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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 330



No. 325 Session of 2001

           COSTA AND BOSCOLA, FEBRUARY 6, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, suspending the operating privileges of
     3     persons who are convicted of committing vandalism offenses.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Title 18 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     7  Statutes is amended by adding a section to read:
     8  § 3310.  Restriction of operating privilege for vandalism
     9             offenses.
    10     (a)  General rule.--Whenever a person is convicted of a
    11  vandalism offense, the court may suspend the person's operating
    12  privilege for one year. For each successive offense, the court
    13  shall suspend the person's operating privilege for one year. A
    14  copy of the order suspending the person's operating privilege
    15  shall be transmitted to the Department of Transportation.
    16     (b)  Nondrivers.--Whenever a person is convicted of a
    17  vandalism offense and does not have a driver's license, the
    18  court may render the person ineligible to apply for a learner's

     1  permit in accordance with 75 Pa.C.S. §§ 1505 (relating to
     2  learners' permits) and 1507 (relating to application for
     3  driver's license or learner's permit by minor) for a period of
     4  one year. For each successive offense, the court shall render
     5  the person ineligible under the above sections for a period of
     6  one year. If the person is under 16 years of age when he is
     7  convicted of a vandalism offense, his application for operating
     8  privileges shall be delayed until his 18th birthday. A copy of
     9  the order delaying the person's operating privilege shall be
    10  transmitted to the Department of Transportation.
    11     (c)  Reduction of suspension or delay.--A person whose
    12  operating privilege is suspended or delayed pursuant to
    13  subsection (a) or (b) may elect to reduce the period of
    14  suspension or delay imposed by the court by performing court-
    15  authorized community service. The period of suspension or delay
    16  ordered by the court shall be reduced at the rate of one day for
    17  each hour of community service performed. For the purposes of
    18  this subsection, "community service" means cleaning up graffiti
    19  or remedying damaged and vandalized property.
    20     (d)  Personal or family hardship.--When the court is
    21  considering suspending or delaying operating privileges pursuant
    22  to subsection (a) or (b), the court shall consider if a personal
    23  or family hardship exists that requires the person to have a
    24  driver's license for his family's employment or medically
    25  related purposes.
    26     (e)  Reinstatement of operating privileges.--Reinstatement of
    27  operating privileges shall be governed by 75 Pa.C.S. § 1545
    28  (relating to restoration of operating privilege).
    29     (f)  Additional penalties.--The suspension or delay of
    30  operating privileges pursuant to this section shall be in
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     1  addition to a penalty imposed upon conviction of a vandalism
     2  offense.
     3     (g)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term
     4  "vandalism offense" shall mean an offense under section
     5  3304(a)(4) (relating to criminal mischief), 3307 (relating to
     6  institutional vandalism) or 3309 (relating to agricultural
     7  vandalism).
     8     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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