See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 445



No. 437 Session of 1999

           FEBRUARY 22, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), entitled, as
     2     reenacted, "An act relating to alcoholic liquors, alcohol and
     3     malt and brewed beverages; amending, revising, consolidating
     4     and changing the laws relating thereto; regulating and
     5     restricting the manufacture, purchase, sale, possession,
     6     consumption, importation, transportation, furnishing, holding
     7     in bond, holding in storage, traffic in and use of alcoholic
     8     liquors, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages and the
     9     persons engaged or employed therein; defining the powers and
    10     duties of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board; providing
    11     for the establishment and operation of State liquor stores,
    12     for the payment of certain license fees to the respective
    13     municipalities and townships, for the abatement of certain
    14     nuisances and, in certain cases, for search and seizure
    15     without warrant; prescribing penalties and forfeitures;
    16     providing for local option, and repealing existing laws,"
    17     establishing the Liquor Law Enforcement Bureau, the Liquor
    18     Licensing Bureau, the Liquor Licensing Hearing Bureau and the
    19     Alcoholic Beverage Control Coordinating Council and providing
    20     for their powers and duties; imposing a tax; and making
    21     repeals.

    22     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    23  hereby enacts as follows:
    24     Section 1.  The definition of "enforcement bureau" in section
    25  102 of the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the
    26  Liquor Code, reenacted and amended June 29, 1987 (P.L.32,
    27  No.14), is amended and the section is amended by adding

     1  definitions to read:
     2     Section 102.  Definitions.--The following words or phrases,
     3  unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, shall have the
     4  meanings ascribed to them in this section:
     5     * * *
     6     "Department" shall mean the Department of Revenue of the
     7  Commonwealth.
     8     * * *
     9     "Enforcement bureau" shall mean the [Bureau of] Liquor
    10  [Control] Law Enforcement Bureau of the Pennsylvania State
    11  Police.
    12     * * *
    13     "Private retail store" shall mean and include any premises
    14  licensed by the department where wine and liquor, or only wine
    15  is offered for sale or resale in the original sealed containers
    16  as prepared for the market by the manufacturer or wholesale
    17  distributor but not for consumption on the premises where sold.
    18     "Private wholesale distributor" shall mean and include any
    19  person licensed by the department who purchases wine or liquor
    20  from the department, a manufacturer, another private wholesale
    21  liquor distributor, or a private retail store for the purpose of
    22  sale to any private retail store, to another private wholesale
    23  distributor, or for export.
    24     * * *
    25     Section 2.  Sections 211, 212, 213, 214 and 215 of the act
    26  are repealed.
    27     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    28     Section 217.  Liquor Law Enforcement Bureau.--The Liquor Law
    29  Enforcement Bureau is hereby established within the Pennsylvania
    30  State Police under the supervision and control of the
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     1  Commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police. This bureau shall
     2  assume the responsibilities of the board with regard to the
     3  prosecution of licensees for violations of the laws and
     4  regulations of this Commonwealth relating to liquor. Alleged
     5  criminal violations shall be prosecuted by the Attorney General
     6  or local district attorneys before the courts of common pleas in
     7  the manner provided by the act of October 15, 1980 (P.L.950,
     8  No.164), known as the "Commonwealth Attorneys Act."
     9     Section 218.  Liquor Licensing Bureau.--The Liquor Licensing
    10  Bureau is hereby established within the Department of Revenue to
    11  permanently assume the responsibility to issue licenses for the
    12  sale of wine and liquor for off-premises consumption and for
    13  wholesale wine and liquor distribution and to assume the
    14  responsibilities of the board with regard to the issuance,
    15  renewal, transfer, exchange, suspension or revocation of
    16  licenses. Prior notice of any proposed license issuance,
    17  renewals, transfers, exchanges, suspensions or revocations shall
    18  be provided by the Licensing Bureau to the Liquor Law
    19  Enforcement Bureau.
    20     Section 219.  Liquor Licensing Hearing Bureau.--The Liquor
    21  Licensing Hearing Bureau is hereby established within the
    22  Department of Revenue to conduct adjudications regarding any
    23  refusals to issue, renew, transfer or exchange a license or any
    24  suspension or revocation of licenses, bond forfeitures and other
    25  civil fines and penalties. Initial decisions of the hearing
    26  bureau shall be made by hearing examiners learned in the law and
    27  may be appealed to a three-person hearing board established
    28  within the hearing bureau by the Alcoholic Beverage Control
    29  Coordinating Council. Hearings and appeals from decisions of the
    30  hearing board shall be as provided in Title 2 of the
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     1  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (relating to administrative
     2  law and procedure).
     3     Section 220.  Alcoholic Beverage Control Coordinating
     4  Council.--(a)  The Alcoholic Beverage Control Coordinating
     5  Council is hereby established as an advisory board within the
     6  Executive Office of the Governor to supervise the
     7  administration, implementation and enforcement of the laws of
     8  this Commonwealth relating to alcoholic beverages and to perform
     9  the powers and duties assigned to the council pursuant to this
    10  section.
    11     (b)  The council shall consist of the Secretary of
    12  Agriculture, the Secretary of the Budget, the Secretary of
    13  Environmental Protection, the Secretary of General Services, the
    14  Secretary of Health, the Secretary of Revenue, the Commissioner
    15  of the Pennsylvania State Police and the Majority and Minority
    16  Leaders of the Senate and the House of Representatives or their
    17  designees. The Governor shall designate a member of the council
    18  to serve as chairman. The council may appoint any staff
    19  necessary to assist in the discharge of its duties and
    20  responsibilities.
    21     (c)  The function of the council shall be to provide for
    22  planning, oversight and coordination of the activities of State
    23  agencies involved in the regulation of alcoholic beverages. The
    24  council shall not permanently assume any direct responsibilities
    25  for the administration, regulation and control of alcoholic
    26  beverages.
    27     (d)  Within the limits of available Commonwealth resources,
    28  the council shall develop plans to be approved by the Secretary
    29  of Administration for the transfer to other State agencies of
    30  employes of the board not transferred to the Department of
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     1  Revenue, the Pennsylvania State Police or other departments.
     2     (e)  This section shall expire two years from the effective
     3  date of this section.
     4     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding an article to read:
     5                          ARTICLE VIII-A.
     8     Section 801-A.  Legislative Intent.--It is the purpose of
     9  this article to deregulate the retail and wholesale sale of
    10  liquor and wine for off-premises consumption in order to provide
    11  Pennsylvania consumers with the improved service, enhanced
    12  supply availability and lower prices which result from vigorous
    13  competition in the free enterprise system. It is the intent of
    14  the General Assembly to accomplish deregulation in a manner
    15  which minimizes any disruption of service to the public,
    16  maximizes opportunities for small business and minority business
    17  in Pennsylvania, makes fair and reasonable provisions to avoid
    18  hardships to employes of State liquor stores, maintains the
    19  degree of control over the distribution of liquor and wine
    20  necessary to avoid the infiltration of the industry by organized
    21  crime and other corrupt influences, discourages alcohol abuse
    22  and preserves adequate tax revenue to the Commonwealth.
    23     Section 802-A.  Restrictions on the Private Retail and
    24  Wholesale Wine and Liquor System.--The provisions of this act,
    25  except as otherwise provided, shall apply to the private retail
    26  and wholesale system for the sale of wine and liquor only as
    27  provided in this article.
    28     Section 803-A.  Detailed Plan for Deregulation.--Within
    29  ninety days of the effective date of this section, the
    30  department shall cause to be published, in conformity with the
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     1  requirements of this section, as a notice in the Pennsylvania
     2  Bulletin, as provided by 45 Pa.C.S. § 725(a)(3) (relating to
     3  additional contents of Pennsylvania Bulletin), a detailed
     4  proposed plan for the disposition of the State store system
     5  which provides for the continued operation of each State-owned
     6  liquor store for up to ninety days following the auction of the
     7  right to purchase the property of the store. The department
     8  shall further provide for the continued operation of liquor
     9  wholesale distribution for a maximum period of twelve months to
    10  provide an adequate supply of consumer products and services
    11  during the phase-in of operations of private retail outlets and
    12  wholesale distributors. Each State-owned liquor store may remain
    13  in operation for not more than forty-five days, but not later
    14  than June 30, 2001, following the opening of a substitute
    15  privately licensed wine and liquor store in order to assure
    16  adequate continuity of services to the public. Upon the
    17  termination of operations of any State liquor store, its
    18  property, fixtures and surplus inventory shall be sold to the
    19  successful bidder upon the terms of the winning bid at auction.
    20     Section 804-A.  Phase One of Deregulation.--(a)  Not later
    21  than September 1, 2000, the department shall conduct public
    22  sales to the highest responsible bidders of exclusive three year
    23  licenses to make retail sales of liquor and wine for off-
    24  premises consumption. The public sales and operation of the
    25  stores shall conform to the following procedure:
    26     (1)  The department shall offer for sale a license to replace
    27  each of the State liquor stores operating on January 1, 2000.
    28     (2)  The department shall offer for sale, together with the
    29  license, all of the stock of wine and liquor, equipment and
    30  other assets of the State liquor store. Prior to the sale, the
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     1  department shall make available for public inspection the most
     2  recent inventory of the stock, equipment and other assets of
     3  each State liquor store, as well as a recent sales history for
     4  each State liquor store. Bids will be accepted only for licenses
     5  together with acquisition of the stock, equipment and other
     6  assets of the respective State liquor store.
     7     (3)  The department may establish a staggered schedule of
     8  sales of licenses between May 1, 2000, and September 1, 2000, in
     9  order to maintain the operation of certain State liquor stores
    10  during the sale of others and thereby maintain a continuous
    11  level of service to the public.
    12     (4)  Each successful bidder must satisfy all of the licensing
    13  requirements of sections 806-A and 807-A and pay any required
    14  license fees, in addition to amounts bid to acquire retail
    15  operating rights.
    16     (5)  Each successful bidder must agree to continuously
    17  operate a retail store for the duration of the license and to
    18  provide a level of service, including, but not limited to, hours
    19  of operation and product availability, reasonably equivalent to
    20  the level of service provided by the State liquor store which
    21  the retail store replaces. The department may, either on its own
    22  motion or following the investigation of complaints from
    23  residents of the affected community by the Pennsylvania State
    24  Police, revoke the license of any retail store not operating an
    25  establishment or not providing a reasonable level of consumer
    26  service. Following the revocation of any license to operate a
    27  retail store, the department shall conduct a public sale to
    28  grant to the highest responsible bidder a replacement license
    29  for the duration of the three year license period.
    30     (6)  Each retail store shall be located within a prescribed
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     1  radius of the State liquor store which it replaces based on the
     2  characteristics of the community in which the State liquor store
     3  is located, based on area definitions as used in the 2000 census
     4  of population. If the State liquor store is within an urbanized
     5  area, the store shall be within a one mile radius. If the State
     6  liquor store is outside the urbanized area but within a Standard
     7  Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA), the store shall be within
     8  a four mile radius. In all other circumstances, the store shall
     9  be within a ten mile radius. The department may expand or reduce
    10  the required radius for good cause shown following public
    11  hearings.
    12     (7)  Any single individual, corporation or association shall
    13  be allowed to hold no more than ten licenses for private retail
    14  wine and liquor stores.
    15     (8)  Each successful bidder for a license shall be entitled
    16  to apply to the department, within two years of the award of a
    17  license, for one additional license to operate a store at any
    18  location within the county in which the original license was
    19  granted, or in a county contiguous with such county. An
    20  additional license shall not be granted, and any additional
    21  license granted may be subject to revocation, if the licensee is
    22  not operating a store authorized by the original license or is
    23  not providing a reasonable level of consumer service.
    24     (9)  Any licenses authorized but not issued under clause (8)
    25  may, following two years of the awarding of initial licenses, be
    26  sold at public sale to the highest responsible bidder.
    27     (10)  All proceeds of sales of licenses shall be deposited in
    28  the Liquor System Deregulation Account and shall be utilized
    29  pursuant to the provisions of section 812-A.
    30     (11)  The department shall, in its announcement of each sale
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     1  of licenses, establish the schedule, terms, conditions,
     2  limitations and procedures for submission, consideration and
     3  award of bids. The decision of the department to accept or
     4  reject any bid shall be final and is not appealable as an
     5  adjudication.
     6     (b)  (1)  Between April 1, 2000, and June 30, 2000, the
     7  department will accept and review applications for private
     8  wholesale wine distributor licenses pursuant to the requirements
     9  of sections 806-A and 809-A.
    10     (2)  In addition to other licensing requirements, initial
    11  applicants must indicate each brand of wine which the
    12  distributor intends to sell and estimate the anticipated volume
    13  of sales for each brand.
    14     (3)  Initial private wholesale wine distributor licenses will
    15  be granted by the department beginning July 1, 2000. Each
    16  initial licensee shall be assigned by the department an
    17  allocation of the remaining stock of any wine owned by the
    18  department and held in any wholesale warehouse. Allocations
    19  shall be made separately for each brand of wine held by the
    20  department and assigned to each initial licensee based on the
    21  brands indicated in the license application and upon the
    22  estimated sales volume of the licensee. Each licensee shall
    23  agree to purchase, prior to making any other purchases of each
    24  brand of wine, the outstanding stock of the department of the
    25  brand allocated to the licensee, at the cost of the wine to the
    26  department plus a twenty-five per centum markup. Between July 1,
    27  2000, and July 1, 2001, no private wholesale licensee may sell
    28  or offer for sale any brand of wine not identified in the
    29  license application. Any brand of wine in the wholesale
    30  inventory of the department which cannot be reasonably allocated
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     1  to licensees, either because of insufficient stock held by the
     2  department, or because of a lack of sufficient interest in such
     3  brands by licensees, and any other stocks of wine held by the
     4  department in wholesale inventory and not sold by January 1,
     5  2001, may at the discretion of the department either be disposed
     6  of at public sale to the highest responsible bidder, or else
     7  assigned to all initial wholesale licensees based on their total
     8  estimated sales volumes. The initial licensees must agree to
     9  purchase any wine so allocated from the department at the cost
    10  of such wine to the department plus a twenty-five per centum
    11  markup.
    12     (c)  Beginning April 1, 2001, the department will accept and
    13  review additional applications for private wholesale wine
    14  distributor licenses pursuant to the requirements of sections
    15  806-A and 809-A. The additional licenses shall be awarded by the
    16  department commencing July 1, 2001.
    17     (d)  Beginning September 1, 2000, the department shall
    18  accept, review and grant private retail wine licenses pursuant
    19  to the provisions of sections 806-A and 808-A.
    20     Section 805-A.  Phase Two of Deregulation.--(a)  Between July
    21  1, 2001, and September 30, 2001, the department shall accept and
    22  review initial private wholesale liquor distributor applications
    23  pursuant to the requirements of sections 806-A and 809-A in
    24  accordance with the following procedure:
    25     (1)  Initial license applicants must specify each brand of
    26  liquor the applicant intends to distribute, and for each brand
    27  must estimate the anticipated sales volume.
    28     (2)  The department shall award initial licenses commencing
    29  October 1, 2001.
    30     (3)  Each initial licensee shall be assigned by the
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     1  department an allocation of the remaining stock of any liquor
     2  owned by the department and held in any wholesale warehouse.
     3  Allocations shall be made separately for each brand of liquor
     4  held by the department and assigned to each initial licensee
     5  based on the brands indicated in the license application and
     6  based upon the cost of the liquor to the department plus a
     7  twenty-five per centum markup. Each licensee shall, prior to
     8  making any other purchases of each brand of liquor, agree to
     9  purchase the outstanding stock of the department of the brands
    10  allocated to the licensee. Between October 1, 2001, and October
    11  1, 2002, no private wholesale liquor licensee may sell or offer
    12  for sale any brand of liquor not identified in the license
    13  application. Any brands of liquor in the wholesale inventory of
    14  the department which cannot reasonably be allocated to
    15  licensees, either because of inadequate stock held by the
    16  department, or because of a lack of sufficient interest in such
    17  brands by licensees, and any other stock of liquor held by the
    18  department in wholesale inventory and not sold by March 1, 2002,
    19  may at the discretion of the department either be disposed of at
    20  public sale to the highest responsible bidder, or else assigned
    21  to all initial wholesale licensees based on their total
    22  estimated sales volumes. The initial licensees must agree to
    23  purchase any liquor so allocated at the cost of the liquor to
    24  the department plus a twenty-five per centum markup.
    25     (b)  Additional applications for private wholesale liquor
    26  distributor licenses will be accepted by the department
    27  commencing July 1, 2002, and additional licenses may be awarded
    28  commencing October 1, 2002, pursuant to the requirements of
    29  section 808-A.
    30     (c)  Private wholesale liquor licensees authorized pursuant
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     1  to this section may sell liquor only to private retail wine and
     2  liquor stores located within the same marketing region, as
     3  established by the department, in which the premises of the
     4  wholesale liquor licensee are located. The department shall not
     5  authorize any private wholesale licensee to operate at a
     6  premises within more than one such marketing region.
     7     (d)  (1)  Commencing August 1, 2003, the department may grant
     8  and renew private retail wine and liquor licenses subject to the
     9  provisions of sections 806-A and 807-A. In addition to the
    10  limitations provided by section 810-A, the department may limit
    11  the number of licenses granted in any geographical location.
    12  Private retail wine and liquor licenses shall be granted
    13  pursuant to this section to qualified applicants upon the
    14  payment of proper fees and the posting of required bonds, but
    15  without the requirement to purchase the license by competitive
    16  bidding.
    17     (2)  Restrictions upon the operation of retail wine and
    18  liquor licensees established pursuant to section 804-A(a)(6) and
    19  (7) and wholesale liquor licensees established pursuant to
    20  section 805-A(c) shall be rescinded, effective August 1, 2003.
    21     Section 806-A.  General License Requirements.--(a)  Every
    22  applicant for a license for a private retail liquor and wine
    23  store pursuant to section 807-A, for a private retail wine store
    24  pursuant to section 808-A, or for a private wholesale liquor
    25  distributorship, or a private wholesale wine distributorship
    26  pursuant to section 809-A, shall comply with the requirements of
    27  this section.
    28     (b)  Each applicant shall file a written application with the
    29  department in the form and containing such information as the
    30  department shall from time to time prescribe. The application
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     1  shall be accompanied by a filing fee in an amount determined by
     2  the department sufficient to cover costs related to reviewing
     3  and processing license applications. The department may
     4  establish a schedule of fees for various types of licenses and
     5  vary the license fee charged based on the volume of sales
     6  anticipated.
     7     (c)  With each initial application, every applicant shall
     8  provide a financial statement in the form and containing such
     9  information as the department shall from time to time prescribe
    10  to indicate the applicant's financial capability to provide a
    11  reasonable level of service to the public or to retail stores
    12  and the estimated volume of business to be conducted in this
    13  Commonwealth.
    14     (d)  With each initial application and each renewal, the
    15  applicant shall identify the location and ownership of the
    16  proposed site or sites for the operation of licensed activities.
    17     (e)  If the applicant is a corporation, the application must
    18  show that the corporation was created under the laws of this
    19  Commonwealth or holds a certificate of authority to transact
    20  business in this Commonwealth.
    21     (f)  Each application shall be signed and verified by oath or
    22  affirmation by the owner, if a natural person, or, in the case
    23  of an association, by a member or partner thereof, or, in the
    24  case of a corporation, by an executive officer thereof or any
    25  person specifically authorized by the corporation to sign the
    26  application, to which shall be attached written evidence of his
    27  authority. If the applicant is an association, the application
    28  shall set forth the names and addresses of the persons
    29  constituting the association, and if a corporation, the names
    30  and addresses of the principal officers and stockholders
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     1  thereof.
     2     (g)  Every applicant for a new or renewal license must
     3  demonstrate that all taxes due and payable to the Commonwealth
     4  have been paid for the most recently completed accounting period
     5  and that no delinquent tax payments are outstanding for prior
     6  periods.
     7     (h)  The department shall not grant a license to any
     8  applicant if:
     9     (1)  the applicant or any person directly or indirectly
    10  interested in the license holds, either by appointment or
    11  election, any public office.
    12     (2)  the applicant has been convicted of a felony within the
    13  five (5) years immediately preceding the date of application;
    14     (3)  the applicant receives funds for the financing of any
    15  part of the private retail liquor store from any individual who
    16  has been convicted of a felony within the five years immediately
    17  preceding the date of application;
    18     (4)  the applicant or any persons with a financial interest
    19  in the license are under indictment for a felony or under
    20  investigation by a legally constituted grand jury. In such
    21  instance, the department shall withhold approval or disapproval
    22  of the license until such time as all legal proceedings related
    23  to the felony are resolved; or
    24     (5)  the applicant, or any person with a financial interest
    25  in a license granted pursuant to this article, holds a license
    26  or permit for the manufacture of liquor, wine, malt or brewed
    27  beverages.
    28     (i)  The department may require licensees to post bonds in
    29  amounts determined by the department pursuant to section 465.
    30     (j)  All applications for licenses shall be thoroughly
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     1  reviewed by the department, by the enforcement bureau and by
     2  appropriate law enforcement agencies before approval or
     3  disapproval. Reviews shall include thorough review of the
     4  required financial statement and any other information which
     5  shall be required by the department. Upon review of the
     6  application and upon receipt of the proper fees and bond, and
     7  upon being satisfied that the statements in the application are
     8  true, that the applicant is a person of good repute, that the
     9  applicant meets all the requirements of this article and the
    10  regulations of the department, and that the issuance of the
    11  license is not prohibited by any of the provisions of this
    12  article, the department shall grant and issue to the applicant a
    13  license.
    14     (k)  If any false statement is intentionally made in any part
    15  of the application, the affiant shall be deemed guilty of a
    16  misdemeanor of the second degree and, upon conviction, shall be
    17  subject to the penalties provided by Title 18 of the
    18  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (relating to crimes and
    19  offenses).
    20     (l)  Licenses shall be nontransferable and nonassignable from
    21  one person to another except upon death of the licensee, in
    22  which case the transfer of the license to a member of the
    23  immediate family may be provided for by regulation of the
    24  department, but the license may be transferred from one location
    25  to another only through reapplication to the department.
    26     (m)  Licenses shall be revocable by the Pennsylvania State
    27  Police for cause.
    28     (n)  The department may divide the State into convenient
    29  license districts and may hold hearings on applications for
    30  licenses and renewals thereof, as it deems necessary, at a
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     1  convenient place or places in each of the districts, at such
     2  times as it shall fix for the purpose of hearing testimony for
     3  and against applications for new licenses and renewals thereof.
     4     (o)  All licensees shall maintain on any licensed premises
     5  such records as the department may prescribe.
     6     (p)  The term of any license granted shall be up to five
     7  years, as determined by the department. The department may
     8  establish a staggered schedule of license expiration and renewal
     9  dates to facilitate the efficient processing of license renewal
    10  applications.
    11     (q)  Licenses granted by this article shall not be subject to
    12  sections 407, 461, 468, 491(2), 492(19) and (20) and 493(2), nor
    13  to the act of June 24, 1939 (P.L.806, No.358), entitled "An act
    14  limiting the number of licenses for the retail sale of liquor,
    15  malt or brewed beverages, or malt and brewed beverages, to be
    16  issued by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board; defining
    17  hotels, and prescribing the accommodations required of hotels in
    18  certain municipalities."
    19     Section 807-A.  Private Retail Wine and Liquor Store
    20  Licenses.--(a)  Subject to this article and the regulations
    21  promulgated under this article, the department shall have
    22  authority to issue a private retail wine and liquor license to a
    23  person, corporation or association for any premises for the
    24  purpose of establishing, operating and maintaining a private
    25  retail wine and liquor store. The licenses shall entitle the
    26  private retail wine and liquor store to purchase liquor and wine
    27  from private wholesale distributors or from the department and
    28  to keep on the premises such liquor and wine and, subject to
    29  this article and the regulations made hereunder, to sell the
    30  same for off-premises consumption, and to any hotel, restaurant,
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     1  club or other establishment authorized to sell wine and liquor
     2  for on-premises consumption under this act.
     3     (b)  Every applicant for a new license or for the transfer of
     4  an existing license to another premises not then licensed shall
     5  post, for a period of at least fifteen days beginning with the
     6  day the application is filed with the department, in a
     7  conspicuous place on the outside of the premises or at the
     8  proposed new location for which the license application is made,
     9  a notice of the application, in such form, of such size, and
    10  containing such information as the department may require by
    11  regulation. Proof of the posting of the notice shall be filed
    12  with the department.
    13     (c)  The premises of all private retail wine and liquor
    14  stores shall be self-contained units with limited customer
    15  access. All purchases made within the premises shall be paid for
    16  at a location within the confines of the wine and liquor sales
    17  area.
    18     (d)  Every license application for a private retail wine and
    19  liquor store shall contain a description of the premises for
    20  which the applicant desires a license. The application shall
    21  also set forth such other material, information and a
    22  description or plan of the premises where it is proposed to keep
    23  and sell liquor as may be required by regulation of the
    24  department.
    25     (e)  The descriptions, information and plans referred to in
    26  this section shall show the proposed location at the time the
    27  application is made, and shall show any alterations proposed to
    28  be made thereto, or the new building proposed to be constructed
    29  after the approval by the department of the application for a
    30  license or for the transfer of an existing license to another
    19990S0437B0445                 - 17 -

     1  premises not then licensed. No physical alterations,
     2  improvements or changes shall be required to be made nor shall
     3  any new building for any such purpose be required to be
     4  constructed until approval of the application for license or for
     5  the transfer of an existing license to another premises not then
     6  licensed by the department.
     7     (f)  In the case of any new license or the transfer of any
     8  license to a new location, the department may, in its
     9  discretion, grant or refuse a new license or transfer if the
    10  place proposed to be licensed is within three hundred feet of
    11  any church, hospital, charitable institution, school or public
    12  playground, or if the new license or transfer is applied for at
    13  a place which is within two hundred feet of any other premises
    14  which is licensed by the department. The department shall refuse
    15  any application for a new license or the transfer of any license
    16  to a new location if, in the board's opinion, the new license or
    17  transfer would be detrimental to the welfare, health, peace and
    18  morals of the inhabitants of the neighborhood within a radius of
    19  five hundred feet of the place proposed to be licensed.
    20     (g)  Private retail wine and liquor stores may sell related
    21  merchandise within the controlled area of the store. The
    22  department shall promulgate regulations stipulating the
    23  additional related merchandise that may be offered for retail
    24  sale in private retail wine and liquor stores, but no licensee
    25  shall engage on the same premises in the retail sale of motor
    26  fuel.
    27     (h)  No liquor or wine package shall be opened on the
    28  premises of a private licensed retail store. No licensee nor any
    29  employe of any licensee shall allow any liquor or alcohol to be
    30  consumed on the premise, nor shall any person consume any liquor
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     1  on the premises.
     2     Section 808-A.  Private Retail Wine Licenses.--(a)  Subject
     3  to this article and the regulations promulgated hereunder, the
     4  department shall have the authority to issue a private retail
     5  wine license to a person, corporation or association for any
     6  premises for the purpose of establishing, operating and
     7  maintaining a private retail wine store. The licenses shall
     8  entitle the private retail wine store to purchase wine from
     9  private licensed distributors or from the department, to keep on
    10  the premises such wine, subject to this article and the
    11  regulations made hereunder, and to sell the same for off-
    12  premises consumption, and to any hotel, restaurant, club or
    13  other establishment authorized to sell wine for on-premises
    14  consumption under this act. Private wine licenses shall be
    15  available to grocery stores and convenience stores. In the case
    16  of a grocery store or a convenience store, to the extent
    17  possible, the wine shall be located in one section of the store.
    18     (b)  Any private retail wine store shall also comply with the
    19  requirements of section 807-A, except for subsection (c).
    20     Section 809-A.  Private Wholesale Distributor Licenses.--(a)
    21  Subject to the provisions of this article, and the regulations
    22  promulgated under this article, the department shall have the
    23  authority to issue private liquor wholesale distributor licenses
    24  and private wine wholesale distributor licenses.
    25     (b)  The license shall entitle the licensee to sell wine or
    26  liquor to the department, to any private retail store licensed
    27  under this article, to any hotel, restaurant, club or other
    28  establishment authorized to sell wine and liquor for on-premises
    29  consumption pursuant to this act, to pharmacists, hospitals,
    30  armed forces facilities under section 305(b), to another
    19990S0437B0445                 - 19 -

     1  wholesale distributor licensed under this section, or to export
     2  wine or liquor from this Commonwealth.
     3     (c)  The license shall entitle the licensee to purchase wine
     4  or liquor from the department, from any Pennsylvania or
     5  nonresident manufacturer, from any out-of-State retail store,
     6  from any out-of-State wholesaler, from any wholesale distributor
     7  licensed under this section, or from any private retail store
     8  licensed under this article.
     9     (d)  Each licensed wholesaler shall establish one or more
    10  warehouses for the storage and distribution of wine or liquor at
    11  locations approved by the department. A separate application
    12  shall be submitted, and a separate application fee paid, for
    13  each warehouse licensed pursuant to this section. All wine or
    14  liquor sold to private retail stores licensed pursuant to this
    15  article shall be distributed through a warehouse located within
    16  this Commonwealth.
    17     (e)  No wine or liquor package shall be opened on the
    18  premises of a licensed wholesale distributor. No licensee nor
    19  employe of any licensee shall allow any wine or liquor to be
    20  consumed on the premises, nor shall any person consume any
    21  liquor on the premises.
    22     (f)  No private wholesale distributor of liquor, or any
    23  person with a financial interest in a wholesale license for the
    24  distribution of liquor, may hold a private retail store license
    25  granted under this article.
    26     Section 810-A.  Local Option.--(a)  The governing body of any
    27  municipality may, within one year of the effective date of this
    28  section, and not more often than once every fourth year
    29  thereafter, consider the adoption or rescission, and adopt or
    30  rescind an ordinance prohibiting the location of any new private
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     1  retail store, or the continuation of operations at any existing
     2  private retail store beyond the renewal date of the license.
     3     (b)  The governing body of any municipality may at any time
     4  adopt ordinances regulating the hours of operation, prohibiting
     5  Sunday sales, or specifying permissible locations for the
     6  operation of private retail stores.
     7     (c)  Separate ordinances may be adopted for each part of a
     8  municipality that is split so that each part thereof is
     9  separated by another municipality.
    10     (d)  Separate ordinances may be adopted with respect to
    11  private retail wine and liquor stores licensed pursuant to
    12  section 807-A and private retail wine stores licensed pursuant
    13  to section 808-A.
    14     (e)  Private retail store licenses shall not be granted
    15  within any municipality which, on the effective date of this
    16  article, has prohibited the operation of wholesale distributors
    17  of malt or brewed beverages or Pennsylvania liquor stores
    18  pursuant to section 472, unless such municipality adopts an
    19  ordinance permitting the operation of private retail wine and
    20  liquor stores or private retail wine stores, or both, within the
    21  municipality, or within a split part of a municipality separated
    22  by another municipality. An ordinance permitting licensed
    23  activities within either part of a municipality that is split
    24  shall be required, even if operations pursuant to section 472
    25  were prohibited only in one part of such municipality.
    26     (f)  Prior to considering the adoption of any ordinance
    27  pursuant to this section, the governing body of the municipality
    28  shall hold one or more public hearings, and may conduct an
    29  advisory referendum.
    30     (g)  Any municipality adopting an ordinance pursuant to this
    19990S0437B0445                 - 21 -

     1  section shall file a copy of such regulation with the department
     2  at least thirty days prior to the effective date of the
     3  ordinance.
     4     (h)  Any private retail liquor store operating within a
     5  municipality adopting an ordinance prohibiting operations within
     6  the municipality may, with the approval of the department,
     7  notwithstanding section 804-A(a)(6), transfer a licensed premise
     8  to any other municipality which has not adopted any such
     9  ordinance.
    10     Section 811-A.  Prohibited Acts and Offenses.--Except as
    11  provided by this article, private retail and wholesale licensed
    12  establishments operated under this article shall be subject to
    13  sections 492, 493, 494, 509, 510, 518 and 519 and Article VI. No
    14  licensee, however, shall be restricted, except as otherwise
    15  provided by this article, with respect to advertising of the
    16  price and brand of any liquor or wine, offering sales, rebates,
    17  refunds, discounts, establishing the price of any liquor or
    18  wine, stocking of merchandise, presentation of products or
    19  offering of brands for sale.
    20     Section 812-A.  Liquor System Deregulation Account.--(a)  All
    21  funds collected by the department from the sale of private
    22  retail wine and liquor licenses during phase one of
    23  deregulation, except for amounts determined by the department to
    24  have been collected from the sale of inventory, equipment and
    25  fixed assets of State liquor stores, shall be deposited into a
    26  restricted receipt account within the State Store Fund known as
    27  the Liquor System Deregulation Account, which is hereby
    28  established. All other license fees, fines and penalties
    29  collected pursuant to this article, and amounts collected from
    30  the sale of inventory, equipment and fixed assets of State
    19990S0437B0445                 - 22 -

     1  liquor stores shall be paid into the State Store Fund without
     2  restriction. Amounts deposited in the State Store Fund, without
     3  restriction, may be utilized to pay the costs of administration,
     4  licensing and enforcement by the department and the enforcement
     5  bureau pursuant to this article, and for any other purpose
     6  authorized by law.
     7     (b)  All funds in the Liquor System Deregulation Account
     8  shall be utilized in the following manner:
     9     (1)  The sum of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) is hereby
    10  appropriated to the Department of Commerce for the purpose of
    11  guaranteeing loans to the former employes of State liquor stores
    12  for the purpose of acquiring licenses pursuant to this article.
    13     (2)  All other funds in the account are hereby appropriated
    14  to the Department of Education for the purpose of providing
    15  grants to public elementary and secondary schools, vocational-
    16  technical schools, community colleges, State System of Higher
    17  Education and State-related institutions of higher education.
    18     (c)  Upon the approval of the Governor, the State Treasurer
    19  is hereby authorized and directed to transfer from the General
    20  Fund to the State Store Fund amounts determined by the
    21  department to be necessary to finance the costs of deregulation
    22  under this article, provided that all funds transferred during a
    23  fiscal year shall be returned to the General Fund not later than
    24  thirty days after the end of such fiscal year.
    25     Section 813-A.  Taxation.--(a)  The tax imposed by the act of
    26  December 5, 1933 (Sp.Sess., P.L.38, No.6), known as the
    27  "Spirituous and Vinous Liquor Tax Law," shall be collected,
    28  reported and paid by any Pennsylvania manufacturer, or from the
    29  first licensed wholesale distributor, of distilled spirits,
    30  rectified spirits or wines importing such products produced by
    19990S0437B0445                 - 23 -

     1  nonresident manufacturers into this Commonwealth. All reports
     2  shall be filed and labels affixed by the appropriate
     3  manufacturer or distributor.
     4     (b)  The tax imposed upon wine and liquor by Article II of
     5  the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the "Tax Reform
     6  Code of 1971," shall be collected, reported and paid by retail
     7  stores licensed pursuant to this article, or by the department
     8  for sales by State liquor stores.
     9     (c)  There is hereby imposed a tax at the rate of eighteen
    10  per centum of the net price of all liquors sold by private
    11  retail stores or the department. The tax shall be collected by
    12  private retail stores or by the department from purchasers of
    13  liquor and paid into the State Treasury, through the department
    14  in the same manner and at the same times as provided for the
    15  sales tax imposed by Article II of the "Tax Reform Code of
    16  1971." This tax shall apply to any alcoholic, spiritous, vinous,
    17  fermented or otherwise alcoholic beverage, or by combination of
    18  liquors and mixed liquor, a part of which is spiritous, vinous,
    19  fermented, or otherwise alcoholic, and all drinks or drinkable
    20  liquids, preparations or mixtures intended for beverage
    21  purposes, which contain more than one-half of one per centum of
    22  alcohol by volume, except alcohol and malt or brewed beverages.
    23  The tax may be added to wholesale and retail prices at which
    24  liquor is sold or to eliminate any accounting of such tax
    25  separate from sales prices. The amount of tax for any taxable
    26  period shall be ascertained by dividing the entire gross
    27  receipts derived from sales by private retail stores or by the
    28  department during such taxable period by six and five-ninths,
    29  and the quotient thus obtained shall be deemed the amount of the
    30  tax for such taxable period payable, under this section.
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     1     (d)  (1)  One per centum of the revenue raised from the tax
     2  imposed under subsection (c) shall be annually transferred to
     3  the Department of Health for use by the Office of Drug and
     4  Alcohol Programs, or its successor in function, for the
     5  following purposes:
     6     (i)  Treatment and rehabilitation of persons addicted to the
     7  excessive use of alcoholic beverages.
     8     (ii)  Promotion of education, prevention and early
     9  intervention programs designed to eliminate abuse and addiction
    10  to alcohol or other mood-altering substances or secure
    11  appropriate treatment for the already addicted.
    12     (iii)  Study of the problem of addiction.
    13     (2)  Ten per centum of the revenue raised from the tax
    14  imposed under subsection (c) shall be annually transferred to
    15  the Department of Education for the purposes of providing grants
    16  as provided for under section 812-A(b)(2).
    17     Section 814-A.  Displaced employes.--(a)  Any individual or
    18  group of displaced employes desiring to acquire a private retail
    19  wine and liquor license, or a private retail wine-only license,
    20  shall be eligible to apply to the Department of Commerce for a
    21  loan guarantee of up to seventy per centum of the amount
    22  borrowed to purchase a license, and to acquire, stock and equip
    23  a retail store. The Department of Commerce shall establish
    24  regulations to determine the eligibility of loan guarantee
    25  applicants, procedures for filing a loan guarantee application,
    26  priorities for the award of loan guarantees, and other rules,
    27  procedures and guidelines necessary to administer the loan
    28  guarantee program.
    29     (b)  (1)  In the case of a position with the Liquor Control
    30  Board, Liquor Law Enforcement Bureau, Liquor Licensing Bureau or
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     1  Liquor Licensing Hearing Bureau where no civil service
     2  examination is required, any employe displaced because of the
     3  provisions of this section who possesses the requisite
     4  qualifications and is eligible to appointment to or promotion in
     5  a public position shall be given a preference in the appointment
     6  or promotion by the appointing power.
     7     (2)  In the case of a position with the Liquor Control Board,
     8  Liquor Law Enforcement Bureau, Liquor Licensing Bureau or Liquor
     9  Licensing Hearing Bureau where a civil service examination is
    10  required, any employe displaced because of the provisions of
    11  this section who successfully passes the civil service
    12  appointment or promotional examination shall be marked or graded
    13  an additional ten points above the mark or grade credited for
    14  the examination, and the total mark or grade thus obtained shall
    15  represent the final mark or grade of such employe and shall
    16  determine his standing on any eligible or promotional list
    17  certified or furnished to the appointing or promoting power.
    18     (3)  This subsection shall expire two years from the
    19  effective date of this section.
    20     (c)  Notwithstanding any provision of 71 Pa.C.S. (relating to
    21  State government) to the contrary, any employe displaced because
    22  of the provisions of this section who is a member of the State
    23  Employees' Retirement System shall be credited with an
    24  additional ten per centum of his service if he retires within
    25  two years from the effective date of this section.
    26     Section 5.  (a)  The following acts and parts of acts are
    27  repealed:
    28     Act of June 9, 1936 (1st Sp.Sess. P.L.13, No.4), entitled, as
    29  reenacted and amended "An act imposing an emergency State tax on
    30  liquor, as herein defined, sold by the Pennsylvania Liquor
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     1  Control Board; providing for the collection and payment of such
     2  tax; and imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue and the
     3  Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board."
     4     The last sentence of section 1 of the act of May 25, 1939
     5  (P.L.191, No.99), entitled "An act authorizing transfers of sums
     6  of money from the General Fund to the State Stores Fund under
     7  certain conditions; providing for subsequent transfers of equal
     8  sums from the State Stores Fund to the General Fund; and making
     9  appropriations necessary to effect such transfers."
    10     (b)  All other acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as
    11  they are inconsistent with this act.
    12     Section 6.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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