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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 444



No. 436 Session of 1999



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.805, No.247), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act to empower cities of the second class A,
     3     and third class, boroughs, incorporated towns, townships of
     4     the first and second classes including those within a county
     5     of the second class and counties of the second through eighth
     6     classes, individually or jointly, to plan their development
     7     and to govern the same by zoning, subdivision and land
     8     development ordinances, planned residential development and
     9     other ordinances, by official maps, by the reservation of
    10     certain land for future public purpose and by the acquisition
    11     of such land; to promote the conservation of energy through
    12     the use of planning practices and to promote the effective
    13     utilization of renewable energy sources; providing for the
    14     establishment of planning commissions, planning departments,
    15     planning committees and zoning hearing boards, authorizing
    16     them to charge fees, make inspections and hold public
    17     hearings; providing for mediation; providing for transferable
    18     development rights; providing for appropriations, appeals to
    19     courts and penalties for violations; and repealing acts and
    20     parts of acts," further providing for the purpose of the act;
    21     adding certain definitions; providing for intergovernmental
    22     cooperation; further providing for preparation of the
    23     comprehensive plan, for compliance by counties, for zoning
    24     ordinance provisions and for zoning purposes; and providing
    25     for development and implementation of an integrated water
    26     resources plan.

    27     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    28  hereby enacts as follows:
    29     Section 1.  The title of the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.805,
    30  No.247), known as the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code,

     1  reenacted and amended December 21, 1988 (P.L.1329, No.170) and
     2  amended December 14, 1992 (P.L.815, No.131), is amended to read:
     3                               AN ACT
     4  To empower cities of the second class A, and third class,
     5     boroughs, incorporated towns, townships of the first and
     6     second classes including those within a county of the second
     7     class and counties of the second through eighth classes,
     8     individually or jointly, to plan their development and to
     9     govern the same by zoning, subdivision and land development
    10     ordinances, planned residential development and other
    11     ordinances, by official maps, by the reservation of certain
    12     land for future public purpose and by the acquisition of such
    13     land; to promote the conservation of energy through the use
    14     of planning practices and to promote the effective
    15     utilization of renewable energy sources; to protect, conserve
    16     and develop water resources by adopting integrated water
    17     resources plans; providing for the establishment of planning
    18     commissions, planning departments, planning committees and
    19     zoning hearing boards, authorizing them to charge fees, make
    20     inspections and hold public hearings; providing for
    21     mediation; providing for transferable development rights;
    22     providing for appropriations, appeals to courts and penalties
    23     for violations; and repealing acts and parts of acts.
    24     Section 2.  Section 105 of the act is amended to read:
    25     Section 105.  Purpose of Act.--It is the intent, purpose and
    26  scope of this act to protect and promote safety, health and
    27  morals; to accomplish coordinated development; to provide for
    28  the general welfare by guiding and protecting amenity,
    29  convenience, future governmental, economic, practical, and
    30  social and cultural facilities, development and growth, as well
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     1  as the improvement of governmental processes and functions; to
     2  guide uses of land and structures, type and location of streets,
     3  public grounds and other facilities; to promote the conservation
     4  of energy through the use of planning practices and to promote
     5  the effective utilization of renewable energy sources; to
     6  encourage the protection, conservation and development of water
     7  resources; and to permit municipalities to minimize such
     8  problems as may presently exist or which may be foreseen.
     9     Section 3.  Section 107 of the act is amended by adding a
    10  subsection to read:
    11     Section 107.  Definitions.--* * *
    12     (c)  The following words and phrases when used in Article
    13  VIII-B shall have the meanings given to them in this subsection
    14  unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
    15     "Department," the Department of Environmental Protection of
    16  the Commonwealth.
    17     "Integrated water resources plan," a strategy to protect,
    18  conserve and develop water resources within a watershed adopted
    19  by one or more municipalities under Article VIII-B.
    20     "River basin commission," a body politic and corporate
    21  established as an agency and instrumentality of the governments
    22  that are signatory parties to an interstate compact for the
    23  purpose of conserving, utilizing, developing, managing and
    24  controlling water and related resources.
    25     "Watershed," the term includes:
    26         (1)  a region or area containing not fewer than 25 square
    27     miles drained by a river or other body of water, whether
    28     natural or artificial; or
    29         (2) a region or area designated as a sub-basin by a river
    30     basin commission.
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     1     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     2     Section 212.  Intergovernmental Cooperation.--Governing
     3  bodies may utilize the authority granted under 53 Pa.C.S. Pt.
     4  III Subpt. D (relating to area government and intergovernmental
     5  cooperation).
     6     Section 5.  Section 301(b) of the act is amended to read:
     7     Section 301.  Preparation of Comprehensive Plan.--* * *
     8     (b)  The comprehensive plan may include a plan for the
     9  reliable supply of water, considering current and future water
    10  resources availability, uses and limitations, including
    11  provisions adequate to protect water supply sources. Any such
    12  plan shall be consistent with an integrated water resources plan
    13  adopted under Article VIII-B, the State Water Plan and any
    14  applicable water resources plan adopted by a river basin
    15  commission.
    16     Section 6.  Section 603 of the act is amended by adding a
    17  subsection to read:
    18     Section 603.  Ordinance Provisions.--* * *
    19     (g)  Zoning ordinances may provide for the protection,
    20  conservation and development of water resources.
    21     Section 7.  Section 605 of the act is amended by adding a
    22  clause to read:
    23     Section 605.  Classifications.--In any municipality, other
    24  than a county, which enacts a zoning ordinance, no part of such
    25  municipality shall be left unzoned. The provisions of all zoning
    26  ordinances may be classified so that different provisions may be
    27  applied to different classes of situations, uses and structures
    28  and to such various districts of the municipality as shall be
    29  described by a map made part of the zoning ordinance. Where
    30  zoning districts are created, all provisions shall be uniform
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     1  for each class of uses or structures, within each district,
     2  except that additional classifications may be made within any
     3  district:
     4         * * *
     5         (5)  For the purpose of giving full effect to an
     6     integrated water resources plan adopted under Article VIII-B.
     7     Section 8.  The act is amended by adding an article to read:
     8                           ARTICLE VIII-B
     9                  Integrated Water Resources Plan
    10     Section 801-B.  General Powers.--For the purpose of
    11  protecting, conserving and developing water resources within a
    12  watershed, the governing bodies of municipalities lying within
    13  the watershed may cooperate, in accordance with this article, to
    14  enact, amend and repeal an integrated water resources plan.
    15     Section 802-B.  Preparation of Plan.--(a)  An integrated
    16  water resources plan shall be prepared by a joint municipal
    17  planning commission established under Article XI. In addition to
    18  the power to conduct a water study under section 209.1, the
    19  joint planning commission shall have the power to do the
    20  following:
    21         (1)  Identify existing water resources, including water
    22     resources that originate outside the watershed.
    23         (2)  Identify existing uses of water resources, including
    24     consumptive and conjunctive uses.
    25         (3)  Estimate future trends in uses of water, including
    26     population and land use projection.
    27         (4)  Predict the capacity of the watershed to provide
    28     adequate supplies to meet anticipated demands by both
    29     withdrawal and nonwithdrawal users.
    30         (5)  Catalog water resource shortfalls, potential
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     1     conflicts among users and areas of the watershed that require
     2     special management.
     3         (6)  Consider points of discharge of wastewater to the
     4     subsurface and to rivers and streams.
     5         (7)  Propose programs and procedures, based upon
     6     principles of sound hydrologic management of water, effective
     7     environmental protection and efficient management to address
     8     water resource problems.
     9         (8)  Propose a program for implementing the integrated
    10     water resources plan that is consistent with the plan's
    11     objectives and includes schedules for adoption of the plan by
    12     participating municipalities and expected State and municipal
    13     costs to implement the plan.
    14     (b)  The integrated water resources plan shall specify the
    15  period covered by the plan and shall extend at least five years
    16  but no more than ten years from the date of adoption.
    17     (c)  Existing water and related land resources plans,
    18  including flood plain management, storm water management and
    19  soil conservation district plans, may be fully utilized in
    20  developing the integrated water resources plan. The joint
    21  planning commission shall not be required to duplicate existing
    22  plans.
    23     Section 803-B.  Plan Provisions.--(a)  An integrated water
    24  resources plan may permit, prohibit, regulate, restrict and
    25  determine and may contain the same elements authorized for a
    26  municipal zoning ordinance by section 603.
    27     (b)  The provisions of an integrated water resources plan
    28  shall be designed to serve the same purposes for the area of its
    29  jurisdiction as are required by section 604 for municipal zoning
    30  ordinances.
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     1     (c)  Section 605 shall apply to a water resources management
     2  plan. All areas of municipalities that are parties to an
     3  integrated water resources plan shall be covered by the plan.
     4     Section 804-B.  Preparation of Plan.--The provisions of
     5  section 808-A shall apply to the preparation of an integrated
     6  water resources plan, except that a public hearing on the plan
     7  shall be held within each municipality of the proposed plan.
     8     Section 805-B.  Review by Department.--(a)  Upon completion
     9  of an integrated water resources plan, the joint planning
    10  commission shall submit a copy to each municipality within the
    11  watershed and to the department for its review.
    12     (b)  Upon receipt, the department shall give public notice
    13  published once each week for two successive weeks in a newspaper
    14  of general circulation in the watershed of the following:
    15         (1)  That an integrated water resources plan for the
    16     watershed has been submitted to the department for review.
    17         (2)  That the plan is available for public inspection at
    18     the locations specified in the notice.
    19         (3)  That the department will receive public comment on
    20     the plan until the date specified in the notice.
    21         (4)  That a public hearing will be held on the plan at a
    22     location within the watershed on the date and at a time
    23     specified in the notice.
    24     (c)  The department shall, upon the date and at the time
    25  specified in the public notice or upon any subsequent day or
    26  days to which it may adjourn the hearing, receive testimony and
    27  hear arguments submitted in support of and in opposition to the
    28  integrated water resources plan.
    29     (d)  The department shall review the integrated water
    30  resources plan to ensure that it complies with this article,
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     1  does not conflict or interfere with integrated water resources
     2  plans, if any, adopted in the region and is consistent with the
     3  State comprehensive water plan.
     4     (e)  Within 180 days following the conclusion of the public
     5  hearing on the integrated water resources plan, the department
     6  shall do one of the following:
     7         (1)  Approve the plan as submitted by the joint planning
     8     commission.
     9         (2)  Approve the plan as modified by the department.
    10         (3)  Disapprove the plan.
    11         (4)  Remit the plan with comments to the joint planning
    12     commission for further investigation, study, survey and
    13     planning.
    14     Section 806-B.  Adoption of Plan.--(a) (1)  Within 60 days
    15  following approval of an integrated water resources plan by the
    16  department, each municipality that is a party to the plan may
    17  enact the plan as an amendment to its comprehensive plan and
    18  zoning ordinance and other land use ordinances, if any.
    19     (2)  All municipalities lying in whole or in part within the
    20  watershed must adopt, by ordinance, the integrated water
    21  resources plan for the plan to be effective within the
    22  watershed.
    23     (b)  If the requirements of subsection (a) are not met, the
    24  integrated water resources plan shall be void as to all
    25  municipalities lying in whole or in part within the watershed.
    26     Section 807-B.  Power to Regulate Uses.--(a)  Except as
    27  otherwise provided in subsection (b), following adoption of an
    28  integrated water resources plan, all municipalities within the
    29  watershed shall have the power to regulate uses to implement the
    30  provisions of the plan.
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     1     (b)  A municipality shall not have the power to regulate
     2  groundwater or surface-water withdrawals unless the municipality
     3  lies within a special management area designated by the
     4  department under Chapter 7 of the act of June 28, 1995 (P.L.89,
     5  No.18), known as the "Conservation and Natural Resources Act."
     6     (c)  If a municipality is situated within a special
     7  management area as designated by the department, the
     8  municipality may adopt an ordinance to regulate groundwater or
     9  surface-water withdrawals. Prior to implementation of the
    10  ordinance, the department shall review the proposed ordinance
    11  and issue a certification that it is consistent with this
    12  article, any other integrated water resources plan adopted in
    13  the region, the State comprehensive water plan and any
    14  management controls imposed by the department under Chapter 7 of
    15  the "Conservation and Natural Resources Act."
    16     Section 808-B.  Action by Department under Water Laws.--(a)
    17  The department shall take into account the provisions of an
    18  integrated water resources plan when considering an application
    19  for a permit under the act of June 24, 1939 (P.L.842, No.365),
    20  referred to as the Water Rights Law, and the act of May 1, 1984
    21  (P.L.206, No.43), known as the "Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water
    22  Act." If the department issues a permit under the Water Rights
    23  Law or the "Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act" that is
    24  inconsistent with or contrary to the provisions of an integrated
    25  water resources plan, it shall set forth the reason or reasons
    26  for its action in the decision to issue the permit.
    27     (b)  Nothing in this article shall limit or in any way affect
    28  the power of the department to issue permits or take other
    29  action under the Water Rights Law or the "Pennsylvania Safe
    30  Drinking Water Act."
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     1     Section 809-B.  Grants and Assistance.--The department shall
     2  provide grants and technical assistance to municipalities to
     3  develop and implement integrated water resources plans. The
     4  department shall establish, by regulation, eligibility criteria
     5  and an application procedure for the grants.
     6     Section 810-B.  Application of Joint Zoning Provisions.--
     7  Except as otherwise provided in this article, the provisions of
     8  Article VIII-A shall apply to the development, enactment,
     9  amendment and enforcement of an integrated water resources plan.
    10     Section 811-B.  Construction of Article.--This article shall
    11  be construed in pari materia with the following:
    12     (1)  The act of May 15, 1945 (P.L.547, No.217), known as the
    13  "Conservation District Law."
    14     (2)  The act of July 7, 1961 (P.L.518, No.268), known as the
    15  "Delaware River Basin Compact."
    16     (3)  The act of July 17, 1968 (P.L.368, No.181), referred to
    17  as the Susquehanna River Basin Compact Law.
    18     (4)  The act of October 4, 1978 (P.L.851, No.166), known as
    19  the "Flood Plain Management Act."
    20     (5)  The act of October 4, 1978 (P.L.864, No.167), known as
    21  the "Storm Water Management Act."
    22     (6)  Chapter 7 of the act of June 28, 1995 (P.L.89, No.18),
    23  known as the "Conservation and Natural Resources Act."
    24     (7)  Other acts and parts of acts providing for protection,
    25  conservation and management of water resources.
    26     Section 9.  All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar
    27  as they are inconsistent with this act.
    28     Section 10.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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