See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 283



No. 270 Session of 1999

           FEBRUARY 2, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act relating to the finances of the State
     3     government; providing for the settlement, assessment,
     4     collection, and lien of taxes, bonus, and all other accounts
     5     due the Commonwealth, the collection and recovery of fees and
     6     other money or property due or belonging to the Commonwealth,
     7     or any agency thereof, including escheated property and the
     8     proceeds of its sale, the custody and disbursement or other
     9     disposition of funds and securities belonging to or in the
    10     possession of the Commonwealth, and the settlement of claims
    11     against the Commonwealth, the resettlement of accounts and
    12     appeals to the courts, refunds of moneys erroneously paid to
    13     the Commonwealth, auditing the accounts of the Commonwealth
    14     and all agencies thereof, of all public officers collecting
    15     moneys payable to the Commonwealth, or any agency thereof,
    16     and all receipts of appropriations from the Commonwealth,
    17     authorizing the Commonwealth to issue tax anticipation notes
    18     to defray current expenses, implementing the provisions of
    19     section 7(a) of Article VIII of the Constitution of
    20     Pennsylvania authorizing and restricting the incurring of
    21     certain debt and imposing penalties; affecting every
    22     department, board, commission, and officer of the State
    23     government, every political subdivision of the State, and
    24     certain officers of such subdivisions, every person,
    25     association, and corporation required to pay, assess, or
    26     collect taxes, or to make returns or reports under the laws
    27     imposing taxes for State purposes, or to pay license fees or
    28     other moneys to the Commonwealth, or any agency thereof,
    29     every State depository and every debtor or creditor of the
    30     Commonwealth," limiting approval of bonds for construction of
    31     sports-related facilities.

    32     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

     1  hereby enacts as follows:
     2     Section 1.  Section 1616.2-B of the act of April 9, 1929
     3  (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, is amended by
     4  adding a subsection to read:
     5     Section 1616.2-B.  Funding and Administration of
     6  Redevelopment Assistance Capital Projects.--* * *
     7     (i)  Notwithstanding the foregoing, no Commonwealth bonds
     8  shall be issued for the construction of sports-related
     9  facilities with a seating capacity of 30,000 or more, until such
    10  time as the General Assembly has established a revenue source
    11  composed of such taxes or other assessments on the use of the
    12  facilities which is sufficient to reimburse the Commonwealth
    13  annually for the outstanding principal and interest on any such
    14  indebtedness.
    15     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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