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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 184



No. 195 Session of 2005

           AND C. WILLIAMS, FEBRUARY 7, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 68 (Real and Personal Property) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for
     3     applicability of provisions relating to planned communities,
     4     for meetings and for quorums of unit owners' associations of
     5     planned communities, for proxies and for association records.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Section 5102(b) of Title 68 of the Pennsylvania
     9  Consolidated Statutes is amended and the section is amended by
    10  adding a subsection to read:
    11  § 5102.  Applicability.
    12     * * *
    13     (b)  [Retroactivity] General retroactivity.--Except as
    14  provided in subsection (c), sections 5105, 5106, 5107, 5203
    15  (relating to construction and validity of declaration and
    16  bylaws), 5204 (relating to description of units), 5218, 5219
    17  (relating to amendment of declaration), 5223 (relating to merger
    18  or consolidation of planned community), 5302(a)(1) through (6)
    19  and (11) through (15) (relating to power of unit owners'

     1  association), 5311 (relating to tort and contract liability),
     2  5315 (relating to lien for assessments), [5316 (relating to
     3  association records),] 5407 (relating to resales of units) and
     4  5412 (relating to effect of violations on rights of action) and
     5  section 5103 (relating to definitions), to the extent necessary
     6  in construing any of those sections, apply to all planned
     7  communities created in this Commonwealth before the effective
     8  date of this subpart; but those sections apply only with respect
     9  to events and circumstances occurring after the effective date
    10  of this subpart and do not invalidate specific provisions
    11  contained in existing provisions of the declaration, bylaws or
    12  plats and plans of those planned communities.
    13     * * *
    14     (b.2)  Legislative finding and retroactivity of specific
    15  provisions.--
    16         (1)  It is hereby determined and declared as a matter of
    17     legislative finding that certain aspects of local governance
    18     involving open meetings, open records and basic parliamentary
    19     procedure relating to proxy voting and quorums are so vital
    20     to the sound administration of planned communities that
    21     retroactive application of these rules is within the police
    22     powers of the Commonwealth.
    23         (2)  Notwithstanding any provision of law or any
    24     declarations or bylaws to the contrary, sections 5308
    25     (relating to meetings), 5309 (relating to quorums), 5310(b.1)
    26     (relating to voting; proxies) and 5316 (relating to
    27     association records) apply to all planned communities created
    28     in this Commonwealth before the effective date of this
    29     subsection except planned communities under subsections
    30     (a)(1), (c) and (e).
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     1     * * *
     2     Section 2.  Section 5308 of Title 68 is amended to read:
     3  § 5308.  Meetings.
     4     [The bylaws shall require that]
     5     (a)  Open meetings and notice.--Notwithstanding any
     6  provisions of any declaration or bylaws to the contrary,
     7  meetings of the association shall be held at least once each
     8  year [and shall provide for special meetings.] and all meetings
     9  of the association, executive board or any committee, commission
    10  or other entity which is a subdivision of the executive board of
    11  the association, except executive board meetings under
    12  subsection (d), shall be open to unit owners. The bylaws shall
    13  specify which of the association's officers, not less than ten
    14  nor more than 60 days in advance of any meeting, except
    15  executive board meetings under subsection (d) or emergency
    16  meetings under subsection (e), shall cause notice to be hand
    17  delivered or sent prepaid by United States mail to the mailing
    18  address of each unit or to any other mailing address designated
    19  in writing by the unit owner. The notice of any meeting [must]
    20  shall state the time and place of the meeting and the items on
    21  the agenda, including the general nature of any proposed
    22  amendment to the declaration or bylaws; any budget or assessment
    23  changes; and, where the declaration or bylaws require approval
    24  of unit owners, any proposal to remove a director or officer.
    25  All official action shall be taken at a meeting under this
    26  subsection or an emergency meeting under subsection (e).
    27     (b)  Minutes.--Except during executive board meetings under
    28  subsection (d), written minutes shall be kept of all association
    29  meetings, including the time and date of the meeting, the number
    30  of unit owners in attendance, the substance of all official
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     1  actions taken at the meeting and a record of votes on official
     2  action by individual executive board members or officers. Board-
     3  approved minutes of any meeting, except executive board meetings
     4  under subsection (d), shall be made reasonably available for
     5  examination by any unit owner and authorized agent of any unit
     6  owner no later than 45 days after a meeting.
     7     (c)  Recording devices and unit owner participation.--
     8         (1)  A unit owner shall be:
     9             (i)  Authorized to use recording devices to record
    10         the proceedings at any meeting except an executive board
    11         meeting under subsection (d).
    12             (ii)  Provided at any meeting, except an executive
    13         board meeting under subsection (d), with a reasonable
    14         opportunity to comment on matters of concern,
    15         deliberation or official action which are or may be under
    16         consideration at that meeting.
    17         (2)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to
    18     prevent an association from adopting bylaws governing the
    19     reasonable use of recording devices.
    20     (d)  Executive board meetings.--
    21         (1)  The executive board may exclude unit owners from an
    22     executive board meeting. Executive board meetings shall only
    23     be convened during an open meeting under subsection (a) or
    24     (e) upon an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of
    25     the executive board in attendance at the open meeting. The
    26     reason for holding the executive board meeting shall be
    27     announced at the open meeting prior to the executive board
    28     meeting. Official action on discussions held at an executive
    29     board meeting shall be taken at an open meeting and no
    30     executive board meeting shall be used as a subterfuge to
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     1     defeat the purposes of subsection (a) or (e). An executive
     2     board meeting may be held for one or more of the following
     3     reasons:
     4             (i)  To discuss any matter involving the employment,
     5         termination of employment, terms and conditions of
     6         employment, evaluation of performance, promotion or
     7         disciplining of any specific prospective employee or
     8         current employee employed by the association, or former
     9         employee, provided, however, that the individual
    10         employees whose rights could be adversely affected may
    11         request, in writing, that the matter or matters be
    12         discussed at an open meeting.
    13             (ii)  To consider the purchase or lease of real
    14         property up to the time an option to purchase or lease
    15         such property is obtained or up to the time an agreement
    16         to purchase or lease such property is obtained if the
    17         agreement is obtained directly without an option.
    18             (iii)  To consult with the executive board's attorney
    19         or other professional adviser regarding information or
    20         strategy in connection with litigation or with issues on
    21         which identifiable complaints are expected to be filed.
    22             (iv)  To review and discuss business which, if
    23         conducted in public, would violate a lawful privilege or
    24         lead to the disclosure of information or confidentiality
    25         protected by law.
    26         (2)  Nothing in paragraph (1)(i) shall apply to any
    27     meeting involving the appointment or selection of any person
    28     to fill a vacancy on the executive board.
    29     (e)  Emergency meetings.--The executive board may call an
    30  emergency meeting for the purpose of dealing with a real or
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     1  potential emergency involving a clear and present danger to life
     2  or property. An emergency meeting shall be open to unit owners
     3  and shall be subject to the requirements of subsections (b) and
     4  (c). The bylaws shall specify which member of the association's
     5  executive board shall be responsible for providing notice of any
     6  emergency meeting and shall further specify the means and
     7  methods of providing such notice, including, but not limited to,
     8  posting notice at either the main entrance to the planned
     9  community or at a central location within the planned community
    10  designated for such purposes.
    11     (f)  Rules of order.--The bylaws shall provide for rules of
    12  order to govern meetings under subsections (a) and (e). The
    13  rules may be based on Robert's Rules of Order or any other
    14  established set of rules of order or parliamentary procedure.
    15     (g)  Filing of complaints.--A unit owner may file a complaint
    16  with the Bureau of Consumer Protection in the Office of Attorney
    17  General if an association either:
    18         (1)  fails to adopt bylaws as required by this section
    19     within either 120 days after the termination of any period of
    20     declarant control of the association or 120 days after the
    21     effective date of this subsection, whichever is later; or
    22         (2)  violates any provision of this section.
    23     (h)  Penalties.--
    24         (1)  Notwithstanding any provision of the declaration or
    25     bylaws to the contrary, the unit owners, by a two-thirds vote
    26     of all unit owners present and entitled to vote at any
    27     meeting of the unit owners at which a quorum is present, may
    28     impose a monetary penalty of not less than $50 against any
    29     member of an executive board, committee or commission or
    30     other entity which is a subdivision of the executive board
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     1     who participates in a meeting with the intent and purpose of
     2     violating this section.
     3         (2)  Official action taken at a meeting under subsection
     4     (a) or (e) in violation of the requirements of this section
     5     shall be null and void.
     6     (i)  Exemption.--An association shall be exempt from the
     7  requirements of this section during any period of declarant
     8  control of the association.
     9     (j)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    10  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    11  subsection:
    12     "Meeting."  A prearranged gathering held for the purpose of
    13  deliberating association business or taking official action of:
    14         (1)  an association, which is attended or participated in
    15     by a quorum of unit owners;
    16         (2)  an executive board, which is attended or
    17     participated in by a quorum of the executive board; or
    18         (3)  a committee, commission or other entity which is a
    19     subdivision of the executive board of the association which
    20     is attended or participated in by a quorum of the committee,
    21     commission or entity.
    22     "Official action."  Any of the following:
    23         (1)  The establishment of policy by an association.
    24         (2)  A decision on association business made by an
    25     association.
    26         (3)  A vote taken by an association, executive board or a
    27     committee, commission or other entity which is a subdivision
    28     of the executive board of the association on a proposal,
    29     resolution, rule, regulation or report.
    30     Section 3.  Sections 5309 and 5310 of Title 68 are amended by
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     1  adding subsections to read:
     2  § 5309.  Quorums.
     3     * * *
     4     (c)  Committees, commissions or other entities which are
     5  subdivisions of the executive board.--Unless the bylaws specify
     6  a larger percentage, a quorum is deemed present throughout any
     7  meeting of a committee, commission or other entity which is a
     8  subdivision of the executive board if at least 50% of the
     9  designated members of the committee, commission or other entity
    10  which is a subdivision of the executive board are present at the
    11  beginning of the meeting.
    12  § 5310.  Voting; proxies.
    13     * * *
    14     (b.1)  Executive board proxies.--No vote may be cast pursuant
    15  to a proxy during a vote of the executive board.
    16     * * *
    17     Section 4.  Section 5316(a) of Title 68 is amended and the
    18  section is amended by adding subsections to read:
    19  § 5316.  Association records.
    20     (a)  [Financial] Maintenance of records.--The association
    21  shall keep [financial records sufficiently detailed to enable
    22  the association to comply with section 5407 (relating to resales
    23  of units). All financial and other records shall be made
    24  reasonably available for examination by any unit owner and
    25  authorized agents.] records of its operation, administration and
    26  finances that are sufficiently detailed to enable the
    27  association to comply with section 5407 (relating to resales of
    28  units).
    29     (a.1)  Inspection and copying.--
    30         (1)  Books and records kept by or on behalf of an
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     1     association shall be available for examination and copying by
     2     a unit owner in good standing, or the unit owner's authorized
     3     agent, to protect the unit owner's interest. This right of
     4     examination and copying may be exercised only during
     5     reasonable business hours or at a time and location mutually
     6     convenient to the association and the unit owner.
     7         (2)  Books and records kept by or on behalf of an
     8     association may be withheld from examination and copying
     9     under paragraph (1) to the extent they concern any of the
    10     following:
    11             (i)  Personnel records.
    12             (ii)  An individual's medical records.
    13             (iii)  Records relating to business transactions that
    14         are currently in negotiation.
    15             (iv)  Privileged communications with legal counsel.
    16             (v)  Complaints against a unit owner.
    17             (vi)  Records of executive board meetings under
    18         section 5308(d) (relating to meetings).
    19         (3)  The association may impose and collect a charge that
    20     represents the actual costs of materials and labor prior to
    21     providing copies of any books and records under this
    22     subsection.
    23     * * *
    24     (d)  Penalties.--
    25         (1)  The bylaws shall specify which of the association's
    26     officers shall be responsible for the maintenance of records
    27     under subsection (a) and the preparation of financial
    28     statements under subsection (b).
    29         (2)  Any officer designated pursuant to paragraph (1) who
    30     fails to maintain records or prepare financial statements as
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     1     required by this section shall be subject to a monetary
     2     penalty of not less than $50. Notwithstanding any provision
     3     of the declaration or bylaws to the contrary, the unit
     4     owners, by a two-thirds votes of all unit owners present and
     5     entitled to vote at any meeting of the unit owners at which a
     6     quorum is present, may impose the penalty provided by this
     7     paragraph.
     8     Section 5.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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