See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 360



No. 359 Session of 1999



                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing ownership rights in dies, molds and forms used in
     2     fabrication of plastic parts under certain conditions.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Die, Mold and
     7  Form Forfeiture Act.
     8  Section 2.  Definitions.
     9     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    10  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    11  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    12     "Customer."  A person who causes a molder to fabricate, cast
    13  or otherwise make a die, mold or form for use in the
    14  manufacture, assembly or fabrication of a plastic product or a
    15  person who causes a molder to use a die, mold or form to
    16  manufacture, assemble or fabricate a plastic product.
    17     "Molder."  A person who fabricates, molds, casts or otherwise
    18  makes a die, mold or form for use in the manufacture, assembly

     1  or fabrication of a plastic product or a person who uses a die,
     2  mold or form to manufacture, assemble or fabricate a plastic
     3  product.
     4     "Person."  An individual, firm, partnership, association or
     5  corporation.
     6  Section 3.  Transfer of rights.
     7     Unless otherwise agreed in writing, if a customer does not
     8  claim possession of a die, mold or form from the molder within
     9  three years from the last use of the die, mold or form, all
    10  rights, title and interest in the die, mold or form may, at the
    11  option of the molder, be transferred by operation of law to the
    12  molder for purposes of destroying the die, mold or form.
    13  Section 4.  Notice.
    14     After the expiration of the three-year period set forth in
    15  section 3, if a molder chooses to have all rights, title and
    16  interest in a die, mold or form transferred to the molder by
    17  operation of law, the molder shall send written notice by
    18  registered mail, return receipt requested, to an address
    19  designated in writing by the customer or if not so designated,
    20  to the customer's last known address, indicating that the molder
    21  intends to terminate the customer's rights, title and interest
    22  in the die, mold or form by having all rights, title and
    23  interest in the die, mold or form transferred to the molder by
    24  operation of law under this act.
    25  Section 5.  Customer's rights.
    26     If a customer does not claim possession of the die, mold or
    27  form within 120 days after the date the molder receives the
    28  return receipt of the notice sent pursuant to section 4 or does
    29  not make other arrangements with the molder for storage of the
    30  die, mold or form within the time limit established in this
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     1  section, all rights, title and interest of the customer in the
     2  die, mold or form shall be transferred by operation of law to
     3  the molder for purposes of destroying the die, mold or form.
     4  This section shall not be construed to affect a right of a
     5  customer under Federal patent or copyright law, or any Federal
     6  or State law pertaining to unfair competition.
     7  Section 6.  Waiting period retroactive.
     8     The three-year waiting period provided in section 3 shall
     9  apply retroactively in the case of a die, mold or form in the
    10  possession of a molder on the effective date of this section.
    11  Section 7.  Exceptions.
    12     This act shall not apply if a molder retains title to and
    13  possession of a die, mold or form. This act shall not be
    14  construed to grant a customer rights, title or interest in a
    15  die, mold or form.
    16  Section 8.  Effective date.
    17     This act shall take effect immediately.

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