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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 187



No. 187 Session of 1989

           JANUARY 23, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of October 11, 1972 (P.L.899, No.213), entitled
     2     "An act providing scholarships for certain dependents of
     3     members of the armed services who while on active duty are
     4     taken as prisoners of war or are reported missing in action
     5     and making an appropriation," further providing for eligible
     6     dependents; increasing the maximum academic year grant;
     7     making an appropriation; and providing for funding of grants.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Sections 1, 3 and 4 of the act of October 11,
    11  1972 (P.L.899, No.213), entitled "An act providing scholarships
    12  for certain dependents of members of the armed services who
    13  while on active duty are taken as prisoners of war or are
    14  reported missing in action and making an appropriation," are
    15  amended to read:
    16     Section 1.  Definitions.--As used in this act:
    17     (1)  "Qualified dependent" means [the] any of the following:
    18     (i)  The child of a member of the armed services who served
    19  on active duty after January 31, 1955, and was a domiciliary of

     1  Pennsylvania for at least twelve months preceding service on
     2  active duty and: who [(i)] has been or is a prisoner of war;
     3  who, while on active duty, has been or is a hostage of a
     4  terrorist group for a period in excess of ten days; or who is
     5  reported as missing in action [and (ii) was a resident of
     6  Pennsylvania for at least twelve months preceding his service on
     7  active duty]. The term does not include the child of any such
     8  member of the armed services who deserted, defected to the
     9  enemy, or has otherwise been discharged under other than
    10  honorable conditions.
    11     (ii)  The child of a member of the armed forces of the United
    12  States or of the Pennsylvania military forces who served after
    13  January 31, 1955, and was killed or died while a member in good
    14  standing and who was a domiciliary of Pennsylvania at the time
    15  of death. The term does not include the child of a member whose
    16  death is determined by appropriate military authority to be due
    17  to the member's misconduct.
    18     (2)  "Approved program of education" means any degree or non-
    19  degree curriculum or course of study to be pursued on at least
    20  one-half time basis for a duration of at least one academic year
    21  or its equivalent at an approved institution of higher learning.
    22     (3)  "Approved institution of higher learning" shall mean any
    23  institution of higher learning approved by the agency.
    24     Section 3.  Amount of Scholarship.--Scholarships awarded
    25  under this act to cover full-time study shall not exceed, per
    26  academic year, the tuition and fee charges at the institution of
    27  higher learning at which the applicant is enrolled or [twelve
    28  hundred dollars ($1,200),] the maximum award established under
    29  the act of January 25, 1966 (1965 P.L.1546, No.541), entitled
    30  "An act providing scholarships and providing funds to secure
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     1  Federal funds for qualified students of the Commonwealth of
     2  Pennsylvania who need financial assistance to attend
     3  postsecondary institutions of higher learning, making an
     4  appropriation, and providing for the administration of this
     5  act," whichever is the lesser. Scholarships covering less than
     6  full time and at least one-half time study shall be in a
     7  proportionate amount.
     8     Section 4.  Appropriation.--The sum of [forty thousand
     9  dollars ($40,000)] two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000)
    10  is hereby appropriated for grants in the 1989-1990 award year,
    11  and the Governor shall annually request the General Assembly to
    12  appropriate sufficient funds, to the Pennsylvania Higher
    13  Education Assistance Agency to be transferred at the request of
    14  the agency and deposited in the Higher Education Assistance Fund
    15  for the purpose and administration of this act.
    16     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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