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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2085



No. 218 Session of 1998

           AND BODACK, JUNE 9, 1998


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Urging Congress to pass legislation protecting the area
     2     surrounding the Iwo Jima Memorial from future encroachment.

     3     WHEREAS, The Marine Corps' Iwo Jima Memorial honors the
     4  marines who fought on that island during WW II; and
     5     WHEREAS, The memorial depicts six men as they struggle to
     6  raise an American flag atop a mountain, signaling defeat to
     7  their enemy and hope to their comrades below; and
     8     WHEREAS, The battle was the most costly in Marine history.
     9  The 36 days of fighting led to 25,851 casualties, over a third
    10  of the landing force, including more than 1,000 dead per square
    11  mile. More Medals of Honor were won on Iwo Jima than during any
    12  other battle in United States history. Admiral Nimitz remarked
    13  that among the sailors and marines on Iwo Jima, "uncommon valor
    14  was a common virtue"; and
    15     WHEREAS, The Iwo Jima Memorial may be obscured by an Air
    16  Force Memorial - a sprawling 20,000 square-foot, five-story,
    17  high-tech, interactive multimedia complex. Such a structure

     1  would be appropriate in front of the heavily trafficked Air and
     2  Space Museum, the site first approved for the structure; and
     3     WHEREAS, During National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC)
     4  hearings, the location changed abruptly to ground 500 feet in
     5  front of the Marines' memorial. Though the NCPC originally voted
     6  twice, 7-4 against the site, it reversed its decision in a
     7  little-publicized meeting; and
     8     WHEREAS, The Marine Corps was only informed after the fact.
     9  No public hearings were held. The proposal clearly violates a
    10  United States law that says, "A commemorative work shall (not
    11  encroach) upon any existing commemorative work."; therefore be
    12  it
    13     RESOLVED, That the Senate of Pennsylvania urge the Congress
    14  of the United States to consider and pass S-1284, HR-3188 or HR-
    15  2313, each of which would prohibit future memorials in the area
    16  desired by the Air Force; and be it further
    17     RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to
    18  the presiding officers of each house of Congress and to each
    19  member of Congress from Pennsylvania.

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