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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 468



No. 451 Session of 2003



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 1, 1987 (P.L.187, No.24), entitled "An
     2     act requiring retail gasoline dealers to post gasoline
     3     additive information; and imposing penalties," requiring the
     4     Department of Agriculture to establish standards relating to
     5     octane levels and additives, to develop a testing program and
     6     to enforce the standards established; establishing the
     7     Automotive Fuel Testing Account; and making an appropriation.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  The definitions of "gasoline" and "gasoline
    11  additive" in section 1 of the act of July 1, 1987 (P.L.187,
    12  No.24), entitled "An act requiring retail gasoline dealers to
    13  post gasoline additive information; and imposing penalties," are
    14  amended and the section is amended by adding definitions to
    15  read:
    16  Section 1.  Definitions.
    17     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    18  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    19  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    20     "American Society for Testing and Materials" or "ASTM."  An

     1  organization which develops quality standards and test methods
     2  for petroleum products.
     3     * * *
     4     "Department."  The Department of Agriculture of the
     5  Commonwealth.
     6     "Distributor."  A person who receives automotive fuel in this
     7  Commonwealth for storage and subsequent distribution to another
     8  person other than the consumer.
     9     * * *
    10     "Gasoline."  Any liquid prepared, advertised, offered for
    11  sale, sold for use as or used for the generation of power for
    12  the propulsion of motor vehicles, boats, motorboats or
    13  watercraft, including any product obtained by blending together
    14  any one or more products of petroleum with or without other
    15  products, including oxygenate, if the resultant product is
    16  capable of the same use.
    17     "Gasoline additives."  Methanol, ethanol, oxygenate or co-
    18  solvent in concentrations above 1% by volume.
    19     * * *
    20     "Octane rating."  The numerical rating of the antiknock
    21  characteristics of a grade or type of gasoline as defined by the
    22  specifications of the American Society for Testing and
    23  Materials, entitled "Standard Specifications for Automotive
    24  Spark Ignition Engine Fuel" and designated D4814.
    25     "Oxygenated fuel."  Gasoline containing oxygen-bearing
    26  compounds with a total of 0.40% or more oxygen by volume.
    27     "Refiner."  A person engaged in the manufacture, production
    28  or importation of automotive fuel.
    29     * * *
    30     Section 2.  Sections 2 and 3 of the act are amended to read:
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     1  Section 2.  Posting of gasoline additive or blending
     2                 information.
     3     (a)  Requirement.--All retail service station dealers shall
     4  conspicuously post on each pump from which gasoline [containing
     5  gasoline additives] is dispensed a sign clearly indicating
     6  [that] the octane rating and whether the gasoline contains
     7  gasoline additives, the type or types of gasoline additives
     8  contained in the gasoline and the maximum percentage by volume,
     9  to the nearest whole percent, of each gasoline additive.
    10     (b)  Size of sign.--The information required by subsection
    11  (a) shall be conveyed in bold block lettering [at least one-
    12  quarter inch in size.] as adopted by the department by
    13  regulation.
    14     (c)  Visibility.--If a pump is used to dispense gasoline on
    15  more than one driveway, the sign or signs required by subsection
    16  (a) shall be placed on both [sides] faces of the pump so that a
    17  sign shall be clearly visible from each driveway.
    18  Section 3.  Notification [by manufacturers] of octane and
    19                 gasoline additive information.
    20     (a)  General rule.--[Manufacturers of gasoline which contains
    21  gasoline additives shall notify gasoline purchasers, in writing,
    22  as to the presence of the additives. This requirement shall
    23  continue for each seller until the product is resold to the
    24  public.
    25     (b)  Pump signs.--] A refiner, distributor or reseller may
    26  not transfer, sell or dispense gasoline or oxygenated fuel for
    27  sale in this Commonwealth without delivering to the purchaser a
    28  bill, invoice or other instrument evidencing the transaction
    29  which shall indicate:
    30         (1)  the presence of methanol and co-solvent, each as a
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     1     percentage of the total volume, if the quantity of methanol
     2     exceeds 0.3%;
     3         (2)  the presence of ethanol, as a percentage of the
     4     total volume, if such quantity exceeds 1% of the total
     5     volume;
     6         (3)  the presence of lead additive, expressed in terms of
     7     a part per gallon, if the quantity of lead additive is in
     8     excess of the threshold adopted by the commissioner;
     9         (4)  the minimum octane rating; and
    10         (5)  whether the material is gasoline or oxygenated fuel.
    11     (b)  Form.--For the purpose of this section, the instrument
    12  evidencing the transaction shall be on the form required by the
    13  department. The department shall consult with the Department of
    14  Revenue and, to the extent practicable, the form used for
    15  certification of prepayment of the sales tax and payment of
    16  motor fuel tax shall be modified and adapted for this purpose,
    17  such that the form shall indicate the brand, type and quality of
    18  each product delivered.
    19         [(1)  The manufacturers]
    20     (c)  Pump signs.--The manufacturer, refiner, distributor or
    21  reseller also shall provide anyone who purchases the gasoline
    22  for resale to the public or to retail service station dealers
    23  with an adequate number of pump signs [meeting] to meet the
    24  posting requirements of this act and which meet the following
    25  criteria:
    26         [(i)] (1)  The pump sign shall indicate [that] the octane
    27     rating and whether the gasoline dispensed from that pump
    28     contains gasoline additives and shall set forth the maximum
    29     percentage by volume, to the nearest whole percent, of each
    30     gasoline additive.
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     1         [(ii)] (2)  This information shall be set forth in block
     2     lettering [which is at least one-quarter inch in size.] as
     3     required by regulations of the department.
     4         [(2)  When providing pump signs to purchasers of its
     5     gasoline who intend to resell the gasoline to the public or
     6     to retail service station dealers, the manufacturer shall
     7     provide an adequate number of the signs for the purchaser or
     8     retail service stations to whom the purchaser sells, to meet
     9     the requirements of this act.]
    10     (d)  Representations.--No person who distributes gasoline may
    11  make a representation respecting the antiknock characteristics
    12  of the gasoline unless the representation discloses the minimum
    13  Antiknock Index Requirements of the fuel as adopted by the
    14  National Conference of Weights and Measures and published in
    15  Handbook 130, and supplements thereto, or in any publication
    16  revising or superseding Handbook 130.
    17     (e)  Requirements.--For purposes of this section, the octane
    18  rating of a gasoline shall be considered to be certified,
    19  displayed or represented:
    20         (1)  in the case of gasoline which consists of a blend of
    21     two or more quantities of gasoline of differing octane
    22     ratings, only if the rating certified, displayed or
    23     represented is the average octane ratings of the quantities,
    24     weighted by volume; or
    25         (2)  in the case of gasoline which does not consist of a
    26     blend of two or more quantities of gasoline of differing
    27     octane ratings, only if the octane rating certified,
    28     displayed or represented is the same as the actual octane
    29     rating of the gasoline.
    30     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
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     1  Section 3.1.  Powers and duties of department.
     2     (a)  Powers and duties.--The department shall have the power
     3  and its duty shall be:
     4         (1)  To adopt regulations relating to petroleum product
     5     quality, definitions, octane levels and additives, alcohol
     6     content, technical specifications and sampling and testing,
     7     consistent with standards established by the ASTM and
     8     published in the latest ASTM annual book. All regulations
     9     promulgated by the department under this act shall be subject
    10     to the act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the
    11     Regulatory Review Act.
    12         (2)  To conduct random testing, inspection and sampling
    13     of petroleum products kept, offered for sale or dispensed, or
    14     in the process of delivery or transport and inspect all
    15     documents and records necessary to enforce this act.
    16         (3)  Upon the complaint of a refiner, distributor,
    17     consumer or retailer, to test or cause to be tested gasoline
    18     on the premises of the person, firm or corporation alleged to
    19     have violated this act.
    20         (4)  To enter into agreements as deemed appropriate to
    21     enforce standards established under this act and to issue
    22     off-sale, stop-use, stop-removal and hold orders.
    23     (b)  Right-of-entry.--The department shall have a right-of-
    24  entry upon or access to any premises or property during normal
    25  business hours to conduct tests, inspections or sampling
    26  authorized under this act.
    27  Section 3.2.  Prohibitions.
    28     (a)  Incorrect octane number.--No person may sell, transfer,
    29  offer for sale or dispense a grade of gasoline represented as
    30  having a particular octane number or blend unless the gasoline
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     1  in fact has the octane number or blend represented.
     2     (b)  Failure to meet standards.--No person may sell, offer
     3  for sale or dispense gasoline or oxygenated fuel in this
     4  Commonwealth which does not meet or exceed applicable standards
     5  established under this act.
     6     Section 4.  Section 5 of the act is amended to read:
     7  Section 5.  Penalties.
     8     [Any] (a)  Misdemeanor.--A manufacturer, refiner,
     9  distributor, retail service station dealer or other person who
    10  fails to comply with the provisions of this act [after being
    11  notified by the manufacturer under section 3, and a manufacturer
    12  who fails to comply with the provisions of this act,] commits a
    13  [summary offense] misdemeanor of the third degree and shall,
    14  upon conviction, for the first offense, be sentenced to pay a
    15  fine not exceeding [$100] $1,000 and, for a second and each
    16  subsequent offense, be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding
    17  [$200.] $2,500. For purposes of this act, each sale or
    18  distribution of gasoline in violation of this act shall
    19  constitute a separate offense.
    20     (b)  Unfair trade practices.--A violation of this act shall
    21  also constitute a violation of the act of December 17, 1968
    22  (P.L.1224, No.387), known as the Unfair Trade Practices and
    23  Consumer Protection Law, and shall be subject to the enforcement
    24  provisions, civil penalties and private rights of action
    25  contained in that act.
    26     (c)  Innocent seller exemption.--The department shall not
    27  impose a civil penalty for a violation of this act if the
    28  retailer labeled the dispensing system, storage tank or other
    29  dispensing device in reasonable reliance on documentation
    30  provided by the distributor, producer or refiner certifying the
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     1  standards for automotive fuel rating.
     2     (d)  Innocent distributor exemption.--The department shall
     3  not impose a civil penalty for a violation of this act if the
     4  distributor acted in reasonable reliance on documentation
     5  provided by the producer or refiner certifying the standards for
     6  automotive fuel rating.
     7     Section 5.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     8  Section 5.1.  Disposition of funds.
     9     Penalties collected under section 5, as well as moneys
    10  derived from the imposition of any fees, shall be paid into a
    11  special restricted account in the State Treasury, to be known as
    12  the Automotive Fuel Testing Account, for use by the department
    13  in administering the provisions of this act. All moneys placed
    14  in the Automotive Fuel Testing Account under the provisions of
    15  this section are hereby made available immediately and are
    16  hereby specifically appropriated to the department for the
    17  purposes specified in this act.
    18     Section 6.  The sum of $1,800,000, or as much thereof as may
    19  be necessary, is hereby appropriated from the General Fund to
    20  the Department of Agriculture to implement this act.
    21     Section 7.  This act shall take effect in 30 days.

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