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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 316



No. 279 Session of 2007

           MARCH 9, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing the Landslide Insurance and Assistance Program
     2     within the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency;
     3     providing for related powers and duties of the Pennsylvania
     4     Emergency Management Agency; establishing and providing for
     5     the powers and duties of the Landslide Insurance and
     6     Assistance Board; establishing the Landslide Insurance Fund
     7     and the Landslide Assistance Fund; and making appropriations.

     8                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     9  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
    10  Section 101.  Short title.
    11  Section 102.  Declaration of policy.
    12  Section 103.  Definitions.
    13  Chapter 3.  Program Generally
    14  Section 301.  Program goals.
    15  Section 302.  Board.
    16  Section 303.  Appeals.
    17  Section 304.  Program generally.
    18  Section 305.  Program authority.
    19  Section 306.  Land use controls and rate structure.
    20  Chapter 5.  Landslide Insurance Fund

     1  Section 501.  Landslide Insurance Fund.
     2  Section 502.  Schedule of premiums.
     3  Section 503.  Surplus.
     4  Section 504.  Insurance program.
     5  Section 505.  Application for increase in insurance.
     6  Section 506.  Automatic inflation protection increase.
     7  Section 507.  Audit by Auditor General.
     8  Section 508.  Claims against insurance fund.
     9  Section 509.  Defenses against claims and procedure.
    10  Section 510.  Subrogation to rights of claimants.
    11  section 511.  Insurance companies may cover risk.
    12  Section 512.  Escrow of premium payments.
    13  Section 513.  Properties in violation of State or local law.
    14  Chapter 7.  Mitigation Assistance
    15  Section 701.  Mitigation assistance.
    16  Section 702.  Landslide Assistance Fund.
    17  Section 703.  Construction permits.
    18  Chapter 9.  Program Administration and Funding
    19  Section 901.  Regulations.
    20  Section 902.  Agency report.
    21  Section 903.  Program funding.
    22  Section 904.  Reimbursement.
    23  Section 905.  Appropriations.
    24  Section 906.  Cost of administration.
    25  Section 907.  Commissions.
    26  Chapter 21.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    27  Section  2101.  Effective date.
    28     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    29  hereby enacts as follows:
    30                             CHAPTER 1
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     1                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
     2  Section 101.  Short title.
     3     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Landslide
     4  Insurance and Assistance Program Act.
     5  Section 102.  Declaration of policy.
     6     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
     7         (1)  Geologists have studied with increasing concern the
     8     underground movement of the geological formations in this
     9     Commonwealth and its impeding effects on the vertical and
    10     horizontal natural and manmade surfaces.
    11         (2)  Landslides and slope movement have historically been
    12     the norm throughout most parts of this Commonwealth.
    13         (3)  Landslides and slope movements occur without regard
    14     for municipal boundaries, ordinances, planning codes,
    15     politics and economies, making it difficult for local
    16     officials to deal effectively with the development and
    17     implementation of methods and standards to control the
    18     devastation these natural forces can cause.
    19         (4)  Landslides and slope movement have caused an
    20     enormous amount of damage to homes and roadways in this
    21     Commonwealth, particularly the southwestern region of the
    22     State.
    23         (5)  Landslides and slope movement will continue to
    24     plague southwestern Pennsylvania.
    25         (6)  Landslides affect every state in the nation causing
    26     an estimated $1 billion to $3 billion in damages a year.
    27         (7)  Landslide damage caused by flooding is not covered
    28     by the National Flood Insurance Program.
    29         (8)  While landslide damage caused by mining practices is
    30     covered by the Coal and Clay Mine Subsidence Insurance Fund
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     1     and mudslide damage is covered by the National Flood
     2     Insurance Program, other types of landslide damage are
     3     usually not covered by insurance.
     4         (9)  Problems associated with landslide damage are
     5     becoming more widespread.
     6         (10)  It would be to the advantage of residents of the
     7     landslide-prone areas of this Commonwealth to form a common
     8     bond to combat distress resulting from landslides.
     9  Section 103.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    11  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Agency."  The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
    14     "Assistance fund."  The Landslide Assistance Fund established
    15  in section 702.
    16     "Board."  The Landslide Insurance and Assistance Board
    17  established in section 302.
    18     "Community."  Either of the following:
    19         (1)  A political subdivision that has zoning and building
    20     code jurisdiction over an area having landslide hazards.
    21         (2)  A political subdivision that is designated to
    22     develop and administer a mitigation plan.
    23     "Extremely hazardous area."  An area where all of the
    24  following factors that contribute to landslides occur in the
    25  same location:
    26         (1)  Steep slopes.
    27         (2)  Soils prone to landslides.
    28         (3)  Landslide features.
    29     "Further review area."  An area for which additional site-
    30  specific review is needed based on a geological map or model
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     1  identifying the area as including a site prone to experience a
     2  landslide.
     3     "GIS."  Geographic Information Systems.
     4     "Hazardous area."  An area where one of the following factors
     5  that contribute to landslides occurs:
     6         (1)  Steep slopes.
     7         (2)  Soils prone to landslides.
     8         (3)  Landslide features.
     9     "Insurance fund."  The Landslide Insurance Fund established
    10  in section 501.
    11     "Landslide."  Any detached mass of soil, rock, earth or
    12  debris that moves down a slope and is of sufficient size to
    13  cause damage. The term includes sinkholes.
    14     "Landslide features."  Includes, but is not limited to,
    15  rockfall areas, creep, red beds and historic landslides.
    16     "Mitigation."  An activity relative to landslides that
    17  prevents an emergency from occurring, reduces the likelihood of
    18  an emergency occurring or lessens the damaging effects of
    19  unavoidable emergencies.
    20     "Mitigation plan."  A plan designed by a community that when
    21  implemented provides mitigation.
    22     "Program."  The Landslide Insurance and Assistance Program
    23  established in section 304.
    24                             CHAPTER 3
    25                         PROGRAM GENERALLY
    26  Section 301.  Program goals.
    27     The goals of the program are as follows:
    28         (1)  To provide actuarially sound insurance coverage.
    29         (2)  To make program policies universally available and
    30     competitively priced.
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     1         (3)  To make use of the most effective scientific and
     2     technological advances available, including technology such
     3     as GIS.
     4         (4)  To process claims promptly, fairly and consistently.
     5         (5)  To provide tools and incentives for landslide loss
     6     reduction, including the assistance fund.
     7         (6)  To collaborate with other organizations that operate
     8     in the public interest to assist in achieving program goals.
     9  Section 302.  Board.
    10     (a)  Board established.--The Landslide Insurance and
    11  Assistance Board is hereby established within the Pennsylvania
    12  Emergency Management Agency.
    13     (b)  Members.--The board shall consist of the following
    14  members:
    15         (1)  The Secretary of Banking or a designee.
    16         (2)  The Secretary of Community and Economic Development
    17     or a designee.
    18         (3)  The Secretary of Conservation and Natural Resources
    19     or a designee.
    20         (4)  The Secretary of Environmental Protection or a
    21     designee.
    22         (5)  The Insurance Commissioner or a designee.
    23         (6)  The Secretary of Public Welfare or a designee.
    24         (7)  The Secretary of the Commonwealth or a designee.
    25         (8)  The Secretary of Transportation or a designee.
    26         (9)  The State Treasurer or a designee.
    27         (10)  The Director of the Pennsylvania Emergency
    28     Management Agency or a designee.
    29         (11)  The Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Housing
    30     Finance Agency or a designee.
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     1     (c)  Chairperson.--The Director of the Pennsylvania Emergency
     2  Management Agency or the designee shall serve as the chairperson
     3  of the board.
     4     (d)  General counsel.--The Attorney General shall, ex
     5  officio, be the general counsel of the board and shall appoint
     6  an attorney or attorneys as may be deemed necessary to aid the
     7  board in its functioning.
     8     (e)  Employees.--All employees of the board shall be employed
     9  by and located in the agency and shall be subject to the
    10  administrative jurisdiction and authority of the agency.
    11  Section 303.  Appeals.
    12     Any party aggrieved by an action of the board shall have the
    13  right to appeal in accordance with 2 Pa.C.S. (relating to
    14  administrative law and procedure).
    15  Section 304.  Program generally.
    16     (a)  Establishment.--The Landslide Insurance and Assistance
    17  Program is hereby established within the agency.
    18     (b)  Program components.--The program shall consist of the
    19  following components:
    20         (1)  A grant program.
    21         (2)  A revolving loan program.
    22         (3)  An insurance program.
    23     (c)  Purposes.--The grant program and the revolving loan
    24  program are established for the primary purposes of mitigation
    25  and repairing minor structural damage. The board shall employ
    26  the grant program and the revolving loan program as tools to aid
    27  in the success of the insurance fund.
    28  Section 305.  Program authority.
    29     (a)  Intergovernmental cooperation.--The program shall:
    30         (1)  Work closely with Federal, State and local agencies
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     1     and any other government agencies, including those of other
     2     states, to accomplish program goals.
     3         (2)  Create and implement a Statewide landslide
     4     mitigation plan that would encourage and support local
     5     mitigation efforts.
     6         (3)  Investigate sites to define hazards.
     7         (4)  Recommend legislation, regulations, ordinances and
     8     zoning to mitigate slope instability contributed by
     9     excavation and drainage.
    10         (5)  Work with local governments to evaluate risk
    11     associated with certain homesite development.
    12         (6)  Share the most up-to-date geological surveys, in the
    13     form of maps, GIS data or other useful form, and related
    14     information, free of charge to government agencies and
    15     appropriate representatives of communities, and at a
    16     reasonable cost to all other persons. Receipts under this
    17     paragraph shall be deposited in the assistance fund.
    18         (7)  Inform the Department of Transportation which
    19     highways are at greatest risk from landslides.
    20         (8)  Notify local governments in areas with the greatest
    21     risk from landslides.
    22         (9)  Have the authority to consult, receive information
    23     and enter into any agreements or other arrangements in order
    24     to identify and publish information with respect to all
    25     landslide-prone areas, establish or update landslide-risk
    26     zone data and make estimates with respect to the rates of
    27     probable landslide-caused loss for the various landslide risk
    28     zones for each of these areas.
    29         (10)  Publish any change to landslide insurance map
    30     panels.
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     1         (11)  Ensure that it is consistent in landslide control,
     2     landslide forecasting and landslide damage prevention.
     3     (b)  Studies and investigations.--
     4         (1)  The program is authorized to carry out necessary
     5     studies and investigations, utilizing to the maximum extent
     6     practicable the existing facilities and services of other
     7     Federal and Commonwealth departments or agencies, local
     8     governmental agencies and any other organizations, with
     9     respect to the adequacy of State and local measures in
    10     landslide-prone areas as to:
    11             (i)  Land management and use.
    12             (ii)  Landslide control.
    13             (iii)  Zoning.
    14             (iv)  Landslide damage prevention.
    15         (2)  The program may enter into any contracts, agreements
    16     or other appropriate arrangements to carry out its authority
    17     under this section. The studies and investigations shall
    18     include, but not be limited to, the following:
    19             (i)  Laws.
    20             (ii)  Regulations.
    21             (iii)  Ordinances.
    22             (iv)  Zoning.
    23             (v)  Building codes.
    24             (vi)  Building permits.
    25             (vii)  Subdivision or other building restrictions.
    26     (c)  State and local measures.--On the basis of studies and
    27  investigations under subsection (b) and other information as the
    28  agency deems necessary, the program shall develop comprehensive
    29  criteria designed to encourage, where necessary, the adoption of
    30  adequate State and local measures which, to the maximum extent
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     1  feasible, will:
     2         (1)  Constrict the development of land which is exposed
     3     to landslide damage where appropriate.
     4         (2)  Guide the development of proposed construction away
     5     from locations which are threatened by landslide hazards.
     6         (3)  Assist in reducing damage caused by landslides.
     7         (4)  Otherwise improve the long-range land management and
     8     use of landslide-prone areas.
     9     (d)  Technical assistance.--The program shall work closely
    10  with and provide any necessary technical assistance to State and
    11  local governmental agencies to encourage the application of the
    12  criteria and the adoption and enforcement of the measures under
    13  this section.
    14  Section 306.  Land-use controls and rate structure.
    15     Local governments may initiate land-use controls for the
    16  benefit of their residents. The following shall apply:
    17         (1)  No new landslide insurance coverage shall be
    18     provided to new construction without preapproval by an
    19     appropriate local public body, which shall have the option of
    20     adopting adequate land use and control measures with
    21     effective enforcement provisions.
    22         (2)  A community rating system shall be employed by the
    23     board as an incentive for community landslide management.
    24         (3)  Rate structures shall provide incentives for
    25     measures that reduce the risk of landslide damage and
    26     evaluate the measures. The program shall provide incentives
    27     in the form of credits on premium rates for landslide
    28     insurance coverage in communities that the agency determines
    29     have adopted and enforced measures that reduce the risk of
    30     landslide damage.
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     1         (4)  The credits on premium rates for flood insurance
     2     coverage shall be based on the estimated reduction in flood
     3     and erosion damage risks resulting from the measures adopted
     4     by the community under the program. If a community has
     5     received mitigation or other assistance under the program,
     6     the credits may be used in a manner determined by the agency
     7     to recover the amount of assistance provided for the
     8     community.
     9                             CHAPTER 5
    10                      LANDSLIDE INSURANCE FUND
    11  Section 501.  Landslide Insurance Fund.
    12     (a)  Establishment.--The Landslide Insurance Fund is
    13  established as a separate fund in the Treasury Department. The
    14  insurance fund shall be administered by the board for the
    15  purpose of insuring subscribers against the damages to their
    16  structures resulting from landslides if the damage is not
    17  covered by other insurance programs or coverage.
    18     (b)  Administration.--The insurance fund shall be
    19  administered by the board without liability on the part of the
    20  Commonwealth beyond the amount of the fund except as provided
    21  under this act and shall be applied to the payment of damage as
    22  described under subsection (a).
    23     (c)  State Treasurer as custodian of insurance fund.--The
    24  State Treasurer shall be the custodian of the insurance fund,
    25  and all disbursements from the insurance fund shall be paid at
    26  the request of the board. For making payments without audit, the
    27  State Treasurer shall not be under any liability whatsoever. The
    28  State Treasurer may deposit any portion of the insurance fund
    29  not needed for immediate use as other State funds are lawfully
    30  deposited. The interest shall be placed to the credit of the
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     1  insurance fund.
     2  Section 502.  Schedule of premiums.
     3     At any time during each year the board shall prepare and
     4  publish a schedule of premiums or rates of insurance for
     5  subscribers. This schedule shall be printed and distributed free
     6  of charge to any person upon application. Any subscriber may at
     7  the subscriber's option pay to the insurance fund the amount of
     8  premium appropriate, and upon payment of the premium shall be
     9  insured for the year for which the premium is paid. The
    10  insurance shall cover all payments becoming due for which the
    11  premium is paid. The premium shall be adequate to enable payment
    12  of all sums which may become due and payable under this act, and
    13  adequate reserve sufficient to carry all policies and claims to
    14  maturity. In establishing the premiums payable by any
    15  subscriber, the board may take into account the condition of the
    16  premises of the subscriber in respect to the possibility of
    17  landslide damage as shown by the report of any inspector
    18  appointed by the board or by the agency. The board may change
    19  the amount of premiums payable by any of the subscribers as
    20  circumstances may require and the condition of the premises of
    21  the subscribers in respect to the possibility of a landslide may
    22  justify. The board may increase the premiums of any subscriber
    23  whose loss experience warrants a change. The insurance of any
    24  subscriber shall not be effective until the premium so fixed and
    25  determined has been paid in full.
    26  Section 503.  Surplus.
    27     The board shall set aside 5% of all premiums collected for
    28  the creation of a surplus until the surplus is sufficiently
    29  large to cover catastrophic hazard of all the subscribers to the
    30  insurance fund and to guarantee the solvency of the fund. At
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     1  such point, the board shall reevaluate the set-aside and
     2  investment of the surplus and make a recommendation to the
     3  General Assembly.
     4  Section 504.  Insurance program.
     5     (a)  General rule.--Any owner of a structure located within a
     6  landslide-prone region who desires to become a subscriber to the
     7  insurance fund for the purpose of insuring a structure in the
     8  region against damage from landslides shall make a complete
     9  application as prescribed by the board to the board, its agents
    10  or insurance producers. Upon receipt of an application, the
    11  board shall make an investigation as may be necessary if the
    12  application complies with the rules and regulations of the
    13  board. Within 60 days after the request for an application is
    14  received the board shall issue a certificate showing the
    15  acceptance of the application and the amount of premium payable
    16  by the applicant for one, two or three years as the board may
    17  establish. No insurance shall become effective until the premium
    18  has been paid. All premiums shall be made payable to the State
    19  Treasurer whereupon a receipt shall be issued therefor. The
    20  receipt for premium together with a certificate of the board
    21  shall be evidence that the applicant has become a subscriber to
    22  the insurance fund and is insured from the date of application.
    23  The following apply:
    24         (1)  The insurance may be subject to later reductions,
    25     and premiums adjusted accordingly, if the board determines
    26     that the amount of insurance coverage requested is in excess
    27     of the current replacement cost of the structure or the
    28     maximum amount of coverage established by the fund, whichever
    29     is less.
    30         (2)  The insurance shall be void if, upon investigation
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     1     of the structure, the board determines that either landslide
     2     damage occurred before the application was submitted or the
     3     applicant is responsible for not allowing the board to
     4     inspect the structure within 60 days of receipt of the
     5     application.
     6         (3)  The use of the most current science available to
     7     identify landslide-prone areas shall be employed. If the
     8     property is located in a further review area within a
     9     hazardous area, the property owner may be required to
    10     complete a site assessment with a licensed professional,
    11     which may include an onsite evaluation. The property owner
    12     shall fund this assessment. This assessment may also be
    13     required before a local government accepts an application for
    14     a development permit.
    15         (4)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any
    16     structure repaired or restored to its original condition with
    17     moneys from the insurance fund shall not be eligible for
    18     duplicative disaster relief assistance from programs
    19     administered by the agency.
    20         (5)  In order to assist insurance producers and potential
    21     policyholders in identifying structures that could be at risk
    22     from landslides, the board shall publish and update in the
    23     Pennsylvania Bulletin a list of areas in this Commonwealth
    24     that are believed to be at risk for landslide damage.
    25     (b)  Penalty.--A person who knowingly furnishes or makes any
    26  false certificate, application or statement required under this
    27  section commits a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be
    28  sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,500 or to
    29  imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.
    30  Section 505.  Application for increase in insurance.
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     1     Additions in the amount of insurance are subject to the same
     2  standards as initial applications.
     3  Section 506.  Automatic inflation protection increase.
     4     The board shall make available to all subscribers an annual
     5  inflation protection option on the anniversary date of each
     6  policy issued only if the total insurance remains at or under
     7  the value of the structure itself. An inflation protection
     8  increase shall not be subject to a reinspection of the
     9  structure.
    10  Section 507.  Audit by Auditor General.
    11     The Auditor General shall at least once each year make a
    12  complete examination and audit of the insurance fund, including
    13  all receipts and expenditures, cash on hand, investments and
    14  property held representing cash or cash disbursements. For these
    15  purposes the Auditor General is hereby authorized to employ
    16  agents and staff as the Auditor General may deem necessary. The
    17  expense incurred in making the examination and audit shall be
    18  certified to the insurance fund by the Auditor General and shall
    19  be paid from the program.
    20  Section 508.  Claims against insurance fund.
    21     Any subscriber to the insurance fund must file with the board
    22  a true statement of the subscriber's claim for any landslide
    23  damage and shall give to the board an opportunity to investigate
    24  and to determine whether the board will pay the claim.
    25  Section 509.  Defenses against claims and procedure.
    26     In every case where a claim is made against the insurance
    27  fund, the fund shall be entitled to every defense against the
    28  claim under the policy and shall be subrogated to every right of
    29  the subscriber arising out of such accidents against any third
    30  persons. The insurance fund may, in the name of the fund, sue or
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     1  be sued to enforce any right given against or to any subscriber
     2  or other persons under this act.
     3  Section 510.  Subrogation to rights of claimants.
     4     Nothing in this act shall relieve any person, partnership or
     5  corporation otherwise liable therefor from any liability for
     6  damages sustained by a subscriber. The insurance fund shall be
     7  subrogated to the rights of any property owner's insurance under
     8  this act.
     9  Section 511.  Insurance companies may cover risk.
    10     Any insurance company may issue policies covering the type of
    11  risk provided for under this chapter subject to the prior
    12  approval of the Insurance Commissioner as to policy form and
    13  rates.
    14  Section 512.  Escrow of premium payments.
    15     Mortgage lenders shall escrow the landslide insurance premium
    16  payments if they offer the purchase of the insurance.
    17  Section 513.  Properties in violation of State or local law.
    18     No new landslide insurance coverage shall be provided for any
    19  property which the agency finds has been declared by a State or
    20  local zoning authority, or other authorized public body, to be
    21  in violation of State or local laws, regulations or ordinances
    22  which are intended to discourage or otherwise restrict land
    23  development or occupancy in landslide-prone areas.
    24                             CHAPTER 7
    25                       MITIGATION ASSISTANCE
    26  Section 701.  Mitigation assistance.
    27     (a)  Financial assistance generally.--The agency shall carry
    28  out a program to provide financial assistance to communities and
    29  individuals for planning and carrying out activities designed to
    30  reduce the risk of landslide damage to structures covered under
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     1  contracts for landslide insurance. Financial assistance may be
     2  made available to communities and individuals in the form of
     3  grants or revolving loans for the carrying out of mitigation
     4  activities. Loans shall carry an interest rate of no more than
     5  3%.
     6     (b)  Grants.--The agency may make grants under this section
     7  to communities to assist in developing mitigation plans.
     8     (c)  Eligibility.--To be eligible to receive financial
     9  assistance, a community shall develop a mitigation plan that
    10  describes the mitigation activities to be carried out with
    11  assistance provided under this section. The mitigation plan must
    12  be consistent with the criteria established by the agency and
    13  provide protection against landslide losses to structures for
    14  which contracts for flood insurance are available under this
    15  act. The mitigation plan shall be consistent with a
    16  comprehensive strategy for mitigation activities for the area
    17  affected by the mitigation plan that has been adopted by the
    18  community following a public hearing.
    19     (d)  Procedure.--The agency shall notify a community
    20  submitting a mitigation plan of the approval or disapproval of
    21  the plan not later than 120 days after submission of the plan.
    22  If the agency does not approve a mitigation plan submitted under
    23  this section, the agency shall notify in writing the community
    24  submitting the plan of the reasons for the disapproval.
    25     (e)  Limitation.--Amounts provided under this section may be
    26  used only for mitigation activities specified in a mitigation
    27  plan approved by the agency. The agency may approve only
    28  mitigation plans that specify mitigation activities that are
    29  technically feasible and cost effective and that are cost
    30  beneficial under Chapter 5.
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     1     (f)  Approval.--The agency shall approve funding for
     2  mitigation plans based on criteria that include:
     3         (1)  Criteria under subsection (e).
     4         (2)  Proposed activities to address repetitive loss
     5     structures and structures that have incurred substantial
     6     damage.
     7     (g)  Matching funds.--The agency may require a community to
     8  match grant funds.
     9     (h)  Oversight.--The agency shall conduct oversight of
    10  recipients of mitigation assistance to ensure that the
    11  assistance is used in compliance with the approved mitigation
    12  plans of the recipients and that any matching fund requirements
    13  are fulfilled.
    14     (i)  Failure to comply.--If the agency determines that a
    15  community that has received mitigation assistance has not
    16  carried out the mitigation activities as set forth in the
    17  mitigation plan or has not secured required matching funds, the
    18  agency shall recapture any unexpended amounts and redeposit the
    19  amounts in the assistance fund.
    20  Section 702.  Landslide Assistance Fund.
    21     The Landslide Assistance Fund is hereby established as a
    22  restricted account in the Treasury Department. The assistance
    23  fund shall be administered by the agency and shall be comprised
    24  of moneys appropriated for purposes of this chapter. All moneys
    25  in the assistance fund and the interest accruing thereon are
    26  appropriated to the agency on a continuing basis to carry out
    27  the provisions of this chapter.
    28  Section 703.  Construction permits.
    29     No Commonwealth agency shall approve any financial assistance
    30  for the acquisition of land for construction purposes in any
    20070S0279B0316                 - 18 -     

     1  area that has been identified by the agency as an extremely
     2  hazardous zone without approval to proceed by the agency based
     3  on the results of a risk assessment.
     4                             CHAPTER 9
     6  Section 901.  Regulations.
     7     The agency, in conjunction with the board, may promulgate
     8  rules and regulations and establish other conditions of the
     9  policies as it deems just and expedient in keeping with the
    10  fulfillment of the purposes of this act, including reasonable
    11  classification of risks eligible for coverage under this act,
    12  limits of coverage and rules covering the adjustment and
    13  settlement of claims.
    14  Section 902.  Agency report.
    15     The agency shall make an annual report on the program and on
    16  experience with landslide insurance sales through producers to
    17  the General Assembly. Each report shall include mitigation
    18  efforts, an analysis of the cost-effectiveness of the program,
    19  accomplishments or shortcomings of the program and
    20  recommendations for legislation regarding the program.
    21  Section 903.  Program funding.
    22     The program shall be funded by the General Assembly through
    23  an appropriation of moneys to the Pennsylvania Emergency
    24  Management Agency until which time the insurance fund and
    25  assistance fund are deemed self-sufficient by the General
    26  Assembly.
    27  Section 904.  Reimbursement.
    28     The program shall reimburse any Commonwealth departments for
    29  agreed-upon costs of services that aid in administering the
    30  program.
    20070S0279B0316                 - 19 -     

     1  Section 905.  Appropriations.
     2     (a)  Insurance fund.--The sum of $2,500,000, or as much
     3  thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to the
     4  Landslide Insurance Fund for the fiscal year July 1, 2007,
     5  through June 30, 2008.
     6     (b)  Assistance fund.--The sum of $2,500,000, or as much
     7  thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to the
     8  Landslide Assistance Fund for the fiscal year July 1, 2007,
     9  through June 30, 2008.
    10     (c)  Agency.--Moneys in the Landslide Insurance Fund and the
    11  Landslide Assistance Fund are hereby appropriated to the
    12  Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency in such amounts as may
    13  be determined annually by the Governor to be used for the
    14  specified purposes of this act.
    15     (d)  Additional appropriations.--If, upon completion of the
    16  annual examination and audit, it is determined that the total
    17  asset value of either the insurance fund or assistance fund is
    18  less than $2,500,000, such additional sum as may be necessary to
    19  increase the total asset value of the fund or funds to
    20  $2,500,000 shall be appropriated.
    21  Section 906.  Cost of administration.
    22     The board shall keep an accurate account of the money paid in
    23  premiums by the subscribers and the disbursements on account of
    24  damages to premises. If, at the expiration of any year there
    25  shall be a balance remaining after deducting the disbursements,
    26  the unearned premiums on undetermined risks and the percentage
    27  of premiums paid or payable to create or maintain the surplus
    28  provided under this act, and after setting aside an adequate
    29  reserve, the board may determine to allocate to the cost of
    30  administering the insurance fund.
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     1  Section 907.  Commissions.
     2     Moneys from the insurance fund shall be available to pay a
     3  one-time commission as determined by the board to insurance
     4  producers who forward applications for landslide insurance to
     5  the board if a policy is issued pursuant to an application
     6  submitted by an insurance producer. The amount of the commission
     7  shall be determined by the board on an annual basis.
     8                             CHAPTER 21
     9                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    10  Section 2101.  Effective date.
    11     This act shall take effect July 1, 2007, or immediately,
    12  whichever is later.

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