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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 338                       PRINTER'S NO. 1034



No. 332 Session of 1999

           STOUT AND WAGNER, FEBRUARY 8, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," providing for good Samaritan immunity
     6     for school employees; further providing for defacing,          <--
     7     injuring or destroying property used for school purposes and
     8     for authority of teachers, vice principals and principals
     9     over pupils; providing for school policies for drug or
    10     alcohol violations, for conflict resolution training and for
    11     the requirements for governing adjudicated delinquents;
    12     further providing for the suspension and expulsion of pupils,
    13     for exceptional children, their education and training, for
    14     reporting of incidents of school violence and for transfer of
    15     records; providing for school violence reporting requirements
    16     for school employees, for school safety committees and for
    17     notification to parents and guardians of victims of school
    18     violence; and further defining "school."

    19     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    20  hereby enacts as follows:
    21     Section 1.  The act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known
    22  as the Public School Code of 1949, is amended by adding a
    23  section to read:
    24     Section 113.  Good Samaritan Immunity for School Employes.--
    25  (a)  Any employe of a public school who in good faith believes

     1  that a pupil needs emergency care, first aid or rescue and who
     2  provides such emergency care, first aid or rescue to the pupil
     3  or who removes the pupil receiving such emergency care, first
     4  aid or rescue to a hospital or other place of medical care shall
     5  be immune from civil or criminal liability as a result of any     <--
     6  acts or omissions by the employe, except any acts or omissions
     7  intentionally designed to seriously harm or any grossly
     8  negligent acts or omissions which result in serious bodily harm
     9  to the pupil receiving emergency care.
    10     (b)  As used in this section, the term "good faith" shall
    11  include, but not be limited to, a reasonable nonmedical opinion
    12  that the immediacy of the situation is such that the rendering
    13  of care should not be postponed.
    14     Section 2.  Section 777 of the act is amended by adding        <--
    15  subsections to read:
    16     Section 777.  Defacing, Injuring or Destroying Property Used
    17  for School Purposes; Penalty.--* * *
    18     (c)  A board of school directors of a school district owning
    19  property shall maintain a civil action to recover compensatory
    20  damages not exceeding fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) plus
    21  court costs from the parent or legal guardian of a minor who
    22  willfully damages property belonging to the school district or
    23  who commits acts against the school district cognizable as an
    24  offense under 18 Pa.C.S. § 3307 (relating to institutional
    25  vandalism). A finding of willful destruction of property or
    26  commission of acts cognizable as a theft offense shall not be
    27  dependent upon a prior finding that the minor is delinquent or
    28  dependent child or upon the minor's conviction of any criminal
    29  offense.
    30     (d)  (1)  If a court renders a judgment in favor of a board
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     1  of school directors of a school district under this section, the
     2  court shall order full restitution unless the board and the
     3  parent or legal guardian agree that the minor and the parent or
     4  legal guardian will perform community service in lieu of full
     5  payment of the judgment.
     6     (2)  If an agreement is reached, the court shall order the
     7  minor and the parent or the legal guardian to perform community
     8  service in lieu of providing full payment of the judgment. In
     9  the order, the court shall specify the amount to be paid by the
    10  minor and the parent or legal guardian, the type and number of
    11  hours of community service to be performed and any other
    12  conditions necessary to carry out the order.
    13     Section 3 2.  Section 1317 of the act, amended July 25, 1963   <--
    14  (P.L.315, No.169), is amended to read:
    15     Section 1317.  Authority of Teachers[,] and Vice Principals
    16  [and Principals over Pupils].--[Every teacher, vice principal
    17  and principal in the public schools shall have the right to
    18  exercise the same authority as to conduct and behavior over the
    19  pupils attending his school, during the time they are in
    20  attendance, including the time required in going to and from
    21  their homes, as the parents, guardians or persons in parental
    22  relation to such pupils may exercise over them.] (a)  (1)  In     <--
    23  all matters relating to the discipline in and conduct of the
    24  public schools, public school employes and school administrators
    25  shall be in the same relation to pupils as parents and
    26  guardians. This relationship shall extend to all activities
    27  connected with the public schools, including, but not limited
    28  to, any activity conducted during the school day or during the
    29  time a pupil is traveling to or from school or traveling to or
    30  from a school-sponsored activity or during any academic,
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     1  athletic or extracurricular activity sponsored by the school
     2  district at any time.
     3     (2) (B)  Public school employes and administrators shall be    <--
     4  immune from civil or criminal liability for any action taken in   <--
     5  good faith with regard to any pupil at any time for the safety
     6  and supervision of the pupil or for the safety and supervision
     7  of others, including, but not limited to, pupils, public school
     8  employes, visitors or the professional employe or administrator
     9  taking such action.
    10     (b)  The State Board of Education shall, if necessary,         <--
    11  promulgate regulations regarding corporal punishment in a manner
    12  which is consistent with this section.
    13     (c)  Each public school entity shall provide all public
    14  school employes with guidelines and annual training on
    15  techniques for safely restraining pupils who are engaged in
    16  violent behavior.
    17     Section 4 3.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:   <--
    18     Section 1317.4.  School Policies for Drug or Alcohol
    19  Violations.--(a)  The General Assembly finds a compelling public
    20  interest in ensuring that schools are safe and drug free for all
    21  students and school employes.
    22     (b)  The State Board of Education shall adopt and each board
    23  of school directors shall uniformly enforce drug and alcohol
    24  policies that protect all pupils and other members of the school
    29  POLICY.
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     4     (c)  The State Board of Education shall require school         <--
     5  districts to modify their policies, practices and procedures to
     6  ensure a safe environment free from illegal drugs and alcohol.
     7  These modifications shall include the formulation of a
     8  discipline plan setting forth policies, practices and procedures
     9  dealing with pupils or with other persons who take onto or are
    10  in possession of illegal drugs or alcohol on school property,
    11  while traveling to or going from school or a school-sponsored
    12  activity, including on a public conveyance providing
    13  transportation to or from school or a school-sponsored activity.
    14  The plan shall include uniform drug-free policies and uniform
    15  penalties for violation of the policies mandated by this
    16  section.
    19     (d)  The superintendent of a school district shall
    20  immediately report to the local law enforcement agency a pupil
    21  who violates a policy concerning illegal drugs and alcohol
    22  adopted by the board of school directors of that school
    23  district. If the pupil is enrolled in a public school in this
    24  Commonwealth, the board of school directors of that school of
    25  the school district shall immediately suspend that pupil from
    26  attending regular classes and schedule a hearing to consider the
    27  pupil's:
    28     (1)  suspension for at least the remainder of the academic
    29  year;
    30     (2)  placement an alternative education program under this
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     1  act; or
     2     (3)  permanent expulsion.
     3     (e)  If a pupil is suspended, pursuant to a hearing of a
     4  board of school directors, for violating a policy mandated by
     5  this section, that pupil may not be admitted to any public
     6  school in this Commonwealth until the pupil has satisfied each
     7  requirement imposed by the board of school directors as a
     8  condition for readmission. To comply with the requirements of
     9  this subsection, a school superintendent shall review the
    10  records of each pupil who transfers into the school district
    11  under the jurisdiction of that superintendent to determine
    12  whether the pupil is being disciplined pursuant to the policies
    13  mandated by this section.
    14     (f)  Any pupil found by a board of school directors of         <--
    15  violating a drug or alcohol policy shall be required to
    16  participate in counseling performed by the school psychologist,
    17  school guidance counselor or by a psychiatrist hired by the
    18  district until such time as the individual who is performing the
    19  counseling submits a written report to the board of school
    20  directors certifying that the pupil does not represent a threat
    21  to the safety or security of himself, any other pupil or any
    22  other member of the school population of the school district.
    23     (g) (F)  A school district shall report all new incidents      <--
    24  involving violations of policies concerning illegal drugs and
    25  alcohol at least twice a year to the Secretary of Education on a
    26  form developed and provided by the Department of Education. The
    27  form shall include:
    28     (1)  The age or grade of this pupil.
    29     (2)  The name and address of this school.
    30     (3)  The circumstances surrounding the incident.
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     1     (4)  Any sanction imposed by the school.
     2     (5)  Any notification to a law enforcement agency.
     3     (6)  Any remedial program involved.
     4     (7)  The parental involvement required.
     5     (8)  Any arrest, conviction or adjudication, if known.
     6     Section 1317.5.  Conflict Resolution Training.--(a)  School
     7  employes in each school district of this Commonwealth shall
     8  receive annual training in conflict resolution from a trainer
     9  whom the board of directors of the school district deems
    10  qualified in the area of conflict resolution. The training shall
    11  include, but not be limited to, a review of the impact of media
    12  violence upon children.
    13     (b)  Pupils attending public elementary and secondary schools
    14  shall receive regular instruction in conflict resolution. Such
    15  training shall include, but shall not be limited to, critical
    16  thinking instruction about media depiction of violence and shall
    17  incorporate instruction in humane education as required pursuant
    18  to section 1514. Pupils manifesting difficulty with conflict
    19  resolution shall be referred for assistance to qualified and
    20  trained guidance counselors.
    21     Section 5 4.  Section 1318 of the act, amended February 8,     <--
    22  1980 (P.L.3, No.2), is amended to read:
    23     Section 1318.  Suspension and Expulsion of Pupils.--(a)
    24  Every principal or teacher in charge of a public school may
    25  temporarily suspend any pupil on account of disruption,           <--
    26  disobedience or misconduct or on account of any violent action    <--
    27  taken by the pupil which places the pupil or other person in
    28  danger of or in reasonable apprehension of serious personal
    29  injury, and any principal or teacher suspending any pupil shall
    30  promptly notify the district superintendent or secretary of the
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     1  board of school directors. The board may, after a proper
     2  hearing, suspend such child for such time as it may determine,
     3  or may permanently expel [him] such pupil. Such hearings,         <--
     4  suspension, or expulsion may be delegated to a duly authorized
     5  committee of the board, or to a duly qualified hearing examiner,
     6  who need not be a member of the board, but whose adjudication
     7  must be approved by the board.
     8     (b)  (1)  Notwithstanding the discretion vested in the board   <--
     9  by subsection (a) to determine whether to expel or suspend a
    10  pupil and to determine the length of a suspension, the board
    11  shall suspend a pupil for at least the remainder of the school
    12  year, place a pupil in a full-time alternative education program
    13  as provided for by law for at least the remainder of the school
    14  year or permanently expel the pupil if, after a proper hearing,
    15  the board determines that the pupil has taken violent action
    16  without good cause which places the pupil or other person in
    17  danger of or in reasonable apprehension of serious personal
    18  injury or if the board determines that the pupil is a habitually
    19  disruptive pupil.
    20     (2)  (i) (B) (1)  It shall be the duty of the district         <--
    21  superintendent, prior to admitting a pupil who is transferring
    22  from another school district, to obtain and to thoroughly review
    23  the pupil's records in order to ascertain whether the pupil has
    24  been or is being disciplined under clause (1) DISCIPLINED OR IS   <--
    27  EDUCATION PROGRAM or, if the pupil is transferring from another
    28  state, is being disciplined pursuant to a statutory or
    29  regulatory disciplinary provision from the other state. In the
    30  event that the pupil's records indicate that the pupil is
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     1  currently being disciplined under this section or under
     2  disciplinary provisions from another state, the superintendent
     3  shall continue the terms of the discipline imposed by the
     4  pupil's former district.
     5     (ii) (2)  It shall further be the duty of the district         <--
     6  superintendent to notify other school officials, including
     7  employes within the district who have legitimate interest, of
     8  this pupil's current or prior discipline record pursuant to this
     9  section or pursuant to disciplinary provisions from another
    10  state.
    11     (iii) (3)  Any district superintendent who fails to perform    <--
    12  the duties provided in this section shall be personally liable
    13  for a fine of not more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250) for
    14  the first offense and not more than one thousand dollars
    15  ($1,000) for any subsequent offense and shall be subject to
    16  disciplinary action affecting the commission of the
    17  superintendent.
    18     (c)  Subsections (a) and (b)(1) shall not apply to a pupil     <--
    19  classified as an exceptional child when the pupil's actions are
    20  a manifestation of the pupil's disability. If the pupil's
    21  actions are not a manifestation of disability, the board must
    22  comply with the requirements under the Individuals with
    23  Disabilities Education Act (Public Law 91-230, 20 U.S.C. § 1400
    24  et seq.).
    25     (d)  As used in this section, the following words and phrases
    26  shall have the meanings given to them in this subsection:
    27     "Alternative education program" shall mean a program
    28  established pursuant to section 1901-C.
    29     "Disruptive pupil" shall have the same meaning the term
    30  "disruptive student" is given under section 1901-C.
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     1     "Legitimate educational interest" shall include, but not be
     2  limited to, the interest of officials and school employes who
     3  have any responsibility for supervising the pupil who is subject
     4  to disciplinary action.
     5     "Violent action" shall include, but not be limited to:         <--
     6     (i)  Improperly using or possessing a weapon on school
     7  property or during a school-sponsored activity or while in any
     8  conveyance providing public transportation to or from a public
     9  school or to or from a public school-sponsored activity. The
    10  term "weapon," as used in this definition, shall include, but
    11  not be limited to, any knife, cutting instrument, cutting tool,
    12  nunchaku, firearm, shotgun, rifle and any other tool, instrument
    13  or implement, whether assembled or dismantled, capable of
    14  inflicting serious bodily harm. The term "weapon" shall also
    15  include look-alikes if a reasonable person would believe that
    16  the look-alike is a weapon.
    17     (ii)  Making terroristic threats whereby the pupil threatens
    18  to commit violence with the intent to terrorize another person
    19  or to cause the evacuation of school property or other building,
    20  place of assembly or conveyance or otherwise to cause serious
    21  inconvenience to another person or in reckless disregard of the
    22  risk of causing the terror or inconvenience.
    23     (iii)  Assaulting another person while on school property,
    24  while traveling to or from a public school, during a school-
    25  sponsored activity or in any conveyance providing public
    26  transportation to or from a public school or to or from a public
    27  school-sponsored activity or because of an individual's role as
    28  a school employe. The term "assault," as used in this
    29  definition, shall include simple assault and aggravated assault
    30  and shall have the meaning ascribed to those terms under 18
    19990S0332B1034                 - 10 -

     1  Pa.C.S. (relating to crimes and offenses).
     2     Section 6 5.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:   <--
     3     Section 1318.1.  Requirements Governing Adjudicated
     4  Delinquents.--(1)  Upon becoming aware of information under 42
     5  Pa.C.S. § 6308 (relating to law enforcement records) or upon
     6  receipt of information under 42 Pa.C.S. § 6341(b.1) (relating to
     7  adjudication), the principal shall provide such information to
     8  the superintendent for the school district, and the
     9  superintendent shall determine whether the pupil has exhibited
    10  behavior which may be detrimental to the safety or welfare of
    11  other pupils or of other members of the school population and
    12  whether educating the pupil in the regular school environment
    13  may disrupt learning in the school or create a dangerous or
    14  unsafe environment for other pupils or for school employes.
    15     (2)  If the superintendent determines that the pupil's
    16  presence may be disruptive or create a dangerous or unsafe
    17  environment, the superintendent shall place the pupil in an
    18  alternative learning environment pursuant to procedures set
    19  forth in section 1902-C(2), until the board concludes that the
    20  pupil's presence in the regular school environment will not be
    21  disruptive or create a dangerous or unsafe environment. Such a
    22  placement shall not be deemed a disciplinary action pursuant to
    23  42 Pa.C.S. § 6341(b.1)(4).
    24     (3)  The superintendent shall provide the information
    25  concerning the pupil's record identified in this subsection to
    26  all school officials, including school employes who have a
    27  legitimate educational interest in the records.
    28     (4)  As used in this subsection, the term "legitimate
    29  educational interest" includes the interests of officials and
    30  school employes who have any responsibility for supervising a
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     1  pupil.
     2     Section 1371.1.  Legislative Intent.--It is the intent of the
     3  General Assembly to ensure that the safety and welfare of
     4  children with disabilities and of others is protected through
     5  the prompt and appropriate response of boards of school
     6  directors to actions which place children with disabilities or
     7  others in serious danger in the school setting. It is further
     8  the intent of the General Assembly that nothing in this
     9  subdivision of this article shall deprive children with
    10  disabilities of any rights which such students may have under
    11  any other act or regulation.
    12     Section 7 6.  Section 1372 of the act is amended by adding a   <--
    13  paragraph to read:
    14     Section 1372.  Exceptional Children; Education and
    15  Training.--* * *
    16     (7)  Changing Educational Placement.  (i)  It shall be the
    17  duty of the board of directors of every school district to
    18  promptly seek parental consent for implementing an appropriate
    19  change in educational placement of an exceptional student,
    20  including, but not limited to, placement in an alternative
    21  education program, when the board has determined that the
    22  violent action of the student has placed the student or other
    23  persons in danger of or in reasonable apprehension of serious
    24  personal injury. If the parents of the student fail to approve
    25  the change in placement, it shall be the duty of the board of
    26  school directors, in addition to placing the student in an
    27  interim alternative education setting, when so authorized under
    28  the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Public Law 91-
    29  230, 20 U.S.C. 1400 et. seq.), to promptly seek approval for an
    30  appropriate change through a due process hearing, court action,
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     1  or both.
     2     (ii)  As used in this paragraph, the term "violent action"     <--
     3  includes, but is not limited to:
     4     (A)  Improperly using or possessing a weapon on school
     5  property or during a school-sponsored activity or while in any
     6  conveyance providing public transportation to or from a public
     7  school or a public school-sponsored activity. The term "weapon"
     8  shall include, but not be limited to, any knife, cutting
     9  instrument, cutting tool, nunchaku, firearm, shotgun, rifle, any
    10  other tool, instrument or implement capable of inflicting
    11  serious bodily harm, and any look-alike weapon if a reasonable
    12  person would believe that the look-alike is a weapon.
    13     (B)  Making terrorist threats whereby the student threatens
    14  to commit violence with the intent to terrorize another person
    15  or to cause the evacuation of school property or other building,
    16  place of assembly or conveyance or otherwise to cause serious
    17  inconvenience to another person or in reckless disregard of the
    18  risk of causing such terror or inconvenience.
    19     (C)  Assaulting another person while on school property,
    20  during a school-sponsored activity or in any conveyance
    21  providing public transportation or from a public school or to or
    22  from a public school-sponsored activity or because of the other
    23  person's capacity as a school employe. An "assault" shall
    24  include simple assault and aggravated assault and shall have the
    25  meaning ascribed to such terms under 18 Pa.C.S. (relating to
    26  crimes and offenses).
    27     (iii) (II)  As used in this paragraph, the term "promptly"     <--
    28  means as soon as in practicable but in no event later than
    29  thirty (30) days from the date of the violent incident            <--
    30  referenced in subclause (ii). A VIOLENT INCIDENT.                 <--
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     1     Section 8 7.  Section 1303-A of the act is amended by adding   <--
     2  a subsection to read:
     3     Section 1303-A.  Reporting.--* * *
     4     (d)  In developing forms under this section, the Department
     5  of Education shall include uniform definitions of violent acts.
     6     Section 9 8.  Section 1305-A of the act, added June 30, 1995   <--
     7  (P.L.220, No.26), is amended to read:
     8     Section 1305-A.  Transfer of Records.--Whenever a pupil
     9  transfers to another school entity, a certified copy of the
    10  student's disciplinary record shall be transmitted to the school
    11  entity to which the pupil has transferred. The school entity to
    12  which the student has transferred should request the record. The
    13  sending school entity shall have ten (10) days from receipt of
    14  the request to supply a certified copy of the student's
    15  disciplinary record. For purposes of this section, sending
    16  school entities include private elementary and secondary
    17  schools.
    18     Section 10 9.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:  <--
    19     Section 1310-A.  Reporting Requirements for School
    20  Employes.--(a)  In any instance where an employe of a public
    21  school district has a reasonable suspicion that any student or
    22  visitor has committed or intends to commit a criminal act on
    23  school property, during a school-sponsored activity, on the way
    24  to or from school or to or from a school-sponsored activity,
    25  such employe shall immediately notify the employe's supervisor,
    26  who shall immediately investigate the suspected criminal
    27  activity. If upon such investigation the supervisor determines
    28  that reasonable suspicion exists that any student or visitor has
    29  committed or intends to commit a criminal act, the supervisor
    30  shall immediately report the incident to the local policy agency
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     1  and to the school district superintendent. The superintendent
     2  shall immediately file a written report with the Secretary of
     3  Education and shall, without unreasonable delay, file the
     4  appropriate charge against the individual or individuals
     5  suspected of criminal activity or intention to commit criminal
     6  activity.
     7     (b)  Any public school employe who violates this section,
     8  commits a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be
     9  sentenced to pay a fine of not more than two hundred fifty
    10  dollars ($250) for the first offense and not more than one
    11  thousand dollars ($1,000) for each subsequent offense.
    12     (c)  Any public school employe who is required to make a
    13  report under this section shall be immune from civil and          <--
    14  criminal liability for filing the report.
    15     (d)  Whenever any public school employe is asked to testify
    16  in a criminal proceeding based upon the employe's report filed
    17  under this section, the public school employer shall reimburse
    18  the employe for travel expenses and shall provide the employe
    19  with paid leave or with the regular per diem rate if the employe
    20  is called to testify in a criminal proceeding after school hours
    21  or at a time when school is not in session.
    22     Section 1311-A.  School Safety Committees.--(a)  Each school   <--
    23  entity shall create a school safety committee comprised of at
    24  least one school nurse, one school guidance counselor, one
    25  school psychologist, one school social worker, one
    26  administrator, one local law enforcement officer and others at
    27  the discretion of the school entity.
    28     (b)  The school safety committee shall be responsible for
    29  reviewing and making recommendations regarding issues relating
    30  to school violence, including, but not limited to, prevention,
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     1  identification of potential problems, communications between the
     2  entity and local law enforcement and reentry procedures for
     3  violent students who are returning from hospital, mental health
     4  or juvenile placements.
     5     Section 1312-A 1311-A.  Notification to Parents and            <--
     6  Guardians.--Upon receipt of information from a school entity
     7  indicating that a student has been the victim of violent
     8  behavior, the local law enforcement agency shall notify the
     9  parent or the legal guardian of the victim about the
    10  circumstances surrounding the violent incident.
    11     Section 11 10.  Section 1901-C(6) of the act, added June 25,   <--
    12  1997 (P.L.297, No.30), is amended to read:
    13     Section 1901-C.  Definitions.--For purposes of this article,
    14  the following terms shall have the following meanings:
    15     * * *
    16     (6)  "School."  Any school classified by the Department of
    17  Education as an elementary school, a middle school, junior high
    18  school, senior high school or area vocational-technical school.
    19     * * *
    20     Section 12 11.  This amendatory act shall be known and may be  <--
    21  cited as the Schools Are for Education Act.
    22     Section 13 12.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.         <--

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