See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 356



No. 347 Session of 1997

           FEBRUARY 5, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), entitled "An
     2     act relating to tax reform and State taxation by codifying
     3     and enumerating certain subjects of taxation and imposing
     4     taxes thereon; providing procedures for the payment,
     5     collection, administration and enforcement thereof; providing
     6     for tax credits in certain cases; conferring powers and
     7     imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue, certain
     8     employers, fiduciaries, individuals, persons, corporations
     9     and other entities; prescribing crimes, offenses and
    10     penalties," further providing for net gains or income from
    11     the disposition of property.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  Section 303(a)(3) of the act of March 4, 1971
    15  (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, amended
    16  July 13, 1987 (P.L.325, No.59) and December 3, 1993 (P.L.473,
    17  No.68), is amended to read:
    18     Section 303.  Classes of Income.--(a)  The classes of income
    19  referred to above are as follows:
    20     * * *
    21     (3)  Net gains or income from disposition of property. Net

     1  gains or net income, less net losses, derived from the sale,
     2  exchange or other disposition of property, including real
     3  property, tangible personal property, intangible personal
     4  property or obligations issued on or after the effective date of
     5  this amendatory act by the Commonwealth; any public authority,
     6  commission, board or other agency created by the Commonwealth;
     7  any political subdivision of the Commonwealth or any public
     8  authority created by any such political subdivision; or by the
     9  Federal Government as determined in accordance with accepted
    10  accounting principles and practices. For the purpose of this
    11  act, for the determination of the basis of any property, real
    12  and personal, if acquired prior to June 1, 1971, the date of
    13  acquisition shall be adjusted to June 1, 1971, as if the
    14  property had been acquired on that date. If the property was
    15  acquired after June 1, 1971, the actual date of acquisition
    16  shall be used in determination of the basis.
    17     At the election of the taxpayer, the term "net gains or
    18  income" shall not include net gain in an amount not to exceed
    19  [one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000)] one hundred twenty-
    20  five thousand dollars ($125,000), or a pro rata part of [one
    21  hundred thousand dollars ($100,000)] one hundred twenty-five
    22  thousand dollars ($125,000) if the property is owned by more
    23  than one taxpayer, from the sale or exchange of the taxpayer's
    24  principal residence if the taxpayer has attained fifty-five
    25  years of age before the date of the sale or exchange. If the
    26  property is held by a husband and wife and they make a joint
    27  return for the taxable year of the sale or exchange and one
    28  spouse satisfies the age, ownership and use requirements of this
    29  clause with respect to the property, then both husband and wife
    30  shall be treated as satisfying the age, ownership and use
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     1  requirements of this clause. For purposes of this clause, in the
     2  case of an unremarried individual whose spouse is deceased on
     3  the date of sale or exchange of the property, if the deceased
     4  spouse, during the five-year period ending on the date of sale
     5  or exchange satisfied the holding and use requirements with
     6  respect to such property, then such individual shall be treated
     7  as satisfying holding and use requirements with respect to such
     8  property. For the purposes of this clause, the term "sale or
     9  exchange" shall include involuntary conversions such as the
    10  destruction, theft, seizure, requisition or condemnation of the
    11  property. For the purposes of this clause, the term "principal
    12  residence" shall mean the property that has been owned and used
    13  by the taxpayer as his principal residence for periods
    14  aggregating three years or more during the five-year period
    15  ending on the date of the sale or exchange. In the case of
    16  property only a portion of which, during the five-year period
    17  ending on the date of the sale or exchange, has been owned or
    18  used by the taxpayer as the taxpayer's principal residence for
    19  periods aggregating three years or more, this section shall
    20  apply with respect to so much of the gain from the sale or
    21  exchange of such property as is determined under regulations
    22  prescribed by the department to be attributable to the portion
    23  of the property so owned and used by the taxpayer. The term
    24  "used" shall include time the property was not used for rental
    25  purposes and was unoccupied by the taxpayer due to the taxpayer
    26  being in a hospital, nursing home or personal care facility, or
    27  for a period of less than ninety consecutive days. The
    28  provisions of this clause shall not apply to any sale or
    29  exchange made prior to July 1, 1987. An election under this
    30  clause may be made or revoked at any time before the expiration
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     1  of the period for making a claim for a refund of the tax imposed
     2  by this article for the taxable year in which the sale or
     3  exchange occurred. The provisions of this clause shall be used
     4  only once during the lifetime of the taxpayer.
     5     The term "net gains or income" shall not include net gain
     6  from the sale or exchange of the principal residence of a
     7  taxpayer if the taxpayer purchases another principal residence
     8  within two years from the sale or exchange of his former
     9  principal residence for a purchase price in excess of the net
    10  gain from the sale or exchange.
    11     The term "net gains or income" and "net losses" shall not
    12  include gains or income or loss derived from obligations which
    13  are statutorily free from State or local taxation under the act
    14  of August 31, 1971 (P.L.395, No.94), entitled "An act exempting
    15  from taxation for State and local purposes within the
    16  Commonwealth certain obligations, their transfer and the income
    17  therefrom (including any profits made on the sale thereof),
    18  issued by the Commonwealth, any public authority, commission,
    19  board or other agency created by the Commonwealth, any political
    20  subdivision of the Commonwealth or any public authority created
    21  by any such political subdivision," or under the laws of the
    22  United States. The term "sale, exchange or other disposition"
    23  shall not include the exchange of stock or securities in a
    24  corporation a party to a reorganization in pursuance of a plan
    25  of reorganization, solely for stock or securities in such
    26  corporation or in another corporation a party to the
    27  reorganization and the transfer of property to a corporation by
    28  one or more persons solely in exchange for stock or securities
    29  in such corporation if immediately after the exchange such
    30  person or persons are in control of the corporation. For
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     1  purposes of this clause, stock or securities issued for services
     2  shall not be considered as issued in return for property.
     3     For purposes of this clause, the term "reorganization"
     4  means--
     5     (i)  a statutory merger or consolidation;
     6     (ii)  the acquisition by one corporation, in exchange solely
     7  for all or a part of its voting stock (or in exchange solely for
     8  all or a part of the voting stock of a corporation which is in
     9  control of the acquiring corporation) of stock of another
    10  corporation if, immediately after the acquisition, the acquiring
    11  corporation has control of such other corporation (whether or
    12  not such acquiring corporation had control immediately before
    13  the acquisition);
    14     (iii)  the acquisition by one corporation, in exchange solely
    15  for all or a part of its voting stock (or in exchange solely for
    16  all or a part of the voting stock of a corporation which is in
    17  control of the acquiring corporation), of substantially all of
    18  the properties of another corporation, but in determining
    19  whether the exchange is solely for stock the assumption by the
    20  acquiring corporation of a liability of the other, or the fact
    21  that property acquired is subject to a liability, shall be
    22  disregarded;
    23     (iv)  a transfer by a corporation of all or a part of its
    24  assets to another corporation if immediately after the transfer
    25  the transferor, or one or more of its shareholders (including
    26  persons who were shareholders immediately before the transfer),
    27  or any combination thereof, is in control of the corporation to
    28  which the assets are transferred;
    29     (v)  a recapitalization;
    30     (vi)  a mere change in identity, form, or place of
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     1  organization however effected; or
     2     (vii)  the acquisition by one corporation, in exchange for
     3  stock of a corporation (referred to in this subclause as
     4  "controlling corporation") which is in control of the acquiring
     5  corporation, of substantially all of the properties of another
     6  corporation which in the transaction is merged into the
     7  acquiring corporation shall not disqualify a transaction under
     8  subclause (i) if such transaction would have qualified under
     9  subclause (i) if the merger had been into the controlling
    10  corporation, and no stock of the acquiring corporation is used
    11  in the transaction;
    12     (viii)  a transaction otherwise qualifying under subclause
    13  (i) shall not be disqualified by reason of the fact that stock
    14  of a corporation (referred to in this subclause as the
    15  "controlling corporation") which before the merger was in
    16  control of the merged corporation is used in the transaction, if
    17  after the transaction, the corporation surviving the merger
    18  holds substantially all of its properties and of the properties
    19  of the merged corporation (other than stock of the controlling
    20  corporation distributed in the transaction); and in the
    21  transaction, former shareholders of the surviving corporation
    22  exchanged, for an amount of voting stock of the controlling
    23  corporation, an amount of stock in the surviving corporation
    24  which constitutes control of such corporation.
    25     For purposes of this clause, the term "control" means the
    26  ownership of stock possessing at least eighty per cent of the
    27  total combined voting power of all classes of stock entitled to
    28  vote and at least eighty per cent of the total number of shares
    29  of all other classes of stock of the corporation.
    30     For purposes of this clause, the term "a party to a
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     1  reorganization" includes a corporation resulting from a
     2  reorganization, and both corporations, in the case of a
     3  reorganization resulting from the acquisition by one corporation
     4  of stock or properties of another. In the case of a
     5  reorganization qualifying under subclause (i) by reason of
     6  subclause (vii) the term "a party to a reorganization" includes
     7  the controlling corporation referred to in such subclause (vii).
     8     Notwithstanding any provisions hereof, upon every such
     9  exchange or conversion, the taxpayer's base for the stock or
    10  securities received shall be the same as the taxpayer's actual
    11  or attributed base for the stock, securities or property
    12  surrendered in exchange therefor.
    13     * * *
    14     Section 2.  This act shall apply to taxable years beginning
    15  on or after January 1, 1998.
    16     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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