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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 211



No. 187 Session of 2003

           FEBRUARY 6, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 25, 1931 (P.L.1352, No.332), entitled
     2     "An act providing for joint action by the Commonwealth of
     3     Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey in the
     4     administration, operation, and maintenance of bridges over
     5     the Delaware River, and for the construction of additional
     6     bridge facilities across said river; authorizing the
     7     Governor, for these purposes, to enter into an agreement with
     8     the State of New Jersey; creating a Delaware River Joint Toll
     9     Bridge Commission and specifying the powers and duties
    10     thereof, including the power to finance the construction of
    11     additional bridges by the issuance of revenue bonds to be
    12     redeemed from revenues derived from tolls collected at such
    13     bridges; transferring to said commission all powers now
    14     exercised by existing commission created to acquire toll
    15     bridges over the Delaware River; and making an
    16     appropriation," further providing for reports and audits.

    17     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    18  hereby enacts as follows:
    19     Section 1.  Article IX of section 1 of the act of June 25,
    20  1931 (P.L.1352, No.332), referred to as the Delaware River Joint
    21  Toll Bridge Compact, amended July 11, 1996 (P.L.556, No.99), is
    22  amended to read:
    23                             ARTICLE IX
    24     The commission shall make annual reports to the Governors and

     1  Legislatures of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State
     2  of New Jersey setting forth in detail its operations and
     3  transactions, and may make such additional reports from time to
     4  time to the Governors and Legislatures, as it may deem
     5  advisable.
     6     The commission shall submit [biennially to a performance
     7  audit] to annual financial and management audits jointly
     8  conducted by the Auditor General of Pennsylvania and the State
     9  Auditor of New Jersey, which shall include expenditures and
    10  operations of the commission. These auditors shall complete the
    11  performance audit and prepare a joint report by December 31 of
    12  every odd-numbered year, with the first audit and report to be
    13  completed by December 31, 1997. A report of those audits shall
    14  be submitted to the Governors and Legislatures of the
    15  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey and to
    16  the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission.
    17     An annual financial audit shall be conducted at the expense
    18  of the commission by an independent accounting firm in
    19  accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A
    20  written report of each audit shall be submitted to the
    21  commission and shall be retained by the commission for at least
    22  five years.
    23     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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