See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 321



No. 317 Session of 1997

           JANUARY 31, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the conservation and management of water
     2     resources; establishing a Statewide committee and regional
     3     water resource advisory committees and providing for their
     4     powers and duties; providing for additional duties of the
     5     Department of Environmental Protection, the Environmental
     6     Hearing Board and the Environmental Quality Board; providing
     7     for a State Water Plan, for conservation areas, for permits
     8     for the withdrawal or diversion of water, for drought
     9     planning, for enforcement, for civil and equitable remedies
    10     and for civil and criminal penalties; establishing the Water
    11     Conservation Account; providing for the establishment and
    12     collection of certain fees; and making repeals.

    13                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
    14  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
    15  Section 101.  Short title.
    16  Section 102.  Legislative findings and declaration.
    17  Section 103.  Definitions.
    18  Chapter 3.  Administering Agencies
    19  Section 301.  Statewide and regional water resource advisory
    20                 committees.
    21  Section 302.  Powers and duties of Environmental Quality Board.

     1  Section 303.  Powers and duties of department.
     2  Chapter 5.  Water Conservation and Management
     3  Section 501.  State Water Plan.
     4  Section 502.  Conservation areas.
     5  Section 503.  Water use registration and reporting.
     6  Section 504.  Withdrawals or diversions requiring permits.
     7  Section 505.  Permit requirements.
     8  Section 506.  General permits.
     9  Section 507.  Conservation.
    10  Section 508.  Drought response planning and authority.
    11  Chapter 7.  Enforcement
    12  Section 701.  Enforcement generally.
    13  Section 702.  Duty to provide access.
    14  Section 703.  Enforcement orders.
    15  Section 704.  Equitable relief.
    16  Section 705.  Summary offense.
    17  Section 706.  Misdemeanor.
    18  Section 707.  Civil penalties.
    19  Section 708.  Civil action to compel compliance.
    20  Section 709.  Penalties to be concurrent.
    21  Section 710.  Separate offenses.
    22  Section 711.  Appealable actions.
    23  Section 712.  Public nuisances.
    24  Section 713.  Existing rights and remedies preserved.
    25  Chapter 9.  Financial Provisions
    26  Section 901.  Water Conservation Account.
    27  Section 902.  Fees.
    28  Chapter 21.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    29  Section 2101.  Savings provision.
    30  Section 2102.  Severability.
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     1  Section 2103.  Repeals.
     2  Section 2104.  Effective date.
     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5                             CHAPTER 1
     6                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
     7  Section 101.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Water
     9  Resource Conservation and Management Act.
    10  Section 102.  Legislative findings and declaration.
    11     (a)  Findings.--The General Assembly finds that:
    12         (1)  Planning for and development and management of
    13     adequate supplies of water are necessary to minimize the
    14     effects of overuse of water and recurring periods of drought.
    15     Severe shortages and overuse may render water resources
    16     incapable of meeting essential needs, cause conflicts between
    17     diverse users of the common resource, disrupt or damage
    18     economic activities and contribute to environmental
    19     degradation, pollution and unsanitary conditions, all of
    20     which are detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of
    21     the people of this Commonwealth.
    22         (2)  As trustee of this Commonwealth's water resources,
    23     the Commonwealth has a duty to preserve the natural, scenic,
    24     historic and esthetic values of the environment and to
    25     conserve, protect, manage and maintain those resources for
    26     the benefit of all the people, including generations yet to
    27     come.
    28         (3)  The preservation of stream flows to protect stream
    29     ecology, aquatic organisms and water-related environmental
    30     values is essential to carry out the Commonwealth's trustee
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     1     responsibilities and must be assured when providing for
     2     reasonable water withdrawal and nonwithdrawal uses.
     3         (4)  The public interest requires that water resources
     4     allocated but not used be made available for allocation and
     5     use by others. In order to discourage speculation in or
     6     holding of water rights, due diligence is required in
     7     implementing permitted allocations and uses.
     8         (5)  Water resources on or beneath the surface of the
     9     ground or in the atmosphere are interconnected and part of a
    10     single hydrologic resource which can be used conjunctively.
    11     Their development, management and use must therefore be
    12     coordinated and comprehensive in order to further the
    13     purposes of this act.
    14         (6)  Comprehensive water resources planning and
    15     management must rely on accurate information on water
    16     availability and present and anticipated water use and demand
    17     in order to identify resource shortfalls, potential conflicts
    18     and areas requiring special protection and to recommend and
    19     implement programs needed to address identified concerns. A
    20     continually updated State Water Plan will aid both the
    21     governmental and the private sectors in making informed
    22     decisions regarding wise development, management and use of
    23     this Commonwealth's water resources.
    24         (7)  The conservation of water resources reduces the
    25     impact of withdrawals and diversions upon water resources.
    26     Conservation provides a degree of drought protection, may
    27     delay or obviate the need for construction or expansion of
    28     capital projects and is a water management tool available to
    29     all water resources users.
    30         (8)  Because of the severe water supply shortages that
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     1     could occur due to overuse and recurring periods of drought,
     2     the Commonwealth agencies responsible for water resources
     3     planning and management must have adequate drought response
     4     authority in order to protect the public health, safety and
     5     welfare.
     6         (9)  In recognition of the public's dependence on water
     7     supplied by public water supply agencies, these agencies'
     8     statutory authorization to acquire water rights, to divert,
     9     withdraw and use water resources and to exercise eminent
    10     domain power must be continued.
    11         (10)  Close coordination and cooperation among Federal,
    12     interstate, State and local agencies and public and private
    13     organizations in matters relating to the water resources of
    14     this Commonwealth are in the public interest.
    15     (b)  Declaration.--It is the purpose of this act to protect
    16  the public health, safety and welfare and to further the intent
    17  of section 27 of Article I of the Constitution of Pennsylvania
    18  by establishing a comprehensive and systematic planning and
    19  regulatory program for the conservation, utilization,
    20  evaluation, equitable distribution, management and development
    21  of this Commonwealth's water resources to protect water
    22  resources and to ensure an adequate supply of water for the
    23  benefit of all the people.
    24  Section 103.  Definitions.
    25     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    26  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    27  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    28     "Acquire" or "acquisition."  To obtain, secure or become
    29  vested with water rights by purchase, agreement, lease,
    30  transfer, gift, devise, adverse possession, prescription,
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     1  eminent domain, waiver of damages, settlement of damages,
     2  appropriation or other lawful method or the rights acquired.
     3     "Conjunctive use."  The use of two or more water sources as
     4  components of a single unit employing management techniques and
     5  methods which serve to optimize the conservation of the water
     6  resources.
     7     "Conservation area."  A specific watershed or hydrologic unit
     8  of this Commonwealth considered and designated by the Department
     9  of Environmental Protection as being in need of special
    10  protection under section 502 because of unique or restricted
    11  water resources.
    12     "Conservation practices."  Those practices and measures which
    13  are designed to accomplish the following:
    14         (1)  To reduce the demand for water.
    15         (2)  To improve efficiency in use and reduce leakage,
    16     losses and waste of water.
    17         (3)  To improve reuse and recycling of water.
    18         (4)  To increase the supply of water.
    19     "Consumptive use."  Any use of water diverted or withdrawn
    20  from a water resource in such a manner that is not returned to
    21  the water resource at or near the point from which it was taken
    22  which results in diminution in quantity of the water resource.
    23     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Protection of
    24  the Commonwealth.
    25     "Divert" or "diversion."  The direct or indirect taking or
    26  impoundment of water from any water resource, whether or not the
    27  water is returned to its source, consumed, made to flow into
    28  another water resource or discharged elsewhere. The term
    29  includes the transfer of water through interconnections.
    30     "Environmental Hearing Board."  The board established under
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     1  the act of July 13, 1988 (P.L.530, No.94), known as the
     2  Environmental Hearing Board Act.
     3     "Environmental Quality Board."  The board established under
     4  section 1920-A of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175),
     5  known as The Administrative Code of 1929.
     6     "GPD."  Gallons per day.
     7     "Hydrologic unit."  A geographic area having water resources
     8  which are hydrologically connected, including any surface
     9  watershed or basin, groundwater basin, aquifer or aquifer
    10  system.
    11     "Interconnection."  The physical connection between water
    12  users providing for the delivery of raw or treated water between
    13  them, including the connections between water sources, water
    14  mains and water distribution systems.
    15     "Major basin."  The area drained by the Great Lakes and their
    16  tributaries or by one of the following major rivers and their
    17  respective tributaries: Delaware River, Ohio River, Potomac
    18  River and Susquehanna River.
    19     "Management."  Any activity undertaken to develop, conserve,
    20  protect and regulate the water resources of this Commonwealth to
    21  ensure an adequate supply of water is available to users.
    22     "Nonwithdrawal use."  Any reasonable use of water that is not
    23  withdrawn. These uses include, but are not limited to,
    24  recreation, navigation, energy production, fish and wildlife
    25  habitat, the maintenance of natural, scenic, historic or
    26  esthetic values of the resource and the uses protected under the
    27  authority of the act of June 22, 1937 (P.L.1987, No.394), known
    28  as The Clean Streams Law, and the Federal Water Pollution
    29  Control Act (62 Stat. 1155, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq.).
    30     "Person."  An individual, partnership, association, company,
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     1  corporation, municipality, municipal authority, political
     2  subdivision, receiver or trustee, or any agency, department,
     3  board, commission or authority of the Federal Government or of
     4  the Commonwealth, or any other legal entity whatsoever which is
     5  recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties. The term
     6  shall include the officers, employees and agents of any
     7  individual, partnership, association, company, corporation,
     8  municipality, municipal authority, political subdivision,
     9  receiver or trustee, or any agency, department, board,
    10  commission, or authority of the Federal Government or of the
    11  Commonwealth, or any other legal entity.
    12     "Public water supply agency."  A community water system as
    13  defined by the act of May 1, 1984 (P.L.206, No.43), known as the
    14  Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act, or any person providing
    15  water or authorized to supply water to the public.
    16     "River basin commission."  A regulatory commission created by
    17  Federal interstate compact and vested with the authority to
    18  manage water resources of a river basin.
    19     "Safe yield."  The amount of water that can be withdrawn or
    20  diverted from a water resource without causing an undesired
    21  result, such as long-term dewatering of an aquifer, induced
    22  potential health threats or impacts upon withdrawal or
    23  nonwithdrawal uses.
    24     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Environmental Protection of
    25  the Commonwealth.
    26     "State Water Plan."  An assessment of the water resources of
    27  this Commonwealth prepared by the Department of Environmental
    28  Protection or its predecessor agencies under this act, section
    29  1904-A of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as
    30  The Administrative Code of 1929, sections 5 and 304 of the Act
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     1  of June 22, 1937 (P.L.1987, No.394), known as The Clean Streams
     2  Law, or other applicable law.
     3     "Water resources."  All water above, on or beneath the
     4  surface of the ground or in the atmosphere, whether natural or
     5  artificial, wholly or partly within or on the boundaries of this
     6  Commonwealth.
     7     "Water rights."  The right to withdraw, divert or use water
     8  resources of this Commonwealth, including the transfer of water
     9  through interconnections.
    10     "Withdraw," "withdrawal" or "withdrawn."  The removal or
    11  taking of water from its natural course.
    12     "Withdrawal use."  Any reasonable use of water which is
    13  withdrawn. These uses include, but are not limited to,
    14  municipal, public, commercial, industrial and agricultural water
    15  supply. The term includes the transfer of water through
    16  interconnections.
    17                             CHAPTER 3
    18                       ADMINISTERING AGENCIES
    19  Section 301.  Statewide and regional water resource advisory
    20                 committees.
    21     (a)  Statewide water resources advisory committee.--
    22         (1)  There is hereby established in the department a
    23     Statewide Water Resource Advisory Committee. The Statewide
    24     advisory committee shall consist of the secretary or his
    25     designee, who shall be chairman, one member appointed by the
    26     secretary from each regional advisory committee established
    27     under subsection (b) and 11 additional members appointed by
    28     the secretary representing the interests of business and
    29     industry, energy and power, navigation, agriculture,
    30     environment and conservation, public water suppliers, labor,
    19970S0317B0321                  - 9 -

     1     municipal governments and authorities, residential water
     2     users, recreation, and fish and wildlife. In appointing these
     3     11 members, the secretary shall seek a diverse geographic
     4     representation.
     5         (2)  Of the members first appointed, six members
     6     appointed by the secretary shall serve for a period of three
     7     years, five members shall serve for a period of two years and
     8     five members shall serve for a period of one year.
     9     Thereafter, each appointment shall be for a period of three
    10     years. All vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the
    11     unexpired term in the same manner as the original
    12     appointments to provide equitable representation of groups
    13     and geographic areas. A member, upon expiration of the term,
    14     shall continue to hold office until a successor is appointed.
    15         (3)  The Statewide advisory committee shall:
    16             (i)  Advise the department in the preparation and
    17         development of the State Water Plan.
    18             (ii)  Review proposed regulations under this act and
    19         advise the department.
    20             (iii)  Advise the department regarding issues,
    21         policies and programs related to the implementation of
    22         this act as may be submitted by the department to the
    23         committee for review.
    24     (b)  Regional water resources advisory committees.--The
    25  department shall establish a regional water resource advisory
    26  committee for each major basin that shall advise the department
    27  in the preparation and development of the State Water Plan with
    28  regard to their respective local and regional water resource
    29  needs, priorities and objectives. The regional advisory
    30  committees also shall have the duty of advising the department
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     1  on matters pertinent to the establishment, modification or
     2  termination of conservation areas under section 502 and the
     3  management of water resources in their respective regions.
     4     (c)  Expenses and support services.--The committees' members
     5  shall serve without salary or compensation except for
     6  reimbursement by the department for reasonable and necessary
     7  expenses incurred in connection with their duties as approved by
     8  the secretary. The department shall also provide necessary
     9  administrative support services, budget and staff to the
    10  committees for the carrying out of their responsibilities under
    11  this section.
    12  Section 302.  Powers and duties of Environmental Quality Board.
    13     (a)  Duties generally.--The Environmental Quality Board shall
    14  have the power and its duty shall be to review and approve the
    15  State Water Plan and to adopt such rules and regulations of the
    16  department, governing the conservation, utilization,
    17  development, management, equitable distribution and evaluation
    18  of water resources and the administration of water management
    19  programs, as it deems necessary for the implementation of this
    20  act.
    21     (b)  Factors considered for regulations.--In adopting
    22  regulations under this act, the board shall consider factors,
    23  including, but not limited to, the following:
    24         (1)  The Commonwealth's duty to preserve the natural,
    25     scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment and
    26     to conserve and maintain the water resources of this
    27     Commonwealth for the benefit of all the people, consistent
    28     with the people's right to pure water.
    29         (2)  The protection of the public health, safety and
    30     welfare.
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     1         (3)  The conjunctive use and development of water
     2     resources.
     3         (4)  The application of conservation practices as well as
     4     water resource management and hydrologic principles.
     5         (5)  The state of scientific, hydrologic, geologic and
     6     technological knowledge.
     7         (6)  The economic, social and environmental impact on
     8     this Commonwealth, its citizens and its water resources.
     9         (7)  The diverse resources and needs of this
    10     Commonwealth's regions and major basins.
    11         (8)  The maintenance of adequate water quality and
    12     quantity to ensure the protection, propagation and
    13     maintenance of aquatic resources of this Commonwealth,
    14     including fisheries and the protection of withdrawal and
    15     nonwithdrawal uses.
    16  Section 303.  Powers and duties of department.
    17     The department shall have the power and its duty shall be to:
    18         (1)  Administer and enforce the provisions of this act or
    19     any rules and regulations adopted under it and to implement
    20     section 27 of Article I of the Constitution of Pennsylvania.
    21         (2)  Maintain a comprehensive information system,
    22     including, but not limited to:
    23             (i)  An inventory of water resources of this
    24         Commonwealth.
    25             (ii)  A record of all registered and permitted
    26         withdrawals, diversions and acquisitions made under this
    27         act.
    28             (iii)  An assessment of present and anticipated water
    29         use and demand by major basin and by significant
    30         hydrologic unit, including identification of consumptive
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     1         use.
     2             (iv)  Identification of low-flow characteristics,
     3         safe yield, the capability of water resources to support
     4         withdrawal and nonwithdrawal uses and the minimum stream
     5         flows and groundwater levels necessary to ensure adequate
     6         water quantity and quality for the protection of stream
     7         ecology, aquatic organisms and other environmental
     8         values.
     9             (v)  Assessment of water resources required to
    10         support areas with important or unique natural, scenic,
    11         historic, esthetic, environmental or recreational values.
    12         (3)  Require recordkeeping, metering, measuring,
    13     monitoring and reporting of such information as necessary to
    14     administer and obtain compliance with this act.
    15         (4)  Make inspections, investigations and examinations,
    16     exercise the right of entry, perform such tests or sampling
    17     and require the production of such things as necessary to
    18     determine compliance with or enforce this act.
    19         (5)  Provide water conservation education, technical
    20     assistance and advice to persons subject to the provisions of
    21     this act.
    22         (6)  Collect fees and civil penalties and accept and
    23     administer funds from any source to aid in carrying out this
    24     act.
    25         (7)  Issue, deny, modify, suspend and revoke permits.
    26         (8)  Issue orders, assess civil penalties and initiate
    27     those proceedings as may be necessary and appropriate for the
    28     enforcement of this act and any rules, regulations, orders or
    29     permits issued under this act.
    30         (9)  Recommend to the Environmental Quality Board such
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     1     rules and regulations as it deems necessary to implement this
     2     act.
     3         (10)  Cooperate and coordinate with appropriate river
     4     basin commissions and Federal, interstate, State, local,
     5     public water supply and other agencies for efficient planning
     6     for the conservation, utilization, evaluation, equitable
     7     distribution, management and development of water resources
     8     and to avoid duplicative requirements to which water users
     9     may be subject.
    10         (11)  Enter into administrative agreements, at its
    11     discretion, with appropriate river basin commissions or
    12     Federal, interstate, State or other agencies for any of the
    13     following purposes:
    14             (i)  To facilitate the submission and coordinated
    15         review of project approvals and permit applications
    16         related to water resources.
    17             (ii)  To avoid unnecessary duplications of staff
    18         functions, hearings and project approvals or permit
    19         requirements.
    20             (iii)  To provide for coordinated inspection,
    21         monitoring and enforcement of applicable laws and
    22         regulations.
    23             (iv)  To accept delegations of authority for the
    24         regulation or management of water resources.
    25             (v)  To coordinate the development of water resources
    26         contingency plans and to ensure coordinated and effective
    27         response to water resources shortages and drought
    28         emergencies.
    29         (12)  Enter into administrative agreements, at its
    30     discretion, with appropriate river basin commissions or
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     1     Federal, interstate, State or other agencies for the purpose
     2     of delegating any of its authority under this act. Any such
     3     commission or agency acting under a delegation agreement
     4     shall have the same powers and duties otherwise vested in the
     5     department to implement this act, to the extent delegated by
     6     the agreement.
     7         (13)  Conduct informal negotiation proceedings for
     8     settlement of disputes over water use or allocation,
     9     provided, that representatives of all persons having an
    10     interest in the water in controversy shall agree in writing
    11     to any settlement reached.
    12         (14)  Enter into contracts, including, but not limited
    13     to, grants, and such other cooperative arrangements, at its
    14     discretion and under those terms and conditions as may be
    15     deemed appropriate, with river basin commissions or Federal,
    16     interstate, State or other agencies, or with private
    17     contractors, in support of implementation of its powers and
    18     duties under this act. The department shall monitor and
    19     supervise activities conducted under those agreements for
    20     consistency with the department's rules, regulations and
    21     policies.
    22                             CHAPTER 5
    24  Section 501.  State Water Plan.
    25     (a)  Preparation and submission.--Within three years of the
    26  effective date of this act, the department shall prepare and
    27  submit an updated State Water Plan to the Environmental Quality
    28  Board for consideration and approval. The updated plan shall be
    29  prepared with the advice of and in consultation with the
    30  Statewide and regional water resource advisory committees, the
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     1  Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, the Pennsylvania
     2  Public Utility Commission and with other State, regional and
     3  local agencies and organizations, as deemed appropriate by the
     4  department. The applicable drought response sections of the plan
     5  shall be included by reference in the Pennsylvania Emergency
     6  Management Plan maintained under 35 Pa.C.S. Pt. V (relating to
     7  emergency management services), and the department shall be
     8  responsible for writing the applicable drought water management
     9  sections of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Plan as
    10  requested by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
    11     (b)  Scope.--The plan shall be a comprehensive plan for the
    12  immediate and long-range protection, conservation, utilization,
    13  evaluation, development, equitable distribution and management
    14  of the water resources of this Commonwealth, consistent with the
    15  public interest and the preservation of the natural, scenic,
    16  historic and esthetic values of the environment. The plan shall
    17  include:
    18         (1)  Identification of major water resources issues.
    19         (2)  Analysis of identified issues.
    20         (3)  That combination of policies, programs,
    21     institutional arrangements and recommendations that address
    22     the total water quantity needs and objectives of the
    23     Commonwealth and will guide the department's actions in
    24     managing the water resources of the Commonwealth in the
    25     public interest.
    26     (c)  Factors considered.--In developing the plan
    27  consideration shall be given to:
    28         (1)  Local and regional water resources needs, priorities
    29     and objectives.
    30         (2)  National, interstate, and State water resources
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     1     policies and objectives, including those identified in
     2     statutory law, regulations, compacts, interstate agreements
     3     or comprehensive plans adopted by Federal, interstate, State
     4     or river basin commission agencies.
     5         (3)  Identification of areas needing special protection.
     6         (4)  The conjunctive use, development and management of
     7     water resources.
     8         (5)  The application of conservation practices and water
     9     resource management and hydrologic principles, including the
    10     protection of stream flows and provision for consumptive use
    11     makeup.
    12         (6)  The benefits, costs and economic, social and
    13     environmental impacts of alternative policies, programs,
    14     institutional arrangements and recommendations.
    15     (d)  Procedure.--Following initial approval of the plan by
    16  the Environmental Quality Board, the department shall review and
    17  resubmit the plan to the board at least every six years
    18  thereafter in consultation with the Statewide and regional water
    19  resource advisory committees and others as deemed appropriate by
    20  the department and shall propose revisions as necessary or
    21  appropriate.
    22     (e)  Public review.--The department shall publish in the
    23  Pennsylvania Bulletin public notice of the availability of the
    24  plan for review at the department's regional offices and shall
    25  accept public comment for a period of at least 30 days prior to
    26  submission or resubmission of the plan to the Environmental
    27  Quality Board.
    28  Section 502.  Conservation areas.
    29     (a)  Establishment.--The department may propose and the
    30  Environmental Quality Board may, by regulation, establish a
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     1  procedure for the designation by the department of conservation
     2  areas that need special protection upon a finding that current
     3  or projected demands on and uses of water resources in those
     4  areas:
     5         (1)  exceed or threaten to exceed the safe yield of the
     6     water resources;
     7         (2)  create or will cause a shortage of water having
     8     sufficient quality to meet needs;
     9         (3)  impair or will have substantial adverse impact on
    10     withdrawal or nonwithdrawal uses, water quality or the
    11     environment; or
    12         (4)  conflict with the requirements or effectuation of
    13     the State Water Plan or the comprehensive plan of an
    14     applicable river basin commission.
    15     (b)  Modification or termination.--The department may modify
    16  or terminate the conservation area status of an area upon a
    17  finding that the conditions prompting the designation have
    18  significantly changed or no longer exist. A change in status
    19  shall be effective upon publication by the department of public
    20  notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    21  Section 503.  Water use registration and reporting.
    22     (a)  General rule.--Any person whose existing, new or
    23  increased withdrawal or diversion from one or more water
    24  resources of this Commonwealth causes his total withdrawal or
    25  diversion to equal or exceed an average rate of 10,000 GPD in
    26  any 30-day period, or such other amount as may be established by
    27  regulation, and all public water supply agencies shall register
    28  with the department the source and amount of their withdrawal or
    29  diversion. Registrations shall be submitted to the department on
    30  the forms and with the accompanying data as shall be prescribed
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     1  by the department or hereafter required by regulation and with
     2  the fees as set by this act or subsequent regulation.
     3     (b)  Effective date and renewals.--The registration
     4  requirement shall take effect one year from the effective date
     5  of this act. Registrations shall be renewed according to
     6  staggered three-year cycles to be established by the department
     7  by notice published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, or such other
     8  reporting period as may hereafter be established by regulation,
     9  except that any person who, after registering a withdrawal or
    10  diversion exceeding 100,000 GPD, increases by 20% or more the
    11  amount of the registered withdrawal or diversion before the
    12  renewal date of his registration shall submit to the department
    13  supplemental information within 60 days of commencing the
    14  increased withdrawal or diversion.
    15     (c)  Measurements, records and reports.--The department may
    16  require any person subject to subsection (a) or section 504 to
    17  install, use and maintain metering equipment or methods, to
    18  perform measuring, to maintain and retain records of information
    19  from metering and measuring activities, to submit reports of
    20  metering and measuring results and to provide such other
    21  information as may be required to determine compliance or
    22  noncompliance with this act, with regulations promulgated under
    23  this act or with the terms or conditions of any permit or order
    24  issued under this act. The department may also require any
    25  person subject to subsection (a) or section 504 to establish and
    26  maintain other records and to make other reports and to furnish
    27  information to the department as the department may prescribe as
    28  being necessary to assist the department in fulfilling the
    29  purposes of this act or to demonstrate compliance with the
    30  requirements of this act, the regulations promulgated hereunder
    19970S0317B0321                 - 19 -

     1  or the terms and conditions of any permit or order issued to
     2  that person.
     3     (d)  Waiver or modification of requirements.--The
     4  Environmental Quality Board may adopt regulations, providing for
     5  the waiver or modification of registration, recordkeeping or
     6  reporting requirements for any classification or volume of
     7  withdrawal or diversion, where the board finds that the
     8  withdrawal or diversion is temporary in nature or unlikely to
     9  have any significant effect on the water resource or other water
    10  use in the area or that these requirements are unnecessary to
    11  obtain information required to adequately assess water uses,
    12  monitor demands or prepare an accurate and complete State Water
    13  Plan.
    14     (e)  Construction of section.--Registration of a withdrawal
    15  or diversion under this section shall not be construed as a
    16  determination of water rights, a prior appropriation of water
    17  resources, conferring of superiority of right in respect to the
    18  use of those water resources or approval of the withdrawal or
    19  diversion by any agency of the Commonwealth or by any river
    20  basin commission.
    21  Section 504.  Withdrawals or diversions requiring permits.
    22     (a)  Significant user.--No person may withdraw or divert
    23  water resources of this Commonwealth whose total withdrawal or
    24  diversion from one or more water resources equals or exceeds an
    25  average rate of 100,000 GPD in any 30-day period, or such other
    26  amount as may hereafter be established by regulation, without
    27  first obtaining a written individual permit or coverage under an
    28  applicable general permit from the department in accordance with
    29  section 505 or 506.
    30     (b)  Public water supply agency.--No public water supply
    19970S0317B0321                 - 20 -

     1  agency may withdraw or divert water resources of this
     2  Commonwealth or acquire any water rights without first obtaining
     3  a written individual permit or coverage under an applicable
     4  general permit from the department in accordance with section
     5  505 or 506, unless:
     6         (1)  the public water supply agency withdraws, diverts
     7     and uses water resources only on its riparian land; and
     8         (2)  the public water supply agency's total withdrawal or
     9     diversion from one or more water resources does not equal or
    10     exceed an average rate of 10,000 GPD in any 30-day period, or
    11     such other amount as may hereafter be established by
    12     regulation.
    13     (c)  Permit requirement effective date.--Except as provided
    14  in subsection (d), the permit requirement contained in
    15  subsection (a) or (b) shall take effect on the following dates,
    16  or such other dates, including interim dates for the submission
    17  of a complete permit application under section 505 or 506, as
    18  may hereafter be established by regulation:
    19         (1)  For withdrawals or diversions equal to or exceeding
    20     2,500,000 GPD, four years from the effective date of this
    21     act.
    22         (2)  For withdrawals or diversions equal to or exceeding
    23     750,000 GPD but less than 2,500,000 GPD, five years from the
    24     effective date of this act.
    25         (3)  For withdrawals or diversions equal to or exceeding
    26     250,000 GPD but less than 750,000 GPD, six years from the
    27     effective date of this act.
    28         (4)  For withdrawals or diversions equal to or exceeding
    29     100,000 GPD but less than 250,000 GPD, eight years from the
    30     effective date of this act.
    19970S0317B0321                 - 21 -

     1         (5)  For withdrawals or diversions by public water supply
     2     agencies of less than 100,000 GPD, ten years from the
     3     effective date of this act.
     4     (d)  Existing approvals.--
     5         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), any person or
     6     public water supply agency which on the effective date of
     7     this act holds a valid permit, order of confirmation or
     8     approval to withdraw, use or divert water resources issued
     9     under one of the following acts or compacts may continue to
    10     exercise their authority under those approvals until the
    11     applicable date specified in subsection (c) for obtaining a
    12     permit under this act:
    13             (i)  The act of June 14, 1923 (P.L.704, No.294),
    14         entitled "An act relating to limited power permits and
    15         limited water supply permits from the Water Supply
    16         Commission of Pennsylvania and the conditions thereof, to
    17         the flooding and use by holders of limited power permits
    18         of islands owned by the Commonwealth, to the unlawful use
    19         for water or steam power development of dams and changes
    20         in streams hereafter constructed or made otherwise than
    21         under limited power permits, and to proceedings for the
    22         enforcement of this act."
    23             (ii)  The act of June 24, 1939 (P.L.842, No.365),
    24         referred to as the Water Rights Law.
    25             (iii)  The Delaware River Basin Compact, authorized
    26         under the act of July 7, 1961 (P.L.518, No.268), known as
    27         the Delaware River Basin Compact.
    28             (iv)  The Susquehanna River Basin Compact, authorized
    29         under the act of July 17, 1968 (P.L.368, No.181),
    30         referred to as the Susquehanna River Basin Compact Law.
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     1         (2)  Any person or public water supply agency subject to
     2     the statutes listed in paragraph (1) shall obtain a permit
     3     under this act prior to the occurrence of any of the
     4     following, or the applicable date specified in subsection
     5     (c), whichever is sooner:
     6             (i)  expiration of its existing approval; or
     7             (ii)  commencement of a new or increased withdrawal
     8         or diversion after the effective date of this act.
     9         (3)  The issuance, modification, suspension or denial of
    10     a permit under this act shall substitute for and act as a
    11     revocation of any previous authority granted under the
    12     statutes listed in paragraph (1).
    13     (e)  Permits within conservation areas.--
    14         (1)  Within any conservation area established by the
    15     department under section 502, no person may withdraw or
    16     divert water resources of this Commonwealth whose total
    17     withdrawal or diversion from one or more water resources
    18     equals or exceeds an average rate of 10,000 GPD in any 30-day
    19     period, or such other amount as may be established by
    20     regulation, without obtaining a written individual permit or
    21     coverage under an applicable general permit from the
    22     department in accordance with section 505 or 506. The permit
    23     requirement of this subsection shall take effect:
    24             (i)  Upon the effective date of the conservation area
    25         designation, as to any withdrawal or diversion commenced
    26         or increased after the effective date of the conservation
    27         area determination.
    28             (ii)  One year following the effective date of the
    29         conservation area designation as to any withdrawal or
    30         diversion developed and commenced prior to the effective
    19970S0317B0321                 - 23 -

     1         date of the conservation area determination.
     2         (2)  Any person or public water supply agency withdrawing
     3     water resources within a delineated conservation area under a
     4     valid permit issued under section 505 or 506 shall be deemed
     5     to comply with the permit requirements of this subsection.
     6     Any such permit shall be subject to modification as necessary
     7     to comply with the requirements of this act and the
     8     regulations adopted under this act.
     9     (f)  Compliance with other requirements.--Any person or
    10  public water supply agency otherwise subject to the requirements
    11  of this section shall comply immediately with all operating,
    12  monitoring, conservation, registration, recordkeeping, reporting
    13  and other provisions of this act and the regulations adopted
    14  under this act, regardless of when or whether the person or
    15  public water supply agency must comply with the permit
    16  requirement.
    17  Section 505.  Permit requirements.
    18     (a)  Application.--
    19         (1)  Applications for permits shall be submitted in
    20     writing to the department on the forms and with such
    21     accompanying data as shall be prescribed by the department
    22     and shall include maps, plans, yield data, water quality
    23     data, delineation of service territory and other information
    24     as the department may require to determine compliance with
    25     this act and the regulations adopted under this act. Each
    26     application shall also be accompanied by a permit application
    27     fee established by this act or regulation. The submission of
    28     a new application shall be required if a permittee's
    29     withdrawal or diversion exceeds the quantity specified in an
    30     existing permit or if a permitted public water supply agency
    19970S0317B0321                 - 24 -

     1     proposes the expansion of its service territory beyond that
     2     identified in its existing permit.
     3         (2)  Applicants must demonstrate the following:
     4             (i)  Evidence of existing permits, authorizations or
     5         approvals or other basis to support the request to
     6         withdraw, divert or use water resources of this
     7         Commonwealth.
     8             (ii)  What steps have been or will be taken to
     9         minimize any adverse impact the proposed withdrawal,
    10         diversion or use will have on existing withdrawals,
    11         diversions or uses.
    12             (iii)  What actions have been or will be taken to
    13         protect stream flows, stream ecology, aquatic organisms
    14         and related environmental values.
    15             (iv)  What conservation practices have been or will
    16         be pursued.
    17             (v)  In the case of a public water supply agency,
    18         that the proposed withdrawal or diversion is reasonably
    19         necessary for the present purposes and future needs of
    20         the area served by the agency.
    21         (3)  Prior to taking action on a permit application, the
    22     department shall require every applicant to give at least 30
    23     days' written notice to each municipality in which the
    24     proposed withdrawal or diversion is located. The department
    25     shall provide public notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin upon
    26     the receipt of a completed permit application and shall
    27     provide a 30-day public comment period before taking action
    28     on a permit application. The department shall also provide
    29     public notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin of the permits
    30     granted under this act.
    19970S0317B0321                 - 25 -

     1     (b)  Permit issuance.--
     2         (1)  The department shall have the authority to grant a
     3     permit for the continuation of an existing withdrawal or
     4     diversion or for a new or increased withdrawal or diversion
     5     if the department determines that the withdrawal or diversion
     6     is:
     7             (i)  consistent with the State Water Plan and
     8         comprehensive plan of any river basin commission;
     9             (ii)  complies with the provisions of this act, the
    10         regulations adopted under this act, and all other
    11         applicable laws and regulations administered by the
    12         department or a river basin commission; and
    13             (iii)  satisfies the criteria contained in subsection
    14         (a)(2).
    15         (2)  The department shall not issue or amend any permit
    16     under this act and may suspend or revoke any permit
    17     previously issued if it finds that the applicant, or a
    18     partner, owner, associate, officer, parent or subsidiary
    19     corporation or contract operator, has shown a lack of ability
    20     or intention to comply with any provisions of Federal law or
    21     the laws of the Commonwealth or other states, or a
    22     regulation, order or permit of the department or river basin
    23     commission regarding water resources withdrawals or
    24     diversions, as indicated by past or continuing violations,
    25     unless the lack of intention or ability to comply is being or
    26     has been corrected to the satisfaction of the department.
    27         (3)  Where the department finds that the quantity of
    28     existing or proposed withdrawals or diversions exceeds the
    29     safe yield of the affected water resource or that the
    30     proposed withdrawal or diversion is inconsistent with the
    19970S0317B0321                 - 26 -

     1     State Water Plan or applicable comprehensive plan of any
     2     river basin commission, results in environmental harm or
     3     otherwise creates a conflict among water users, the
     4     department may deny the request, require adjustments in the
     5     quantities withdrawn or modify or condition withdrawals or
     6     diversions as necessary to assure that the water resources
     7     are conserved, equitably shared and efficiently used in the
     8     public interest and in accordance with any regulations
     9     adopted hereunder.
    10         (4)  Any permitted diversion or withdrawal granted under
    11     this act shall lapse if the permittee does not effectuate the
    12     withdrawal or diversion by an actual taking and use of water
    13     resources within the time specified in the permit, not to
    14     exceed four years, unless the permittee applies for and is
    15     granted an extension as the department deems necessary to
    16     enable the permittee to complete the project required for the
    17     diversion or withdrawal.
    18     (c)  No prior appropriations.--No allocation of water
    19  resources made under this section shall constitute a prior
    20  appropriation of the water resources of this Commonwealth or
    21  confer any superiority of right in respect to the use of those
    22  water resources. Public water supply agencies authorized to
    23  acquire water rights shall be in the same position as holders of
    24  water rights under Pennsylvania common law.
    25     (d)  Permit duration.--A permit issued or renewed under this
    26  section shall be for a fixed term not to exceed ten years. A
    27  permit may be renewed by the department upon the filing of a new
    28  application. Application for renewal of permits must be filed
    29  with the department no later than six months prior to expiration
    30  of an existing permit. The terms and conditions of an expired
    19970S0317B0321                 - 27 -

     1  permit are automatically continued pending the issuance of a new
     2  permit where the permittee has submitted a timely and complete
     3  application for a new permit and paid the fees required by this
     4  act or the regulations promulgated under this act and the
     5  department is unable, through no fault of the permittee, to
     6  issue or deny a new permit before the expiration date of the
     7  previous permit.
     8     (e)  Permit conditions.--
     9         (1)  The department shall impose such permit terms and
    10     conditions, including, but not limited to, standard
    11     conditions, regarding conservation, development, operation
    12     and monitoring of withdrawals and diversions as are
    13     reasonably necessary to protect the public interest in water
    14     resources and to assure consistency with the State Water Plan
    15     and applicable comprehensive plan of any river basin
    16     commission and compliance with this act, the regulations
    17     adopted under this act and other laws and regulations
    18     administered by the department and any river basin
    19     commission. These conditions shall include, but are not
    20     limited to, requirements related to implementing conservation
    21     practices, metering or measuring, consumptive use makeup,
    22     minimum stream flows to protect aquatic life and existing
    23     uses and the equitable distribution of water resources.
    24         (2)  The withdrawal, diversion, development, operation
    25     and use of water authorized by a permit may be suspended or
    26     made subject to special limits or conditions in the event of
    27     an emergency declared by the Governor under 35 Pa.C.S. Pt. V
    28     (relating to emergency management services), or any successor
    29     statute or by a river basin commission.
    30     (f)  Permit modification, suspension and revocation.--The
    19970S0317B0321                 - 28 -

     1  department may at any time modify, suspend or revoke a permit
     2  to:
     3         (1)  Respond to new information or changed hydrologic
     4     conditions.
     5         (2)  Resolve previously unforeseen conflicts or impacts.
     6         (3)  Protect the public interest, considering
     7     conservation, development, equitable distribution of
     8     available water resources and the maintenance of water
     9     quantity and quality to preserve withdrawal and nonwithdrawal
    10     uses.
    11         (4)  Assure compliance with this act, regulations adopted
    12     under this act and other laws administered by the department
    13     or any river basin commission created by interstate compact.
    14         (5)  Correct any violation of this act or regulations
    15     adopted under this act or of a condition of the permit,
    16     including taking appropriate action under subsection (b)(2).
    17     (g)  Permit not transferable.--No permit issued under this
    18  act may be transferred.
    19     (h)  Emergency permits.--In the event of an emergency
    20  requiring immediate action to protect health, safety or welfare
    21  and where the circumstances do not allow a complete review of an
    22  application as required by this act, the department may issue an
    23  emergency permit authorizing such withdrawals or diversions as
    24  necessary.  In issuing emergency permits under this section, the
    25  department need not comply with the requirements of subsection
    26  (a)(3).
    27     (i)  Eminent domain.--All public water supply agencies
    28  holding a permit issued under this act shall have the power and
    29  may exercise the right of eminent domain with respect to any
    30  withdrawal, diversion or acquisition authorized by the permit.
    19970S0317B0321                 - 29 -

     1  Section 506.  General permits.
     2     (a)  General rule.--The department may, in accordance with
     3  regulations adopted by the Environmental Quality Board, issue
     4  general permits on a watershed, basin, management area, regional
     5  or Statewide basis for any category of withdrawal or diversion
     6  if the department determines that the withdrawals or diversions
     7  in the category can be adequately regulated and managed
     8  utilizing standardized specifications and conditions and will
     9  have an insignificant effect upon water resources.
    10     (b)  Content.--General permits shall specify the siting,
    11  operating and other conditions as are necessary to conserve,
    12  preserve, maintain and manage water resources and to protect
    13  health, safety, welfare and the environment and under which
    14  withdrawals or diversions can be developed and operated without
    15  applying for and obtaining individual permits.
    16     (c)  Registration.--The department shall require an applicant
    17  for a general permit to register any withdrawal or diversion to
    18  be developed or operated under such general permit, on the forms
    19  and with such accompanying data as the department may prescribe.
    20     (d)  Publication.--A general permit shall be published as a
    21  notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin at least 30 days prior to
    22  the effective date of the permit.
    23  Section 507.  Conservation.
    24     (a)  Water conservation technical assistance program.--The
    25  department shall establish, implement and administer a water
    26  conservation technical assistance program which shall provide
    27  for technical staff assistance in the formulation and
    28  implementation of effective water conservation practices by
    29  persons subject to the provisions of this act and shall develop
    30  incentives to encourage water users to implement new or
    19970S0317B0321                 - 30 -

     1  innovative conservation practices.
     2     (b)  Water conservation information and education program.--
     3  The department shall establish, implement and administer a water
     4  conservation education program and materials for school age
     5  children. In addition, water conservation information shall be
     6  made available for dissemination to the public.
     7     (c)  Conservation credits.--The department shall propose and
     8  the Environmental Quality Board shall adopt regulations to
     9  establish requirements for implementing conservation credits for
    10  permittees who have adopted within ten years prior to the
    11  effective date of this act or who adopt in the future
    12  conservation practices which can be demonstrated to have
    13  resulted in a significant and quantifiable reduction in the use
    14  of water resources. Conservation credits shall be available to
    15  reduce or eliminate the requirements for restrictions on or
    16  reductions of water use during times of water shortage or
    17  drought, but may not be used to reduce or eliminate restrictions
    18  on nonessential use.
    19  Section 508.  Drought response planning and authority.
    20     (a)  Local drought advance planning.--Any person whose total
    21  withdrawal or diversion from one or more water resources equals
    22  or exceeds 100,000 GPD in any 30-day period and all public water
    23  supply agencies shall develop and submit to the department for
    24  approval a drought contingency plan within one year of the
    25  effective date of this act for withdrawals or diversions
    26  commenced prior to or within one year of the effective date of
    27  this act. The drought contingency plans shall be submitted to
    28  the department for approval within one year of the commencement
    29  of any future new diversion or withdrawal by a public water
    30  supply agency, any person whose total withdrawal or diversion
    19970S0317B0321                 - 31 -

     1  from one or more water resources equals or exceeds 100,000 GPD
     2  in any 30-day period, or such other amount as may be established
     3  by regulation, and any person subject to the permit requirement
     4  in a delineated conservation area. Each drought contingency plan
     5  shall be submitted to the department in the form and with such
     6  accompanying data as shall be prescribed by the department in
     7  consultation with the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
     8  and shall be updated in accordance with the schedule for
     9  renewals of registrations established under section 503(b). Each
    10  drought contingency plan shall contain the following, at a
    11  minimum:
    12         (1)  The name, address and telephone number of the person
    13     or persons responsible for directing operations during a
    14     drought emergency.
    15         (2)  A description of the water resources used, including
    16     all interconnections, the location and safe yield of each
    17     resource and data indicating the monthly average and peak day
    18     rates of withdrawal and usage from each source and in total
    19     for each calendar month during the previous calendar year or
    20     most recent 12-month period for which data is available.
    21         (3)  A description of the method, location and rates of
    22     waste water disposal from the system or estimate of
    23     consumptive use, if applicable.
    24         (4)  A description of the conservation measures
    25     previously undertaken to reduce water use and potential
    26     measures which could be implemented to reduce water use
    27     during a drought, including the impact of the measures on
    28     production, employment and economics, if applicable.
    29         (5)  A description of the criteria to be used to identify
    30     the onset of water shortage problems.
    19970S0317B0321                 - 32 -

     1         (6)  A plan of action which will be taken to respond to a
     2     drought or water supply shortage, including coordinated local
     3     municipal ordinances to implement and enforce nonessential
     4     water use restrictions, conservation practices, development
     5     of emergency or alternative supplies and local water
     6     rationing for public water suppliers. The plan shall describe
     7     those actions to be taken to achieve a phased reduction of
     8     total withdrawal and use by percentage of predrought
     9     withdrawal and usage.
    10     (b)  Local concurrence.--Simultaneous with submission to the
    11  department, any person or public water supply agency subject to
    12  the requirements of subsection (a) shall also submit its drought
    13  contingency plan to and seek the concurrence of the appropriate
    14  county and local municipal government emergency management
    15  agencies. If no objections are forwarded to the department
    16  within 30 days of submission of the plan, the plan shall be
    17  deemed acceptable to those agencies so notified. Upon approval
    18  by the department, a drought contingency plan shall become a
    19  part of the applicable county and local municipal government
    20  emergency management plans.
    21     (c)  Implementation.--It shall be the duty of any person or
    22  public water supply agency subject to the requirements of
    23  subsection (a) to adhere to its approved drought contingency
    24  plan, except that local water rationing may not be implemented
    25  unless approved under 35 Pa.C.S. Pt. V (relating to emergency
    26  management services).
    27     (d)  Drought response authority.--Whenever a water resources
    28  shortage or drought emergency is declared by the Governor under
    29  35 Pa.C.S. Pt. V or by a river basin commission under an
    30  interstate compact, the department, in consultation with the
    19970S0317B0321                 - 33 -

     1  Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, may undertake water
     2  management actions necessary to assure equitable sharing of
     3  available water supplies and conservation of water resources in
     4  a manner consistent with the State Water Plan. The department's
     5  water management actions may include, but are not limited to,
     6  the following measures:
     7         (1)  Order temporary suspension of withdrawals or
     8     diversions or temporary modification of conditions in
     9     existing permits, including restrictions on the timing or
    10     quantity of water use.
    11         (2)  Direct the level of storage and release of water in
    12     public and private reservoir facilities subject to State
    13     regulation.
    14         (3)  Cooperate with Federal agencies responsible for
    15     operation of Federal reservoir facilities to develop and
    16     implement emergency schedules for storage and release of
    17     water.
    18         (4)  Require the emergency interconnection of water
    19     supplies and prescribe the delivery of water through those
    20     interconnections.
    21         (5)  Mandate implementation of drought contingency plans
    22     and specific water conservation measures.
    23         (6)  Regulate the withdrawal or diversion of water
    24     resources in designated drought emergency areas in excess of
    25     those quantities as may be prescribed by order of the
    26     department or regulation adopted by the Environmental Quality
    27     Board and establish requirements for emergency withdrawal
    28     permits.
    29     (e)  Variances.--The department, in coordination with the
    30  Pennsylvania Emergency Management Council shall establish
    19970S0317B0321                 - 34 -

     1  procedures for granting variances from nonessential water use
     2  restrictions based on extraordinary hardship.
     3     (f)  Cooperation with other agencies.--The department shall
     4  cooperate with appropriate Federal, interstate, State and other
     5  agencies to plan effective responses to any water resources
     6  emergency. The department may accept the delegation of authority
     7  from any river basin commission or Federal interstate agency
     8  relating to management of water resources in this Commonwealth.
     9                             CHAPTER 7
    10                            ENFORCEMENT
    11  Section 701.  Enforcement generally.
    12     (a)  Duty to comply with orders of department.--It shall be
    13  the duty of any person to comply with any order issued by the
    14  department under this act. If any person fails to comply with an
    15  order within the time, if any, as may be specified, the person
    16  shall be guilty of contempt and shall be punished by the court
    17  in an appropriate manner, and for this purpose, application may
    18  be made by the department to the Commonwealth Court, which court
    19  is hereby granted jurisdiction.
    20     (b)  Unlawful conduct.--It shall be unlawful for any person
    21  to fail to comply with or to cause or assist in the violation of
    22  any provision of this act or any regulation, permit or order
    23  adopted under this act; or to fail to comply with an order or
    24  permit condition within the time, if any, as may be specified;
    25  or to hinder, obstruct, prevent or interfere with the department
    26  or its personnel in their performance of any duty under this
    27  act; or to violate the provisions of 18 Pa.C.S. § 4903 (relating
    28  to false swearing) or 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification to
    29  authorities) in regard to submissions required under this act.
    30  Section 702.  Duty to provide access.
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     1     (a)  General rule.--The department is authorized to make
     2  inspections, conduct tests or sampling or examine, seize or
     3  require production of books, papers and records, including, but
     4  not limited to, computerized records, and physical evidence
     5  pertinent to any matter under investigation under this act as it
     6  deems necessary to determine compliance with this act, the
     7  regulations adopted under this act or any order or permit issued
     8  under this act. For this purpose, the duly authorized agents and
     9  employees of the department are authorized to enter and examine
    10  any property, facility, operation or activity governed by this
    11  act, upon presentation of appropriate credentials, without prior
    12  notice at all reasonable times, during regular business hours of
    13  the operation and times when activity is being conducted. The
    14  owner, operator or other person in charge of the property,
    15  facility, operation or activity, upon presentation of proper
    16  identification and purpose for inspection by the agents or
    17  employees of the department, shall give the agents and employees
    18  free and unrestricted entry and access.
    19     (b)  Refusal of access.--Upon being refused entry or access
    20  sought under this subsection, the department's agent or employee
    21  may obtain a search warrant or other suitable order for the
    22  purposes of inspecting, examining or seizing any property,
    23  facility, book, record or other physical evidence or of
    24  conducting tests or taking samples.  It shall be sufficient
    25  probable cause to show any of the following:
    26         (1)  That the inspection, examination, test or sampling
    27     is pursuant to a general administrative plan to determine
    28     compliance with this act.
    29         (2)  That the agent or employee has reason to believe
    30     that a violation of this act has occurred or is likely to
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     1     occur.
     2         (3)  That the agent or employee has been refused access
     3     to the property, facility, book, record or physical evidence
     4     or has been prevented from conducting tests or taking samples
     5     which activities are necessary to determine compliance or to
     6     respond to a violation of this act.
     7         (4)  That the object of the investigation is subject to
     8     regulation under this act and access, examination,
     9     inspection, seizure or testing is necessary to enforce the
    10     provisions of this act.
    11  Section 703.  Enforcement orders.
    12     The department may issue orders to persons as it deems
    13  necessary to aid in the enforcement of this act. These orders
    14  shall include, but are not limited to, orders modifying,
    15  suspending or revoking permits, orders requiring persons to
    16  comply with or cease violations of the provisions of this act or
    17  the regulations, orders or permits issued hereunder, orders to
    18  take corrective action or abate a public nuisance or orders
    19  requiring the testing, sampling or monitoring of a water
    20  resource or requiring production of information. Any order
    21  issued under this act shall take effect upon notice, unless the
    22  order specifies otherwise. An appeal to the Environmental
    23  Hearing Board shall not act as a supersedeas. Upon application
    24  and for cause shown, the board may, however, issue a supersedeas
    25  under rules established by that board. The department may
    26  petition the Commonwealth Court for enforcement of any order or
    27  portion thereof, and Commonwealth Court shall grant the petition
    28  if it finds, after a hearing, that the order has been issued and
    29  has either become final or, if appealed, has not been superseded
    30  by the Environmental Hearing Board. The power of the department
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     1  to issue an order under this act is in addition to any other
     2  remedy which may be available to the department under this or
     3  any other act. The failure to comply with any order is hereby
     4  declared to be a nuisance.
     5  Section 704.  Equitable relief.
     6     In addition to any other remedies provided in this act, the
     7  department may proceed in equity in the Commonwealth Court or in
     8  a court of common pleas having jurisdiction to restrain or
     9  prevent violations of this act or to compel compliance with this
    10  act or any rule, regulation, permit, or order issued under this
    11  act. In any such proceeding, the court shall, upon motion of the
    12  department, issue a prohibitory or mandatory preliminary
    13  injunction if it finds that the defendant is engaging in
    14  unlawful conduct as defined by this act or is engaged in conduct
    15  which is causing or likely to cause immediate and irreparable
    16  harm to the public. The department shall not be required to
    17  furnish bond or other security in connection with these
    18  proceedings. In addition to any injunction, the court, in equity
    19  proceedings, may levy civil penalties as specified in this
    20  section.
    21  Section 705.  Summary offense.
    22     (a)  Offense defined.--Any person who violates any provision
    23  of this act, any rule or regulation of the department, any order
    24  of the department or any condition of any permit of the
    25  department issued under this act commits a summary offense
    26  punishable by a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $5,000,
    27  for each separate offense or, in default of payment thereof,
    28  shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a period of not more than
    29  90 days for each separate offense. For purposes of this
    30  subsection, a summary offense may be prosecuted before any
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     1  district justice in the county where the offense occurred.
     2     (b)  Employees as law enforcement officers.--Employees of the
     3  department authorized to conduct inspections or investigations
     4  are hereby declared to be law enforcement officers authorized to
     5  issue or file citations for summary violations under this act,
     6  and the General Counsel is hereby authorized to prosecute these
     7  offenses.
     8  Section 706.  Misdemeanor.
     9     Any person who willfully or negligently violates any
    10  provision of this act, any rule or regulation of the department,
    11  any order of the department or any condition of any permit of
    12  the department issued under this act or who hinders, obstructs,
    13  prevents or interferes with an officer, agent or employee of the
    14  department in the performance of his duties commits a
    15  misdemeanor of the third degree punishable by a fine of not less
    16  than $1,000 nor more than $10,000 for each separate offense or
    17  by imprisonment for a period of not more than one year for each
    18  separate offense, or both.
    19  Section 707.  Civil penalties.
    20     (a)  Authority to assess.--In addition to proceeding under
    21  any other remedy available at law or in equity for a violation
    22  of any provision of this act, any rule or regulation of the
    23  department, any order of the department or any term or condition
    24  of any permit issued by the department, the department may
    25  assess a civil penalty upon a person for the violation. The
    26  penalty may be assessed whether or not the violation was willful
    27  or negligent.
    28     (b)  Procedure.--
    29         (1)  When the department proposes to assess a civil
    30     penalty, it shall inform the person of the amount of the
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     1     penalty. The person charged with the penalty shall then have
     2     30 days to pay the proposed penalty in full or, if the person
     3     wishes to contest either the amount of the penalty or the
     4     fact of the violation, the person shall within 30 days
     5     forward the proposed amount of the penalty to the
     6     Environmental Hearing Board for placement in an escrow
     7     account with the State Treasurer or any Commonwealth bank or
     8     post an appeal bond to the board in the amount of the
     9     proposed penalty, provided that the bond is executed by a
    10     surety licensed to do business in this Commonwealth and is
    11     satisfactory to the department, and shall file an appeal to
    12     the board within the same 30 days.
    13         (2)  If, through administrative or final judicial review
    14     of the proposed penalty, it is determined that no violation
    15     occurred or that the amount of the penalty shall be reduced,
    16     the board shall, within 30 days, remit the appropriate amount
    17     to the person, with any interest accumulated by the escrow
    18     deposit.
    19         (3)  Failure to forward the money or the appeal bond at
    20     the time of the appeal shall result in a waiver of all legal
    21     rights to contest the violation or the amount of the civil
    22     penalty.
    23         (4)  The amount assessed after administrative hearing or
    24     after waiver of administrative hearing shall be payable to
    25     the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and shall be collectible in
    26     any manner provided by law for the collection of debts.
    27     (c)  Separate offenses.--The maximum civil penalty which may
    28  be assessed under this section may not exceed $10,000 per day
    29  for each violation. Each violation for each separate day and
    30  each violation of any provision of this act, any rule or
    19970S0317B0321                 - 40 -

     1  regulation under this act, any order of the department or any
     2  term or condition of the permit shall constitute a separate and
     3  distinct offense under this section. In determining the amount
     4  of the penalty, the department shall consider the willfulness of
     5  the violation, the effect on the water resources planning
     6  process, the damage to water resources or other natural
     7  resources of the Commonwealth or their uses, the cost of
     8  restoration or abatement, the savings resulting to the person in
     9  consequence of the violation, the deterrence of future
    10  violations, the cost to the department and other relevant
    11  factors.
    12  Section 708.  Civil action to compel compliance.
    13     (a)  General rule.--Any person having an interest which is or
    14  may be adversely affected may commence a civil action on his own
    15  behalf to compel compliance with this act or any rule,
    16  regulation, order or permit issued under this act against any
    17  person withdrawing, diverting or using water resources alleged
    18  to be in violation of any provision of this act or any rule,
    19  regulation, order or permit issued under this act. Any other
    20  provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the courts of
    21  common pleas shall have jurisdiction of such actions, and venue
    22  in such actions shall be as set forth in the Pennsylvania Rules
    23  of Civil Procedure concerning civil actions.
    24     (b)  Limitation.--No civil action may be commenced if the
    25  department has executed a consent order and agreement, consent
    26  adjudication, consent decree or similar document which binds an
    27  alleged violator to corrective action and future compliance or
    28  if the department has commenced and is diligently prosecuting a
    29  civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction or is in
    30  litigation before the Environmental Hearing Board to require the
    19970S0317B0321                 - 41 -

     1  alleged violator to comply with this act or any rule,
     2  regulation, order or permit issued under this act, but in any
     3  such action any person having or representing an interest which
     4  is or may be adversely affected may intervene as a matter of
     5  right without posting bond.
     6     (c)  Notice.--No action under this subsection may be
     7  commenced prior to 60 days after the plaintiff has given notice
     8  in writing of the violation to the department and to any alleged
     9  violator. Notwithstanding the 60-day notice requirement, any
    10  action may be initiated immediately upon written notification to
    11  the department in the case where the violation or order
    12  complained of constitutes an imminent threat to the health or
    13  safety of the plaintiff or would immediately affect a legal
    14  interest of the plaintiff.
    15     (d)  Award of costs, etc.--The court, in issuing any final
    16  order in any action brought under this subsection, may award
    17  costs of litigation, including attorney and expert witness fees,
    18  to any party, whenever the court determines such award is
    19  appropriate. Except as provided in section 703, the court may,
    20  if a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction is
    21  sought, require the filing of a bond or equivalent security in
    22  accordance with the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure.
    23  Section 709.  Penalties to be concurrent.
    24     The penalties and remedies prescribed by this act shall be
    25  deemed concurrent, and the existence or exercise of any remedy
    26  shall not prevent the department from exercising any other
    27  remedy hereunder, at law or in equity.
    28  Section 710.  Separate offenses.
    29     Each violation on each separate day shall constitute a
    30  separate offense for purposes of this act.
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     1  Section 711.  Appealable actions.
     2     Any person aggrieved by an order or other administrative
     3  action of the department issued under this act shall have the
     4  right, within 30 days of actual or constructive notice of the
     5  action, whichever is sooner, to appeal the action to the
     6  Environmental Hearing Board in accordance with the act of July
     7  13, 1988 (P.L.530, No.94), known as the Environmental Hearing
     8  Board Act, and 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A (relating to practice
     9  and procedure of Commonwealth agencies).
    10  Section 712.  Public nuisances.
    11     A violation of any provision of this act, any regulation of
    12  the department, any order of the department or any term or
    13  condition of any permit shall constitute a public nuisance.  Any
    14  person committing this violation shall be liable for the costs
    15  of the abatement of the public nuisance caused by the violation.
    16  The Environmental Hearing Board and any court of competent
    17  jurisdiction are hereby given jurisdiction over actions to
    18  recover the costs of the abatement. Any activity or condition
    19  declared by this act to be a nuisance or which is otherwise in
    20  violation of this act shall be abatable in the manner provided
    21  by law or equity for the abatement of public nuisances.
    22  Section 713.  Existing rights and remedies preserved.
    23     (a)  Construction of act.--Nothing in this act shall be
    24  construed in a manner to repeal or supersede existing rights and
    25  obligations of persons under existing law or statute, except
    26  insofar as this act is directly inconsistent with such law or
    27  statute.
    28     (b)  Collection not estoppel.--The collection of any penalty
    29  imposed under this act shall not be construed as estopping the
    30  Commonwealth, any district attorney or solicitor of a
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     1  municipality or aggrieved person from proceeding in courts of
     2  law or equity to abate nuisances under this act or under
     3  existing law or to restrain, at law or in equity, violation of
     4  this act.
     5     (c)  Remedies additional and cumulative.--It is hereby
     6  declared to be the purpose of this act to provide additional and
     7  cumulative remedies to abate nuisances. Nothing contained in
     8  this act shall in any way abridge or alter rights of action or
     9  remedies now or hereafter existing in equity or under the common
    10  law or statutory law, criminal or civil, nor shall any provision
    11  in this act or the granting of any permit under this act or any
    12  act done by virtue of this act be construed as estopping the
    13  Commonwealth, persons or municipalities, in the exercise of
    14  their rights under the common law or decisional law or in
    15  equity, from proceeding in courts of law or equity to suppress
    16  nuisances or enforce common law or statutory rights.
    17                             CHAPTER 9
    18                        FINANCIAL PROVISIONS
    19  Section 901.  Water Conservation Account.
    20     (a)  Establishment and purpose.--All fines, civil penalties
    21  or recovered costs collected under the penalty or nuisance
    22  provisions of this act and all fees shall be paid into the State
    23  Treasury into a separate account to be known as the Water
    24  Conservation Account. All moneys placed in the account are
    25  hereby appropriated to the Department of Environmental
    26  Protection on a continuing basis and shall be administered by
    27  the department for the following purposes:
    28         (1)  To defray the department's direct and indirect costs
    29     of administering this act and the programs authorized
    30     hereunder.
    19970S0317B0321                 - 44 -

     1         (2)  To assist in financing water resources planning and
     2     conservation programs and providing technical assistance.
     3         (3)  For such other purposes as may be necessary or
     4     appropriate to implement the department's powers and duties
     5     under this act.
     6     (b)  Other appropriations, grants, etc.--The Water
     7  Conservation Account may be supplemented by appropriations,
     8  grants or other moneys from the General Assembly, any Federal,
     9  interstate, State or local agency or any private source.
    10     (c)  Exemption.--The Water Conservation Fund shall not be
    11  subject to 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 37 Subch. C (relating to judicial
    12  computer system).
    13  Section 902.  Fees.
    14     (a)  Establishment and purpose.--The Environmental Quality
    15  Board is authorized to establish by regulation the fees as may
    16  be necessary to further the purposes of this act. At a minimum,
    17  these fees shall be established to cover the direct and indirect
    18  cost of developing and administering the State Water Plan,
    19  registration, permitting, monitoring, reporting, conservation
    20  and enforcement program required by this act. In establishing
    21  fees, the board may consider the amount of the withdrawal or
    22  diversion, the resources necessary to process a registration or
    23  permit, the effect of a withdrawal or diversion on water
    24  resources, including consumptive use, and other relevant
    25  factors.
    26     (b)  Interim fees.--Until alternative fees are established by
    27  the Environmental Quality Board, the following interim fees
    28  shall apply:
    29         (1)  Twenty-five dollars per year, or $75 every three
    30     years or pro rata share for a portion thereof, for the
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     1     processing of a registration of any source.
     2         (2)  Ten thousand dollars for the processing of any
     3     application for any individual permit or permit renewal for
     4     withdrawals or diversions equal to or exceeding 10,000,000
     5     GPD.
     6         (3)  Seven thousand five hundred dollars for the
     7     processing of any application for any individual permit or
     8     permit renewal for withdrawals or diversions equal to or
     9     exceeding 2,500,000 GPD but less than 10,000,000 GPD.
    10         (4)  Three thousand five hundred dollars for the
    11     processing of any application for any individual permit or
    12     permit renewal for withdrawals or diversions equal to or
    13     exceeding 750,000 GPD but less than 2,500,000 GPD.
    14         (5)  One thousand five hundred dollars for the processing
    15     of any application for any individual permit or permit
    16     renewal for withdrawals or diversions equal to or exceeding
    17     250,000 GPD but less than 750,000 GPD.
    18         (6)  Seven hundred fifty dollars for the processing of
    19     any application for any individual permit or permit renewal
    20     for withdrawals or diversions equal to or exceeding 100,000
    21     GPD but less than 250,000 GPD.
    22         (7)  Two hundred fifty dollars for the processing of any
    23     application for any individual permit or permit renewal for
    24     withdrawals or diversions of less than 100,000 GPD or for any
    25     general permit.
    26                             CHAPTER 21
    27                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    28  Section 2101.  Savings provision.
    29     The provisions of this act shall not affect any suit,
    30  prosecution, or other action instituted to enforce any right or
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     1  abate any violation of any act or part thereof repealed by this
     2  act.
     3  Section 2102.  Severability.
     4     The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of
     5  this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
     6  held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions
     7  or applications of this act which can be given effect without
     8  the invalid provision or application.
     9  Section 2103.  Repeals.
    10     (a)  Inconsistent.--The following acts and parts of acts are
    11  repealed insofar as they are inconsistent with this act:
    12     Act of June 14, 1923 (P.L.700, No.293), entitled "An act
    13  authorizing the condemnation and appropriation of lands, waters,
    14  and other property by public service companies holding limited
    15  power permits and limited water supply permits granted by the
    16  Water Supply Commission of Pennsylvania, and providing a method
    17  for the assessment of damages arising from such appropriation,"
    18  insofar as it relates to public water supply agencies, water
    19  supply projects and limited water supply permits.
    20     Act of June 14, 1923 (P.L.704, No.294), entitled "An act
    21  relating to limited power permits and limited water supply
    22  permits from the Water Supply Commission of Pennsylvania and the
    23  conditions thereof, to the flooding and use by holders of
    24  limited power permits of islands owned by the Commonwealth, to
    25  the unlawful use for water or steam power development of dams
    26  and changes in streams hereafter constructed or made otherwise
    27  than under limited power permits, and to proceedings for the
    28  enforcement of this act," insofar as it relates to water supply
    29  agencies, water supply projects, and limited water supply
    30  permits.
    19970S0317B0321                 - 47 -

     1     Act of June 24, 1939 (P.L.842, No.365), entitled "An act
     2  relating to the acquisition of rights to divert water from
     3  rivers, streams, natural lakes, and ponds, or other surface
     4  waters within the Commonwealth or partly within and partly
     5  without the Commonwealth; defining various words and phrases;
     6  vesting in the Water and Power Resources Board certain powers
     7  and authorities for the conservation, control and equitable use
     8  of the waters within the Commonwealth in the interests of the
     9  people of the Commonwealth; making available for public water
    10  supply purposes, water rights heretofore or hereafter acquired
    11  but not used; providing for hearings by the Water and Power
    12  Resources Board and for appeals from its decisions; fixing fees;
    13  granting to all public water supply agencies heretofore or
    14  hereafter created the right of eminent domain as to waters and
    15  the land covered by said waters; repealing all acts or parts of
    16  acts inconsistent herewith, including Act No. 109, Pamphlet Laws
    17  152, approved April 13, 1905, Act No. 307, Pamphlet Laws 455,
    18  approved June 7, 1907, Act No. 64, Pamphlet Laws 258, approved
    19  April 8, 1937."
    20     (b)  General.--All other acts or parts of acts inconsistent
    21  with this act are repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.
    22  Section 2104.  Effective date.
    23     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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