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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 436



No. 410 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 22, 1993 (P.L.105, No.24), entitled "An
     2     act providing for environmental education programs; providing
     3     for further duties of the Department of Education and the
     4     Department of Environmental Resources; creating the
     5     Environmental Education Fund; and providing for the
     6     disposition of a portion of certain fines and penalties,"
     7     providing for the establishment of the Pennsylvania Center
     8     for Environmental Education and the Pennsylvania Center for
     9     Environmental Education Board; and making editorial changes.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  The title and sections 2 and 3 of the act of June
    13  22, 1993 (P.L.105, No.24), known as the Environmental Education
    14  Act, are amended to read:
    15                               AN ACT
    16  Providing for environmental education programs; providing for
    17     the establishment of the Pennsylvania Center for
    18     Environmental Education and the Pennsylvania Center for
    19     Environmental Education Board and for further duties of the
    20     Department of Education, the Department of Conservation and
    21     Natural Resources and the Department of Environmental

     1     [Resources] Protection; creating the Environmental Education
     2     Fund; and providing for the disposition of a portion of
     3     certain fines and penalties.
     4  Section 2.  Declaration of policy.
     5     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
     6         (1)  Section 27 of Article I of the Constitution of
     7     Pennsylvania states that: "The people have a right to clean
     8     air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural,
     9     scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment.
    10     Pennsylvania's public natural resources are the common
    11     property of all the people, including generations yet to
    12     come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall
    13     conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the
    14     people."
    15         (2)  [The State Board of Education has recognized the
    16     study of the environment as an essential component of basic
    17     education for graduating students. The regulations of the
    18     board which pertain to curriculum identify the knowledge and
    19     understanding of the environment as one of the goals of a
    20     quality education.] The State Board of Education has adopted
    21     environment and ecology curriculum standards identifying the
    22     concepts and understanding that students in kindergarten
    23     through grade 12 must attain at each level.
    24         (3)  The Department of Education has primary
    25     responsibility for formal environmental education within this
    26     Commonwealth's schools. A quality education should provide
    27     each student with knowledge of natural and human resources,
    28     an understanding of geographic environments, knowledge of the
    29     interrelationships and interdependence of natural and human
    30     systems, the development of environmental problem solving and
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     1     management skills and knowledge of and appropriate uses of
     2     energy.
     3         (4)  The Department of Environmental [Resources has a
     4     responsibility to help the public understand the
     5     environmental laws as well as the roles of individuals,
     6     groups, institutions, industry and government in finding
     7     solutions to this Commonwealth's environmental problems and
     8     the prevention of new problems.] Protection and the
     9     Department of Conservation and Natural Resources have
    10     responsibility for adult and nonformal environmental
    11     education and a support role in basic and higher education.
    12     As part of its mission, the Department of Environmental
    13     Protection shall provide environmental education support to
    14     adults, businesses, local officials and farmers, emphasizing
    15     environmental stewardship related to environmental laws,
    16     pollution reduction and prevention and environmental problem
    17     solving.
    18         [(5)  The third week of October is recognized each year
    19     as "Pennsylvania Environmental Education Week" as a means to
    20     promote environmental education.
    21         (6)  The 20th Anniversary celebration of "Earth Day"
    22     heralded the 1990's as the "Decade of the Environment." In
    23     order to meet the challenges of this decade, citizens of this
    24     Commonwealth will need the knowledge and skills to make
    25     informed decisions as consumers and voters to help protect
    26     the environment and prevent pollution.
    27         (7)  It is the policy of this Commonwealth that
    28     environmental education is critically important to encourage
    29     a citizenry which has the ability to help promote a healthy
    30     environment and an understanding of the functioning of the
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     1     natural world and the necessity for environmental protection
     2     and sound resource management.]
     3         (5)  The annual celebration of Earth Day is an
     4     opportunity for every citizen in this Commonwealth to reflect
     5     on our accomplishments in protecting the environment and on
     6     the challenges we face in creating an environmentally aware
     7     citizenry and sustainable communities.
     8         (6)  Environmental education is critical to promoting a
     9     healthy environment and citizenry, sustainable communities
    10     and to the growth of Pennsylvania's economy.
    11         (7)  A Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education is
    12     essential to help identify the resources and products needed
    13     to comply with the environment and ecology standards, to
    14     assess the environmental knowledge and understanding of the
    15     public, to avoid duplication in the creation and delivery of
    16     environmental education programs to create an informed
    17     citizenry and sustainable communities.
    18  Section 3.  Legislative purpose.
    19     It is the purpose of this act to:
    20         (1)  authorize and require the Department of Education,
    21     the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and the
    22     Department of Environmental [Resources] Protection to develop
    23     and implement environmental education programs for the
    24     citizens of this Commonwealth[;] and to provide leadership,
    25     services, funding and accountability for environmental
    26     education;
    27         (2)  encourage the environmental education efforts of
    28     other agencies where appropriate, including, but not limited
    29     to, those of the county conservation districts, the
    30     Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, the Game Commission,
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     1     [the Pennsylvania Energy Office,] the Department of
     2     Agriculture, the Department of [Commerce, the Department of
     3     Community Affairs,] Community and Economic Development, the
     4     Department of General Services and the Department of
     5     Transportation; [and]
     6         (3)  create and establish the Advisory Council on
     7     Environmental Education within the Department of
     8     Education[.]; and
     9         (4)  establish the Pennsylvania Center for Environmental
    10     Education to support the environmental education efforts of
    11     State agencies, county conservation districts, formal and
    12     nonformal educators and nonprofit organizations.
    13     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    14  Section 3.1.  Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education.
    15     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established the
    16  Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education within the State
    17  System of Higher Education to identify needs for environmental
    18  education, promote research and development of programs and
    19  involve stakeholders.
    20     (b)  Duties.--The Pennsylvania Center for Environmental
    21  Education shall have the following duties:
    22         (1)  To promote the formation of partnerships with formal
    23     and nonformal educators, schools, agencies, public officials,
    24     county conservation districts, business, industry, nonprofit
    25     citizen and environmental education organizations the purpose
    26     of which is:
    27             (i)  To inventory and disseminate existing
    28         environmental education materials, program and training
    29         opportunities to agencies, organizations, educators and
    30         the public.
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     1             (ii)  To identify the need for and advise on the
     2         development of new curriculum, preservice and continuing
     3         teacher training and education programs related to
     4         environmental education and to support efforts to develop
     5         programs and materials to meet those needs.
     6             (iii)  To evaluate the effectiveness of existing
     7         environmental education programs.
     8             (iv)  To help to facilitate the active implementation
     9         of the environment and ecology standards adopted by the
    10         State Board of Education.
    11             (v)  To promote both Statewide and regional solutions
    12         to environmental education needs to maximize the
    13         effective use of existing resources.
    14             (vi)  To work with State agencies in the development
    15         of new educational tools where environmental education
    16         needs are identified.
    17         (2)  To inventory, disseminate and generate environmental
    18     education-related research, including an environmental
    19     readiness assessment of public knowledge, attitudes and
    20     behaviors related to environmental concerns and concepts
    21     every five years to help determine educational needs.
    22         (3)  To establish an Internet-based resources network to
    23     make environmental information available and to provide
    24     training and education opportunities for educators and
    25     Pennsylvania's citizenry.
    26         (4)  To actively seek public and private sources of
    27     funding to help support activities by the Pennsylvania Center
    28     for Environmental Education and its project partners.
    29     (c)  Organization.--
    30         (1)  The Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education
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     1     is established within the State System of Higher Education.
     2         (2)  The State System of Higher Education may hire such
     3     employees and contract with other entities as it determines
     4     to undertake its responsibilities to the extent available
     5     funds allow.
     6     (d)  Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education Board
     7  established.--
     8         (1)  To oversee the operations of the Pennsylvania Center
     9     for Environmental Education in performing its duties, a
    10     Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education Board is
    11     hereby established. The board shall consist of the following
    12     nine representatives:
    13             (i)  Representatives of the Department of
    14         Environmental Protection, the Department of Conservation
    15         and Natural Resources and the Department of Education.
    16             (ii)  Six representatives appointed by the State
    17         System of Higher Education. These representatives shall
    18         be chosen from among the business, agricultural,
    19         environmental, conservation, basic and higher education
    20         communities or from among any community which the
    21         appointing authority deems will further the purposes of
    22         environmental education in this Commonwealth.
    23         Representatives selected shall serve terms of four years.
    24         Of the representatives first appointed by the appointing
    25         authority, three shall serve for terms of two years and
    26         three shall serve for terms of four years.
    27         Representatives, upon expiration of their term, shall
    28         continue to serve until a successor is appointed.
    29         Vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of an
    30         unexpired term in the same manner as original
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     1         appointments.
     2         (2)  The board shall meet at least semiannually to
     3     establish priorities, adopt an annual work plan and review
     4     and approve activities of the center and shall elect a
     5     chairperson.
     6         (3)  Expenses of the board shall be paid by the State
     7     System of Higher Education from funds appropriated for the
     8     Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education.
     9     Section 3.  Sections 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the act are amended to
    10  read:
    11  Section 4.  Powers and duties of Department of Education.
    12     The Department of Education shall have the following powers
    13  and duties:
    14         (1)  To conduct a periodic evaluation of school-based
    15     environmental education in this Commonwealth.
    16         (2)  To provide assistance, support and resource
    17     information to educators, students and public and private
    18     education agencies and organizations on environmental
    19     education programs.
    20         (3)  To identify, recognize and establish awards for
    21     exemplary environmental education curricula developed in
    22     Commonwealth schools.
    23         (4)  To increase inclusion of environmental education in
    24     elementary, science and social studies teacher preparation.
    25         (5)  To continue to identify the programs, resources and
    26     products needed for the inclusion of the Environment and
    27     Ecology Standards in school curriculum and to assess these
    28     through the current Pennsylvania System of School Assessment
    29     test (PSSA).
    30  Section 5.  Powers and duties of Department of Environmental
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     1                 [Resources] Protection.
     2     The Department of Environmental [Resources] Protection shall
     3  have the following powers and duties:
     4         [(1)  To conduct a periodic evaluation of the status of
     5     environmental education taking place in the nonformal sector
     6     (outside of the classroom) in this Commonwealth.
     7         (2)  To maintain an inventory of environmental education
     8     materials, programs and resources available in Commonwealth
     9     agencies.
    10         (3)  To use the department's environmental education
    11     centers as outreach facilities to bring youth and adult
    12     education programs into communities and schools, focusing on
    13     environmental issues of importance to the Commonwealth.
    14         (4)  To provide such grants as the Secretary of
    15     Environmental Resources after consultation with the Secretary
    16     of Education shall, in his discretion, approve to the
    17     following: public and private schools for youth environmental
    18     education, conservation and education organizations and
    19     institutions for the purposes of providing environmental
    20     education training to teachers, county conservation districts
    21     and Bureau of State Parks Environmental Education Program.]
    22         (1)  To provide such grants as the Secretary of
    23     Environmental Protection, after consultation with the
    24     Secretary of Education, shall, in the Secretary of
    25     Environmental Protection's discretion, approve to the
    26     following: public and private schools, conservation and
    27     education organizations and institutions, businesses and
    28     nonprofit organizations and associations, county conservation
    29     districts and the Department of Conservation and Natural
    30     Resources for the purposes of providing environmental
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     1     education.
     2         [(5)] (2)  To prepare a guidance document, in
     3     consultation with the Secretary of Education, for
     4     administering the grants. [The department shall make the
     5     document available for public review and comment by
     6     publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.]
     7  Section 6.  Environmental Education Report.
     8     The [Secretary of Education and the Secretary of
     9  Environmental Resources] Pennsylvania Center for Environmental
    10  Education shall prepare a periodic report to the Governor and
    11  the General Assembly outlining environmental education programs
    12  and achievements, highlighting new initiatives and recommending
    13  future program needs.
    14  Section 7.  The Advisory Council on Environmental Education.
    15     (a)  Duties.--There is hereby created an Advisory Council on
    16  Environmental Education within the Department of Education. The
    17  advisory council shall:
    18         (1)  Make recommendations to the Secretary of Education,
    19     the Secretary of Conservation and Natural Resources and the
    20     Secretary of Environmental [Resources] Protection with
    21     respect to the use of any funds used to support environmental
    22     education activities.
    23         (2)  Advise and assist the Secretary of Education, the
    24     Secretary of Conservation and Natural Resources and the
    25     Secretary of Environmental [Resources] Protection in carrying
    26     out environmental education activities.
    27         (3)  Advise and assist the Secretary of Education, the
    28     Secretary of Conservation and Natural Resources and the
    29     Secretary of Environmental [Resources] Protection in
    30     conducting a continual evaluation of the trends and needs in
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     1     environmental education.
     2         (4)  Make recommendations to the Secretary of Education,
     3     the Secretary of Conservation and Natural Resources [and the
     4     Secretary of Environmental Resources], the Secretary of
     5     Environmental Protection and the Pennsylvania Center for
     6     Environmental Education to help foster environmental
     7     education programs.
     8         (5)  Make recommendations to the Secretary of
     9     Conservation and Natural Resources and the Secretary of
    10     Environmental [Resources] Protection on the distribution of
    11     available grant moneys.
    12     (b)  Composition.--Council membership shall consist of [13]
    13  16 members as follows:
    14         (1)  the Secretary of Education or his designee;
    15         (2)  the Secretary of Environmental [Resources]
    16     Protection or his designee;
    17         (2.1)  the Secretary of Conservation and Natural
    18     Resources or his designee;
    19         (3)  the Secretary of Agriculture or his designee; and
    20         (4)  [ten] 12 members appointed as follows:
    21             (i)  Three members representing Statewide or regional
    22         environmental organizations appointed by the Secretary of
    23         Environmental [Resources] Protection.
    24             (ii)  Two members representing Statewide or regional
    25         business, industry or landowners' organizations appointed
    26         by the Secretary of [Commerce] Community and Economic
    27         Development.
    28             (iii)  Three members representing basic education
    29         appointed by the Secretary of Education, one of which is
    30         a vocational agricultural teacher appointed by the
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     1         Secretary of Education.
     2             (iv)  One member representing higher education
     3         appointed by the Chancellor of the State System of Higher
     4         Education.
     5             (v)  One member representing a Statewide or regional
     6         general agricultural organization appointed by the
     7         Secretary of Agriculture.
     8             (vi)  Two members representing conservation and
     9         natural resource interests appointed by the Secretary of
    10         Conservation and Natural Resources.
    11     (c)  Appointment, terms and expenses.--The [ten] 12 council
    12  members shall be appointed for five-year terms. The initial term
    13  of four of the council members shall be for one year, the
    14  initial term of four members shall be for three years, and the
    15  initial term of the remainder shall be for five years. A member
    16  may be appointed for more than one term and shall serve until a
    17  successor has been appointed. Members shall not be compensated
    18  but shall be reimbursed for actual expenses in accordance with
    19  the rules of the Executive Board.
    20     (d)  Officers and bylaws.--The council shall convene at least
    21  [biannually] semiannually, shall elect a chairperson and a vice-
    22  chairperson to serve a one-year term and shall adopt bylaws for
    23  governing its operations.
    24     (e)  Staff.--The Secretary of Education shall designate such
    25  staff as may be necessary for the operation of the council.
    26     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    27  Section 7.1.  Environmental Education Week.
    28     The third week in November each year shall be designated
    29  Environmental Education Week to promote environmental education
    30  throughout this Commonwealth.
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     1     Section 5.  Section 8 of the act is amended to read:
     2  Section 8.  Environmental Education Fund.
     3     [(a)  Establishment.--]There is hereby created a special
     4  nonlapsing fund in the State Treasury to be known as the
     5  Environmental Education Fund. An amount equal to 5% of the
     6  moneys collected annually from fines, natural resource damage
     7  settlements and penalties deposited in special funds or
     8  restricted revenue accounts administered by the Department of
     9  Environmental [Resources] Protection shall be deposited in this
    10  fund. This annual allocation amount shall be based upon the
    11  amounts collected in the previous fiscal year. All moneys placed
    12  in the fund and the interest it accrues are hereby appropriated,
    13  upon authorization by the Governor, to the Department of
    14  Environmental [Resources] Protection and the Department of
    15  Conservation and Natural Resources to accomplish the purposes of
    16  this act. [Beginning in fiscal year 1992-1993, and each year
    17  thereafter, moneys appropriated to the department under this
    18  section shall not affect and are in addition to funding for
    19  environmental education programs administered by the department
    20  and the Department of Education that are in existence prior to
    21  passage of this act.
    22     (b)  Return of certain moneys.--On June 30 of each fiscal
    23  year any funds in the Environmental Education Fund in excess of
    24  an amount equal to twice the average of expenditures for the
    25  three prior fiscal years from the Environmental Education Fund
    26  shall be returned to the special funds or restricted revenue
    27  accounts from which those funds were originally transferred.]
    28     Section 6.  The addition of section 3.1 of the act shall
    29  expire in seven years.
    30     Section 7.  This act shall take effect immediately.
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