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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2233



No. 272 Session of 2002

           SEPTEMBER 24, 2002


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Expressing condolences on the passing of the Honorable Clarence
     2     D. Bell, member of the Senate of Pennsylvania.

     3     WHEREAS, Senator Clarence D. Bell, a true icon of
     4  Pennsylvania politics, died on July 26, 2002; and
     5     WHEREAS, In 1954 Senator Bell was elected to the first of
     6  three terms in the House of Representatives where he represented
     7  the Third District of Delaware County; and
     8     WHEREAS, In 1960 Senator Bell was successful in what was to
     9  be the first of 12 consecutive elections to represent the Ninth
    10  Senatorial District consisting initially of all of Delaware
    11  County and currently of parts of Delaware and Chester Counties;
    12  and
    13     WHEREAS, Senator Bell, who for many years has been referred
    14  to as the Dean of the Senate, served as a member of the General
    15  Assembly longer than any other person in the history of the
    16  Commonwealth; and
    17     WHEREAS, Senator Bell enjoyed longer continuous service as a

     1  member of the General Assembly than any other person in the
     2  United States who is serving as a State legislator; and
     3     WHEREAS, Senator Bell served in many and varied positions in
     4  the Senate during his unique tenure; and
     5     WHEREAS, Senator Bell, the proud veteran, was long a part of
     6  the Pennsylvania National Guard where he attained the rank of
     7  Major General; and
     8     WHEREAS, Senator Bell was a tenacious and outspoken advocate
     9  for his "neighbors," as he affectionately called his
    10  constituents in Delaware and Chester Counties; and
    11     WHEREAS, Senator Bell generously shared his insights with his
    12  colleagues - always courteous, always candid, always the model
    13  "country lawyer"; and
    14     WHEREAS, His encyclopedic knowledge of Pennsylvania law and
    15  his unmatched institutional memory made his point of view
    16  invaluable to his caucus and the entire membership of the
    17  Senate; and
    18     WHEREAS, His natural independence was tempered by his
    19  thorough understanding of the realities of the process of
    20  governing; and
    21     WHEREAS, His keen wit, his wisdom and his passion to serve
    22  will be sorely missed; therefore be it
    23     RESOLVED, That the Senate express its profound sorrow over
    24  the loss of this remarkable gentleman; and be it further
    25     RESOLVED, That the Senate express its gratitude for the
    26  service rendered, lessons imparted and friendship shared; and be
    27  it further
    28     RESOLVED, That the Senate extend its condolences to the
    29  family of its cherished colleague, the Honorable Clarence D.
    30  Bell, and direct that copies of this resolution be presented to
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     1  his family.

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