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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1798



No. 245 Session of 2008

           FEBRUARY 26, 2008


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to
     2     prepare a report on the potential secondary effects of
     3     sexually oriented adult businesses on communities in this
     4     Commonwealth.

     5     WHEREAS, The United States Supreme Court in City of Renton v.
     6  Playtime Theatres, 475 U.S. 41 (1986), noted that combating the
     7  harmful secondary effects of sexually oriented adult businesses,
     8  such as increased crime and neighborhood blight, is a
     9  substantial government interest and recognized the importance of
    10  using studies to ascertain the secondary effects of such
    11  establishments; and
    12     WHEREAS, The following studies conducted throughout the
    13  United States have provided compelling evidence that sexually
    14  oriented adult businesses have an adverse effect on crime rates
    15  and property values:
    16         (1)  The landmark 1993 study conducted by the New York
    17     City Division of City Planning, which concluded that the
    18     presence of sexually oriented adult businesses tends to

     1     produce negative secondary effects such as increased crime,
     2     decreased property values and reduced shopping and commercial
     3     activities.
     4         (2)  An Indianapolis study entitled Adult Entertainment
     5     Businesses in Indianapolis: An Analysis, which found that the
     6     average annual rate for major crimes in areas with adult uses
     7     was 23% higher than the corresponding rate for control areas,
     8     and the rate for sex-related crimes was 77% higher in the
     9     study area than the control area.
    10         (3)  An Austin, Texas, study, which found that in areas
    11     containing adult uses, sex-related crimes were two to five
    12     times the citywide average and 66% higher in study areas than
    13     control areas.
    14         (4)  Studies in the cities of Cleveland, Los Angeles and
    15     elsewhere, which document that crime rates range from 15% to
    16     77% higher in areas containing adult businesses than in those
    17     areas containing no adult businesses.
    18         (5)  A report by the American Planning Association, which
    19     found that real estate professionals believe that there is a
    20     significant negative impact of adult entertainment businesses
    21     on both residential and business properties, among numerous
    22     other studies;
    23  and
    24     WHEREAS, It is reasonable to conclude that an industry that
    25  flourishes on the objectification of women does have an impact
    26  on the attitudes and beliefs that support sexual violence, and
    27  that the connection between sex crimes and sexually exploitative
    28  industries is far more complex than mere claims that patrons of
    29  adult entertainment venues are more or less likely to perpetrate
    30  sexual violence; and
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     1     WHEREAS, Traffic, litter, prostitution, parking and noise are
     2  common citizen complaints associated with adult entertainment
     3  businesses in this Commonwealth's municipalities; therefore be
     4  it
     5     RESOLVED, That the Senate direct the Legislative Budget and
     6  Finance Committee to prepare a report on the existence of
     7  secondary effects of sexually oriented adult businesses on
     8  communities in this Commonwealth and whether fees assessed to
     9  adult entertainment venues may be a mechanism to mitigate such
    10  resulting societal ills; and be it further
    11     RESOLVED, That the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee
    12  advise the General Assembly on both the feasibility and the
    13  fiscal impact of placing an excise on such businesses at either
    14  the State or local levels in this Commonwealth, as well as
    15  sexual assault services and law enforcement entities that could
    16  or should benefit from the revenues raised by such an excise;
    17  and be it further
    18     RESOLVED, That the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee
    19  report its findings and recommendations to the Finance Committee
    20  and the Public Health and Welfare Committee of the Senate no
    21  later than 12 months after adoption of this resolution.

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