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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 694



No. 305 Session of 1999

           SCHWARTZ, MARCH 24, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," further providing for continuing
     6     professional development and a program for continuing
     7     professional education.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Section 1205.1 of the act of March 10, 1949
    11  (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949,
    12  amended or added December 15, 1986 (P.L.1602, No.178) and March
    13  30, 1988 (P.L.321, No.43), is amended to read:
    14     Section 1205.1.  Continuing Professional Development.--(a)
    15  By January 1, 1989, every school district, joint school
    16  district, intermediate unit and area vocational-technical school
    17  shall submit to the Secretary of Education for approval a
    18  continuing professional development plan, developed pursuant to
    19  the provisions of subsection (b) and including, at a minimum,
    20  the elements provided for in subsection (c). The secretary shall

     1  determine approximately one-third of the school districts, joint
     2  school districts, intermediate units and area vocational-
     3  technical schools which shall submit two-year plans, one-third
     4  which shall submit three-year plans and one-third which shall
     5  submit four-year plans by January 1, 1989. Thereafter, upon the
     6  expiration of the existing professional development plan, each
     7  school district, joint school district, intermediate unit [and],
     8  area vocational-technical school and charter school shall submit
     9  to the secretary for approval a [two-year] professional
    10  development plan according to an implementation schedule
    11  developed by the secretary.
    12     (b)  The professional development plan provided for in
    13  subsection (a) shall be prepared by a committee consisting of
    14  teacher representatives chosen by the teachers, educational
    15  specialist representatives chosen by educational specialists and
    16  administrative representatives chosen by the administrative
    17  personnel of the school district, joint school district,
    18  intermediate unit [or], area vocational-technical school or the
    19  charter school and shall then be approved by the board of
    20  directors or the charter school board of trustees prior to
    21  submission to the secretary for approval. The secretary may
    22  specify the time at which and the form in which such plans are
    23  to be submitted. The State Board of Education shall promulgate
    24  regulations, subject to the act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633,
    25  No.181), known as the "Regulatory Review Act," establishing the
    26  minimal content of such plans. The provisions of section 2552
    27  shall apply to any school district, joint school district,
    28  intermediate unit or area vocational-technical school failing to
    29  comply with the provisions of this section.
    30     (c)  The professional development plan of each school
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     1  district, joint school district, intermediate unit [and], area
     2  vocational-technical school or charter school as provided for in
     3  section 1719-A(13) shall be designed to meet the educational
     4  needs of that school entity and its professional employes. Each
     5  plan shall include options for professional development [and for
     6  fulfilling the professional development requirements of
     7  subsection (d), including activities such as professionally
     8  related graduate level coursework, obtaining a professionally
     9  related master's degree, Department of Education approved
    10  inservice courses, curriculum development work, attendance at
    11  professional conferences and supervised classroom observations
    12  of other professional employes. In its professional development
    13  plan, a school district, joint school district, intermediate
    14  unit or area vocational-technical school may provide for
    15  undertaking joint or cooperative professional development
    16  activities with another school entity or an institution of
    17  higher education.] which shall specify the continuing
    18  professional education collegiate studies, courses or activities
    19  and learning experiences approved for continuing professional
    20  education under section 1205.2(a)(2)(iv), provided that the plan
    21  specifies the professional development need met by completion of
    22  each continuing professional education option and its relevance
    23  to areas of assignment or certification. Such options may
    24  include, but shall not be limited to:
    25     (1)  collegiate studies;
    26     (2)  continuing professional education courses;
    27     (3)  curriculum development work and other program design and
    28  delivery activities;
    29     (4)  participation in professional conferences and workshops;
    30  and
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     1     (5)  supervised classroom observation and critiques of or
     2  consultations with other professional employes.
     3  In its professional development plan, a school district, joint
     4  school district, intermediate unit, area vocational-technical
     5  school or charter school may provide for undertaking joint or
     6  cooperative professional development activities with another
     7  school entity or charter school or an institution of higher
     8  education.
     9     [(d)  All professional employes of school districts, joint
    10  school districts, intermediate units or area vocational-
    11  technical schools receiving their initial Pennsylvania teaching
    12  or administrative certification, as provided for in this
    13  article, on or after June 1, 1987, shall be required at least
    14  once during every five-year period, commencing upon receipt of a
    15  permanent teaching certificate or an initial administrative
    16  certificate, to participate in professional development activity
    17  pursuant to the professional development plan of that
    18  professional employe's school district, joint school district,
    19  intermediate unit or area vocational-technical school. A
    20  professional employe who obtains a professionally related
    21  master's degree shall be deemed to have complied permanently
    22  with the provisions of this subsection. The chief school
    23  administrator of every school district, joint school district,
    24  intermediate unit and area vocational-technical school shall
    25  certify annually to the secretary the names of professional
    26  employes who have received their initial Pennsylvania teaching
    27  or administrative certification on or after June 1, 1987, and
    28  the professional development activities in which these employes
    29  have participated. The certification shall be made at such time
    30  and in such form as the secretary may require.
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     1     (e)  The provisions of State Board of Education regulations
     2  in 22 Pa. Code § 49.17(a) and (b), promulgated September 13,
     3  1984, are hereby specifically declared to be contrary to the
     4  provisions of this section and therefore null and void. Nothing
     5  in this section shall be deemed to affect the provisions of 22
     6  Pa. Code § 49.17(c), (d) and (e).]
     7     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     8     Section 1205.2.  Program for Continuing Professional
     9  Education.--(a)  A continuing professional education program is
    10  hereby established for educators in this Commonwealth. The
    11  program shall be established and administered by the Department
    12  of Education and shall contain the following elements:
    13     (1)  Satisfactory completion of one hundred eighty (180)
    14  hours of continuing professional education every five (5) years,
    15  which shall include any combination of the following:
    16     (i)  six (6) credits of collegiate study;
    17     (ii)  six (6) credits of continuing professional education
    18  courses; or
    19     (iii)  one hundred eighty (180) hours of continuing
    20  professional education activities and learning experiences. For
    21  the purposes of calculating hours and credits of continuing
    22  professional education, one credit of collegiate studies or
    23  continuing professional education courses shall be equivalent to
    24  thirty (30) contact hours of continuing professional education
    25  activities and learning experiences.
    26     (2)  The hours of continuing professional education set forth
    27  in clause (1) shall be satisfied by any of the following:
    28     (i)  Successful completion of credits of collegiate studies
    29  in programs or courses related to any area of an educator's
    30  assignment or certification conducted at institutions of higher
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     1  education approved by the department to provide continuing
     2  professional education collegiate studies.
     3     (ii)  Successful completion of credits of continuing
     4  professional education courses related to any area of the
     5  educator's assignment or certification and provided by an
     6  approved provider.
     7     (iii)  Successful completion of credits or hours of
     8  continuing professional education activities and learning
     9  experiences related to any area of an educator's assignment or
    10  certification and provided by the Department of Education or by
    11  an approved provider or the educator's school entity or charter
    12  school.
    13     (iv)  Successful completion of credits or hours completed in
    14  any collegiate studies, continuing professional education
    15  courses or continuing professional education activities and
    16  learning experiences included in the professional development
    17  plan of the educator's entity approved pursuant to section
    18  1205.1(c).
    19     (v)  Successful completion of hours or credits not included
    20  in subclauses (i) through (iv) which have the approval of the
    21  school entity's chief administrator, the professional
    22  development committee referenced in section 1205.1(b) and the
    23  local board of school directors or charter school board of
    24  trustees. If any of the approving authorities does not approve,
    25  the credits or hours not approved shall not be included toward
    26  the educator's fulfillment of this requirement.
    27     (3)  (i)  Credits and hours offered by providers of
    28  continuing professional education shall be of high quality and
    29  designed to significantly advance the goals of improving and
    30  updating the professional skills of educators in this
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     1  Commonwealth and improving the opportunities to convey knowledge
     2  to Pennsylvania's school students.
     3     (ii)  The Department of Education shall have the sole
     4  authority to approve all providers of collegiate studies,
     5  continuing professional education courses and continuing
     6  professional education activities and learning experiences based
     7  on guidelines developed for this purpose, in order to assure the
     8  accomplishment of the goals in subclause (i). Approval shall be
     9  granted for individual courses or for a series of courses, shall
    10  be given for such a period of time as the Department of
    11  Education shall prescribe and shall designate the area or type
    12  of certification to which the approved collegiate study,
    13  continuing professional education course or continuing
    14  professional education activity and learning experience is
    15  relevant.
    16     (iii)  The Department of Education shall approve sufficient
    17  providers to assure that continuing professional education is
    18  available to all educators at convenient locations throughout
    19  this Commonwealth and at a reasonable cost.
    20     (4)  (i)  The Department of Education shall provide annually
    21  for a minimum of six (6) credits of continuing professional
    22  education courses involving subjects determined by the
    23  department to be of significant Statewide importance to
    24  Pennsylvania's educators and free of any tuition cost to the
    25  educator.
    26     (ii)  Any continuing professional education credits or hours
    27  provided by an educator's entity or charter school and required
    28  as a condition of continued employment shall be provided free of
    29  any tuition cost to the educator.
    30     (b)  (1)  All educators who wish to be employed in a school
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     1  entity or charter school in this Commonwealth shall participate
     2  in the program.
     3     (2)  (i)  The Secretary of Education shall notify in writing
     4  any educator who fails to comply with the provisions of this
     5  section and the chief administrator of the educator's school
     6  entity or charter school that the educator's certification is
     7  inactive.
     8     (ii)  In the case of an educator who has not complied with
     9  the provisions of this section and who is certified but not
    10  employed by a school entity or charter school, the Secretary of
    11  Education shall notify the educator in writing that the
    12  educator's certification is inactive.
    13     (iii)  Whenever an educator of a charter school does not
    14  comply with the provisions of this section and does not hold
    15  certification, the Secretary of Education shall notify the
    16  educator and the chief administrator of the charter school that
    17  the educator may not be employed by the charter school as an
    18  educator.
    19     (iv)  An educator shall be entitled to notice and an
    20  opportunity to be heard pursuant to 2 Pa.C.S. Chs. 5 (relating
    21  to practice and procedure) and 7 (relating to judicial review)
    22  prior to determination under subclauses (i) through (iii).
    23     (v)  The Secretary of Education shall issue a notification
    24  reinstating active certification upon a showing of compliance
    25  with this section by the educator.
    26     (3)  The board, by regulation, shall establish a procedure
    27  and criteria for granting an extension to fulfill the
    28  requirements of this section due to extenuating circumstances.
    29     (4)  (i)  Educators certified in this Commonwealth who are
    30  not employed by a Commonwealth school entity as a professional
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     1  or temporary professional employe or as a professional staff
     2  member in a charter school in this Commonwealth may apply to the
     3  Department of Education for inactive certification.
     4     (ii)  Inactive certification shall act to suspend the
     5  requirements of this section until inactive certification is
     6  removed. Upon removal of inactive certification, an educator
     7  shall have the same number of continuing professional education
     8  hours to complete and the same amount of time in which to
     9  complete those hours as existed for the educator at the time
    10  inactive certification was granted, provided, that additional
    11  hours completed pursuant to subclause (iii) shall be included as
    12  continuing professional education hours needed for fulfillment
    13  of the requirement of this section.
    14     (iii)  The Department of Education shall remove inactive
    15  certification upon application by the educator and upon evidence
    16  of completion of thirty (30) hours of continuing professional
    17  education within the previous twelve (12) month period.
    18     (5)  No educator with inactive certification shall be
    19  employed by a school entity as a professional or temporary
    20  professional employe or by a charter school as a professional
    21  staff member.
    22     (c) (1)  The Department of Education shall establish and
    23  maintain a system of reporting and recordkeeping for all
    24  continuing professional education. The system shall include
    25  mandatory reporting to the department by school entities,
    26  charter schools, approved providers and institutions of higher
    27  education for all educators who have completed continuing
    28  professional education provided by the school entity, charter
    29  school, approved provider or institution of higher education.
    30     (2)  The Department of Education shall develop a procedure
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     1  for prompt identification and notification of educators who have
     2  not met the requirements of this section and shall afford any
     3  educator reasonable opportunity to access all reports and
     4  records relating to that educator's continuing professional
     5  education. No later than twelve (12) months prior to the end of
     6  an educator's compliance period, the Secretary of Education
     7  shall provide to the educator written notice of the educator's
     8  recorded credits and hours.
     9     (3)  The Secretary of Education shall submit an annual report
    10  to the chairman and minority chairman of the Appropriations
    11  Committee and chairman and minority chairman of the Education
    12  Committee of the Senate and the chairman and minority chairman
    13  of the Appropriations Committee and the chairman and minority
    14  chairman of the Education Committee of the House of
    15  Representatives. The report shall include information concerning
    16  the continuing professional education offered by the Department
    17  of Education as required under this act, including, but not
    18  limited to, the locations in which the continuing professional
    19  education was offered; the number of participants in each
    20  offering; the cost to the department of providing continuing
    21  professional education; a list of the approved providers of
    22  continuing professional education according to this section; the
    23  number, identification and status of plans submitted under
    24  section 1205.1, the number of educators in each compliance
    25  period who have met the continuing professional education
    26  requirements of this section and the number of educators in each
    27  compliance period who have not met the continuing professional
    28  education requirements of this section.
    29     (d)  The General Assembly shall appropriate funding for the
    30  administration of the program by the Department of Education. In
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     1  addition, the costs of administering the program by the
     2  department shall be financed by the following fees and
     3  assessments adopted and collected by the department:
     4     (1)  A reasonable fee from all approved providers and
     5  institutions of higher education for each continuing
     6  professional education credit or hour offered; provided, that no
     7  fee shall be assessed against school entities and charter
     8  schools which provide credits or hours pursuant to subsection
     9  (a)(4)(ii).
    10     (2)  A reasonable assessment from professional educators
    11  whenever a certification is initially issued, amended or
    12  modified. For purposes of this clause, amendment or modification
    13  of a certification shall not include change in name or address
    14  or compliance with the requirements of this section.
    15     (e)  The board shall promulgate such rules and regulations as
    16  are necessary to administer and enforce this section.
    17     (f)  As used in this section, the following words and phrases
    18  shall have the following meanings:
    19     "Approved provider" shall mean any institution of higher
    20  education, school entity, Commonwealth agency, corporation,
    21  partnership, association or other entity approved by the
    22  Department of Education to offer collegiate studies, continuing
    23  professional education courses or continuing professional
    24  education activities and learning experiences.
    25     "Area of educator's assignment or certification" shall mean
    26  any component of the education profession as it relates to the
    27  current job title or description of the educator or to any area
    28  of certification listed on the educator's Pennsylvania
    29  certification or to any type of certificate or endorsement held
    30  by the educator.
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     1     "Board" shall mean the State Board of Education of the
     2  Commonwealth.
     3     "Charter school" shall mean a charter school or regional
     4  charter school as defined in section 1703-A.
     5     "Collegiate studies" shall mean a formal program or course of
     6  study at an institution of higher education leading to the award
     7  of academic credit.
     8     "Compliance period" shall mean the five (5) year period in
     9  which an educator must comply with the requirements of this act.
    10     "Continuing professional education courses" shall mean
    11  courses for credit, other than collegiate studies, conducted by
    12  approved providers.
    13     "Educator" shall mean any professional educator who holds a
    14  Pennsylvania teaching, educational specialist or administrative
    15  certification, and any professional staff member of a charter
    16  school who does not hold appropriate State certification.
    17     "Program" shall mean the continuing professional education
    18  program established in this section.
    19     "School entity" shall mean a school district, an intermediate
    20  unit, a joint school district, an area vocational-technical
    21  school, the Scotland School for Veterans' Children, the Scranton
    22  School for the Deaf and the Thaddeus Stevens State College of
    23  Technology or any of these acting jointly.
    24     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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