1Extending sympathies and heartfelt condolences to the families
2of the three Israeli teenagers who were kidnapped and

4WHEREAS, On June 12, 2014, three Israeli teenagers, Eyal
5Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Fraenkel, were abducted while
6they traveled home from school in Gush Etzion; and

7WHEREAS, Naftali Fraenkel holds United States citizenship;

9WHEREAS, On June 30, 2014, after 18 days of intense searches
10the teens' bodies were found in a field near Hebron; and

11WHEREAS, The abductions outraged Israel as well as the
12international community, and several vigils and rallies were
13held around the United States during the intensive search; and

14WHEREAS, President Barack Obama called the killings of the
15teens a "senseless act of terror" and stated, "The United States
16condemns in the strongest possible terms this senseless act of
17terror against innocent youth."; and

18WHEREAS, The murders of these three teenagers are part of a

1recent cycle of violence in Israel involving murder and assault
2of young people; and

3WHEREAS, Israel and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania have
4enjoyed cordial and mutually beneficial relations since 1948, a
5friendship that continues to strengthen with each passing year;
6therefore be it

7RESOLVED, That the Senate express its full support and
8friendship as the people of Israel deal with this tragedy; and
9be it further

10RESOLVED, That the Senate support Israel's efforts to find
11the perpetrators of these crimes and bring them to justice; and
12be it further

13RESOLVED, That the Senate extend sympathies and heartfelt
14condolences to the families of the three Israeli teenagers, Eyal
15Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Fraenkel, who were kidnapped
16and murdered.