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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 247



No. 249 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for approval by the Attorney General of the transfer,
     2     restructuring or conversion of nonprofit hospitals.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Nonprofit
     7  Hospital Conversion Act.
     8  Section 2.  Definitions.
     9     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    10  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    11  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    12     "Hospital."  An institution having an organized medical staff
    13  established for the purpose of providing to inpatients, by or
    14  under the supervision of physicians, diagnostic and therapeutic
    15  services for the care of persons who are injured, disabled,
    16  pregnant, diseased, sick or mentally ill or rehabilitation
    17  services for the rehabilitation of persons who are injured,

     1  disabled, pregnant, diseased, sick or mentally ill. The term
     2  includes facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of disorders
     3  within the scope of specific medical specialties, but not
     4  facilities caring exclusively for the mentally ill.
     5     "Nonprofit hospital."  A hospital owned by a nonprofit
     6  corporation organized under 15 Pa.C.S. Pt. II Subpt. C (relating
     7  to nonprofit corporations).
     8  Section 3.  Transfer, restructure or conversion of nonprofit
     9                 hospitals.
    10     (a)  Approval of Attorney General.--
    11         (1)  A nonprofit hospital shall secure written approval
    12     from the Attorney General and shall obtain court approval
    13     under subsection (f) prior to entering into any agreement or
    14     transaction to do any of the following:
    15             (i)  Sell, transfer, lease, exchange, option, convey,
    16         give, enter a joint venture, merge, restructure, convert
    17         or otherwise dispose of its assets to a corporation or
    18         entity for profit or not-for-profit or to a mutual
    19         benefit corporation or entity of the assets of the
    20         hospital.
    21             (ii)  Transfer control, responsibility or governance
    22         of the assets, operations or business of the hospital to
    23         any corporation or entity for profit or not-for-profit or
    24         to any mutual benefit corporation or entity.
    25         (2)  A nonprofit hospital shall give written notice to
    26     the Attorney General and submit an application under
    27     subsection (b) at least 90 days before commencing an action
    28     under subsection (f), within that 90-day time period, the
    29     hospital must certify to the Attorney General that its board
    30     of directors voted in favor of the transaction and that each
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     1     member of its board of directors has been given a copy of the
     2     application and supporting documents and a copy of this act
     3     in its entirety.
     4         (3)  Within 90 days of the receipt of the written notice
     5     required by paragraph (1), the Attorney General shall notify
     6     the nonprofit hospital in writing of the decision to approve,
     7     disapprove or conditionally approve of the agreement or
     8     transaction. The Attorney General may extend this period for
     9     an additional 60 days.
    10     (b)  Application.--An application shall be submitted to the
    11  Attorney General on forms provided by the Attorney General and
    12  shall, at a minimum, include the following information with
    13  respect to each transacting party:
    14         (1)  Names, addresses and telephone numbers of the
    15     transacting parties.
    16         (2)  A detailed summary of the proposed transaction.
    17         (3)  Name, address, telephone number and occupation of
    18     all officers, members of the board of directors, trustees,
    19     executive and senior level management including, for each
    20     position, current persons and persons holding the position
    21     during the past three years.
    22         (4)  Articles of incorporation and certificate of
    23     incorporation.
    24         (5)  Bylaws and organizational charts.
    25         (6)  Copies of audited income statements, balance sheets
    26     and other financial statements for the past three years and,
    27     to the extent they have been made public, audited interim
    28     financial statements and income statements together with
    29     detailed description of the financing structure of the
    30     proposed transaction, including equity contribution, debt
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     1     restructuring, stock issuance, partnership interests, stock
     2     offerings and the like.
     3         (7)  Copies of all reports analyzing the proposed
     4     transaction during the past three years, including, but not
     5     limited to, reports by appraisers, accountants, investment
     6     bankers, actuaries and other experts.
     7         (8)  A description of the manner in which the price was
     8     determined, including which methods of valuation and data
     9     were used.
    10         (9)  Patient statistics for the past three years and
    11     patient projections for the next year, including patient
    12     visits, admissions, emergency room visits, clinical visits
    13     and visits to each department of the hospital, admissions to
    14     nursing care or visits by affiliated home health care
    15     entities.
    16         (10)  A list of uncompensated care provided over the past
    17     three years by every facility owned by or controlled by the
    18     acquiring entity.
    19         (11)  Copies of all documents related to:
    20             (i)  Identification of all charitable assets.
    21             (ii)  Accounting of all charitable assets for the
    22         past three years.
    23             (iii)  Distribution of the charitable assets,
    24         including, but not limited to, endowments, restricted,
    25         unrestricted and specific purpose funds as each relates
    26         to the proposed transaction.
    27         (12)  A description of the charity care and uncompensated
    28     care provided by the existing hospital for the previous five-
    29     year period, including a dollar amount and a description of
    30     services provided to patients.
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     1         (13)  A health impact plan that outlines how health
     2     access, services and coverage will not be harmed by the
     3     proposed transaction. At a minimum, the plan shall include
     4     the following:
     5             (i)  An annual commitment to free care.
     6             (ii) A detailed description of free care policies and
     7         how they will be applied.
     8             (iii)  A preliminary plan describing the financial
     9         commitment and process for identification and provision
    10         of benefits to the community.
    11             (iv)  A description of the governance structure of
    12         the new entity.
    13         (14)  The names of persons currently holding a position
    14     as an officer, director, board member or senior level
    15     management who will or will not maintain any position with
    16     the new entity and whether any person listed will receive any
    17     salary, severance stock offering or any financial gain,
    18     current or deferred, as a result of or in relation to the
    19     proposed transaction.
    20         (15)  A report from an independent expert on the fair
    21     market value of the converting entity.
    22         (16)  Other information as determined by the Attorney
    23     General.
    24     (c)  Publication by nonprofit hospital.--Within five working
    25  days after presenting a plan of agreement or transaction to the
    26  Attorney General for approval, the nonprofit hospital must
    27  publish notice of the proposed plan in a form, approved by the
    28  Attorney General, in at least three newspapers of general
    29  circulation in the area served by the hospital. The notice shall
    30  be published once per week for three consecutive weeks. The
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     1  applications and all related documents are considered public
     2  records.
     3     (d)  Public meetings and access to records.--
     4         (1)  No later than 45 days after the Attorney General has
     5     received notice from the nonprofit hospital of its intent to
     6     enter an agreement or transaction, the Attorney General shall
     7     hold no less than one public meeting in the service area of
     8     the hospital. Any person may file written comments or
     9     exhibits for the meeting or may appear and make a statement.
    10     Each party to the transaction must assure that at least one
    11     person representing the party is present at any public
    12     meeting the Attorney General convenes. The number of public
    13     meetings that shall be held shall correspond to the size of
    14     the area served by the hospital and the nature and value of
    15     the agreement or transaction. At least 21 days prior to the
    16     public meeting, the Attorney General shall provide written
    17     notice of the time and place of the meeting through
    18     publication in at least three newspapers of general
    19     circulation in the area served by the hospital. At the same
    20     time, the Attorney General shall notify each member of the
    21     General Assembly. The Attorney General shall have the power
    22     to subpoena additional information or witnesses, require and
    23     administer oaths and require sworn statements at any time
    24     prior to making a decision on an application.
    25         (2)  The Attorney General shall provide access to the
    26     records concerning the proposed agreement or transaction at
    27     no cost to the public. The records shall be considered public
    28     records and be made available to the public at both the
    29     Office of Attorney General and the office of the nonprofit
    30     hospital at least 30 days prior to a public meeting about the
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     1     proposed agreement or transaction.
     2         (3)  The Attorney General may charge the nonprofit
     3     hospital for the costs of providing the public notice and
     4     reasonable access to records relating to the proposed
     5     agreement or transaction.
     6     (e)  Department of Health transition review.--The Attorney
     7  General, upon receipt of the completed application, shall notify
     8  the Department of Health of the proposed transaction. The
     9  Department of Health shall review the quality and availability
    10  of health care services being provided by the nonprofit hospital
    11  while the application for approval is pending.
    12     (f)  Court approval.--
    13         (1)  After the nonprofit hospital has received notice of
    14     decision from the Attorney General under subsection(a)(3),
    15     the nonprofit hospital must commence an action under this
    16     subsection and obtain court approval for the agreement or
    17     transaction to be effective.
    18         (2)  The action must be commenced in the county in which
    19     the registered office or principal office of the nonprofit
    20     hospital is located and the nonprofit hospital must publish
    21     notice of commencement of the action in at least two
    22     newspapers of general circulation in the county.
    23         (3)  The nonprofit hospital must submit a petition to the
    24     court that includes the Attorney General notice of decision
    25     and all documents regarding the agreement or transaction. The
    26     petition shall be available for public inspection, unless,
    27     upon application by the nonprofit hospital and after notice
    28     to the Attorney General and hearing on the application, the
    29     court issues an order to seal the record pending final
    30     disposition of the action. Any such order shall be
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     1     immediately dissolved upon court approval of the agreement or
     2     transaction or other final disposition of the action.
     3  Section 4.  Requirements for Attorney General approval.
     4     Prior to approving an agreement or transaction under section
     5  3 (relating to transfer, restructure or conversion of nonprofit
     6  hospitals), the Attorney General must find that the proposal
     7  meets the following requirements:
     8         (1)  The terms and conditions of the agreement or
     9     transaction are fair and reasonable to the residents of this
    10     Commonwealth, and recipients and potential recipients of
    11     services of the nonprofit hospital.
    12         (2)  The agreement or transaction is in the public
    13     interest. An agreement or transaction shall not be in the
    14     public interest unless appropriate steps have been taken to
    15     safeguard the value of charitable assets and ensure that any
    16     proceeds of the transaction are irrevocably dedicated to
    17     charitable health care purposes.
    18         (3)  The agreement or transaction will not inure to any
    19     private person or entity, including stock options, or to any
    20     agreement not to compete or other private benefit.
    21         (4)  The fair market value of the converting entity, as
    22     determined by an independent valuation satisfactory to the
    23     Attorney General, has been maximized for charitable purposes,
    24     and the fair market value of the converting entity has not
    25     been manipulated in a manner that causes the fair market
    26     value of the assets to decline.
    27  Section 5.  Additional requirements.
    28     In addition to the requirements under section 4 (relating to
    29  requirements for Attorney General approval), for a transaction
    30  involving the transfer, restructuring or conversion of a
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     1  nonprofit hospital to a for-profit entity, prior to approving an
     2  agreement or transaction under section 3 (relating to transfer,
     3  restructure or conversion of nonprofit hospitals), the Attorney
     4  General must find that the proposal meets the following
     5  requirements:
     6         (1)  A charitable trust shall be set aside equal to the
     7     fair market value of the nonprofit hospital. Fair market
     8     value shall be determined at the time of conversion,
     9     determined as if it had voting stock outstanding and 100% of
    10     its stock were freely transferable and available for purchase
    11     without restrictions. Consideration shall be given to market
    12     value, investment or earnings value, net asset value and a
    13     control premium, if any. The Attorney General may permit all
    14     or a portion of the consideration conveyed to the charitable
    15     organization to consist of stock of the corporation for
    16     profit.
    17         (2)  The charitable trust distribution shall be dedicated
    18     to an existing or new tax-exempt organization operating
    19     pursuant to section 501(c)(3) or (4) of the Internal Revenue
    20     Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3) and
    21     (4)). In either instance the charitable foundation shall be
    22     subject to the restrictions and limitations that apply to
    23     private foundations found in sections 4941 through 4945 of
    24     the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, whether or not the
    25     charitable organization is classified as a private foundation
    26     under section 509 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
    27         (3)  Each nonprofit charitable corporation receiving the
    28     charitable assets, its directors, officers and staff shall be
    29     and remain independent of the for-profit hospital or mutual
    30     benefit corporation and any of their affiliates. No more than
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     1     50% of the persons who are officers, directors or staff
     2     members of the nonprofit hospital at the time the plan is
     3     submitted or at the time of the agreement or transaction, or
     4     thereafter, shall be qualified to be an officer or director
     5     of the nonprofit charitable corporation receiving the
     6     charitable assets. No director, officer, agent or employee of
     7     the nonprofit hospital submitting the plan or the nonprofit
     8     charitable corporation receiving the charitable assets shall
     9     benefit directly or indirectly from the agreement or
    10     transaction.
    11         (4)  The nonprofit charitable corporation receiving the
    12     charitable assets must put mechanisms in place to avoid
    13     conflicts of interest and to prohibit grants benefiting the
    14     board of directors and management and grants benefiting the
    15     nonprofit hospital or mutual benefit corporation or entity.
    16         (5)  The charitable mission and grant-making functions of
    17     the charitable corporation receiving the charitable trust
    18     assets shall be dedicated to serving the community's unmet
    19     health care and wellness needs, particularly with regard to
    20     medically uninsured and underserved populations, and shall
    21     focus on improving health and wellness, including improving
    22     access to services, enhancing quality of care and addressing
    23     prevention and health promotion.
    24         (6)  The governing body of the entity receiving the
    25     charitable assets is made up of an appropriate number of
    26     individuals with experience in pertinent areas, such as
    27     foundations, health care, business, labor, community
    28     programs, financial management, legal, accounting, grant-
    29     making and public members broadly representative of diverse
    30     populations of the affected community.
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     1         (7)  The transaction does not have the likelihood of
     2     creating an adverse effect on the availability and
     3     affordability of health care services to the affected
     4     community and sufficient safeguards are included to assure
     5     appropriate access to health care for traditionally
     6     underserved populations in the affected community.
     7         (8)  The board of directors of the nonprofit hospital
     8     exercised due diligence in deciding to dispose of the
     9     hospital's assets, selecting the acquiring entity and
    10     negotiating the terms and conditions of the transaction.
    11         (9)  The transacting parties have committed to assuring
    12     the continuation of collective bargaining rights, if
    13     applicable, and the continuation of existing employee
    14     contracts pending negotiation of new contracts.
    15         (10)  Procedures are in place for addressing the needs of
    16     any employees who may be displaced by the agreement or
    17     transaction, including timely notice of the proposed
    18     agreement or transaction and access to training and
    19     employment resources.
    20         (11)  Procedures and safeguards are in place to insure
    21     that ownership interests are not used as incentives for
    22     decisions adversely affecting individuals seeking health
    23     services.
    24         (12)  Management contracts made as part of the proposed
    25     agreement or transaction are at fair market value.
    26         (13)  The Attorney General shall retain continuing
    27     oversight authority over the charitable corporation receiving
    28     the charitable assets. The charitable corporation receiving
    29     the charitable assets shall provide the Attorney General with
    30     an annual report of its grant-making and other charitable
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     1     activities related to its use of the charitable assets
     2     received. The annual report shall be made available to the
     3     public at both the Office of Attorney General and the office
     4     of the nonprofit charitable corporation.
     5  Section 6.  Duties of Attorney General.
     6     (a)  Contracts.--In connection with the duty to approve or
     7  disapprove agreements and transactions under section 3 (relating
     8  to transfer, restructure or conversion of nonprofit hospitals)
     9  the Attorney General shall, when appropriate:
    10         (1)  Contract with, consult and receive advice from any
    11     State agency.
    12         (2)  Contract with independent experts or consultants to
    13     assist in reviewing the proposed agreement or transaction.
    14     (b)  Amount of costs.--Contract costs shall not exceed an
    15  amount that is necessary to conduct the review and evaluation.
    16  The Attorney General may charge one or more transacting parties
    17  for the cost of experts or consultants engaged by the Attorney
    18  General to effectuate the purposes of this act.
    19  Section 7.  Judicial review.
    20     The notice of decision by the Attorney General under section
    21  4 (relating to requirements for Attorney General approval) shall
    22  be subject to judicial review by the court at the initiation of
    23  the nonprofit hospital or any person who may be party to the
    24  proceedings. Any person adversely affected by the notice of
    25  decision shall be considered a party to the proceeding,
    26  including consumers or community groups representing the
    27  citizens of this Commonwealth.
    28  Section 8.  Violations.
    29     (a)  Hearing.--If the Attorney General receives information
    30  of any violation of the notice, review or approval requirements
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     1  of this act, the Attorney General shall hold a hearing upon ten
     2  days' notice to the affected parties. If after the hearing the
     3  Attorney General determines that the information is true, the
     4  Attorney General may withhold, revoke or suspend the hospital's
     5  license issued or to be issued and take other appropriate action
     6  as may be provided by law. The authorization to withhold, revoke
     7  or suspend the hospital's license also applies to the failure to
     8  uphold commitments made during the approval process.
     9     (b)  Civil penalty.--Transactions entered into in violation
    10  of the notice, review or approval requirements of this act shall
    11  be void and each member of the governing boards and the chief
    12  financial officers of the parties to the transaction may be
    13  subject to a civil penalty of up to $1,000,000, the amount to be
    14  determined by the court of common pleas in the county in which
    15  the nonprofit hospital's assets to be transferred are located.
    16  The Attorney General shall institute proceedings to impose such
    17  a penalty. The authorization to impose civil penalties also
    18  applies to failure of the parties to the transaction to uphold
    19  commitments made during the approval process.
    20  Section 9.  Effective date.
    21     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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