, Buffalo Creek Bridge over
    20             Buffalo Creek, South Buffalo Township,
    21             Bridge Painting                             1,730,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $1,700,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    25         (8)  SR 0066, Guffy Run Bridge over Guffy
    26             Run, Parks Township, Bridge Painting           85,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $70,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    30         (9)  SR 0066, Garrett's Run Bridge over
    19970S0186B0445                 - 30 -

     1             Garrett's Run and Old 66, Manor
     2             Township, Bridge Painting                   1,230,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $1,200,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
     6         (10)  SR 0128, Cadogan Bridge over
     7             Tributary of Allegheny River, Cadogan
     8             Township, Bridge Painting                     380,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $360,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    12         (11)  SR 0422, Judge Graff Bridge over
    13             Allegheny River, North Buffalo
    14             Township, Bridge Painting                   2,930,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $2,900,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    18         (12)  SR 0422, Ramp C and F Bridge over End
    19             of Bypass, Manor Township, Bridge
    20             Painting                                      180,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $165,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    24         (13)  SR 0422, Ramp F Bridge over SR 0066,
    25             Manor Township, Bridge Painting               190,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $175,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    29         (14)  SR 1021, Eddyville Bridge over Pine
    30             Run, Redbank Township, Bridge Painting        100,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 31 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $85,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     4         (15)  SR 1028, Bryan Bridge over Branch of
     5             Pine Creek, Cowanshannock Township,
     6             Bridge Painting                                50,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $35,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    10         (16)  SR 1034, Mosgrove Bridge over North
    11             Fork of Pine Creek, Boggs Township,
    12             Bridge Painting                                65,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $50,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    16         (17)  SR 1037, Echo Bridge over Pine Creek,
    17             Wayne Township, Bridge Painting                85,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $70,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    21         (18)  SR 2001, Rural Valley Bridge over
    22             Cowanshannock Creek, Rural Valley
    23             Borough, Bridge Painting                      130,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $115,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    27         (19)  SR 2005, Brick Church Bridge over
    28             Branch of Cherry Run, Burrell Township,
    29             Bridge Painting                                75,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 32 -

     1             $60,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     3         (20)  SR 2005, Cherry Run Bridge over
     4             Cherry Run, Plumcreek Township, Bridge
     5             Painting                                       85,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $70,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     9         (21)  SR 2005, Elgin Cemetery Bridge over
    10             Cowanshannock Creek, Cowanshannock
    11             Township, Bridge Painting                      85,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $70,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    15         (22)  SR 2010, Garrett's Run Bridge over
    16             Garrett's Run, Manor Township, Bridge
    17             Painting                                       75,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $60,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    21         (23)  SR 2023, Wheel-in-Campground Bridge
    22             over Plum Creek, Plumcreek Township,
    23             Bridge Painting                               125,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $110,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    27         (24)  SR 2025, Garrett's Run Bridge No.1
    28             over Garrett's Run, Manor Township,
    29             Bridge Painting                                80,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 33 -

     1             $65,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     3         (25)  SR 2025, Garrett's Run Bridge No.2
     4             over Garrett's Run, Manor Township,
     5             Bridge Painting                                80,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $65,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     9         (26)  SR 2025, Garrett's Run Bridge No.3
    10             over Garrett's Run, Manor Township,
    11             Bridge Painting                                90,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $75,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    15         (27)  SR 2027, Girty Bridge over Crooked
    16             Creek, South Bend Township, Bridge
    17             Painting                                      155,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $140,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    21         (28)  SR 2029, Kelly's Station Road Bridge
    22             over Taylor Run, Bethel Township,
    23             Bridge Painting                                60,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $45,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    27         (29)  SR 2036, Stilt's Run Bridge over
    28             Stilt's Run, Parks Township, Bridge
    29             Painting                                       50,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 34 -

     1             $35,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     3         (30)  SR 2036, Carnahan Run Bridge over
     4             Carnahan Run, Parks Township, Bridge
     5             Painting                                       75,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $60,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     9         (31)  SR 2050, Rattling Run Bridge over
    10             Rattling Run, Kiskiminetas Township,
    11             Bridge Painting                                65,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $50,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    15         (32)  SR 2051, Flat Run Bridge over Flat
    16             Run, Kiskiminetas Township, Bridge
    17             Painting                                       55,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $40,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    21         (33)  SR 2051, Equitable Bridge over
    22             Rattling Run, Kiskiminetas Township,
    23             Bridge Painting                                55,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $40,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    27         (34)  SR 2057, Parks Pump Station Bridge
    28             No.1 over Carnahan Run, Parks Township,
    29             Bridge Painting                                80,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 35 -

     1             $65,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     3         (35)  SR 2058, Parks Pump Station Bridge
     4             No.2 over Carnahan Run, Parks Township,
     5             Bridge Painting                                75,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $60,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     9         (36)  SR 3005, Glade Run Bridge over Glade
    10             Run, North Buffalo Township, Bridge
    11             Painting                                       75,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $60,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    15         (37)  SR 3013, Little Buffalo Bridge over
    16             Little Buffalo Creek, West Franklin
    17             Township, Bridge Painting                     100,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $85,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    21         (38)  SR 3013, Harrigan Run Bridge over
    22             Harrigan Run, West Franklin Township,
    23             Bridge Painting                                60,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $45,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    27         (39)  SR 3017, West Penn Power Bridge over
    28             SR 0422 and SR 0028, East Franklin
    29             Township, Bridge Painting                     375,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 36 -

     1             $360,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     3         (40)  SR 4007, Kaylor Bridge over Sugar
     4             Creek, Bradys Bend Township, Bridge
     5             Painting                                       60,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $45,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     9         (41)  SR 4013, Foster Mills Bridge over
    10             Branch of Patterson Run, Sugarcreek
    11             Township, Bridge Painting                      70,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $55,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    15         (42)  SR 8008, Ford City Ramp from Judge
    16             Graff Bridge over a ravine, Manor
    17             Township, Bridge Painting                     555,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $540,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    21         (43)  SR 4035, Craigsville Bridge over
    22             Buffalo Creek, West Franklin Township,
    23             Bridge Painting                               140,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $125,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    27         (44)  SR 0068, Kaylor Overpass, Railroad
    28             over PA 68, Bradys Bend Township,
    29             Bridge Removal                                560,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 37 -

     1             $500,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
     4         (45)  SR 0068, B&LE Railroad Overpass,
     5             Bradys Bend Township, Bridge Removal           55,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $50,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
     9  Section 8.  Beaver County.
    10     (a)  Local Bridges
    11         (1)  Ambridge and Aliquippa Boroughs,
    12             Ambridge - Aliquippa Bridge over Ohio
    13             River, Bridge Construction                 38,000,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $30,000,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $4,000,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $4,000,000)
    18         (2)  Vanport Township, Vanport Bridge No.6
    19             over Two Mile Run, Bridge Replacement         465,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $375,000)
    22             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    24         (3)  Vanport Township, Vanport Bridge No.7
    25             over Two Mile Run, Bridge Replacement         470,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $380,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    30         (4)  Vanport Township, Vanport Bridge No.8
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     1             over Two Mile Run, Bridge Replacement         510,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $420,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
     6         (5)  Vanport Township, Vanport Bridge No.9
     7             over Two Mile Run, Bridge Replacement         440,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $350,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    12     (b)  State Bridges
    13         (1)  SR 0051, Bridge over New York Avenue,
    14             Ramp A, Rochester Borough, Bridge Deck
    15             Replacement                                 5,600,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $5,500,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    19         (2)  SR 0351, 5th Street, Koppel-Ellwood
    20             Bridge over Beaver River, Koppel
    21             Borough and North Sewickley Township,
    22             Bridge Replacement, Phase I                33,500,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $30,000,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $1,000,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $2,500,000)
    27         (3)  SR 1014, Wise's Grove Road Bridge over
    28             Brush Creek, Marion Township, Bridge
    29             Rehabilitation                                750,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 39 -

     1             $600,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     4         (4)  SR 1022, 13th Street Bridge over
     5             Blockhouse Run at Pulaski County Line,
     6             New Brighton Borough, Bridge
     7             Replacement                                   780,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $480,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    12         (5)  SR 4032, Engle Road Bridge over Six
    13             Mile Run Creek, Industry Borough,
    14             Bridge Replacement                            350,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $200,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    19         (6)  SR 4033, Wildwood Road Bridge over
    20             Brady's Run, Patterson Township, Bridge
    21             Replacement                                   400,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $250,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    26         (7)  SR 8035, Ramp A at LR 641 over Slope,
    27             Rochester Borough, Bridge
    28             Rehabilitation                              1,200,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $1,000,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 40 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
     3         (8)  SR 8037, Ramp F over TR 51 and TR 65
     4             Northbound, Rochester Borough, Bridge
     5             Replacement                                   550,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $400,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    10         (9)  SR 8039, Ramp AD, SR 0168 over TR 51,
    11             Bridgewater Borough, Bridge
    12             Rehabilitation                                700,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $550,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    17         (10)  SR 3018, Culvert-pipe Style Bridge
    18             over Moody's Run, Greene Township,
    19             Bridge Construction                           385,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $350,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $35,000)
    23         (11)  SR 0051, Pennsylvania Avenue Bridge
    24             over Brady's Run Creek, Fallston
    25             Borough, Bridge Replacement                   757,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $637,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    30         (12)  SR 0060, Beaver Valley Extension
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     1             Southbound Bridge over T-535, Brighton
     2             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               167,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $153,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $14,000)
     6         (13)  SR 0060, Beaver Valley Extension
     7             Northbound Bridge over T-535, Brighton
     8             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               178,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $163,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    12         (14)  SR 0060, Beaver Valley Expansion
    13             Bridge over SR 0151, Hopewell Township,
    14             Bridge Deck Replacement                     1,125,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $1,000,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    18         (15)  SR 0588, Riverview Road Bridge over
    19             Pine Run, Marion Township, Bridge
    20             Replacement                                   250,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $150,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    24         (16)  SR 1009, Hartzel Road Bridge over
    25             Connoquenessing Creek, Marion Township,
    26             Bridge Replacement                          1,150,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $1,000,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 42 -

     1         (17)  SR 1016, Tatko Road Bridge over Brush
     2             Creek, New Sewickley Township, Bridge
     3             Replacement                                   420,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $300,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     8         (18)  SR 1032, New York Avenue Bridge over
     9             Conrail, SR 1032 and Local Street,
    10             Rochester Borough, Bridge
    11             Rehabilitation                              3,100,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $3,000,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    15         (19)  SR 4035, Sebring Road Bridge over SR
    16             0060, Brighton Township, Bridge
    17             Rehabilitation                                394,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $361,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $33,000)
    21         (20)  SR 3032, KENDAL HARSHAVILE ROAD                      <--
    23             HANOVER TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT          250,000
    25             $100,000)
    26             (LAND ALLOCATION - $50,000)
    27             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $100,000)
    28  Section 9.  Bedford County.
    29     (a)  Local Bridges
    30         (1)  Broad Top Township, T-550, Mosquito
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     1             Bridge over Six Mile Run, Bridge
     2             Replacement                                   505,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $400,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $95,000)
     7         (2)  Broad Top Township, T-553, Langdondale
     8             Bridge over Sandy Run, Bridge
     9             Replacement                                   395,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $300,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $85,000)
    14         (3)  Broad Top Township, T-583, Longs Run
    15             Bridge over Longs Run, Bridge
    16             Replacement                                   395,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $300,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $85,000)
    21         (4)  Harrison Township, T-418, Turner
    22             Covered Bridge over Juniata River,
    23             Bridge Rehabilitation                         825,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $700,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    28         (5)  Monroe Township, T-354, Sideling Hill
    29             over East Branch Sideling Hill Creek,
    30             Bridge Replacement                            335,000
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     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $250,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
     5         (6)  South Woodbury Township, T-705 over
     6             Three Springs Run, Bridge Replacement         450,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $325,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    11         (7)  West St. Clair Township, T-565 over
    12             Dunning Creek, Bridge Replacement             550,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $450,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    17         (8)  Londonderry Township, T-653 over Wills
    18             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     945,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $850,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    23         (9)  East Providence Township, T-419 over
    24             Brush Creek, Bridge Replacement             1,170,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $1,000,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    29         (10)  Broadtop Township, T-677, Riddlesburg
    30             Bridge, County Bridge No.35 over Six
    19970S0186B0445                 - 45 -

     1             Mile Run, Bridge Replacement                  190,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $150,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     5             Design and Contingencies - $35,000)
     6     (b)  State Bridges
     7         (1)  SR 0220, US 220, Northbound Bridge
     8             over Pennsylvania Turnpike, Bedford
     9             Township, Bridge Painting                     180,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $150,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    13         (2)  SR 0220, US 220, Southbound Bridge
    14             over Pennsylvania Turnpike, Bedford
    15             Township, Bridge Painting                     170,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $140,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    19  Section 10.  Berks County.
    20     (a)  Local Bridges
    21         (1)  City of Reading, Fritz Island Bridge
    22             over Angelica Creek, Bridge
    23             Rehabilitation                                 23,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $20,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $3,000)
    27         (2)  City of Reading, Bernadine Street over
    28             Angelica Creek, Bridge Rehabilitation         175,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $145,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 46 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
     2         (3)  City of Reading, Tulpehocken Street
     3             Footbridge, Bridge Rehabilitation               6,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation - $5,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $1,000)
     6         (4)  West Reading Borough, Museum Road over
     7             Wyomissing Creek, Bridge
     8             Rehabilitation                                 15,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $12,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $3,000)
    12         (5)  Amity Township, Lake Drive over
    13             Tributary of Schuylkill River, Bridge
    14             Rehabilitation                                 86,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $75,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $11,000)
    18         (6)  Amity Township, Browns Mill Road over
    19             Spring Creek, Bridge Rehabilitation             6,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation - $5,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $1,000)
    22         (7)  Amity Township, Valley Road over
    23             Spring Creek, Bridge Rehabilitation            10,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation - $8,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $2,000)
    26         (8)  Amity Township, Monocacy Road over
    27             Monocacy Creek, Bridge Rehabilitation          11,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation - $9,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $2,000)
    30         (9)  Bethel Township, T-492 over Little
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     1             Swatara Creek, Bridge Replacement             700,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $500,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
     6         (10)  Bethel Township, T-682 over Crosskill
     7             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     750,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $550,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    12         (11)  Lenhartsville Borough, Penn Avenue
    13             over Maiden Creek, Bridge Replacement         960,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $750,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    18         (12)  Mohnton Borough, Main Street over
    19             Wyomissing Creek, Bridge Replacement          750,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $550,000)
    22             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    24         (13)  Muhlenberg Township, Hain Avenue over
    25             Laurel Run, Bridge Rehabilitation             100,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $80,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    29         (14)  Oley Township, T-500 over Furnace
    30             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     700,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 48 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $500,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
     5         (15)  Robesonia Borough, Freeman Street
     6             over Furnace Creek, Bridge Replacement        700,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $500,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    11         (16)  Washington Township, T-884 over Swamp
    12             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     700,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $500,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    17         (17)  Upper Bern Township, Mill Hill Road,
    18             T-712 over Mill Creek, Bridge
    19             Replacement                                    70,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $40,000)
    22             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    24         (18)  NORTH HEIDELBERG TOWNSHIP, T-501,                    <--
    26             SPRING CREEK, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT               94,000
    28             $82,000)
    29             (LAND ALLOCATION - $4,000)
    30             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $8,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 49 -

     1         (19)  ROBESON TOWNSHIP, T-366, BRIDGE OVER
     2             ALLEGHENY CREEK, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT           133,000
     4             $117,000)
     5             (LAND ALLOCATION - $5,000)
     6             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $11,000)
     7     (b)  State Bridges
     8         (1)  SR 0010, Reading Road over Tributary
     9             of Conestoga Creek, Caernarvon
    10             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               775,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $490,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $185,000)
    15         (2)  SR 0222, SR 0222 Northbound over SR
    16             0737 Exit, Maxatawny Township, Bridge
    17             Painting                                       45,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $45,000)
    20         (3)  SR 0222, North Elm Street over SR
    21             0222, Kutztown Borough, Bridge
    22             Painting                                       45,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $45,000)
    25         (4)  SR 0222, SR 0222 Northbound over SR
    26             8015, Ramp G, Maxatawny Township,
    27             Bridge Painting                                45,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $45,000)
    30         (5)  SR 0222, SR 0222 Southbound over SR
    19970S0186B0445                 - 50 -

     1             8015, Ramp G, Maxatawny Township,
     2             Bridge Painting                                45,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $45,000)
     5         (6)  SR 2038, Grist Mill Road over
     6             Ironstone Creek, Douglass Township,
     7             Bridge Replacement                            405,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $235,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $70,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    12         (7)  SR 0073, Bridge over Railroad, Maiden
    13             Creek Township, Bridge Rehabilitation          14,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $12,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $2,000)
    17         (8)  SR 2014, Spring Street Subway, City of
    18             Reading, Bridge Rehabilitation                 18,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $15,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $3,000)
    22         (9)  SR 0073, SR 0073 over Manatawny Creek,
    23             Oley Township, Bridge Rehabilitation          500,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $450,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    27         (10)  SR 0061, SR 0061 over Blue Mountain
    28             Railroad, Borough of Hamburg, Bridge
    29             Rehabilitation                                200,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 51 -

     1             $175,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
     3         (11)  SR 0078, SR 0078 over SR 1024,
     4             Greenwich Township, Bridge
     5             Rehabilitation                                500,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $450,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
     9         (12)  SR 0078, SR 0078 over T-808, Windsor
    10             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               500,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $450,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    14         (13)  SR 0078, SR 0078 over Fifth Street,
    15             Borough of Hamburg, Bridge
    16             Rehabilitation                                200,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $175,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
    20         (14)  SR 0078, SR 0078 over T-688, Bethel
    21             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               250,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $225,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
    25         (15)  SR 0176, SR 0176 over T-568, Robeson
    26             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               250,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $200,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    30         (16)  SR 0176, SR 0176 2/10 mile south of
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     1             SR 0422, Cumru Township, Bridge
     2             Rehabilitation                                350,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $300,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
     6         (17)  SR 1083, SR 0183 over Little
     7             Northkill Creek, Jefferson Township,
     8             Bridge Replacement                          1,000,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $750,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    13         (18)  SR 0222, SR 0222 over Abandoned
    14             Railroad, City of Reading, Bridge
    15             Rehabilitation                                200,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $150,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    19         (19)  SR 0422, SR 0422 over Tulpehocken
    20             Creek, Borough of Womelsdorf, Bridge
    21             Rehabilitation                                200,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $150,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    25         (20)  SR 0568, SR 0568 over Allegheny
    26             Creek, Robeson Township, Bridge
    27             Rehabilitation                                100,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $80,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
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     1         (21)  SR 0737, SR 0737 2.63 miles north of
     2             Kutztown, Greenwich Township, Bridge
     3             Rehabilitation                                500,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $450,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
     7         (22)  SR 0737, SR 0737 2.82 miles north of
     8             Kutztown, Greenwich Township, Bridge
     9             Rehabilitation                                500,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $450,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    13         (23)  SR 2025, SR 2025 1/2 mile east of SR
    14             0422, Amity Township, Bridge
    15             Replacement                                   300,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $200,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $85,000)
    20         (24)  SR 2031, SR 2031 over Hay Creek,
    21             Robeson Township, Bridge
    22             Rehabilitation                                500,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $450,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    26         (25)  SR 2032, SR 2032 over Tributary of
    27             Swamp Creek, Washington Township,
    28             Bridge Replacement                            500,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $375,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 54 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     3         (26)  SR 2039, SR 2039 over SR 0422, Exeter
     4             Township, Bridge Replacement                2,750,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $2,000,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $250,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $500,000)
     9         (27)  SR 2041, SR 2041 2 miles west of
    10             Weavertown, Amity Township, Bridge
    11             Replacement                                   200,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $125,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    16         (28)  SR 2057, SR 2057 over Leaf Creek,
    17             Amity Township, Bridge Replacement            600,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $425,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    22         (29)  SR 3003, SR 3003 over Angelica Creek,
    23             Cumru Township, Bridge Replacement            200,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $125,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    28         (30)  SR 4026, SR 4026 over Irish Creek,
    29             Borough of Centerport, Bridge
    30             Rehabilitation                                250,000
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     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $225,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
     4         (31)  SR 0073, BRIDGE OVER MAIDEN CREEK,                   <--
     6             REPLACEMENT                                 2,120,000
     8             $2,000,000)
     9             (LAND ALLOCATION - $20,000)
    10             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $100,000)
    11         (32)  SR 2021, MINERAL SPRING ROAD,
    13             BRIDGE REHABILITATION                       4,000,000
    14  Section 11.  Blair County.
    15     (a)  Local Bridges
    16         (1)  Antis Township, T-490, Becker Road
    17             Bridge over Tributary of Little Juniata
    18             River, Bridge Replacement                     310,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $250,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    23         (2)  Taylor Township, T-332, Halter Creek
    24             Bridge over Halter Creek, Bridge
    25             Replacement                                   395,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $300,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $85,000)
    30         (3)  Greenfield Township, T-531 over South
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     1             Poplar Run, Construct new bridge              280,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $200,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
     6         (4)  Greenfield Township, T-531 over Big
     7             Lick Branch of South Poplar Run, Bridge
     8             Replacement                                   565,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $465,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
    13         (5)  Greenfield Township, County Road 101
    14             over Polecat Run, Bridge Replacement          520,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $400,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    19         (6)  Newry Borough, Allegheny Street over
    20             Tributary of Poplar Run, Bridge
    21             Rehabilitation                                425,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $350,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    26         (7)  ALLEGHENY TOWNSHIP, ELLENBERGER ROAD,                 <--
    28             BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                            319,000
    30             $277,000)
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     1             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $42,000)
     2     (b)  State bridges
     3         (1)  SR 0022, Canal Park Bridges over the
     4             Juniata River, Hollidaysburg Borough,
     5             Bridge Replacement                          3,000,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $2,000,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $650,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    10         (2)  SR 4008, SR 4008 over Tributary of
    11             Glenwhite Run, Logan Township, Bridge
    12             Replacement                                   240,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $200,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $35,000)
    17  Section 12.  Bradford County.
    18     (a)  Local Bridges
    19         (1)  Burlington Township, T-547 over Wallis
    20             Run, Bridge Replacement                       395,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $310,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    25         (2)  Pike Township, T-790 over Gaylord
    26             Creek and South Creek, Bridge
    27             Replacement                                   495,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $410,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
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     1             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
     2         (3)  CANTON TOWNSHIP, T-889, COUNTY BRIDGE                 <--
     3             NO.45 OVER TOWANDA CREEK, BRIDGE
     4             REPLACEMENT                                   480,000
     6             $400,000)
     7             (LAND ALLOCATION - $25,000)
     8             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $55,000)
     9         (4)  TUSCARORA TOWNSHIP, T-874, COUNTY
    10             BRIDGE NO.36 OVER FARGO CREEK, BRIDGE
    11             REPLACEMENT                                   265,000
    13             $215,000)
    14             (LAND ALLOCATION - $15,000)
    15             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $35,000)
    16         (5)  FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, T-358, COUNTY
    18             REPLACEMENT                                 1,020,000
    20             $850,000)
    21             (LAND ALLOCATION - $50,000)
    22             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $120,000)
    23         (6)  LITCHFIELD TOWNSHIP, T-900, PARKS
    25             CREEK, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                     390,000
    27             $220,000)
    28             (LAND ALLOCATION - $20,000)
    29             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $150,000)
    30         (7)  ALBANY TOWNSHIP, T-377, BRIDGE OVER
    19970S0186B0445                 - 59 -

     1             BOWMAN CREEK                                  390,000
     3             $250,000)
     4             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
     5             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $130,000)
     6     (b)  State Bridges
     7         (1)  SR 0006, North Bridge over Sugar
     8             Creek, South of Longs Pond Road, Bridge
     9             Replacement                                 1,139,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $911,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $57,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $171,000)
    14         (2)  SR 0409, Billing Creek Bridge, Village
    15             of Camptown, Bridge Replacement               318,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $254,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $16,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $48,000)
    20         (3)  SR 3029, Towanda Creek Bridges between
    21             T-327 and T-326 on Gulf Road, Village
    22             of Granville Center, Bridge
    23             Replacement                                   593,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $474,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $89,000)
    28         (4)  SR 4008, Bridge over Tributary of
    29             Sugar Creek, Columbia Township, Bridge
    30             Replacement                                   298,000
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     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $238,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $45,000)
     5         (5)  SR 0414, Bridge over Towanda Creek,
     6             Bradford Borough, Bridge Painting             195,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $185,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    10         (6)  US 6, US 6 over Sugar Creek, Sylvania
    11             Borough, Bridge Replacement                   633,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $506,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $32,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $95,000)
    16         (7)  SR 0014, SR 0014 over Tributary of
    17             Sugar Creek, Troy Township, Bridge
    18             Replacement                                   410,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $280,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    23         (8)  SR 0187, SR 0187 over Wappensing
    24             Creek, Windham Township, Bridge
    25             Replacement                                 2,000,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $1,600,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $300,000)
    30         (9)  SR 0414, SR 0414 over Tributary of
    19970S0186B0445                 - 61 -

     1             Towanda Creek, Canton Township, Bridge
     2             Replacement                                   320,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $256,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $16,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $48,000)
     7         (10)  SR 0467, SR 0467 over Johnsons Creek,
     8             Orwell Township, Bridge Replacement           751,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $601,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $37,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $113,000)
    13         (11)  SR 0514, SR 0514 over North Branch of
    14             Towanda Creek, Granville Township,
    15             Bridge Replacement                            638,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $510,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $32,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $96,000)
    20         (12)  SR 1022, Ulster Bridge, Ulster
    21             Township, Bridge Painting                   6,299,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $5,039,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $315,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $945,000)
    26         (13)  SR 1026, SR 1026 over Wyalusing
    27             Creek, Pike Township, Bridge
    28             Replacement                                   650,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $520,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 62 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     3         (14)  SR 1049, SR 1049 over Tributary of
     4             Pendleton Creek, Warren Township,
     5             Bridge Replacement                            340,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $270,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $55,000)
    10         (15)  SR 1055, SR 1055 over Parks Creek,
    11             Rome Township, Bridge Replacement             315,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $250,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    16         (16)  SR 2018, SR 2018 over Tributary of
    17             Susquehanna River, Asylum Township,
    18             Bridge Replacement                            260,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $208,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $39,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $13,000)
    23         (17)  SR 3005, SR 3005 over Towanda Creek,
    24             Canton Township, Bridge Replacement           666,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $533,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $33,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    29         (18)  SR 3029, SR 3029 over Mud Creek, Troy
    30             Township, Bridge Replacement                  457,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 63 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $366,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $23,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $68,000)
     5         (19)  SR 4002, SR 4002 over Browns Creek,
     6             Burlington Township, Bridge
     7             Replacement                                   561,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $449,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $28,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $84,000)
    12         (20)  SR 4013, SR 4013 over Justice Run,
    13             Ridgebury Township, Bridge Replacement        351,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $281,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $18,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $52,000)
    18         (21)  SR 4014, SR 4014 over Branch of
    19             Tomjack Creek, Smithfield Township,
    20             Bridge Replacement                            360,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $288,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $18,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $54,000)
    25         (22)  SR 4015, SR 4015 over Mill Creek,
    26             Springfield Township, Bridge
    27             Replacement                                   390,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $312,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 64 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $58,000)
     2         (23)  SR 4031, SR 4031 over Tributary of
     3             Beckwith Creek, Wells Township, Bridge
     4             Replacement                                   243,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $196,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $37,000)
     9         (24)  SR 2024, BRIDGE OVER TOWANDA CREEK,                  <--
    10             TOWANDA TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT        1,740,000
    12             $1,400,000)
    13             (LAND ALLOCATION - $40,000)
    14             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $300,000)
    15         (25)  SR 4015, BRIDGE OVER MILL CREEK,
    17             REPLACEMENT                                   740,000
    19             $600,000)
    20             (LAND ALLOCATION - $20,000)
    21             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $120,000)
    22         (26)  PA 514, BRIDGE OVER NORTH BRANCH OF
    24             BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                            630,000
    26             $500,000)
    27             (LAND ALLOCATION - $30,000)
    28             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $100,000)
    29         (27)  US 6, BRIDGE OVER SUGAR CREEK,
    30             SYLVANIA BOROUGH, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT          680,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 65 -

     2             $550,000)
     3             (LAND ALLOCATION - $30,000)
     4             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $100,000)
     5         (28)  PA 549, BRIDGE OVER DAGGETT CREEK,
     6             WELLS TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT          1,180,000
     8             $950,000)
     9             (LAND ALLOCATION - $30,000)
    10             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $200,000)
    11         (29)  SR 4002, BRIDGE OVER BROWNS CREEK,
    13             REPLACEMENT                                   560,000
    15             $450,000)
    16             (LAND ALLOCATION - $30,000)
    17             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $80,000)
    18         (30)  SR 1026, BRIDGE OVER WYALUSING CREEK,
    19             PIKE TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT             650,000
    21             $520,000)
    22             (LAND ALLOCATION - $30,000)
    23             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $100,000)
    24         (31)  PA 187, BRIDGE OVER WAPPASENING
    26             REPLACEMENT                                 2,000,000
    28             $1,600,000)
    29             (LAND ALLOCATION - $100,000)
    30             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $300,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 66 -

     1         (32)  PA 199, BRIDGE OVER CHEMUNG RIVER
     3             BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                          2,000,000
     5             $1,600,000)
     6             (LAND ALLOCATION - $100,000)
     7             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $300,000)
     8         (33)  US 220, BRIDGE OVER BRIDGE STREET,
     9             TOWANDA BOROUGH, BRIDGE REHABILITATION        385,000
    11             $350,000)
    12             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $35,000)
    13         (34)  US 220, BRIDGE OVER SR 3020, TOWANDA
    14             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REHABILITATION               495,000
    16             $450,000)
    17             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $45,000)
    18         (35)  US 220, BRIDGE OVER SR 2036, NORTH
    19             TOWANDA TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE
    20             REHABILITATION                                715,000
    22             $650,000)
    23             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $65,000)
    24         (36)  US 220, BRIDGE OVER SR 3022, NORTH
    25             TOWANDA TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE
    26             REHABILITATION                                770,000
    28             $700,000)
    29             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $70,000)
    30         (37)  US 220, BRIDGE OVER US 6, NORTH
    19970S0186B0445                 - 67 -

     1             TOWANDA TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE
     2             RECONSTRUCTION                              1,700,000
     4             $1,500,000)
     5             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $200,000)
     6  Section 13.  Bucks County.
     7     (a)  Local Bridges
     8         (1)  Springfield Township, I-479, Bridge
     9             Street Bridge over Cooks Creek, Bridge
    10             Replacement                                   500,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $365,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $35,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    15         (2)  Springfield Township, T-404, Hawks
    16             Mill County Bridge No.196, Shale Road
    17             over Cooks Creek, Bridge
    18             Rehabilitation                                100,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $90,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    22     (b)  State Bridges
    23         (1)  SR 0032, River Road at Fleecydale over
    24             Paunacussing Creek, Solebury Township,
    25             Bridge Replacement                          1,400,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $1,200,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    29         (2)  SR 2002, Otter Street Bridge over
    30             Otter Creek, Bristol Borough, Bridge
    19970S0186B0445                 - 68 -

     1             Replacement                                 1,150,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $900,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
     6         (3)  SR 2025, Bristol Road Bridge over
     7             Little Neshaminy Creek, Warwick
     8             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,120,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $900,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $80,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $140,000)
    13         (4)  SR 2047, Hulmeville Avenue Bridge over
    14             Conrail, Middletown, Bridge
    15             Replacement                                 5,600,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $4,000,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $800,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $800,000)
    20         (5)  SR 4033, Upper Ridge Road Bridge over
    21             Unami Creek, Milford Township, Bridge
    22             Replacement                                 2,000,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $1,600,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $300,000)
    27         (6)  SR 4091, Kellers Church Road Bridge
    28             over Deep Run, Bedminster, Bridge
    29             Replacement                                 2,000,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 69 -

     1             $1,500,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $150,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
     4         (7)  SR 0202, Doylestown Bypass (Five
     5             Bridges) over SR 0611, Doylestown
     6             Township, Bridge Rehabilitations            2,200,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $2,000,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    11         (8)  SR 0611, Easton Road (Two Bridges)
    12             over Tohickon and Deep Run Creeks,
    13             Bedminister Township, Bridge
    14             Replacements                                1,650,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $1,500,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    19         (9)  SR 2089, Almshouse Road Bridge over
    20             Neshaminy Creek, Doylestown Township,
    21             Bridge Replacement                          1,800,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $1,500,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $150,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    26         (10)  SR 0013, Bristol Pike over Otter
    27             Creek, Bristol Township, Bridge
    28             Replacement                                 1,600,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $1,200,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 70 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $300,000)
     3         (11)  SR 0413, Bridge over Mill Creek,
     4             Bristol Township, Bridge Replacement          600,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $350,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
     9         (12)  SR 2002, State Road over Neshaminy
    10             Creek, Bristol Township, Bridge
    11             Replacement                                 3,700,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $3,000,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $250,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $450,000)
    16         (13)  SR 0013, Bristol Pike over St.
    17             Francis Creek, Bensalem Township,
    18             Bridge Replacement                            550,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $400,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    23         (14)  SR 0013, SR 0013 over Conrail and
    24             Newbold Road, Falls Township, Bridge
    25             Replacement                                 5,000,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $4,500,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $150,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    30         (15)  SR 0032, West Bridge Street over
    19970S0186B0445                 - 71 -

     1             Tributary of Delaware River,
     2             Morrisville Borough, Bridge
     3             Replacement                                   550,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $400,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     8         (16)  SR 0213, West Maple Avenue over
     9             Neshaminy Creek, Middletown Township,
    10             Bridge Replacement                          2,000,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $1,700,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    15         (17)  SR 1004, Cold Spring Creamery Road
    16             over Branch of Pine Run Creek,
    17             Buckingham Township, Bridge
    18             Replacement                                   450,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $380,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    23         (18)  SR 2005, Cornwells Avenue over
    24             Poquessing Creek, Bensalem Township,
    25             Bridge Replacement                            350,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $250,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    30         (19)  SR 2026, Trenton Avenue over Rock
    19970S0186B0445                 - 72 -

     1             Run, Falls Township, Bridge
     2             Replacement                                   700,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $500,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
     7         (20)  SR 2037, Lincoln Highway Eastbound
     8             over Queen Anne Creek, Falls Township,
     9             Bridge Replacement                            700,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $500,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $75,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    14         (21)  SR 2037, Lincoln Highway over Branch
    15             of Queen Anne Creek, Falls Township,
    16             Bridge Replacement                            500,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $350,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    21         (22)  SR 2047, Hulmeville Avenue over
    22             Conrail, Middletown Township, Bridge
    23             Replacement                                 1,200,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $1,000,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $75,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    28  Section 14.  Butler County.
    29     (a)  Local Bridges
    30         (1)  Muddy Creek and Worth Townships, T-
    19970S0186B0445                 - 73 -

     1             348, Muddy Creek Bridge over Muddy
     2             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     730,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $550,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $165,000)
     7         (2)  Allegheny Township, T-542, Farrington
     8             Bridge, Bridge Replacement                    700,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $500,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    13         (3)  Concord Township, T-508, Greece City
    14             Bridge, Bridge Replacement                    700,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $500,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    19         (4)  Cranberry Township, T-326 over Brush
    20             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     700,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $500,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    25         (5)  Cranberry Township, T-300, Bridge
    26             Replacement                                   700,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $500,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 74 -

     1         (6)  Jackson Township, T-323, Senn Bridge,
     2             Bridge Replacement                            700,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $500,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
     7         (7)  Jackson Township, T-325, Eidewau
     8             Bridge, Bridge Replacement                    700,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $500,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    13         (8)  Jefferson Township, T-844 over Thorn
    14             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     700,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $500,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    19         (9)  Mars Borough, Hook Street, Bridge
    20             Replacement                                   700,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $500,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    25         (10)  Mars Borough, Church Street, Kocher
    26             Bridge, Bridge Replacement                    700,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $500,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 75 -

     1         (11)  Middlesex Township, T-380 over Glade
     2             Run, Bridge Replacement                       700,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $500,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
     7         (12)  Worth Township, T-318, Payne Bridge,
     8             Bridge Replacement                            700,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $500,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    13         (13)  Cranberry Township, T-326 over
    14             Tributary of Brush Creek, Bridge
    15             Replacement                                   167,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $135,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $19,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $13,000)
    20     (b)  State Bridges
    21         (1)  SR 0228, Houseville Bridge over B&LE
    22             Railroad, Clinton Township, Bridge Deck
    23             Replacement                                   636,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $600,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $36,000)
    27         (2)  SR 0019, Rose Point Bridge over SR
    28             0422, Muddycreek Township, Bridge
    29             Painting                                      115,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 76 -

     1             $100,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     3         (3)  SR 0058, Blocks Run Bridge No.1 over
     4             Blocks Run, Marion Township, Bridge
     5             Painting                                       65,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $50,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     9         (4)  SR 0058, Blocks Run Bridge No.2 over
    10             Blocks Run, Venango Township, Bridge
    11             Painting                                       60,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $45,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    15         (5)  SR 0058, Murrin Run Bridge over Murrin
    16             Run, Venango Township, Bridge Painting         60,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $45,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    20         (6)  SR 0068, Glade Run Bridge over Glade
    21             Run, Zelienople Borough, Bridge
    22             Painting                                       70,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $55,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    26         (7)  SR 0079, Muddy Creek Bridge Northbound
    27             over SR 0422 and Muddy Creek, Muddy
    28             Creek Township, Bridge Painting               255,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $240,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 77 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     2         (8)  SR 0079, Muddy Creek Bridge Southbound
     3             over SR 0422 and Muddy Creek, Muddy
     4             Creek Township, Bridge Painting               255,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $240,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     8         (9)  SR 0108, Slippery Rock Exit Bridge
     9             over I-79, Worth Township, Bridge
    10             Painting                                      225,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $210,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    14         (10)  SR 0138, Glades Wildlife Lake Bridge
    15             over South Branch of Slippery Rock
    16             Creek, Concord Township, Bridge
    17             Painting                                       85,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $70,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    21         (11)  SR 0258, Wolf Creek Bridge over Wolf
    22             Creek, Slippery Rock Township, Bridge
    23             Painting                                      125,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $110,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    27         (12)  SR 0308, Renick Bridge over Stoney
    28             Run and Railroad, Center Township,
    29             Bridge Painting                               405,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 78 -

     1             $390,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     3         (13)  SR 0422, Mount Chestnut Bridge
     4             Eastbound over Little Connoquenessing
     5             Creek and SR 3007, Butler Township,
     6             Bridge Painting                               355,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $340,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    10         (14)  SR 0422, Bonnie Brook Bridge over
    11             Bonnie Brook, Summit Township, Bridge
    12             Painting                                       90,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $75,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    16         (15)  SR 1004, Bruin Bridge over Bear
    17             Creek, Bruin Borough, Bridge Painting          85,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $70,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    21         (16)  SR 1011, Rattigan Bridge No.1 over
    22             Buffalo Creek, Donegal Township, Bridge
    23             Painting                                       55,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $40,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    27         (17)  SR 1016, Eastland Drive Bridge over
    28             Connoquenessing Creek, Butler Township,
    29             Bridge Painting                                80,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 79 -

     1             $65,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     3         (18)  SR 1019, Rough Run Bridge over Rough
     4             Run, Windfield Township, Bridge
     5             Painting                                       95,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $80,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     9         (19)  SR 1019, Chicora Bridge over Buffalo
    10             Creek, Chicora Borough, Bridge
    11             Painting                                       70,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $55,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    15         (20)  SR 1021, Rattigan Bridge No.2 over
    16             Buffalo Creek, Donegal Township, Bridge
    17             Painting                                       70,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $55,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    21         (21)  SR 1025, Bonnie Brook Bridge No.1
    22             over Bonnie Brook, Summit Township,
    23             Bridge Painting                                90,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $75,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    27         (22)  SR 2004, Connoquenessing Creek Bridge
    28             over Connoquenessing Creek, Butler
    29             City, Bridge Painting                         135,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 80 -

     1             $120,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     3         (23)  SR 2004, Bonnie Brook Bridge No.2
     4             over Bonnie Brook, East Butler Borough,
     5             Bridge Painting                                90,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $75,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     9         (24)  SR 2011, Lardintown Run Bridge No.1
    10             over Lardintown Run, Clinton Township,
    11             Bridge Painting                                75,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $60,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    15         (25)  SR 2011, Lardintown Run Bridge No.2
    16             over Lardintown Run, Clinton Township,
    17             Bridge Painting                                65,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $50,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    21         (26)  SR 2011, Lardintown Run Bridge No.3
    22             over Lardintown Run, Clinton Township,
    23             Bridge Painting                                65,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $50,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    27         (27)  SR 3004, McCalmont Bridge over
    28             Connoquenessing Creek, Butler Township,
    29             Bridge Painting                               105,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 81 -

     1             $90,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     3         (28)  SR 3007, Reinfrew Bridge over
     4             Connoquenessing Creek, Penn Township,
     5             Bridge Painting                               115,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $100,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     9         (29)  SR 3010, Zeno Bridge over Glade Run,
    10             Forward Township, Bridge Painting             105,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $90,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    14         (30)  SR 3017, Kaufman Run Bridge over
    15             Kaufman Run, Adams Township, Bridge
    16             Painting                                       70,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $55,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    20         (31)  SR 3017, Breakneck Creek Bridge over
    21             Breakneck Creek, Adams Township, Bridge
    22             Painting                                      105,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $90,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    26         (32)  SR 3025, Little Connoquenessing Creek
    27             Bridge over Little Connoquenessing
    28             Creek, Lancaster Township, Bridge
    29             Painting                                      125,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 82 -

     1             $110,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     3         (33)  SR 4006, Keister's Bridge over
     4             Slippery Rock Creek, Slippery Rock
     5             Township, Bridge Painting                     105,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $90,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     9         (34)  SR 4007, Lake Arthur Tributary Bridge
    10             over a tributary of Lake Arthur, Worth
    11             Township, Bridge Painting                      50,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $35,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    15         (35)  SR 4007, I-79 North Bridge No.1 over
    16             I-79, Worth Township, Bridge Painting         245,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $230,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    20         (36)  SR 4007, I-79 North Bridge No.2 over
    21             I-79, Worth Township, Bridge Painting         215,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $200,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    25         (37)  SR 4010, Bull Valley Bridge over Bull
    26             Valley Creek, Washington Township,
    27             Bridge Painting                                65,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $50,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 83 -

     1         (38)  SR 4012, Seaton Creek Bridge over
     2             Seaton Creek, Marion Township, Bridge
     3             Painting                                       65,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $50,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     7         (39)  SR 8002, North Shore Exit Bridge over
     8             Muddy Creek, Worth Township, Bridge
     9             Painting                                       85,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $70,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    13         (40)  SR 0422, Route 422 Overpass,
    14             Muddycreek Township, Bridge
    15             Replacement                                 1,450,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $1,000,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    20         (41)  SR 0008, B&LE Railroad Overpass,
    21             Mercer Township, Bridge Replacement         1,450,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $1,000,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    26         (42)  SR 0038, B&LE Railroad Overpass,
    27             Concord Township, Bridge Replacement        1,050,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $750,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 84 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     2         (43)  SR 2002, Conrail Railroad Overpass,
     3             Summit Township, Bridge Replacement         1,050,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $750,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     8         (44)  SR 2012, B&LE Railroad Overpass,
     9             Jefferson Township, Bridge Replacement      1,050,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $750,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    14         (45)  SR 3004, B&LE Railroad Overpass,
    15             Butler Township, Bridge Replacement           595,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $400,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    20         (46)  SR 0008, Bridge over Armco Private
    21             Drive, Butler Township, Bridge
    22             Replacement                                 1,450,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $1,000,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    27         (47)  SR 0019, Scholars Run Bridge, Jackson
    28             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,050,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $750,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 85 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     3         (48)  SR 0019, SR 0019 over SR 0422,
     4             Muddycreek Township, Bridge
     5             Replacement                                 1,050,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $750,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    10         (49)  SR 0058, McMurray Run Bridge, Marion
    11             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,050,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $750,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    16         (50)  SR 0068, Sullivan Run Bridge, Butler
    17             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,450,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $1,000,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    22         (51)  SR 0080, I-80 over TR 540, Allegheny
    23             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,450,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $1,000,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    28         (52)  SR 0138, Muddy Creek Bridge, Clay
    29             Township, Bridge Replacement                  595,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 86 -

     1             $400,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
     4         (53)  SR 0173, Slippery Rock Creek Bridge,
     5             Slippery Rock Township, Bridge
     6             Replacement                                 1,050,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $750,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    11         (54)  SR 0079, I-79 North Bridge over Ramp,
    12             Jackson Township, Bridge Replacement        1,450,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $1,000,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    17         (55)  SR 0079, I-79 South Bridge over Ramp,
    18             Jackson Township, Bridge Replacement        1,450,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $1,000,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    23         (56)  SR 0079, I-79 over SR 0068, Jackson
    24             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,450,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $1,000,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    29         (57)  SR 0079, I-79 over TR 347, Lancaster
    30             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,450,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 87 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $1,000,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
     5         (58)  SR 0079, I-79 North Bridge over SR
     6             0422, Worth Township, Bridge
     7             Replacement                                 1,450,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $1,000,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    12         (59)  SR 0079, I-79 South Bridge over SR
    13             0422, Worth Township, Bridge
    14             Replacement                                 1,450,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $1,000,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    19         (60)  SR 0422, SR 0422 over SR 4005,
    20             Muddycreek Township, Bridge
    21             Replacement                                 1,450,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $1,000,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    26         (61)  SR 0528, SR 0528 over SR 0422,
    27             Franklin Township, Bridge Replacement       1,050,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $750,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 88 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     2         (62)  SR 1010, Bear Creek Bridge, Fairview
     3             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,050,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $750,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     8         (63)  SR 1014, Bonnie Brook Bridge over
     9             Bonnie Brook, Summit Township, Bridge
    10             Replacement                                   595,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $400,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    15         (64)  SR 1016, Connoquenessing Creek
    16             Bridge, Summit Township, Bridge
    17             Replacement                                   595,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $400,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    22         (65)  SR 2006, SR 2006 over SR 0422, Summit
    23             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,050,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $750,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    28         (66)  SR 2010, Bridge over Branch of Thorn
    29             Creek, Jefferson Township, Bridge
    30             Replacement                                 1,050,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 89 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $750,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     5         (67)  SR 2010, Little Buffalo Creek Bridge,
     6             Winfield Township, Bridge Replacement       1,050,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $750,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    11         (68)  SR 2011, Bridge over Branch of Bull
    12             Creek, Clinton Township, Bridge
    13             Replacement                                   595,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $400,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    18         (69)  SR 2011, Little Bull Run Bridge No.4
    19             over Bull Run, Clinton Township, Bridge
    20             Replacement                                   595,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $400,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    25         (70)  SR 2018, Bridge No.1 over Branch of
    26             Buffalo Creek, Winfield Township,
    27             Bridge Replacement                          1,050,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $750,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 90 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     2         (71)  SR 2018, Bridge No.2 over Branch of
     3             Buffalo Creek, Winfield Township,
     4             Bridge Replacement                          1,050,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $750,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     9         (72)  SR 3025, Little Connoquenessing Creek
    10             Bridge, Lancaster Township, Bridge
    11             Replacement                                   595,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $400,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    16         (73)  SR 4007, SR 4007 over SR 0422, Worth
    17             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,050,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $750,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    22         (74)  SR 4007, Park Road Bridge, Worth
    23             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,050,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $750,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    28         (75)  SR 4010, Long Run Bridge, Slippery
    29             Rock Township, Bridge Replacement             595,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 91 -

     1             $400,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
     4         (76)  SR 8005, SR 8005 over SR 0019,
     5             Jackson Township, Bridge Replacement          595,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $400,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    10         (77)  SR 0008, William Flynn Bridge,
    11             Middlesex Township, Bridge Replacement      1,450,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $1,000,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    16         (78)  SR 0008, Glade Run Bridge, Middlesex
    17             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation             1,450,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $1,000,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    22         (79)  SR 0008, Little Glade Run Bridge
    23             No.1, Middlesex Township, Bridge
    24             Rehabilitation                              1,450,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $1,000,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    29         (80)  SR 0008, Little Glade Run Bridge
    30             No.2, Middlesex Township, Bridge
    19970S0186B0445                 - 92 -

     1             Rehabilitation                              1,450,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $1,000,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
     6         (81)  SR 0008, Glade Run Bridge No.2,
     7             Middlesex Township, Bridge
     8             Rehabilitation                              1,450,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $1,000,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    13         (82)  SR 0008, Bulcher Run Bridge, Butler
    14             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation             1,450,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $1,000,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    19         (83)  SR 0008, Bridge No.2 over Branch of
    20             Muddy Creek, Clay Township, Bridge
    21             Rehabilitation                              1,450,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $1,000,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    26         (84)  SR 0008, Muddy Creek Bridge, Clay
    27             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation             1,450,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $1,000,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 93 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
     2         (85)  SR 0008, Glade Run Bridge No.3, Brady
     3             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation             1,450,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $1,000,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
     8         (86)  SR 0008, McDonalds Run Bridge, Mercer
     9             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,450,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $1,000,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    14         (87)  SR 0008, McMurry Run Bridge, Mercer
    15             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation             1,450,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $1,000,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    20         (88)  SR 0019, Glade Run Bridge No.2,
    21             Jackson Township, Bridge
    22             Rehabilitation                              1,050,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $750,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    27         (89)  SR 0019, Glade Run Bridge No.2,
    28             Jackson Township, Bridge
    29             Rehabilitation                              1,050,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 94 -

     1             $750,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     4         (90)  SR 0038, Connoquenessing Creek
     5             Bridge, Center Township, Bridge
     6             Rehabilitation                              1,050,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $750,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    11         (91)  SR 0038, Pine Run Bridge, Oakland
    12             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation             1,050,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $750,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    17         (92)  SR 0038, Concord Bridge, Concord
    18             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation             1,050,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $750,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    23         (93)  SR 0038, Little Connoquenessing Creek
    24             Bridge No.1, Concord Township, Bridge
    25             Rehabilitation                              1,050,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $750,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    30         (94)  SR 0038, Little Connoquenessing Creek
    19970S0186B0445                 - 95 -

     1             Bridge, Concord Township, Bridge
     2             Rehabilitation                              1,050,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $750,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     7         (95)  SR 0038, Little Scrubgrass Creek
     8             Bridge, Allegheny Township, Bridge
     9             Rehabilitation                              1,050,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $750,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    14         (96)  SR 0038, Bridge over Tributary of
    15             Scrubgrass Creek, Allegheny Township,
    16             Bridge Rehabilitation                       1,050,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $750,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    21         (97)  SR 0058, Murrin Run Bridge, Venango
    22             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation             1,050,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $750,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    27         (98)  SR 0068, B&LE Railroad Bridge, Summit
    28             and Butler Townships, Bridge
    29             Rehabilitation                              1,450,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 96 -

     1             $1,000,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
     4         (99)  SR 0068, Connoquenessing Creek
     5             Bridge, Summit Township, Bridge
     6             Rehabilitation                              1,050,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $750,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    11         (100)  SR 0068, Buffalo Creek Bridge,
    12             Chicora Township, Bridge
    13             Rehabilitation                              1,050,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $750,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    18         (101)  SR 0068, Buffalo Run Bridge,
    19             Fairview Township, Bridge
    20             Rehabilitation                              1,050,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $750,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    25         (102)  SR 0079, Bridge over Tributary of
    26             Glade Run, Jackson Township, Bridge
    27             Rehabilitation                              1,450,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $1,000,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 97 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
     2         (103)  SR 0079, Bridge No.1 over Branch of
     3             Yellow Creek, Lancaster Township,
     4             Bridge Rehabilitation                       1,450,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $1,000,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
     9         (104)  SR 0079, Bridge No.2 over Branch of
    10             Yellow Creek, Lancaster Township,
    11             Bridge Rehabilitation                       1,450,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $1,000,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    16         (105)  SR 0079, Bridge No.3 over Branch of
    17             Yellow Creek, Lancaster Township,
    18             Bridge Rehabilitation                       1,450,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $1,000,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    23         (106)  SR 0079, Little Yellow Creek Bridge,
    24             Lancaster Township, Bridge
    25             Rehabilitation                              1,450,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $1,000,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    30         (107)  SR 0079, Bridge No.4 over Branch of
    19970S0186B0445                 - 98 -

     1             Yellow Creek, Muddycreek Township,
     2             Bridge Rehabilitation                       1,450,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $1,000,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
     7         (108)  SR 0079, Bridge at Milepost 100,
     8             Worth Township, Bridge Rehabilitation       1,450,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $1,000,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    13         (109)  SR 0079, Black Run Bridge, Worth
    14             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation             1,450,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $1,000,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    19         (110)  SR 0268, Bridge over Branch of Bear
    20             Creek, Petrolia Borough, Bridge
    21             Rehabilitation                              1,050,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $750,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    26         (111)  SR 0268, Lowrey Run Bridge,
    27             Allegheny Township, Bridge
    28             Rehabilitation                              1,050,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $750,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 99 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     3         (112)  SR 0308, B&LE Railroad Bridge,
     4             Center Township, Bridge Rehabilitation      1,050,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $750,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     9         (113)  SR 0308, Stony Run Bridge, Center
    10             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation             1,050,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $750,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    15         (114)  SR 0356, Little Buffalo Creek
    16             Bridge, Buffalo Township, Bridge
    17             Rehabilitation                              1,050,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $750,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    22         (115)  SR 0356, Big Coal Run Bridge, Summit
    23             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation             1,050,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $750,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    28         (116)  SR 0422, Lake Arthur Bridge,
    29             Franklin Township, Bridge
    30             Rehabilitation                              1,450,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 100 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $1,000,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
     5         (117)  SR 0422, Big Run Bridge, Franklin
     6             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation             1,450,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $1,000,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    11         (118)  SR 0422, Mulligan Run Bridge,
    12             Franklin Township, Bridge
    13             Rehabilitation                              1,450,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $1,000,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    18         (119)  SR 0422, Big Mulligan Run Bridge,
    19             Franklin Township, Bridge
    20             Rehabilitation                              1,450,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $1,000,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    25         (120)  SR 0422, Big Sullivan Run Bridge,
    26             Butler Township, Bridge Rehabilitation      1,450,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $1,000,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 101 -

     1         (121)  SR 0422, Connoquenessing Creek
     2             Bridge, Butler Township, Bridge
     3             Rehabilitation                              1,450,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $1,000,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
     8         (122)  SR 0422, Bridge No.1 over Tributary
     9             of Connoquenessing Creek, Summit
    10             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation             1,450,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $1,000,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    15         (123)  SR 0422, Bridge No.2 over Tributary
    16             of Bonnie Brook, Butler Township,
    17             Bridge Rehabilitation                       1,450,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $1,000,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    22         (124)  SR 0422, Bonnie Brook Bridge No.1,
    23             Summit Township, Bridge Rehabilitation      1,450,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $1,000,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    28         (125)  SR 0422, Bridge No.3 over Tributary
    29             of Bonnie Brook, Summit Township,
    30             Bridge Rehabilitation                       1,450,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 102 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $1,000,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
     5         (126)  SR 0422, Bonnie Brook Bridge No.2,
     6             Summit Township, Bridge Rehabilitation      1,450,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $1,000,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    11         (127)  SR 0422, Bridge No.4 over Tributary
    12             of Bonnie Brook, Summit Township,
    13             Bridge Rehabilitation                       1,450,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $1,000,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    18         (128)  SR 0422, Little Buffalo Creek
    19             Bridge, Clearfield Township, Bridge
    20             Rehabilitation                              1,450,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $1,000,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    25         (129)  SR 0422, Buffalo Creek Bridge,
    26             Clearfield Township, Bridge
    27             Rehabilitation                              1,450,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $1,000,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 103 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
     2         (130)  SR 0528, Likens Run Bridge, Evans
     3             City Borough, Bridge Rehabilitation         1,050,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $750,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     8         (131)  SR 1010, Glade Run Bridge, Brady
     9             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               595,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $400,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    14         (132)  SR 1010, Big Bear Creek Bridge,
    15             Fairview Township, Bridge
    16             Rehabilitation                                595,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $400,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    21         (133)  SR 1011, Buffalo Creek Bridge,
    22             Fairview Township, Bridge
    23             Rehabilitation                                595,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $400,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    28         (134)  SR 1019, Big Buffalo Run Bridge,
    29             Donegal Township, Bridge
    30             Rehabilitation                              1,050,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 104 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $750,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     5         (135)  SR 1025, Bonnie Brook Bridge, Summit
     6             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation             1,050,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $750,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    11         (136)  SR 2002, Coal Run Bridge, City of
    12             Butler and Butler Township, Bridge
    13             Rehabilitation                              1,050,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $750,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    18         (137)  SR 2004, Bonnie Brook Bridge, Summit
    19             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation             1,050,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $750,000)
    22             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    24         (138)  SR 2012, Thorn Creek Bridge No.1,
    25             Jefferson Township, Bridge
    26             Rehabilitation                              1,050,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $750,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 105 -

     1         (139)  SR 2012, Thorn Creek Bridge No.2,
     2             Jefferson Township, Bridge
     3             Rehabilitation                              1,050,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $750,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     8         (140)  SR 3001, West Butler Creek Bridge,
     9             Butler Township, Bridge Rehabilitation      1,450,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $1,000,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    14         (141)  SR 3007, Thorn Creek Bridge, Butler
    15             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation             1,050,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $750,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    20         (142)  SR 3009, Cranberry Run Bridge, Penn
    21             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               595,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $400,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    26         (143)  SR 3010, Saw Mill Run Bridge, Penn
    27             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               595,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $400,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 106 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
     2         (144)  SR 3015, Bridge No.2 over Tributary
     3             of Wolf Run, Forward Township, Bridge
     4             Rehabilitation                              1,050,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $750,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     9         (145)  SR 3015, Bridge No.3 over Tributary
    10             of Wolf Run, Forward Township, Bridge
    11             Rehabilitation                              1,050,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $750,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    16         (146)  SR 3025, Bridge over Branch of
    17             Yellow Creek, Lancaster Township,
    18             Bridge Rehabilitation                         595,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $400,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    23         (147)  SR 3031, SR 3031 over US 422, Butler
    24             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               595,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $400,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    29         (148)  SR 3034, Bridge over Branch of
    30             Semiconon, Prospect Borough, Bridge
    19970S0186B0445                 - 107 -

     1             Rehabilitation                                595,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $400,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
     6         (149)  SR 4001, SR 4001 over US 422, Butler
     7             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation             1,050,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $750,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    12         (150)  SR 4002, Bridge over Branch of Muddy
    13             Creek, Clay Township, Bridge
    14             Rehabilitation                              1,050,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $750,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    19         (151)  T-716, Old Plank Road Bridge, Penn
    20             Township, Bridge Replacement                  390,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $300,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    25         (152)  SR 3007, Crooked Run Bridge, Center
    26             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,050,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $750,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 108 -

     1         (153)  SR 3010, Glade Run Bridge, Forward
     2             Township, Bridge Replacement                  595,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $400,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
     7         (154)  SR 3013, Big Connoquessing Bridge,
     8             Forward Township, Bridge Replacement          595,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $400,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    13         (155)  SR 0019, SR 0019 over Brush Creek,
    14             Cranberry Township, Bridge Replacement      1,050,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $800,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $75,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    19         (156)  SR 0079, SR 0079 over Big Brush
    20             Creek, Cranberry Township, Bridge
    21             Replacement                                 1,450,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $1,100,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $75,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $275,000)
    26         (157)  SR 0079, SR 0079 over Coal Run,
    27             Cranberry Township, Bridge Replacement      1,450,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $1,100,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $75,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 109 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $275,000)
     2         (158)  SR 0228, SR 0228 over CSX Railroad,
     3             Adams Township, Bridge Replacement          1,450,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $1,100,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $75,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $275,000)
     8         (159)  SR 3015, Breakneck Bridge, Adams
     9             Township, Bridge Replacement                  595,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $400,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    14         (160)  SR 3022, SR 3022 over Brush Creek,
    15             Cranberry Township, Bridge Replacement      1,050,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $800,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $75,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    20         (161)  SR 3024, SR 3024 over Big Brush
    21             Creek, Cranberry Township, Bridge
    22             Replacement                                   595,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $400,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    27  Section 15.  Cambria County
    28     (a)  Local Bridges
    29         (1)  Summerhill Township, T-346, Bridge
    30             No.1, Howard Avenue over Beaverdam Run,
    19970S0186B0445                 - 110 -

     1             Bridge Replacement                            450,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $350,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     5         (2)  West Carroll Township, T-505 over
     6             Blacklick Creek, Bridge Replacement           235,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $200,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
    11         (3)  West Carroll Township, T-626 over Fox
    12             Run, Bridge Replacement                       235,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $200,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
    17     (b)  State Bridges
    18         (1)  SR 1030, Carl Road over Slate Lick
    19             Creek, Clearfield Township, Bridge
    20             Replacement                                   240,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $200,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    25         (2)  SR 0271, MAPLE AVENUE BRIDGE OVER                     <--
    28             PAINTING                                      500,000
    30             $500,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 111 -

     1         (3)  SR 3033, PA 56 DETOUR BRIDGE OVER
     3             REPLACEMENT                                   350,000
     5             $250,000)
     6             (LAND ALLOCATION - $15,000)
     7             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $85,000)
     8  Section 16.  (Reserved).
     9  Section 17.  Carbon County.
    10     (a)  Local Bridges
    11         (1)  Penn Forest Township, T-481, County
    12             Bridge No.21 over Panther Creek, Bridge
    13             Replacement                                   290,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $180,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    18     (b)  State Bridges
    19         (1)  SR 2002, Delaware Avenue over Palmer
    20             Creek, Palmerton Borough, Bridge
    21             Replacement                                   568,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $318,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $150,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    26         (2)  SR 4010, SR 4010 over Quakake Creek,
    27             Packer Township, Bridge Replacement           412,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $202,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $150,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 112 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
     2         (3)  SR 0209, SR 0209 Turnpike Ramp,
     3             Mahoning Interchange, Franklin
     4             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,260,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $750,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $300,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $210,000)
     9         (4)  SR 0248, SR 0248 over Pohopoco Creek,
    10             Parryville Borough Line, Lower
    11             Towamensing Township, Bridge
    12             Rehabilitation                                415,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $315,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    16         (5)  SR 4010, SR 4010 over Hartz Creek,
    17             Packer Township, Bridge Replacement           615,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $370,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $150,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $95,000)
    22         (6)  SR 0534, SR 0534 over Sand Spring Run,
    23             2 Miles South of Lehigh Tannery, Kidder
    24             Township, Bridge Replacement                  340,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $160,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $125,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $55,000)
    29         (7)  SR 0209, SR 0209 over Pohopoco Creek,
    30             Village of Harrity, Franklin Township,
    19970S0186B0445                 - 113 -

     1             Bridge Rehabilitation                         885,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $680,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $205,000)
     5         (8)  SR 0534, Pa 534 over I-80, Kidder
     6             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               540,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $440,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    10  Section 18.  Centre County.
    11     (a)  Local Bridges
    12         (1)  Greene Township, T-350, Stover Road
    13             Bridge, Bridge Replacement                    230,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $180,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    18         (2)  Howard Township, T-398 over Bullit
    19             Run, Bridge Rehabilitation                     11,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation - $9,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $2,000)
    22         (3)  Halfmoon Township, T-307 over
    23             Loveville Creek, Bridge Replacement            21,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $19,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $2,000)
    27         (4)  Penn Township, T-839 over Pine Creek,
    28             Bridge Rehabilitation                          80,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $60,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 114 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
     2         (5)  Port Matilda Borough, Pedestrian
     3             Bridge over Bald Eagle Creek, Bridge
     4             Rehabilitation                                200,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $175,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
     8         (6)  Spring Township, T-367, Hill Road
     9             Bridge, Bridge Replacement                    200,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $150,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    14     (b)  State Bridges
    15         (1)  SR 0080, I-80 Viaduct over Moshannon
    16             Creek and Conrail, Rush Township,
    17             Bridge Rehabilitation                      14,510,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $13,210,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $1,300,000)
    21         (2)  SR 1002, Marsh Creek Bridge over Marsh
    22             Creek, Boggs Township, Bridge
    23             Replacement                                   760,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $630,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $110,000)
    28         (3)  SR 1002, Little Marsh Creek Bridge
    29             over Little Marsh Creek, Curtin
    30             Township, Bridge Replacement                  700,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 115 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $600,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
     5         (4)  SR 2012, Penns Creek Bridge Northwest
     6             of the Village of Spring Mills, Gregg
     7             Township, Bridge Replacement                  470,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $360,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $90,000)
    12         (5)  SR 0220, SR 0220 over Laurel Run, Port
    13             Matilda Borough, Bridge Rehabilitation        450,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $400,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    17  Section 19.  Chester County.
    18     (a)  Local Bridges
    19         (1)  Parkesburg Borough, State Street
    20             Pedestrian Bridge over Amtrak, Bridge
    21             Replacement                                 1,700,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $1,000,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $500,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    26         (2)  East Fallowfield Township, T-362,
    27             Timacuia Road under Penn Central
    28             Railroad, Bridge Removal                      445,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $400,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 116 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     3         (3)  East Marlborough Township, T-402,
     4             County Bridge No.65, Mill Road Bridge
     5             over West Branch of Red Clay Creek,
     6             Bridge Replacement                            345,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $291,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $29,000)
    11         (4)  Oxford Borough, Broad Street Bridge
    12             over SEPTA, Bridge Replacement              1,304,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $1,125,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $159,000)
    17         (5)  Penn Township, County Bridge No.260,
    18             Posey Mill Road Bridge over Big Elk
    19             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     425,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $300,000)
    22             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    24         (6)  Tredyffrin Township, Old Lancaster
    25             Pike Bridge over Amtrak, Bridge
    26             Rehabilitation                                465,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $400,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $35,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 117 -

     1         (7)  Tredyffrin Township, T-807, Evans Road
     2             Bridge over Conrail, Bridge
     3             Replacement                                   195,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $150,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     8         (8)  West Caln and West Brandywine
     9             Townships, County Bridge No.283, Reid
    10             Road Bridge over West Branch of
    11             Brandywine Creek, Bridge Replacement          740,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $600,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    16         (9)  West Goshen Township, T-210, Old
    17             Eachus Mill Road Bridge over SEPTA,
    18             Bridge Replacement                            615,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $500,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    23         (10)  West Goshen Township, T-328, Bridge
    24             over Penn Central Railroad, Bridge
    25             Removal                                       132,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $110,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $17,000)
    30         (11)  West Marlborough Township, T-368,
    19970S0186B0445                 - 118 -

     1             Creek Road Bridge under Penn Central
     2             Railroad, Bridge Removal                      580,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $500,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
     7         (12)  West Marlborough Township, Bridge
     8             over Doe Run, Bridge Replacement              915,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $750,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $140,000)
    13         (13)  East Coventry Township, Zeiber Road
    14             over Pigeon Creek, Bridge Replacement         375,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $300,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    19         (14)  South Coventry Township, Young Road
    20             over Pigeon Creek, Bridge
    21             Rehabilitation                                  6,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation - $6,000)
    23         (15)  FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, T-356, MOUNT                      <--
    26             REHABILITATION                              8,100,000
    28             $6,600,000)
    29             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $1,500,000)
    30     (b)  State Bridges
    19970S0186B0445                 - 119 -

     1         (1)  SR 1010, Swedesford Road Bridge over
     2             US 422, Drummers Lane and Warner Road,
     3             Tredyffrin, Chester County, Upper
     4             Merion, Montgomery County, Bridge
     5             Replacement                                 6,795,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $6,210,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $180,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $405,000)
    10         (2)  SR 1045, Hares Hill Road Bridge over
    11             French Creek, East Pikeland Township,
    12             Bridge Rehabilitation                       1,000,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $740,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $60,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    17         (3)  SR 3014, Lees Road Bridge over Black
    18             Run, West Nottingham Township, Bridge
    19             Replacement                                 1,125,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $850,000)
    22             (Land Allocation - $75,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    24         (4)  SR 3030, Street Road Bridge over
    25             Octoraro Creek, Upper Oxford Township,
    26             Bridge Replacement                          1,875,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $1,600,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $75,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 120 -

     1         (5)  SR 0003, Gay Street Bridge over
     2             Abandoned Conrail, West Chester
     3             Borough, Bridge Removal                       180,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $150,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
     8         (6)  SR 0842, Shaws Bridges (Two Bridges)
     9             over Branch of Brandywine Creek, East
    10             Bradford and Pocopson Townships, Bridge
    11             Replacement                                 1,500,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $1,288,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $112,000)
    16         (7)  SR 0842, Bridge Road Bridge over East
    17             Branch of Brandywine Creek, East
    18             Bradford Township, Bridge Painting            214,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $186,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $28,000)
    22         (8)  SR 1049, Rapp's Dam Covered Bridge,
    23             East Pikeland Township, Bridge
    24             Painting                                       47,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $41,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $6,000)
    28         (9)  SR 2011, Phoenixville Pike Bridge
    29             under Abandoned Penn Central Railroad,
    30             West Goshen Township, Bridge Removal          125,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 121 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $100,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     5         (10)  SR 2018, Green Hill Road Bridge under
     6             Abandoned Penn Central Railroad, West
     7             Goshen Township, Bridge Removal               125,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $100,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    12         (11)  SR 3045, Springdell Road Bridge under
    13             Abandoned Penn Central Railroad, West
    14             Marborough Township, Bridge Removal           125,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $100,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    19         (12)  SR 3049, Hilltop View Road Bridge
    20             over Buck and Doe Run Creek, Newlin
    21             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,450,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $1,300,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    26         (13)  SR 1012, Bridge over Trout Creek,
    27             Tredyffrin Township, Bridge
    28             Replacement                                   850,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $550,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 122 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     3  Section 20.  Clarion County.
     4     (a)  Local Bridges
     5         (1)  Beaver Township, T-400, Canoe Creek
     6             Bridge over Canoe Creek, Bridge
     7             Replacement                                   380,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $300,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
    12         (2)  Beaver Township, T-422, Deer Creek
    13             Bridge over Deer Creek, Bridge
    14             Replacement                                   540,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $450,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    19         (3)  Clarion and Millcreek Townships, T-
    20             490, Mill Creek Bridge over Mill Creek,
    21             Bridge Replacement                            540,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $450,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    26         (4)  Elk Township, T-424, Deer Creek Bridge
    27             over Deer Creek, Bridge Replacement           545,000  <--
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $425,000)
    30             OVER DEER CREEK, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT           620,000  <--
    19970S0186B0445                 - 123 -

     2             $500,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     5         (5)  Farmington Township, T-562, Walley Run
     6             Bridge over Walley Run, Bridge
     7             Replacement                                   375,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $300,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
    12         (6)  Knox Township, T-850, Toby Creek
    13             Bridge over Toby Creek, Bridge
    14             Replacement                                   480,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $400,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    19         (7)  Knox Township, T-600, Licking Creek
    20             Bridge over Licking Creek, Bridge
    21             Replacement                                   445,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $350,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    26         (8)  Madison Township, T-460, Red Bank
    27             Creek Bridge over Tributary of Red Bank
    28             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     390,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $300,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 124 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
     3         (9)  Porter Township, T-462, Fiddlers Run
     4             Bridge over Fiddlers Run, Bridge
     5             Replacement                                   390,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $300,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    10         (10)  Porter Township, T-472, Leatherwood
    11             Creek Bridge over Leatherwood Creek,
    12             Bridge Replacement                            455,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $375,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    17         (11)  Porter Township, T-750, Leisure Run
    18             Bridge over Leisure Run, Bridge
    19             Replacement                                   390,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $300,000)
    22             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    24         (12)  Red Bank Township, T-840, Beaver
    25             Creek Bridge over Beaver Creek, Bridge
    26             Replacement                                   420,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $350,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $55,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 125 -

     1         (13)  Red Bank Township, T-508, County
     2             Bridge No.46, Pine Creek Bridge over
     3             Pine Creek, Bridge Replacement                378,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $300,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $8,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
     8         (14)  Richland Township, T-382, Turkey Run
     9             Bridge over Turkey Run, Bridge
    10             Replacement                                   360,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $300,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    15         (15)  Richland Township, T-382, Turkey Run
    16             Bridge over Turkey Run, Bridge
    17             Replacement                                   360,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $300,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    22         (16)  Sligo Borough, Madison Street Bridge
    23             over Little Licking Creek, Bridge
    24             Replacement                                   445,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $350,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    29         (17)  Beaver Township, T-332 over Beaver
    30             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     400,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 126 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $275,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
     5         (18)  Beaver Township, T-385 over Canoe
     6             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     490,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $320,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $80,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $90,000)
    11         (19)  Highland Township, T-573 over Toby
    12             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     500,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $360,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    17         (20)  Knox Township, T-850 over Step Creek,
    18             Bridge Replacement                            240,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $180,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    23         (21)  Perry Township, T-301, Bridge
    24             Replacement                                   200,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $130,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    29         (22)  Millcreek Township, T-564 over Little
    30             Mill Creek, Bridge Replacement                380,000  <--
    19970S0186B0445                 - 127 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $300,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
     5             MILL CREEK, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                480,000  <--
     7             $400,000)
     8             (LAND ALLOCATION - $20,000)
     9             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $60,000)
    10         (23)  Paint Township, T-578 over Step
    11             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     360,000  <--
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $300,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    16             CREEK, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                     500,000  <--
    18             $400,000)
    19             (LAND ALLOCATION - $20,000)
    20             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $80,000)
    21         (24)  Monroe Township, T-486, County Bridge
    22             No.22 over Piney Creek, Bridge
    23             Replacement                                   480,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $400,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
    28         (25)  Clarion Township, T-532 over Brush
    29             Run, Bridge Replacement                       245,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 128 -

     1             $200,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $35,000)
     4         (26)  Clarion Township, T-561 over Jones
     5             Run, Bridge Replacement                       245,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $200,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $35,000)
    10         (27)  Elk Township, T-582 over Mahles Run,
    11             Bridge Replacement                            245,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $200,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $35,000)
    16         (28)  Farmington Township, T-609 over Engle
    17             Run, Bridge Replacement                       245,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $200,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $35,000)
    22         (29)  Paint Township, T-577 over Toby
    23             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     106,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $100,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $1,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    28         (30)  Paint Township, T-576 over Toby
    29             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     106,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 129 -

     1             $100,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $1,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
     4         (31)  Beaver Township, T-405 over Canoe
     5             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     106,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $100,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $1,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    10         (32)  Beaver Township, T-411 over Boyd Run,
    11             Bridge Replacement                            106,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $100,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $1,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    16         (33)  Elk Township, T-424 over Deer Creek,
    17             Bridge Replacement                            250,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $200,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    22         (34)  HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP, T-577, BRIDGE OVER                <--
    23             TOBY CREEK, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                518,000
    25             $380,000)
    26             (LAND ALLOCATION - $8,000)
    27             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $130,000)
    28         (35)  BEAVER TOWNSHIP, T-423, BRIDGE OVER
    29             CANOE CREEK, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT               510,000
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     1             $400,000)
     2             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
     3             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $100,000)
     4         (36)  ELK TOWNSHIP, T-418, BRIDGE OVER DEER
     5             CREEK, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                     380,000
     7             $300,000)
     8             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
     9             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $70,000)
    10         (37)  PAINT TOWNSHIP, T-582, BRIDGE OVER
    11             LITTLE PAINT CREEK, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT        424,000
    13             $350,000)
    14             (LAND ALLOCATION - $9,000)
    15             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $65,000)
    16     (b)  State Bridges
    17         (1)  SR 0058, Callensburg Bridge over
    18             Clarion River, Licking Township, Bridge
    19             Painting                                      365,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $350,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    23         (2)  SR 0080, Beaver Creek Eastbound Bridge
    24             over Beaver Creek, Beaver Township,
    25             Bridge Painting                               390,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $375,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    29         (3)  SR 0080, Beaver Creek Westbound Bridge
    30             over Beaver Creek, Beaver Township,
    19970S0186B0445                 - 131 -

     1             Bridge Painting                               390,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $375,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     5         (4)  SR 0080, Canoe Creek Eastbound Bridge
     6             over Canoe Creek, Beaver Township,
     7             Bridge Painting                             1,230,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $1,200,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    11         (5)  SR 0080, Canoe Creek Westbound Bridge
    12             over Canoe Creek, Beaver Township,
    13             Bridge Painting                             1,290,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $1,260,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    17         (6)  SR 0080, TR 558 Bridge over I-80,
    18             Clarion Township, Bridge Painting             195,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $180,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    22         (7)  SR 0322, Exit 11 Bridge over I-80,
    23             Clarion Township, Clarion Bridge
    24             Painting                                      205,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $190,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    28         (8)  SR 0536, Mayport Bridge over Redbank
    29             Creek, Red Bank Township, Bridge
    30             Painting                                      215,000
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     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $200,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     4         (9)  SR 1009, Brush Creek Bridge over Brush
     5             Creek, Clarion Township, Bridge
     6             Painting                                       70,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $55,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    10         (10)  SR 2001, Piney Creek Bridge over
    11             Piney Creek, Limestone Township, Bridge
    12             Painting                                       85,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $70,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    16         (11)  SR 2001, Little Piney Creek Bridge
    17             over Little Piney Creek, Limestone
    18             Township, Bridge Painting                      70,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $55,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    22         (12)  SR 2005, Glade Run Bridge over Glade
    23             Run, Limestone Township, Bridge
    24             Painting                                       60,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $45,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    28         (13)  SR 2007, Licking Creek Bridge over
    29             Licking Creek, Monroe Township, Bridge
    30             Painting                                       75,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 133 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $60,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     4         (14)  SR 2009, Lawsonham Bridge over
     5             Redbank Creek, Madison Township, Bridge
     6             Painting                                      195,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $180,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    10         (15)  SR 2009, Wildcat Run Bridge over
    11             Wildcat Run, Madison Township, Bridge
    12             Painting                                       85,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $70,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    16         (16)  SR 2015, Little Piney Creek Bridge
    17             over Little Piney Creek, Limestone
    18             Township, Bridge Painting                      60,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $45,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    22         (17)  SR 3020, Alum Rock Bridge over Turkey
    23             Run, Richland Township, Bridge
    24             Painting                                       75,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $60,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    28         (18)  SR 4003, Turkey Run Bridge over
    29             Turkey Run, Richland Township, Bridge
    30             Painting                                       65,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 134 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $50,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     4         (19)  SR 4005, Canoe Creek Bridge over
     5             Canoe Creek, Beaver Township, Bridge
     6             Painting                                       70,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $55,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    10         (20)  SR 0208, Conrail Overpass, Elk
    11             Township, Bridge Removal                       55,000  <--
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $50,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    15             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REMOVAL                      120,000  <--
    17             $80,000)
    18             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
    19             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $30,000)
    20         (21)  SR 0322, Conrail Overpass, Elk
    21             Township, Bridge Removal                      210,000  <--
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $200,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    25             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REMOVAL                      250,000  <--
    27             $200,000)
    28             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
    29             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $40,000)
    30         (22)  SR 1011, Lake Erie, Franklin and
    19970S0186B0445                 - 135 -

     1             Clarion Railroad Overpass, Clarion
     2             Township, Bridge Removal                       12,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $10,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $2,000)
     6         (23)  SR 0066, Bridge over Piney Creek,
     7             Limestone Township, Bridge Replacement        650,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $500,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $130,000)
    12         (24)  SR 0066, Bridge over Little Piney
    13             Creek, Limestone Township, Bridge
    14             Replacement                                   600,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $450,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $130,000)
    19         (25)  SR 0068, Bridge over Brush Run,
    20             Monroe Township, Bridge Replacement           650,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $500,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $130,000)
    25         (26)  SR 0208, Bridge over Canoe Creek,
    26             Beaver Township, Bridge Replacement           550,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $400,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $130,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 136 -

     1         (27)  SR 2001, Bridge over Little Piney
     2             Creek, Limestone Township, Bridge
     3             Replacement                                   490,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $350,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $120,000)
     8         (28)  SR 0208, SR 0208 over Deer Creek, Elk
     9             Township, Bridge Replacement                  505,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $450,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    14         (29)  SR 2007, SR 2007 over Deer Creek,
    15             Beaver Township, Bridge Replacement           455,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $400,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    20         (30)  SR 4005, SR 4005 over Canoe Creek,
    21             Beaver Township, Bridge Replacement           405,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $350,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    26         (31)  SR 4008, SR 4008 over Paint Creek,
    27             Knox Township, Bridge Replacement             505,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $450,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 137 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
     2  Section 21.  Clearfield County.
     3     (a)  Local Bridges
     4         (1)  Knox Township, T-565 Bridge over Potts
     5             Run, Bridge Replacement                       510,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $350,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    10         (2)  Houtzdale Borough, McAteer Street
    11             Bridge, Bridge Replacement                    430,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $270,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $140,000)
    16         (3)  Penn Township, T-461 over Bell Run,
    17             Bridge Replacement                            106,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $100,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $1,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    22     (b)  State Bridges
    23         (1)  SR 0879, Bridge over US 322 near
    24             Clearfield Mall, Lawrence Township,
    25             Bridge Painting                               644,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $614,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    29         (2)  SR 0729, Bridge over Muddy Run,
    30             Beccaria Township, Bridge Painting             35,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 138 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $30,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
     4         (3)  SR 0879, Bridge over Susquehanna
     5             River, Lawrence Township, Bridge
     6             Painting                                      183,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $163,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    10         (4)  SR 0970, Bridge over Moshannon Creek,
    11             Osceola Mills, Bridge Painting                145,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $120,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
    15         (5)  SR 0970, Bridge over Susquehanna
    16             River, Village of Shawville, Bridge
    17             Painting                                      163,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $143,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    21         (6)  SR 1009, Bridge over Alder Run, Morris
    22             Township, Bridge Painting                      18,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $15,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $3,000)
    26         (7)  SR 1014, Bridge over Alder Run, Graham
    27             Township, Bridge Painting                      18,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $15,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $3,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 139 -

     1         (8)  SR 2010, Bridge over Beaver Run,
     2             Woodward Township, Bridge Painting             18,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $15,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $3,000)
     6         (9)  SR 2024, Bridge over Conrail, Pike
     7             Township, Bridge Painting                      28,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $24,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $4,000)
    11         (10)  SR 3001, Bridge over Chest Creek,
    12             Mahaffey Borough, Bridge Replacement        1,750,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $1,300,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $150,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $300,000)
    17         (11)  SR 3012, Bridge over Matthews Run,
    18             Beccaria Township, Bridge Painting             18,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $15,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $3,000)
    22         (12)  SR 3012, Bridge over Clearfield
    23             Creek, Beccaria Township, Bridge
    24             Painting                                      100,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $90,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    28         (13)  SR 0219, SR 0219 over Bear Run, Bell
    29             Township, Bridge Replacement                  505,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 140 -

     1             $450,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
     4  Section 22.  Clinton County.
     5     (a)  Local Bridges
     6         (1)  Mill Hall Borough, Church Street over
     7             Fishing Creek, Bridge Rehabilitation            5,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation - $4,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $1,000)
    10     (b)  State Bridges
    11         (1)  SR 0044, Bridge over SR 0220, 1 Mile
    12             Northeast of Avis, Pine Creek Township,
    13             Bridge Painting                               580,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $525,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $55,000)
    17         (2)  SR 0080, Lamar Interchange (Two
    18             Bridges) over PA 64 at Exit 25, Porter
    19             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation             4,100,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $3,400,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $700,000)
    23         (3)  SR 0144, Bridge over Kettle Creek, 1
    24             Mile East of Hammersley Fork, Leidy
    25             Township, Bridge Painting                     660,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $600,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    29  Section 23.  Columbia County.
    30     (a)  Local Bridges (Reserved)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 141 -

     1     (b)  State Bridges
     2         (1)  SR 0044, Chillisquaque Creek Bridge
     3             over Chillisquaque Creek, 3 Miles
     4             Northwest of Jerseytown, Bridge
     5             Replacement                                   477,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $382,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $24,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $71,000)
    10         (2)  SR 0093, Bridge over North Branch of
    11             Briar Creek, Bridge Replacement               350,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $275,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    16         (3)  SR 0093, Briar Creek Bridge over Briar
    17             Creek, 3 Miles West of Berwick, Bridge
    18             Replacement                                   392,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $315,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $18,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $59,000)
    23         (4)  SR 0239, West Creek Bridge over West
    24             Creek, Southeast of Benton and
    25             Sugarloaf Townships, Bridge
    26             Replacement                                   670,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $536,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $34,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 142 -

     1         (5)  SR 0442, West Branch Run Bridge over
     2             West Branch Run, 1.5 Miles North of
     3             Iola, Bridge Replacement                      206,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $165,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $31,000)
     8         (6)  SR 1004, Erie-Lackawanna Railroad
     9             Bridge, Viaduct over Conrail, South
    10             Centre Township, Bridge Replacement         1,900,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $1,600,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $110,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $190,000)
    15         (7)  SR 1019, Briar Creek Bridge over Briar
    16             Creek, Briar Creek Township, Bridge
    17             Replacement                                   404,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $323,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $61,000)
    22         (8)  SR 4012, Little Hemlock Creek Bridge
    23             over Little Hemlock Creek, 10 Miles
    24             Southeast of Jerseytown, Bridge
    25             Replacement                                   284,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $227,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $14,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $43,000)
    30         (9)  SR 4037, Mud Run Bridge over Mud Run,
    19970S0186B0445                 - 143 -

     1             5 Miles Northwest of Millville Borough,
     2             Bridge Replacement                            307,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $246,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $46,000)
     7         (10)  SR 0011, Bridge over Fishing Creek,
     8             Bridge Painting                               530,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $520,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    12         (11)  SR 1022, Bridge over Fishing Creek,
    13             Bridge Painting                               380,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $370,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    17         (12)  SR 1022, Bridge over Old Channel,
    18             Bridge Painting                               125,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $115,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    22         (13)  SR 4009, Bridge over Fishing Creek,
    23             Bridge Painting                               315,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $305,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    27         (14)  SR 0042, SR 0042 over Roaring Creek,
    28             Conyngham Township, Bridge Replacement        457,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $366,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 144 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $23,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $68,000)
     3         (15)  SR 0239, SR 0239 over West Creek,
     4             Benton Township, Bridge Replacement           760,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $560,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $35,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $165,000)
     9         (16)  SR 0254, SR 0254 over Little Fishing
    10             Creek, Millville Borough, Bridge
    11             Replacement                                 1,020,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $816,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $51,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $153,000)
    16         (17)  SR 0339, SR 0339 over Beaver Run,
    17             Beaver Township, Bridge Replacement           320,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $256,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $16,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $48,000)
    22         (18)  SR 0487, SR 0487 over Stony Brook,
    23             Orange Township, Bridge Replacement           380,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $304,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $19,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $57,000)
    28         (19)  SR 1014, SR 1014 over Little Briar
    29             Creek, Briar Creek Township, Bridge
    30             Replacement                                   415,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 145 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $332,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $21,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $62,000)
     5         (20)  SR 1023, SR 1023 over East Briar
     6             Creek, Briar Creek Township, Bridge
     7             Replacement                                   520,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $466,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $29,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
    12         (21)  SR 2003, SR 2003 over Tributary of
    13             Roaring Creek, Roaring Creek Township,
    14             Bridge Replacement                            171,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $136,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
    19         (22)  SR 2003, SR 2003 over Tributary of
    20             Roaring Creek, Locust Township, Bridge
    21             Replacement                                   245,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $196,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $12,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $37,000)
    26         (23)  SR 2009, SR 2009 over Catawissa
    27             Creek, Main Township, Bridge
    28             Replacement                                   436,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $349,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 146 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $22,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $65,000)
     3         (24)  SR 4009, SR 4009 over Little Fishing
     4             Creek, Mt. Pleasant Township, Bridge
     5             Replacement                                 1,232,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $986,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $61,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $185,000)
    10         (25)  SR 4033, SR 4033 over Wolfhouse Run,
    11             Pine Township, Bridge Replacement             252,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $202,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $12,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $38,000)
    16         (26)  SR 4045, SR 4045 over Green Creek,
    17             Greenwood Township, Bridge Replacement        435,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $348,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $22,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $65,000)
    22         (27)  SR 4049, SR 4049 over Coles Creek,
    23             Sugarloaf Township, Bridge Replacement      1,095,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $876,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $55,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $164,000)
    28  Section 24.  Crawford County.
    29     (a) Local Bridges
    30         (1)  Fairfield Township, T-636 over Branch
    19970S0186B0445                 - 147 -

     1             of French Creek, Bridge Replacement           108,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $100,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $1,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $7,000)
     6         (2)  Fairfield Township, T-321 Bridge No.1
     7             over Branch of French Creek, Bridge
     8             Replacement                                   106,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $100,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $1,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    13         (3)  Fairfield Township, T-321 Bridge No.2
    14             over Branch of French Creek, Bridge
    15             Replacement                                   106,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $100,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $1,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    20         (4)  Spring Township, T-747 over Branch of
    21             Conneaut Creek, Bridge Replacement            126,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $120,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $1,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    26         (5)  Wayne Township, T-347 over Branch of
    27             Powdermill Run, Bridge Replacement            106,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $100,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $1,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 148 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
     2         (6)  Wayne Township, T-457 over Tributary
     3             of Lake Creek, Bridge Replacement             106,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $100,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $1,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
     8     (b)  State Bridges
     9         (1)  SR 0006, SR 0006 over Padan Creek,
    10             Conneaut Township, Bridge Replacement       1,004,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $784,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    15         (2)  SR 0006, SR 0006 over French Creek,
    16             Woodcock Township, Bridge Replacement       2,325,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $1,840,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $465,000)
    21         (3)  SR 0079, SR 0079 under Maple Drive,
    22             Hayfield Township, Bridge Replacement       2,401,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $1,901,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $480,000)
    27         (4)  SR 0089, SR 0089 over Shirley Run,
    28             Rome Township, Bridge Replacement             510,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $420,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 149 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
     3         (5)  SR 0098, SR 0098 over Van Horne Run,
     4             Vernon Township, Bridge Replacement           320,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $260,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
     9         (6)  SR 0099, SR 0099 over Little
    10             Conneauttee Creek, Cambridge Township,
    11             Bridge Replacement                            950,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $700,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    16         (7)  SR 0099, SR 0099 over Conneaut Creek,
    17             Cambridge Township, Bridge Replacement        600,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $500,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
    22         (8)  SR 0198, SR 0198 over Carr Run,
    23             Woodcock Township, Bridge Replacement         260,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $200,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    28         (9)  SR 0285, SR 0285 over Bennett Run,
    29             North Shenango Township, Bridge
    30             Replacement                                   750,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 150 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $650,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
     5         (10)  SR 1002, SR 1002 over Acker Run,
     6             Venango Township, Bridge Replacement          370,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $300,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    11         (11)  SR 1024, SR 1024 over Britton Run,
    12             Sparta Township, Bridge Replacement           340,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $250,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
    17         (12)  SR 2005, SR 2005 over French Creek,
    18             East Fairfield Township, Bridge
    19             Replacement                                 1,300,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $1,130,000)
    22             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    24         (13)  SR 2010, SR 2010 over Little Sugar
    25             Creek, Wayne Township, Bridge
    26             Replacement                                   260,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $200,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 151 -

     1         (14)  SR 3016, SR 3016 over B&LE Railroad,
     2             Summit Township, Bridge Replacement         1,150,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $1,000,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $120,000)
     7         (15)  SR 0018, SR 0018 Bridge over
     8             Tributary of Conneaut Creek, Summit
     9             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               115,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $100,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    13         (16)  SR 0098, SR 0098 Bridge over
    14             Tributary of Cussewago Creek, Hayfield
    15             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               110,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $100,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    19         (17)  SR 2003, MERCER PIKE BRIDGE OVER                     <--
    21             BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                            600,000
    23             $520,000)
    24             (LAND ALLOCATION - $30,000)
    25             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $50,000)
    26  Section 25.  (Reserved).
    27  Section 26.  Dauphin County.
    28     (a)  Local Bridges
    29         (1)  City of Harrisburg, Mulberry Street
    30             Ramp to Cameron Street, Bridge
    19970S0186B0445                 - 152 -

     1             Rehabilitation                                108,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $73,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $ 25,000)
     6         (2)  City of Harrisburg, Maclay Street
     7             Bridge over Railroad, Bridge
     8             Rehabilitation                                218,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $183,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
    13         (3)  Mifflin Township, T-631, Reitz Road
    14             Bridge over Little Wiconisco Creek,
    15             County Bridge No.24, Bridge
    16             Replacement                                   290,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $200,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    21         (4)  Mifflin Township, T-556, Kessler Road
    22             Bridge over Little Wiconisco Creek,
    23             Bridge Replacement                            235,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $150,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    28         (5)  Washington Township, Bolts Road Bridge
    29             over Wiconisco Creek, Bridge
    30             Rehabilitation                                469,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 153 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $374,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $85,000)
     5         (6)  Wayne Township, T-496, Lebo Road
     6             Bridge over Powell Creek, Bridge
     7             Rehabilitation                                263,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $168,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $85,000)
    12         (7)  Conewago Township, T-602 and T-749
    13             over Conewago Creek, Bridge
    14             Replacement                                   722,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $556,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $156,000)
    19         (8)  Halifax Township, T-454 over Armstrong
    20             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     480,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $367,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $103,000)
    25         (9)  Jackson Township, T-544 over Armstrong
    26             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     379,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $288,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $81,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 154 -

     1         (10)  Jefferson Township, T-534 over Powell
     2             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     397,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $302,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $85,000)
     7         (11)  Upper Paxton Township, T-460 over
     8             Wiconisco Creek, Bridge Replacement           427,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $326,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $91,000)
    13         (12)  Washington Township, T-595 over
    14             Wiconisco Creek, Bridge Replacement           669,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $515,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $144,000)
    19         (13)  Washington Township, T-462 over
    20             Wiconisco Creek, Bridge Replacement           668,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $514,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $144,000)
    25         (14)  Wayne Township, T-448 over Powell
    26             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     438,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $334,000)
    29             (Land Allocation (Design and
    30             Contingencies - $94,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 155 -

     1     (b)  State Bridges (Reserved)
     2  Section 27.  Delaware County.
     3     (a)  Local Bridges
     4         (1)  City of Chester, West 7th Street,
     5             County Bridge No.186 over Chester
     6             Creek, Bridge Replacement                   1,630,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $1,470,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    11     (b)  State Bridges
    12         (1)  SR 0030, Pedestrian Tunnel under SR
    13             0030 and Ithan Avenue at Villanova
    14             University, Radnor Township, Pedestrian
    15             Facilities                                  7,360,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $6,500,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $650,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $210,000)
    20         (2)  SR 1015, Darby-Paoli Road Bridge over
    21             Branch of Little Darby Creek, Radnor
    22             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,000,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $760,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    27         (3)  SR 0291, 4th Street Bridge over Ridley
    28             Creek, Chester Township, Bridge
    29             Painting                                      291,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 156 -

     1             $253,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $38,000)
     3         (4)  SR 0291, Essington Avenue Bridge over
     4             Darby Creek, Ridley Township, Bridge
     5             Painting                                      546,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $487,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $59,000)
     9         (5)  SR 1019, Conestoga Road Bridge over
    10             PennDOT Railroad Right-of-Way, Radnor
    11             Township, Bridge Removal                      125,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $100,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    16         (6)  SR 3019, Rosevally Road Bridge over
    17             SEPTA, Upper Providence Township,
    18             Bridge Replacement                            875,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $700,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    23  Section 28.  Elk County.
    24     (a)  Local Bridges
    25         (1)  Village of Wilcox, T-631, Bridge over
    26             Clarion River, Bridge Replacement           1,100,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $850,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 157 -

     1     (b)  State Bridges (Reserved)
     2  Section 29.  Erie County.
     3     (a)  Local Bridges
     4         (1)  Girard Township, Beckman Bridge over
     5             I-90, Bridge Painting                         200,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $200,000)
     8         (2)  Millcreek Township, T-707, Zimmerly
     9             Road Bridge over I-79, New 2-Lane
    10             Bridge Construction, New Bridge             2,150,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $1,900,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    15         (3)  City of Erie, Norman Way, Bridge over
    16             Millcreek, Bridge Rehabilitation              225,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $200,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
    20         (4)  City of Erie, McBride Viaduct-East
    21             Avenue, Bridge over Railroad Lines,
    22             Bridge Rehabilitation                       1,340,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $1,300,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    26         (5)  City of Erie, Kahkwa Bridge over
    27             Ravine Drive, Bridge Rehabilitation            60,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $50,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 158 -

     1         (6)  Greenfield Township, T-974, Old Route
     2             89 Bridge over West Branch of French
     3             Creek Tributary, Bridge Replacement           350,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $300,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
     8         (7)  Franklin Township, T-479, Bridge No.1
     9             over Falk Run, Bridge Replacement             350,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $300,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    14         (8)  Franklin Township, T-479, Bridge No.2
    15             over Falk Run, Bridge Replacement             350,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $300,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    20         (9)  Franklin Township, T-424, Falls Road
    21             Bridge over Falk Run, Bridge
    22             Replacement                                   300,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $250,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    27         (10)  MILLCREEK TOWNSHIP, T-707, ZIMMERLY                  <--
    28             ROAD BRIDGE OVER I-79, TWO-LANE BRIDGE
    29             CONSTRUCTION                                2,150,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 159 -

     1             $1,900,000)
     2             (LAND ALLOCATION - $50,000)
     3             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $200,000)
     4     (b)  State Bridges
     5         (1)  SR 0005, SR 0005 over Scott Run,
     6             Harborcreek Township, Bridge
     7             Replacement                                   140,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $100,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    12         (2)  SR 0006, SR 0006 over French Creek, Le
    13             Boeuf Township, Bridge Replacement            700,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $600,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    18         (3)  SR 0019, SR 0019 over LeBoeuf Creek,
    19             Waterford Township, Bridge Replacement        950,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $840,000)
    22             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    24         (4)  SR 0020, SR 0020 over I-79, City of
    25             Erie, Bridge Replacement                    2,000,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $1,770,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    30         (5)  SR 0089, SR 0089 over Sixteen Mile
    19970S0186B0445                 - 160 -

     1             Creek, North East Township, Bridge
     2             Replacement                                   490,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $400,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
     7         (6)  SR 0090, SR 0090 over Crooked Creek,
     8             Girard Township, Bridge Replacement         1,420,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $1,330,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    13         (7)  SR 0090, SR 0090 under Cherry Street,
    14             Summit Township, Bridge Replacement         1,600,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $1,410,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    19         (8)  SR 0090, SR 0090 under Clark Road,
    20             Harborcreek Township, Bridge
    21             Replacement                                 2,100,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $1,880,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $180,000)
    26         (9)  SR 0098, SR 0098 over Cussewago Creek,
    27             Elk Creek Township, Bridge Replacement        400,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $300,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 161 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
     2         (10)  SR 0474, SR 0474 over Dean Run,
     3             Venango Township, Bridge Replacement          200,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $160,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
     8         (11)  SR 1001, SR 1001 over Conrail,
     9             Millcreek Township, Bridge Replacement        720,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $600,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    14         (12)  SR 1011, SR 1011 over Alder Brook,
    15             Venango Township, Bridge Replacement          470,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $400,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    20         (13)  SR 1013, SR 1013 over I-90, North
    21             East Township, Bridge Replacement           1,220,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $1,100,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    26         (14)  SR 3001, SR 3001 over Conneaut Creek,
    27             Conneaut Township, Bridge Replacement       1,020,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $900,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 162 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     2         (15)  SR 3003, SR 3003 over West Branch
     3             Conneaut Creek, Conneaut Township,
     4             Bridge Replacement                            630,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $550,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
     9         (16)  SR 3014, SR 3014 over Trout Run,
    10             Waterford Borough, Bridge Replacement         370,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $300,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    15         (17)  SR 4007, SR 4007 over I-90, Fairview
    16             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,920,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $1,800,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    21  Section 30.  Fayette County.
    22     (a)  Local Bridges
    23         (1)  Brownsville Township, Lynn Run Road
    24             Bridge over Redstone Creek, Bridge
    25             Replacement                                   200,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $130,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    30         (2)  Dunbar Township, Falls Avenue Bridge
    19970S0186B0445                 - 163 -

     1             over Possum Run, Bridge Replacement           450,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $350,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $85,000)
     6         (3)  Georges Township, County Bridge No.162
     7             over Mountain Creek, Bridge
     8             Replacement                                   370,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $300,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $65,000)
    13         (4)  German Township, Footedale Bridge
    14             No.66 over Dunlap Creek, Bridge
    15             Replacement                                   415,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $330,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    20         (5)  German Township, County Bridge No.54
    21             over Browns Run, Bridge Replacement           430,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $355,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
    26         (6)  German Township, Leckrone Bridge No.54
    27             over Browns Run, Bridge Replacement           430,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $350,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 164 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
     2         (7)  Menallen Township, T-509, Bridge over
     3             Branch of Dunlap Creek, Bridge
     4             Replacement                                   165,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $110,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
     9         (8)  Menallen Township, Fan Hallow Road
    10             Bridge over Fans Run, Bridge
    11             Replacement                                   145,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $90,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    16         (9)  Menallen and North Union Townships,
    17             Fan Hollow Bridge No.184 over Jennings
    18             Run, Bridge Replacement                       440,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $350,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    23         (10)  Nicholson Township, County Bridge
    24             No.29 over York Run, Bridge
    25             Replacement                                   360,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $295,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    30         (11)  Redstone Township, Merrittstown
    19970S0186B0445                 - 165 -

     1             Bridge No.147 over Dunlap Creek, Bridge
     2             Replacement                                   435,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $350,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
     7         (12)  South Union Township, Leith Bridge
     8             No.41 over Redstone Creek, Bridge
     9             Replacement                                   450,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $360,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    14         (13)  Steward Township, Meadow Run Bridge
    15             No.82 over Meadow Run, Bridge
    16             Replacement                                   450,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $360,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    21         (14)  Springhill Township, T-335, County
    22             Bridge No.92 over York Run, Bridge
    23             Replacement                                 1,438,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $1,113,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $75,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    28         (15)  Springfield Township, T-593, County
    29             Bridge No.111 over Mill Run, Bridge
    30             Replacement                                   320,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 166 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $225,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
     5         (16)  North Union Township, T-535 over
     6             Redstone Creek, Bridge Replacement            825,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $625,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    11         (17)  North Union Township, T-557 over
    12             Redstone Creek, Bridge Replacement            450,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $275,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    17     (b)  State Bridges
    18         (1)  SR 0021, Masontown Bridge over
    19             Monongahela River, Railroad and Private
    20             Road, German Township, Bridge Painting      1,500,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $1,500,000)
    23         (2)  SR 0031, Jacobs Creek Bridge over
    24             Branch of Jacobs Creek, Bullskin
    25             Township, Bridge Replacement                  290,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $180,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $35,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    30         (3)  SR 0119, Memorial Bridge over
    19970S0186B0445                 - 167 -

     1             Youghiogheny River, Connellsville
     2             Borough, Bridge Painting                      100,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $100,000)
     5         (4)  SR 0201, Furnace Run Bridge over
     6             Furnace Run, Franklin Township, Bridge
     7             Replacement                                   445,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $245,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    12         (5)  SR 0711, Crawford Avenue Bridge over
    13             Youghiogheny River, Connellsville
    14             Borough, Bridge Painting                      100,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $100,000)
    17         (6)  SR 0982, Jacobs Creek Bridge over
    18             Branch of Jacobs Creek, Bullskin
    19             Township, Bridge Replacement                  335,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $225,000)
    22             (Land Allocation - $35,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    24         (7)  SR 0982, Bridge over Mounts Creek,
    25             Bullskin Township, Bridge Painting            105,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $105,000)
    28         (8)  SR 1051, Mounts Creek Bridge over
    29             Mounts Creek, Bullskin Township, Bridge
    30             Replacement                                   436,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 168 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $236,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
     5         (9)  SR 3013, Browns Run Bridge over Browns
     6             Run, German Township, Bridge
     7             Replacement                                   631,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $431,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    12         (10)  SR 3015, Muddy Run Bridge over Muddy
    13             Run, Georges Township, Bridge Painting         33,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $33,000)
    16         (11)  SR 4038, Washington Run Bridge over
    17             Washington Run, Perry Township, Bridge
    18             Replacement                                   640,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $440,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    23         (12)  SR 0381, SR 0381 over Stoney Run,
    24             Wharton Township, Bridge Replacement          663,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $463,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    29         (13)  SR 0819, SR 0819 over Branch of
    30             Jacobs Creek, Lower Tyrone Township,
    19970S0186B0445                 - 169 -

     1             Bridge Replacement                            240,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $125,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     6         (14)  SR 1021, SR 1021 over Breakneck Run,
     7             Bullskin Township, Bridge Replacement         650,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $475,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    12         (15)  SR 1031, SR 1031 over Galley Run,
    13             Upper Tyrone Township, Bridge
    14             Replacement                                   475,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $325,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    19         (16)  SR 1031, SR 1031 over Branch of
    20             Galley Run, Upper Tyrone Township,
    21             Bridge Replacement                            613,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $413,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    26         (17)  SR 1044, SR 1044 over Branch of
    27             Mounts Creek, Bullskin Township, Bridge
    28             Replacement                                   350,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $200,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 170 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
     3         (18)  SR 2003, SR 2003 over Chaney Run,
     4             Wharton Township, Bridge Replacement          290,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $175,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     9         (19)  SR 3003, SR 3003 at Nicholson
    10             Township Border, Springhill Township,
    11             Bridge Replacement                          1,400,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $1,125,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $75,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    16         (20)  SR 3003, SR 3003 over Georges Creek,
    17             Springhill Township, Bridge
    18             Replacement                                 1,450,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $1,150,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $75,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $225,000)
    23         (21)  SR 3003, SR 3003 Nicholson Township
    24             over Georges Creek, Springhill
    25             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,200,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $975,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    30         (22)  SR 3009, SR 3009 over Georges Creek,
    19970S0186B0445                 - 171 -

     1             Springhill Township, Bridge
     2             Replacement                                   863,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $688,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
     7         (23)  SR 3013, SR 3013 over Middle Run,
     8             German Township, Bridge Replacement           900,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $650,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $75,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    13         (24)  SR 4027, SR 4027 over Little Redstone
    14             Creek, Jefferson Township, Bridge
    15             Replacement                                   538,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $338,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    20         (25)  SR 4044, SR 4044 over Downers Run,
    21             Washington Township, Bridge
    22             Replacement                                   800,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $575,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    27         (26)  SR 4046, SR 4046 over Lutz Run and
    28             Abandoned Railroad, Washington
    29             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,400,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 172 -

     1             $1,075,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $75,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     4  Section 31.  Forrest FOREST County.                               <--
     5     (a)  Local Bridges (Reserved)
     6     (b)  State Bridges
     7         (1)  SR 0227, SR 0227 over West Hickory
     8             Creek, Harmony Township, Bridge
     9             Replacement                                   480,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $400,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    14         (2)  SR 3001, SR 3001 over Little Tionesta
    15             Creek, Tionesta Township, Bridge
    16             Replacement                                   400,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $310,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    21         (3)  SR 3004, SR 3004 over Little Hickory
    22             Creek, Hickory Township, Bridge
    23             Replacement                                   390,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $300,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    28         (4)  SR 3004, SR 3004 over Piney Run, Green
    29             Township, Bridge Replacement                  390,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 173 -

     1             $300,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
     4         (5)  SR 3001, RED BRUSH ROAD BRIDGE OVER                   <--
     6             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REHABILITATION               605,000
     8             $550,000)
     9             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $55,000)
    10  Section 32.  Franklin County.
    11     (a)  Local Bridges (Reserved)
    12     (b)  State Bridges
    13         (1)  SR 3012, Social Island Road Bridge
    14             over Conococheague Creek, Hamilton
    15             Township, Bridge Replacement                  786,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $636,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $95,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $55,000)
    20         (2)  SR 4010, Edenville Road Bridge over
    21             Wilson Run, St. Thomas Township, Bridge
    22             Replacement                                   335,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $225,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    27         (3)  SR 4009, over Wilson Run, St. Thomas
    28             Township, Bridge Replacement                  750,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $500,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 174 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
     3  Section 33.  (Reserved).
     4  Section 34.  Greene County.
     5     (a)  Local Bridges
     6         (1)  Morgan Township, County Bridge No.89
     7             over Browns Run, Bridge Replacement           286,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $166,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    12         (2)  Morgan Township, County Bridge No.90
    13             over Browns Run, Bridge Replacement           282,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $162,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    18         (3)  Morgan Township, County Bridge No.91
    19             over Browns Run, Bridge Replacement           273,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $153,000)
    22             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    24         (4)  Cumberland Township, T-517, County
    25             Bridge No.4, Ullery Road over Goose
    26             Run, Bridge Replacement                       360,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $200,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 175 -

     1         (5)  Cumberland Township, T-634, County
     2             Bridge No.15, Coal Hill Road over Muddy
     3             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     410,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $240,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $160,000)
     8         (6)  Greene Township, T-411, County Bridge
     9             No.20 over Whitely Creek, Bridge
    10             Replacement                                   490,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $300,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    15         (7)  Gray Township, T-392, County Bridge
    16             No.63 over Grays Creek, Bridge
    17             Replacement                                   380,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $220,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    22         (8)  Washington Township, T-550, County
    23             Bridge No.97 over Craynes Run, Bridge
    24             Replacement                                   360,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $200,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    29         (9)  Morris Township, T-629, County Bridge
    30             No.73 over Bates Fork Creek, Bridge
    19970S0186B0445                 - 176 -

     1             Replacement                                   490,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $350,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
     6         (10)  Cumberland Township, T-660, County
     7             Bridge No.13 over Muddy Creek, Bridge
     8             Replacement                                   565,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $400,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - 15,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    13         (11)  Aleppo Township, T-304, County Bridge
    14             No.108 over Branch of Harts Run, Bridge
    15             Replacement                                   575,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $425,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    20     (b)  State Bridges
    21         (1)  SR 0018, Bridge over South Fork of Ten
    22             Mile Creek, Franklin Township, Bridge
    23             Rehabilitation                                320,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $280,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    27         (2)  SR 0018, Bates Creek Bridge over Bates
    28             Fork and Browns Creeks, Washington
    29             Township, Bridge Replacement                  650,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 177 -

     1             $450,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
     4         (3)  SR 0021, Grinnage Run Bridge over
     5             Grinnage Run, Gray Township, Bridge
     6             Replacement                                   453,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $253,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    11         (4)  SR 0079, I-79 Bridge over T-631,
    12             Washington Township, Bridge
    13             Replacement                                   980,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $740,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    18         (5)  SR 0079, I-79 Bridge over T-631,
    19             Washington Township, Bridge
    20             Rehabilitation                                945,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $705,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    25         (6)  SR 0079, I-79 Bridge over PA 221,
    26             Washington Township, Bridge
    27             Replacement                                 2,074,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $1,784,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 178 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     2         (7)  SR 0079, I-79 Bridge No.2 over PA 221,
     3             Washington Township, Bridge
     4             Replacement                                 2,074,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $1,784,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     9         (8)  SR 0079, I-79 Bridge over T-512,
    10             Washington Township, Bridge
    11             Rehabilitation                                980,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $740,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    16         (9)  SR 0079, I-79 Bridge No.2 over T-512,
    17             Washington Township, Bridge
    18             Replacement                                 1,020,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $780,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    23         (10)  SR 0088, Albert Gallatin Bridge over
    24             Monongahela River, Dunkard Township,
    25             Bridge Painting                             1,500,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $1,500,000)
    28         (11)  SR 0088, Point Marion Bridge over
    29             Monongahela River, Dunkard Township,
    30             Bridge Replacement                          6,200,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 179 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $5,500,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $200,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $500,000)
     5         (12)  SR 0218, Roberts Run Bridge No.2 over
     6             Roberts Run, Wayne Township, Bridge
     7             Replacement                                   768,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $568,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    12         (13)  SR 2003, Bridge over Branch of
    13             Dunkard Creek, Perry Township, Bridge
    14             Replacement                                   625,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $400,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    19         (14)  SR 3007, Bridge over Branch of
    20             Wheeling Creek, Richill Township,
    21             Bridge Replacement                            375,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $175,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    26  Section 35.  Huntingdon County.
    27     (a)  Local Bridges
    28         (1)  Mill Creek Borough, Main Street Bridge
    29             over Mill Creek, Bridge Rehabilitation         30,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 180 -

     1             $30,000)
     2         (2)  Juniata Township, T-428, Corbin Bridge
     3             over Raystown Branch of Juniata River,
     4             Bridge Replacement                            920,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $920,000)
     7         (3)  Springfield Township, T-313, Walnut
     8             Grove Bridge, County Bridge No.2 over
     9             Sideling Hill Creek, Bridge
    10             Replacement                                   975,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $800,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    15     (b)  State Bridges (Reserved)
    16  Section 36.  Indiana County.
    17     (a)  Local Bridges
    18         (1)  Banks Township, T-974, County Bridge
    19             No.13, Bear Run Bridge over Bear Run,
    20             Bridge Replacement                            500,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $400,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    25         (2)  Blacklick Township, T-574, Muddy Run
    26             Bridge over Muddy Run, Bridge
    27             Replacement                                   380,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $300,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 181 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
     2         (3)  Cherryhill Township, T-686, County
     3             Bridge No.65, Grace Church Bridge over
     4             Two Lick Creek, Bridge Replacement            600,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $500,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
     9         (4)  Cherryhill Township, T-978, Allen
    10             Bridge over Two Lick Reservoir, Bridge
    11             Rehabilitation                                264,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $200,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $54,000)
    16         (5)  Rayne Township, T-760, County Bridge
    17             No.23-A, Chambersville Bridge over
    18             Crooked Creek, Bridge Rehabilitation          190,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $150,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    23         (6)  Grant Township, T-820 over Crooked
    24             Run, Bridge Replacement                       245,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $200,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $35,000)
    29     (b)  State Bridges
    30         (1)  SR 0022, Chestnut Ridge Bridge over SR
    19970S0186B0445                 - 182 -

     1             0119, Burrell Township, Bridge
     2             Painting                                       90,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $75,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     6         (2)  SR 0022, Armagh Bridge over SR 0056,
     7             West Wheatfield Township, Bridge
     8             Painting                                      145,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $130,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    12         (3)  SR 0119, Blacklick Bridge over
    13             Blacklick Creek, Burrell Township,
    14             Bridge Painting                               280,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $265,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    18         (4)  SR 0119, Bypass Steel Bridge No.1 over
    19             Wayne Avenue Ramps, White Township,
    20             Bridge Painting                               170,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $155,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    24         (5)  SR 0119, Bypass Steel Bridge No.2 over
    25             Wayne Avenue Ramps, White Township,
    26             Bridge Painting                               170,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $155,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    30         (6)  SR 0119, Bypass Steel Bridge No.3 over
    19970S0186B0445                 - 183 -

     1             SR 0422, White Township, Bridge
     2             Painting                                      240,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $225,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     6         (7)  SR 0119, Bypass Steel Bridge No.4 over
     7             SR 0422, White Township, Bridge
     8             Painting                                      240,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $225,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    12         (8)  SR 0119, Bypass Steel Bridge No.5 over
    13             SR 0954, White Township, Bridge
    14             Painting                                      195,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $180,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    18         (9)  SR 0119, Bypass Steel Bridge No.6 over
    19             SR 0954, White Township, Bridge
    20             Painting                                      175,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $160,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    24         (10)  SR 0119, Bypass Steel Bridge No.7
    25             over SR 0286, White Township, Bridge
    26             Painting                                      235,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $220,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    30         (11)  SR 0119, Bypass Steel Bridge No.8
    19970S0186B0445                 - 184 -

     1             over SR 0286, White Township, Bridge
     2             Painting                                      215,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $200,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     6         (12)  SR 0119, Bypass Steel Bridge No.9
     7             over SR 1003, White Township, Bridge
     8             Painting                                      200,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $185,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    12         (13)  SR 0119, Bypass Steel Bridge No.10
    13             over SR 1003, White Township, Bridge
    14             Painting                                      175,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $160,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    18         (14)  SR 0119, Bypass Steel Bridge No.11
    19             over SR 0110, White Township, Bridge
    20             Painting                                      125,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $110,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    24         (15)  SR 0119, Bypass Steel Bridge No.12
    25             over SR 0110, White Township, Bridge
    26             Painting                                      125,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $110,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    30         (16)  SR 0217, Torrance Bridge over
    19970S0186B0445                 - 185 -

     1             Conemaugh River, Burrell Township,
     2             Bridge Painting                               435,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $420,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     6         (17)  SR 0217, Blacklick Creek Bridge over
     7             Blacklick Creek, Burrell Township,
     8             Bridge Painting                               400,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $385,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    12         (18)  SR 0259, Heshbon Bridge over
    13             Blacklick Creek, West Wheatfield
    14             Township, Bridge Painting                     200,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $185,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    18         (19)  SR 0286, Clymer Bridge over Twolick
    19             Creek, Clymer Borough, Bridge Painting        175,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $160,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    23         (20)  SR 0422, Twolick Eastbound Bridge
    24             over Twolick Creek, White Township,
    25             Bridge Painting                               360,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $345,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    29         (21)  SR 0422, Twolick Westbound Bridge
    30             over Twolick Creek, White Township,
    19970S0186B0445                 - 186 -

     1             Bridge Painting                               360,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $345,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     5         (22)  SR 0422, Penn Run Exit Bridge
     6             Eastbound over TR 840, White Township,
     7             Bridge Painting                               190,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $175,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    11         (23)  SR 0422, Penn Run Exit Bridge
    12             Westbound over TR 840, White Township,
    13             Bridge Painting                               190,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $175,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    17         (24)  SR 0580, Cush Cushion Creek Bridge
    18             over Cush Cushion Creek, Green
    19             Township, Bridge Painting                      85,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $70,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    23         (25)  SR 0954, Yellow Creek Bridge over
    24             Yellow Creek, White Township, Bridge
    25             Painting                                      125,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $110,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    29         (26)  SR 0954, Creekside Bridge over
    30             Crooked Creek, White Township, Bridge
    19970S0186B0445                 - 187 -

     1             Painting                                      125,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $110,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     5         (27)  SR 0954, South Branch Bridge over
     6             South Branch of Plum Creek, Washington
     7             Township, Bridge Painting                      75,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $60,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    11         (28)  SR 1004, Philadelphia Street Exit
    12             Bridge over SR 0119, White Township,
    13             Bridge Painting                               235,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $220,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    17         (29)  SR 1006, Jimmy Stewart Airport Bridge
    18             over SR 0119, White Township, Bridge
    19             Painting                                      245,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $230,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    23         (30)  SR 1007, Tanoma Bridge over Crooked
    24             Creek, Rayne Township, Bridge Painting         75,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $60,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    28         (31)  SR 1014, Diamondville Bridge over
    29             North Branch of Twolick Creek, Green
    30             Township, Bridge Painting                      75,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 188 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $60,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     4         (32)  SR 1017, Pine Flats Bridge over South
     5             Branch of Twolick Creek, Green
     6             Township, Bridge Painting                      95,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $80,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    10         (33)  SR 1033, Gypsy Bridge over Cush
    11             Creek, Montgomery Township, Bridge
    12             Painting                                       85,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $70,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    16         (34)  SR 1034, Lower Wilgus Bridge over
    17             Branch of Cush Creek, Montgomery
    18             Township, Bridge Painting                      55,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $40,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    22         (35)  SR 1038, Crooked Run Bridge over
    23             Crooked Run, East Mahoning Township,
    24             Bridge Painting                                60,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $45,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    28         (36)  SR 1045, Broadhead Run Bridge over
    29             Broadhead Run, Canoe Township, Bridge
    30             Painting                                       70,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 189 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $55,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     4         (37)  SR 1045, Juneau Bridge over Canoe
     5             Creek, Canoe Township, Bridge Painting         75,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $60,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     9         (38)  SR 1046, Straight Run Bridge over
    10             Straight Run, Banks Township, Bridge
    11             Painting                                       80,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $65,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    15         (39)  SR 2019, Tearing Run Bridge No.1 over
    16             Tearing Run, Center Township, Bridge
    17             Painting                                       55,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $40,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    21         (40)  SR 2019, Tearing Run Bridge No.2 over
    22             Tearing Run, Center Township, Bridge
    23             Painting                                       65,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $50,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    27         (41)  SR 3003, Tunnelton Bridge over
    28             Conemaugh River, Conemaugh Township,
    29             Bridge Painting                               525,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 190 -

     1             $510,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     3         (42)  SR 3007, Clarksburg Bridge over
     4             Blacklegs Creek, Conemaugh Township,
     5             Bridge Painting                               105,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $90,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     9         (43)  SR 3011, Blacklick Creek Bridge No.1
    10             over Blacklick Creek, Brush Valley
    11             Township, Bridge Painting                     405,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $390,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    15         (44)  SR 3011, Blacklick Creek Bridge No.2
    16             over Blacklick Creek, Blacklick
    17             Township, Bridge Painting                     405,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $390,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    21         (45)  SR 3013, Muddy Run Bridge over Muddy
    22             Run, Blacklick Township, Bridge
    23             Painting                                       65,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $50,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    27         (46)  SR 3016, Homer City Bridge over
    28             Twolick Creek, Homer City Borough,
    29             Bridge Painting                               125,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 191 -

     1             $110,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     3         (47)  SR 3031, Blacklegs Run Bridge over
     4             Blacklegs Run, Young Township, Bridge
     5             Painting                                       65,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $50,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     9         (48)  SR 3037, Walker Run Bridge over
    10             Walker Run, Armstrong Township, Bridge
    11             Painting                                       55,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $40,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    15         (49)  SR 3039, Anthony Run Bridge over
    16             Anthony Run, Armstrong Township, Bridge
    17             Painting                                       55,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $40,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    21         (50)  SR 4001, Fisher Siding Bridge over
    22             Crooked Creek, Armstrong Township,
    23             Bridge Painting                               110,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $95,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    27         (51)  SR 4001, Five Points Bridge over
    28             South Branch of Plum Creek, Washington
    29             Township, Bridge Painting                     100,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 192 -

     1             $85,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     3         (52)  SR 4006, Reddings Run Bridge over
     4             Reddings Run, Washington Township,
     5             Bridge Painting                                55,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $40,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     9         (53)  SR 4008, Kimmel Station Bridge No.1
    10             over Branch of Crooked Creek, Rayne
    11             Township, Bridge Painting                      50,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $35,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    15         (54)  SR 4008, Kimmel Station Bridge No.2
    16             over Branch of Crooked Creek, Rayne
    17             Township, Bridge Painting                      50,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $35,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    21         (55)  SR 4035, Plumville Bridge over Plum
    22             Creek, Plumville Borough, Bridge
    23             Painting                                       75,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $60,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    27         (56)  SR 0056, Seward Conrail Overpass,
    28             East Wheatfield Township, Bridge
    29             Replacement                                 2,570,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 193 -

     1             $2,080,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $150,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $340,000)
     4  Section 37.  Jefferson County.
     5     (a)  Local Bridges
     6         (1)  Summerville Borough, County Bridge 40-
     7             A, Anderson Road Bridge over Runaway
     8             Run, Bridge Rehabilitation                    415,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $345,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    13         (2)  Sykesville Borough, Station Street
    14             Bridge over Stump Creek, Bridge
    15             Replacement                                   570,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $500,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    20         (3)  Eldred Township, T-346 over Mill
    21             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     420,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $330,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    26         (4)  Eldred Township, T-353 over Mill Run,
    27             Bridge Replacement                            245,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $200,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 194 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $35,000)
     2         (5)  Oliver Township, T-718 over Little
     3             Sandy Creek, Bridge Replacement               490,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $400,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
     8         (6)  Union Township, T-320 over Little Mill
     9             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     245,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $200,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $35,000)
    14         (7)  Union Township, T-321 over Runaway
    15             Run, Bridge Replacement                       145,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $100,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    20         (8)  Young Township, T-632 over Saw Mill
    21             Run, Bridge Replacement                       310,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $250,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    26     (b)  State Bridges
    27         (1)  SR 3033, T-830, Knox No.1 Bridge over
    28             Swamp Run, Knox Township, Bridge
    29             Replacement                                   446,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 195 -

     1             $376,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
     4         (2)  SR 0036, Sawmill Run Bridge over
     5             Sawmill Run, Punxsutawney Borough,
     6             Bridge Painting                                60,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $45,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    10         (3)  SR 0119, Punxsutawney Bridge over
    11             Mahoning Creek, Punxsutawney Borough,
    12             Bridge Painting                               250,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $235,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    16         (4)  SR 0410, Beaver Run Bridge over Beaver
    17             Run, Henderson Township, Bridge
    18             Painting                                       55,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $40,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    22         (5)  SR 0830, Falls Creek Bridge over Falls
    23             Creek, Falls Creek Township, Bridge
    24             Painting                                       80,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $65,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    28         (6)  SR 0949, Corsica Exit Bridge over I-
    29             80, Union Township, Bridge Painting           205,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 196 -

     1             $190,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     3         (7)  SR 1009, Kyle's Run Bridge over Kyle's
     4             Run, Washington Township, Bridge
     5             Painting                                       60,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $45,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     9         (8)  SR 1027, Egypt Bridge over North Fork
    10             Creek, Rock Township, Bridge Painting         125,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $110,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    14         (9)  SR 2007, Clover Run Bridge over Clover
    15             Run, Gaskill Township, Bridge Painting         95,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $80,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    19         (10)  SR 2008, Stump Creek Bridge over
    20             Stump Creek, Henderson Township, Bridge
    21             Painting                                      100,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $85,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    25         (11)  SR 2023, Anita Bridge over Elk Run,
    26             McCalmont Township, Bridge Painting            60,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $45,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    30         (12)  SR 2023, Charcoal Plant Bridge over
    19970S0186B0445                 - 197 -

     1             Sandy Lick Creek, Pine Creek Township,
     2             Bridge Painting                               125,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $110,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     6         (13)  SR 3003, Baxter Bridge over Redbank
     7             Creek, Clover Township, Bridge
     8             Painting                                      235,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $220,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    12         (14)  SR 4006, North Fork Creek Bridge over
    13             North Fork Creek, Warsaw Township,
    14             Bridge Painting                               110,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $95,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    18         (15)  SR 0310, Bridge over Branch of Trout
    19             Run, Winslow Township, Bridge
    20             Replacement                                   490,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $350,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $120,000)
    25         (16)  SR 3018, Bridge over Little Sandy
    26             Creek, Limestone Township, Bridge
    27             Replacement                                   670,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $500,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 198 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
     2  Section 38.  Juniata County.
     3     (a)  Local Bridges
     4         (1)  Fayette Township, T-558 over West
     5             Branch of Cocolamus Creek, Bridge
     6             Rehabilitation                                 21,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $18,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $3,000)
    10         (2)  Fayette Township, T-602 over Little
    11             Lost Creek, Bridge Rehabilitation              19,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $17,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $2,000)
    15     (b)  State Bridges
    16         (1)  SR 0850, Laurel Run Bridge over Laurel
    17             Run, Village of Honey Grove, Tuscarora
    18             Township, Bridge Replacement                  670,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $500,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    23         (2)  SR 0850, Bridge over Tuscarora Creek,
    24             Tuscarora Township, Bridge
    25             Rehabilitation                                155,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $150,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    29         (3)  SR 0850, Bridge over Tuscarora Creek,
    30             Tuscarora Township, Bridge Replacement      1,420,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 199 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $1,280,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     5  Section 39.  Lackawanna County.
     6     (a)  Local Bridges
     7         (1)  Mayfield Borough, Poplar Street Bridge
     8             No.1 at Junction of South Washington
     9             Avenue, Bridge Rehabilitation                 150,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $130,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    13     (b)  State Bridges
    14         (1)  SR 1016, Hill Street Bridge over
    15             Lackawanna River, Jessup and Blakely
    16             Boroughs, Bridge Deck Rehabilitation          890,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $800,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    21         (2)  SR 3011, Keyser Avenue Bridge over
    22             Lindy Creek, City of Scranton, Bridge
    23             Replacement                                   185,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $100,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    28         (3)  SR 0171, Bridge over Elk Creek at
    29             Junction of SR 1011, Fell Township,
    30             Bridge Replacement                            660,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 200 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $520,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $130,000)
     5         (4)  SR 0247, Bridge over South Branch of
     6             Tunkhannock Creek, North of TR 438,
     7             Scott Township, Bridge Replacement            426,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $330,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $86,000)
    12         (5)  SR 2003, Bridge over Wallenpaupack
    13             Creek, North of TR 348, Jefferson
    14             Township, Bridge Replacement                  355,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $275,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
    19         (6)  SR 3013, Main Street Bridge, Old Forge
    20             Borough, Bridge Painting                      660,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $600,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    24         (7)  State Bridges, Countywide Bridge Zone
    25             Painting, Bridge Painting                     370,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $350,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    30         (8)  SR 1013, Bridge over Elm Brook, 0.7
    19970S0186B0445                 - 201 -

     1             Mile North of SR 1006, Scott Township,
     2             Bridge Replacement                            240,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $200,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
     7         (9)  SR 0524, KENNEDY CREEK BRIDGE, 0.5                    <--
     8             MILE EAST OF TR 407, NORTH ABINGTON
     9             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                  330,000
    11             $280,000)
    12             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
    13             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $40,000)
    14         (10)  SR 0011, ROARING BROOK RETAINING
    16             SCRANTON, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                1,320,000
    18             $1,160,000)
    19             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
    20             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $150,000)
    21  Section 40.  Lancaster County.
    22     (a)  Local Bridges
    23         (1)  Manor Township, T-599, West Roseville
    24             Road Bridge over Little Conestoga
    25             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     375,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $286,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    30         (2)  Mt. Joy Township, T-350, Risser Mill
    19970S0186B0445                 - 202 -

     1             Bridge over Tributary of Little
     2             Chickies Creek, Bridge Rehabilitation         550,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $400,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
     6         (3)  Pequea Township, Silver Mine Road at
     7             Burnt Mills, Bridge Replacement               100,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $90,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    11     (b)  State Bridges
    12         (1)  SR 1024, Bridge over Little Cocalico
    13             Creek, East Cocalico Township, Bridge
    14             Replacement                                   675,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $550,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    19  Section 41.  Lawrence County.
    20     (a)  Local Bridges
    21         (1)  City of New Castle, Willard Avenue
    22             Bridge over Tributary of Shenango
    23             River, Bridge Replacement                     210,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $150,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    28         (2)  Wampum Borough, Main Street Bridge
    29             over Eckles Run, Bridge Rehabilitation        190,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 203 -

     1             $150,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
     3     (b)  State Bridges
     4         (1)  SR 0018, Mahoning Avenue Viaduct over
     5             Shenango River and Railroad, City of
     6             New Castle, Bridge Replacement              9,320,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $9,000,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $300,000)
    11         (2)  SR 0018, Liberty Street Bridge over
    12             Hickory Run, New Castle City, Bridge
    13             Rehabilitation                                450,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $300,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    18         (3)  SR 0060, SR 0060 Southbound over SR
    19             4004, Neshannock Township, Bridge
    20             Replacement                                   350,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $200,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    25         (4)  SR 0065, Ellwood Road Bridge over B&O
    26             Railroad, Shenango Township, Bridge
    27             Replacement                                   400,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $250,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 204 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     2         (5)  SR 0488, Portersville Road Bridge over
     3             Morrison Run, Perry Township, Bridge
     4             Replacement                                   250,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $100,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     9         (6)  SR 0488, Portersville Road Bridge over
    10             Morrison Run, Perry Township, Bridge
    11             Replacement                                   250,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $100,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    16         (7)  SR 3001, South Main Street Bridge over
    17             Bessemer Haul Road, Bessemer Borough,
    18             Bridge Rehabilitation                         950,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $800,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    22         (8)  SR 4004, Union and Neshannock
    23             Townships, Bridge Rehabilitation              800,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $700,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    27         (9)  SR 0060, Beaver Valley Expansion
    28             Bridge over SR 4005, Neshannock
    29             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               650,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 205 -

     1             $500,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
     3         (10)  SR 0060, Beaver Valley Extension
     4             Bridge over SR 4005, Neshannock
     5             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               127,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $116,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $11,000)
     9         (11)  SR 0081, US 224 State Street Bridge
    10             over SR 0422 and Ramp K, Union
    11             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               706,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $644,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $62,000)
    15         (12)  SR 0422, Westbound Bridge over Beaver
    16             River, Railroad and Local Street,
    17             Taylor Township, Bridge Rehabilitation      6,841,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $6,741,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    21         (13)  SR 0422, Eastbound Bridge over Beaver
    22             River, Railroad and Local Street,
    23             Taylor Township, Bridge Replacement         6,963,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $6,863,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    27         (14)  SR 0422, Bridge over Business US 422,
    28             Union Township, Bridge Rehabilitation       1,379,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $1,254,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 206 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
     2         (15)  SR 0422, Ben Franklin Highway Bridge
     3             over Business US 422, Union Township,
     4             Bridge Rehabilitation                         436,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $398,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $38,000)
     8         (16)  SR 0551, Main Street Bridge over
     9             Beaver Creek, Little Beaver Township,
    10             Bridge Replacement                            624,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $524,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    14         (17)  SR 2020, Pleasant Road Bridge over
    15             Camp Run, Perry Township, Bridge
    16             Replacement                                   400,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $300,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    20         (18)  SR 3002, Beaver Dam Road Bridge over
    21             Honey Creek, Little Beaver Township,
    22             Bridge Painting                                30,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $25,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    26         (19)  SR 3004, Wallace Road Bridge over
    27             Sugar Creek, North Beaver Township,
    28             Bridge Replacement                            130,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $120,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 207 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
     2         (20)  SR 3004, Wallace Road Bridge over
     3             Branch of Honey Creek, North Beaver
     4             Township, Bridge Painting                      30,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $25,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
     8         (21)  SR 3004, Wallace Road Bridge over
     9             Branch of Honey Creek, North Beaver
    10             Township, Bridge Painting                     325,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $300,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
    14         (22)  SR 4006, Coffee Run Bridge over
    15             Coffee Run, Mahoning Township, Bridge
    16             Replacement                                   335,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $270,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    21         (23)  SR 0224, BRIDGE OVER CONRAIL,                        <--
    22             MAHONING TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT       2,000,000
    24             $1,700,000)
    25             (LAND ALLOCATION - $100,000)
    26             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $200,000)
    27  Section 42.  Lebanon County.
    28     (a)  Local Bridges
    29         (1)  Union Township, T-617, Green Point
    30             School House Bridge over Trout Run,
    19970S0186B0445                 - 208 -

     1             Bridge Replacement                            255,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $170,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
     6         (2)  Bethel Township, Market Drive, T-545
     7             over Beach Run, Bridge Replacement             30,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $20,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    11         (3)  South Londonderry Township, Patrick
    12             Road, T-331 over Tributary of Little
    13             Conewago Creek, Bridge Rehabilitation           5,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation - $4,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $1,000)
    16         (4)  South Londonderry Township, Eckert
    17             Road, T-304 over Little Conewago Creek,
    18             Bridge Rehabilitation                           5,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation - $4,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $1,000)
    21         (5)  South Londonderry Township, Risser
    22             Road, T-300 over Conewago Creek, Bridge
    23             Rehabilitation                                  4,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation - $3,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $1,000)
    26         (6)  South Londonderry Township, Long Road,
    27             T-304 over Tributary of Conewago Creek,
    28             Bridge Rehabilitation                           4,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation - $3,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $1,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 209 -

     1         (7)  South Londonderry Township, Eckert
     2             Road, T-304 over Tributary of Little
     3             Conewago Creek, Bridge Rehabilitation           5,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation - $4,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $1,000)
     6         (8)  South Londonderry Township, Church
     7             Road, T-303 over Unnamed Creek, Bridge
     8             Rehabilitation                                  3,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation - $2,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $1,000)
    11         (9)  South Londonderry Township, Patrick
    12             Road, T-331 over Tributary of Little
    13             Conewago Creek, Bridge Rehabilitation           4,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation - $3,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $1,000)
    16         (10)  South Londonderry Township, Hinkle
    17             Road, T-433 over Killinger Creek,
    18             Bridge Rehabilitation                           4,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation - $3,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $1,000)
    21         (11)  South Londonderry Township, Brandt
    22             Road, T-346 over Killinger Creek,
    23             Bridge Rehabilitation                           3,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation - $2,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $1,000)
    26         (12)  Union Township, Green Point School
    27             House Road, T-617 over Trout Run,
    28             Bridge Replacement                             90,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $70,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 210 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
     2     (b)  State Bridges (Reserved)
     3  Section 43.  Lehigh County.
     4     (a)  Local Bridges (Reserved)
     5     (b)  State Bridges
     6         (1)  SR 4007, Schlicher's Bridge over
     7             Jordan Creek, North Whitehall Township,
     8             Bridge Replacement                            875,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $560,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $145,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $170,000)
    13         (2)  SR 3011, Farmington Road over
    14             Tributary of Schaffer Run, Upper
    15             Macungie Township, Bridge
    16             Rehabilitation                                330,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $175,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $55,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    21         (3)  SR 1027, Cold Springs Road over Spring
    22             Creek, Whitehall Township, Bridge
    23             Replacement                                 2,550,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $1,640,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $420,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $490,000)
    28  Section 44.  Luzerne County.
    29     (a)  Local Bridges
    30         (1)  Ashley Borough, Ashley Street Bridge,
    19970S0186B0445                 - 211 -

     1             Bridge Removal                                260,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $200,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $55,000)
     6         (2)  Franklin Township, T-784, Bridge over
     7             Sutton Creek, Bridge Replacement              320,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $250,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $55,000)
    12         (3)  Black Creek Township, T-309 over Falls
    13             Run Creek, Bridge Replacement                 395,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $265,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    18         (4)  Black Creek Township, T-314 over
    19             Branch of Black Creek, Bridge
    20             Replacement                                   440,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $310,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    25         (5)  Butler Township, T-356 over Nescopeck
    26             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     405,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $275,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 212 -

     1         (6)  City of Wilkes-Barre, Division Street
     2             over Solomon's Creek, Bridge
     3             Replacement                                   955,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $800,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
     8         (7)  Dallas Township, County Road No.12
     9             over Toby's Creek, Bridge Replacement         405,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $275,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    14         (8)  Dennison Township, County Road No.41
    15             over Nescopeck Creek, Bridge
    16             Replacement                                   405,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $275,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    21         (9)  Dorrance Township, County Road No.30
    22             over Wapwallopen Creek, Bridge
    23             Replacement                                   405,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $275,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    28         (10)  Fairmount Township, T-563 over Maple
    29             Run Creek, Bridge Replacement                 395,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 213 -

     1             $265,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
     4         (11)  Franklin Township, T-782 over Sutton
     5             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     405,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $275,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    10         (12)  Hunlock Township, T-534 over Hunlock
    11             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     405,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $275,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    16         (13)  Jackson Township, County Road No.16
    17             over Toby's Creek, Bridge Replacement         350,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $225,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $120,000)
    22         (14)  Jackson Township, County Road No.16
    23             over Toby's Creek, Bridge Replacement         370,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $240,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    28         (15)  Jackson Township, T-605 over Branch
    29             of Harvey's Creek, Bridge Replacement         395,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 214 -

     1             $265,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
     4         (16)  Jackson Township, County Road No.13
     5             over Toby's Creek, Bridge Replacement         395,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $265,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    10         (17)  Lake Township, T-796 over Beaver Run
    11             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     410,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $280,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    16         (18)  Lake Township, T-779 over Bryant Pond
    17             Outlet, Bridge Replacement                    430,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $300,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    22         (19)  Nescopeck Township, T-381 over Branch
    23             of Nescopeck Creek, Bridge Replacement        410,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $280,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    28         (20)  Ross Township, T-680 over Huntingdon
    29             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     410,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 215 -

     1             $280,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
     4         (21)  Ross Township, T-571 over Outlet
     5             North Pond, Bridge Replacement                420,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $290,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    10         (22)  Ross Township, T-575 over Huntingdon
    11             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     455,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $325,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    16         (23)  Ross Township, County Road No.2 over
    17             Marsh Creek, Bridge Replacement               440,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $310,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    22         (24)  Sugarloaf Township, T-332 over Branch
    23             of Nescopeck Creek, Bridge Replacement        430,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $300,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    28         (25)  Plymouth Township, T-497 over Mud
    29             Pond Inlet, Bridge Replacement                405,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 216 -

     1             $275,000)
     2         (26)  Slocum Township, T-454 over Black
     3             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     395,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $265,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
     8         (27)  Wright Township, County Road No.21
     9             over Wapwallopen Creek, Bridge
    10             Replacement                                   395,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $265,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    15         (28)  CITY OF WILKES-BARRE, STANTON STREET,                <--
    17             OF EMPIRE STREET, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT          170,000
    19             $140,000)
    20             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
    21             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $20,000)
    22     (b)  State Bridges
    23         (1)  SR 0011, Erie-Lackawanna Railroad
    24             Bridge over Erie-Lackawanna Railroad,
    25             Plymouth Township, Bridge Removal             185,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $150,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
    30         (2)  SR 1030, Harvey's Lake Bridge at
    19970S0186B0445                 - 217 -

     1             Junction of SR 1053, Lake Township,
     2             Bridge Replacement                            460,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $350,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $90,000)
     7         (3)  SR 3007, Bridge over Wapwallopen
     8             Creek, South of SR 3010, Dorrance
     9             Township, Bridge Replacement                  530,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $420,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    14         (4)  State Bridges, Countywide Bridge Zone
    15             Painting, Bridge Painting                     370,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $350,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    20         (5)  SR 3038, BLACK CREEK STONE ARCH                       <--
    21             BRIDGE, 0.1 MILE NORTH OF SR 3018,
    23             REPLACEMENT                                   240,000
    25             $200,000)
    26             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
    27             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $30,000)
    28         (6)  SR 1034, PIKES CREEK BRIDGE, 132 FEET
    29             EAST OF TR 11, LAKE TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE
    30             REPLACEMENT                                   180,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 218 -

     2             $150,000)
     3             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
     4             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $20,000)
     5         (7)  SR 2041, WRIGHT CREEK BRIDGE, 2 MILES
     6             NORTH OF TR 940, DENNISON TOWNSHIP,
     7             BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                            400,000
     9             $340,000)
    10             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
    11             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $50,000)
    12  Section 45.  Lycoming County.
    13     (a)  Local Bridges
    14         (1)  Mifflin Township, T-651 over Larry's
    15             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     528,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $438,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
    20         (2)  McIntyre Township, T-667, Rolston
    21             Bridge over Lycoming Creek, Bridge
    22             Replacement                                 1,620,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $1,400,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    27     (b)  State Bridges
    28         (1)  SR 0220, Quenshukeny Run Bridge over
    29             Quenshukeny Run, Village of Linden,
    30             Bridge Replacement                            395,000
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     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $316,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $59,000)
     5         (2)  SR 0973, Bridge over Hoagland Run, 3
     6             Miles West of Cogan Station, Bridge
     7             Rehabilitation                                195,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $156,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $29,000)
    12         (3)  SR 1006, Wallis Run Bridge over Wallis
    13             Run, Cascade Township, Bridge
    14             Replacement                                    65,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $50,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    19         (4)  SR 2022, Mill Creek Bridge, North of
    20             Montoursville, Bridge Replacement             668,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $575,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $43,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    25         (5)  SR 2051, Wolf Run Bridge over Wolf
    26             Run, South of SR 0220, Muncy Township,
    27             Bridge Replacement                            638,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $510,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $32,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 220 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $96,000)
     2         (6)  SR 3024, Jobs Run Road Bridge over
     3             Tributary of Larrys Creek, East of
     4             Salladasburg, Bridge Replacement              108,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $92,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $8,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $8,000)
     9         (7)  SR 3028, West 4th Street, Lycoming
    10             Creek Bridge, City of Williamsport,
    11             Bridge Rehabilitation                         216,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $185,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $16,000)
    16         (8)  SR 0044, Bridge over Conrail, Bridge
    17             Painting                                      210,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $200,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    21         (9)  SR 0180, I-180 Eastbound Bridge over
    22             Loyalsock Creek, Bridge Painting              135,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $125,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    26         (10)  SR 0180, I-180 Westbound Bridge over
    27             Loyalsock Creek, Bridge Painting              135,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $125,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 221 -

     1         (11)  SR 2014, Bridge over Lycoming Creek,
     2             Bridge Painting                               780,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $770,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
     6         (12)  SR 2061, Bridge over Little Muncy
     7             Creek, Bridge Painting                         80,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $70,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    11         (13)  SR 0014, SR 0014 over Trout Run,
    12             Lewis Township, Bridge Replacement            640,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $512,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $32,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $96,000)
    17         (14)  SR 0044, SR 0044 over Ramsey Run,
    18             Cummings Township, Bridge Replacement         394,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $315,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $59,000)
    23         (15)  SR 0044, SR 0044 over Pine Bottom
    24             Run, Cummings Township, Bridge
    25             Replacement                                   360,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $288,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $18,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $54,000)
    30         (16)  SR 0118, SR 0118 over Big Run,
    19970S0186B0445                 - 222 -

     1             Franklin Township, Bridge Replacement         382,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $307,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $19,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $56,000)
     6         (17)  SR 0284, SR 0284 over Blacks Creek,
     7             Pine Township, Bridge Replacement             700,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $570,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    12         (18)  SR 0405, SR 0405 over West Branch of
    13             Susquehanna River, Muncy Creek
    14             Township, Bridge Replacement               24,924,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $19,939,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $1,246,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $3,739,000)
    19         (19)  SR 0654, SR 0654 over Mosquito Creek,
    20             Anthony Township, Bridge Replacement          674,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $539,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $34,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $101,000)
    25         (20)  SR 0973, SR 0973 over Mud Run,
    26             Mifflin Township, Bridge Replacement          294,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $252,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $22,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 223 -

     1         (21)  SR 1005, SR 1005 over Plunketts
     2             Creek, Plunketts Creek Township, Bridge
     3             Replacement                                   366,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $293,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $18,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $55,000)
     8         (22)  SR 2061, SR 2061 over Sugar Run,
     9             Moreland Township, Bridge Replacement         443,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $354,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $22,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $67,000)
    14         (23)  SR 2085, SR 2085 over Muncy Creek,
    15             Penn Township, Bridge Replacement           1,050,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $840,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $53,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $157,000)
    20         (24)  SR 0405, East Water Street over Glade
    21             Run, Muncy Borough, Bridge Replacement        500,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $350,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    26         (25)  SR 1003, BRIDGE OVER WALLIS RUN,                     <--
    27             GAMBLE TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT         1,020,000
    29             $820,000)
    30             (LAND ALLOCATION - $50,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 224 -

     1             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $150,000)
     2         (26)  SR 1003, BRIDGE OVER SALT RUN, GAMBLE
     3             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                  390,000
     5             $300,000)
     6             (LAND ALLOCATION - $30,000)
     7             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $60,000)
     8         (27)  US 15, BRIDGE OVER 2ND AVENUE, SOUTH
    10             REPLACEMENT                                 1,550,000
    12             $1,250,000)
    13             (LAND ALLOCATION - $50,000)
    14             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $250,000)
    15         (28)  SR 44, BRIDGE OVER CONRAIL, NIPPENOSE
    16             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                2,425,000
    18             $2,000,000)
    19             (LAND ALLOCATION - $100,000)
    20             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $325,000)
    21         (29)  US 220, SOUTHBOUND BRIDGE OVER SR
    22             3005, JERSEY SHORE BOROUGH, DECK
    23             REPLACEMENT                                   275,000
    25             $225,000)
    26             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $50,000)
    27         (30)  US 220, NORTHBOUND BRIDGE OVER
    29             REPLACEMENT                                   900,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 225 -

     1             $750,000)
     2             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $150,000)
     3         (31)  US 220, SOUTHBOUND BRIDGE OVER
     5             REHABILITATION                                900,000
     7             $750,000)
     8             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $150,000)
     9         (32)  US 220, NORTHBOUND BRIDGE OVER SR
    10             3005, JERSEY SHORE BOROUGH, BRIDGE
    11             REHABILITATION                                275,000
    13             $225,000)
    14             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $50,000)
    15         (33)  US 220, RAMP ON US 220, JERSEY SHORE
    16             BOROUGH, DECK REPLACEMENT                   1,500,000
    18             $1,250,000)
    19             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $250,000)
    20         (34)  US 220, NORTHBOUND BRIDGE OVER RAMP
    21             A, WOODWARD TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE
    22             REHABILITATION                                550,000
    24             $500,000)
    25             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $50,000)
    26         (35)  US 220, NORTHBOUND BRIDGE OVER T-331,
    27             WOODWARD TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE
    28             REHABILITATION                                275,000
    30             $250,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 226 -

     1             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $25,000)
     2         (36)  US 220, NORTHBOUND BRIDGE OVER
     4             REHABILITATION                                825,000
     6             $750,000)
     7             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $75,000)
     8         (37)  US 220, SOUTHBOUND BRIDGE OVER RAMP,
     9             WOODWARD TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE
    10             REHABILITATION                                550,000
    12             $500,000)
    13             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $50,000)
    14         (38)  US 220, SOUTHBOUND BRIDGE OVER T-331,
    15             WOODWARD TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE
    16             REHABILITATION                                275,000
    18             $250,000)
    19             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $25,000)
    20         (39)  US 220, SOUTHBOUND BRIDGE OVER
    22             REHABILITATION                                825,000
    24             $750,000)
    25             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $75,000)
    26         (40)  US 220, REACH ROAD OVER US 220, CITY
    27             OF WILLIAMSPORT, DECK REPLACEMENT           1,400,000
    29             $1,250,000)
    30             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $150,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 227 -

     1         (41)  US 220, NORTHBOUND BRIDGE OVER ARCH
     3             REHABILITATION                                385,000
     5             $350,000)
     6             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $35,000)
     7         (42)  US 220, SOUTHBOUND BRIDGE OVER ARCH
     9             REHABILITATION                                385,000
    11             $350,000)
    12             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $35,000)
    13         (43)  US 220, NORTHBOUND BRIDGE OVER
    15             BRIDGE REHABILITATION                       1,100,000
    17             $1,000,000)
    18             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $100,000)
    19         (44)  I-180, EASTBOUND BRIDGE OVER MAYNARD
    21             WIDENING AND DECK REPLACEMENT                 950,000
    23             $800,000)
    24             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $150,000)
    25         (45)  I-180, WESTBOUND BRIDGE OVER MAYNARD
    27             WIDENING AND DECK REPLACEMENT                 950,000
    29             $800,000)
    30             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $150,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 228 -

     1         (46)  I-180, EASTBOUND AND WESTBOUND
     4             REPLACEMENT                                   900,000
     6             $750,000)
     7             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $150,000)
     8         (47)  I-180, EASTBOUND BRIDGE OVER HEPBURN
    10             WIDENING AND DECK REPLACEMENT               1,200,000
    12             $1,000,000)
    13             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $200,000)
    14         (48)  I-180, WESTBOUND BRIDGE OVER HEPBURN
    16             WIDENING AND DECK REPLACEMENT               1,200,000
    18             $1,000,000)
    19             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $200,000)
    20         (49)  I-180, EASTBOUND BRIDGE OVER BASIN
    22             REHABILITATION                                550,000
    24             $500,000)
    25             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $50,000)
    26         (50)  I-180, WESTBOUND BRIDGE OVER BASIN
    28             REHABILITATION                                550,000
    30             $500,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 229 -

     1             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $50,000)
     2         (51)  I-180, EASTBOUND AND WESTBOUND
     4             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REHABILITATION             1,100,000
     6             $1,000,000)
     7             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $100,000)
     8         (52)  I-180, EASTBOUND AND WESTBOUND
     9             BRIDGES OVER PA 405, MUNCY CREEK
    10             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REHABILITATION             1,100,000
    12             $1,000,000)
    13             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $100,000)
    14         (53)  I-180, EASTBOUND BRIDGE OVER SR 4024,
    16             REHABILITATION                                550,000
    18             $500,000)
    19             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $50,000)
    20         (54)  I-180, EASTBOUND AND WESTBOUND
    21             BRIDGES OVER SR 2061, MUNCY CREEK
    22             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REHABILITATION               660,000
    24             $600,000)
    25             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $60,000)
    26         (55)  I-180, EASTBOUND AND WESTBOUND
    27             BRIDGES OVER SR 2014, MUNCY CREEK
    28             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REHABILITATION               660,000
    30             $600,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 230 -

     1             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $60,000)
     2  Section 46.  McKean County.
     3     (a)  Local Bridges
     4         (1)  Foster Township, T-359, Garlock Hollow
     5             Bridge over Kendall Creek, Bridge
     6             Replacement                                   580,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $400,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $160,000)
    11     (b)  State Bridges
    12         (1)  SR 3009, Kinzua Creek Bridge over
    13             Kinzua Creek, Borough of Mt. Jewett,
    14             Bridge Replacement                            880,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $700,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    19         (2)  SR 4005, Kendall Creek Bridge over
    20             Kendall Creek, City of Bradford, Bridge
    21             Replacement                                   800,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $650,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    26  Section 47.  Mercer County.
    27     (a)  Local Bridges
    28         (1)  City of Sharon, Service Avenue Bridge
    29             over Pine Run, Bridge Replacement             240,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 231 -

     1             $210,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
     4         (2)  City of Sharon, Wengler Avenue Bridge
     5             over Pine Hollow Run, Bridge
     6             Replacement                                   218,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $193,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    11         (3)  Pine Township, T-355, Pinchlong Road
    12             Bridge over Swamp Run, Bridge
    13             Replacement                                   203,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $178,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    18         (4)  Pine Township, T-878, Diamond Road
    19             Bridge over Wolf Creek, Bridge
    20             Replacement                                 1,813,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $1,668,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $60,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $85,000)
    25         (5)  Pine Township, T-413, Daugherty Road
    26             Bridge over Wolf Run, Bridge
    27             Replacement                                   407,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $352,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 232 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
     2         (6)  Shenango Township, T-955, Oak Hill
     3             Road Bridge over Turkey Run, Bridge
     4             Replacement                                   297,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $257,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
     9         (7)  Shenango Township, Heasley Road Bridge
    10             over Tributary of Shenango River,
    11             Bridge Replacement                            173,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $155,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $3,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
    16         (8)  Springfield Township, T-722, Spring
    17             Road Bridge over Mill Run, Bridge
    18             Replacement                                   230,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $200,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
    23         (9)  Worth Township, T-912, Jack Atwell
    24             Road Bridge over Wolf Creek, Bridge
    25             Replacement                                   297,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $257,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    30     (b)  State Bridges
    19970S0186B0445                 - 233 -

     1         (1)  SR 0058, SR 0058 over Sugar Creek,
     2             Greene Township, Bridge Replacement           270,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $200,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $50,00)
     7         (2)  SR 0058, SR 0058 over Tributary of
     8             Shenango River, Greenville Borough,
     9             Bridge Replacement                            250,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $200,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    14         (3)  SR 0058, SR 0058 over I-79, Findley
    15             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,630,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $1,500,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    20         (4)  SR 0062, SR 0062 over Shenango
    21             River/Riverside Drive, City of Sharon,
    22             Bridge Replacement                          2,780,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $2,500,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    27         (5)  SR 0158, SR 0158 over Little
    28             Neshannock Creek, Wilmington Township,
    29             Bridge Replacement                            770,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 234 -

     1             $650,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
     4         (6)  SR 0173, SR 0173 over Mill Creek, New
     5             Lebanon Borough, Bridge Replacement           430,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $350,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    10         (7)  SR 0208, SR 0208 over Wolf Creek,
    11             Grove City Borough, Bridge Replacement      1,000,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $870,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    16         (8)  SR 0258, SR 0258 over Daley Run,
    17             Jefferson Township, Bridge Replacement        430,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $350,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    22         (9)  SR 0318, SR 0318 over Shenango
    23             River/Street/Railroad, West Middlesex
    24             Borough, Bridge Replacement                 4,400,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $3,700,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $600,000)
    29         (10)  SR 0518, SR 0518 over Pine Hollow
    30             Run, City of Hermitage, Bridge
    19970S0186B0445                 - 235 -

     1             Replacement                                   410,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $300,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
     6         (11)  SR 0846, SR 0846 over Shenango
     7             Reservoir, South Pymatuning Township,
     8             Bridge Replacement                          1,500,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $1,340,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    13         (12)  SR 2006, SR 2006 over I-79,
    14             Springfield Township, Bridge
    15             Replacement                                 1,100,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $1,000,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $90,000)
    20         (13)  SR 2014, SR 2014 over Mill Creek,
    21             Findley Township, Bridge Replacement          330,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $240,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
    26         (14)  SR 2025, SR 2025 over Lake Barmore
    27             Outlet, Pine Township, Bridge
    28             Replacement                                   300,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $230,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 236 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
     3         (15)  SR 3011, SR 3011 over I-80, Shenango
     4             Township, Bridge Replacement                  810,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $700,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     9         (16)  SR 4014, SR 4014 over Shenango River,
    10             Delaware Township, Bridge Replacement         920,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $800,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    15         (17)  SR 0518, PA 516 (WALNUT STREET)                      <--
    17             HERMITAGE, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                 550,000
    19             $500,000)
    20             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $50,000)
    21  Section 48.  Mifflin County.
    22     (a)  Local Bridges
    23         (1)  Oliver Township, T-803, Bridge over
    24             Musser Run, Bridge Replacement                492,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $390,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $2,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    29         (2)  DECATUR TOWNSHIP, T-379, BRIDGE OVER                  <--
    30             MEADOW CREEK, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT              370,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 237 -

     2             $300,000)
     3             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
     4             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $60,000)
     5     (b)  State Bridges
     6         (1)  SR 0022, Bridge over Kish Creek,
     7             Lewistown Borough, Bridge Painting            800,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $720,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    11         (2)  SR 3017, Bridge over Juniata River,
    12             Wayne Township, Bridge Painting               935,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $850,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $85,000)
    16  Section 49.  Monroe County.
    17     (a)  Local Bridges (Reserved)                                  <--
    18     (A)  LOCAL BRIDGES                                             <--
    19         (1)  SMITHFIELD TOWNSHIP, T-522, BRIDGE
    21             REPLACEMENT                                   134,000
    23             $116,000)
    24             (LAND ALLOCATION - $6,000)
    25             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $12,000)
    26     (b)  State Bridges
    27         (1)  SR 0447, SR 0447 over Broadhead Creek
    28             and Railroad, Stroud Township, Bridge
    29             Rehabilitation                              1,395,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 238 -

     1             $1,071,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $324,000)
     3         (2)  SR 3003, Silver Spring Boulevard over
     4             Chapple Creek, Eldred Township, Bridge
     5             Replacement                                   280,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $130,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    10         (3)  SR 2012, SR 2012 over Broadhead Creek,
    11             East Stroudsburg Borough, Bridge
    12             Rehabilitation                              1,500,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $1,150,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $350,000)
    16         (4)  SR 0080, I-80 Westbound over
    17             Tunkhannock Creek at County Line,
    18             Tobyhanna Township, Bridge
    19             Rehabilitation                                935,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $720,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $215,000)
    23         (5)  SR 0080, I-80 Eastbound over
    24             Tunkhannock Creek at County Line,
    25             Tunkhannock Township, Bridge
    26             Rehabilitation                                935,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $720,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $215,000)
    30         (6)  SR 4003, SR 4003 over Lehigh River at
    19970S0186B0445                 - 239 -

     1             Lackawanna County Line, Coolbaugh
     2             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               390,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $295,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $95,000)
     6         (7)  Norristown Borough, Markley Street
     7             Bridge over Stoney Creek, Bridge
     8             Replacement                                 1,250,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $1,000,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    13         (8)  Norristown Borough, Markley Street
    14             Bridge over Stoney Creek, Bridge
    15             Rehabilitation                                500,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $400,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $90,000)
    20         (9)  Horsham Township, Davis Grove Road
    21             over Park Creek, Bridge Replacement           300,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $230,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    26         (10)  Franconia Township, Keller Creamery
    27             Road over Indian Creek, Bridge
    28             Replacement                                   320,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $250,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 240 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
     3         (11)  East Norriton Township, Germantown
     4             Pike over Five Mile Run Creek, Bridge
     5             Replacement                                   500,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $430,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    10         (12)  Upper Hanover Township, Eleventh
    11             Street over Macoby Creek, Bridge
    12             Replacement                                   400,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $340,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    17         (13)  Lower Merion Township, Black Rock
    18             Road over Mill Creek, Bridge
    19             Replacement                                   350,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $295,000)
    22             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $35,000)
    24         (14)  Lower Merion Township, Morris Road
    25             over Mill Creek, Bridge Replacement           350,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $285,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $45,000)
    30         (15)  Upper Merion Township, Conrail over
    19970S0186B0445                 - 241 -

     1             South Gulph Road, Bridge Replacement        4,500,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $4,250,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
     6         (16)  Trappe Borough, College Avenue over
     7             Buckwalter Tributary, Bridge
     8             Replacement                                   140,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $120,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    12  Section 50.  Montgomery County.
    13     (a)  Local Bridges
    14         (1)  Norristown Borough, Hospital Bridge
    15             over Stony Creek, Bridge Replacement          412,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $365,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $37,000)
    20         (2)  Trappe Borough, College Avenue Bridge
    21             over Tributary of Perkiomen Creek,
    22             Bridge Replacement                            360,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $300,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    27         (3)  Towamencin Township, Bustard Road
    28             Bridge over Towamencin Creek, Bridge
    29             Replacement                                   454,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 242 -

     1             $400,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $44,000)
     4         (4)  Upper Hanover Township, T-444,
     5             Treichler Road Bridge under Reading
     6             Railroad, Bridge Removal                      151,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $126,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    11         (5)  Upper Providence Township, T-400,
    12             Supio Road Bridge under Reading
    13             Railroad, Bridge Removal                      187,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $157,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
    18         (6)  Upper Salford Township, T-444, Bridge
    19             over Abandoned Railroad, Bridge
    20             Removal                                     1,175,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $1,000,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    25         (7)  Norristown Borough, Markley Street
    26             Bridge over Stoney Creek, Bridge
    27             Replacement                                 1,250,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $1,000,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 243 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
     2         (8)  Norristown Borough, Markley Street
     3             Bridge over Stoney Creek, Bridge
     4             Rehabilitation                                500,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $400,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $90,000)
     9         (9)  Horsham Township, Davis Grove Road
    10             over Park Creek, Bridge Replacement           300,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $230,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    15         (10)  Franconia Township, Keller Creamery
    16             Road over Indian Creek, Bridge
    17             Replacement                                   320,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $250,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    22         (11)  East Norriton Township, Germantown
    23             Pike over Five Mile Run Creek, Bridge
    24             Replacement                                   500,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $430,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    29         (12)  Upper Hanover Township, Eleventh
    30             Street over Macoby Creek, Bridge
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     1             Replacement                                   400,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $340,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
     6         (13)  Lower Merion Township, Black Rock
     7             Road over Mill Creek, Bridge
     8             Replacement                                   350,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $295,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $35,000)
    13         (14)  Lower Merion Township, Morris Road
    14             over Mill Creek, Bridge Replacement           350,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $285,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $45,000)
    19         (15)  Upper Merion Township, Conrail over
    20             South Gulph Road, Bridge Replacement        4,500,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $4,250,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    25         (16)  Trappe Borough, College Avenue over
    26             Buckwalter Tributary, Bridge
    27             Replacement                                   140,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $120,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
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     1     (b)  State Bridges
     2         (1)  SR 2009, Byberry Road Bridge over
     3             Southampton Creek, Upper Moreland
     4             Township and Bryn Athyn Borough,
     5             Historic Bridge Replacement                   680,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $500,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $160,000)
    10         (2)  SR 2018, Bethlehem Pike Bridge over
    11             Branch of Wissahickon Creek,
    12             Springfield Township, Bridge
    13             Rehabilitation                                525,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $400,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    18         (3)  SR 4030, New Hanover Square Road
    19             Bridge over West Swamp Creek (Two
    20             Bridges), New Hanover Township, Bridge
    21             Replacement                                 1,150,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $900,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    26         (4)  SR 0100, Extended, (Three Bridges),
    27             High Street to Farmington Road,
    28             Pottstown Borough and Upper Pottsgrove
    29             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation             1,650,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 246 -

     1             $1,500,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     4         (5)  SR 1017, Salfordville Road Bridge over
     5             East Branch of Perkiomen Creek, Lower
     6             Salford Township, Bridge Replacement        1,500,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $1,250,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    11         (6)  SR 1024, Salford Station (Two Bridges)
    12             over Perkiomen Creek, Upper Salford and
    13             Lower Fredrick Townships, Bridge
    14             Replacement                                 1,200,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $1,000,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    19         (7)  SR 3020, Dannehower Bridge over River
    20             and New US 202, Upper Merion Township,
    21             Bridgeport and Norristown Boroughs,
    22             Bridge Painting                               872,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $802,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
    26         (8)  SR 3039, South Gulph Road Overpass
    27             under Conrail, Upper Merion Township,
    28             Bridge Replacement                          1,500,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $1,300,000)
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     1             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
     3         (9)  SR 4003, Black Rock Road Bridge over
     4             Abandoned Reading Track, Upper
     5             Providence Township, Bridge Removal           205,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $175,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    10         (10)  SR 4012, Graterford Road Bridge over
    11             Perkiomen Creek, Skippack and Perkiomen
    12             Townships, Bridge Replacement               1,475,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $1,300,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    17         (11)  SR 4031, RIDGE PIKE BRIDGE OVER                      <--
    19             BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                          2,053,000
    21             $1,935,000)
    22             (LAND ALLOCATION - $45,000)
    23             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $73,000)
    24  Section 51.  Montour County.
    25     (a)  Local Bridges
    26         (1)  Derry Township, T-407, County Bridge
    27             No.13 over West Branch of Chillisquaque
    28             Creek near Washingtonville Borough,
    29             Bridge Replacement                            350,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 248 -

     1             $265,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $35,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
     4     (b)  State Bridges
     5         (1)  SR 1004, Bridge over Chillisquaque
     6             Creek, North of Washingtonville
     7             Borough, Bridge Replacement                   620,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $500,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    12         (2)  SR 1006, Bridge over Branch of
    13             Chillisquaque Creek, 3 Miles Northwest
    14             of Washingtonville Borough, Bridge
    15             Replacement                                   510,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $410,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    20         (3)  SR 3004, Bridge over Beaver Run, 2
    21             Miles West of Moresburg, Bridge
    22             Replacement                                   285,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $227,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $14,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $44,000)
    27         (4)  SR 4001, Bridge over Chillisquaque
    28             Creek, Anthony Township, Bridge
    29             Replacement                                   458,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 249 -

     1             $366,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $23,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $69,000)
     4         (5)  SR 0011, SR 0011 over Sechler Run,
     5             Mahoning Township, Bridge Replacement         582,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $466,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $29,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $87,000)
    10         (6)  SR 0054, SR 0054 over Chillisquaque
    11             Creek, Anthony Township, Bridge
    12             Replacement                                   547,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $438,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $27,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $82,000)
    17         (7)  SR 0642, SR 0642 over Mahoning Creek,
    18             West Hemlock Township, Bridge
    19             Replacement                                   213,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $170,000)
    22             (Land Allocation - $11,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $32,000)
    24         (8)  SR 1009, SR 1009 over Branch of Lowry
    25             Run, Anthony Township, Bridge
    26             Replacement                                   431,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $345,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $21,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $65,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 250 -

     1         (9)  SR 1011, SR 1011 over Tributary of
     2             Chillisquaque Creek, Anthony Township,
     3             Bridge Replacement                            212,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $170,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $11,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $31,000)
     8  Section 52.  Northampton County.
     9     (a)  Local Bridges
    10         (1)  Lehigh Township, Indiantrail Road
    11             Bridge over Indian Creek, Bridge
    12             Painting                                       16,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $14,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $2,000)
    16         (2)  Lehigh Township, T-548, Bridge over
    17             Bertsch Creek, Bridge Replacement             400,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $300,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    22         (3)  Lehigh Township, Wood Drive Bridge,
    23             Bridge Replacement                             65,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $41,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $4,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    28         (4)  FREEMANSBURG BOROUGH, LVRR BRIDGE OVER                <--
    29             MAIN STREET, BRIDGE REMOVAL                   898,000
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     1             $694,000)
     2             (LAND ALLOCATION - $100,000)
     3             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $104,000)
     4     (b)  State Bridges
     5         (1)  SR 2017, Tatamy Road over Tributary of
     6             Bushkill Creek, Palmer Township, Bridge
     7             Rehabilitation                                240,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $100,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    12         (2)  SR 4020, Maple Drive over Tributary of
    13             Bertsch Creek, Lehigh Township, Bridge
    14             Rehabilitation                                465,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $275,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $80,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $110,000)
    19  Section 53.  Northumberland County.
    20     (a)  Local Bridges
    21         (1)  Borough of Milton, Ridge Avenue over
    22             Limestone Run, Bridge Replacement             520,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $380,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $120,000)
    27         (2)  Lewis Township, T-631, Old State Road
    28             Bridge over Branch of Beaver Run,
    29             Bridge Replacement                            220,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 252 -

     1             $200,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
     3     (b)  State Bridges
     4         (1)  SR 0642, Chillisquaque Creek Bridge
     5             over Chillisquaque Creek, 0.5 Mile East
     6             of Pottsgrove, Bridge Deck Replacement      1,184,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $947,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $59,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $178,000)
    11         (2)  SR 1005, Delaware Run Bridge over
    12             Delaware Run, 3 Miles North of
    13             Watsontown Borough, Bridge Replacement        509,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $408,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $76,000)
    18         (3)  SR 0045, Bridge over Chillisquaque
    19             Creek, East of SR 0147, Bridge
    20             Painting                                      260,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $250,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    24         (4)  SR 0054, SR 0054 over North Branch of
    25             Shamokin Creek, Mt. Carmel Township,
    26             Bridge Replacement                            721,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $577,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $36,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $108,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 253 -

     1         (5)  SR 2001, SR 2001 over Little Roaring
     2             Creek, Rush Township, Bridge
     3             Replacement                                   415,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $335,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
     8         (6)  SR 2023, SR 2023 over Conrail, Mt.
     9             Carmel Township, Bridge Replacement         1,275,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $1,020,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $64,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $191,000)
    14         (7)  SR 4013, SR 4013 over Plum Creek,
    15             Rockefeller Township, Bridge
    16             Replacement                                   361,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $289,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $18,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $54,000)
    21  Section 54.  Perry County.
    22     (a)  Local Bridges
    23         (1)  Tyrone Township, County Bridge No.4,
    24             Rices Bridge over Shermans Creek,
    25             Covered Bridge Replacement                    768,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $552,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $77,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $139,000)
    30         (2)  Northeast Madison Township, T-403 over
    19970S0186B0445                 - 254 -

     1             Bixler Run, Bridge Replacement                585,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $400,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
     6         (3)  TYRONE TOWNSHIP, RICES BRIDGE (COUNTY                 <--
     7             BRIDGE NO.4) OVER SHERMANS CREEK,
     8             BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                            768,000
    10             $552,000)
    11             (LAND ALLOCATION - $77,000)
    12             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $139,000)
    13     (b)  State Bridges
    14         (1)  SR 4006, Raccoon Creek Bridge over
    15             Raccoon Creek, Tuscarora Township,
    16             Bridge Replacement                            466,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $288,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $158,000)
    21         (2)  SR 3002, Horse Valley Road Bridges
    22             (Two Bridges) over Horse Valley Run,
    23             Toboyne Township, Bridge Replacement          725,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $700,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    28  Section 55.  Philadelphia County.
    29     (a)  Local Bridges
    30         (1)  City of Philadelphia, Byberry Road
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     1             Bridge over Conrail, Temporary Bridge
     2             Construction                                  511,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $390,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $51,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
     7         (2)  City of Philadelphia, Wyoming Avenue
     8             Bridge over Former Course Frankford
     9             Creek, West of Castor Avenue, Bridge
    10             Replacement                                 1,300,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $1,200,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    14         (3)  City of Philadelphia, Chelten Avenue
    15             Bridge over SEPTA, West of Wayne
    16             Avenue, Bridge Replacement                  2,300,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $2,100,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    20         (4)  City of Philadelphia, Fisher's Lane
    21             Bridge over Tacony Creek, West of
    22             Ramona Avenue, Bridge Replacement           1,625,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $1,400,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $225,000)
    26         (5)  City of Philadelphia, Kingsessing
    27             Avenue Bridge over SEPTA, Bridge
    28             Replacement                                 2,550,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $2,200,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 256 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
     3         (6)  City of Philadelphia, Montgomery
     4             Bridge over Amtrak, Bridge Replacement      5,275,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $4,750,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $125,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $400,000)
     9         (7)  City of Philadelphia, Thomas Avenue
    10             Bridge over SEPTA, Bridge Replacement       3,150,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $2,750,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $300,000)
    15         (8)  City of Philadelphia, Sedgley Avenue
    16             Bridge over Conrail, Bridge
    17             Replacement                                 1,000,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $800,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    22         (9)  City of Philadelphia, Lexington Avenue
    23             Bridge over Conrail, Bridge
    24             Replacement                                   420,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $360,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    29         (10)  City of Philadelphia, Greenland
    30             Bridge over Conrail and I-76, Bridge
    19970S0186B0445                 - 257 -

     1             Replacement                                 1,350,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $1,100,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
     6         (11)  City of Philadelphia, Glenwood Drive
     7             Bridge over Conrail, Bridge
     8             Replacement                                 1,450,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $1,200,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    13         (12)  City of Philadelphia, Second Street
    14             Bridge over Conrail, Bridge
    15             Replacement                                   740,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $650,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
    20         (13)  City of Philadelphia, Cambria Street
    21             Bridge over Conrail, Bridge
    22             Replacement                                 2,750,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $2,400,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    27     (b)  State Bridges
    28         (1)  SR 4007, Germantown Avenue Bridge,
    29             Conrail Overpass, City of Philadelphia,
    30             Bridge Removal                                125,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 258 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $100,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     5         (2)  SR 0076, Schuylkill Expressway Bridge
     6             over Schuylkill River, City of
     7             Philadelphia, Bridge Painting               2,580,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $2,390,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $190,000)
    11         (3)  SR 2003, 5th Street Bridge over
    12             Amtrak, City of Philadelphia, Bridge
    13             Replacement                                 2,400,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $2,000,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $200,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    18         (4)  SR 3008, Chestnut Street Bridge over
    19             Schuylkill River, City of Philadelphia,
    20             Bridge Painting                               477,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $426,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $51,000)
    24         (5)  SR 3037, JFK Boulevard Bridge over
    25             Schuylkill River, City of Philadelphia,
    26             Bridge Painting                               857,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $794,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $63,000)
    30         (6)  SR 0095, Delaware River Expressway
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     1             over Westmoreland and Tioga Streets,
     2             City of Philadelphia, Bridge
     3             Rehabilitation                              4,450,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $4,200,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
     8  Section 56.  Pike County.
     9     (a)  Local Bridges (Reserved)
    10     (b)  State Bridges
    11         (1)  SR 0390, Bridge Kill Creek Bridge,
    12             North of SR 3002, Green Township,
    13             Bridge Replacement                            430,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $340,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    18         (2)  SR 2011, Bridge over Outlet to Sawkill
    19             Pond, South of TR 6, Dingman Township,
    20             Bridge Replacement                            355,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $275,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
    25         (3)  SR 0434, Shohola Bridge over Delaware
    26             River, Shohola Township and New York
    27             State Line, Bridge Painting                 2,200,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $2,000,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
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     1         (4)  State Bridges, Countywide Bridge Zone
     2             Painting, Bridge Painting                     370,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $350,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
     7  Section 57.  (Reserved).
     8  Section 58.  Schuylkill County.
     9     (a)  Local Bridges (Reserved)                                  <--
    10     (A)  LOCAL BRIDGES                                             <--
    12             BRIDGE NO.2 OVER CONRAIL AND PA 61,
    13             BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                          2,225,000
    15             $2,000,000)
    16             (LAND ALLOCATION - $25,000)
    17             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $200,000)
    19             BRIDGE OVER T-390, BRIDGE REMOVAL             551,000
    21             $435,000)
    22             (LAND ALLOCATION - $50,000)
    23             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $66,000)
    24         (3)  RUSH TOWNSHIP, T-862, BRIDGE NO.42
    25             OVER PINE CREEK, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT           139,000
    27             $121,000)
    28             (LAND ALLOCATION - $6,000)
    29             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $12,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 261 -

     2             REPLACEMENT                                   223,000
     4             $193,000)
     5             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
     6             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $20,000)
     7         (5)  UPPER MAHANTONGO TOWNSHIP, T-473,
     9             REPLACEMENT                                   202,000
    11             $175,000)
    12             (LAND ALLOCATION - $9,000)
    13             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $18,000)
    14     (b)  State Bridges
    15         (1)  SR 0054, SR 0054 over Mahanoy Creek,
    16             Mahanoy Township, Bridge Replacement        1,005,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $770,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $235,000)
    20         (2)  SR 0054, SR 0054 over Reading Blue
    21             Mountain and Northern Railroad, Mahanoy
    22             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               650,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $500,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    26         (3)  SR 0081, SR 0081 Southbound over
    27             Swatara Creek, Pine Grove Township,
    28             Bridge Rehabilitation                         970,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $745,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 262 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $225,000)
     2         (4)  SR 0081, SR 0081 Northbound over
     3             Swatara Creek, Pine Grove Township,
     4             Bridge Rehabilitation                         970,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $745,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $225,000)
     8         (5)  SR 0081, SR 0081 Southbound over SR
     9             0443 and Exit Ramp 3, Pine Grove
    10             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               715,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $550,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $165,000)
    14         (6)  SR 0081, SR 0081 Northbound over SR
    15             0443 and Exit Ramp 31, Pine Grove
    16             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               515,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $390,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    20         (7)  SR 0081, I-81 Southbound over T-886,
    21             Oak Grove Road, Pine Grove Township,
    22             Bridge Rehabilitation                         300,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $200,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    26         (8)  SR 0081, I-81 Northbound over T-886,
    27             Oak Grove Road, Pine Grove Township,
    28             Bridge Rehabilitation                         300,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $200,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 263 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     2         (9)  SR 0061, Bridge over Mahannon Creek at
     3             South Liberty Street, North Manheim
     4             Township, Bridge Rehabilitation               265,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $175,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $90,000)
     8         (10)  SR 0895, SR 0895 over Lizard Creek,
     9             Village of Snyders, West Penn Township,
    10             Bridge Rehabilitation                         290,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $190,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    14         (11)  SR 0901, SR 0901 over Mahanoy Creek,
    15             Bridge Rehabilitation                         680,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $520,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $160,000)
    19         (12)  SR 1011, SR 1011 over Big Creek,
    20             Village of Brockton, Schuylkill
    21             Township, Bridge Replacement                  340,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $160,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $55,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    26         (13)  SR 1011, SR 1011 over Locust Creek,
    27             Ryan Township, Bridge Rehabilitation          365,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $180,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $60,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 264 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
     2         (14)  SR 2018, SR 2018 over Little
     3             Schuylkill River, Drehersville, East
     4             Brunswick Township, Bridge
     5             Rehabilitation                                385,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $285,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     9         (15)  SR 4013, SR 4013 over Rausch Creek,
    10             Hegins Township, Bridge Rehabilitation        280,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $180,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    14         (16)  SR 4022, SR 4022 over Tributary of
    15             Mahantango Creek, Eldred Township,
    16             Bridge Replacement                            310,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $150,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $110,000)
    21         (17)  SR 0209, Broad Street over Little
    22             Schuylkill River, Tamaqua Borough,
    23             Bridge Replacement                            600,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $360,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $140,000)
    28         (18)  SR 4022, Broad Street Bridge over
    29             Panther Creek, Tamaqua Borough, Bridge
    30             Replacement                                 1,780,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 265 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $1,220,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $195,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $365,000)
     5         (19)  SR 4022, SR 4022 over Mahanoy Creek,
     6             Village of Helfenstein, Eldred
     7             Township, Bridge Replacement                1,170,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $750,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $195,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $225,000)
    12         (20)  SR 0339, SR 0339 over Catawissa
    13             Creek, North Union Township, Bridge
    14             Replacement                                   984,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $630,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $165,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $189,000)
    19         (21)  SR 0443, Dock Street Bridge over
    20             Tributary of Schuylkill River, Borough
    21             of Schuylkill Haven, Bridge
    22             Replacement                                   325,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $150,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    27         (22)  SR 0895, SR 0895 over Schuylkill
    28             River, Bridge Replacement                   2,370,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $1,480,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 266 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $390,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $500,000)
     3         (23)  SR 4011, SR 4011 over Pine Creek,
     4             Hegins Township, Bridge Replacement           720,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $450,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $120,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
     9         (24)  SR 0895, Auburn Arch over Schuylkill
    10             River, South Manheim Township, Bridge
    11             Replacement                                   550,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $350,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    16  Section 59.  Snyder County.
    17     (a)  Local Bridges (Reserved)
    18     (b)  State Bridges
    19         (1)  SR 1011, Pine Street Bridge over Penns
    20             Creek, Selinsgrove, Bridge
    21             Rehabilitation                              1,150,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $940,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    26         (2)  SR 3002, Bridge over Mahantango Creek,
    27             1.5 Miles South of Meiserville, Perry
    28             and Chapman Townships Line, Bridge
    29             Rehabilitation                              1,425,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 267 -

     1             $1,211,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $214,000)
     3         (3)  SR 4007, Middle Creek Bridge over
     4             Middle Creek, North of SR 0522 and
     5             South of SR 4012, Bridge Replacement        1,158,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $926,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $58,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $174,000)
    10         (4)  SR 0522, Bridge over Middle Creek,
    11             Bridge Painting                               180,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $170,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    15         (5)  SR 0035, SR 0035 over Tributary of
    16             Mahantango Creek, Perry Township,
    17             Bridge Replacement                            815,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $652,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $41,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $122,000)
    22         (6)  SR 0104, SR 0104 over Branch of
    23             Mahantango Creek, Perry Township,
    24             Bridge Replacement                            430,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $345,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $65,000)
    29         (7)  SR 0104, SR 0104 over Middle Creek,
    30             Franklin Township, Bridge Replacement         440,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 268 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $350,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
     5         (8)  SR 0522, SR 0522 over Tributary of
     6             Middle Creek, Spring Township, Bridge
     7             Replacement                                   500,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $400,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    12         (9)  SR 0522, SR 0522 over Tributary of
    13             Middle Creek, Spring Township, Bridge
    14             Replacement                                   896,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $717,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $45,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $134,000)
    19         (10)  SR 0522, SR 0522 over Tributary of
    20             Middle Creek, Beavertown Borough,
    21             Bridge Replacement                            244,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $195,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $12,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $37,000)
    26         (11)  SR 0522, SR 0522 over Tributary of
    27             Middle Creek, Beavertown Borough,
    28             Bridge Replacement                            245,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $196,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 269 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $12,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $37,000)
     3         (12)  SR 0522, SR 0522 over Kern Run,
     4             Beavertown Borough, Bridge Replacement        570,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $456,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $29,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $85,000)
     9         (13)  SR 0522, SR 0522 over Penns Creek,
    10             Selinsgrove Borough, Bridge
    11             Replacement                                 3,167,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $2,534,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $158,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $475,000)
    16         (14)  SR 1011, SR 1011 over Tributary of
    17             Penns Creek, Jackson Township, Bridge
    18             Replacement                                   241,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $193,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $12,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $36,000)
    23         (15)  SR 2013, SR 2013 over Tributary of
    24             Susquehanna River, Chapman Township,
    25             Bridge Replacement                            202,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $162,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    30         (16)  SR 3009, SR 3009 over Paxtonville
    19970S0186B0445                 - 270 -

     1             Creek, Franklin Township, Bridge
     2             Replacement                                 1,512,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $1,209,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $76,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $227,000)
     7  Section 60.  Somerset County.
     8     (a)  Local Bridges
     9         (1)  Middlecreek Township, T-338, Blue Hole
    10             Creek Bridge over Blue Hole Creek,
    11             Bridge Replacement                            505,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $400,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $95,000)
    16         (2)  Paint Borough, Pennsylvania Railroad
    17             Bridge over Bedford Street, Bridge
    18             Replacement                                   350,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $250,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    23         (3)  Shade Township, T-712, Lipinski Road
    24             Bridge over Dark Shade Creek, Bridge
    25             Replacement                                   560,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $450,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    30         (4)  Somerset Borough, Church Street Bridge
    19970S0186B0445                 - 271 -

     1             over Parsons Run, Bridge Replacement          350,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $250,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
     6         (5)  Windber Borough, South 22nd Street
     7             Bridge over Seese Run, Bridge
     8             Replacement                                   350,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $250,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    13         (6)  Windber Borough, 24th Street Bridge
    14             over Seese Run, Bridge Replacement            350,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $250,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    19         (7)  Windber Borough, Village Street Bridge
    20             over Seese Run, Bridge Replacement            350,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $250,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    25         (8)  Summit Township, Keystone Viaduct over
    26             SR 2006, CSX Mainline and Flaugherty
    27             Creek, Bridge Rehabilitation                  715,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $663,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $52,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 272 -

     1     (b)  State Bridges
     2         (1)  SR 0160, SR 0160 over Tributary of
     3             Boones Run, Stoney Creek Township,
     4             Bridge Replacement                            580,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $430,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
     9         (2)  SR 0523, SR 0523 over Whites Creek,
    10             Addison Township, Bridge Replacement          690,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $510,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $130,000)
    15         (3)  SR 1007, SR 1007 over Lambert Run,
    16             Stoney Creek Township, Bridge
    17             Replacement                                   490,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $355,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $110,000)
    22         (4)  SR 1017, SR 1017 over Breastwork Run,
    23             Allegheny Township, Bridge Replacement        650,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $490,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $135,000)
    28         (5)  SR 1017, SR 1017 over Breastwork Run,
    29             Allegheny Township, Bridge Replacement        580,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 273 -

     1             $440,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $135,000)
     4         (6)  SR 1018, SR 1018 over Beaverdam Run,
     5             Shade Township, Bridge Replacement            545,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $400,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $120,000)
    10         (7)  SR 1018, SR 1018 over Beaverdam Run,
    11             Shade Township, Bridge Replacement            515,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $375,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $115,000)
    16         (8)  SR 2005, SR 2005 over Elk Lick Creek,
    17             Elk Lick Township, Bridge Replacement         520,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $380,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $115,000)
    22         (9)  SR 4013, SR 4013 over North Branch of
    23             Quemahoning Creek, Lincoln Township,
    24             Bridge Replacement                            585,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $435,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    29         (10)  SR 4019, SR 4019 over Quemahoning
    30             Creek, Quemahoning Township, Bridge
    19970S0186B0445                 - 274 -

     1             Replacement                                   800,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $625,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
     6         (11)  SR 3039, SR 3039 over Allen Creek,
     7             Middlecreek Township, Bridge
     8             Replacement                                   200,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $150,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $45,000)
    13         (12)  SR 3039, SR 3039 over Allen Creek,
    14             Middlecreek Township, Bridge
    15             Replacement                                   220,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $150,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    20         (13)  SR 4001, SR 4001 over Clear Run,
    21             Jefferson Township, Bridge Replacement        295,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $200,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $85,000)
    26  Section 61.  Sullivan County.
    27     (a)  Local Bridges
    28         (1)  Forks Township, T-448, Old TR 87
    29             Bridge, County Bridge No.55 over Little
    30             Loyalsock Creek, Bridge Replacement           860,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 275 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $700,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
     5         (2)  Forks and Laporte Townships, T-346
     6             over Loyalsock Creek, Bridge
     7             Replacement                                   840,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $730,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    12     (b)  State Bridges
    13         (1)  SR 0087, SR 0087 over Lick Run, Forks
    14             Township, Bridge Replacement                  635,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $508,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $32,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $95,000)
    19         (2)  SR 0087, SR 0087 over Little Loyalsock
    20             Creek, Cherry Township, Bridge
    21             Replacement                                   655,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $524,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $33,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $98,000)
    26         (3)  SR 0154, SR 0154 over Black Water Run,
    27             Elkland Township, Bridge Replacement          194,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $166,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $28,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 276 -

     1         (4)  SR 0154, SR 0154 over Kings Creek,
     2             Elkland Township, Bridge Replacement          404,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $323,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $61,000)
     7         (5)  SR 1012, SR 1012 over Little Loyalsock
     8             Creek, Cherry Township, Bridge
     9             Replacement                                   260,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $208,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $13,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $39,000)
    14  Section 62.  Susquehanna County.
    15     (a)  Local Bridges (Reserved)
    16     (b)  State Bridges
    17         (1)  SR 0167, Owego Street Bridge over
    18             Branch of Fall Brook, Bridgewater
    19             Township, Bridge Replacement                  413,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $342,000)
    22             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $61,000)
    24         (2)  SR 1016, Salt Lick Creek Bridge over
    25             Branch of Salt Lick Creek, New Milford
    26             Township, Bridge Replacement                  100,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $86,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $3,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $11,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 277 -

     1         (3)  SR 0081, Bridge over Trowbridge Creek,
     2             1 Mile South of the Pennsylvania and
     3             New York State Line, Great Bend
     4             Township, Bridge Replacement                  890,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $700,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $180,000)
     9         (4)  SR 1017, Gulf Street Bridge, 0.5 Mile
    10             North of SR 1015, Lanesboro Borough,
    11             Bridge Replacement                            305,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $220,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    16         (5)  SR 3003, Bridge over Transue Creek,
    17             1.5 Miles South of SR 3005, Auburn
    18             Township, Bridge Painting                      60,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $50,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    22         (6)  SR 3006, Bridge over White Creek, 1.5
    23             Miles West of SR 3004, Springville
    24             Township, Bridge Painting                      70,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $60,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    28         (7)  SR 0011, Bridge over Salt Lick Creek,
    29             0.6 Mile North of TR 492, New Milford
    30             Borough, Bridge Replacement                   660,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 278 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $510,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $130,000)
     5         (8)  SR 0367, Bridge over Tuscarora Creek,
     6             North of SR 3005, Auburn Township,
     7             Bridge Replacement                            330,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $265,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $65,000)
    12         (9)  SR 1010, Bridge over Bedbug Creek,
    13             West of SR 1021, Oakland Township,
    14             Bridge Replacement                            325,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $250,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $65,000)
    19         (10)  SR 1010, Bridge over Tributary of
    20             Susquehanna River, 2 Miles West of SR
    21             1021, Great Bend Township, Bridge
    22             Replacement                                   288,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $220,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $58,000)
    27         (11)  SR 2046, Bridge over Branch of
    28             Tunkhannock Creek, East of TR 92,
    29             Gibson Township, Bridge Replacement           513,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 279 -

     1             $400,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $103,000)
     4         (12)  SR 3017, Bridge over Thomas Creek,
     5             Southeast of TR 29, Springville
     6             Township, Bridge Replacement                  285,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $220,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    11         (13)  State Bridges, Countywide Bridge Zone
    12             Painting, Bridge Painting                     370,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $350,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    17         (14)  SR 0858, Branch of Apolacon Creek,
    18             0.3 Mile North of SR 4013, Apolacon
    19             Township, Bridge Replacement                  220,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $180,000)
    22             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    24         (15)  SR 1010, SR 1010 over Tributary of
    25             Susquehanna River, Great Bend Township,
    26             Bridge Replacement                            230,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $190,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 280 -

     1         (16)  SR 1010, SR 1010 over Bedbug Creek,
     2             Oakland Township, Bridge Replacement          270,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $220,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
     7         (17)  SR 2046, SR 2046 over Tunkhannock
     8             Creek, Gibson Township, Bridge
     9             Replacement                                   440,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $370,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    14         (18)  SR 1011, BRIDGE OVER HEMLOCK CREEK,                  <--
    15             0.2 MILE NORTH OF SR 1009, HARMONY
    16             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                  330,000
    18             $280,000)
    19             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
    20             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $40,000)
    21         (19)  SR 4002, BRIDGE OVER CHOCONUT CREEK,
    22             0.1 MILE EAST OF TR 267, CHOCONUT
    23             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                  290,000
    25             $240,000)
    26             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
    27             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $40,000)
    28         (20)  SR 3009, BRIDGE OVER WHITE CREEK, 1.8
    30             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                  240,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 281 -

     2             $200,000)
     3             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
     4             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $30,000)
     5         (21)  SR 3023, BRIDGE OVER EAST BRANCH OF
     6             WYALUSING CREEK, 0.1 MILE SOUTH OF TR
     8             AND INTERSECTION REALIGNMENT                1,520,000
    10             $1,300,000)
    11             (LAND ALLOCATION - $20,000)
    12             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $200,000)
    13         (22)  SR 4008, BRIDGE OVER LAUREL LAKE
    14             CREEK, 1.7 MILES EAST OF TR 167, SILVER
    15             LAKE TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT             430,000
    17             $360,000)
    18             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
    19             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $60,000)
    20  Section 63.  Tioga County.
    21     (a)  Local Bridges
    22         (1)  Elkland Borough, North Buffalo Street
    23             over Camp Brook Creek, Bridge
    24             Replacement                                   510,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation) -
    26             $360,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $130,000)
    29         (2)  MIDDLEBURY TOWNSHIP, T-658 (MONKEY RUN                <--
    19970S0186B0445                 - 282 -

     1             CREEK, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                     390,000
     3             $250,000)
     4             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
     5             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $130,000)
     6         (3)  FARMINGTON TOWNSHIP, T-758 (SHORT HOLE
     8             BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                            390,000
    10             $250,000)
    11             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
    12             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $130,000)
    13     (b)  State Bridges
    14         (1)  SR 0249, Losey Creek Bridge, South of
    15             SR 4017 in Village of Keeneyville,
    16             Middlebury Township, Bridge
    17             Rehabilitation                                250,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $210,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $35,000)
    22         (2)  SR 1002, Corey Creek Bridge over Corey
    23             Creek, Northeast of Mansfield, Bridge
    24             Replacement                                   346,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $277,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $17,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $52,000)
    29         (3)  SR 3001, Kettle Creek Bridge, 11 Miles
    30             South of Watrous, Bridge Replacement          366,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 283 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $293,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $18,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $55,000)
     5         (4)  SR 3023, Heise Run North Bridge, West
     6             of Wellsboro, Bridge Replacement              240,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $192,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $12,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $36,000)
    11         (5)  SR 4017, Holden Creek Bridge No.1,
    12             Bridge Replacement                            584,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $467,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $29,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $88,000)
    17         (6)  SR 4024, Elkhorn Creek Bridge, West of
    18             Tioga Borough, Bridge Replacement             451,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $401,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $35,000)
    23         (7)  SR 3007, Bridge over Stoney Fork
    24             Creek, Bridge Painting                        160,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $150,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    28         (8)  SR 4017, Bridge over Cowanesque River,
    29             Bridge Painting                               475,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 284 -

     1             $465,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
     3         (9)  SR 0049, SR 0049 over Cowanesque
     4             River, Westfield Township, Bridge
     5             Replacement                                 1,802,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $1,442,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $90,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $270,000)
    10         (10)  SR 0287, SR 0287 over Wellsboro
    11             Street - Conrail, Tioga Township,
    12             Bridge Replacement                          1,709,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $1,367,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $86,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $256,000)
    17         (11)  SR 0328, SR 0328 over Hammond Creek,
    18             Jackson Township, Bridge Replacement          256,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $205,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $13,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $38,000)
    23         (12)  SR 0349, SR 0349 over Mill Creek,
    24             Clymer Township, Bridge Replacement         1,000,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $800,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    29         (13)  SR 1030, SR 1030 over Conrail, Tioga
    30             Township, Bridge Replacement                  561,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 285 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $449,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $28,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $84,000)
     5         (14)  SR 2017, SR 2017 over Mill Creek,
     6             Union Township, Bridge Replacement            584,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $467,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $27,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $88,000)
    11         (15)  SR 4017, SR 4017 Bridge No.2 over
    12             Holden Creek, Osceola Township, Bridge
    13             Replacement                                   542,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $434,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $27,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $81,000)
    18         (16)  SR 0015, MILL CREEK BRIDGE SPANNING                  <--
    20             TWO-LANE BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION                6,875,000
    22             $6,250,000)
    23             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $625,000)
    24         (17)  PA 249, BRIDGE OVER CROOKED CREEK,
    26             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                1,250,000
    28             $1,000,000)
    29             (LAND ALLOCATION - $50,000)
    30             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $200,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 286 -

     1  Section 64.  Union County.
     2     (a)  Local Bridges (Reserved)
     3     (b)  State Bridges
     4         (1)  SR 0192, Rapid Run Bridge II over
     5             Rapid Run, Lewis Township, Bridge
     6             Rehabilitation                                250,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $200,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $13,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $37,000)
    11         (2)  SR 0192, Rapid Run Bridge I over Rapid
    12             Run, Lewis Township, Bridge
    13             Rehabilitation                                205,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $164,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $31,000)
    18         (3)  SR 0044, Bridge over Spring Creek,
    19             Bridge Painting                               110,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $100,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    23         (4)  SR 1004, Bridge over Little Buffalo
    24             Creek, Bridge Painting                         75,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $65,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    28         (5)  SR 1012, Bridge over White Deer Hole
    29             Creek, Bridge Painting                        160,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 287 -

     1             $150,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
     3         (6)  SR 0235, SR 0235 over Laurel Run,
     4             Hartley Township, Bridge Replacement        1,118,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $894,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $56,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $168,000)
     9         (7)  SR 0235, SR 0235 over Buffalo Creek,
    10             Lewis Township, Bridge Replacement            395,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $316,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $59,000)
    15         (8)  US 15, BRIDGE OVER WHITE DEER HOLE                    <--
    17             TOWNSHIP, DECK REPLACEMENT                  1,850,000
    19             $1,500,000)
    20             (LAND ALLOCATION - $50,000)
    21             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $300,000)
    22         (9)  US 15, BRIDGE OVER SR 1004, VILLAGE OF
    23             WEST MILTON, KELLY TOWNSHIP,
    24             SUPERSTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT                  2,450,000
    26             $2,000,000)
    27             (LAND ALLOCATION - $50,000)
    28             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $400,000)
    29         (10)  US 15, BRIDGE OVER WHITE DEER CREEK,
    30             WHITE DEER TOWNSHIP, DECK REPLACEMENT       2,430,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 288 -

     2             $2,000,000)
     3             (LAND ALLOCATION - $30,000)
     4             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $400,000)
     5         (11)  US 15, BRIDGE OVER SR 1010, WHITE
     6             DEER TOWNSHIP, DECK REPLACEMENT             1,230,000
     8             $1,000,000)
     9             (LAND ALLOCATION - $30,000)
    10             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $200,000)
    11  Section 65.  Venango County.
    12     (a)  Local Bridges
    13         (1)  Richland Township, T-552 over Mill
    14             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     475,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $355,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $110,000)
    19         (2)  Richland Township, T-361 over unnamed
    20             tributary of Mill Creek, Bridge
    21             Replacement                                   337,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $242,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $85,000)
    26         (3)  Richland Township, T-377 over Sage
    27             Run, Bridge Replacement                       385,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $290,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 289 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $85,000)
     2         (4)  Pinegrove Township, T-628 over East
     3             Sandy Creek, Bridge Replacement               363,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $307,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $6,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
     8         (5)  Cranberry Township, T-679 over Branch
     9             of Sage Run, Bridge Replacement               106,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $100,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $1,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    14         (6)  Oakland Township, T-567 over Branch of
    15             Two Mile Run, Bridge Replacement              106,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $100,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $1,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    20         (7)  Rockland Township, T-512 over East
    21             Sandy Creek, Bridge Replacement               360,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $300,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    26         (8)  Pinegrove Township, T-628 over East
    27             Sandy Creek, Bridge Replacement               510,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $400,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 290 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     2     (b)  State Bridges
     3         (1)  SR 4001, SR 4001 over Two Mile Run
     4             West Branch, Sugarcreek Borough, Bridge
     5             Replacement                                   205,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $150,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    10         (2)  SR 0227, SR 0227 over Cherry Run,
    11             Cornplanter Township, Bridge
    12             Replacement                                   280,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $200,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    17         (3)  SR 0322, SR 0322 over Halls Run,
    18             Cranberry Township, Bridge Replacement      2,600,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $2,000,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $100,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $500,000)
    23         (4)  SR 3009, SR 3009 over I-80, Scrubgrass
    24             Township, Bridge Replacement                  810,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $700,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    29         (5)  SR 3017, SR 3017 over Warden Run,
    30             Canal Township, Bridge Replacement            920,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 291 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $800,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     5         (6)  SR 0038, SR 0038 over Pine Run,
     6             Richland Township, Bridge
     7             Rehabilitation                                110,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $100,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    11         (7)  SR 3025, SR 3025 over Hays Run, City
    12             of Oil City, Bridge Replacement               340,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $300,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $35,000)
    17  Section 66.  Warren County.
    18     (a)  Local Bridges (Reserved)
    19     (b)  State Bridges
    20         (1)  SR 0006, SR 0006 over Wintroth Run,
    21             Brokenstraw Township, Bridge
    22             Replacement                                   260,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $180,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    27         (2)  SR 0006, SR 0006 over Six Mile Run,
    28             Mead Township, Bridge Replacement             320,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $250,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 292 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
     3         (3)  SR 0027, SR 0027 over Pine Creek,
     4             Southwest Township, Bridge Replacement        800,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $580,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
     9         (4)  SR 0027, SR 0027 over Hazeltine Hollow
    10             Run, Brokenstraw Township, Bridge
    11             Replacement                                   310,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $210,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    16         (5)  SR 0062, SR 0062 over Bully Run,
    17             Watson Township, Bridge Replacement           300,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $230,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    22         (6)  SR 0957, SR 0957 over Little
    23             Brokenstraw Creek, Freehold Township,
    24             Bridge Replacement                            800,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $620,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $160,000)
    29         (7)  SR 3009, SR 3009 over Tidioute Creek,
    30             Deerfield Township, Bridge Replacement        470,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 293 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $400,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
     5         (8)  SR 4013, SR 4013 over Mathews Run,
     6             Youngsville Borough, Bridge
     7             Replacement                                   430,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $360,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    12         (9)  SR 4021, SR 4021 over Brands Run,
    13             Sugar Grove Borough, Bridge
    14             Replacement                                   240,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $180,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    19         (10)  SR 0027, BRIDGE OVER HAZELTINE HOLLOW                <--
    21             REPLACEMENT                                   500,000
    23             $450,000)
    24             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $50,000)
    25         (11)  SR 0062, US 62, BRIDGE OVER BULLY
    26             RUN, WATSON TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE
    27             REPLACEMENT                                   410,000
    29             $370,000)
    30             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $40,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 294 -

     1         (12)  SR 3009, TIDIOUTE CREEK ROAD BRIDGE
     2             NO.5 OVER TIDIOUTE CREEK, TRIUMPH
     3             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                  290,000
     5             $270,000)
     6             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $20,000)
     7  Section 67.  Washington County.
     8     (a)  Local Bridges
     9         (1)  Burgettstown Borough, Raccoon Bridge
    10             No.23 over Raccoon Creek, Bridge
    11             Rehabilitation                                433,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $313,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    16         (2)  Chartiers Township, Allison Hollow
    17             Road, One-Lane Bridge, Bridge
    18             Replacement                                   195,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $150,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    23         (3)  Chartiers Township, Allison Hollow
    24             Road, One-Lane Bridge, Bridge
    25             Replacement                                   195,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $150,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    30         (4)  Chartiers Township, McGovern Road
    19970S0186B0445                 - 295 -

     1             Bridge, Bridge Replacement                    145,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $100,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
     6         (5)  North Strabane Township, T-643, Galley
     7             Road Bridge over Little Chartiers
     8             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     570,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $450,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    13         (6)  Donegal Township, T-541, Lindsay
    14             Bridge over Buck Run, Bridge
    15             Replacement                                   285,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $255,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    19         (7)  Donegal Township, T-423, Mays Bridge
    20             over Middle Wheeling Creek, Bridge
    21             Replacement                                   245,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $215,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    25         (8)  Independence Township, T-649, Cummins
    26             Bridge over Sugar Camp Run, Bridge
    27             Replacement                                   330,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $300,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 296 -

     1         (9)  Mount Pleasant Township, T-749, Sabo
     2             Road over Westland Run, Bridge
     3             Replacement                                    25,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $20,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
     7         (10)  Mount Pleasant Township, T-606,
     8             Primrose Road over Millers Run, Bridge
     9             Replacement                                    25,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $20,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    13         (11)  Mount Pleasant Township, T-493,
    14             Meriage Street over Robinson Run
    15             Tributary, Bridge Replacement                  25,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $20,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    19         (12)  North Bethlehem Township, T-445,
    20             Dague Bridge over Pigeon Creek, Bridge
    21             Replacement                                   250,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $220,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    25         (13)  North Franklin Township, T-526, Cario
    26             Drive over Unnamed Tributary of Catfish
    27             Creek, Bridge Replacement                      46,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $42,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $4,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 297 -

     1         (14)  Nottingham Township, T-782, Sundust
     2             Road Culvert, 35 Feet North of
     3             Intersection with SR 1059, Bridge
     4             Replacement                                   101,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $91,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
     8         (15)  Nottingham Township, T-828, Barr
     9             Bridge over Mingo Creek, Bridge
    10             Replacement                                   350,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $310,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    14         (16)  Robinson Township, T-500, Chamberlain
    15             Bridge over Chamberlain Run, Bridge
    16             Replacement                                   285,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $255,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    20         (17)  Smith Township, T-843, Dunbar Bridge
    21             over Raccoon Creek, Bridge Replacement        285,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $255,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    25         (18)  City of Washington, Hanna Street
    26             Bridge over Catfish Creek, Bridge
    27             Replacement                                    40,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $30,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 298 -

     1         (19)  City of Washington, Rosewood Avenue
     2             Bridge over Catfish Creek, Bridge
     3             Replacement                                    40,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $30,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
     7         (20)  West Pike Run Township, T-840, Suzy
     8             Lane over Pike Run Creek, Bridge
     9             Replacement                                   230,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $210,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    13         (21)  California Borough, Daisytown Bridge
    14             over Pike Run, Bridge Replacement             925,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $700,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    19         (22)  Coal Center Borough, Water Street
    20             Bridge over Pike Run, Bridge
    21             Replacement                                 1,588,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $1,288,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    26         (23)  West Pike Run Township, T-948 over
    27             Pike Run, Bridge Replacement                1,075,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $850,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $50,0000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 299 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
     2         (24)  Midway Borough, North Avenue over
     3             Robinson Run Creek, Bridge Replacement         95,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $55,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
     8         (25)  Canonsburg Borough, Adams Street over
     9             Brush Run, Bridge Replacement                 176,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $150,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $1,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
    14         (26)  East Finley Township, T-375, County
    15             Bridge No. 32 over Templeton Fork,
    16             Bridge Replacement                            355,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $300,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    21     (b)  State Bridges
    22         (1)  SR 0018, Bridge over Abandoned
    23             Railroad, City of Washington, Bridge
    24             Replacement                                   650,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $500,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    29         (2)  SR 0019, Bridge over Chartiers Creek,
    30             North Strabane and Peters Townships,
    19970S0186B0445                 - 300 -

     1             Bridge Painting                               161,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $156,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
     5         (3)  SR 0070, I-70 Westbound Bridge over SR
     6             3009, Buffalo Township, Bridge
     7             Painting                                      148,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $143,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    11         (4)  SR 0070, I-70 Eastbound Bridge over SR
    12             3009, Buffalo Township, Bridge
    13             Painting                                      163,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $158,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    17         (5)  SR 0070, I-70 Bridge over 8th Street,
    18             Donegal Township, Bridge Replacement        2,486,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $2,211,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    23         (6)  SR 0070, I-70 Bridge over Turnback
    24             Road, South Strabane Township, Bridge
    25             Rehabilitation                                990,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $750,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    30         (7)  SR 0070, I-70 Bridge over SR 0519,
    19970S0186B0445                 - 301 -

     1             Somerset Township, Bridge
     2             Rehabilitation                              2,000,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $1,720,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $240,000)
     7         (8)  SR 0070, I-70 Bridge over SR 2017,
     8             Somerset Township, Bridge
     9             Rehabilitation                              1,105,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $865,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    14         (9)  SR 0088, Charleroi Bridge over Maple
    15             Creek, Charleroi and Speers Boroughs,
    16             Bridge Replacement                            725,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $500,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    21         (10)  SR 0088, Bridge over Peters Creek,
    22             Finleyville Borough, Bridge Painting           65,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $65,000)
    25         (11)  SR 0917, Pigeon Creek Bridge over
    26             Branch of Pigeon Creek, Bentleyville
    27             Borough, Bridge Replacement                   570,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $370,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 302 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
     2         (12)  SR 1005, Bridge over Millers Run,
     3             Cecil Township, Bridge Painting                75,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $75,000)
     6         (13)  SR 1022, Donora Webster Bridge over
     7             Monongahela River and Conrail, Donora
     8             Borough, Bridge Replacement                20,000,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $15,000,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $3,000,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $2,000,000)
    13         (14)  SR 1077, Donora-Monessen Bridge over
    14             Monongahela River, PA 837 and 906 and
    15             Railroad, Donora Borough, Bridge
    16             Painting                                    1,000,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $1,000,000)
    19         (15)  SR 2005, Sowers Run Bridge over
    20             Sowers Run, Amwell Township, Bridge
    21             Replacement                                   435,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $235,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    26         (16)  SR 2011, Bridge over Branch of Little
    27             Tenmile Creek, West Bethlehem Township,
    28             Bridge Replacement                            460,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $260,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 303 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
     3         (17)  SR 2030, Gorby's Bridge II over Gorby
     4             Run, California Borough, Bridge
     5             Rehabilitation                                300,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $300,000)
     8         (18)  SR 2037, Maple Creek Bridge over
     9             Branch of Maple Creek, Fallowfield
    10             Township, Bridge Replacement                  486,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $286,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    15         (19)  SR 3009, Buffalo Arch Bridge over
    16             Branch of Buffalo Creek and Railroad,
    17             Buffalo Township, Bridge Replacement          535,000
    18             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19             $300,000)
    20             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $225,000)
    22         (20)  SR 4015, Bridge over Cherry Run,
    23             Mount Pleasant Township, Bridge
    24             Painting                                       53,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $51,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $2,000)
    28         (21)  SR 4022, Chartiers Creek Bridge No.2
    29             over Branch of Chartiers Creek, Canton
    30             Township, Bridge Replacement                  415,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 304 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $215,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
     5         (22)  SR 4022, Chartiers Creek Bridge No.1
     6             over Branch of Chartiers Creek, Canton
     7             Township, Bridge Replacement                  405,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $205,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    12         (23)  SR 2034, SR 2034 over Branch of Pike
    13             Run, West Pike Run Township, Bridge
    14             Replacement                                   438,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $313,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    19         (24)  SR 2079, SR 2079 over Pike Run, West
    20             Pike Run Township, Bridge Replacement         988,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $788,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    25         (25)  SR 2030, BRIDGE NO.1 OVER GORBY RUN,                 <--
    26             CALIFORNIA BOROUGH, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT        430,000
    28             $330,000)
    29             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $100,000)
    30  Section 68.  Wayne County.
    19970S0186B0445                 - 305 -

     1     (a)  Local Bridges (Reserved)                                  <--
     2     (A)  LOCAL BRIDGES                                             <--
     4             BRIDGE OVER CORLEY BROOK AT
     5             INTERSECTION OF TR 6, BRIDGE
     6             REPLACEMENT                                   410,000
     8             $350,000)
     9             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
    10             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $50,000)
    11     (b)  State Bridges
    12         (1)  SR 0371, Cochecton Bridge No.6 over
    13             Delaware River, Damascus Township,
    14             Bridge Rehabilitation                       1,050,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $950,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    18         (2)  SR 0380, I-380 Bridge over Lehigh
    19             River, Lehigh Township, Bridge
    20             Rehabilitation                                284,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $244,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    24         (3)  SR 4009, Quarry Bridge over Dyberry
    25             Creek, Dyberry Township, Bridge
    26             Replacement                                   660,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $500,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 306 -

     1         (4)  SR 0371, Bridge No.6, Damascus
     2             Township, Bridge Painting                   2,200,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $2,000,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
     6         (5)  SR 1020, Bridge No.7 over Delaware
     7             River, Damascus Township, Bridge
     8             Painting                                    3,300,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $3,000,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $300,000)
    12         (6)  SR 1004, Bridge over Outlet of Beach
    13             Lake, Intersection of SR 1011, Berlin
    14             Township, Bridge Replacement                  345,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $265,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
    19         (7)  SR 3028, Bridge over TR 191, East of
    20             SR 3031, Cherry Ridge Township, Bridge
    21             Replacement                                   450,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $350,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $90,000)
    26         (8)  State Bridges, Countywide Bridge Zone
    27             Painting, Bridge Painting                     370,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $350,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 307 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
     2         (9)  SR 1004, SR 1004 over Outlet of Beach
     3             Lake, Berlin Township, Bridge
     4             Replacement                                   260,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $220,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
     9         (10)  SR 3028, SR 3028 over TR 191, Cherry
    10             Ridge Township, Bridge Replacement            400,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $340,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    15         (11)  SR 0371, BRIDGE NO.1 OVER DYBERRY                    <--
    16             CREEK AT JUNCTION OF SR 1023, LEBANON
    17             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                  400,000
    19             $340,000)
    20             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
    21             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $50,000)
    22         (12)  SR 0371, BRIDGE NO.5 OVER BEAVER DAM
    23             CREEK, 0.1 MILE WEST OF SR 1031,
    24             DAMASCUS TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT         470,000
    26             $400,000)
    27             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
    28             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $60,000)
    29         (13)  SR 3006, BRIDGE NO.3 OVER ARIEL
    30             CREEK, 0.6 MILE NORTH OF SR 3008, SALEM
    19970S0186B0445                 - 308 -

     1             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                  470,000
     3             $400,000)
     4             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
     5             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $60,000)
     6         (14)  SR 4014, BRIDGE NO.4 OVER BALLS
     7             CREEK, 0.5 MILE EAST OF SR 4037, SCOTT
     8             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                  380,000
    10             $320,000)
    11             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
    12             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $50,000)
    13         (15)  SR 0348, BRIDGE OVER JONES CREEK, 0.1
    14             MILE WEST OF SR 3019, SALEM TOWNSHIP,
    15             BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                            470,000
    17             $400,000)
    18             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
    19             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $60,000)
    20         (16)  SR 4043, BRIDGE OVER BRANCH OF OQUAGA
    21             CREEK, 1.5 MILES WEST OF SR 4037, SCOTT
    22             TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT                  240,000
    24             $200,000)
    25             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
    26             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $30,000)
    27         (17)  SR 1007, BRIDGE OVER BRANCH OF BOYD'S
    28             CREEK, 0.5 MILE EAST OF SR 1019,
    29             DAMASCUS TOWNSHIP, BRIDGE REPLACEMENT         310,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 309 -

     1             $260,000)
     2             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
     3             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $40,000)
     4  Section 69.  Westmoreland County.
     5     (a)  Local Bridges
     6         (1)  Hempfield Township, Airport Hill Road
     7             Bridge over Slate Creek, Bridge
     8             Replacement                                   350,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $280,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    13         (2)  Hempfield Township, Sweitzer Road
    14             Bridge over Sewickley Creek, Bridge
    15             Replacement                                   975,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $800,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $160,000)
    20         (3)  Hempfield Township, Ladysmith Road
    21             Bridge over Little Sewickley Creek,
    22             Bridge Replacement                            610,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $500,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    27         (4)  Hempfield Township, Old Route 30
    28             Bridge over Slate Creek, Bridge
    29             Replacement                                   370,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 310 -

     1             $300,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
     4         (5)  Hempfield Township, Old Route 119
     5             Bridge over Tributary of Jacks Run,
     6             Bridge Replacement                            400,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $280,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    11         (6)  Jeanette City, 6th Street Bridge over
    12             Brush Creek, Bridge Replacement               460,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $340,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    17         (7)  Ligonier Township, T-605 Bridge over
    18             Two Mile Run, Bridge Replacement              320,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $200,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    23         (8)  Ligonier Township, T-617, Bridge over
    24             Mill Run, Bridge Replacement                  310,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $190,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    29         (9)  Hempfield Township, Possum Hollow Road
    30             Bridge over Tributary of Little
    19970S0186B0445                 - 311 -

     1             Sewickley Creek, Bridge Replacement           300,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $180,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     6         (10)  South Huntington Township, T-390,
     7             Williams Road Bridge, Bridge
     8             Replacement                                   125,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $100,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    13         (11)  South Huntington Township, T-562,
    14             J.D. Smith Road Bridge, Bridge
    15             Replacement                                   155,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $125,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
    20         (12)  South Huntington Township, T-386,
    21             Bridge No. 1, Mount Etna Road Bridge,
    22             Bridge Replacement                            145,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $115,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
    27         (13)  South Huntington Township, T-386,
    28             Bridge No.2, Mount Etna Road at Remo
    29             Road, Bridge Replacement                      135,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 312 -

     1             $110,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
     4         (14)  South Huntington Township, T-385,
     5             Commer Road Bridge, Bridge Replacement        150,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $120,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
    10         (15)  Washington Township, T-979, Pleasant
    11             View Road Bridge over Beaver Run,
    12             Bridge Replacement                            385,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $265,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    17         (16)  Derry Township, T-924, Bridge over
    18             Union Run, Bridge Replacement                 578,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $463,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    23         (17)  Derry Township, T-937, Bridge over
    24             Stony Run, Bridge Replacement                 553,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $438,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    29         (18)  Derry Township, T-941, Bridge over
    30             Stony Run, Bridge Replacement                 590,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 313 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $475,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     5         (19)  Donegal Township, T-916, Bridge over
     6             Indian Creek, Bridge Replacement              465,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $350,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    11         (20)  Donegal Township, T-880, Bridge over
    12             Four Mile Run, Bridge No.3, Bridge
    13             Replacement                                   415,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $300,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    18         (21)  Donegal Township, T-880, Bridge over
    19             Four Mile Run, Bridge No.5, Bridge
    20             Replacement                                   415,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $300,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    25         (22)  Fairfield Township, T-739, Berkey's
    26             Bridge over Unnamed Tributary, Bridge
    27             Replacement                                   200,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $170,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 314 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
     2         (23)  Fairfield Township, T-847, Bailey's
     3             Bridge over Hendricks Run, Bridge
     4             Replacement                                   200,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $170,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
     9         (24)  Fairfield Township, T-847, Toby
    10             Bridge over Unnamed Tributary, Bridge
    11             Replacement                                   200,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $170,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    16         (25)  Fairfield Township, T-931, Patterson
    17             Bridge No.1 over Bear Pond Run, Bridge
    18             Replacement                                   200,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $170,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    23         (26)  Fairfield Township, T-984, Love
    24             Hollow Bridge No.1 over Hendricks Run,
    25             Bridge Replacement                            200,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $170,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    30         (27)  Fairfield Township, T-984, Love
    19970S0186B0445                 - 315 -

     1             Hollow Bridge No.2 over Hendricks Run,
     2             Bridge Replacement                            200,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $170,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
     7         (28)  Fairfield Township, T-988, Yeager
     8             Hollow Bridge No.1 over Unnamed
     9             Tributary, Bridge Replacement                 200,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $170,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    14         (29)  Fairfield Township, T-988, Yeager
    15             Hollow Bridge No.2 over Unnamed
    16             Tributary, Bridge Replacement                 200,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $170,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    21         (30)  Fairfield Township, T-990, Patterson
    22             Bridge No.2 over Unnamed Tributary,
    23             Bridge Replacement                            200,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $170,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    28         (31)  Ligonier Township, T-505, Horner Hill
    29             Road over Laughlintown Run, Bridge
    30             Replacement                                   175,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 316 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $125,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $35,000)
     5         (32)  Ligonier Township, T-607, Weller Road
     6             over Unnamed Stream, Bridge
     7             Replacement                                    10,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation - $8,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $2,000)
    10         (33)  Ligonier Township, T-617, Robb Road
    11             over Hannas Run, Bridge Replacement           310,000
    12             (Base Construction Allocation -
    13             $250,000)
    14             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    16         (34)  Ligonier Township, T-719, Peoples
    17             Road over Unnamed Stream, Bridge
    18             Replacement                                   100,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $75,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    23         (35)  Ligonier Township, T-721, Bridge over
    24             North Fork of Trout Run, Bridge
    25             Replacement                                   200,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $125,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $65,000)
    30         (36)  Ligonier Township, T-942, Zion Church
    19970S0186B0445                 - 317 -

     1             Road over Unnamed Stream, Bridge
     2             Replacement                                    50,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $35,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
     7         (37)  Ligonier Township, T-984, Mill Road
     8             over Mill Race, Bridge Replacement             50,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $35,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    13         (38)  Ligonier Township, T-950, Old Lincoln
    14             Highway East over Unnamed Stream,
    15             Bridge Rehabilitation                          25,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $20,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    19         (39)  Ligonier Township, T-984, Harvey Road
    20             over Macks Run, Bridge Rehabilitation           5,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation - $4,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $1,000)
    23         (40)  Saint Clair Township, T-994, Bridge
    24             over Tubmill Creek, Bridge Replacement        440,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $325,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    29         (41)  Sewickley Township, T-318, Bridge
    30             No.3 over Tributary of Youghiogheny
    19970S0186B0445                 - 318 -

     1             River, Bridge Replacement                     100,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $70,000)
     4             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
     6         (42)  Derry Township, Conrail Overpass over
     7             SR 0981, Bridge Replacement                 1,600,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $1,200,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $200,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    12         (43)  Hempfield Township, T-399 over Jacks
    13             Run, Bridge Replacement                       428,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $288,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    18         (44)  Hempfield Township, T-550 over
    19             Tributary to Little Sewickley Creek,
    20             Bridge Replacement                            428,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $288,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $125,000)
    25         (45)  Ligonier Township, T-984 over Mill
    26             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     650,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $450,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 319 -

     1         (46)  Salem Township, T-881, Bridge over
     2             Loyalhanna Creek, Bridge Replacement           81,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $67,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $14,000)
     6     (b)  State Bridges
     7         (1)  SR 0030, Mill Creek Bridge over Mill
     8             Creek, Ligonier Township, Bridge
     9             Replacement                                   910,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $710,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    14         (2)  SR 0031, Jacobs Creek Bridge over
    15             Jacobs Creek, Mount Pleasant and
    16             Bullskin Townships, Bridge Replacement        715,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $500,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    21         (3)  SR0056, Seward Bridge over Conrail and
    22             Local Road, St. Clair Township, Bridge
    23             Painting                                      600,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $600,000)
    26         (4)  SR 0070, I-70 Bridge over N&W
    27             Railroad, Rostraver Township, Bridge
    28             Rehabilitation                              1,565,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $1,305,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 320 -

     1             (Land Allocation - $60,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
     3         (5)  SR 0070, I-70 Bridge over Conrail,
     4             South Huntington Township, Bridge
     5             Rehabilitation                              3,125,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $2,780,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $45,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $300,000)
    10         (6)  SR 0119, Crabtree Creek Bridge No.2
    11             over Crabtree Creek, Hempfield
    12             Township, Bridge Replacement                  577,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $377,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    17         (7)  SR 0136, West Newton Bridge over
    18             Youghiogheny River, West Newton
    19             Borough, Bridge Painting                      250,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $250,000)
    22         (8)  SR 0259, Boliver Underpass Conrail
    23             Railroad over SR 0259, Fairfield
    24             Township, Bridge Replacement                  310,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $200,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    29         (9)  SR 0271, Bridge over Mill Creek,
    30             Ligonier Township, Bridge Painting             87,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 321 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $87,000)
     3         (10)  SR 0711, Bridge over Mill Creek,
     4             Ligonier Township, Bridge Painting            125,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $125,000)
     7         (11)  SR 0819, Bridge over Stauffer Bridge,
     8             Scottdale Borough, Bridge Painting             92,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $92,000)
    11         (12)  SR 0981, Bridge over Branch of Barron
    12             Run, South Huntington Township, Bridge
    13             Replacement                                   250,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $250,000)
    16         (13)  SR 0982, Bradenville Bridge over
    17             Saxman Run, Derry Township, Bridge
    18             Replacement                                   330,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $330,000)
    21         (14)  SR 1027, Stoney Run Bridge over
    22             Stoney Run, Derry Township, Bridge
    23             Replacement                                   340,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $255,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $75,000)
    28         (15)  SR 2008, Fourmile Run Bridge over
    29             Fourmile Run, Cook Township, Bridge
    30             Painting                                       83,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 322 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $83,000)
     3         (16)  SR 2010, Bridge over Branch of Boyer
     4             Run, Mount Pleasant Township, Bridge
     5             Replacement                                   450,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $250,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $25,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $175,000)
    10         (17)  SR 8036, New Stanton Ramp Bridge over
    11             SR 3091, New Stanton Borough, Bridge
    12             Rehabilitation                                475,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $395,000)
    15             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    16         (18)  SR 0030, SR 0030 over Mill Creek,
    17             Ligonier Township, Bridge
    18             Rehabilitation                                200,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $150,000)
    21             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    22         (19)  SR 0030, SR 0030 over Branch of
    23             Loyalhanna Creek, Unity Township,
    24             Bridge Replacement                            245,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $125,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    29         (20)  SR 0217, SR 0217 over Miller Run,
    30             Derry Township, Bridge Replacement            293,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 323 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $188,000)
     3             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     5         (21)  SR 0259, SR 0259 over Branch of
     6             Freeman Run, Fairfield Township, Bridge
     7             Replacement                                   218,000
     8             (Base Construction Allocation -
     9             $113,000)
    10             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    12         (22)  SR 0381, SR 0381 over Branch of
    13             Loyalhanna Creek, Cook Township, Bridge
    14             Replacement                                   670,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $450,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    19         (23)  SR 0381, SR 0381 over Camp Run,
    20             Donegal Township, Bridge Replacement          608,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $388,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    25         (24)  SR 0711, SR 0711 over Mill Creek,
    26             Ligonier Township, Bridge Replacement         600,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $450,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 324 -

     1         (25)  SR 0982, SR 0982 over Jacobs Creek,
     2             Mount Pleasant Township, Bridge
     3             Replacement                                   938,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $688,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
     8         (26)  SR 0982, SR 0982 over Nine Mile Run,
     9             Unity Township, Bridge Replacement            348,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $238,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    14         (27)  SR 0982, SR 0982 over Indian Camp
    15             Run, Unity Township, Bridge
    16             Replacement                                   335,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $225,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    21         (28)  SR 1004, SR 1004 over Hendricks
    22             Creek, Fairfield Township, Bridge
    23             Replacement                                   200,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $170,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    28         (29)  SR 1006, SR 1006 over Freeman Run,
    29             Fairfield Township, Bridge Replacement        833,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 325 -

     1             $613,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
     4         (30)  SR 1006, West Bolivar Bridge near
     5             Treasure Island, Fairfield Township,
     6             Bridge Replacement                            200,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $170,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    11         (31)  SR 1007, SR 1007 over Tubmill Run,
    12             Fairfield Township, Bridge Replacement        465,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $350,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    17         (32)  SR 1012, SR 1012 over Branch of Megee
    18             Run, Derry Township, Bridge
    19             Replacement                                   318,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $213,000)
    22             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    24         (33)  SR 1014, SR 1014 over Abandoned
    25             Railroad, Derry Township, Bridge
    26             Replacement                                   268,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $163,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 326 -

     1         (34)  SR 1015, SR 1015 over Hypocrite
     2             Creek, Fairfield Township, Bridge
     3             Replacement                                   200,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $170,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
     8         (35)  SR 1027, SR 1027 over Branch of Stony
     9             Run, Derry Township, Bridge
    10             Replacement                                   305,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $200,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    15         (36)  SR 1031, SR 1031 over McCune Run,
    16             Derry Township, Bridge Replacement            293,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $188,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    21         (37)  SR 2006, SR 2006 over Branch of
    22             Jacobs Creek, Mt. Pleasant Township,
    23             Bridge Replacement                            403,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $288,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    28         (38)  SR 2007, SR 2007 over Shupe Run, Mt.
    29             Pleasant Township, Bridge Replacement         218,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 327 -

     1             $113,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     4         (39)  SR 2012, SR 2012 over Brinker Run,
     5             Mt. Pleasant Township, Bridge
     6             Replacement                                   415,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $300,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    11         (40)  SR 2021, SR 2021 over Sewickley
    12             Creek, Mt. Pleasant Township, Bridge
    13             Replacement                                 1,463,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $1,213,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $50,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    18         (41)  SR 2025, SR 2025 over Tributary of
    19             Jacobs Creek, Mt. Pleasant Township,
    20             Bridge Replacement                            250,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $225,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $25,000)
    24         (42)  SR 4034, SR 4034 over Pine Run,
    25             Allegheny Township, Bridge Replacement        818,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $588,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    30         (43)  SR 4071, SR 4071 over Branch of Pine
    19970S0186B0445                 - 328 -

     1             Run, Allegheny Township, Bridge
     2             Replacement                                   305,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $200,000)
     5             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
     6             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     7         (44)  SR 4089, SR 4089 over Branch of
     8             Chartiers Run, Allegheny Township,
     9             Bridge Replacement                            348,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $238,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    14         (45)  T-987, (formerly SR 1071) over
    15             Hypocrite Creek, Fairfield Township,
    16             Four State Bridges, Bridge Replacement        800,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $680,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $40,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $80,000)
    21         (46)  SR 0381, SR 0381 over Laughlintown
    22             Run, Ligonier Township, Bridge
    23             Replacement                                   465,000
    24             (Base Construction Allocation -
    25             $350,000)
    26             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    27             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    28         (47)  SR 2043, SR 2043 over Two Mile Run,
    29             Ligonier Township, Bridge Replacement         465,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 329 -

     1             $350,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
     4         (48)  SR 2045, SR 2045 over Two Mile Run,
     5             Ligonier Township, Bridge Replacement         465,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $350,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    10         (49)  SR 2045, SR 2045 over Loyalhanna
    11             Creek, Ligonier Township, Bridge
    12             Replacement                                 1,588,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $1,313,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $75,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $200,000)
    17         (50)  SR 0119, BRIDGE NO.2 OVER CRABTREE                   <--
    19             REPLACEMENT                                   577,000
    21             $377,000)
    22             (LAND ALLOCATION - $25,000)
    23             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $175,000)
    24         (51)  SR 8036, NEW STANTON RAMP BRIDGE OVER
    25             SR 3091, TURNBACK PROJECT, NEW STANTON
    26             BOROUGH, BRIDGE REHABILITATION                475,000
    28             $395,000)
    29             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $80,000)
    30  Section 70.  Wyoming County.
    19970S0186B0445                 - 330 -

     1     (a)  Local Bridges
     2         (1)  Exeter Township, T-336, Bridge No.1, 2
     3             Miles Southwest of Falls, Bridge
     4             Replacement                                   280,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $240,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
     9         (2)  Falls Township, T-336 over White Lock
    10             Stream, Bridge Replacement                    280,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation -
    12             $240,000)
    13             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    14             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
    15         (3)  Exeter Township, T-336 over Mill
    16             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     214,000
    17             (Base Construction Allocation -
    18             $166,000)
    19             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    20             (Design and Contingencies - $28,000)
    21         (4)  EATON TOWNSHIP, T-413, PEDESTRIAN                     <--
    22             BRIDGE OVER BOWMAN'S CREEK AT
    23             EATONVILLE, BRIDGE REHABILITATION             125,000
    25             $113,000)
    26             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $12,000)
    27     (b)  State Bridges
    28         (1)  SR 3001, Bridge at Junction with SR
    29             4004 over Branch of Susquehanna River,
    30             Windham Township, Bridge Painting              60,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 331 -

     1             (Base Construction Allocation -
     2             $50,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
     4         (2)  State Bridges, Countywide Bridge Zone
     5             Painting, Bridge Painting                     370,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $350,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    10  Section 71.  York County.
    11     (a)  Local Bridges
    12         (1)  Carroll Township, Gettysburg Road
    13             Bridge over Yellow Breeches Creek,
    14             Bridge Replacement                            860,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $700,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $150,000)
    19         (2)  Codorus Township, Seitzville Road over
    20             South Branch of Codorus Creek, Bridge
    21             Replacement                                   300,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $200,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $85,000)
    26         (3)  Dover Township, Cardinal Lane over Fox
    27             Run, Bridge Replacement                       115,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $70,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 332 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $30,000)
     2         (4)  Dover Township, Conewago Road over
     3             Salem Run, Bridge Replacement                 300,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $200,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $85,000)
     8         (5)  East Hopewell Township, South Church
     9             Street Extended, Bridge No.1, Bridge
    10             Rehabilitation                                  9,000
    11             (Base Construction Allocation - $8,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $1,000)
    13         (6)  East Hopewell Township, South Church
    14             Street Extended, Bridge No.2, over
    15             Rambo Run, Bridge Rehabilitation               60,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $50,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    19         (7)  East Hopewell Township, Manifold
    20             School Road Bridge, Bridge
    21             Rehabilitation                                  7,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation - $6,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $1,000)
    24         (8)  East Hopewell Township, Trout School
    25             Road Bridge, Bridge Replacement                45,000
    26             (Base Construction Allocation -
    27             $30,000)
    28             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    29             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    30         (9)  Hellam Township, Valley Acres Road
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     1             over Tributary of Kreutz Creek, Bridge
     2             Rehabilitation                                 40,000
     3             (Base Construction Allocation -
     4             $35,000)
     5             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
     6         (10)  Hellam Township, Libhart Mill Road
     7             over Tributary of Kreutz Creek, Bridge
     8             Rehabilitation                                 40,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $35,000)
    11             (Design and Contingencies - $5,000)
    12         (11)  Manchester Township, T-900, Woodland
    13             View Drive over Conrail, Bridge
    14             Replacement                                   395,000
    15             (Base Construction Allocation -
    16             $275,000)
    17             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    18             (Design and Contingencies - $90,000)
    19         (12)  Manchester Township, T-940, Bear Road
    20             2,000 Feet North of Susquehanna Trail,
    21             Bridge Replacement                             40,000
    22             (Base Construction Allocation -
    23             $25,000)
    24             (Land Allocation - $5,000)
    25             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    26         (13)  Manheim Township, T-320 over Unnamed
    27             Tributary of Gunpowder Falls Creek,
    28             Bridge Replacement                            150,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $100,000)
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     1             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
     3         (14)  Manheim Township, T-346 over West
     4             Branch of Codorus Creek, Bridge
     5             Replacement                                   250,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $190,000)
     8             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     9             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    10         (15)  Manheim Township, T-357 over Unnamed
    11             Tributary of West Branch of Codorus
    12             Creek, Bridge Replacement                     160,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $110,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    17         (16)  Manheim Township, T-370 over West
    18             Branch of Codorus Creek, Bridge
    19             Replacement                                   200,000
    20             (Base Construction Allocation -
    21             $140,000)
    22             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    23             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
    24         (17)  Manheim Township, T-413 over West
    25             Branch of Codorus Creek, Bridge
    26             Replacement                                   150,000
    27             (Base Construction Allocation -
    28             $100,000)
    29             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    30             (Design and Contingencies - $40,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 335 -

     1         (18)  Manheim Township, Tannery Road over
     2             West Branch of Codorus Creek, Bridge
     3             Replacement                                   250,000
     4             (Base Construction Allocation -
     5             $180,000)
     6             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
     7             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
     8         (19)  Paradise Township, Shady Dell Road,
     9             Bridge Replacement                            190,000
    10             (Base Construction Allocation -
    11             $110,000)
    12             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    13             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
    14         (20)  Paradise Township, Beaver Creek Road
    15             over Beaver Creek, Bridge Replacement         275,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $195,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $70,000)
    20         (21)  Penn Township, Center Street over
    21             Tributary of Oil Creek, Bridge
    22             Replacement                                   183,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $163,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
    27         (22)  Penn Township, Westminster Avenue
    28             over Plum Creek, Bridge Replacement           230,000
    29             (Base Construction Allocation -
    30             $207,000)
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     1             (Land Allocation - $8,000)
     2             (Design and Contingencies - $15,000)
     3         (23)  Penn Township, Park Heights over
     4             Tributary of Plum Creek, Bridge
     5             Replacement                                   244,000
     6             (Base Construction Allocation -
     7             $234,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $10,000)
     9         (24)  Red Lion Borough, North Charles
    10             Street over Former Maryland and
    11             Pennsylvania Railroad, Bridge
    12             Replacement                                   395,000
    13             (Base Construction Allocation -
    14             $275,000)
    15             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    16             (Design and Contingencies - $90,000)
    17         (25)  Spring Garden Township, Tri Hill Road
    18             over Tyler Run, Bridge Replacement            200,000
    19             (Base Construction Allocation -
    20             $120,000)
    21             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    22             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    23         (26)  Windsor Borough, West Gay Street over
    24             Fishing Creek, Bridge Replacement             200,000
    25             (Base Construction Allocation -
    26             $120,000)
    27             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    28             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
    29         (27)  York Township, School Street over
    30             Branch of Mill Creek, Bridge
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     1             Replacement                                   250,000
     2             (Base Construction Allocation -
     3             $200,000)
     4             (Design and Contingencies - $50,000)
     5     (b)  State Bridges
     6         (1)  SR 0194, Broadway Street Bridge over
     7             Red Run, Washington Township, Bridge
     8             Replacement                                   245,000
     9             (Base Construction Allocation -
    10             $150,000)
    11             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    12             (Design and Contingencies - $85,000)
    13         (2)  SR 0234, East Berlin Road Bridge over
    14             Paradise Creek, Jackson Township,
    15             Bridge Replacement                            325,000
    16             (Base Construction Allocation -
    17             $250,000)
    18             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    19             (Design and Contingencies - $65,000)
    20         (3)  SR 3074, Smoketown Road Bridge over
    21             Cod Creek, Manheim Township, Bridge
    22             Replacement                                   325,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $215,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $10,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $100,000)
    27         (4)  SR 0116, York Street over Tributary of
    28             Oil Creek, Penn Township, Bridge
    29             Replacement                                   275,000
    30             (Base Construction Allocation -
    19970S0186B0445                 - 338 -

     1             $240,000)
     2             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
     3             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
     4         (5)  SR 0116, SR 0116 over Codorus Creek,
     5             Spring Grove Borough, Bridge
     6             Replacement                                   300,000
     7             (Base Construction Allocation -
     8             $240,000)
     9             (Land Allocation - $15,000)
    10             (Design and Contingencies - $45,000)
    11         (6)  SR 0194, Frederick Street over Plum
    12             Creek, Penn Township, Bridge
    13             Replacement                                   262,000
    14             (Base Construction Allocation -
    15             $234,000)
    16             (Land Allocation - $8,000)
    17             (Design and Contingencies - $20,000)
    18         (7)  SR 1012, Emig Road over Conrail,
    19             Manchester Township, Bridge
    20             Replacement                                   395,000
    21             (Base Construction Allocation -
    22             $275,000)
    23             (Land Allocation - $30,000)
    24             (Design and Contingencies - $90,000)
    25         (8)  SR 2031, Penn Street over Fishing
    26             Creek, Windsor Borough, Bridge
    27             Replacement                                   200,000
    28             (Base Construction Allocation -
    29             $120,000)
    30             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 339 -

     1             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
     2         (9)  SR 3001, South George Street over
     3             Tyler Run, Spring Garden Township,
     4             Bridge Replacement                            200,000
     5             (Base Construction Allocation -
     6             $120,000)
     7             (Land Allocation - $20,000)
     8             (Design and Contingencies - $60,000)
     9         (10)  SR 3074, SMOKETOWN ROAD BRIDGE OVER                  <--
    11             REPLACEMENT                                   240,000
    13             $150,000)
    14             (LAND ALLOCATION - $10,000)
    15             (DESIGN AND CONTINGENCIES - $80,000)
    16  Section 72.  Statewide.
    17     Construction of advanced wetland mitigation
    18  projects necessary to replace wetlands displaced
    19  by bridge projects authorized under the act of
    20  December 8, 1982 (P.L.848, No.235), known as the
    21  Highway-Railroad and Highway Bridge Capital Budget
    22  Act for 1982-1983                                      3,100,000
    23             (Base Construction Allocation -
    24             $2,500,000)
    25             (Land Allocation - $350,000)
    26             (Design and Contingencies - $250,000)
    19970S0186B0445                 - 340 -

     4  FOLLOWS:
     5  (A)  STATE BRIDGES
     6     (1)  ADAMS COUNTY
     7         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.01-0005,
     8             DISTRICT ROAD BRIDGE OVER CARBAUGH RUN        120,000
     9         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.01-0004, DEAD
    11             CREEK                                         150,000
    12     (2)  BEDFORD COUNTY
    13         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.02-0002,
    14             WERTZ ROAD BRIDGE OVER COVE CREEK             100,000
    15         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.02-0001,
    16             WERTZ ROAD BRIDGE OVER COVE CREEK             150,000
    17     (3)  CAMERON COUNTY
    18         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.13-0012,
    20             ROAD                                          220,000
    21         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.13-0060,
    23             ROAD                                          250,000
    24         (C)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.13-0037, MIX
    25             RUN ROAD BRIDGE OVER MIX RUN                  200,000
    26         (D)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.13-0038, MIX
    27             RUN ROAD OVER MIX RUN                         166,000
    28     (4)  CENTRE COUNTY
    29         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0010,
    30             SIGLERVILLE MILLHEIM PIKE BRIDGE              162,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 341 -

     1         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0015,
     2             GREEN VALLEY ROAD BRIDGE                      260,000
     3         (C)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0033, PINE
     4             CREEK ROAD BRIDGE                             386,000
     5         (D)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0045,
     7             CREEK                                         180,000
     8         (E)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.09-0030, SIX
     9             MILE RUN BRIDGE                               192,000
    10         (F)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.10-0028,
    11             STATE LINE ROAD BRIDGE                        196,000
    12         (G)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.05-0003,
    14             RUN                                           100,000
    15         (H)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.05-0004, BEAR
    16             MEADOWS ROAD BRIDGE OVER SINKING CREEK        100,000
    17         (I)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.05-0005, BEAR
    18             MEADOWS ROAD BRIDGE OVER GALBRAITH RUN        150,000
    19         (J)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0008, POE
    20             VALLEY ROAD BRIDGE OVER BIG POE CREEK         200,000
    21         (K)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0028,
    22             CHERRY RUN ROAD BRIDGE OVER CHERRY RUN        102,000
    23         (L)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0029,
    24             CHERRY RUN ROAD BRIDGE OVER CHERRY RUN        240,000
    25         (M)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0035,
    26             STONEY RUN ROAD BRIDGE OVER PINE CREEK        375,000
    27         (N)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.09-0026,
    29             MOSHANNON CREEK                               250,000
    30         (O)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.09-0029,
    19970S0186B0445                 - 342 -

     1             CLAYMINE ROAD BRIDGE OVER SIX MILE RUN        200,000
     2         (P)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.10-0026,
     3             PANTHER ROAD BRIDGE OVER WOLF RUN             150,000
     4         (Q)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0007, POE
     5             PADDY DRIVE BRIDGE OVER BIG POE CREEK         170,000
     6     (5)  CLEARFIELD COUNTY
     7         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.09-0005,
     8             TYLER ROAD BRIDGE OVER LAUREL RUN             284,000
     9         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.09-0019,
    10             DENT'S BRANCH ROAD BRIDGE                     282,000
    11         (C)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.09-0022,
    12             MERRILL ROAD BRIDGE                           197,000
    13         (D)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.09-0012,
    15             MEDIX RUN                                     220,000
    16         (E)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.09-0013,
    18             MEDIX RUN                                     100,000
    19         (F)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.09-0014,
    21             MEDIX RUN                                     100,000
    22         (G)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.09-0015,
    24             MEDIX RUN                                     100,000
    25         (H)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.09-0018,
    27             BRANCH STREET                                 160,000
    28         (I)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.09-0020,
    30             BRANCH STREET                                 165,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 343 -

     1         (J)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.09-0021, AMES
     2             ROAD BRIDGE OVER DEER CREEK                   145,000
     3         (K)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.09-0023, LOST
     4             RUN ROAD BRIDGE OVER GIFFOR RUN               138,000
     5         (L)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.09-0034,
     7             RUN                                           120,000
     8     (6)  CLINTON COUNTY
     9         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.10-0033,
    10             COOKS RUN ROAD BRIDGE OVER COOKS RUN          110,000
    11         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.10-0042, TWO
    12             MILE ROAD BRIDGE                              100,000
    13         (C)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.10-0043, BIG
    14             BASIN ROAD BRIDGE OVER SHINTOWN RUN           206,000
    15         (D)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.10-059,
    17             WOMANS CREEK ROAD                             287,000
    18         (E)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.10-0064,
    19             TROUT RUN BRIDGE                              255,000
    20         (F)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.15-0021,
    21             COUNTY LINE ROAD BRIDGE                       167,000
    22         (G)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.10-0032,
    23             COOKS RUN ROAD BRIDGE OVER CROWLEY RUN        145,000
    24         (H)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.10-0044,
    25             ROBBINS ROAD BRIDGE OVER SHINTOWN RUN         120,000
    26         (I)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.10-0051, FORK
    27             HILL ROAD BRIDGE OVER LEBO RUN                168,000
    28         (J)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.10-0052, LEFT
    30             MUD LICK RUN                                  140,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 344 -

     1         (K)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.10-0053, LEFT
     3             SHINGLE BRANCH                                145,000
     4         (L)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.10-0054, LEFT
     6             GREENLICK RUN                                 135,000
     7         (M)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.10-0057,
     8             SANDY RUN ROAD BRIDGE OVER PADDY RUN          140,000
     9         (N)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.10-0061,
    10             GRAHAM ROAD BRIDGE OVER FERNEY RUN            135,000
    11         (O)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.10-0063,
    12             HYNER RUN ROAD BRIDGE OVER LONG FORK          110,000
    13         (P)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.10-0035,
    14             BRIDGE OVER CAMP RUN                          100,000
    15         (Q)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.10-0037,
    16             BRIDGE OVER COOKS RUN                         160,000
    17         (R)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.12-0032,
    18             GOTSHALL ROAD BRIDGE OVER GOTSHALL RUN        120,000
    19     (7)  CUMBERLAND COUNTY
    20         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.01-0006,
    22             CREEK                                         150,000
    23         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.01-0010,
    24             MILESBURN ROAD BRIDGE                         102,000
    25         (C)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.01-0008,
    27             HOLLOW RUN                                    138,000
    28         (D)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.01-0023, TOGG
    29             RUN ROAD BRIDGE OVER TOGG RUN                 138,000
    30     (8)  DAUPHIN COUNTY
    19970S0186B0445                 - 345 -

     2             OAK ROAD BRIDGE OVER WHITE OAK RUN            100,000
     3     (9)  ELK COUNTY
     4         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.13-0040, RED
     5             RUN ROAD BRIDGE                               160,000
     6         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.13-0049,
     7             SHAFFER DRAFT ROAD BRIDGE                     175,000
     8         (C)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.13-0050, WEST
     9             HICKS RUN ROAD BRIDGE                         175,000
    10         (D)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.13-0052,
    11             BRIDGE OVER EAST BRANCH OF HICKS RUN          175,000
    12         (E)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.13-0053,
    13             BRIDGE OVER EAST BRANCH OF HICKS RUN          175,000
    14         (F)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.09-0006,
    15             BLACKWELL ROAD BRIDGE OVER LAUREL ROAD        142,000
    16         (G)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.13-0028,
    17             PORCUPINE ROAD BRIDGE OVER DENT'S RUN         183,000
    18         (H)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.13-0032,
    20             DENT'S RUN                                    110,000
    21         (I)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.13-0039, MIX
    22             RUN ROAD BRIDGE OVER RED RUN                  184,000
    23     (10)  FRANKLIN COUNTY
    24         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.01-0016, WIRT
    25             ROAD BRIDGE                                   147,000
    26         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.01-0022,
    27             RATTLESNAKE RUN ROAD BRIDGE                   149,000
    28         (C)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.01-0021,
    30             RUN                                           100,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 346 -

     1         (D)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.01-0019,
     3             BIESECKER RUN                                 110,000
     4     (11)  HUNTINGDON COUNTY
     5         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.05-0012,
     6             COLERAIN ROAD BRIDGE                          235,000
     7         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.05-0014,
     8             COOPERS GAP ROAD BRIDGE                       160,000
     9         (C)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.05-0021,
    10             STONE CREEK ROAD BRIDGE                       182,000
    11         (D)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.05-0027,
    13             RUN                                           100,000
    14         (E)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.05-0028,
    15             LAUREL RUN ROAD BRIDGE                        213,000
    16         (F)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.05-0051,
    17             COOPERS GAP ROAD BRIDGE                       174,000
    18         (G)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.05-0010,
    20             CREEK                                         173,000
    21         (H)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.05-0011,
    23             GLOBE RUN                                     140,000
    24         (I)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.05-0017, PINE
    25             SWAMP ROAD BRIDGE OVER SHAVER CREEK           150,000
    26         (J)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.05-0018,
    27             BEIDLER ROAD BRIDGE OVER LAUREL RUN           142,000
    28         (K)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.05-0020, RAG
    30             STONE CREEK                                   150,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 347 -

     1         (L)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.05-0026,
     3             PENNSYLVANIA FURNACE RUN                      110,000
     4     (12)  JEFFERSON COUNTY
     5         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.08-0003,
     6             CALLEN RUN ROAD BRIDGE OVER CALLEN RUN        200,000
     7         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.08-0001,
     8             CORBETT ROAD BRIDGE OVER CLEAR CREEK          170,000
     9     (13)  JUNIATA COUNTY
    10         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.03-0007,
    11             SPECTACLE GAP BRIDGE                          158,000
    12         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.03-0005, EAST
    14             CREEK                                         242,000
    15         (C)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.03-0006, EAST
    17             CREEK                                         222,000
    18     (14)  LYCOMING COUNTY
    19         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.12-0015, ROCK
    20             RUN ROAD BRIDGE                               175,000
    21         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.12-0016, ROCK
    22             RUN ROAD BRIDGE                               164,000
    23         (C)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.12-0019,
    24             LITTLE BEAR BRIDGE                            193,000
    25         (D)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.12-0020,
    26             LITTLE BEAR BRIDGE                            193,000
    27         (E)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.12-0021,
    28             LITTLE BEAR BRIDGE                            193,000
    29         (F)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.12-0022,
    30             LITTLE BEAR CREEK ROAD BRIDGE                 237,000
    19970S0186B0445                 - 348 -

     1         (G)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.12-0028,
     2             FOURTH GAP ROAD BRIDGE                        100,000
     4             ROAD AT BIG HOLLOW                            100,000
     5         (I)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.12-0017,
     6             YELLOW DOG ROAD BRIDGE OVER ROCK RUN          245,000
     7         (J)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.12-0040,
     9             RUN                                           238,000
    10         (K)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.12-0046,
    11             MORRIS RUN ROAD BRIDGE OVER SLATE RUN         240,000
    12         (L)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.12-0013,
    14             STREAM                                        150,000
    15         (M)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.12-0027, COVE
    16             ROAD BRIDGE OVER FOURTH GAP                   140,000
    17         (N)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.12-0023,
    19             BEAR CREEK                                    120,000
    20     (15)  MIFFLIN COUNTY
    21         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.03-0008,
    23             LICKING CREEK                                 150,000
    24         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0004,
    26             RUN                                           257,000
    27         (C)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.05-0051,
    29             RUN                                           172,000
    30         (D)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0057,
    19970S0186B0445                 - 349 -

     2             GREENS VALLEY STREET                          128,000
     3         (E)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0003,
     5             RUN                                           125,000
     6     (16)  MONROE COUNTY
     7         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.19-0001,
     8             LAUREL RUN ROAD BRIDGE                        159,000
     9     (17)  PERRY COUNTY
    10         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.03-0010, ELK
    11             HILL ROAD BRIDGE                              152,000
    12         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.03-0011, ELK
    13             HILL ROAD BRIDGE                              152,000
    14         (C)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.03-0014,
    16             NORTH BRANCH                                  100,000
    17         (D)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.03-0015,
    19             SOUTH ABUTMENT                                150,000
    20         (E)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.03-0016,
    21             LAUREL RUN ROAD BRIDGE                        185,000
    22         (F)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.03-0018, TWIN
    23             BRIDGE OVER LAUREL RUN                        180,000
    25             BOX CULVERT                                   100,000
    26     (18)  PIKE COUNTY
    27         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.19-0004, PINE
    28             FLATS RUN ROAD BRIDGE                         160,000
    29         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.19-0005,
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     1             EGYPT MEADOW LAKE                             120,000
     2         (C)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.19-0803,
     4             MEADOW LAKE                                   145,000
     5         (D)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.19-0002, HAY
     6             ROAD BRIDGE OVER MIDDLE BRANCH                115,000
     7     (19)  POTTER COUNTY
     8         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.15-0013,
     9             WINDFALL ROAD BRIDGE                          160,000
    10         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.15-0015,
    11             JOERG RUN ROAD BRIDGE                         160,000
    12         (C)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.15-0018, LEBO
    13             RUN ROAD BRIDGE                               160,000
    14         (D)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.15-0020,
    15             ROBINSON ROAD BRIDGE                          230,000
    16         (E)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.15-0024,
    17             ROBINSON ROAD BRIDGE                          140,000
    18         (F)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.16-0015,
    20             KETTLE CREEK                                  110,000
    21         (G)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.15-0003,
    22             JONES RUN ROAD BRIDGE OVER FREEMAN RUN        175,000
    23         (H)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.15-0010,
    25             MOORES RUN                                    163,000
    26         (I)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.15-0011,
    28             SINNEMAHONING CREEK                           125,000
    29         (J)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.15-0014,
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     1             FORK CREEK                                    192,000
     2         (K)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.15-0025,
     4             RUN                                           138,000
     5         (L)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.15-0027,
     7             RUN                                           146,000
     8         (M)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.15-0012,
     9             BAILEY RUN BRIDGE OVER BAILEY RUN             250,000
    10         (N)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.15-0019,
    11             TWELVE MILE BRIDGE OVER SPRING BROOK          107,000
    12     (20)  SCHUYKILL COUNTY
    13         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.18-0003,
    14             PANTHER ROAD BRIDGE OVER PANTHER CREEK         80,000
    15     (21)  SNYDER COUNTY
    16         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0025,
    17             SWIFT RUN ROAD BRIDGE OVER SWIFT RUN          138,000
    18     (22)  SOMERSET COUNTY
    19         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.04-0002, BLUE
    20             HOLE ROAD BRIDGE                              192,000
    21         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.04-0008, COLE
    22             RUN ROAD BRIDGE                               138,000
    23         (C)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.04-0004,
    25             MILL RUN                                      184,000
    26         (D)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.04-0006,
    28             MILL RUN                                      140,000
    29         (E)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.06-0002,
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     1             TO ROARING FORK                                82,000
     2         (F)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.06-0004,
     3             SHADE ROAD BRIDGE OVER MILE RUN               131,000
     4     (23)  SULLIVAN COUNTY
     5         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.20-0002,
     6             BRUNNERDALE ROAD BRIDGE                       220,000
     7         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.20-0008,
     8             SHANERBURG ROAD BRIDGE                        212,000
     9         (C)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.20-0011,
    11             RUN                                           110,000
    12         (D)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.20-0004, MILL
    13             CREEK ROAD BRIDGE OVER MILL CREEK             135,000
    14         (E)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.20-0005, MILL
    15             CREEK ROAD BRIDGE OVER MILL CREEK             100,000
    16     (24)  TIOGA COUNTY
    17         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.16-0004, LEFT
    18             ASAPH ROAD BRIDGE                             248,000
    19         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.16-0005,
    20             ASAPH RUN BRIDGE                              414,000
    21         (C)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.16-0010,
    22             PAINTER LEETONIA ROAD BRIDGE                  170,000
    23         (D)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.16-0011,
    24             CEDAR RUN BRIDGE                              170,000
    25         (E)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.16-0020, MINE
    26             HOLE ROAD BRIDGE                              107,000
    27         (F)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.16-0003, LEFT
    28             ASAPH ROAD BRIDGE OVER LEFT ASAPH RUN         186,000
    29         (G)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.16-0008,
    30             OWASSE ROAD BRIDGE OVER CHIMNEY HOLLOW        120,000
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     1         (H)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.16-0015,
     3             KETTLE CREEK                                  145,000
     4         (I)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.12-0049,
     6             BRANCH                                        150,000
     7         (J)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.16-0016, BEAR
     8             RUN ROAD BRIDGE OVER CUSHMAN BRANCH           160,000
     9         (K)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.16-0018, MINE
    10             HOLE ROAD BRIDGE OVER MINE HOLE RUN           150,000
    11     (25)  UNION COUNTY
    12         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0016,
    13             HOOFNAGLE ROAD BRIDGE                         235,000
    14         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0017,
    15             WEIKERT RUN ROAD BRIDGE                       235,000
    16         (C)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0047,
    17             WHITE DEER CREEK ROAD BRIDGE                  234,000
    18         (D)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0046,
    20             CREEK                                         212,000
    21         (E)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0048,
    23             DEER CREEK                                    235,000
    24         (F)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0041,
    26             OF BUFFALO CREEK                              107,000
    27         (G)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.07-0040, PINE
    28             CREEK ROAD BRIDGE OVER RAPID RUN              165,000
    29     (26)  WESTMORELAND COUNTY
    30         (A)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.04-0011, LINN
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     1             RUN ROAD BRIDGE OVER LINN RUN                 125,000
     2         (B)  REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.04-0012, LINN
     3             RUN ROAD BRIDGE OVER ROCK RUN                 135,000
     4  Section 73.  Limitation on expenditure of funds.
     5     Any moneys derived from the incurring of debt shall be used
     6  solely for effecting the rehabilitation, replacement or removal
     7  of bridges located on State highways OR STATE FORESTRY BRIDGES.   <--
     8  All other bridge rehabilitation, replacement or removal shall be
     9  financed and State bridge OR STATE FORESTRY BRIDGE                <--
    10  rehabilitation, replacement or removal may also be financed from
    11  current revenue.
    12  Section 74.  Debt authorization.
    13     The Governor, Auditor General and State Treasurer are hereby
    14  authorized and directed to borrow from time to time, in addition
    15  to any authorization heretofore or hereafter enacted, on the
    16  credit of the Commonwealth, subject to the limitations provided
    17  in the current capital budget, money not exceeding in the
    18  aggregate the sum of $834,398,000 $962,844,000 as may be found    <--
    19  necessary to carry out the acquisition and construction of the
    20  State highway projects specifically itemized in this act.         <--
    21  Section 75.  Issue of bonds.
    22     The indebtedness authorized in this act shall be incurred
    23  from time to time and shall be evidenced by one or more series
    24  of general obligation bonds of the Commonwealth in such
    25  aggregate principal amount for each series as the Governor,
    26  Auditor General and State Treasurer shall determine, but the
    27  latest stated maturity date shall not exceed 30 years from the
    28  date of the bond first issued for each series.
    29  Section 76.  Estimated useful life of projects.
    30     The General Assembly states the estimated useful life of the
    19970S0186B0445                 - 355 -

     1  projects itemized in this act as 30 years.
     2  Section 77.  Appropriation.
     3     The net proceeds of the sale of the obligations authorized in
     4  this act are hereby appropriated from the Capital Facilities
     5  Fund to the department in the maximum amount of $834,398,000      <--
     6  $962,844,000 to be used by it exclusively to defray the
     7  financial costs of the State projects specifically itemized in
     8  this capital budget. After reserving or paying the expenses of
     9  the sale of the obligation, the State Treasurer shall pay out to
    10  the department the moneys as required and certified by it to be
    11  legally due and payable.
    12  Section 78.  Federal funds.
    13     In addition to those funds appropriated in section 77, all
    14  moneys received from the Federal Government for the public
    15  improvement projects specifically itemized in this act are also
    16  hereby appropriated for those projects.
    17  Section 79.  Allocation of funds.
    18     (a)  General rule.--Whenever the department OR THE DEPARTMENT  <--
    19  OF CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES determines that the full
    20  estimated financial costs of the projects itemized in this act
    21  are not necessary for the proper design, acquisition or
    22  construction of such projects, the excess funds no longer
    23  required may be allocated by the department OR THE DEPARTMENT OF  <--
    24  CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES to increase the estimated
    25  costs of any one or more of the projects specifically itemized
    26  in a capital budget.
    27     (b)  Reimbursement of municipal expenditures.--Moneys raised
    28  or expended by municipalities after the effective date of this
    29  act, in anticipation of receipt of funds authorized for projects
    30  itemized by this act, may be reimbursable to those
    19970S0186B0445                 - 356 -

     1  municipalities.
     2  Section 80.  Policy on jobs and materials.
     3     (a)  Jobs.--It is the declared policy of the Commonwealth
     4  that the construction projects authorized in this act be used,
     5  to the greatest extent possible, to provide for the creation of
     6  jobs and the rehiring of the unemployed in this Commonwealth. In
     7  order to reach this goal, firms with Commonwealth-based
     8  facilities shall be actively solicited to make bids on contracts
     9  to furnish products and materials, including, but not limited
    10  to, steel and steel products, to be used in these projects.
    11     (b)  Materials.--Every contract document entered into to
    12  undertake a project contained in this act shall provide that any
    13  steel or other products to be used or supplied in the
    14  performance of this contract shall be required to be
    15  manufactured by plants in the United States unless the secretary
    16  determines, on a contract by contract basis, that certain
    17  required products are not produced in the United States in
    18  sufficient quantities to meet the requirements of the contract.
    19  Such a determination and the reasons therefor shall be published
    20  in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Decisions made under this
    21  subsection shall not be inconsistent with the general provisions
    22  of the act of March 3, 1978 (P.L.6, No.3), known as the Steel
    23  Products Procurement Act.
    24     (c)  Minorities and women.--It is also the declared policy of
    25  the Commonwealth to require and encourage substantial
    26  participation by minorities and women in the construction
    27  projects authorized by this act.
    28  Section 81.  Payment of capital debt service.
    29     The repayment of any debt incurred pursuant to this act shall
    30  be made from the account and such repayment shall have first
    19970S0186B0445                 - 357 -

     1  claim on the revenues of the account.
     2  Section 82.  Authorization and debt cumulation.
     3     The additional authorization and debt allowance provided for
     4  in this act shall be added to the total authorizations and debt
     5  incurred pursuant to the act of December 8, 1982 (P.L.848,
     6  No.235), known as the Highway-Railroad and Highway Bridge
     7  Capital Budget Act for 1982-1983, as amended and supplemented.
     8  Section 83.  Editorial changes.
     9     In editing and preparing this act for printing following the
    10  final enactment, the Legislative Reference Bureau shall insert
    11  or revise letters or numbers for projects where the letters or
    12  numbers are missing or require revision. The bureau shall also
    13  revise the total monetary amounts for the total authorization,
    14  debt authorization, appropriations and departmental totals as
    15  necessary to agree with the total monetary amounts of the
    16  projects.
    17  Section 84.  Effective date.
    18     This act shall take effect immediately.

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