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under the
same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 259, 1419, 1737          PRINTER'S NO. 1774



No. 255 Session of 2005

           FEBRUARY 11, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), entitled "An
     2     act to consolidate, editorially revise, and codify the public
     3     welfare laws of the Commonwealth," providing for county        <--
     4     advisory committees in first and second class counties;
     5     abolishing county boards of assistance EXCEPT FOR COUNTY       <--
     7     making conforming amendments.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  The act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known    <--
    11  as the Public Welfare Code, is amended by adding a section to
    12  read:
    13     Section 403.1.  County Advisory Committees.--(a)  For each
    14  county of the first or second class, a county advisory committee
    15  is created for the purpose of providing the executive director
    16  of the county assistance office with advice about access to and
    17  delivery of services in an efficient, economical and responsive
    18  manner.
    19     (b)  Each committee shall be composed of not less than seven

     1  nor more than eleven members, who shall be residents of the
     2  county. The secretary shall appoint representatives from among
     3  the following groups:
     4     (1)  Consumers.
     5     (2)  Provider organizations.
     6     (3)  Business.
     7     (4)  Social welfare.
     8     (5)  Labor.
     9     (6)  Education.
    10     (7)  Public human services administration.
    11     (c)  Each member of a county advisory committee shall be
    12  appointed for a term of two years and may serve up to three
    13  consecutive terms, not including any partial term for which the
    14  appointee fills a midterm vacancy.
    15     (d)  A county advisory committee shall meet a least once
    16  annually, and at other times as necessary, or at the request of
    17  the executive director. Committee members shall serve without
    18  compensation, but shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary
    19  traveling expenses in connection with attendance at meetings.
    20     Section 2.  Sections 406 and 407 of the act are amended to
    21  read:
    22     SECTION 1.  SECTION 406 OF THE ACT OF JUNE 13, 1967 (P.L.31,   <--
    24     Section 406.  Receipt and Allocation of Funds.--The
    25  department shall have the duty:
    26     (1)  To receive and to supervise the disbursement of funds,
    27  provided by the Federal government or from any other source for
    28  use in this Commonwealth, for assistance.
    29     (2)  To allocate to the several assistance programs funds
    30  with which to provide assistance and funds for administrative
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     1  expenses, and as may be needed, from time to time, to keep
     2  reasonable emergency funds in the hands of [local boards] the
     3  county assistance office, which shall be used, subject to the
     4  rules, regulations and standards of the department, by the
     5  Executive Director for the furnishing of assistance and pensions
     6  respectively in emergency cases, upon application to [him, or
     7  under the direction of any member of the local board] the
     8  Executive Director.
     9     [Section 407.  Supervision of County Boards.--The department   <--
    10  shall have the power to exercise general supervision of the
    11  county boards of public assistance, and establish for such
    12  boards, rules, regulations and standards.]
    13     Section 3 2.  Section 408.1 of the act, added April 8, 1982    <--
    14  (P.L.231, No.75), is amended to read:
    15     Section 408.1.  Rental Payments to Housing Authorities.--If
    16  upon the petition of any housing authority created under the
    17  laws of this Commonwealth and after a hearing, the [county
    18  board] department finds that a tenant of a housing project of
    19  the housing authority who is a recipient of public assistance
    20  owes the authority rent, in an amount equal to or greater than
    21  three monthly rental payments, then the [board shall notify the
    22  department to] department shall deduct an amount equal to one
    23  and one-third monthly rental payments from each monthly
    24  assistance payment and pay the amounts deducted to the housing
    25  authority until such time as all the rent owed is paid. The
    26  department shall make the deductions required by this section to
    27  the fullest extent not inconsistent with Federal statute or
    28  regulation and shall make every effort to obtain a waiver of any
    29  inconsistent Federal requirement. If the provisions of this
    30  section are held to be invalid by the court, then the remaining
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     1  provisions of this act shall not be affected and shall be given
     2  the full force and effect of law.
     3     Section 4.  Sections 409, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420 and     <--
     4  421 of the act are amended to read:
     5     SECTION 3.  SECTIONS 409 AND 415 OF THE ACT ARE AMENDED TO     <--
     6  READ:
     7     Section 409.  Collection of Information; Reports.--The
     8  department shall have the duty:
     9     (1)  To gather and study current information constantly, and
    10  to report, at least annually, to the Governor, as to the nature
    11  and need of assistance, as to the amounts expended under the
    12  supervision of each county [board] assistance office, and as to
    13  the work of each county [board] assistance office, and to cause
    14  such reports to be published for the information of the public.
    15     (2)  To report, at least annually, to the Governor, as to the
    16  cost of living in the various counties, as related to the
    17  standards of assistance and the amounts expended for assistance,
    18  and to cause such reports to be published for the information of
    19  the public.
    20     [Section 415.  Establishment of County Boards; Expenses.--For  <--
    21  [each county of the Commonwealth] A COUNTY OF THE FIRST OR        <--
    24  FIVE THOUSAND PERSONS, there is hereby established a county
    25  board of assistance, to be known as the County Board of
    26  Assistance and referred to in this Article IV as the "county
    27  board," [which] AND EVERY OTHER COUNTY BOARD OF ASSISTANCE IS     <--
    28  HEREBY ABOLISHED. THE COUNTY BOARDS shall be composed of men and
    29  women, to be appointed by the Governor with the advice and
    30  consent of two-thirds of all members of the Senate. The county
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     1  boards shall be composed as far as possible of persons engaged
     2  or interested in business, social welfare, labor, industry,
     3  education or public administration. The members of the county
     4  boards shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed
     5  for necessary expenses. No member of a county board shall hold
     6  office in any political party. Not all of the members of a
     7  county board shall belong to the same political party.
     8     Section 416.  Composition of County Boards; Terms;             <--
     9  Officers.--(a)  Each county board shall be composed of a minimum
    10  of eleven members in counties of the first and second classes,
    11  and of a minimum of seven members in other counties. There shall
    12  be a maximum of fifteen members on any county board and, in
    13  addition thereto, the Governor shall appoint as ex officio
    14  members two county commissioners, one from each political party.
    15  Any vacancy caused by the expiration of a term shall be filled
    16  by an appointment, in the manner above provided, for a term of
    17  three years, and any vacancy, otherwise caused, shall be filled
    18  for the duration of the unexpired term by appointment, in the
    19  same manner. Any member of a county board who has served all or
    20  any portions of three consecutive three-year terms, as above
    21  specified, shall be ineligible for further reappointment until
    22  after one full term has passed.
    23     (b)  Each county board shall organize annually and elect from
    24  among its members a chairman, vice-chairman and a secretary.
    25     Section 417.  Personnel.--Each county board shall:
    26     (1)  In accordance with the Civil Service Act, appoint,
    27  transfer, lay off, suspend and remove its employes who shall, on
    28  behalf of the county board and under the supervision of the
    29  Executive Director, provide assistance in the territory under
    30  the jurisdiction of the county board in accordance with law.
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     1     (2)  Determine the number of its employes and direct and
     2  supervise their services so as to attain the maximum degree of
     3  efficiency.
     4     (3)  From time to time, appoint such board of review as it
     5  sees fit and proper, to hear and determine appeals by employes
     6  from orders of demotion and of removal.
     7     Section 418.  Conformity with Departmental Regulations;
     8  Recommendations.--Each county board shall conform to the rules,
     9  regulations and standards, established by the department, and
    10  may make recommendations to the department as to rules,
    11  regulations and standards as to eligibility for assistance, and
    12  as to the nature and extent of assistance.
    13     Section 419.  Administration of Assistance and Related
    14  Functions.--Each county board shall:
    15     (1)  Administer public assistance in the county, and
    16  determine the eligibility for assistance of applicants and
    17  continued eligibility for assistance of persons receiving the
    18  same in accordance with law and rules, regulations and standards
    19  established by the department.
    20     (2)  Take measures to promote the welfare and self-dependency
    21  of individuals and families eligible for assistance by helping
    22  them to secure rehabilitative, remedial or other constructive
    23  aid, through local community resources, or in the absence or
    24  inadequacy of such resources, through direct provision of such
    25  aid, in accordance with rules, regulations and standards adopted
    26  by the department.
    27     (3)  With the approval of the secretary, supervise the
    28  administration of and promote any other public function related
    29  to assistance, or the work of the department, or of the county
    30  board, which may be committed to the county board by a political
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     1  subdivision of the Commonwealth.
     2     Section 420.  Reports and Budget Requests.--Each county board
     3  shall submit reports and budget requests to the department as
     4  required and shall study, report and interpret its policies,
     5  problems and work, to the department and to the public.
     6     Section 421.  Community Work and Training Programs.--Each
     7  county board shall administer community work and training
     8  programs in accordance with law and the rules, regulations and
     9  standards established by the department.]
    10     Section 5.  Sections 422 and 423 of the act, amended April 8,
    11  1982 (P.L.231, No.75), are amended to read:
    12     [Section 422.  Encouragement of Employment.--Each county
    13  board shall encourage employable recipients of assistance to
    14  accept full or part-time employment.
    15     Section 423.  Hearing Appeals of Recipients.--(a)  Each
    16  county board shall hear and determine appeals from actions of
    17  its employes affecting the rights of those applying for or
    18  receiving assistance. Any person applying for or receiving
    19  assistance of any type covered by the public assistance
    20  provisions of the Federal Social Security Act, may appeal to the
    21  department from any decision of the county board, refusing or
    22  discontinuing his assistance, in whole or in part. In every such
    23  appeal, an opportunity for a fair hearing shall be granted, and
    24  the decision of the department on such appeal shall be final,
    25  except as otherwise hereinafter provided. All such appeals shall
    26  be in accordance with rules and regulations established by the
    27  department. If the appellant is already receiving assistance and
    28  requests a fair hearing within the timely notice period,
    29  assistance shall not be terminated until a decision is rendered
    30  in the hearing except in those appeals where the sole issue is
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     1  one of State or Federal law or policy or change in State or
     2  Federal law or policy. In appeals where the sole issue is one of
     3  State or Federal law or policy or change in State or Federal law
     4  or policy, assistance shall be terminated when the decision is
     5  rendered by the county board of assistance. Assistance granted
     6  pending a fair hearing is subject to recovery by the department
     7  if the department action is sustained.
     8     (b)  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Title 2 of
     9  the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (relating to
    10  administrative law and procedure), the department may make an
    11  adjudication solely on the basis of written submissions if the
    12  sole question presented by the appellant is one of State or
    13  Federal law.]
    14     Section 6.  Sections 424, 425, 426 and 427 of the act are
    15  amended to read:
    16     [Section 424.  Appointment of Committees.--Each county board
    17  may:
    18     (1)  Appoint labor review committees, composed of
    19  representative citizens of the county, who shall serve without
    20  compensation, and whose duty it shall be to pass on the
    21  eligibility of any applicant for or recipient of general
    22  assistance who shall refuse an offer of employment and whose
    23  case shall be referred to such a committee by the county board.
    24     (2)  Appoint committees of the county board or of local
    25  citizens in various communities of the county, as circumstances
    26  may require, to cooperate with the county board in (i) supplying
    27  information as to the eligibility of persons for assistance;
    28  (ii) recommending local policies; and (iii) stimulating local
    29  employment; and, on petition of fifty or more residents of any
    30  community, it shall be mandatory upon the county board to
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     1  appoint a committee to function in such community.
     2     Section 425.  Furnishing Information.--Upon request by any
     3  adult resident of the Commonwealth, any county board shall
     4  furnish the address and amount of assistance with respect to
     5  persons receiving assistance about whom inquiry is made, but
     6  such information shall not be used for commercial or political
     7  purposes.
     8     Section 426.  Employment of Credit Rating Agencies.--As need
     9  may require each county board may employ the services of
    10  commercial credit rating agencies for the purpose of determining
    11  eligibility for general assistance.
    12     Section 427.  Receipt and Expenditure of Contributions.--Each
    13  county board may receive and spend contributions from any source
    14  for purposes related to assistance, or to the work of the
    15  department.]
    16     Section 7 4.  Section 432.18 of the act, added July 15, 1976   <--
    17  (P.L.993, No.202), is amended to read:
    18     Section 432.18.  Assistance Payments; Lost, Stolen, Destroyed
    19  or not Received.--In the event that a recipient of assistance
    20  does not receive an assistance check, or if such check is lost,
    21  stolen or destroyed after receipt but before it is cashed, the
    22  county office after a period of three days may authorize a one-
    23  time grant from the county disbursement, provided that the
    24  following conditions are met:
    25     (1)  The recipient reports the nonreceipt of the check, loss,
    26  or theft of an unendorsed check or destruction of an endorsed
    27  check. The report of a loss or theft of a check shall be
    28  accompanied by a sworn statement to that effect under penalty of
    29  fraud. The [county board] department shall immediately stop
    30  payment on the check after receipt of its copy of the signed
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     1  statement.
     2     (2)  The check was sent to the recipient.
     3     (3)  The recipient shall be instructed on his liability,
     4  should the lost, stolen, destroyed or nonreceived check come
     5  into his possession, to return such check immediately to the
     6  county office and that cashing or attempting to cash such check
     7  constitutes fraud.
     8     Section 8 5.  Sections 466 and 467(b) of the act, added June   <--
     9  16, 1994 (P.L.319, No.49), are amended to read:
    10     Section 466.  Sanctions for Failure to Comply with Mandatory
    11  Attendance.--(a)  The [County Board of Assistance] county
    12  assistance office from an area participating in the
    13  demonstration program shall review the school attendance of, and
    14  maintain attendance records for, every qualified individual
    15  subject to its jurisdiction. When the total number of unexcused
    16  absences in any one school month exceeds three full days, the
    17  [County Board of Assistance] county assistance office shall
    18  notify the qualified individual of the existence of an
    19  attendance problem for that school year and the possible
    20  imposition of sanctions under subsection (b). This notification
    21  shall be sent by certified mail to the last known address of the
    22  qualified individual or the individual's parent or legal
    23  guardian, whoever is the primary AFDC recipient, within ten days
    24  of the review.
    25     (b)  If, after notification under subsection (a), the [County
    26  Board of Assistance] county assistance office determines in any
    27  subsequent month within the school year that the qualified
    28  individual continues to have an attendance problem, the [County
    29  Board of Assistance] county assistance office shall reduce the
    30  monthly family size allowance by sixty-five dollars ($65) for
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     1  each individual who fails to meet the attendance requirements
     2  set forth in this subarticle.
     3     (c)  The sanction provided by subsection (b) shall be
     4  effective for one payment month for each month that the
     5  qualified individual failed to meet the attendance requirement.
     6     (d)  In the case of a dropout, the sanction shall remain in
     7  effect until the qualified individual provides written proof
     8  from the school district that he or she has reenrolled and has
     9  met the attendance requirement for one month. Any month in which
    10  school is "in session" as defined by the school board may be
    11  used to meet the attendance requirement. The sanction shall be
    12  removed in the next possible payment month.
    13     Section 467.  Powers and Duties of Department.--* * *
    14     (b)  The department and the [County Board of Assistance]
    15  county assistance office from an area participating in the
    16  demonstration program shall be responsible for making the AFDC
    17  eligibility determinations and budget computations necessary for
    18  the implementation of the provisions of section 464.
    19     * * *
    20     Section 9 6.  Sections 487 and 493(d) of the act, amended or   <--
    21  added April 8, 1982 (P.L.231, No.75), are amended to read:
    22     Section 487.  Information to be Supplied.--(a)  Every bank,
    23  industrial bank, credit union, trust company, bank and trust
    24  company, private banker, and building and loan association, or
    25  other financial institutions doing business in Pennsylvania[,]
    26  shall, when requested in writing so to do by the department, [or
    27  any county board] or by any official legislative investigating
    28  committee, or by any authorized agent thereof, disclose to such
    29  department, [board,] committee, or authorized agent, whether or
    30  not any person applying for or receiving public assistance, or
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     1  former recipient within four years of closing their case, or any
     2  legally responsible relative of such applicant or recipient, or
     3  former recipient, has had, or has any money on deposit with, or
     4  invested in, such banking institution or building and loan
     5  association within one year prior to their application for
     6  assistance, or at any time thereafter, the amount and date of
     7  such deposit or investment, and the amounts and dates of
     8  withdrawals therefrom.
     9     (b)  Every employer shall, when requested in writing so to do
    10  by the department [or any county board] or by any official
    11  legislative investigating committee, or by any authorized agent
    12  thereof, disclose to such department, [board,] committee, or
    13  authorized agent within thirty days, whether or not any person
    14  applying for or receiving public assistance or former recipient
    15  within four years of closing their case, or any legally
    16  responsible relative of such applicant or recipient or former
    17  recipient, has or had received, or will receive, any money in
    18  salary, wages, commission, or other compensation from such
    19  employer, and if so, the amount and date of such salary, wages,
    20  commission, or other compensation.
    21     Section 493.  Employment Opportunities Incentive Grant
    22  Program.--* * *
    23     (d)  Projects receiving grants under this section shall
    24  demonstrate the following:
    25     (1)  Linkage with and participation of the county [boards of]
    26  assistance office.
    27     (2)  Provisions for support services such as remedial and
    28  career education, academic education, counseling, in-service
    29  training and job-based curriculums.
    30     (3)  Demonstrate that funding would result in the creation of
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     1  permanent private job opportunities.
     2     (4)  Demonstrate previous capability to administer programs
     3  of this nature.
     4     * * *
     5     Section 10 7.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.          <--

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