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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 464



No. 441 Session of 2001

           FEBRUARY 15, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, providing for address confidentiality
     3     program for victims of domestic violence.

     4     The General Assembly finds that persons attempting to escape
     5  from actual or threatened domestic violence frequently establish
     6  new addresses in order to prevent their assailants or probable
     7  assailants from finding them. The purpose of this act is:
     8         (1)  to enable State and local government agencies to
     9     respond to requests for public records without disclosing the
    10     location of a victim of domestic violence;
    11         (2)  to enable cooperation between State and local
    12     government agencies and the Attorney General in providing
    13     address confidentiality for victims of domestic violence; and
    14         (3)  to enable State and local government agencies to
    15     accept a program participant's use of an address designated
    16     by the Attorney General as a substitute mailing address.
    17     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    18  hereby enacts as follows:

     1     Section 1.  Title 23 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2  Statutes is amended by adding a chapter to read:
     3                             CHAPTER 65
     5                    VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE
     6  Sec.
     7  6501.  Definitions.
     8  6502.  Establishment of program.
     9  6503.  Duties of Attorney General.
    10  6504.  Duties of domestic violence programs.
    11  6505.  Use of substitute address by State and local government
    12             agencies.
    13  6506.  Disclosure of records.
    14  6507.  Notice.
    15  6508.  Use of substitute address.
    16  6509.  Marriage applications and records.
    17  6510.  Certification cancellation.
    18  6511.  Voluntary withdrawal by program participant.
    19  6512.  Emergency disclosure.
    20  6513.  Custody orders.
    21  6514.  Report to General Assembly.
    22  6515.  Immunity.
    23  6516.  Penalties.
    24  § 6501.  Definitions.
    25     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    26  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    27  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    28     "Abuse."  As defined in section 6102 (relating to
    29  definitions).
    30     "Actual address."  A residential street address, school
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     1  address or work address of a program participant.
     2     "Attorney General."  Includes an employee of the Office of
     3  Attorney General responsible for implementing the program.
     4     "Authorization card."  The card given to program participants
     5  by the Office of Attorney General certified to participate in
     6  the address confidentiality program.
     7     "Criminal justice agency."  The term shall have the meaning
     8  given to it under 18 Pa.C.S. § 9102 (relating to definitions).
     9     "Domestic violence."  Abuse which occurs between family or
    10  household members, whether or not the abuse has been reported to
    11  a law enforcement agency or court. The term includes threats to
    12  commit abuse.
    13     "Domestic violence program."  As defined in section 6102
    14  (relating to definitions).
    15     "Family or household members."  As defined in section 6102
    16  (relating to definitions).
    17     "Minor."  An individual who is under 18 years of age.
    18     "Program."  The address confidentiality program established
    19  within the Office of Attorney General under this chapter.
    20     "Program participant."  An individual who receives a
    21  substitute address from the Attorney General.
    22     "State or local government agency."  A Commonwealth agency or
    23  a government unit other than the Commonwealth or an employee
    24  thereof, but only with respect to an act within the scope of the
    25  employee's office or employment. The term includes an
    26  intermediate unit, an agency of county government and a criminal
    27  justice agency.
    28     "Substitute address."  The official address of the Attorney
    29  General or an address designated by the Attorney General to be
    30  used by a program participant in lieu of an actual address.
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     1  § 6502.  Establishment of program.
     2     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established within the
     3  Office of Attorney General an address confidentiality program.
     4     (b)  Application.--The following individuals may apply to the
     5  Attorney General to have an address designated by the Attorney
     6  General to serve as the individual's, a minor's or an
     7  incompetent adult's substitute address:
     8         (1)  An adult or an emancipated minor applying on behalf
     9     of the adult or emancipated minor.
    10         (2)  A parent, adult household member or guardian ad
    11     litem applying on behalf of a minor.
    12         (3)  A guardian of the person of an adult who has been
    13     declared incompetent under 20 Pa.C.S. Ch. 51 Subch. B
    14     (relating to appointment of guardian) applying on behalf of
    15     the incompetent adult.
    16     (c)  Assistance.--An application shall be completed in person
    17  at a State or local government agency or at a domestic violence
    18  program or by an applicant without appearing before such agency
    19  or program. If the applicant completes the application with the
    20  assistance of a domestic violence program, the applicant shall
    21  be able, if the applicant desires, to meet with a domestic
    22  violence counselor, receive orientation about the program and
    23  receive an individualized threat assessment conducted by a
    24  domestic violence counselor.
    25     (d)  Procedure.--The Attorney General shall approve of an
    26  application if it is completed in the manner described in
    27  subsection (c), filed in the manner and on the form prescribed
    28  by the Attorney General and contains all of the following:
    29         (1)  A sworn statement by the applicant that the
    30     applicant has good reason to believe:
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     1             (i)  That the applicant, the applicant's children or
     2         the minor or incompetent adult on whose behalf
     3         application is made is a victim of domestic violence.
     4             (ii)  That the applicant fears for the applicant's
     5         safety or the safety of the applicant's child, or the
     6         safety of the minor or incompetent person on whose behalf
     7         application is made.
     8         (2)  The signature of the applicant and any other
     9     individual other than a representative of a domestic violence
    10     program, who assisted in the preparation of the application,
    11     if any, as well as the date on which the applicant signed the
    12     application. If the application was completed with the
    13     assistance of a representative of a domestic violence
    14     program, the signature of the applicant and the
    15     representative of the domestic violence program and any other
    16     individual who assisted in the preparation of the
    17     application, and the date on which the applicant signed the
    18     application shall appear on the application.
    19         (3)  A designation of the Attorney General as agent for
    20     the purpose of receiving process and for the purpose of
    21     receipt of mail.
    22         (4)  The mailing address where the applicant or the minor
    23     or the incompetent adult on whose behalf application is made
    24     can be contacted by the Attorney General and a telephone
    25     number where the applicant, minor or incompetent adult may be
    26     called by the Attorney General.
    27         (5)  The address or addresses that the applicant requests
    28     not be disclosed.
    29     (e)  Penalty.--An individual who knowingly or willfully
    30  falsely attests in an application that disclosure of an
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     1  applicant's address would endanger the applicant's safety or the
     2  safety of the applicant's child or the safety of the minor or
     3  incompetent adult on whose behalf application is made, or who
     4  knowingly or willfully provides false or incorrect information
     5  upon making an application may be subject to prosecution under
     6  18 Pa.C.S. § 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification to
     7  authorities). A notice shall be printed on the face of the
     8  application informing the applicant of the penalty under this
     9  subsection.
    10     (f)  Intent to evade prosecution.--Any individual who
    11  knowingly enters the address confidentiality program to evade
    12  prosecution of criminal laws, regulation under 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 97
    13  Subch. H (relating to registration of sexual offenders) or
    14  restrictions placed on the individual by a criminal justice
    15  agency commits a felony of the third degree.
    16     (g)  Service of process.--Service on the Attorney General of
    17  a summons, writ, notice, demand or process shall be made by
    18  delivering to the Attorney General two copies of the summons,
    19  writ, notice, demand or process. If a summons, writ, notice,
    20  demand or process is served on the Attorney General, the
    21  Attorney General shall immediately cause a copy to be forwarded
    22  to the program participant at the address shown on the records
    23  of the address confidentiality program so that the summons,
    24  writ, notice, demand or process is received by the program
    25  participant within five days of the Attorney General's having
    26  received it. The Attorney General shall keep a record of all
    27  summonses, writs, notices, demands and processes served upon the
    28  Attorney General under this chapter and shall record the date
    29  and time of service and the Attorney General's action.
    30     (h)  Filing.--An application shall be filed with the Attorney
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     1  General. A filing fee may not be charged.
     2  § 6503.  Duties of Attorney General.
     3     (a)  Certification.--Upon approving an application which
     4  meets the requirements of section 6502(b), (c) and (d) (relating
     5  to establishment of program) the Attorney General shall certify
     6  the applicant as a program participant and shall designate an
     7  address which may be used as a substitute address. Subject to
     8  cancellation of certification or voluntary withdrawal from the
     9  program under section 6510 (relating to certification
    10  cancellation) or 6511 (relating to voluntary withdrawal by
    11  program participant), certification shall be valid for three
    12  years. A program participant may apply for recertification every
    13  three years thereafter. The Attorney General shall, by
    14  regulation, establish a renewal procedure.
    15     (b)  Mail.--Upon receipt of first-class mail addressed to a
    16  program participant, the Attorney General shall forward the mail
    17  to the actual address designated by the participant as the place
    18  where mail may be received. The Attorney General may arrange to
    19  receive and forward other kinds and classes of mail to a program
    20  participant at the program participant's expense.
    21     (c)  Assistance and counseling.--The Attorney General shall
    22  designate State and local government agencies and domestic
    23  violence programs as locations where applications to the program
    24  may be obtained. Assistance and counseling rendered by the
    25  Attorney General shall not be considered legal advice.
    26     (d)  Authorization card and forms.--The Attorney General
    27  shall develop an authorization card and forms as necessary for
    28  program participants.
    29     (e)  Rules to facilitate administration.--The Attorney
    30  General shall adopt rules to facilitate the administration of
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     1  this chapter.
     2  § 6504.  Duties of domestic violence programs.
     3     A domestic violence program shall make available the
     4  following services to applicants if the applicant desires or
     5  requests such services:
     6         (1)  Orientation about the program and meeting with a
     7     domestic violence counselor.
     8         (2)  An individualized threat assessment performed by a
     9     domestic violence counselor.
    10         (3)  Assistance with preparation of the application to
    11     the program.
    12  § 6505.  Use of substitute address by State and local government
    13             agencies.
    14     (a)  Request.--A program participant may request that a State
    15  or local government agency use the substitute address designated
    16  by the Attorney General as the participant's address. When
    17  creating a new public record, a State or local government agency
    18  shall accept the substitute address designated by the Attorney
    19  General as a program participant's address, unless the Attorney
    20  General has determined that:
    21         (1)  The State or local agency has a bona fide statutory
    22     or administrative requirement for use of the address which
    23     would otherwise be confidential under this chapter.
    24         (2)  The address which would otherwise be confidential
    25     under this chapter will be used only for those statutory or
    26     administrative purposes.
    27     (b)  Procedure.--If the Attorney General makes a
    28  determination that a State or local government agency meets the
    29  requirements of subsection (a)(1) and (2), the program
    30  participant shall provide the State or local government agency
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     1  with his actual address.
     2  § 6506.  Disclosure of records.
     3     (a)  General rule.--Subject to subsection (b), the Attorney
     4  General may not make any records or information in a program
     5  participant's file available for inspection or copying except
     6  the address designated by the Attorney General as the substitute
     7  address of the program participant.
     8     (b)  Exception.--The Attorney General shall make records and
     9  information of a program participant available for inspection or
    10  copying:
    11         (1)  If requested by a criminal justice agency, to the
    12     criminal justice agency.
    13         (2)  If directed by court order, to the person identified
    14     in the order.
    15         (3)  To providers of medical care, social service
    16     personnel or a criminal justice agency when emergency
    17     disclosure is necessary under section 6512 (relating to
    18     emergency disclosure).
    19     (c)  The Attorney General shall adopt rules regarding the
    20  procedures for the availability of records under section 6505(b)
    21  (relating to use of substitute address by State and local
    22  government agencies).
    23  § 6507.  Notice.
    24     (a)  General rule.--Subject to subsection (b), the Attorney
    25  General shall notify the program participant in writing within
    26  ten business days of any disclosure of a program participant's
    27  actual address or any part of the program participant's file.
    28     (b)  Exception.--The requirement of subsection (a) shall not
    29  apply to a disclosure made to a criminal justice agency, a
    30  court, or a disclosure made under section 6512 (relating to
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     1  emergency disclosure).
     2  § 6508.  Use of substitute address.
     3     (a)  Use.--Subject to sections 6505 (relating to use of
     4  substitute address by State and local government agencies) and
     5  6506 (relating to disclosure of records), a program participant
     6  may use the address designated by the Attorney General as his
     7  work address, in order to register to vote or to complete a
     8  marriage application.
     9     (b)  Voting.--The Attorney General shall, in consultation and
    10  cooperation with the Department of State, develop and implement
    11  a mechanism to allow a program participant to register to vote
    12  and to vote using the participant's actual address without
    13  making the voter registration record or actual address available
    14  to the public. No State or local government agency shall include
    15  the name or address of a program participant in any list of
    16  registered voters available to the public, or make information
    17  relating to the program participant contained in voter
    18  registration records available for public inspection or copying
    19  except:
    20         (1)  if requested by a criminal justice agency, to the
    21     criminal justice agency; or
    22         (2)  if directed by a court order, to a person identified
    23     in the order.
    24  § 6509.  Marriage applications and records.
    25     If a program participant under this chapter notifies the
    26  appropriate county clerk as required under rules adopted by the
    27  Attorney General, the county clerk shall not make available for
    28  inspection or copying the name and actual address of a program
    29  participant contained in marriage applications and records filed
    30  under this chapter, except under either of the following
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     1  circumstances:
     2         (1)  If requested by a criminal justice agency, to the
     3     criminal justice agency.
     4         (2)  If directed by a court order, to a person identified
     5     in the order.
     6  § 6510.  Certification cancellation.
     7     (a)  General rule.--The Attorney General may cancel
     8  certification of a program participant if:
     9         (1)  The program participant fails to notify the Attorney
    10     General within seven business days of a lawful name change or
    11     change in address.
    12         (2)  The application provides false information.
    13         (3)  The program participant's mail or service of
    14     process, summons, writ, notice or demand is returned to the
    15     Attorney General as not deliverable.
    16         (4)  The program participant refuses delivery of mail or
    17     service of process, summons, writ, notice or demand.
    18         (5)  The program participant's certification has expired
    19     and certification renewal has not been completed.
    20         (6)  The Attorney General has determined that
    21     participation in the program is being used as a subterfuge to
    22     avoid detection of illegal or criminal activity or
    23     apprehension by law enforcement.
    24     (b)  Procedure.--Except as provided in subsection (c), if the
    25  Attorney General intends to cancel the program participant's
    26  certification under subsection (a)(1), (2), (3), (4) or (5), the
    27  Attorney General shall provide the program participant notice in
    28  writing at the program participant's last known address within
    29  30 days of the intended cancellation. A program participant
    30  shall have ten business days after receipt of notice to appeal
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     1  the intended cancellation.
     2     (c)  Exception.--The Attorney General may immediately cancel
     3  a program participant's certification under subsection (a)(6). A
     4  program participant may apply for reinstatement within ten
     5  business days after receipt of notice by writing the Attorney
     6  General.
     7     (d)  Records retention.--Any records or documents pertaining
     8  to a program participant shall be retained by the Attorney
     9  General and held confidential for ten years after cancellation
    10  of certification, and then destroyed.
    11  § 6511.  Voluntary withdrawal by program participant.
    12     A program participant may voluntarily withdraw from the
    13  program by submitting to the Attorney General written
    14  notification of withdrawal and by returning his current
    15  authorization card. Certification shall be canceled on the date
    16  of receipt of notification and authorization card.
    17  § 6512.  Emergency disclosure.
    18     (a)  Emergency access.--The Attorney General shall establish
    19  a system to handle emergencies that will provide, on a 24-hour
    20  basis, access to the actual address of a program participant.
    21     (b)  Disclosure.--The Attorney General may disclose the
    22  actual address of a program participant if:
    23         (1)  the Attorney General determines that failure to
    24     disclose the actual address may result in physical harm to
    25     the program participant or the program participant's family
    26     or household member; or
    27         (2)  requested by a criminal justice agency in writing
    28     and circumstances warrant immediate disclosure.
    29  § 6513.  Custody orders.
    30     (a)  General rule.--Nothing in this chapter, nor
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     1  participation in this program, shall affect custody orders in
     2  effect prior to or during program participation.
     3     (b)  Custody orders.--Participation in the program does not
     4  constitute evidence of domestic violence for purposes of orders.
     5  § 6514.  Report to General Assembly.
     6     The Attorney General shall submit to the Governor and the
     7  General Assembly, no later than January 10 of each year, a
     8  report that includes:
     9         (1)  The total number of applications received by the
    10     program established under this chapter.
    11         (2)  The total number of program participants and whether
    12     those participants are adults, minors or incompetent adults.
    13         (3)  Total number of pieces of mail forwarded to program
    14     participants.
    15         (4)  Total number of program participants during the
    16     program's duration and the average length of time a program
    17     participant remains in the program.
    18         (5)  Suggested changes in the program or this chapter
    19     which are needed to improve the program's efficiency.
    20  § 6515.  Immunity.
    21     The Attorney General shall be immune from suit for acts or
    22  omissions committed in good faith under this chapter.
    23  § 6516.  Penalties.
    24     (a)  False information.--A person who knowingly or willfully
    25  provides false information in regard to a material fact in an
    26  application may be subject to cancellation of certification and
    27  prosecution under 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904 (relating to unsworn
    28  falsification to authorities).
    29     (b)  Unlawful access.--A person who gains or attempts to gain
    30  access to a program participant's actual address when not
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     1  entitled to do so under this chapter commits a misdemeanor of
     2  the first degree.
     3     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 180 days.

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