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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 455



No. 434 Session of 2003

           MARCH 11, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of August 26, 1971 (P.L.351, No.91), entitled
     2     "An act providing for a State Lottery and administration
     3     thereof; authorizing the creation of a State Lottery
     4     Commission; prescribing its powers and duties; disposition of
     5     funds; violations and penalties therefor; exemption of prizes
     6     from State and local taxation and making an appropriation,"
     7     further providing for annual income limitations for PACE and
     8     PACENET; providing for best price for pharmaceuticals;
     9     establishing the Prescription Drug Access Clearinghouse
    10     Authority and providing for its powers and duties; providing
    11     for the Medicare Managed Care Fair Share Program; and
    12     establishing the Medicare Participation Fund.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  The definition of "maximum annual income" in
    16  section 502 of the act of August 26, 1971 (P.L.351, No.91),
    17  known as the State Lottery Law, added November 21, 1996
    18  (P.L.741, No.134), is amended to read:
    19  Section 502.  Definitions.
    20     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    21  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    22  context clearly indicates otherwise:

     1     * * *
     2     "Maximum annual income."
     3     (1)  For PACE eligibility, the term shall mean annual income
     4  which shall not exceed [$14,000] $15,000 in the case of single
     5  persons nor [$17,200] $18,200 in the case of the combined annual
     6  income of persons married to each other. Persons may, in
     7  reporting income to the Department of Aging, round the amount of
     8  each source of income and the income total to the nearest whole
     9  dollar, whereby any amount which is less than 50¢ is eliminated.
    10     (2)  The maximum annual income amounts under this definition
    11  shall be increased each year after the effective date of this
    12  paragraph by the percentage, if any, by which the Consumer Price
    13  Index for the most recent calendar year exceeds the Consumer
    14  Price Index for the immediate preceding calendar year.
    15     * * *
    16     Section 2.  Sections 509, 515 and 519 of the act, added
    17  November 21, 1996 (P.L.741, No.134), are amended to read:
    18  Section 509.  Program generally.
    19     The program shall include the following:
    20         (1)  Participating pharmacies shall be paid within 21
    21     days of the contracting firm receiving the appropriate
    22     substantiation of the transaction. Pharmacies shall be
    23     entitled to interest for payment not made within the 21-day
    24     period at a rate approved by the board.
    25         (2)  Collection of the copayment by pharmacies shall be
    26     mandatory.
    27         (3)  Senior citizens participating in the program are not
    28     required to maintain records of each transaction.
    29         (4)  A system of rebates or reimbursements to eligible
    30     claimants for pharmaceutical expenses shall be prohibited.
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     1         (5)  PACE shall include a participant copayment schedule
     2     for each prescription. The copayment may increase or decrease
     3     on an annual basis by the average percent change of
     4     ingredient costs for all prescription drugs, plus a
     5     differential to raise the copayment to the next highest 25¢
     6     increment. In addition, the department may approve a request
     7     for increase or decrease in the level of copayment based upon
     8     the financial experience and projections of PACE and after
     9     consultation with the board. The department is prohibited
    10     from approving adjustments to the copayment on more than an
    11     annual basis.
    12         (6)  The program shall consist of payments to pharmacies
    13     on behalf of eligible claimants for 90% of the average
    14     wholesale costs of prescription drugs which exceed the
    15     copayment, plus a dispensing fee of at least $3.50 or the
    16     dispensing fee established by the department by regulation,
    17     whichever is greater.
    18         (7)  In no case shall the Commonwealth or any person
    19     enrolled in the program be charged more than the price of the
    20     drug at the particular pharmacy on the date of the sale.
    21         (8)  Payments for multiple source drugs, meeting the
    22     criteria set forth in 42 C.F.R. 447.332 (relating to upper
    23     limits for multiple source drugs) and § 1927(e) of the Social
    24     Security Act (49 Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C. § 301 et seq.), must
    25     not exceed an amount based on the limit per unit which the
    26     Health Care Financing Administration has determined to be
    27     equal to 150%  applied to the lowest price listed, in package
    28     sizes of 100 units, unless otherwise noted, in any of the
    29     published compendia of cost information of drugs.
    30  Section 515.  Reimbursement.
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     1     [For-profit] Health maintenance organizations, for-profit
     2  third-party insurers and not-for-profit prescription plans shall
     3  be responsible for any payments made by the program to a
     4  providing pharmacy or dispensing physician on behalf of a
     5  claimant covered by such a third party.
     6  Section 519.  The Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the
     7                 Elderly Needs Enhancement Tier.
     8     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established within the
     9  department a program to be known as the Pharmaceutical
    10  Assistance Contract for the Elderly Needs Enhancement Tier
    11  (PACENET).
    12     (b)  PACENET eligibility.--A claimant with an annual income
    13  of not less than [$14,000] $15,000 and not more than [$16,000]
    14  $17,000 in the case of a single person and of not less than
    15  [$17,200] $18,200 and not more than [$19,200] $20,200 in the
    16  case of the combined income of persons married to each other
    17  shall be eligible for enhanced pharmaceutical assistance under
    18  this section. A person may, in reporting income to the
    19  department, round the amount of each source of income and the
    20  income total to the nearest whole dollar, whereby any amount
    21  which is less than 50¢ is eliminated.
    22     (c)  Deductible.--Upon enrollment in PACENET, eligible
    23  claimants in the income ranges set forth in subsection (b) shall
    24  be required to meet [an annual] monthly deductible in
    25  unreimbursed prescription drug expenses of [$500] $40 per
    26  person. To qualify for the deductible set forth in this
    27  subsection the prescription drug must be purchased for the use
    28  of the eligible claimant from a provider as defined in this
    29  chapter. The department, after consultation with the board, may
    30  approve an adjustment in the deductible on an annual basis.
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     1     (d)  Copayment.--For eligible claimants under this section,
     2  the copayment schedule, which may be adjusted by the department
     3  on an annual basis after consultation with the board, shall be:
     4             (i)  eight dollars for noninnovator multiple source
     5         drugs as defined in section 702; or
     6             (ii)  fifteen dollars for single-source drugs and
     7         innovator multiple-source drugs as defined in section
     8         702.
     9     (e)  Annual increase in eligibility limits.--The maximum
    10  annual income amounts for PACENET eligibility under subsection
    11  (b) shall be increased each year after the effective date of
    12  this subsection by the percentage, if any, by which the Consumer
    13  Price Index for the most recent calendar year exceeds the
    14  Consumer Price Index for the immediate preceding calendar year.
    15     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding chapters to read:
    16                            CHAPTER 7-A
    18  Section 701-A.  Short title of chapter.
    19     This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Best
    20  Price for Pharmaceuticals Act.
    21  Section 702-A.  Definitions.
    22     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    23  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    24  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    25     "A-rated generically equivalent drug."  A drug product that
    26  the Commissioner of Food and Drugs of the Food and Drug
    27  Administration has approved as safe and effective and has
    28  determined to be equivalent as listed in "The Approved Drug
    29  Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations" (Food and
    30  Drug Administration "Orange Book"), with a specific "A" code
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     1  designation only.
     2     "Committee."  A drug utilization review committee formed in
     3  accordance with section 705-A.
     4     "DESI drug."  A drug product for which Federal financial
     5  participation is not available under 42 CFR 441.25 (relating to
     6  prohibition on FFP for certain prescribed drugs).
     7     "Experimental drug."  A drug or product currently being
     8  investigated under an investigational or new drug application
     9  filed with the Food and Drug Administration to determine its
    10  safety and effectiveness.
    11     "Licensed prescriber."  A person currently licensed under the
    12  law of a state to order medication for patient treatment.
    13     "PACE."  As defined in section 502.
    14     "PACENET."  As defined in section 502.
    15     "Participant."  A person who receives pharmacy services from
    16  PACE or PACENET.
    17     "Pharmaceutical manufacturer."  A manufacturer of
    18  prescription drugs, insulin, insulin needles or insulin
    19  syringes.
    20     "Pharmacy."  A pharmacy licensed by the Commonwealth.
    21     "Pharmacy services."  Medically necessary prescription drugs
    22  and other pharmacy services furnished directly to eligible
    23  participants by pharmacies.
    24     "Prescription drug."  A drug requiring a prescription in this
    25  Commonwealth, insulin, insulin syringes and insulin needles.
    26  Experimental drugs or drugs prescribed for wrinkle removal or
    27  hair growth are excluded.
    28     "Prior authorization."  A procedure established by the
    29  Secretary of Aging under which the delivery of a pharmacy
    30  service is either conditioned upon or delayed by a prior
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     1  determination by the Secretary of Aging or his agent that a
     2  person is eligible for a particular pharmacy service, that there
     3  is medical necessity for a particular pharmacy service or that a
     4  particular pharmacy service is suitable to a particular
     5  participant.
     6     "Private contracted entity."  An entity under contract with
     7  the Secretary of Aging to administer PACE and PACENET.
     8     "Provider."  A pharmacy or licensed prescriber who provides
     9  pharmacy services to a PACE or PACENET recipient.
    10     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Aging of the Commonwealth.
    11     "Wholesaler."  A licensed person or entity within this
    12  Commonwealth which legally purchases pharmaceuticals for resale
    13  or distribution to persons other than recipients or consumers.
    14  Section 703-A.  Private contracted entities.
    15     (a)  Administration.--The secretary shall administer a
    16  pharmacy benefits management program for all participants.
    17     (b)  Request for proposal.--Not later than 90 days from the
    18  effective date of this chapter, the secretary shall issue a
    19  request for proposal for a three-year contract with four private
    20  contracted entities to administer pharmacy services for
    21  participants Statewide.
    22     (c)  Requirements.--The proposal shall require the private
    23  contracted entities to perform prospective, concurrent and
    24  retrospective drug utilization review and education of providers
    25  and participants.
    26     (d)  Criteria.--The selection process shall include criteria
    27  designed to choose the private contracted entities best able to
    28  provide a prescription drug benefit program for participants in
    29  a way that maximizes savings for the Commonwealth and
    30  participants without reducing the quality of prescription drug
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     1  benefits now being provided to the participants. The selection
     2  process shall also include criteria designed to choose those
     3  private contracted entities that offer participants choices
     4  among prescription drug benefits with different formulary
     5  options and cost-sharing arrangements.
     6     (e)  Decision.--All participants may choose the private
     7  contracted entity of their preference for the delivery of their
     8  pharmacy services. Each private contracted entity shall make
     9  available information to all potential participants so an
    10  informed decision may be made. Participants shall have the
    11  option of changing the private contracted entity at their
    12  discretion in an open enrollment period every 12 months.
    13     (f)  Execution.--The contracts under this section shall be
    14  executed within six months from the effective date of this
    15  chapter.
    16  Section 704-A.  Private contracted entity functions.
    17     (a)  Requirements.--The secretary shall require each private
    18  contracted entity to:
    19         (1)  develop and update a formulary of drugs with the
    20     advice of its committee utilizing disease and care
    21     management. Formulary options may include an open formulary,
    22     closed formulary or a modified closed formulary with an
    23     opportunity for substitution upon prior authorization;
    24         (2)  manage a drug formulary;
    25         (3)  ensure that any pharmacy licensed in this
    26     Commonwealth which is willing to accept the terms and
    27     conditions of the private contracted entity is eligible to
    28     provide pharmacy services according to any regulations in
    29     effect on the effective date of this chapter and that
    30     regulate pharmacy providers;
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     1         (4)  negotiate drug rebates with manufacturers;
     2         (5)  in accordance with the act of November 24, 1976
     3     (P.L.1163, No.259), referred to as the Generic Equivalent
     4     Drug Law, make provisions for generic substitutions and
     5     require pharmacists to disclose any affiliation with a
     6     generic manufacturer;
     7         (6)  provide for prospective drug utilization review
     8     which precludes overriding alerts without intervention;
     9         (7)  provide for prior authorization in accordance with
    10     regulations of the secretary;
    11         (8)  provide for prospective and concurrent and
    12     retrospective drug utilization review to ensure that
    13     prescriptions are appropriate, medically necessary and not
    14     likely to result in adverse medical results and to educate
    15     providers and participants and to correct and report
    16     misutilization and abuse by licensed prescribers and
    17     participants and provide for fraud and abuse audits,
    18     coordinating its activities with the secretary to support
    19     compliance with applicable laws and regulations;
    20         (9)  educate providers on disease and care management;
    21         (10)  provide educational materials for participants on
    22     disease and care management;
    23         (11)  seek best price from pharmaceutical manufacturers
    24     under prevailing private market conditions;
    25         (12)  negotiate with drug manufacturers to maximize
    26     savings to the Commonwealth in a way that does not reduce the
    27     quality of existing prescription drug services for
    28     participants;
    29         (13)  adjudicate claims through a Statewide point-of-sale
    30     electronic verification and claims processing system which
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     1     will allow for intervention upon receipt of a prospective
     2     drug utilization review alert and will allow for an emergency
     3     supply of prescribed medication in the event of equipment
     4     failures;
     5         (14)  create an audit and recoupment system for providers
     6     and participants, and third-party medical resources; and
     7         (15)  reimburse pharmacies on a fee-for-service basis.
     8     (b)  Formulary.--The private contracted entities, with the
     9  advice of their committees, shall prepare a formulary of drugs
    10  and, in accordance with the Generic Equivalent Drug Law, include
    11  generically equivalent drugs to be used in PACE or PACENET. In
    12  evaluating drugs for the formulary, each private contracted
    13  entity shall consider their therapeutic efficacy and take into
    14  consideration all discounts, rebates or other concessions
    15  provided by manufacturers. The formulary must indicate that
    16  drugs will not be reimbursed if they are experimental or on the
    17  Drug Efficacy Study Implementation list (DESI) prepared by the
    18  Health Care Financing Administration. The formulary shall
    19  provide for a medical exception for a drug on the latter list
    20  upon a handwritten declaration of its necessity on the
    21  prescription by the treating prescriber.
    22     (c)  Conflicts.--In developing the formulary, the private
    23  contracted entity shall demonstrate how it will avoid a conflict
    24  of interest with any pharmaceutical manufacturer, wholesaler or
    25  drug store chain that holds an interest in the private
    26  contracted entity or in which the private contracted entity has
    27  an interest and shall indicate how it will prevent the sharing
    28  of nonpublic information concerning other drug manufacturers'
    29  bids, proposals, contracts, prices, rebates or discounts.
    30     (d)  Considerations.--In preparing and managing the
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     1  formulary, the private contracted entity shall ensure that they
     2  will consider all discounts, rebates or other concessions
     3  offered by manufacturers, drug chains or wholesale drug
     4  companies. In no event shall such considerations exclude a drug
     5  recommended for inclusion by the committee in its
     6  recommendations regarding the clinical basis of the formulary.
     7  No formulary or other restriction affecting payment for a drug
     8  by the program shall be adopted if it is not supported by the
     9  clinical recommendations of the committee.
    10     (e)  Continuation.--Upon making changes to the formulary the
    11  private contracted entities shall allow a participant to
    12  continue to receive a drug which is part of an ongoing treatment
    13  regimen until such time as the prescriber evaluates the medical
    14  need for the specific drug and determines the clinical
    15  suitability of a change of therapy. In no event shall a
    16  formulary change result in denial of a patient's access to
    17  covered care by denial of payment or mandatory switch of therapy
    18  as long as previously authorized refills remain for the
    19  prescription.
    20     (f)  Nontermination.--The private contracted entities shall
    21  not terminate any contract currently in existence with any
    22  agency or program which cannot be favorably renegotiated.
    23  Section 705-A.  Drug utilization review committees.
    24     (a)  Requirement.--The secretary shall require each private
    25  contracted entity to form a drug utilization review committee.
    26     (b)  Composition.--Each committee shall be comprised of nine
    27  members, five of whom shall be actively practicing physicians
    28  licensed in this Commonwealth and four of whom shall be actively
    29  practicing pharmacists licensed in this Commonwealth. None of
    30  the members may hold a 5% or greater interest in the private
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     1  contracted entity, its parent company or companies, or in a
     2  company or companies owned by the private contracted entity.
     3     (c)  Functions.--
     4         (1)  The committees shall develop a system that provides
     5     prospective, concurrent and retrospective review of drug
     6     utilization to ensure that pharmacy services provided are or
     7     were appropriate and medically necessary and not likely to
     8     result in adverse medical results. The review program shall
     9     be designed to educate licensed prescribers and pharmacists
    10     as provided in paragraph (4) on the proper utilization of
    11     drugs in disease and care management. In reviewing drug
    12     utilization, the committee shall assess data on drug use
    13     against predetermined standards consistent with the American
    14     Hospital Formulary Service Drug Information, the United
    15     States Pharmacopoeia-Drug Information, American Medical
    16     Association Drug Evaluations or peer-reviewed medical
    17     literature.
    18         (2)  The committees shall develop a system to utilize the
    19     compendia and literature referred to in paragraph (1) as its
    20     source of standards to screen for potential drug problems
    21     before a prescription is filled or delivered to a
    22     participant. Prospective drug use review shall include
    23     consultation with participants by pharmacists.
    24         (3)  The secretary and the private contracted entities
    25     shall provide data to the committees, through mechanized drug
    26     claims processing and retrieval systems, for the ongoing
    27     periodic examination of claims data and other records in
    28     order to identify patterns of fraud, abuse, gross overuse or
    29     inappropriate or medically unnecessary care among licensed
    30     prescribers, pharmacists and participants or associated with
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     1     specific drugs or groups of drugs. The committees shall, on
     2     an ongoing basis, assess data on drug use against explicit
     3     predetermined standards using the compendia and literature
     4     referred to in this subsection and to introduce, as
     5     necessary, remedial strategies to improve the quality of care
     6     and to conserve program funds or patient expenditures.
     7         (4)  The committees shall, using drug use data on common
     8     therapy problems, develop active and ongoing educational
     9     outreach programs to disseminate information to providers on
    10     common drug therapy problems with the aim of improving
    11     prescribing or dispensing practices. The educational programs
    12     shall include interventions for providers targeting therapy
    13     problems or individuals identified in the course of
    14     retrospective drug reviews. The committees shall reevaluate
    15     interventions from time to time to determine if the
    16     interventions were successful in improving the quality of
    17     drug therapy and shall make modifications as necessary.
    18     Intervention programs shall include:
    19             (i)  information dissemination sufficient to ensure
    20         the ready availability to providers of information
    21         concerning the committees' duties, powers and basis for
    22         their standards;
    23             (ii)  written, oral or electronic reminders
    24         containing patient-specific and/or drug-specific
    25         information and suggested changes in prescribing or
    26         dispensing practices, communicated in a manner designed
    27         to ensure the privacy of patient-related information;
    28             (iii)  use of communication between health care
    29         professionals who are experts in rational drug therapy
    30         and selected prescribers and pharmacists who have been
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     1         targeted for educational intervention, including
     2         discussion of optimal prescribing, dispensing or pharmacy
     3         care practices and follow-up communications; and
     4             (iv)  intensified review or monitoring of selected
     5         prescribers or dispensers.
     6         (5)  The committees shall, using practices and formats
     7     generally accepted in the professional practice of pharmacy,
     8     develop recommendations for the structure and specific
     9     products to be included on the formulary. The recommendations
    10     shall be appropriate for the clinical needs of the enrollee
    11     population and shall be entirely independent of any and all
    12     financial considerations that may be relevant to the
    13     program's implementation of the formulary recommendations.
    14     The committee's recommendations shall be consistent with the
    15     following:
    16             (i)  All new drugs shall be available without
    17         restriction upon being approved by the Federal Food and
    18         Drug Administration and made available in the marketplace
    19         until such time as a committee completes its clinical
    20         evaluation of the relative place of the new drug on the
    21         formulary. A drug is considered "new" for purposes of
    22         this subparagraph if the drug is a newly released drug or
    23         compound that has never before been marketed or a drug
    24         that has been approved by the Federal Food and Drug
    25         Administration for a new indication or treatment use. A
    26         drug is "available" in the marketplace for purposes of
    27         this subparagraph if the drug can be readily obtained in
    28         commercial quantities by pharmacies in this Commonwealth.
    29             (ii)  No drug may be recommended for exclusion from
    30         the formulary until is has been included for a period of
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     1         at least 12 months to provide a committee with data
     2         regarding its use and potential misuse in the enrollee
     3         population.
     4             (iii)  Any recommendation by a committee that access
     5         to a drug be restricted either by exclusion from the
     6         formulary or by prior authorization that limits
     7         conditions of use for a drug shall be based on committee
     8         analysis of retrospective data using the criteria to
     9         identify a drug whose use is likely not to be medically
    10         appropriate or medically necessary or likely to result in
    11         adverse medical outcomes in the enrollee population.
    12             (iv)  Prior authorization shall not be required or
    13         utilized for the dispensing or reimbursement of any
    14         prescription drug or drugs that are, according to the
    15         most recent publication of Drug Facts and Comparisons or
    16         a similar publication:
    17                 (A)  classified as an antianxiety, antidepressant
    18             or antipsychotic central nervous system drug;
    19                 (B)  cross-indicated for a central nervous system
    20             drug classification; or
    21                 (C)  classified in a central nervous system drug
    22             category or classification after the effective date
    23             of this chapter.
    24         (6)  A committee shall issue all recommendations
    25     regarding the program formulary in writing for at least a 30-
    26     day period of public inspection before they are submitted to
    27     the program for adoption and implementation.
    28         (7)  Any interested party, including, but not limited to,
    29     physicians, pharmacists, beneficiaries and manufacturers or
    30     distributors of the drug proposed to be restricted may submit
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     1     additional clinical information relevant to determining the
     2     formulary status of the drug. All relevant clinical
     3     information shall be considered by a committee before the
     4     recommendation is finalized and submitted to the program.
     5         (8)  Any interested party, including, but not limited to,
     6     physicians, pharmacists, beneficiaries and manufacturers or
     7     distributors of the drug proposed to be restricted may
     8     request an opportunity to make an oral presentation to the
     9     committee. Upon timely receipt of a request for an oral
    10     hearing, a committee shall schedule a hearing and provide any
    11     interested party with an opportunity to express clinical
    12     concerns related to the proposed formulary status of such
    13     drug. A committee shall consider the record of any hearing
    14     prior to submitting its formulary recommendation to the
    15     program.
    16     (d)  Misutilization.--Should licensed prescribers or
    17  participants continue to misutilize drugs or abuse the system, a
    18  committee shall provide information to the secretary for
    19  corrective action. In the case of prescribers, a committee shall
    20  submit a report and recommendations to the secretary for
    21  appropriate action. The secretary shall inform the private
    22  contracted entity and the appropriate Commonwealth licensing
    23  body of any final administrative sanctions.
    24     (e)  Nonliability.--Any person rendering service as a member
    25  of a committee for this program shall not be liable for any
    26  civil damages as a result of any acts or omissions in rendering
    27  the service as a member of any such committee except any acts or
    28  omissions intentionally designed to harm or any grossly
    29  negligent acts or omissions which result in harm to the person
    30  receiving such service.
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     1     (f)  Report.--The secretary shall require the committees to
     2  provide an annual report describing the committees' activities,
     3  including the nature and scope of the prospective, concurrent
     4  and retrospective drug reviews, a summary of interventions used,
     5  an assessment of the impact of these educational interventions
     6  on quality of care and an estimate of the cost savings generated
     7  as a result of the program.
     8  Section 706-A.  Copayments.
     9     Except for services which are excluded under the
    10  Commonwealth's medical assistance program, a participant is
    11  liable for a copayment in an amount set by the secretary, and
    12  collection of the copayment by pharmacies shall be mandatory.
    13  The amount of the copayment paid to pharmacy providers by
    14  participants shall be deducted from the Commonwealth's fee to
    15  pharmacy providers.
    16  Section 707-A.  Administration of contract.
    17     (a)  Secretary.--The secretary shall administer the contract
    18  with the private contracted entities and shall promulgate rules
    19  and regulations, as necessary, to carry out the provisions of
    20  this chapter.
    21     (b)  Data.--The secretary and the private contracted entities
    22  shall provide data necessary to the committees to develop
    23  provider prescribing profiles and participant utilization
    24  profiles to perform utilization review and disease and care
    25  management through the coordination of health care and pharmacy
    26  services to ensure that participants are receiving and complying
    27  with appropriate therapies.
    28  Section 708-A.  Drug prior authorization review process.
    29     Any drug prior authorization program shall meet all of the
    30  following conditions:
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     1         (1)  The program shall provide telephone, fax or other
     2     electronically transmitted authorization or denial within 24
     3     hours after receipt of the prior authorization request.
     4         (2)  In an emergency situation, including a situation in
     5     which a response to a prior authorization request is
     6     unavailable while the patient waits in the pharmacy, a 72-
     7     hour supply of the prescribed drug shall be dispensed and
     8     paid for by the program.
     9         (3)  A prescription will only be changed upon the orders
    10     of the prescriber.
    11  Section 709-A.  Studies required.
    12     (a)  General.--
    13         (1)  The secretary shall select a competent contractor to
    14     analyze and compare expenditures, utilization rates and
    15     utilization patterns for pharmacy services provided to PACE
    16     or PACENET.
    17         (2)  To effectuate the purposes of this chapter, all
    18     participating pharmacy providers, manufacturers, drug chains
    19     and wholesalers shall, as a condition of participation, be
    20     required to cooperate with the secretary in preparing the
    21     required report.
    22         (3)  The secretary shall report preliminary findings to
    23     the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of
    24     the House of Representatives by September 30, 2002. The
    25     secretary shall report finally on June 30, 2004.
    26     (b)  Report.--The Legislative Budget and Finance Committee
    27  shall evaluate and prepare a report to be submitted no later
    28  than June 30, 2004, to the General Assembly on the best price
    29  for pharmaceuticals program under this chapter.
    30  Section 710-A.  Applicability of chapter.
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     1     This chapter shall apply to PACE and PACENET.
     2  Section 711-A.  Prohibited activities.
     3     It shall be unlawful for any individual, partnership or
     4  corporation to solicit, receive, offer or pay any kickback,
     5  bribe or rebate in cash or in kind from or to any person in
     6  connection with the furnishing of services under this chapter.
     7  Section 712-A.  Expiration of chapter.
     8     This chapter shall expire December 31, 2004, unless
     9  reauthorized by the General Assembly.
    10                            CHAPTER 7-B
    12  Section 701-B.  Definitions.
    13     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    14  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    15  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    16     "Authority."  The Prescription Drug Access Clearinghouse
    17  Authority established by this chapter.
    18     "Board."  The board of directors of the Prescription Drug
    19  Access Clearinghouse Authority.
    20     "Discount plan."  A prescription drug discount plan.
    21     "Discount program."  The Prescription Drug Discount Program
    22  under section 707-B.
    23     "PACE."  As defined in section 502.
    24     "PACENET."  As defined in section 502.
    25  Section 702-B.  Establishment and duties of authority.
    26     (a)  Authority established.--The Prescription Drug Access
    27  Clearinghouse Authority is hereby established to assist citizens
    28  with accessing prescription drug services at affordable prices.
    29     (b)  Duties of authority.--The authority shall:
    30         (1)  Disseminate information and advertise programs that
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     1     will assist citizens with purchasing prescription drugs at a
     2     lower cost.
     3         (2)  Provide specific assistance to State residents to
     4     facilitate greater participation in the PACE and PACENET
     5     programs.
     6         (3)  Assist State residents with enrolling in programs
     7     such as PACE, PACENET and Medicaid and that may provide for
     8     prescription drug coverage for which they may be eligible.
     9         (4)  Assist residents of this Commonwealth with assessing
    10     discount programs or insurance programs that may be of
    11     benefit to them.
    12         (5)  Perform studies to identify additional strategies
    13     that may help improve access by Commonwealth residents to
    14     prescription drugs and provide appropriate reports to the
    15     Governor and General Assembly.
    16         (6)  Serve as a general resource responsible for
    17     promoting the interest of residents of this Commonwealth on
    18     prescription drug access issues.
    19  Section 703-B.  Authority board of directors.
    20     (a)  Membership.--The authority shall be governed by a 13-
    21  member board of directors as follows:
    22         (1)  Four members appointed by the Governor, one of whom
    23     shall be a consumer representative and one of whom shall have
    24     knowledge of pharmaceutical benefit programs.
    25         (2)  Two members appointed by the Majority Leader of the
    26     Senate, one of whom shall be a practicing pharmacist.
    27         (3)  Two members appointed by the Minority Leader of the
    28     Senate, one of whom shall have knowledge of group procurement
    29     practices.
    30         (4)  Two members appointed by the Majority Leader of the
    20030S0434B0455                 - 20 -     

     1     House of Representatives, one of whom shall have experience
     2     in operations of group health plans.
     3         (5)  Two members appointed by the Minority Leader of the
     4     House of Representatives, one of whom shall represent
     5     individuals in this Commonwealth who are elderly or have
     6     disabilities.
     7         (6)  The executive director of the authority, to be
     8     selected by the other members of the board, who shall serve
     9     as an ex officio, voting member of the board.
    10     (b)  Executive director.--The executive director of the
    11  authority shall be the chief executive officer of the authority
    12  and presiding officer of the board of directors.
    13     (c)  Compensation.--Except for the executive director,
    14  members of the board shall receive no compensation for their
    15  services but shall be reimbursed for their necessary expenses
    16  incurred while serving as board members.
    17     (d)  Vacancies.--A vacancy on the board shall be filled by
    18  the appointing authority for the balance of the term.
    19     (e)  Terms of members.--
    20         (1)  Initial terms of appointed members shall be as
    21     follows:
    22             (i)  The Governor shall appoint one member for two
    23         years.
    24             (ii)  The Majority Leader of the Senate shall appoint
    25         one member for two years.
    26             (iii)  The Minority Leader of the Senate shall
    27         appoint one member for two years.
    28             (iv)  The Majority Leader of the House of
    29         Representatives shall appoint one member for two years.
    30             (v)  The Minority Leader of the House of
    20030S0434B0455                 - 21 -     

     1         Representatives shall appoint one member for two years.
     2             (vi)  The remaining members shall be appointed for
     3         four years.
     4         (2)  Each subsequent term of a member shall be for four
     5     years and until a successor is appointed and qualified.
     6     Except for the executive director, members may serve only two
     7     consecutive full terms. Any member of the board may be
     8     removed by the Governor or by a majority of the other board
     9     members for malfeasance in office, failure to attend
    10     regularly scheduled meetings, or for any cause that renders
    11     the member incapable of for unfit to discharge the duties of
    12     a director.
    13     (f)  Meetings.--Meetings of the board shall be subject to 65
    14  Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 (relating to open meetings) and the act of June
    15  21, 1957 (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as the Right-to-Know
    16  Law. A quorum for a meeting shall be a majority of the total
    17  membership of the board. Any action of the board of directors
    18  requires the affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum.
    19     (g)  Conflicts of interest.--No part of the revenues or
    20  assets of the authority may inure to the benefit of, or be
    21  distributed to, its board of directors or officers or any other
    22  private person or entity. Any member of the board of directors
    23  and any employee or other agent or advisor of the authority, who
    24  has a direct or indirect interest in a pharmaceutical
    25  manufacturer, pharmacy, discount program, insurance program or
    26  in any contract or transaction with the authority, must disclose
    27  this interest to the authority. If a board member has an
    28  interest in a transaction, then the member may not participate
    29  in the deliberations or voting on such a transaction. The status
    30  of the authority's chief executive officer, in and of itself,
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     1  does not constitute a conflicting interest.
     2     (h)  Personnel.--A State employee who elects to become an
     3  employee of the authority shall receive full credit from the
     4  authority for sick leave and annual leave accrued while employed
     5  by the State. The authority may establish and administer its own
     6  personnel program, including a wage and benefit structure for
     7  authority employees. Authority employees may participate in and
     8  be eligible for enrollment in the Commonwealth retirement system
     9  established pursuant to 71 Pa.C.S. Pt. XXV (relating to
    10  retirement for State employees and officers).
    11  Section 704-B.  General powers of authority.
    12     The authority shall have the general powers of an independent
    13  corporate entity, including the following:
    14         (1)  To have the duties, privileges, immunities, rights,
    15     powers, liabilities and obligations of a body corporate and
    16     politic.
    17         (2)  To enroll residents in State programs offering a
    18     prescription drug benefit after entering into a memorandum of
    19     understanding with the relevant agency regarding coordination
    20     of enrollment procedures.
    21         (3)  To provide counseling and guidance to residents of
    22     this Commonwealth regarding existing Federal, State or
    23     private programs, including manufacturer assistance programs,
    24     that may be available to help address individual needs.
    25         (4)  To evaluate or rate prescription drug programs,
    26     insurance programs and discount programs according to
    27     criteria determined by the authority in advance, so long as
    28     the authority deems the evaluation or ratings useful to
    29     members of the public.
    30         (5)  To advertise the availability of any public or
    20030S0434B0455                 - 23 -     

     1     private program offering prescription drug benefits to
     2     members of the public in accordance with criteria the
     3     authority determines will advance the public's ability to
     4     acquire quality prescription drugs at lower cost.
     5         (6)  To enter into any contract, agreement or other
     6     instrument necessary or convenient in the exercise of the
     7     powers and functions of the authority that are not
     8     inconsistent with the laws of this Commonwealth.
     9         (7)  To manage its own finances and deposit funds into
    10     independent banking accounts.
    11         (8)  To contract for and to accept any grants and loans
    12     of funds, property or any other aid in any form from the
    13     Federal or State government sources, or any other source, or
    14     any combination thereof.
    15         (9)  To appoint agents, employees and professional and
    16     business advisers as may from time to time be necessary in
    17     its judgment to accomplish the purposes of the authority and
    18     to fix the compensation of its officers, employees, agents
    19     and advisers, and to establish the powers and duties of its
    20     agents, officers, employees and other persons contracting
    21     with the authority.
    22  Section 705-B.  Construction.
    23     Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as a restriction
    24  or limitation upon any other powers which the authority might
    25  otherwise have under any other law of this Commonwealth.
    26  Section 706-B.  Exemption from taxation.
    27     Any real property acquired, maintained and operated by the
    28  authority under this act shall not be subject to taxation by any
    29  political subdivision or local taxing authority. The authority
    30  is exempt from sales and use taxes imposed under Article II of
    20030S0434B0455                 - 24 -     

     1  the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform
     2  Code of 1971, for purchases acquired and used for its public
     3  purposes.
     4  Section 707-B.  Availability of discount programs.
     5     (a)  General rule.--The authority shall administer a
     6  prescription drug discount program. The authority shall
     7  establish public-private partnerships using a process to
     8  identify multiple-private sector prescription drug discount
     9  plans that will accept enrollment from any eligible resident of
    10  this Commonwealth; provide enrollees with enhanced access to
    11  prescription drugs; and engage in ongoing competition for
    12  enrollees on the basis of access, cost and quality of service
    13  and product offered.
    14     (b)  Contract standards.--The authority shall issue requests
    15  for proposals for participation by private sector prescription
    16  drug discount plans on an annual or biannual basis as necessary,
    17  to ensure that residents of this Commonwealth have access to
    18  multiple plans throughout this Commonwealth.
    19     (c)  Eligibility.--Any resident of this Commonwealth is
    20  eligible for the discount program under this chapter.
    21     (d)  Subsidy.--The Commonwealth shall subsidize
    22  administrative costs associated with the discount program,
    23  including the authority's efforts to actively endorse and
    24  promote the selected discount plans. The Commonwealth is not
    25  responsible for subsidizing the direct cost of prescription
    26  drugs under this discount program.
    27     (e)  Out-of-pocket costs.--Enrollees in the discount program
    28  are responsible for all costs of prescription drugs that they
    29  may purchase at discounted rates as available under competing
    30  prescription drug plans participating in the discount program.
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     1     (f)  Enrollment.--Participation in the discount program is
     2  contingent upon enrollment and selection of a discount plan. The
     3  authority shall establish an annual open enrollment period and
     4  may prevent residents from changing plans during the course of a
     5  year unless a discount plan's contract is revoked or the
     6  discount plan becomes unable to deliver services.
     7     (g)  Participation.--Participation in the discount program is
     8  voluntary. Enrollees are permitted to purchase prescription
     9  drugs outside of the discount program at any time.
    10     (h)  Enrollment fee.--The authority may authorize discount
    11  plans to collect a modest enrollment fee up to $25 from each
    12  individual enrolling in the discount plans on a sliding fee
    13  schedule.
    14     (i)  Consumer choice.--Eligible residents shall be given a
    15  choice of discount plans in which to participate. The authority
    16  may, at its discretion, create categories of plans to address
    17  different consumer needs.
    18     (j)  Nonexclusivity.--Residents of this Commonwealth may
    19  enroll in a discount plan regardless of whether they have other
    20  prescription drug insurance coverage or other coverage.
    21     (k)  Plan selection.--Subject to public notice and comment
    22  and in consultation with industry representatives, the authority
    23  shall issue requests for proposals from discount plans, such as
    24  discount card programs, pharmacy chain discount programs,
    25  pharmaceutical benefit managers and other qualifying entities
    26  capable of delivering lower prices to residents of this
    27  Commonwealth. In designing the criteria for evaluating the
    28  responses, the authority shall take into account the quality of
    29  the services to be provided and the savings generated for
    30  residents of this Commonwealth. The authority may take into
    20030S0434B0455                 - 26 -     

     1  account other factors, including geographic coverage, product
     2  differentiation, the need to target different populations within
     3  this Commonwealth, mail order service, coverage of rural areas
     4  and other factors as determined by the authority. If the
     5  authority receives multiple qualifying proposals in a category,
     6  the authority must approve at least two contractors in each
     7  category, but may, at its sole discretion, limit the maximum
     8  number of contractors in each category.
     9     (l)  Applicability.--The discount program applies to
    10  medically necessary prescription drugs and biologicals provided
    11  to patients in outpatient pharmacies. Under all circumstances,
    12  there must be at least two drugs equally available to enrollees
    13  in each therapeutic class or subclass of pharmaceutical agents.
    14  The authority, through the contracting process, shall ensure
    15  adequate access to medically necessary prescription drugs.
    16                            CHAPTER 7-C
    18  Section 701-C.  Short title of chapter.
    19     This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Medicare
    20  Managed Care Fair Share Program.
    21  Section 702-C.  Declaration of policy.
    22     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    23         (1)  The PACE program provides prescription drug coverage
    24     to this Commonwealth's low-income seniors who do not qualify
    25     for Medicaid.
    26         (2)  Presently, out of the 11 Medicare managed care
    27     providers who operate in this Commonwealth, one Medicare
    28     managed care provider does not provide prescription drug
    29     coverage to its Medicare beneficiaries.
    30         (3)  A total of 43,300 low-income Medicare beneficiaries
    20030S0434B0455                 - 27 -     

     1     who are enrolled in Medicare managed care receive their
     2     prescription drug benefit through the State-administered PACE
     3     program.
     4         (4)  A Medicare managed care provider who does not
     5     provide prescription drug coverage to its Medicare enrollees
     6     benefits from the Commonwealth's provision of a
     7     pharmaceutical benefit through the PACE program.
     8         (5)  Prescription drugs are a cost-effective therapy that
     9     has been shown to offer significant savings in other aspects
    10     of health care, particularly in the hospital and urgent-care
    11     setting.
    12         (6)  Medicare managed care providers who directly benefit
    13     in terms of cost savings as a result of healthier seniors who
    14     participate in the PACE program should be required to
    15     contribute their fair share of costs presently borne by the
    16     Commonwealth in its administration of the PACE program.
    17  Section 703-C.  Definitions.
    18     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    19  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    20  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    21     "Contribution amount."  The amount due to the Commonwealth
    22  under the Medicare Managed Care Fair Share Program.
    23     "Covered Medicare manage care provider."  A managed care
    24  entity, plan or provider that participates in the Medicare
    25  program and does not provide outpatient prescription drug
    26  coverage as a covered benefit to its Medicare beneficiaries.
    27     "Department."  The Department of Aging of the Commonwealth.
    28     "Fund."  The Medicare Participation Fund established under
    29  section 705-C.
    30     "Program."  The Medicare Managed Care Fair Share Program
    20030S0434B0455                 - 28 -     

     1  established under this chapter.
     2  Section 704-C.  Program administration.
     3     The program shall be administered by the department. The
     4  department shall promulgate and adopt rules and regulations as
     5  are necessary to implement the program in a cost-effective
     6  manner and that are consistent with the purposes outlined in
     7  this chapter.
     8  Section 705-C.  Contribution amount and fund.
     9     (a)  Fund.--There is hereby established a separate account in
    10  the State Treasury to be known as the Medicare Participation
    11  Fund. Moneys collected from covered Medicare managed care
    12  providers under subsection (b) shall be deposited in the fund.
    13  All moneys in the fund are continuously appropriated to the
    14  department solely for purposes of the PACE program. The
    15  department shall collect the contributions under subsection (b)
    16  on a quarterly basis.
    17     (b)  Collection of contribution.--The department shall
    18  collect a contribution amount from covered Medicare managed care
    19  providers in an amount equal to a $20 charge per patient per
    20  month for each patient who is:
    21         (1)  enrolled and participates in a covered Medicare
    22     managed care provider plan; and
    23         (2)  enrolled and participates in the PACE program.
    24     (c)  Adjustments.--The department may consider adjustments to
    25  the contribution amount on an annual basis.
    26  Section 706-C.  Annual report.
    27     The department shall prepare and submit annually a report to
    28  the Governor and General Assembly which shall include the
    29  department's findings and recommendations relating to the
    30  program's cost and effectiveness, including recommended
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     1  adjustments to the contribution amount.
     2     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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