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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 227



No. 232 Session of 1999

           JANUARY 25, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), entitled
     2     "An act concerning elections, including general, municipal,
     3     special and primary elections, the nomination of candidates,
     4     primary and election expenses and election contests; creating
     5     and defining membership of county boards of elections;
     6     imposing duties upon the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
     7     courts, county boards of elections, county commissioners;
     8     imposing penalties for violation of the act, and codifying,
     9     revising and consolidating the laws relating thereto; and
    10     repealing certain acts and parts of acts relating to
    11     elections," further defining "independent expenditure" and
    12     adding definitions; and providing for organization of
    13     political committees, for contributions, for independent
    14     expenditures and for data base and public access.

    15     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    16  hereby enacts as follows:
    17     Section 1.  Section 1621(e) and (l) of the act of June 3,
    18  1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election
    19  Code, amended or added October 4, 1978 (P.L.893, No.171) and
    20  July 21, 1979 (P.L.189, No.63), are amended and the section is
    21  amended by adding subsections to read:
    22     Section 1621.  Definitions.--As used in this article, the
    23  following words have the following meanings:

     1     * * *
     2     (e)  [The words "independent expenditure" shall mean an
     3  expenditure by a person made for the purpose of influencing an
     4  election without cooperation or consultation with any candidate
     5  or any political committee authorized by that candidate and
     6  which is not made in concert with or at the request or
     7  suggestion of any candidate or political committee or agent
     8  thereof.]
     9     The words "independent expenditure" shall mean an expenditure
    10  by a person for a communication expressly advocating the
    11  election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate which is
    12  not made with the cooperation or prior consent of, in
    13  consultation or concert with or at the request or suggestion of
    14  a candidate or any agent or authorized committee of the
    15  candidate. Mere knowledge alone of the occurrence of an
    16  expenditure shall not preclude it from being an independent
    17  expenditure. For purposes of this definition:
    18     (1)  The word "agent" shall mean any person who has actual
    19  oral or written authority, either express or implied, to make or
    20  to authorize the making of expenditures on behalf of a
    21  candidate, or shall mean any person who has been placed in a
    22  position within the campaign organization where it would
    23  reasonably appear that in the ordinary course of campaign
    24  related activities he may authorize expenditures.
    25     (2)  The words "clearly identified candidate" shall mean that
    26  the name of the candidate appears, a photograph or drawing of
    27  the candidate appears or the identity of the candidate is
    28  otherwise apparent by unambiguous reference.
    29     (3)  The words "expressly advocating" shall mean any
    30  communication containing a message which supports or opposes any
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     1  candidate, including, but not limited to, the name of the
     2  candidate, a picture of the candidate or expressions such as
     3  "vote for," "elect," "support," "vote against," "defeat" or
     4  "reject." For purposes of this subsection, communications made
     5  by an organization which the organization distributes beyond its
     6  established membership shall be presumed to be expressly
     7  advocating the election or defeat of a clearly identified
     8  candidate.
     9     (4)  The words "made with the cooperation or prior consent
    10  of, in consultation or concert with or at the request or
    11  suggestion of a candidate or any agent or authorized committee
    12  of the candidate" shall mean any arrangement, coordination or
    13  direction by the candidate or his agent prior to the
    14  publication, distribution, display or broadcast of the
    15  communication. An expenditure shall be presumed to be so made
    16  when it is:
    17     (i)  Based on information about the candidate's plans,
    18  projects or needs provided to the expending person by the
    19  candidate or by the candidate's agents, with a view toward
    20  having an expenditure made.
    21     (ii)  Made by or through any person who is or has been
    22  authorized to raise or expend funds, who is or has been an
    23  officer of an authorized committee, including a political party
    24  committee, or who is or has been receiving any form of
    25  compensation from the candidate, the candidate's committee or
    26  agent.
    27     * * *
    28     (l)  The words "Political Action Committee" shall mean any
    29  political committee as defined in subsection (h) which receives
    30  contributions and makes expenditures to, or on behalf of, any
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     1  candidate other than a candidate's own authorized political
     2  committees or the political committees of any State, county,
     3  city, borough, township, ward or other regularly constituted
     4  party committee of any political party or political body. A
     5  political action committee which is established, maintained or
     6  controlled by a sponsoring organization such as a corporation,
     7  labor organization, membership association or trade association
     8  shall include in its registered name the full name of its
     9  sponsoring organization.
    10     * * *
    11     (n)  The words "affiliate" or "affiliated committee" shall
    12  include:
    13     (1)  Any committee established or authorized by a candidate
    14  as part of his or her campaign for the same election for office.
    15     (2)  Any committee established, financed, maintained or
    16  controlled by the same corporation, labor organization, person
    17  or group of persons, including any parent, subsidiary, branch,
    18  division, department or local unit thereof. Local units may
    19  include, in appropriate cases, a franchisee, licensee or
    20  regional association.
    21     (o)  The words "in-kind contribution" shall mean a
    22  contribution of goods, services, property or any valuable thing
    23  offered free or at less than the usual and normal charge for
    24  such goods or services, but shall not include any legal or
    25  accounting services rendered to or on behalf of any political
    26  committee of a political party, an authorized committee of a
    27  candidate or any other political committee, if such services are
    28  solely for the purpose of ensuring compliance with this article.
    29  Such legal or accounting services, however, shall be reported
    30  pursuant to section 1631.
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     1     Section 2.  Section 1622 of the act is amended by adding a
     2  subsection to read:
     3     Section 1622.  Organization of Political Committees;
     4  Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer; Records of Candidate and
     5  Committees.--
     6     * * *
     7     (e)  A candidate shall not authorize or control more than one
     8  candidate's political committee per office sought.
     9     Section 3.  Section 1628 of the act, amended February 13,
    10  1998 (P.L.72, No.18), is amended to read:
    11     Section 1628.  Late Contributions and Independent
    12  Expenditures.--
    13     Any candidate or political committee, authorized by a
    14  candidate and created solely for the purpose of influencing an
    15  election on behalf of that candidate, which receives any
    16  contribution or pledge of five hundred dollars ($500) or more[,
    17  and any person making an independent expenditure, as defined by
    18  this act, of five hundred dollars ($500) or more] after the
    19  final pre-election report has been deemed completed shall report
    20  such contribution, pledge or expenditure to the appropriate
    21  supervisor [by telegram or mailgram]. Such [telegram or
    22  mailgram] report shall be sent by the candidate, chairman or
    23  treasurer of the political committee within twenty-four (24)
    24  hours of receipt of the contribution. It shall be the duty of
    25  the supervisor to confirm the substance of such [telegram or
    26  mailgram.] report. The report shall be made by telegram,
    27  mailgram, overnight mail or facsimile transmission. Any
    28  candidate in his own behalf, or chairman, treasurer or candidate
    29  in behalf of the political committee or the candidate's campaign
    30  committee may also comply with this section by appearing
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     1  personally before such supervisor and reporting such late
     2  contributions or pledges.
     3     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
     4     Section 1628.1  Independent Expenditures.--
     5     (a)  An expenditure not defined under section 1621 as an
     6  independent expenditure shall be an in-kind contribution to the
     7  candidate and an expenditure by the candidate, unless otherwise
     8  exempted.
     9     (b)  The financing of the dissemination, distribution or
    10  republication, in whole or in part, of any broadcast or any
    11  written, graphic or other form of campaign materials prepared by
    12  the candidate, his campaign committees or their authorized
    13  agents shall be considered a contribution for the purpose of
    14  contribution limitations and reporting responsibilities by the
    15  person making the expenditure but shall not be considered an
    16  expenditure by the candidate or his authorized committees unless
    17  made with the cooperation or with the prior consent of, or in
    18  consultation with, or at the request or suggestion of, a
    19  candidate or any authorized agent or committee thereof.
    20     (c)  Every person who makes an independent expenditure
    21  aggregating in excess of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) during
    22  a calendar year in any election shall file a signed statement
    23  and a copy of the material paid for with the independent
    24  expenditure in accordance with the provisions of section 1631
    25  within twenty-four (24) hours of making the expenditure. In
    26  addition, the person who makes an independent expenditure shall
    27  send a copy of the material submitted to each candidate for
    28  whose benefit the expenditures were made in that race by
    29  overnight mail, facsimile or courier service.
    30     (d)  The signed statement submitted by the person making the
    19990S0232B0227                  - 6 -

     1  expenditure shall include the following information:
     2     (1)  The reporting person's name, mailing address, occupation
     3  and name of employer, if any, or in the case of a separate
     4  segregated committee, the name and address of the connected
     5  organization.
     6     (2)  The name and mailing address of the person to whom the
     7  expenditure was made.
     8     (3)  The amount, date and purpose of each expenditure.
     9     (4)  A statement which indicated whether the expenditure was
    10  in support of or in opposition to a candidate, together with the
    11  candidate's name and office sought.
    12     (5)  A notarized certification under penalty of perjury as to
    13  whether the expenditure was made with the cooperation or prior
    14  consent of, in consultation or concert with or at the request or
    15  suggestion of any candidate or any authorized committee or agent
    16  of any candidate.
    17     (6)  The identification of each person who made a
    18  contribution in excess of two hundred dollars ($200) to the
    19  person filing the report, which contribution was made for the
    20  purpose of furthering the reported independent expenditure.
    21     (e)  Within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of the material
    22  described in subsection (d), each candidate for whose benefit
    23  the expenditure was made shall file a statement under the
    24  provisions of section 1631 if either of the following apply:
    25     (1)  the materials expressly advocate the election of his
    26  candidacy; or
    27     (2)  the materials expressly advocate the defeat of his
    28  opponent.
    29     (f)  The statement submitted by each candidate for whose
    30  benefit the expenditure was made shall identify the date of the
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     1  expenditure as provided for by the expending person and include
     2  a notarized certification under penalty of perjury as to whether
     3  the expenditure was made in cooperation, consultation or concert
     4  with the person making the expenditure or at the request or
     5  suggestion of the candidate or any authorized committee or agent
     6  of the candidate. The statement shall be signed by each
     7  candidate for whose benefit the expenditure was made.
     8     (g)  The statement submitted by a candidate shall identify
     9  the date of the expenditure as provided for by the expending
    10  person and include a notarized certification under penalty of
    11  perjury as to whether the expenditure was made in cooperation,
    12  consultation or concert with the person making the expenditure
    13  or at the request or suggestion of the candidate or any
    14  authorized committee or agent of the candidate. The statement
    15  shall be signed by the candidate.
    16     (h)  No expenditure by an authorized committee of a candidate
    17  on behalf of that candidate shall qualify as an independent
    18  expenditure.
    19     (i)  (1)  Any person who does not report an expenditure of
    20  funds as required under subsection (e) commits a misdemeanor of
    21  the first degree and shall, upon conviction, be subject to a
    22  fine of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or to
    23  imprisonment for up to five (5) years, or both.
    24     (2)  A person shall not be deemed elected to a public office
    25  under the laws of this Commonwealth, or enter upon the duties
    26  thereof, or receive any salary or emoluments therefrom, if the
    27  affidavit required in subsection (f) has not been submitted as
    28  described.
    29     (3)  Any candidate who does not submit the affidavit as
    30  required under subsection (f) commits a misdemeanor of the
    19990S0232B0227                  - 8 -

     1  second degree and shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine
     2  of not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000) or to
     3  imprisonment for up to two (2) years, or both. All actions
     4  pursuant to enforcement of this subsection shall be initiated in
     5  the Commonwealth Court.
     6     Section 1634.2.  Limitations on Contributions.--
     7     (a)  Aggregate contributions, including in-kind
     8  contributions, from any person to any candidate, his authorized
     9  committee or agent shall not exceed one thousand dollars
    10  ($1,000) for each election. Furthermore, for each election, no
    11  candidate, his authorized committee or agent shall accept or
    12  receive more than one thousand ($1,000) in aggregate
    13  contributions, including in-kind contributions, from any person.
    14     (b)  Aggregate contributions, including in-kind
    15  contributions, from a single political action committee, its
    16  affiliate or agent to any candidate, his authorized committee or
    17  agent shall not exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000) for each
    18  election. Furthermore, for each election, no candidate, his
    19  authorized committee or agent shall accept or receive more than
    20  five thousand dollars ($5,000) in aggregate contributions,
    21  including in-kind contributions, from a single political action
    22  committee, its affiliate or agent.
    23     (c)  Aggregate contributions, including in-kind
    24  contributions, from a single political action committee
    25  registered with the Department of State in accordance with
    26  section 1624, its affiliate or agent to any political action
    27  committee registered with the Department of State in accordance
    28  with section 1624, its affiliate or agent shall not exceed five
    29  thousand dollars ($5,000) in aggregate contributions during any
    30  calendar year. Furthermore, no political action committee
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     1  registered with the Department of State in accordance with
     2  section 1624, its affiliate or agent shall accept or receive
     3  more than five thousand dollars ($5,000) in aggregate
     4  contributions, including in-kind contributions from a single
     5  political action committee registered with the Department of
     6  State in accordance with section 1624, its affiliate or agent
     7  during any calendar year.
     8     (d)  Aggregate contributions from a single candidate's
     9  political committee to any other single candidate's political
    10  committee or any single political action committee shall not
    11  exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000) in a calendar year.
    12  Furthermore, during any calendar year, no single political
    13  action committee or single candidate's political committee shall
    14  accept or receive more than five thousand dollars ($5,000) in
    15  aggregate contributions from any single candidate's political
    16  committee.
    17     (e)  The provisions of this section are not applicable to any
    18  contribution made for the purpose of influencing any election
    19  for Federal office.
    20     Section 5.  Section 1639 of the act, added October 4, 1978
    21  (P.L.893, No.171), is amended to read:
    22     Section 1639.  Powers and Duties of the Supervisor.--It shall
    23  be the duty of the supervisor to:
    24     (1)  Furnish to the persons, subject to the provisions of
    25  this act, a bookkeeping and reporting manual and the prescribed
    26  forms for the making of the reports and statements required to
    27  be filed under this article.
    28     (2)  Develop a filing system consistent with the purposes of
    29  this article.
    30     (3)  [Make] Except as provided in section 1643(d), make the
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     1  reports and statements filed with him or her available for
     2  public inspection and copying, commencing as soon as practicable
     3  but not later than the end of the second day following the day
     4  during which it was received, and to provide copies of any such
     5  report or parts thereof, as requested by any person, at the
     6  expense of such person, at the rate not to exceed the actual
     7  cost of reproduction.
     8     (4)  Preserve such reports and statements for a period of
     9  five (5) years from the date of filing.
    10     (5)  Compile and maintain a current list of all statements
    11  pertaining to each candidate and political committee.
    12     (6)  Make from time to time inquiries and field
    13  investigations with respect to reports and statements filed
    14  under the provisions of this article and with respect to alleged
    15  failures to file any report or statement required under
    16  provisions of this article.
    17     (7)  Report apparent violations of this article to the
    18  appropriate law enforcement authorities.
    19     (8)  Collect any fines relating to the filing of late reports
    20  and transmit all such fines collected to the appropriate fiscal
    21  officer of the receiving supervisor.
    22     (9)  Inform each candidate or committee which has failed to
    23  file of that fact.
    24     (10)  Publish a list of all those candidates and their
    25  committees who have failed to file reports as required by this
    26  act within six (6) days of their failure to comply.
    27     Section 6.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    28     Section 1643.  Computer Data Base, Filing Requirements and
    29  Public Access.--
    30     (a)  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall establish a
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     1  computer data base which shall provide for the electronic
     2  storage and retrieval of all reports and statements filed with
     3  the Secretary of the Commonwealth in accordance with sections
     4  1626 and 1627.
     5     (b)  Except as provided in subsection (c), all reports and
     6  statements filed with the Secretary of the Commonwealth in
     7  accordance with sections 1626 and 1627 shall be filed
     8  electronically via computer diskette, modem or other means of
     9  electronic transfer in a form prescribed by the Secretary of the
    10  Commonwealth through regulation. Any report or statement filed
    11  via computer diskette, modem or other means of electronic
    12  transfer shall be accompanied by a paper copy of the statement
    13  or report.
    14     (c)  Any political committee or candidate that receives,
    15  expends or incurs liabilities totaling less than five thousand
    16  dollars ($5,000) per election may file with the Secretary of the
    17  Commonwealth reports or statements required by sections 1626 and
    18  1627:
    19     (1)  via computer diskette, modem or other means of
    20  electronic transfer in a form prescribed by the Secretary of the
    21  Commonwealth through regulation and accompanied by a paper copy;
    22  or
    23     (2)  on paper forms designed by the Secretary of the
    24  Commonwealth.
    25     (d)  (1)  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall make
    26  available for public inspection and copying paper copies of
    27  reports and statements filed electronically commencing as soon
    28  as practicable, but not later than the end of the second day
    29  following the day during which it was received and provide
    30  copies of any such report or parts thereof, as requested by any
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     1  person, at the expense of such person, at the rate not to exceed
     2  the actual cost of reproduction.
     3     (2)  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall make reports and
     4  statements filed electronically with the Secretary of the
     5  Commonwealth available to the public by electronic means
     6  commencing as soon as possible, but not later than the end of
     7  the seventh calendar day following the day during which it was
     8  received. In doing so, the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall
     9  provide the data via a computer terminal in the Department of
    10  State and, upon request, via diskette, modem or other means of
    11  electronic transfer, at a reasonable cost, not to exceed actual
    12  costs to the Department of State.
    13     (e)  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall not require the
    14  viewer to provide any information or identification as a
    15  condition of viewing any report or statement.
    16     (f)  The Secretary of the Commonwealth may, by regulation,
    17  provide for:
    18     (1)  The inclusion of additional reports and statements in
    19  the computer data base, which shall be made available to the
    20  public in accordance with subsection (d).
    21     (2)  The creation of data streams of contributor names,
    22  contributions, expenditures or other information, which shall be
    23  made available to the public in accordance with subsection (d).
    24     Section 7.  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall
    25  promulgate regulations necessary for the implementation of this
    26  act.
    27     Section 8.  The provisions of this act are severable. If any
    28  provision of this act or its application to any person or
    29  circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect
    30  other provisions or applications of this act which can be given
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     1  effect without the invalid provision or application.
     2     Section 9.  This act shall take effect as follows:
     3         (1)  The amendment or addition of sections 1639 and 1643
     4     shall take effect January 1, 2000.
     5         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in 60
     6     days.

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