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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 339



No. 333 Session of 1999

           STOUT AND WAGNER, FEBRUARY 8, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for reforms in pilot school districts designed to
     2     reduce or eliminate school violence, for duties of the
     3     Secretary of Education and the Department of Education and
     4     for penalties.

     5                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     6  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
     7  Section 101.  Short title.
     8  Section 102.  Declaration of policy.
     9  Section 103.  Definitions.
    10  Section 104.  Eligible school districts.
    11  Section 105.  Election to participate.
    12  Section 106.  Subsidy for participating school districts.
    13  Chapter 3.  School Violence Reforms
    14  Section 301.  Implementation.
    15  Section 302.  Alternative education.
    16  Section 303.  Requirements governing adjudicated delinquents.
    17  Section 304.  Reporting requirements for school employees.
    18  Section 305.  Discipline of student for drug and alcohol

     1                 violations.
     2  Section 306.  Property damage.
     3  Section 307.  Zero tolerance policy.
     4  Section 308.  Conflict resolution training.
     5  Chapter 5.  Miscellaneous Provisions
     6  Section 501.  Data collection and evaluation.
     7  Section 502.  Expiration.
     8  Section 503.  Effective date.
     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11                             CHAPTER 1
    12                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    13  Section 101.  Short title.
    14     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Schools Are
    15  For Education Pilot Program Act.
    16  Section 102.  Declaration of policy.
    17     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    18         (1)  Learning cannot take place in an atmosphere of fear
    19     caused by threats, intimidation, violence or disruption.
    20         (2)  Students and school employees have the right to
    21     attend and to work at a school that is secure and peaceful,
    22     conducive to learning and free from disruption.
    23         (3)  Violence, threats of violence, disruption or
    24     intimidation should not be tolerated in the schools of this
    25     Commonwealth.
    26         (4)  There is a zero tolerance policy for violence,
    27     threats of violence or intimidation in the schools of this
    28     Commonwealth.
    29         (5)  In order to effectuate this policy, the General
    30     Assembly wishes to implement targeted, comprehensive and
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     1     intensive reforms in pilot programs established in certain
     2     school districts that experience high incidence rates of
     3     violence. These reforms will be monitored and assessed over a
     4     five-year period to determine their efficacy in reducing the
     5     incidence rates.
     6  Section 103.  Definitions.
     7     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     8  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     9  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    10     "Department."  The Department of Education of the
    11  Commonwealth.
    12     "Participating school district."  A school district that has
    13  been designated by the Secretary of Education to participate in
    14  the pilot program established by this act.
    15     "Public School Code."  The act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30,
    16  No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949.
    17     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Education of the Commonwealth.
    18  Section 104.  Eligible school districts.
    19     The department shall designate six public school districts
    20  eligible to participate in the pilot program described in this
    21  act. In designating eligible school districts, the department
    22  shall insure that they are representative of urban and rural
    23  areas and that they are diverse in terms of size and
    24  geographical location.
    25  Section 105.  Election to participate.
    26     The board of school directors of any eligible school district
    27  may agree to participate in the pilot program through the
    28  adoption of a resolution by a majority vote of its directors.
    29  The resolution must be adopted on or before February 1, 1999,
    30  and must include a statement that the board shall be committed
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     1  to implementing all the reforms set forth in this act for at
     2  least the subsequent five school years, beginning with the
     3  school year 1999-2000.
     4  Section 106.  Subsidy for participating school districts.
     5     The department shall pay annually, in addition to all other
     6  grants and subsidies for which the participating school
     7  districts are otherwise entitled under Federal and State law, an
     8  amount up to $1,000 per each student enrolled in and attending
     9  the district during each of the five school years, to the extent
    10  that the district can document reasonable expenses less than or
    11  equal to the amount incurred in implementing the reforms
    12  described in this act.
    13                             CHAPTER 3
    14                      SCHOOL VIOLENCE REFORMS
    15  Section 301.  Implementation.
    16     The reforms described in this chapter shall be implemented in
    17  each participating school district.
    18  Section 302.  Alternative education.
    19     A participating school district shall establish and operate
    20  an alternative education program pursuant to the requirements
    21  set forth under the Public School Code except that such program
    22  shall also be available for elementary school students. A
    23  participating school district shall be eligible for alternative
    24  education program grants under section 1902-C of the Public
    25  School Code in addition to grants established under this act.
    26  Section 303.  Requirements governing adjudicated delinquents.
    27     (a)  General rule.--Upon becoming aware of information under
    28  42 Pa.C.S. § 6308 (relating to law enforcement records) or upon
    29  receipt of information under 42 Pa.C.S. § 6341(b.1) (relating to
    30  adjudication), the building principal of a participating school
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     1  district shall provide the information to the superintendent and
     2  the superintendent shall determine:
     3         (1)  Whether the student has exhibited behavior that may
     4     be detrimental to the safety or welfare of other students or
     5     of other members of the school population.
     6         (2)  Whether educating the student in the regular school
     7     environment may disrupt learning in the school or create a
     8     dangerous or unsafe environment for students or for school
     9     employees.
    10     (b)  Placement in alternative education program.--If the
    11  superintendent of a participating school district determines
    12  that the student's presence may be disruptive or create a
    13  dangerous or unsafe environment, the superintendent shall place
    14  the student in an alternative education program pursuant to
    15  procedures set forth in section 1902-C(2) of the Public School
    16  Code until such time as the school board concludes that the
    17  student's presence in the regular school environment will not be
    18  disruptive or create a dangerous or unsafe environment. A
    19  placement under this section shall not be deemed a disciplinary
    20  action pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 6341(d)(4).
    21     (c)  Sharing of information.--It shall further be the duty of
    22  the superintendent to provide the information concerning the
    23  student to all school officials, including, but not limited to,
    24  school employees who have a legitimate educational interest in
    25  the records.
    26     (d)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term
    27  "legitimate educational interest" includes, but is not limited
    28  to, the interests of officials and school employees who have any
    29  responsibility for supervising the student.
    30  Section 304.  Reporting requirements for school employees.
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     1     (a)  Notice and investigation.--
     2         (1)  In any instance where an employee of a participating
     3     school district has a reasonable suspicion that a student,
     4     group of students, visitor or group of visitors has committed
     5     or intends to commit a criminal act on school property,
     6     during a school-sponsored activity, on the way to or from
     7     school or to or from a school-sponsored activity, the
     8     employee shall immediately notify the employee's supervisor
     9     who shall immediately investigate the reported criminal
    10     activity.
    11         (2)  If upon investigation the supervisor determines that
    12     reasonable suspicion exists that the student, group of
    13     students, visitor or group of visitors have committed or
    14     intended to commit a criminal act, the supervisor shall
    15     immediately report the incident to the local law enforcement
    16     agency and to the superintendent.
    17         (3)  After receipt of the report, the superintendent
    18     shall immediately file a written report with the secretary
    19     and shall, without unreasonable delay, file the appropriate
    20     charge against the student, group of students, visitor or
    21     group of visitors suspected of having committed or intending
    22     to commit the criminal activity.
    23     (b)  Penalty.--Any public school employee in a participating
    24  school district who fails to comply with the requirements of
    25  this section commits a summary offense and, upon conviction,
    26  shall be sentenced to a fine of not more than $250 for the first
    27  offense and a fine of not more than $1,000 for a second or
    28  subsequent offense.
    29     (c)  Immunity.--Any public school employee of a participating
    30  school district who is required to make a report under this
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     1  section shall be immune from civil and criminal liability for
     2  filing the report.
     3     (d)  Expenses.--Whenever any public school employee of a
     4  participating school district shall be called to testify in a
     5  criminal proceeding based upon the employee's report filed under
     6  this section, the participating school district shall reimburse
     7  the employee for travel expenses and shall provide the employee
     8  with paid leave or with regular per diem rate if the employee
     9  shall be called to testify in a criminal proceeding after school
    10  hours or at a time when school is not in session.
    11  Section 305.  Discipline of student for drug and alcohol
    12                 violations.
    13     (a)  Uniform enforcement.--Because there is a compelling
    14  public interest in ensuring that schools are safe and drug free
    15  for all students and for school employees, the boards of school
    16  directors of the participating school district shall uniformly
    17  enforce policies that protect all students and school employees.
    18     (b)  School board policies.--The boards of school directors
    19  of the participating school district shall modify their
    20  policies, practices and procedures to ensure a safe environment
    21  free of illegal drugs and alcohol. These modifications shall
    22  include the formulation of a discipline plan that identifies
    23  specific policies, practices and procedures dealing with
    24  students or with other persons who take illegal drugs or alcohol
    25  onto school property, while traveling to or going from school, a
    26  school-sponsored activity or on a public conveyance providing
    27  transportation to or from school or to or from a school-
    28  sponsored activity. The discipline plan shall also include
    29  uniform drug-free policies and uniform penalties for violation
    30  of the policies mandated by this section.
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     1     (c)  Procedure.--The superintendent of a participating school
     2  district shall immediately file charges with the local law
     3  enforcement agency when any person violates policies concerning
     4  illegal drugs or alcohol adopted by the board of school
     5  directors. If the person is enrolled in any participating public
     6  school in this Commonwealth, the board of school directors for
     7  that participating school district shall immediately suspend the
     8  student from attending regular classes and schedule a hearing to
     9  consider the student's suspension for at least the remainder of
    10  the academic year, placement in an alternative education program
    11  under this act or permanent expulsion.
    12     (d)  Admission to other schools.--If a person is suspended
    13  for violating the policies mandated in this section, pursuant to
    14  a hearing of the participating school directors, that person may
    15  not be admitted to any public school in this Commonwealth until
    16  the person has satisfied all requirements imposed by the board
    17  of school directors as a condition for readmission. To comply
    18  with the requirements of this subsection, school superintendents
    19  shall review the records of each student who transfers into the
    20  superintendent's school district to determine whether the
    21  student is being disciplined under the policies mandated by this
    22  act.
    23     (e)  Counseling.--Any person found by the board of school
    24  directors of a participating school district in violation of a
    25  drug policy shall be required to participate in counseling
    26  performed by the school psychologist, school guidance counselor
    27  or a psychiatrist hired by the district until such time as the
    28  individual who administers counseling submits a written report
    29  to the board certifying that the violator does not represent a
    30  threat to the safety or security of self or of any student or
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     1  school employee in the participating school district.
     2     (f)  Semi-annual reporting.--A participating school district
     3  shall report all new incidents involving violations of policies
     4  concerning illegal drugs or alcohol at least twice a year to the
     5  secretary on a form developed and provided by the department.
     6  The form shall include:
     7         (1)  The age or grade of the student.
     8         (2)  The name and address of the school.
     9         (3)  The circumstances surrounding the incident.
    10         (4)  Any sanction imposed by the school.
    11         (5)  Any notification to a law enforcement agency.
    12         (6)  Any remedial program involved.
    13         (7)  The parental involvement required.
    14         (8)  Any arrest, conviction or adjudication, if known.
    15  Section 306.  Property damage.
    16     (a)  Civil and criminal actions.--The board of school
    17  directors of a participating school district owning property
    18  shall maintain a civil action to recover compensatory damages of
    19  not more than $50,000, plus court costs, from the parent or
    20  legal guardian of a minor who willfully damages property
    21  belonging to the participating school district or who commits
    22  acts against the participating school district cognizable as an
    23  offense under 18 Pa.C.S. § 3307 (relating to institutional
    24  vandalism). A finding of willful destruction of property or of
    25  commission of acts cognizable as a theft offense shall not be
    26  dependent upon a prior finding that the child is a delinquent or
    27  dependent child or upon the child's conviction of any criminal
    28  offense.
    29     (b)  Restitution and community service.--If a court renders
    30  judgment in favor of a participating school district under this
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     1  section, the court shall order full restitution unless the board
     2  and the parent or legal guardian agree that the student and the
     3  parent or legal guardian should perform community service in
     4  lieu of full payment of the judgment. In such order, the court
     5  shall specify the amount to be paid by the student and the
     6  parent or legal guardian, the type and number of hours of
     7  community service to be performed and any other conditions
     8  necessary to carry out the order.
     9  Section 307.  Zero tolerance policy.
    10     The board of school directors of a participating school
    11  district shall adopt a zero tolerance policy with regard to
    12  violence, threats of violence, intimidation or disruption. The
    13  policy shall be prominently displayed in all school buildings,
    14  publicized to parents and the community and distributed to all
    15  students and parents. The board of school directors may adopt
    16  any reasonable lawful measure not included in this act to
    17  further supplement and enforce this policy. The board of school
    18  directors shall invite the exclusive employee representatives
    19  under the act of July 23, 1970 (P.L.563, No.195), known as the
    20  Public Employe Relations Act, to establish terms and conditions
    21  of employment that further enforce this policy and protect the
    22  health and safety of school employees.
    23  Section 308.  Conflict resolution training.
    24     (a)  Employees.--The school employees in a participating
    25  school district shall receive annual training in conflict
    26  resolution from a trainer whom the board of directors of the
    27  participating school district deems qualified in the area of
    28  conflict resolution. The training shall include, but shall not
    29  be limited to, a review of the impact of media violence upon
    30  children.
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     1     (b)  Students.--The students in a participating school
     2  district shall receive regular instruction in conflict
     3  resolution. Training shall include, but not be limited to, the
     4  development of critical thinking skills regarding the depiction
     5  of violence by the media. The training shall also incorporate
     6  instruction in humane education as required under section 1513
     7  of the Public School Code. Students who manifest difficulty in
     8  conflict resolution shall be referred for assistance to
     9  qualified and trained school guidance counselors.
    10                             CHAPTER 5
    11                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    12  Section 501.  Data collection and evaluation.
    13     A participating school district shall provide, in addition to
    14  information required by law to be reported to the Office of Safe
    15  Schools of the department, such detailed information as the
    16  department shall require to assess whether violence, threats of
    17  violence, intimidation or disruption is or is not declining. The
    18  department shall report the information on a quarterly basis and
    19  transmit the report to the President pro tempore of the Senate
    20  and the Speaker of the House of Representatives as soon as it is
    21  received.
    22  Section 502.  Expiration.
    23     This act shall expire July 1, 2005.
    24  Section 503.  Effective date.
    25     This act shall take effect immediately.

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