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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 443



No. 435 Session of 1999


           FEBRUARY 22, 1999

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 28, 1995 (P.L.89, No.18), entitled "An
     2     act creating the Department of Conservation and Natural
     3     Resources consisting of certain functions of the Department
     4     of Environmental Resources and the Department of Community
     5     Affairs; renaming the Department of Environmental Resources
     6     as the Department of Environmental Protection; defining the
     7     role of the Environmental Quality Board in the Department of
     8     Environmental Protection; making changes to responsibilities
     9     of the State Conservation Commission and the Department of
    10     Agriculture; transferring certain powers and duties to the
    11     Department of Health; and repealing inconsistent acts,"
    12     providing for the development by the Department of
    13     Environmental Protection of a comprehensive plan for
    14     protection, conservation, management and development of water
    15     resources within this Commonwealth.

    16     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    17  hereby enacts as follows:
    18     Section 1.  The title of the act of June 28, 1995 (P.L.89,
    19  No.18), known as the Conservation and Natural Resources Act, is
    20  amended to read:
    21  Creating the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
    22     consisting of certain functions of the Department of
    23     Environmental Resources and the Department of Community
    24     Affairs; renaming the Department of Environmental Resources

     1     as the Department of Environmental Protection; defining the
     2     role of the Environmental Quality Board in the Department of
     3     Environmental Protection; making changes to responsibilities
     4     of the State Conservation Commission and the Department of
     5     Agriculture; transferring certain powers and duties to the
     6     Department of Health; providing for a comprehensive water
     7     resources plan; and repealing inconsistent acts.
     8     Section 2.  Section 101 is amended by adding subsections to
     9  read:
    10  Section 101. Findings and statement of purpose.
    11     * * *
    12     (a.1)  Additional findings and purpose.--The General Assembly
    13  further finds and declares that development of a comprehensive
    14  plan will facilitate protection, conservation, management and
    15  development of this Commonwealth's water resources.
    16     * * *
    17     (b.1)  Statement of additional intent.--It is the intent of
    18  the General Assembly and an additional purpose of this act to
    19  charge the Department of Environmental Protection with the
    20  responsibility to develop a comprehensive water resources plan
    21  to safeguard these resources for generations yet to come.
    22     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding a chapter to read:
    23                             CHAPTER 7
    24                     STATE WATER RESOURCES PLAN
    25  Section 701.  Definitions.
    26     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    27  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    28  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    29     "Comprehensive plan."  A strategy for protection,
    30  conservation, management and development of this Commonwealth's
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     1  water resources prepared under this chapter.
     2     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Protection of
     3  the Commonwealth.
     4     "Integrated water resources plan."  A plan adopted by
     5  municipalities under Article VIII-B of the act of July 31, 1968
     6  (P.L.805, No.247), known as the Pennsylvania Municipalities
     7  Planning Code.
     8     "River basin commission plan."  A comprehensive plan for the
     9  immediate and long-range development and use of the water
    10  resources of an area drained by a river formulated and adopted
    11  by a body corporate and politic of which the Commonwealth is a
    12  member.
    13     "Special management area."  A geographic zone defined by
    14  natural features or other criteria established by the Department
    15  of Environmental Protection by regulation where there is a
    16  significant risk of groundwater depletion or degradation from
    17  activities conducted at or near the land surface.
    18  Section 702.  Survey and study.
    19     (a)  Purpose.--The department shall undertake a survey and
    20  study of the water resources of this Commonwealth for the
    21  purpose of preparing the comprehensive plan. State agencies,
    22  boards and commissions and municipalities shall cooperate with
    23  the department to facilitate the survey and study.
    24     (b)  Duplication not required.--The department may use
    25  existing water resources plans, surveys and studies, updating
    26  them as may be necessary, in its preparation of the
    27  comprehensive plan.
    28     (c)  Assistance.--The department may seek the assistance and
    29  cooperation of the Federal Government and appropriate agencies
    30  of other states in preparing the comprehensive plan.
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     1  Section 703.  Participation by public.
     2     (a)  Notice of commencement.--The department shall publish
     3  notice of intention to prepare the comprehensive plan in the
     4  Pennsylvania Bulletin. The notice shall also contain the
     5  following:
     6         (1)  A brief description of the methodology that will be
     7     employed to prepare the comprehensive plan.
     8         (2)  A tentative schedule for completion of significant
     9     components of the comprehensive plan.
    10         (3)  An invitation for the public to comment on
    11     preparation of the comprehensive plan.
    12     (b)  Public hearings.--During preparation of the
    13  comprehensive plan, the department shall give notice of and
    14  conduct public hearings on such aspects of the comprehensive
    15  plan as may, in its discretion, warrant participation by the
    16  public.
    17  Section 704.  Contents of comprehensive plan.
    18     The plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
    19         (1)  Identification of existing water resources,
    20     including water resources that originate outside basins or
    21     subbasins.
    22         (2)  Identification of existing uses of water resources,
    23     including consumptive and conjunctive uses.
    24         (3)  An estimate of future trends in uses of water,
    25     including population and land use projections.
    26         (4)  Identification of the capacity of basins and
    27     subbasins to provide adequate supplies to meet anticipated
    28     demands by both withdrawal and nonwithdrawal users.
    29         (5)  A catalog of water resource shortfalls, potential
    30     conflicts among users and basin and subbasin areas that
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     1     require special management.
     2         (6)  Consideration of points of discharge of wastewater
     3     to the subsurface and to rivers and streams.
     4         (7)  Programs and procedures, including conservation,
     5     based upon principles of sound hydrologic management of
     6     water, effective environmental protection and efficient
     7     management, to address water resource problems.
     8  Section 705.  Regional and local plans.
     9     (a)  River basin plans and compacts.--The comprehensive plan
    10  shall take into account and correlate with river basin
    11  commission plans and plans adopted under multistate compacts for
    12  conservation and management of water resources.
    13     (b)  Integrated water resources plans.--To the fullest extent
    14  feasible, the comprehensive plan shall incorporate integrated
    15  water resources plans.
    16  Section 706.  Special management areas.
    17     (a)  Identification in comprehensive plan.--The department in
    18  its preparation of the comprehensive plan shall identify
    19  locations that require special management to protect and
    20  conserve water resources.
    21     (b)  Designation.--
    22         (1)  A special management area may be included in or
    23     added to the comprehensive plan under this subsection.
    24         (2)  Following identification of an area that requires
    25     special management, the department shall determine its
    26     boundaries and declare its intent to designate a special
    27     management area. Notice of intent shall be published in the
    28     Pennsylvania Bulletin, and the public shall be afforded a
    29     reasonable opportunity, not less than 60 days, to submit
    30     comments to the department. Notice of intent shall also be
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     1     published for two successive weeks in a newspaper of general
     2     circulation within the proposed special management area. The
     3     notice shall also contain the date, time and a location
     4     within the proposed special management area of a public
     5     hearing where the department will receive testimony and hear
     6     arguments in support of and in opposition to its proposal.
     7         (3)  (i)  Within 90 days after the period for public
     8         comment has expired or within 90 days after the
     9         conclusion of the public hearing, whichever is later, the
    10         department shall designate the location as a special
    11         management area if it finds any of the following:
    12                 (A)  Current or projected demands and uses of
    13             water resources exceed or threaten to exceed the safe
    14             yield of water resources.
    15                 (B)  Current or projected demands and uses of
    16             water resources are consumptive uses that threaten
    17             identified or existing uses and preservation of water
    18             resources.
    19                 (C)  Current or projected demands and uses of
    20             water resources have reduced or will reduce the
    21             quantity of water below the level required to meet
    22             needs.
    23                 (D)  Current or projected demands and uses of
    24             water resources conflict with provisions of the
    25             comprehensive plan or its implementation or conflict
    26             with an interstate river basin commission plan.
    27             (ii)  In making a finding under this paragraph, the
    28         department shall take into account the provisions of an
    29         integrated water resources plan that lies within or is
    30         adjacent to the proposed special management area.
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     1  Section 707.  Effect of special management area designation.
     2     (a)  Powers of department.--
     3         (1)  After a location has been designated a special
     4     management area, the department may do the following with
     5     regard to the area:
     6             (i)  Impose such management controls as the
     7         Environmental Quality Board, by regulation, may
     8         establish. Management controls shall be calculated to
     9         conserve, develop, protect and regulate water resources
    10         within the special management area and may include
    11         requiring a permit from the department before a person
    12         may make a surface or groundwater withdrawal.
    13             (ii)  Impose fees, as fixed by the Environmental
    14         Quality Board by regulation in an amount that will fully
    15         reimburse the department for its costs in administering
    16         management controls, against persons and entities who
    17         benefit from imposition of management controls.
    18         (2)  Where appropriate, implementation of management
    19     controls shall be undertaken in cooperation with a river
    20     basin commission or a commission operating under a multistate
    21     compact to avoid duplication of effort and jurisdictional
    22     conflicts.
    23         (3)  If a special management area lies within the
    24     boundaries of an integrated water resources plan, the
    25     department shall cooperate and interact with the
    26     municipalities that adopted the plan to implement and
    27     administer management controls.
    28     (b)  Municipal powers.--After a location has been designated
    29  a special management area, a municipality that lies in whole or
    30  in part within the area may enact zoning and other land use
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     1  ordinances under the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.805, No.247),
     2  known as the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, to
     3  protect, conserve, manage and develop water resources within the
     4  portion of the special management area that lies within its
     5  municipal boundaries. An ordinance adopted under this subsection
     6  may not conflict with management controls imposed by the
     7  department and shall be effective only in the municipality that
     8  enacts it.
     9  Section 708.  Completion of comprehensive plan.
    10     (a)  Preliminary comprehensive plan.--After it completes its
    11  survey and study of this Commonwealth's water resources, the
    12  department shall prepare a preliminary comprehensive plan. The
    13  preliminary comprehensive plan shall be made available for
    14  public inspection at convenient locations throughout this
    15  Commonwealth and the public shall be afforded the opportunity to
    16  comment on it.
    17     (b)  Final comprehensive plan.--The department shall complete
    18  a final comprehensive plan within five years of the effective
    19  date of this chapter.
    20     (c)  Update of comprehensive plan.--After the final
    21  comprehensive plan is complete, the department shall thereafter
    22  revise and update the comprehensive plan every ten years.
    23     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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