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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2195



No. 214 Session of 2000



                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Recognizing the achievements and honoring the legacy of Robert
     2     P. Casey.

     3     WHEREAS, Robert P. Casey, former Governor of Pennsylvania and
     4  distinguished statesman, passed away on May 30, 2000, at the age
     5  of 68; and
     6     WHEREAS, The patriarch of a family devoted to politics and
     7  public service, Governor Casey began his political career in
     8  1962, when he was elected State Senator; and
     9     WHEREAS, Governor Casey served as Auditor General from 1969
    10  to 1977, won the gubernatorial election in 1986 and was
    11  reelected as Governor in 1990; and
    12     WHEREAS, During his dynamic tenure, Governor Casey worked to
    13  improve the quality of education, expand jobs and economic
    14  growth, reclaim the environment and strengthen consumer
    15  protection initiatives in Pennsylvania; and
    16     WHEREAS, Governor Casey's unwavering commitment to social
    17  justice was reflected in everything he did, especially as a

     1  tireless advocate for women, children and families, a pioneer in
     2  health care reform, a national leader in appointing women to key
     3  government posts, a prudent fiscal manager, a national model for
     4  economic and high-tech development and a dedicated public
     5  servant; and
     6     WHEREAS, Governor Casey, an outstanding student athlete, was
     7  the valedictorian of the Class of 1949 at Scranton Preparatory
     8  School in Scranton; and
     9     WHEREAS, Governor Casey attended Holy Cross College in
    10  Worcester, Massachusetts, on a basketball scholarship and
    11  graduated cum laude with a bachelor's degree in English, after
    12  which he earned a Juris Doctor degree from the George Washington
    13  University School of Law in 1956; therefore be it
    14     RESOLVED, That the Senate note with great sadness the passing
    15  of Robert P. Casey, who served in a way most befitting the
    16  highest ideals of public service, and extend heartfelt
    17  condolences to his wife, Ellen Harding Casey; sons, Robert Jr.,
    18  Christopher, Patrick and Matthew; and daughters, Margi McGrath,
    19  Mary Ellen Philbin, Kate Brier and Erin Walsh; and be it further
    20     RESOLVED, That a copy of this document be transmitted to Mrs.
    21  Ellen Casey.

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