See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 322



No. 318 Session of 1997

           KASUNIC AND BELAN, JANUARY 31, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Regulating the use, storage, purchase and sale of explosive
     2     materials; requiring the licensing of persons for the
     3     detonation of explosive materials; requiring permits for the
     4     purchase and sale of explosive materials; imposing duties on
     5     persons who use, store, purchase and sell explosive
     6     materials; authorizing the Environmental Quality Board to
     7     adopt regulations and the Department of Environmental
     8     Protection to enforce and administer the act and regulations;
     9     providing for enforcement and remedies; establishing a fund;
    10     prescribing penalties; and making repeals.

    11                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
    12  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
    13  Section 101.  Short title.
    14  Section 102.  Legislative findings and statement of purpose.
    15  Section 103.  Definitions.
    16  Chapter 3.  Storage and Use of Explosives
    17  Section 301.  Powers and duties of department.
    18  Section 302.  Powers and duties of board.
    19  Section 303.  License qualifications and conditions.
    20  Section 304.  Use of explosive materials.
    21  Section 305.  Storage of explosive materials.

     1  Section 306.  Purchase or sale of explosive materials.
     2  Section 307.  Nontransferability of licenses and permits.
     3  Section 308.  Municipal ordinances.
     4  Section 309.  Exceptions.
     5  Section 310.  Inspections.
     6  Section 311.  Explosives Safety Fund.
     7  Section 312.  Blasting effects.
     8  Chapter 5.  Enforcement
     9  Section 501.  Injunctive relief.
    10  Section 502.  Civil penalties.
    11  Section 503.  Criminal penalties.
    12  Section 504.  Appeals.
    13  Chapter 11.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    14  Section 1101.  Existing licenses and permits.
    15  Section 1102.  Repeals.
    16  Section 1103.  Effective date.
    17     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    18  hereby enacts as follows:
    19                             CHAPTER 1
    20                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    21  Section 101.  Short title.
    22     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Explosives
    23  Safety Act.
    24  Section 102.  Legislative findings and statement of purpose.
    25     (a)  Legislative findings.--The General Assembly hereby
    26  determines, declares and finds that:
    27         (1)  the proper handling, use, storage, purchase and sale
    28     of explosive materials and components of explosive materials
    29     is essential to the safety of the citizens of this
    30     Commonwealth, the protection of property and the advancement
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     1     of commerce and trade; and
     2         (2)  the improper and unregulated use, storage, purchase
     3     and sale of explosive materials, components of explosive
     4     materials and services has endangered human health and safety
     5     as well as property and has caused personal injury, property
     6     loss and even death.
     7     (b)  Statement of purpose.--This act shall be deemed to be an
     8  exercise of the police powers of the Commonwealth for the
     9  general welfare of the people of this Commonwealth. It is the
    10  purpose of this act to:
    11         (1)  Protect the public health, safety and welfare from
    12     the improper use, purchase, sale and storage of explosive
    13     materials, components of explosive materials and services.
    14         (2)  Ensure that persons who conduct blasting operations
    15     and who purchase, sell and store explosive materials or
    16     components of explosive materials are qualified and properly
    17     licensed and permitted to do so.
    18         (3)  Provide a means to train and test persons who are
    19     involved with explosive materials.
    20  Section 103.  Definitions.
    21     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    22  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    23  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    24     "Apprentice blaster."  An individual, other than a licensed
    25  blaster who conducts blasting activities under the direct
    26  personal supervision of a licensed blaster. An apprentice
    27  blaster may conduct blasting activity, except detonation, under
    28  the direct personal supervision of a licensed blaster.
    29     "Blasting activity."  All actions associated with the use of
    30  explosive materials from the time of delivery of explosive
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     1  materials to a worksite to the postblast investigation,
     2  including, but not limited to, priming, loading, stemming,
     3  wiring or connecting, all necessary safety and monitoring
     4  measures and detonation.
     5     "Blasting agent."  An explosive material which meets
     6  prescribed criteria for insensitivity to initiation.
     7     "Board."  The Environmental Quality Board.
     8     "Components of explosive materials."  Those substances which
     9  can be mixed, blended or combined with one or more other
    10  substances to form an explosive material and which are acquired
    11  for that purpose.
    12     "Construct."  To erect or build, or replace, renovate,
    13  modernize or expand.
    14     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Protection of
    15  the Commonwealth.
    16     "Detonation."  Initiation of an explosive reaction that moves
    17  through an explosive material at a velocity greater than the
    18  speed of sound.
    19     "Explosive materials."  Any chemical compound, mixture or
    20  device that is used or intended for producing an explosion that
    21  contains any oxidizing and combustible materials or other
    22  ingredients in such proportions or quantities that an ignition
    23  by fire, friction, concussion, percussion or detonation may
    24  result in an explosion. The term includes, but is not limited
    25  to, dynamite and other high explosives, including, but not
    26  limited to, nitroglycerine, chlorates, fulminates and plastic
    27  explosives; blasting agents, including, but not limited to,
    28  slurries, emulsions, water gels and sensitized ammonium nitrate
    29  compositions; black powder; initiating explosives; detonators
    30  (blasting caps); safety fuses; squibs; detonating cord; and
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     1  igniters. The term does not include the following:
     2         (1)  Fireworks, as defined in 49 CFR 173.59 (relating to
     3     description of terms for explosives).
     4         (2)  Devices and things that are excluded from the
     5     definition of fireworks in the act of May 15, 1939 (P.L.134,
     6     No.65,) referred to as the Fireworks Law.
     7     "Factory building."  Any building or other structure, other
     8  than a magazine, containing explosive materials, in which the
     9  manufacture of explosive materials, or any processing involving
    10  explosive materials, is carried on a regular basis, and any
    11  building where explosive materials are used as a component part
    12  or ingredient in the manufacture of any article or device but,
    13  does not include a building, structure or vehicle which is
    14  mobile or is transported from site to site and in which
    15  components of explosive materials are mixed, blended or combined
    16  to form an explosive material.
    17     "Licensed blaster."  An individual who receives, or has
    18  received and continues to hold a valid Pennsylvania blaster's
    19  license, supervises the implementation of blast plans, detonates
    20  blasts, designs blast plans and trains apprentice blasters.
    21     "Licensed seismic professional."  An individual licensed by
    22  the Department of Environmental Resources, who interprets and
    23  reports on seismic data.
    24     "Magazine."  Any specially designed building or structure,
    25  other than a factory building, that is approved and licensed for
    26  the storage of explosive materials.
    27     "Person."  Any natural person, partnership, municipality,
    28  association, corporation or any agency, instrumentality or
    29  entity of Federal or State Government. Whenever used in any
    30  provision prescribing and imposing a penalty, the term does not
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     1  exclude the members of an association or the directors, officers
     2  or agents of a corporation.
     3     "Purchase."  To obtain explosive materials for monetary or
     4  other consideration or exchange, or to acquire by any other
     5  means, including, but not limited to, theft, as defined in 18
     6  Pa.C.S. Ch. 39 (relating to theft and related offenses), or
     7  gift.
     8     "Sale" or "sell."  To transfer explosive materials or
     9  services for monetary or other consideration or exchange, or to
    10  distribute or transfer by any other means.
    11     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Environmental Protection of
    12  the Commonwealth.
    13     "Use."  Engaging in blasting activity.
    14                             CHAPTER 3
    15                   STORAGE AND USE OF EXPLOSIVES
    16  Section 301.  Powers and duties of department.
    17     The department shall have the power and its duty shall be to:
    18         (1)  Administer the explosive materials safety program
    19     under the provisions of this act.
    20         (2)  Cooperate with appropriate Federal, State,
    21     interstate and local units of government and with appropriate
    22     private organizations in carrying out its duties under this
    23     act.
    24         (3)  Regulate the use, storage, purchase, sale and
    25     handling of explosive materials and components of explosive
    26     materials in this Commonwealth.
    27         (4)  Issue permits, licenses and orders and specify the
    28     conditions thereof, and conduct inspections to carry out the
    29     provisions of this act and the regulations adopted under this
    30     act.
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     1         (5)  Enter upon, examine and inspect, as often as is
     2     necessary, operations, facilities or areas where explosive
     3     materials or components of explosive materials are used,
     4     handled or stored to determine that the activity is being
     5     conducted in accordance with this act and regulations
     6     promulgated under this act.
     7         (6)  Institute, in a court of competent jurisdiction,
     8     proceedings against any person to compel compliance with the
     9     provisions of this act, any rule or regulation issued under
    10     this act, any order of the department or the terms and
    11     conditions of any license or permit.
    12         (7)  Institute prosecutions against any person under this
    13     act.
    14         (8)  Issue such orders as are necessary to aid in the
    15     enforcement of the provisions of this act and the regulations
    16     and standards promulgated under this act or remaining in
    17     effect under section 1101. These orders may include, but are
    18     not limited to, orders suspending or revoking permits and
    19     orders requiring persons to cease explosives detonation or
    20     blasting activity immediately.
    21         (9)  Establish standard procedures and measures which
    22     shall be followed to provide for notification and monitor the
    23     use, storage, purchase, sale and handling of explosive
    24     materials and components of explosive materials.
    25         (10)  Obtain samples and test or analyze blasting agents,
    26     components of explosive materials and explosive materials or
    27     require such samples be provided or require blasting agents,
    28     components of explosive materials and explosive materials be
    29     tested or analyzed to insure they are properly identified for
    30     purposes of use, storage, purchase, sale and handling.
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     1  Section 302.  Powers and duties of board.
     2     (a)  Regulations.--The board shall have the power and its
     3  duty shall be to adopt regulations as shall be necessary to
     4  protect the public health, safety and welfare from the improper
     5  use, storage, sale, purchase and handling of explosive materials
     6  and components of explosive materials under the provisions of
     7  this act. These regulations shall include, but not be limited
     8  to, standards and criteria for the use, storage, sale, purchase
     9  and handling of explosive materials and components of explosive
    10  materials, including inspection of buildings, structures or
    11  vehicles where components of explosive materials are combined to
    12  form explosive materials but which are not factory buildings,
    13  and establishing maximum ground vibration and air overpressure
    14  (air blast) limits, regulations governing preblast surveys,
    15  blasting plans and blast warning signals.
    16     (b)  Fees.--
    17         (1)  The board shall prescribe, by regulation, fees for
    18     licenses, permits and storage site inspections, as required
    19     by this act, as well as renewals thereof. These fees shall be
    20     in an amount not to exceed the cost to the Commonwealth of
    21     administering the licensing and permitting programs
    22     established by this act.
    23         (2)  As of the effective date of this act, the following
    24     fees are effective until the board promulgates fees, as
    25     provided in paragraph (1), by regulation:
    26             (i)  Storage license application fee, $50.
    27             (ii)  Storage license annual renewal fee, $50.
    28             (iii)  Storage site inspection fee, $50.
    29             (iv)  Blaster's license application fee, $50.
    30             (v)  Blaster's license annual renewal fee, $10.
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     1             (vi)  Licensed seismic professional license
     2         application fee, $50.
     3             (vii)  Licensed seismic professional license renewal
     4         fee, $10.
     5     (c)  Reciprocity.--The board may prescribe, by regulation,
     6  the requirements and procedures for issuing blasters' licenses
     7  under reciprocal recognition of blasters' licenses issued by
     8  other states.
     9  Section 303.  License qualifications and conditions.
    10     (a)  General qualifications.--Any person is eligible to
    11  become an apprentice blaster or a licensed blaster, except a
    12  person who meets any of the following:
    13         (1)  Has shown, by past or continued violations of this
    14     act, of the regulations promulgated under this act or other
    15     acts regulating blasting and explosive materials, or of other
    16     acts amended or repealed by this act, that he is unwilling or
    17     unable to comply.
    18         (2)  Fails and continues to fail to comply with this act,
    19     with the regulations promulgated under this act or other acts
    20     regulating blasting and explosives, or with any act amended
    21     or repealed by this act, or has had a previous blaster's
    22     license revoked within the previous five years.
    23         (3)  Has been convicted within the past five years of any
    24     misdemeanor or summary offense involving the use of explosive
    25     materials or has been convicted within the past five years of
    26     any felony.
    27         (4)  Is or has been hospitalized or committed for the
    28     treatment for the use of alcohol, narcotics or other
    29     controlled substance, or has been certified by a medical
    30     doctor or doctor of osteopathy as being addicted to alcohol,
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     1     narcotics or other controlled substances, unless the
     2     individual can demonstrate that he is no longer suffering
     3     from the drug or alcohol disability.
     4     (b)  Licensed blaster.--In addition to the restrictions set
     5  forth in subsection (a), a licensed blaster shall also meet all
     6  of the following:
     7         (1)  Has served as an apprentice blaster for not less
     8     than one year in the previous 18 months prior to seeking
     9     licensure under the direct personal supervision of a licensed
    10     blaster.
    11         (2)  Has successfully passed a competency examination
    12     administered by the department, upon application.
    13         (3)  Has successfully completed a training program
    14     conducted by the department.
    15         (4)  Is 21 years of age or older.
    16         (5)  Has successfully passed a refresher competency
    17     examination, if required by the department under regulations
    18     promulgated by the board.
    19         (6)  Has successfully demonstrated comprehensive
    20     experience in the design of blast plans.
    21     (c)  Apprentice blaster.--In addition to the restrictions set
    22  forth in subsection (a), an apprentice blaster shall also meet
    23  all of the following:
    24         (1)  Has received basic safety training and training in
    25     the use of explosive materials from a licensed blaster.
    26         (2)  Is under the direct personal supervision of a
    27     licensed blaster.
    28     (d)  Licensed seismic professional.--In addition to the
    29  restrictions set forth in subsection (a), a licensed seismic
    30  professional shall also meet the department policies and
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     1  procedures set forth for the licensing of a seismic professional
     2  until rules and regulations concerning licensure of seismic
     3  professionals are promulgated by the board.
     4     (e)  Authority of department.--The department is authorized
     5  to conduct and approve training programs, conduct examinations,
     6  require application fees and require other information to
     7  determine that an individual meets the qualifications to obtain
     8  a license.
     9     (f)  Term of license.--The term of any license described in
    10  this section shall not exceed one year. The expiration date
    11  shall be specified on the license form.
    12     (g)  Renewal  of license.--Application for license renewal
    13  shall be made at least 60 days before the expiration of the
    14  license on forms provided by the department. License renewals
    15  shall be subject to the same qualifications and conditions as
    16  the original license issued under this act.
    17  Section 304.  Use of explosive materials.
    18     (a)  Design of plans.--All persons who design plans for the
    19  use of explosive materials in mining, quarrying, earthmoving,
    20  construction, demolition or other applications shall be a
    21  blaster licensed to perform that activity.
    22     (b)  Interpretation of seismic data.--All persons who
    23  interpret seismic data collected in relation to blasting
    24  activities and submit such data to the department in support of
    25  permit applications, compliance investigations or other
    26  requirements for seismic analysis of blasting activity shall be
    27  licensed seismic professionals.
    28     (c)  Detonation of explosive materials or supervision of
    29  blasting activities.--Any person who detonates explosive
    30  materials or supervises blasting activities shall:
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     1         (1)  Be a licensed blaster; however, the department may
     2     grant a written exemption to this requirement for research or
     3     industrial purposes.
     4         (2)  Ensure that blasting activities under his
     5     supervision, including the detonation of explosive materials,
     6     are conducted in a safe manner and in accordance with this
     7     act and the regulations promulgated under this act.
     8         (3)  Personally supervise all apprentice blasters.
     9         (4)  Complete blast reporting forms, for each blast, that
    10     include a description of the blast and the names of all
    11     apprentice blasters who aided in the blasting activity.
    12     (d)  Responsibility when employing other persons.--Any person
    13  who employs other persons to detonate, supervise or conduct
    14  blasting activity shall be responsible for violations of this
    15  act or the regulations promulgated under this act that occur in
    16  connection with blasting activities or the detonation of
    17  explosive materials.
    18     (e)  Responsibility when contracting with other persons.--Any
    19  person who contracts with other persons to detonate, supervise
    20  or conduct blasting activity and is in direct control of the
    21  blasting activity, except persons who contract with other
    22  persons in connection with the construction of a dwelling, shall
    23  be jointly and severally liable with such persons for violations
    24  of this act or regulations promulgated under this act that occur
    25  in connection with blasting activity or the detonation of
    26  explosive materials.
    27  Section 305.  Storage of explosive materials.
    28     (a)  Explosives storage magazines.--All explosive materials
    29  shall be stored in an explosives storage magazine constructed
    30  and maintained in accordance with standards established by the
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     1  department.
     2     (b)  Licensure.--All explosives storage magazines shall be
     3  licensed by the department. A storage magazine license issued
     4  under the act of July 1, 1937 (P.L.2681, No.537), referred to as
     5  the Explosives Manufacture, Storage and Possession Law, shall
     6  remain in effect until its anniversary date unless suspended or
     7  revoked for due cause. A storage license application submitted
     8  after the effective date of this act shall be submitted on a
     9  form provided by the department. An application, at a minimum,
    10  shall:
    11         (1)  Include plans and specifications for the
    12     construction and location of the proposed magazines.
    13         (2)  Provide for the submission of an application fee.
    14         (3)  Identify the persons who will be responsible for the
    15     magazines.
    16         (4)  Identify the explosive materials that will be stored
    17     in each magazine by type and total quantity.
    18     (c)  Storage license approval or denial.--The department
    19  shall issue a storage magazine license only to a person whose
    20  application is complete and accurate and demonstrates that:
    21         (1)  The magazine will be designed, constructed, located,
    22     used and maintained in accordance with this act, the
    23     regulations promulgated under this act and other acts
    24     regulating blasting and explosives.
    25         (2)  The explosive materials will be stored in each
    26     magazine in accordance with this act, the regulations
    27     promulgated under this act and other acts regulating blasting
    28     and explosives.
    29     (d)  Term and renewal of licenses.--The department, pursuant
    30  to regulations, may issue or reissue a storage magazine license
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     1  for a term of up to one year. An application for renewal shall
     2  be made at least 60 days prior to the expiration date of the
     3  license on forms provided by the department. For the renewal of
     4  a magazine license the magazine must meet the requirements of
     5  subsection (c)(1).
     6     (e)  Responsibility when leasing a licensed magazine.--Any
     7  person who leases to another person a licensed magazine to store
     8  explosive materials and who owns the land upon which the
     9  magazine is situated shall be jointly and severally liable with
    10  that person for violations of this act or the regulations
    11  promulgated under this act that occur in connection with the
    12  storage of explosives in magazines by that person.
    13  Section 306.  Purchase or sale of explosive materials.
    14     (a)  Permit required.--A person may not purchase or sell any
    15  explosive materials for any purpose without a permit from the
    16  department.
    17     (b)  Violations.--Any person who sells explosive materials to
    18  another person who does not have a valid purchaser's permit
    19  shall be subject to the penalties of this act and shall be
    20  jointly and severally liable with that person, without regard to
    21  fault, for violations of this act or the regulations promulgated
    22  under this act that occur in connection with the use, storage or
    23  subsequent sale of the explosives.
    24     (c)  Applications.--An application for a sales permit or
    25  purchase permit shall be submitted to the department in such
    26  form as the department may require, but at a minimum shall:
    27         (1)  Identify the seller or purchaser of the explosive
    28     material and the individual who will be responsible for the
    29     storage, handling or use of the explosive material.
    30         (2)  Identify the explosive materials to be purchased or
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     1     sold by classification as high explosive or low explosive,
     2     blasting agent or detonator.
     3         (3)  For a person purchasing explosive material, specify
     4     how the explosive material is to be used and identify the
     5     licensed blaster who will be using the explosive material.
     6     (d)  Permit approval or denial.--The department shall not
     7  issue a purchase permit or a sales permit unless an application
     8  is complete and accurate and demonstrates that:
     9         (1)  all of the requirements of this act and the
    10     regulations promulgated under this act will be complied with;
    11     and
    12         (2)  if the explosive materials shall be stored, the
    13     applicant holds a storage license for explosive materials
    14     under this act or is employed by or is under contract with a
    15     person who holds a storage license.
    16     (e)  Duties of persons selling explosive materials.--A person
    17  shall not sell explosive materials to any person who:
    18         (1)  Does not possess an explosives purchase permit under
    19     this act.
    20         (2)  Does not have a valid explosives storage license
    21     under this act, unless the explosive material is delivered
    22     and is to be used at the site that same working day.
    23         (3)  Does not possess a valid blaster's license under
    24     this act and has no employer who has a valid blaster's
    25     license, if the purchaser plans to use the explosives.
    26     (f)  Duties of persons purchasing explosive materials.--A
    27  person shall not purchase explosive materials if he:
    28         (1)  does not possess an explosive materials purchase
    29     permit; or
    30         (2)  does not possess an explosive materials sale permit
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     1     under this act if the purchaser plans to sell explosive
     2     materials; or
     3         (3)  does not possess an explosive materials storage
     4     license under this act unless the explosive material is to be
     5     used that same working day.
     6     (g)  Term and renewal of permits.--The department, pursuant
     7  to regulations, may issue or reissue a purchase or sales permit
     8  for a term of up to one year. An application for renewal shall
     9  be made at least 60 days prior to the expiration date of the
    10  permit on forms provided by the department. Permit renewals are
    11  subject to the same conditions and qualifications as issuance of
    12  the original permit under this act.
    13     (h)  Records.--Each person who sells explosive materials and
    14  each person who purchases explosive materials shall keep a
    15  written record of each transaction. This record shall include
    16  the name and address of the purchaser or seller, the dates of
    17  sales, and the type, size, manufacturer and weight or volume of
    18  the explosive materials involved. This record shall be available
    19  for inspection by the department and shall be maintained for a
    20  period of five years.
    21     (i)  Theft.--Each person in possession of explosive materials
    22  or components of explosive materials shall, within 24 hours of
    23  discovery, report any theft, loss or discrepancy in inventory to
    24  the department.
    25  Section 307.  Nontransferability of licenses and permits.
    26     Licenses and permits issued by the department under this act
    27  are not transferable.
    28  Section 308.  Municipal ordinances.
    29     (a)  General rule.--All local ordinances, regulations and
    30  enactments purporting to regulate the use, storage, purchase and
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     1  sale of explosives are hereby preempted.
     2     (b)  Permits.--Except for activities regulated under the act
     3  of May 31, 1945 (P.L.1198, No.418), known as the Surface Mining
     4  Conservation and Reclamation Act, or the act of December 19,
     5  1984 (P.L.1093, No.219), known as the Noncoal Surface Mining
     6  Conservation and Reclamation Act, a municipality may require any
     7  person proposing to conduct blasting activity to receive a
     8  permit for such activity from the municipality. A permit may
     9  require that any person proposing to conduct blasting activity
    10  provide residents and property owners with notice of such
    11  activity pursuant to the requirements of this act and
    12  regulations adopted by the board.
    13     (c)  Construction.--Nothing in this act shall be construed to
    14  abrogate or modify the preemption of local ordinances,
    15  regulations and enactments provided for in the act of May 31,
    16  1945 (P.L.1198, No.418), known as the Surface Mining
    17  Conservation and Reclamation Act, the act of December 19, 1984
    18  (P.L.1093, No.219), known as the Noncoal Surface Mining
    19  Conservation and Reclamation Act, or other laws of this
    20  Commonwealth governing activities which include the use and
    21  storage of explosive materials and blasting agents.
    22  Section 309.  Exceptions.
    23     (a)  Official duties.--Nothing contained in this act shall
    24  apply to regular law enforcement agencies, to military or naval
    25  forces of the United States or to the duly organized military
    26  force within this Commonwealth, as long as such persons are
    27  acting within their respective official capacities and in the
    28  performance of official duties. Except in wartime or
    29  emergencies, the off-reservation use, storage and handling of
    30  explosive materials shall conform with the requirements of this
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     1  act.
     2     (b)  Use for antique firearms or antique devices.--Nothing
     3  contained in this act shall apply to the possession and storage
     4  of commercially manufactured black powder in quantities not to
     5  exceed 50 pounds, percussion caps, safety and pyrotechnic fuses,
     6  matches and friction primers intended to be used solely for
     7  sporting, recreational or cultural purposes in antique firearms
     8  or antique devices as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(16)
     9  (relating to definitions).
    10     (c)  Materials for reloading for personal use.--Nothing
    11  contained in this act shall apply to the possession and storage,
    12  for personal use only, of smokeless powder, primers used for
    13  reloading rifle or pistol cartridges, shot shells, percussion
    14  caps and smokeless propellants.
    15     (d)  Underground coal mining activities.--Nothing contained
    16  in this act shall apply to the use, storage, purchase and sale
    17  of explosive materials that are regulated under the act of July
    18  17, 1961 (P.L.659, No.339), known as the Pennsylvania Bituminous
    19  Coal Mine Act, or under the act of November 10, 1965 (P.L.721,
    20  No.346), known as the Pennsylvania Anthracite Coal Mine Act.
    21     (e)  Coal surface mining.--The provisions of this act shall
    22  apply to the use, storage, sale, purchase and handling of
    23  explosives in connection with coal surface mining unless there
    24  is a direct conflict between this act and section 4.2(b) of the
    25  act of May 31, 1945 (P.L.1198, No.418), known as the Surface
    26  Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act, or the regulations
    27  promulgated thereto, in which case the Surface Mining
    28  Conservation and Reclamation Act shall apply.
    29     (f)  Noncoal surface mining.--The provisions of this act
    30  shall apply to the use, storage, sale, purchase and handling of
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     1  explosive materials in connection with noncoal surface mining
     2  unless there is a direct conflict between this act and section
     3  11(e) of the act of December 19, 1984 (P.L.1093, No.219), known
     4  as the Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act,
     5  or the regulations promulgated thereto, in which case the
     6  Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act shall
     7  apply.
     8  Section 310.  Inspections.
     9     The department shall have the right to enter and inspect all
    10  blasting operations, magazines and establishments where
    11  explosives are purchased, sold, stored, handled or used for the
    12  purposes of determining compliance with this act and the
    13  regulations promulgated under this act. The department shall
    14  also have access to and authority to require the reproduction of
    15  books, reports, papers, documents and physical evidence
    16  pertinent to any matter under investigation.
    17  Section 311.  Explosives Safety Fund.
    18     All funds received by the department under this act from
    19  license fees, permit fees and civil or criminal penalties shall
    20  be held by the State Treasurer in a special fund, separate and
    21  apart from all other moneys in the State Treasury, to be known
    22  as the Explosives Safety Fund, and shall be used by the
    23  department for education and explosives training programs, for
    24  special investigations and equipment and for other purposes
    25  involving implementation of this act as the department deems
    26  appropriate. All moneys in the fund are hereby appropriated to
    27  the department on a continuing basis.
    28  Section 312.  Blasting effects.
    29     (a)  Rules and regulations.--The department is authorized to
    30  promulgate, by regulation, specific requirements for blasting
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     1  operations in areas where certain factors are present. These
     2  factors may include, but are not limited to the following:
     3         (1)  Proximity of the proposed blast site to the
     4     following:
     5             (i)  A dwelling or structure.
     6             (ii)  Active or abandoned underground mine.
     7             (iii)  Disposal wells.
     8             (iv)  Petroleum or gas storage facilities.
     9             (v)  Municipal water storage facilities.
    10             (vi)  Fluid transmission pipelines.
    11             (vii)  Gas or oil collection lines.
    12             (viii)  Water or sewage lines.
    13             (ix)  Utilities.
    14             (x)  Gas or oil wells.
    15         (2)  Presence of geologic features in the area of the
    16     proposed blast site that may influence the impact or effect
    17     of blasting activities.
    18         (3)  Population density in the area of the proposed blast
    19     site.
    20         (4)  Such other factors as are determined by the
    21     department.
    22     (b)  Limitations.--When blasting is proposed in an area where
    23  one or more of the factors specified in subsection (a) are
    24  present, the department may establish site-specific limits on
    25  vibration frequency levels, airblast effects, peak particle
    26  velocity and any other measures deemed appropriate to control
    27  the effects of blasting on public health, safety and property.
    28  Limits established under this subsection shall be based on
    29  information provided to the department under subsection (c) and
    30  other available information.
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     1     (c)  Tests and information.--When blasting is proposed in an
     2  area where one or more of the factors specified in subsection
     3  (a) are present, the department may require the operator to
     4  conduct such measurements, studies and tests and provide such
     5  information and data as is necessary to determine acceptable
     6  limits under subsection (a).
     7                             CHAPTER 5
     8                            ENFORCEMENT
     9  Section 501.  Injunctive relief.
    10     In addition to any other remedy at law or in equity or
    11  available under this act, the department may apply for relief by
    12  injunction to enforce compliance with or to restrain violations
    13  of this act or any regulations, license condition, permit
    14  condition or order made under this act. The remedy prescribed in
    15  this section shall be deemed concurrent or contemporaneous with
    16  any other remedy, and the existence or exercise of any remedy
    17  shall not prevent the exercise of any other remedy. In addition
    18  to an injunction, the court, in an equity proceeding, may levy
    19  civil penalties as specified in section 502.
    20  Section 502.  Civil penalties.
    21     (a)  Authority to assess.--In addition to proceeding under
    22  any other remedy available at law or in equity for a violation
    23  of this act, of a regulation, of an order of the department or
    24  of a condition of any permit or license issued under this act,
    25  the department may assess a civil penalty for a violation. This
    26  penalty may be assessed whether or not the violation was
    27  willful. The civil penalty assessed shall not exceed $5,000 per
    28  day for each violation that leads to the issuance of a cessation
    29  order, permit suspension or revocation, or license suspension or
    30  revocation. For all other violations, the civil penalty assessed
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     1  shall not exceed $2,000 per day for each violation. In
     2  determining the amount of the civil penalty, the department
     3  shall consider the willfulness of the violation, damage or
     4  injury to persons or property, the seriousness of the violation,
     5  damage to water, land, or other natural resources of this
     6  Commonwealth, costs of restoration, and other relevant factors.
     7     (b)  Procedure when penalty is assessed.--When the department
     8  assesses a civil penalty, the secretary or his designee shall
     9  inform the person of the amount of the penalty. The person
    10  charged with the penalty shall then have 30 days to pay the
    11  penalty in full or, if the person wishes to contest either the
    12  amount of the penalty or the fact of the violation, forward the
    13  proposed amount to the Environmental Hearing Board for placement
    14  in an escrow account with the State Treasurer or any
    15  Pennsylvania bank, or post an appeal bond in the amount of the
    16  penalty. The bond shall be executed by a surety licensed to do
    17  business in this Commonwealth and shall be satisfactory to the
    18  department. If, through administrative or judicial review of the
    19  proposed penalty, it is determined that no violation occurred or
    20  that the amount of the penalty shall be reduced, the
    21  Environmental Hearing Board shall, within 30 days, remit the
    22  appropriate amount to the person with any interest accumulated
    23  by the escrow deposit. The penalty amount determined to be
    24  proper by the Environmental Hearing Board shall be forwarded to
    25  the department within 30 days of the board's determination for
    26  deposit in the Explosives Safety Fund in the State Treasury.
    27  Failure to forward the money or the appeal bond to the
    28  Environmental Hearing Board within 30 days shall result in a
    29  waiver of all legal rights to contest the violation or the
    30  amount of the penalty.
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     1     (c)  Assessment entered as judgment.--The amount assessed
     2  after administrative hearing or after waiver of administrative
     3  hearing shall be payable to the Commonwealth and shall be
     4  collectable in any manner provided under law for the collection
     5  of debts. If any person liable to pay this penalty neglects or
     6  refuses to pay the penalty after demand, the amount, together
     7  with interest and any costs that may accrue, shall constitute a
     8  judgment in favor of the Commonwealth upon the personal and real
     9  property of the person from the date it has been entered and
    10  docketed or recorded by the prothonotary of the county where the
    11  property is situated. The department may, at any time, transmit
    12  to the prothonotaries of the respective counties certified
    13  copies of all judgments, and it shall be the duty of each
    14  prothonotary to enter and docket the same of record, and to
    15  index it as judgments are indexed, without requiring the payment
    16  of costs as a condition precedent to the entry thereof. Any
    17  other provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, there
    18  shall be a statute of limitations of five years upon actions
    19  brought by the Commonwealth under this section.
    20  Section 503.  Criminal penalties.
    21     (a)  Failure to obtain license or permit.--A person who
    22  conducts blasting activity without a blaster's license,
    23  constructs a magazine or stores explosives without a storage
    24  permit, purchases explosives without a purchase permit, or sells
    25  explosive materials or services without a sales permit, as
    26  provided in this act commits a misdemeanor and shall, upon
    27  conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $10,000
    28  nor more than $50,000 for each separate offense or to
    29  imprisonment for a period of not more than one year, or both.
    30     (b)  Violations in general.--A person who violates this act,
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     1  a rule or regulation of the department, an order of the
     2  department or a condition of a permit or license issued under
     3  this act commits a summary offense and shall, upon conviction,
     4  be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $100 nor more than
     5  $10,000 for each separate offense, and, in the default of
     6  payment of the fine, to imprisonment for a period of not more
     7  than 90 days.
     8     (c)  Willful or negligent violations.--A person who willfully
     9  or negligently violates this act, a rule or regulation of the
    10  department, an order of the department or a condition of a
    11  permit or license issued under this act commits a misdemeanor of
    12  the third degree and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay
    13  a fine of not less than $2,500 nor more than $25,000 for each
    14  separate offense or to imprisonment for a period of not more
    15  than one year, or both.
    16     (d)  Subsequent violations.--A person who, after a conviction
    17  of a misdemeanor for a violation within two years as above
    18  provided, willfully or negligently violates this act, a rule or
    19  regulation of the department, an order of the department or a
    20  condition of any permit or license issued under this act commits
    21  a misdemeanor of the second degree and shall, upon conviction,
    22  be subject to a fine of not less than $2,500 nor more than
    23  $50,000 for each separate offense or to imprisonment for a
    24  period of not more than two years, or both.
    25     (e)  Each day a separate violation.--Each day of continued
    26  violation of this act, a regulation of the department or a
    27  permit or license condition or order of the department issued
    28  under this act shall constitute a separate offense for purposes
    29  of subsections (a) through (d).
    30     (f)  Jurisdiction and appeals.--All summary proceedings under
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     1  this act may be brought before any district justice of the
     2  county where the offense occurred or in the county where the
     3  public is affected, and, to that end, jurisdiction is hereby
     4  conferred upon such district justices, subject to appeal by
     5  either party in the manner provided by law. In the case of any
     6  appeal from any conviction in the manner provided by law for
     7  appeals from summary convictions, it shall be the duty of the
     8  district attorney of the county to represent the interests of
     9  the Commonwealth.
    10  Section 504.  Appeals.
    11     Any person aggrieved by any final action of the department
    12  under this act may appeal the department's action as provided in
    13  the act of July 13, 1988 (P.L.530, No.94), known as the
    14  Environmental Hearing Board Act, and rules and regulations
    15  promulgated thereunder.
    16                             CHAPTER 11
    17                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    18  Section 1101.  Existing licenses and permits.
    19     All orders, permits, licenses, decisions and actions of the
    20  department and regulations of the board pertaining to operations
    21  regulated under this act shall remain in full force and effect
    22  unless and until modified, repealed, suspended, superseded or
    23  otherwise changed under the terms of this act and the
    24  regulations promulgated under this act. A license issued under
    25  the act of July 10, 1957 (P.L.685, No.362), referred to as the
    26  Explosives Use Regulation Law, shall remain in effect until its
    27  anniversary date. At that time, the license may be renewed under
    28  section 303(g) of this act.
    29  Section 1102.  Repeals.
    30     (a)  Absolute.--The act of July 10, 1957 (P.L.685, No.362),
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     1  referred to as the Explosives Use Regulation Law is repealed.
     2     (b)  Other.--The act of July 1, 1937 (P.L.2681, No.537),
     3  referred to as the Explosives Manufacture, Storage and
     4  Possession Law, is repealed except insofar as that act applies
     5  to the manufacture of explosives.
     6  Section 1103.  Effective date.
     7     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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