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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 212



No. 217 Session of 1999

           JANUARY 25, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the State Tax Equalization Board to provide
     2     financial assistance to counties for assessment reform;
     3     creating a revolving loan fund from a restricted account
     4     within the General Fund; providing for loans for assessment
     5     improvement, including countywide reassessment; providing for
     6     the powers and duties of the State Tax Equalization Board;
     7     and making an appropriation.

     8                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     9  Chapter 1.  Preliminary and Administrative Provisions
    10  Section 101.  Short title.
    11  Section 102.  Purpose and legislative intent.
    12  Section 103.  Definitions.
    13  Section 104.  Creation of advisory committee.
    14  Section 105.  Powers and duties of committee.
    15  Section 106.  Committee structure.
    16  Section 107.  Powers and duties of STEB.
    17  Chapter 3.  Revolving Loan Fund
    18  Section 301.  Assessment Reform Revolving Loan Fund.
    19  Section 302.  Prerequisite for loan.
    20  Section 303.  Contents of plan.

     1  Section 304.  Review of plan.
     2  Section 305.  Disbursement of loan funds.
     3  Section 306.  Restricted use of loan funds.
     4  Section 307.  Terms and conditions of loan repayment.
     5  Chapter 5.  Funding
     6  Section 501.  Appropriation.
     7  Chapter 7.  Miscellaneous Provisions
     8  Section 701.  Effective date.
     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11                             CHAPTER 1
    13  Section 101.  Short title.
    14     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Assessment
    15  Reform Loan Act.
    16  Section 102.  Purpose and legislative intent.
    17     (a)  Policy.--It is hereby declared to be a public policy of
    18  this Commonwealth to improve the quality of the real estate
    19  assessment process in each of the counties of this Commonwealth.
    20  It is further a policy of this Commonwealth to assist counties
    21  which desire to reassess valuations of real property by offering
    22  a program of loans to accomplish this purpose.
    23     (b)  Legislative intent.--
    24         (1)  It is the intent of the General Assembly to provide
    25     counties within this Commonwealth with the financial
    26     resources necessary to assist them in improving their
    27     respective real estate assessment processes, which
    28     improvement may include, but may not be necessarily limited
    29     to:
    30             (i)  Revaluation of real property located within a
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     1         county.
     2             (ii)  Improvement of the maintenance and accuracy of
     3         a county's assessment systems, procedures and standards
     4         and the tax maps, property records and assessment rolls
     5         related to them.
     6             (iii)  Improvement or establishment of a county's
     7         appraisal practices, computer-assisted appraisal system
     8         functional specifications, specifications for the conduct
     9         of a revaluation program and procedures for the conduct
    10         of public information programs.
    11         (2)  By this act, the General Assembly anticipates that
    12     those counties eligible for funding under the provisions of
    13     this act should be able to bring their established
    14     predetermined ratios within the 15% tolerance of the board-
    15     established common level ratio in the very near future and
    16     maintain that tolerance over an extended period of time.
    17         (3)  The General Assembly has also concluded that
    18     numerous counties within this Commonwealth have not
    19     reassessed the value of taxable real estate for many years.
    20     Consequently, while the market value of this property has
    21     increased dramatically in recent years, counties have either
    22     not kept pace with this higher valuation or have
    23     unintentionally distributed the tax burden inequitably upon
    24     their residents by not uniformly reassessing the entire
    25     county.
    26  Section 103.  Definitions.
    27     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    28  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    29  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    30     "Advisory committee."  The Assessment Reform Loan Advisory
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     1  Committee created, empowered and defined under this act.
     2     "Board."  The State Tax Equalization Board, created under the
     3  act of June 27, 1947 (P.L.1046, No.447), referred to as the
     4  State Tax Equalization Board Law. Board may also be referred to
     5  as "STEB."
     6     "Coefficient of dispersion."  A measure of the accuracy of
     7  assessed values to true values, which measures the average
     8  assessment error around the common level ratio as last
     9  determined by the State Tax Equalization Board under the act of
    10  June 27, 1947 (P.L.1046, No.447), referred to as the State Tax
    11  Equalization Board Law.
    12     "Common level ratio."  The ratio of assessed value to current
    13  market value used generally in the county as last determined by
    14  the State Tax Equalization Board under the act of June 27, 1947
    15  (P.L.1046, No.447), referred to as the State Tax Equalization
    16  Board Law.
    17     "County."  A county within this Commonwealth, regardless of
    18  classification, including a county adopting a home rule charter
    19  or optional plan of government under the act of April 13, 1972
    20  (P.L.184, No.62), known as the Home Rule Charter and Optional
    21  Plans Law.
    22     "Established predetermined ratio."  The ratio of assessed
    23  value to market value established by the board of county
    24  commissioners or the legislative policymaking body in home rule
    25  counties and uniformly applied in determining assessed value in
    26  any year.
    27     "Fund."  Assessment Reform Revolving Loan Fund.
    28     "STEB."  The State Tax Equalization Board, created under the
    29  act of June 27, 1947 (P.L.1046, No.447), referred to as the
    30  State Tax Equalization Board Law. STEB may also be referred to
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     1  as "board."
     2  Section 104.  Creation of advisory committee.
     3     There is hereby created the Assessment Reform Loan Advisory
     4  Committee which shall assist STEB in devising, preparing and
     5  promulgating comprehensive standards of assessment reform to be
     6  applied uniformly throughout the counties in this Commonwealth.
     7  Section 105.  Powers and duties of committee.
     8     (a)  Promulgate standards.--In conjunction with STEB, the
     9  advisory committee shall devise, prepare and promulgate
    10  comprehensive standards and procedures of assessment reform.
    11     (b)  Review applications.--In conjunction with STEB, the
    12  advisory committee shall review applications for certification
    13  by counties seeking to become recipients of loans in order to
    14  ascertain whether the county plan is likely to result in an
    15  acceptable level of assessment accuracy as defined in this act.
    16  Section 106.  Committee structure.
    17     (a)  Membership.--The advisory committee shall consist of
    18  seven members, none of whom shall be an employee of the General
    19  Assembly. They shall be appointed or designated as follows:
    20         (1)  The Governor shall appoint three members who are
    21     broadly representative of the following groups:
    22             (i)  Licensed real estate brokers.
    23             (ii)  Instructors or researchers in various
    24         disciplines related to mathematics or statistics who may
    25         be employed by an accredited institution of higher
    26         learning.
    27             (iii)  Citizens with general knowledge or interest in
    28         real estate assessment practices.
    29         (2)  The President pro tempore of the Senate, the
    30     Minority Leader of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of
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     1     Representatives and the Minority Leader of the House of
     2     Representatives shall each appoint one member with general
     3     knowledge or interest in real estate assessment practices.
     4     (b)  Term.--The initial term of each member of the advisory
     5  committee shall commence upon the date of his appointment and
     6  shall expire 30 days after the convening of the next regular
     7  session of the General Assembly. Thereafter, the term of each
     8  member shall commence upon the date of his appointment and shall
     9  expire two years later. All members shall serve until a
    10  successor is appointed and qualified, and any member of the
    11  advisory committee may serve successive terms. Any vacancy
    12  occurring in the membership shall be filled by the appointing
    13  power making the original appointment for the duration of the
    14  unexpired term.
    15     (c)  Compensation.--An advisory committee member may not
    16  receive a salary but shall be reimbursed for actual expenses
    17  incurred in the performance of his official duties.
    18     (d)  Organization.--The advisory committee shall organize as
    19  soon as possible after the appointment of members and shall
    20  reorganize upon a change in membership. The advisory committee
    21  shall select a chairman and other officers from among its
    22  members.
    23     (e)  Deportment.--A member of the advisory committee, upon
    24  clear and convincing evidence of misfeasance, malfeasance or
    25  nonfeasance in office, including neglect of duty, may be removed
    26  by majority vote of the members of the committee. A member
    27  neglecting or refusing to attend two successive regular
    28  meetings, unless prevented by sickness or other necessity, shall
    29  be subject to removal by majority vote of the members of the
    30  advisory committee.
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     1  Section 107.  Powers and duties of STEB.
     2     (a)  Maintain data.--STEB shall maintain accurate and current
     3  data on the valuations of taxable and tax-exempt real property
     4  and the number and status of all parcels of real property in
     5  each county as provided to STEB by the respective assessment
     6  offices of each county.
     7     (b)  Establish assessment procedures.--STEB, in conjunction
     8  with the advisory committee, shall devise, prepare and
     9  promulgate comprehensive assessment standards and procedures to
    10  be applied uniformly throughout all counties in this
    11  Commonwealth; this shall not include, however, the power of STEB
    12  to set a standard or uniform established predetermined ratio of
    13  assessed value to market value to be applied throughout all
    14  counties of this Commonwealth.
    15     (c)  Review county systems.--STEB shall review plans
    16  submitted by a county to improve that county's assessment
    17  systems, procedures and standards which include countywide
    18  reassessment programs.
    19     (d)  Evaluate county plans.--STEB shall either approve or
    20  reject plans submitted by a county; however, in the event that
    21  STEB rejects a plan submitted by a county, STEB shall provide
    22  detailed documentation to enable the county to resubmit an
    23  amended plan which is capable of approval by STEB.
    24     (e)  Review certification applications.--STEB, in conjunction
    25  with the advisory committee, shall review applications for
    26  certifications by a county to become a recipient of a loan to
    27  assist the county in its ongoing process of assessment reform.
    28     (f)  Award loans.--STEB shall award loans to eligible
    29  counties in accordance with the provisions of this act.
    30     (g)  Make regulations.--STEB shall promulgate rules and
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     1  regulations necessary to implement the provisions of this act.
     2                             CHAPTER 3
     3                        REVOLVING LOAN FUND
     4  Section 301.  Assessment Reform Revolving Loan Fund.
     5     (a)  Creation.--There is hereby created a restricted revenue
     6  account within the General Fund in the Treasury Department, to
     7  be known as the Assessment Reform Revolving Loan Fund. Into this
     8  account shall be credited all appropriations made by the General
     9  Assembly, including the continuing appropriation under section
    10  501, and the repayment of principal on loans made under this
    11  act.
    12     (b)  Function.--Upon approval of a loan, STEB shall routinely
    13  requisition from the fund the amounts allocated by STEB for
    14  loans to eligible counties. When and as the amounts so allocated
    15  by STEB as loans to counties are repaid to STEB under the terms
    16  of the covenants made and entered into with STEB under this act,
    17  STEB shall pay the amounts into the fund, it being the intent of
    18  this act that the fund shall operate as a revolving fund from
    19  which the appropriations and payments made to the fund may be
    20  applied and reapplied to the purposes of this act.
    21  Section 302.  Prerequisite for loan.
    22     A county which seeks a loan from the Assessment Reform
    23  Revolving Loan Fund shall be required to first submit a detailed
    24  plan for assessment reform to STEB.
    25  Section 303.  Contents of plan.
    26     The plan submitted by a county to STEB shall be consistent
    27  with applicable law and STEB requirements and shall include the
    28  following specifications:
    29         (1)  A detailed statement of the current permanent
    30     records system of a county's assessment office, including tax
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     1     maps, property record cards, property owner's index,
     2     computerized systems and related matters.
     3         (2)  A comprehensive explanation of the method by which a
     4     county intends to implement assessment reform.
     5         (3)  In the event that a county seeks financial
     6     assistance to conduct a countywide reassessment of the
     7     valuations of the real property located within the county,
     8     the county shall include within the plan a comprehensive
     9     proposed methodology by which the county intends to perform
    10     the reassessment.
    11         (4)  A plan submitted to STEB shall include a detailed
    12     statement of the precise costs associated with proposed
    13     assessment reform which includes countywide reassessment.
    14  Section 304.  Review of plan.
    15     (a)  Preliminary review.--STEB shall review a plan or amended
    16  plan submitted by a county to insure compliance with applicable
    17  provisions of this act and shall issue a preliminary approval or
    18  rejection of the plan within 60 days from the date the plan is
    19  received by STEB.
    20     (b)  Disbursement of funds.--If satisfied that the
    21  requirements of this act have been met, STEB shall issue final
    22  approval of a plan, including disbursement of approved loan
    23  funds, within 60 days of the date of preliminary approval.
    24     (c)  Rejection statement.--In the event of a preliminary
    25  rejection of the plan, STEB shall provide detailed documentation
    26  to enable the county to resubmit an amended plan. The
    27  resubmission of an amended plan by a county shall occur within
    28  60 days of the date a county receives a preliminary rejection of
    29  the original or of any amended plan in order for the county to
    30  remain eligible for disbursement of loan funds.
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     1     (d)  Resubmission of amended plans.--Resubmission of an
     2  amended plan may be made as many times as may be required by
     3  STEB in order for a county to be eligible for disbursement of
     4  loan funds.
     5  Section 305.  Disbursement of loan funds.
     6     In calculating a precise amount of loan funds to be disbursed
     7  to a county which submits an approved plan, STEB shall first
     8  certify the number of parcels of real estate located within the
     9  county. Then STEB shall calculate the amount of the loan by
    10  certification of a sum of money up to $40 per parcel which, when
    11  applied to the number of parcels of real estate within the
    12  county, shall constitute the final total amount of loan funds to
    13  be disbursed to the county.
    14  Section 306.  Restricted use of loan funds.
    15     (a)  General rule.--Loan funds disbursed following submission
    16  of an approved plan under the provisions of this act shall be
    17  used only to implement the assessment reform set forth in the
    18  plan submitted by the county.
    19     (b)  Restrictions.--None of the proceeds of the loan shall be
    20  used to retire "debt" or "unfunded debt" as defined in the act
    21  of July 12, 1972 (P.L.781, No.185), known as the Local
    22  Government Unit Debt Act, and shall not be subject to the
    23  provisions of that act.
    24  Section 307.  Terms and conditions of loan repayment.
    25     A county to which loan funds are disbursed following
    26  submission of an approved plan to STEB shall comply with the
    27  following terms and conditions with respect to repayment and
    28  shall enter into a covenant with respect to these terms:
    29         (1)  Loans shall be repayable by a county without
    30     interest charged on the principal sum of the loan.
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     1         (2)  Loans shall be repayable by a county in five equal
     2     annual installments, the first of which shall become due and
     3     payable within 90 days of one of the following dates,
     4     whichever occurs first:
     5             (i)  The date of complete implementation of the
     6         approved plan as certified by STEB.
     7             (ii)  Three years following the date of disbursement
     8         of loan funds.
     9         (3)  The second annual installment payment on any loan
    10     shall become due and payable 12 months after the date of
    11     payment of the first installment, and subsequent annual
    12     installment payments shall be due and payable at 12-month
    13     intervals.
    14                             CHAPTER 5
    15                              FUNDING
    16  Section 501.  Appropriation.
    17     After deduction of actual expenses by the Department of
    18  Revenue, all interest earned on personal income taxes and sales
    19  taxes collected by the department on behalf of counties,
    20  municipalities and school districts pursuant to the act of
    21  December 31, 1965 (P.L.1257, No.511), known as The Local Tax
    22  Enabling Act, is appropriated on a continuing basis to the
    23  Assessment Reform Revolving Loan Fund.
    24                             CHAPTER 7
    25                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    26  Section 701.  Effective date.
    27     This act shall take effect January 1, 1999.

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